Parish News

August & September 2013


Rector : Curate: Canon Ian Davenport The Revd Antony Dutton The Rectory, Church Street 7, Barnmoore Close, Malpas. SY14 8PP Malpas SY14 8HR Telephone: 01948 860 922 Telephone: 01948 861 226 Email: Email: [email protected]. [email protected]


Reader Emeritus: Verger: Brian Kimmitt 01948 860 309 Bob Carter 01948 861 017 Email: [email protected]

Church Wardens: Director Of Music: Pauline Plumb 01948 861 345 Stewart Smith c/o 01948 860 922

Bill Witter 01948 770 277 Tower Bell Ringing PCC Secretary: Tower Captain: Carol Fletcher 01948 861 152 Stan Lloyd 01948 860 637

PCC Treasurer: Ringing Master Margaret Bennion 01948 861 109 Ben Kellett

Gift Aid Secretary: Friends of St. Oswald’s: Brian Fletcher 01948 861 152 David Brooks 01948 860 287

Mothers Union: Flower Rota: Pauline Plumb 01948 861 345 Noreen Hodkinson 01948 860 371


Church Wardens: PCC Secretary: Dicken Cracroft 01829 720425 Anne Cracroft 01829 720425 Brian Jeffcoat 01829 782311 Mothers Union: PCC Treasurer & Gift Aid: Kate Holland 01829 261153 Mike Voisey 01829 782287 Flower Rota: Organist Kate Holland 01829 261153 Rachel Hall


Parish Letter for July 2013

Dear All,

We have just enjoyed the Malpas Mediæval Fayre which was a great occasion where the whole community from across the parish could come together, enjoy themselves and share their vari- ous gifts and talents. Malpas Youth Group has also just celebrated its 10 year birthday and there is lots to celebrate and give thanks for. Threapwood Community Group has raised a con- siderable sum for Macmillan Cancer Nurses. In Bickerton there have been numerous commu- nity events throughout the whole year, including the very successful flower festival.

These sorts of events are essential to a vibrant community which recognises each person‟s gifts and cares about the welfare of each individual. But very often these great events and groups are run by a very small bunch of dedicated individuals and hardworking volunteers. We must ensure that these events are possible in the future by continuing to involve people and encour- aging volunteers to join in the organisation – whether it be the next village Fayre or the Youth Group. Do you think you might be somebody with something to offer?

Whilst at the Fayre my wife commented that the universal Church is very similar to one of the fairground rides: sometimes it is fun but at other times it makes you sick. The Church of Eng- land has just had further politicking about the future plans for women bishops at General Syn- od and there seems to be the inevitable bad publicity in every newspaper one reads. But ulti- mately the church is another group of volunteers, who have heard the Good News of Christ and offered themselves to the Living God, who empowers us to transform the world through our shared faith. Do you think you might be ready to find out what God is offering you?

God bless,


The Revd Antony Dutton, Curate.


On Fridays and Saturdays until October St Oswald‟s Church welcomes visitors between 11.00am and 3.00pm Do take the opportunity to look round this beautiful building


Holy Trinity , Bickerton -Sunday 29th September at 11.00am followed by Harvest Lunch St John‟s, Threapwood - Sunday 29th September at 6.00pm St Oswald‟s, Malpas -Sunday 13th October at 11.00am.This will be a Family Service (not communion)


The United Benefice of St Oswald Malpas, St John Threapwood, and Holy Trinity Bickerton Services for August 2013

Morning Prayer is said from Monday to Thursday at 8 30am at St Oswald's. Holy Communion is celebrated each Wednesday at 10am at St Oswald's and on Major Days

Sunday 4th August The Tenth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9.30am Holy Communion at St Johns 11.00am Mattins at Holy Trinity 11.00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 12.30pm Baptism at St Oswald's 6.30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Monday 5th August The Feast of St Oswald 7.00pm Holy Communion at St Oswald's

Tuesday 6th August The Feast of The Transfiguration 7.00pm Holy Communion at St Oswald's

Sunday 11th August The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity 8 00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30 am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity 11 00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Thursday 15th August The Blessed Virgin Mary 7.00pm Holy Communion at St Oswald's

Sunday 18th August The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity 8 00 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30am Parish Communion at St John's 11 00am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity 11 00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 12 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's 6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Sunday 25th August The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity 8 00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity 1100am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 12 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's 6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's


Services for September 2013

Morning Prayer is usually said from Monday to Thursday at 8 30am at St Oswald's. Holy Communion is celebrated each Tuesday at 7 00pm and on Wednesday at 10am and on major feast days at St Oswald's.

