The Faithful Standard, Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 1923)
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Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase The aithfF ul Standard (New York, NY) HSRC Digitized Periodical Collection 9-1923 The aithfF ul Standard, vol. 2, no. 1 (September 1923) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the New Religious Movements Commons Recommended Citation ORU Library, Holy Spirit Research Center, "The aithfF ul Standard, vol. 2, no. 1 (September 1923)" (1923). The Faithful Standard (New York, NY). 4. This Periodical is brought to you for free and open access by the HSRC Digitized Periodical Collection at Digital Showcase. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aithfF ul Standard (New York, NY) by an authorized administrator of Digital Showcase. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / VOL. II SEPTEMBER. 1923 NO. 1 "If It Be Possible, Let This Cup Pass From Me" By A. J. Tom.1. ·so · . E _lont>h night i,_, t '• · t''l'. r further on up the slope. Pre ent y, :ipnng hundred ot years ago, as if He cannot hold up under the 0 probablr between the hours of great weight any longer, He fall,, nine and tweh-e, could have been ·een HOSE intimately ac on His face an<l cries in the deepest the forms of twelre men as they left quainted with Broth agony, ''O, mr Father, if it be po,, T er Tomlinson will the p ciou - hall in the cit} of Jeru sible, let thi cup pa ·s from me: nev realize how deeply he is :ialem and walked slO\\ Ir down the ertheless, not as I will, but a - thou drinking of a cup of sor .street. The little company probably row-on account of the \Yilt." ldt the cit} by the .Fish Gate, now sins of others. Even as There is no record gi\·en \\ hich calkd 't. Stephen' Gate, in the east the Master suffered for shows the length of time this great ern \\ all. The walk was in the light the sins of others-so do hero lay upon the ground, but th of the tull moon amid the d_tcp hush His faithful followers. , uffcring was so inten ·e that it i- re that fall over an Oriental city by THE FAITHFUL corded that the :m·eat dropped from ni1.?;ht. Ther soon reached the lower STANDARD His body like drops of blood, and it is slope of the :Mount of Olives, about believed that blood was mingled with half a mile from Jerusalem. 1:or a the s1\ eat, or that the sweat wa, a... cau~e unknown to us, eight of the·e tually blood drop . There He wa; &ron11;, ·turdy men were bidden to alone ,Yith Hi· agonr. His di·ciple were a frn: yard,, top while four of them went on deeper into the shades. away, but the} could give Him no comfort. In fact, they slept while He suffered. They did not feel it, although This little group of men very ad. Perhaps three wa. they loved Hirn. Ther were without a full knowledie of them did not feel the ·ting ·o deeply, but the fourth wa-.. of what was upon Him. They could not even ~ympathize \ exceed mg sorrowful and very heavy. After trudging with Him because everything seemed to be ,o foreign to along a little distance with not a word pokcn, the silence them. wa~ broke,; br the l\Iaster, who said, "Tarry ye here and Gethsemane is the scene of the world's greatest battle, watch." After these words were spoken He walked though it i an inward battle. Two ways of life, as further into the garden under the den-er shades of the different a. light and darknr ... are hrre in conflict. If y'i, trc·•,. The ·il"'lt rroon p;cr,·e I it, ,·jl er:· P < <l 1rrn 1 C' ;·,t cln'l drci le- tD ,:,,e ll'm·r'f fror-- •r·, \.,.,. - -11"·· 1-ruu2;i1 tlie br,,ru.:i,es aml io.,.1J;~ thu ,e !11~, >, • u.J ui clioo,e to e~cape trom the agony wl1ich att:1ci1,:_., to trees and lit upon Hi. form, making Hi· carnies, coat redeeming love and shall emerge from Hi truggles with appear peckled with light and dark. His decision made to be the kind of Messiah the people \Vatch the bowed form of the world',; great6t hem. ,\·ant. then divine purpose, eternal love, and spiritual ·ow it is bent as if about to fall under .