Old-Timers Save C-C $14,000
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Vol. 6, No. 39 SINGLE COPY, 10 CENTS Thursday, April 29, 1954 Old-Timers Save C-C $14,000 EDITORIAL Almost Bought Tourists From The Palace Beretania Strip If Sain King had racked his brain for a scheme that City Already Owns would expose the selfishness of politicians, he couldn’t Told with many a chuckle in have come up with a better one than the proposal of several departments at City Hall, a junket to Washington. There seems good reason but thus far unpublished in the to believe that Delegate Joseph Farrington, who’s sup daily press, is the story of how two old-timers, Jimmy Goo and posed to call the signals, has become secretly appalled Ernest Pong, recently saved the at the alacrity with which the legislators jumped at city $14,000—and incidentally how the suggestion that they all go to Washington to plug the Episcopal Church bought some for statehood—at the expense of the people. land already owned by the city It isn’t as jf no one told the legislators the truth from one of the biggest trust com panies in Honolulu. —that their presence in Washington couldn’t do any It all began at a meeting of the conceivable good and might do some harm. Both public works committee where the the daily newspapers told them and for once there committee was preparing to ac was complete unity in the house of representatives. quire land along Emma St., mauka For once Republicans jumped right in with Democrats of Beretania, for future widening. A portion of the lawn of St. An to lambaste the papers for calling the junket a jun drew’s Priory fronting on Emma ket, for not telling the whole truth, for not recogniz St., would be required, and also a ing their patriotic motives. chunk fronting on Beretania. Then Sen. Hugh Butler added his opinion that a So an appraisal of the property visit to Washington by the whole legislature might do was ordered, made, and reported some harm for the cause of statehood and couldn’t back at $44,000. Old-Timers Prick Up Ears do any good. A little later, Joe Farrington sent word The committee was all ready back, himself, that if he wanted a delegation he’d ask to buy when Jimmy Goo, official for one. But that didn’t stop the stampede. in the engineer’s office for the last The legislators had been bitten by the bug. Some- 42 years, and Ernest Pong, engi neer with the land office, pricked THIS NARROW right-of-way to Waikiki Beach, between the Steiner (more on page 8) up their ears. property and Waikiki Tavern, is expected to figure in a legal condem The city already owns the strip nation suit by which the C-C government seeks to acquire title to. the (more on page 7) Steiner property. Recently the Steiner Estate applied to register “OPERATION GUINEA PIG” title to the land, including the right-of-way that is advertised to the public from Kalakaua Ave. But the C-C attorney’s office expects to argue that the right-of-way is an encumbrance to the title. The right-of-way is supposed to be three feet wide. Does it look that Libby Workers Suspended For Getting wide to you? Arrow indicates right-of-way. Sick; T. H., Co. Observers Get Sick Also Bribery of P.l. Congressmen By Japan How would you like to be a gui The advice of F. C. Schramm, Trouble began three weeks ago nea pig for a new type drug that chief of the Territory’s bureau of at Waipio when Libby began sub Charged; Newsmen Grilled At Manila you know brings headaches, dizzi industrial hygiene, to Libby is to stituting malathion for parathion, ness, spitting and discharges of set Up two gangs to work with the an admittedly dangerous com Published accusations of bribery Japanese Minister Katsumi Oh the nose? spray in question, malathion. One pound, in its operation of spray in connection with the Japanese- no was named, before an investi would have protective equipment ing mealy bugs. The spray gangs Filipino negotiations over Japa gating committee, by Pedro. Padil Well, if you wouldn’t like it, you nese reparations, ■ unpublicized in la, “Bullseye” editor, as having couldn’t work in the spray gang and the other no such equipment. were ordered to discard equipment. That, says Schramm, is the best the daily press here, have put brought $30,000,000 from Tokyo’ to of Libby, McNeill and Libby 'at They did so and began getting fever-pitch excitement into the Manila for the purpose of bribing Waipio plantation. way to discover the reaction. sick very shortly. When they would Breaking the story this week, new MagSaysay administration, the senators. But what would you think of a fall out because of sickness, Libby setting off an official investiga Robert McElrath, ILWU radioman, bosses wou]^ suspend them for the Ex-Senator Denies