Sunday 1st September The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30am Holy Communion at St Johns 11 00am Mattins at Holy Trinity 11 00am Parish Communion with Baptism at St Oswald's 6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Sunday 8th September The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 8 00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30 am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity 11 00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 12 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's 6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Sunday 15th September Battle of Britain Sunday Remembered at all Services

8 00 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30am Parish Communion at St John's 11 00am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity 11 00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 12 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's 2 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's 6 30pm Choral Evensong at St Oswald's

Sunday 22nd September The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity 8 00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 9 30am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity 11 00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's 6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Sunday 29th September The Feast of St Michael and All Angels 8 00am Holy Communion at St Oswald's 11 00am Parish Communion at St Oswald's NOT MATTINS. 11 00am Harvest Festival Service at Holy Trinity 6 00pm Harvest Festival Service at St John's

PLEASE NOTE: Holy Communion will now be celebrated on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm as well as Wednesdays at 10.00am.




Julian Meeting 2nd July 2013

From birth we strive to communicate with others. Communi- cation is not just about finding intelligible words. It is also about giving something of yourself. It has validity only if, like Edgar in Lear, we “speak what we feel, not what we say”. But communication may go deeper still and be about a desire to say, and a yearning to receive, something which words can on- ly point at. We sense there is something more. Words are al- ways approximate: they hint at reality some call God. Words point to the experience of love, but never entirely capture it and struggle to describe the beauty of a flower. It needs to be seen. I happen to be a Christian. So often Christians write as if they possess a privileged insight into what it is to be human and go on to speak a language that only the enlightened will under- stand. But if it is true that we are each made in “the image of God”, that we are bodies and we are also spirits, embodied spirits that have qualities not found in inanimate nature, then “human” and “Christian” are not mutually exclusive terms, nor is a Christian called to be anything other than human. Each of us is unique, yet the story of any one of us is in some measure the story of us all. What a Christian claims to have is a different frame of reference which enables us to become the kind of people God calls us to be. This means we have to open our physical and inward eyes. We need to learn how to see, for to see is the beginning of wonder. The true artist does not manipulate or indoctrinate us: he doesn‟t have to. He simply shows us how (in his eyes) things truly are. It was William Blake who saw the artist as one who conveys to others the perception of things in their true essence and points to a divine reality beyond himself. The Christian Gospel is all about see- ing with changed eyes. For van Gogh, Christ is the supreme artist “disdaining marble and clay and colours, working in the living flesh”. Those who write of the impact of Jesus upon them are saying: “Look! Listen! A child is born and a man dies, and in the story of that birth and that life, in images of water and bread, in damaged lives healed and in people for- given and set free, and on a wooden cross and in an upper room a new way of living be- comes possible, a new creation is set in being, and a whole new understanding of God is re- vealed.” True understanding of the meaning of life, our life, begins with giving attention, learning to see, and it ends in wonder and gratitude. So listen with your full attention to those who, as it were, touch your sleeve and invite you to see what the landscape and the journey look like to them. And most specially those who have a kind of reverent and infectious wonder. Dag Hammarskjold, the UN Secretary General killed in a plane crash in 1961, wrote in his personal diary: “God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.”

Next Julian Meeting is on Monday 2nd September at 7.30pm Please note that in future all meetings will be on 1st Monday monthly. New members always welcome


From the Registers.

.Baptisms Funerals. May they rest in peace 23rd June Alex-leigh Kelly-Wood 11th July Desmond F Morgan 7th July Erin Drew Jones 12th July Muriel M Probin 14th July Lilly-ella Darcy Norgan 12th July Dorothy Brookfield Weddings (Holy Trinity) 22nd June Michael J R Gardiner (St John‟s) & Sophie Smith

4th July Stuart J Probin & Nicola J Hitchen

St Oswald's Flower Rota for August and September High Altar*Table/Memorial Shelf * Brereton Chapel August 4th/11th….. Joan Allen…... . Alison Probin..…...Ann Ledward August 18th/25th ….Gill Stevens…... Pauline Plumb…....Kath Gill August 30th/31st…..Weddings. Sept 8th/15th …. Bronwen Guest…Cate Howell…. Helen Ravenshill Sept 22nd/29th…. Angela Witter…..Elma Ebben….. Doreen Leek

Joseph’s Multicoloured Quilt

Joseph‟s multicoloured quilt was made by ladies in Malpas dur- ing the Church Watch sessions when St. Oswald‟s Church was open to visitors. It has two different sides and looks really love- ly. The quilt will be raffled and the proceeds will go to St. Oswald‟s Church and a donation to Mothers‟ Union.