·ome terrible load, hope, fur man will have been defeated. He feels that He now it braces up again and ,trai_rhten-. up erect and mov , (C,J11ti11ueil on paqe 26) 2 THE FAITHFUL STAND ARD POISONED TONGUES 0, •·T be afraid of the . nake aho, e-hi · poison , \ ·e also learn omething ebe from this picture. up- D being taken out. posing Dr. Ditmar did not know e. actly how to ex \\·hen ) ou come to think about it, it i, a \\ on tract the , enom-what would happen? He would be derful thing to be able to take the poison out of the bitten and probably die. upposing ~ome of u attempt tongue of a copperhead, a. Dr. Raymond L. Ditmar is to take the , enom out of our brother' tongue-and we • hown doing in thi picture. It i n't the ize of the don't know how? \\"e will ourseh e die spirituall) . copperhead, or the . pot . or the tail, that kills-it i the Dr. Ditmars i · the Curator of Reptile in the ew \ t:nom .-ight at the base of the tpngue. York Zoological Park. He knows reptiles and how to Thi, picture abo\·e enable. u to draw a good many handle them. He has pent his whole life with them. le:. on .. He is not afraid of them. becau~e he knows how to handle Fir t of all, \\ ouldn 't it be a wonderful thing it we them. could pick up people who haYe poi oned tongut:s and hold But "e are not snake , the lowe t of creation, CULed their head. "·hile we took out the venom. ome people's to crawl upon our bellies all the days of our live~. \Ve tongue. ha,e a poi.on in them that hurts ,,or,e than the "alk upright. \Ve are created in God's image. The bite of a !>nake. The \ enom of the snake may send a erpent, The Old Devil, i · constantly hanging down over per. on to the graw-but the venom from the poi oned U!' from the limb of a nearby tree trying to whi per tongue of an enem) ma} SL 'DA O ·L TO HELL. "\'enom" in our ear -and put Yenom in our tongue_-to It ha~ man) a time. bring sorro,Y and di!>tre. s upon other . Thi poison i. not profanit). or swearing, or cursing, The most unruly member is the tongue. Upon that alone. ome "ho arc Chri tian:-, either intentionally we must put a bridle. Let u· be men in God's image or unintentionally. emit a poi,on from thc-ir tongue that not serpents with \'enom at the base of our tongue . hurt until it kill.. Thi. i. rather a startling parable-but it is certair. Thi. ,niter know a \Oung man. splendid, acrificing, no exaggeration. progre. ive Christian-WHO \ \'A DRIVE. FROM GOD TO DRI TK b) the con tant pursuance of men '1 he best war to get the venom out of the enem) · and women who called him "Brother." throat i to "take it to the Lord in pra) er." l\Ion:over, I were bc:tter, Sa} Je.u., that a milb,tone be hung we ~eldom hear of a man of prayer having a poi~oned ;irou d ti e· r neck than t offend one of the~e little ones. tongue . • FOR EPTE:\[BER, 192:J 3 OVER THE TOP AT LAST We Imagine we Hear a Shout of Hallelujah! l;rom Maine to California, From the Lakes to the Gulf, and Acros the Sea as Well \VI~H to :,ay a few thini;s to my be ju,t a:, true in thing- pertaining Lonvernence -. ery ~itcle ·nown of I iriend,-, the sub:criber· and read to the ~pi ritual -ide of lite? It is any of them until they e·pou·ed the er-. of THE FAITHFUL STA -_ our purpo·e to make this magazine a great cause for which they gave their DARO, to let them know that they shining light to help people OYer hard liYe ·. And one of the e cho·en men have not been forgotten, although it place·, and in order for it to do its proved to be a traitor and sold hia 11'1-. been several months since the be ·t ·ervice so it can lend its best ~laster for a few pieces of ilver, ma~azinc ha payed regular monthly :ympathy and aid it will need to have while another became fearful of what ,·isits as it used to do. The cau ·e of an experience of going O\'er hard the enemie of the Lord might do to the delay has been brieAy explained places itself, and surely it is having its him and denied having any knowledge through the mails, but ,vith all this share. I believe its friend~ \,ill ap of Him.