proposal of the Territorial De said Waipio workers are propos tion. partment of Health that you ing the department of hea'lth fur- (more on page 7) According, to stories published One story mentioned a “former should be such a guinea pig? xnish its own guinea pigs. in two Manila papers, “Bullseye” senator from Mindanao”, as'hav and “News Behind the News,” ing been connected with the deal. This prompted Salipada K. Penda- Innocent Official Gets Japanese government representa tives have been attempting to tun, a former senator from Minda Comic Books New Secret Weapon-P 4 bribe Filipino senators to approve nao, to appear voluntarily before Rap For Overpayment a reparations plan favorable to the senate’s special" committee to Of Employes on Kauai Japan. (more on page 7) By Correspondence LILIHA—Recovery of, overpay TH Subversive Comm. Executive Tapped ments made to Kauai county em ployes is a .touchy political issue and certain officials are said to Phone Calls To Japan Consul For Year be hoping the whole matter would Did you have occasion to tele consin senator in screaming so be forgotten. ' phone the Japanese Consulate in loudly about, wiretapping in view The responsibility of the error the year before the attack on Pearl of '■his own methods and boasts has not been fixed by the board Harbor? If you did, the odds are of his counsel of being given ma of supervisors. almost certain Theodore Emanuel, terial by the wiretapping FBL In trying to cure the illegal pay executive secretary of the Terri But local people are surprised to ment, the board assigned three torial Commission on Subversive learn that the commission here county officials to collect the over Activities, listened in on your con^ should’ hire a man whose chief payment from employes. According versation—in a manner even more qualification seems to be a record to informed sources, this action thorough than Sen. Joe McCarthy of wiretapping. by the board penalizes an inno now calls, “indecent . illegal . -. The evidence of his career is cent official. improper . .dishonest.” contained in an .affidavit published Two men are reported to be res- Many, of course, have marvelled in a volume entitled “Congression- (more on page 7) at the inconsistency of the Wis (more on page 7) Page Two THE HONOLULU RECORD Thursday, April 29, 1954 CGCOX)0<X00000000<X£X300Cm30CK30^ 5,000 Invited To POLITICAL SIDELIGHTS ===== Maui Notus — Safety Conference XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXjOOOOC By EDDIE UJIMORI citizens on Kauai, Rice said, Dem Biggest news in town at mid he had been talking for some time Most important officials of the ocrats should . extend - themselves week is . a by-product of the jun- • about his previous association with Democratic Party attended the big to win at least half of these. Here May 10-11 ket to Washington of the legisla Trask, upon which he based his get-together dinher of the Demo County Chairman Eddie Tam' Industrial safety will be the sub ture, encouraged by Gov. Sam praise, it became apparent to most cratic Party at the Laniwai last served as master of ceremonies. ject of a series of talks and ex ★ ★ King and apparently now assured. present that he was really talking Friday night, but there was one hibits at the second governor’s about David Trask, Jr. He left notable exception — Frank Fasi, safety conference, to be held May The news is that Del. Joe Far some delegates with the impres national committeeman. Fasi did those'' PRESENT included: rington agrees fully with the two Rep. and Mrs. Charles E. Kau- 10-11 at the McKinley High School sion he still doesn’t know which not show up, nor did anyone pres hane, Mrs. Helen Kanahele, John auditorium. dailies (and with the RECORD) one is running for the chairman ent know any reason why he was that the junket is a very foolish ship of the central committee. absent. K. Akau, Jr., chairman of. the Representatives of Hawaii’s busi move. And Sam King isn’t taking Oahu county committee, Mrs. ness, agriculture and labor num -the criticism well at all. Not only ★ ★ Rep. O. Vincent Esposito, mak Thelma Monaghan and Mrs. Shi bering 5,000 have been invited to is he reported angry with Farring DANIEL INOUYE spoke man ing the keynote speech, called the zue Kashima, secretary at central attend the conference, E. B. Peter ton, but also at the two dailies. Republicans the “rich man’s par committee headquarters. son, director of labor and indus fully in behalf of his man, Jack Among other things, he is reported Burns, but Democrats were chuck ty,” and predicted that, though Democrats from Maui included: trial relations for the Territory, seeking the names of the news the GOP has controlled the legis County Attorney Harold DuPonte said this week.