Raffle tickets for the quilt will be on sale from the first of Sep- tember and will be £1 each. The draw will take place at the Harvest Lunch.


MU Deanery Festival at St Oswald’s on Tuesday July 2nd

The Rev Antony Dutton took the service, also present Canon Ian Davenport, MU chaplain James Ambrose, Keith Hine, Angela Klabou and David Scurr. £200 was raised for the MU Worldwide Fund. Many thanks to all involved.

Malpas MU Meetings

Tuesday 3rd Sept at 2.00pm at the Jubilee Hall.- Talk is “Saving Grace” speaker Erin Hiuser. Saturday 14th Sept - MU Coffee morning in the Jubilee Hall 10.00am supporting ”Away from it All”, a campaign providing holiday breaks for vulnerable children and families in need. Tuesday 8th October in the Jubilee Hall 2.00pm - “Virtual babies” by Alison Neil. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY

Opera Gala Evening Friday 13th September 7.30 pm. 'Viva L'Opera'. A fun evening of popular and well known opera arias, ensembles and choruses performed by young professionals. Tickets £5, includ- ing a free interval drink, available from church or by contacting 07880 238660.

Nantwich Choral Society Saturday 5th October. All very welcome, see advert on opposite page.

Choral Evensong Sunday 6th October at 6.30pm, sung by St Oswald‟s Church Choir


SINGING DAY English Church Music Anthems and Motets

Saturday 5th October 2013 9.30 – 16.30

St. Oswald’s Church, Malpas with John Naylor (conductor) Simon Russell (organ)

You are invited to join members of Choral Society for a Choral Singing Day

Cost for the Day: singers £12 Copies of music available for hire @ £3

For more details and to book event telephone David Jones 01270 780854 Email [email protected]


The Whitchurch Podiatry Practice 7/8 Watergate Arcade, Whitchurch, SY13 1DP Emma Coley BSc(Hons), M. Ch. S., S.R.Ch HPC Reg. Podiaist

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Home Visits Available Enquires Welcome Tel. 07976 242 096 Give Your Feet A Treat. Call Today

APPLE TREE FLOWERS Why not buy locally grown flowers next time you need a bouquet for a birthday surprise or a table arrangement for a party. Country style weddings, parties at local venues or flowers for your business premises - country inns / restaurants. Flowers brighten any venue! Prices start from £15.00.

Ring Jean 01829 782438 or email [email protected]







Holy Trinity Notices


Our July meeting was held on a beautiful summer‟s day in the lovely garden at Bank House, Bickerton by kind invitation of Penny & Mike Voisey. After the service it was lovely to stroll around the garden with a cool drink in hand before returning to the gazebo for a delicious af- ternoon tea.

We thanked Margaret Abrams for her 20 years service as our Treasurer and presented her with a bouquet; also special thanks were given to Brenda Harvey, our Branch Leader for the last 36 years, who was presented with a cheque and bouquet. ( See photo on the website.)

On Wednesday August 14th we will be holding a Coffee & Cake Morning in the marquee at Holy Trinity church so bring your friends along to enjoy a lovely social morning and check out the progress of our wildflower garden. There will be cakes & produce, plants, books, bric-a- brac and bring & buy stalls. Details on the advert in this magazine.

The September meeting is on Wednesday September 11th at Mosswood starting at 2pm. Colin & Alesion Wilson will be joining us to talk about the work of The Children‟s Society. Every- one is welcome at any of our meetings, come and join us! Kate Holland (01829 261153) [email protected]


11th August, Anne Cracroft 01829 720425 25th August, Cath Johnson 01829 782317 8th September, Janet Mitchell 01829 720549 22nd September, Sheila Rees 01829 720404

If any date is inconvenient it would be a great help if you could arrange to swap with some- one else on the rota or contact Joan Sharman .(Tel 01829 720340) Many thanks.


CONGRATULATIONS to Mike Voisey who was the lucky winner of £100 in the monthly draw in June.



