· ···'Ul.nt~ersU~ of.mtnnesota Uwent\?==nintb Bnnual '-tommencement 3une· Sl):tb 1Rtneteen 1bun~rel) ~ne ., ttbe Btmor\1 minneapolis ! ' ,I ~, THE BOARD OF REGENTS The UO". JOHN S. PILLSBURY, MINNEAPOLIS, Regent for Life CYRUS ~OR'J~HROP, LL. D., MINNEAPOLIS, EJ1-0 fflcio '1'11'3 President of. the UnIversity. Tlle HON. SAMUIilL R. VAN SANT, WINONA, Ex·Officio Tbe Governor of the State. Til.. HON. JOHN W. OLSEN, AI,BERT LEA, Eil1·0f/icia The State Superintendent of Public Instruction. TIl~ HON. ELMER E. ADAMS, IJ. A., FERGUS FA.LIoS, 190~ The nON. THOMAS WILSON, ST. PAUL, 11l0a 'fhe HON. WILLIAM M. LIGGI.;T'l'. BENSON, 100.1 The HON. A. K RiCE, WILUIAn, 10G3 Tile HON. GREENLEAF CLARK, M. A., S·r. PAUL 1D04 The HO:-i. SA-blUEL G. SJ\IlTH, PI!. D., LL. D., ST. P~UL, 1904 The HON. STEPHEN MAHONEY, B. A., MINNJ<APOLI8, 1007 l'b.~ HO~. O. C. STIUCKLER. l\L D., NEW ULM, 1907 TIlt' HO:-1. JAMBS T. WYl\fA:-<, l\IrNXEAPOLIS, 1907 f ORDER OF EXERCISES MUSIC-Overture, "Bell. of Cornville" Pla1llJfuftt PRArER M US I C-Val.e, "Romantique" ADDRESS by ANDREW S. DRAPER, LL. D. President of the University of Illinois MUSIC-Characteristic, «Coon, Coon, Coon" F,.i,dml1f1 CONFERRING OF DEGREES MUSIC-Hymn, "America" Audience will please join in the singing My country, 'tis of thee, Let music swell the breeze, Sweet land of liberty, And ring from all the trees Of thee I sing: Sweet freedom's song! Land where my fathers died, Let mortal tongues awake; Land of the pilgrims' pride, Let all that breathe partake; From every mountam side Let rocks their silence break- Let freedom ring.
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