A special thank you to Cath Johnson for sharing her home and garden with us all on July 13th and making this occa- sion such a great social success. The weather could not have been better , allowing over 80 people who attended to enjoy the strawberry cream tea and games in her lovely garden. We would also like to thank all the helpers who put such a lot of effort into organising the event. Finally a big thank you to all who supported the occasion and helped raise over £900 for Church Funds .


At Bickerton Village Hall

The Art Exhibition, in this its seventh year, In stark contrast, on Saturday 7th September promises to be bigger and better than ever, we are holding the traditional Garden and with over 500 paintings on display and many Produce Show, with a wide variety of clas- would-be exhibitors disappointed. The Exhi- ses of flowers, fruit and vegetables plus hob- bition runs from 27th July to 4th August, bies and handicrafts. For more information, opening from 11.00 am to 6.00 pm daily ex- contact Nicola Reynolds on 01829 720057. cept the final Sunday when we close at 4.00 pm. Do visit and browse, enjoy tea, coffee Finally, you will wish to note that the and home-made cakes, and perhaps even buy monthly film shows recommence in Sep- something that catches your eye. tember. Please watch the village hall notice boards or visit the village hall‟s website - On Friday 23rd August the village hall is - for up-to- hosting a concert by the well known and ever date information. popular Houghton Weavers. A small num- ber of tickets at £10 are available from Nigel Briers on 01829 720440. But do hurry if you want to buy the last one.


This will be held in Bickerton Village Hall on August 26th from 12 noon-2.00pm


Our harvest lunch will be held on 29th of September at 12.30pm for 1.00pm in Bickerton Village Hall. It will be a 2-course lunch, with wine, prepared as usual by Mrs Harvey‟s team. Tickets will be £8 in aid of Church funds and will be available nearer the time from the Churchwardens. Please support what is always a very en- joyable community occasion








Telephone MALPAS 860433





The Ladies‟ Choir has The Field Club will not be meeting in Au- gust. The first meeting for the 2013/14 sea- now finished its pro- th gramme for the sum- son will be on Wednesday 11 September mer, with a final at Malpas High Street Church (7.45 pm). fund-raising concert at The speakers will be Field Club members St John‟s Methodist Christopher and Christine Whitehurst with Church in aid of an illustrated presentation about the nature Macmillan Cancer Support. reserve they run just outside Malpas. Their Following this concert David Hayns has title is ‘ Wildlife: Visitors to the retired, after conducting the choir for the Conservation Pond, including Herons, past five years, to make way for Steve Kingfishers and Wagtails’. Roberts, who will be taking over in September. For further information please The meeting is open to all. For information contact the choir secretary Brenda about Field Club membership and activities Cappaert on 01948 820388 brendacappa- please contact David Hayns (secretary) on [email protected] (01948) 860486 [email protected]

Cheshire Villages Quiz Played once a month between September and May, teams of 4 players from a number of villages compete for the Cheshire Villages quiz team trophy. Malpas has entered a team for the last 3 years but a number of players have now left or are leaving the area. If you enjoy quizzes and would like to join the Malpas Village Quiz team playing in the Cheshire Villages Quiz please contact Cathy Reynolds 01948 860561 or email cathyreyn- [email protected]


Following our very well supported and popular visit to Wollerton Gardens, which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended, our 8th of August meeting is our Plant and Produce fair, this will be held at the Jubilee Hall in Malpas.

On the 12th of September, we are back in the High Street Church for a talk entitled Wildlife in the Garden, with Tracy Gibson, this will be of great interest to all who need help from na- ture with the management of their gardens! Meeting commences at 7.30PM, Admission is just £1 for members or £2 non members, this includes free refreshments and a raffle, come along and join us, you are guaranteed a warm welcome at our local friendly club. we look forward to meeting you! Further information contact Paul or Alan on 01948 770522.



High Street Church


Our Sunday morning services are at 10.45am followed by coffee. Or visit our coffee mornings at 10-11.30 on the 1st Saturday of each month. Rev‟d Jenny Arthurs (01829 771820) Please note: from 1st September our new Minister will be Rev‟d Rob Weir (01948 663936

Messy Church If you enjoy crafts, food and fun, with family and friends, why not join us at our next Messy Church on Sun 22nd September from 4.00-5.30pm. All welcome! Led by members of High Street Methodist/URC and Malpas Elim Community Church (Call 01829 771820 or 01948 860608 for more info)



Report of the Malpas Fayre The first Malpas Fair was a great success. The weather was very kind to us and the streets were lined with people to greet the Medieval Parade. Children from Malpas Alport and primary schools had excelled themselves creating masks to carry. Barika and Beeches pre-schools dressed up to be part of the ac- tion. There was a Giant, followed by a fair maiden being protected from a dragon by a gallant knight and Robin Hood and his Merry Men were distributing goodies to the crowd . The young riders from May Rowland’s excelled themselves as knights, maidens and jesters and there were a number of Robin Hoods driving the Tractors. The salute was taken at the Jubilee Hall by a resplendent King Arthur and Queen Guinevere ( see above)

On the Recreation Ground everyone paraded round the arena before going and enjoying the many craft stalls, finding out what our local clubs and groups get up to or having a burger from Nigel or a Pizza from Grillworx . The Lions were serving tea and cakes all af- ternoon, the Ice Cream van sold out and every time I looked at the Mad Max fairground ride there was a row of people screaming away.

There were great displays from the Cheerleaders, and the Tae Kwan Do club , The Cheshire Militia made sure no one was dozing off in the sunshine with their musket firing and demonstration and the Zumba Group and Little Green Men Morris Team encouraged the crowd to join in and rumour has it that King Arthur was seen helping in the Tug of war later on.

There were some excellent entries to the Country Craft Fair competitions. The Raffle raised £1723 which will go towards putting on a fair next year. This event was only possible because a large number of people put a lot of time and effort into making it happen not to mention the very generous sponsorship from Prospect House: Oliver Greenall racing; Malpas Tractor ; Miles MacAdam, and others, grant funding from Malpas Parish Council plus donations from Hampton Veterinary Practice; Miles Clarke; Corbetts; Icleand Frozen Foods; Mornflake Cereals; Huxleys; United Utilities; Carden Park; Quintessence; Strands; Grillworx; Forts of India; Pampered Chef; Oakden’s Wine Bar; Riding School; Barlows Malpas Biznet ; Londis and the Co-op 29

Thanks must also go, to the Parade Marshalls who made sure that the Parade proceeded safely, to John Webb and Ann Wright, to the Malpas Alport School ; Shocklach School, The Bishop Heber High School the Fire Service and all the local organisations that joined in. Not forgetting the Malpas Fair Committee who worked very hard to make this event such a success

We hope you enjoyed it NB A pair of spectacles was handed in to the organisers. If you lost your specs please contact Cathy Reynolds on 01948 860561


A large audience of members welcomed tail unplanned. The gardens were very National Demonstrator Tony Brown from natural and peaceful and kept in order by Lutterworth to our meeting on 17 June a team of fourteen gardeners including the under the title “Paradise is a Garden”. I lady Head Gardener. We did not see the have been a member for many years but Prince but we enjoyed delicious scones cannot recall a more excellent demonstra- served with jam and cream. The weather tion. Tony‟s flowers were varied, beautiful was kind to us – fortunately not as hot as and vibrant and his arrangements thrilled the past few days. us all. Tony told us of his earliest interest being as a gardener rather than a flower Our AGM and Strawberry Tea will be th arranger and when telling his father that held in Village Hall on the 25 he thought he would go into flower ar- July 2013 at 2pm Audrey Schofield ranging his father advised him to keep that to himself! We are certainly pleased that this did not put him off. On 24 June a group of 26 members visited High Grove and had an excellent day at the home of Prince Charles. This was ar- ranged by June Davies one of our outings secretaries and as usual she had left no de-




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The Parish Council agenda is currently dominated by planning issues. To update on those currently affecting the village:

The proposal for 140 houses at Broselake Farm, off Chester Road: Following an appeal against CWaC‟s decision to reject, this has been subject to a 6 day inquiry. The outcome of that is expected in August, however, Stephen O‟Brien MP, has asked the Secretary of State to „call in‟ this decision. A duplicate application by Gladman developments was due to be considered on 11th July, but was withdrawn from the agenda at the last moment.

A proposal for up to 35 houses at Well Meadow is to be considered by CWaC shortly. On 8th July the Parish Council voted unanimously to oppose this application.

An initial outline plan for 59 dwellings and land for a new GP surgery off Chester Road was presented for public comment on 28th June. There was a poor turn out to view the plans and to date only limited feedback from the community. The feedback that has been received is mixed, though most people have expressed concern about traffic and the cumulative impact of more developments.

An outline proposal for 20 dwellings on land adjacent to The Hollies on Old Hall Street was shared with the Parish Council on 8th July.

Also we have been briefed about a potential development just outside the village at Cuddington Heath.

The Parish Council will do its best to keep you notified of any more developments, please make your views known!

The Malpas and Overton Neighbourhood Plan will enable the village to have much great in- fluence on planning matters. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group hope to have the draft plan completed later this year. Please do let members of the steering group have your views.

The police attended the Council meeting on 8th July and alerted us to the recent spate of bur- glaries! We are all advised to be vigilant and to report all things that look suspicious.

On a lighter note The Village Fayre was a huge success, as was the Scarecrow Trail. Well done and thanks to all involved in organising the events, also to all who took part and sup- ported them.

I was delighted to attend the celebrations at Malpas Young Persons Project. Believe it or not the centre is 10 years old! Stephen O‟Brien MP joined the party; he spoke very warmly about the centre and the great contribution it makes to the local community. The Young Person‟s Centre, The Brownies and Malpas Opal club ( see their article) along with many other groups depend entirely on volunteers to run their activities. These organisa- tions are currently looking for volunteers - Could you help?



Parish Council meetings are open to the public and you will be made very welcome. Our next meetings are; Monday 12th August and Monday 9th September – both starting at 7pm and both in the Jubilee Hall. Agendas along with other information will be available on the website:

Stop Press...... I am delighted to welcome Charles Higgie and Paul Austin as mem- bers of the Parish Council. Paul and Charles were both nominated recently and have been „elected‟ unopposed to the Council.


In June, we had our 15th annual garden tour which she makes into lovely garments. The to see beautiful gardens. This year, the tour competition was for a pattern for the most unu- was to Kent, and the gardens we saw were sual knitted object. The winner was Jean Sut- Sissinghurst, the famous one designed by Vi- ton with a pattern for fish and chips. Second ta Sackville-West and her husband Harold was a pattern for a bikini by May Rowlands Nicholson, the secret garden at Sandwich, and third by Maraget Howarth for a plate of with a house designed by Sir Edward Lu- cakes. tyens and the planting of the garden by Ger- trude Jekyll, and the garden at the village of On 10th July, Marjorie Dakin arranged a day‟s Great Comp. All were lovely, with roses just outing to Derwen Garden Centre, one of the coming into bloom, peonies and irises at best in the North West, and a guided tour of their best and wonderful scents. Bryngwyn Hall, near LLanfyllin, Powys. Our In addition, we had a guided tour of Sand- guide at the hall was Lady Linlithgow whose wich, said to be the most complete medieval family has been involved with the house in town in England and a visit to Rochester building and rebuilding. She told us its history with the second oldest cathedral in England and took us around the rooms, still in use, and Castle keep the tallest in the land. We all which have many interesting pictures and agreed that we were lucky to see the English memorabilia of the family‟s connection with countryside and gardens at their best. the British Army and other families in North Wales, including the family. Con- On June 12th, we had a coffee morning at the stance Sandbach was the first president of our garden of Paul and Alan in Threapwood, WI in its early days in the 1920‟s. which will be open under the NGS gardens scheme on the 13th and 14th July, a garden On August 7th, Les Pickford will tell us how to well able to hold its own with those in Kent. how to draw cartoons. The competition will be A monthly meeting on July 3rd was a demon- to finish the limerick “There was a farmer‟s stration of the art of spinning by Joyce daughter……”. Bagnall, who brought along her spinning Everyone is welcome to come to this meeting wheel and fleeces of extraordinary colours at our hall in Chorlton at 7.15pm





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The Parish News has been produced under the control of the Rector and the Malpas Farmers Market Parochial Church Council who bear is held in The Jubilee Hall ultimate responsibility for the contents.

Parish News Production Team

Editor: Joan Jeffcoat 01829 782311 Email: [email protected]

Advertising: on the third Saturday of the Marion Randles:- 01948 860 598 month Email: [email protected]

Distribution for Malpas : Helen Ravenhill:- 01948 861 166 Malpas Bowling Club Distribution for Bickerton : & Social Institute Brenda Harvey:- 01829 260170

Bowling, Snooker and Social Printing: Activities The Reprographics Department For further details contact Sue Bishop Heber High School Jones on 01948 770 482 Malpas SY14 8JD Tel:-01948 862 027

Publicity Officers

Ann Welby 01948 861 475 Carol Fletcher 01948 861 152 Don’t forget to check out the web- site, A fuller version of the magazine is available there as well as more in- Copy Deadline for : formation about the churches in the benefice. Editor. October 2013 Edition 8.00am Thursday 12th September 2013