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The Ledger and Times, November 1, 1966

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1988 4 event, Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper o am- end a '01111111Elia— cum.°n Lougee Una - Kenny Circulation ree de- Both In City n des- hese ne And In County .y. tp, Jay Betsy id lost United Press International In Our 87th Year Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, November 1, 1966 la. Per Copy Vol. LXXXVII No, 258 n deo Bettie id Eli- Herds Of Three Mrs. Bilbrey And Pan-Hellenic Breeders, Registered Field Trial Son Leave Today For Quad-State Choral Festival To • /to- [Seen & Heard le Col- Holstein Are Scored San Juan, Puerto Rico sh efts- Building To Club Holds Include Three Local Schools tiekssta •:. Around o The herds of three Retest ered Mrs Baxter Bebrey and son 1011 Ha_stein breeders in this area have Baxter left this m wrung from teen scored for body type by Naah viee , Tennessee on a chart- Three hundred and twenty high Joan Boater, Director: Platte Replace Dorm Weekend Event ye )r, who MURRAY Merle tE. Howard, Hales Corners, ered Jet for San Juan, Minna singers representing sixty- Mitchell, Ann Dunaway, Ka X1 "Al- Wieconsin, staff classifier for the Puerto Rico, Mrs. BrJhrey and her, an ethoces from Keenuoky, Ten- Hale, Diane 'reindeer°, Joe Fore- lven at One of the earnest cionneottes Holateen-Framen Assecletion of son are Wong advantage of a n/Me; Illisoouri, and Iennois have see, and David McKee Caltoway County Field Tr tl rticipa- State University is be- The Univeregy School — Leonard sends out an ear- at Murray Arnerlea, The resole, are as fol - !gip won by Ettliarey's Car and hesti . selected to . eartpate in A eleilag firm Oltib spdresered a Field Trial for Thomas, speech ing remodeled and converted into lows: thane SAVVY hi the nineteenth amid Quid-Mate Whierner, Dtreotor ; Ken ly reminder about gets for Dad membe retro( the Field Trial Club and the trilp pleased a Penhellenic budding for the uni- Jack Blackwell — 14 suomals iponsored by the Gen era] Electric Choral Feared, sehighded for Kathy Stott, Donau Rogers. Mar- for Christmas. and Cankervecton Club the Palat e Urn - versetees four social bonze-Mrs. olamtked — , 3 "Very Good", 1 Caltherry Noveniber 7, at Murray State ilyn Almaricier, and Ranch Barnes, weekend at the West Kentucky Remodeling of Swann Han, "Goad Plus", and 6 "Good" Hel- The leknotyans ate be in San Untvernlia. The fashion appeals, the oorn- Wildlife Manegernent Arm near 000rdineletng which was dedloated in 1941, is loed Lavine — 12 animals chai- at%in for one week and will re- This athisity is the first in the PRIM Meta. a on Paducah. Some Vandalism Is almost completed and the soror- ned — 3 "Good Pius" and 8 torn next M onday nineteenth annual series of Quad- dada lab spott jackets, sweaters Forty -tour dogs ParticePteted In ittes yell arobab la/ move into their "Good". Charles B. Stark — 15 Mr Bacey said that has store State Musk Feseivae co-sponsor- Reported Last Night hithige of the mane color two-stake trial The puppies Ohl Mere in November, Dean the pattern new qua classated — 1 "Very tas never faded to win one of ed by the Music Department of gee garrnert in were run &Uneasy morning and re- of Women Laken Tate said Good", 6 "Clciod Plus", and 5 the OS trips arid members of the Murray State U rinersity and the The elheieffla office today and the oilier in mild color. the shooting doge Saturday after- Each organization will have an fain have won trips' to Eurdpe, First Divenct Kentucky Music ported Beth difficulty he night, Bunchy. Apprixtimately Robert indkviduel suite with a lounge noon and Bate in Halloween night. in • Clued Welton has been in con- the Caribbean, Los Vegas, the Education Assectanon . Others Bine is the most papule: color 35 covies of birds were moved were area, hadhen and storage roorn tinuous operation evince 1929 as New Volt Wakes Fair, several the settee are the December 6th Three juvenilia brought to sports mate ,this fall and winter, during the two-day event ,,, The suites are 16 feet wide and and the the Counta Judge's office last range the official type prcgrum of the trips to ?remelt Lick, Indiana, the Quad-State Hand Feetsval especialky in arthes. Shades WIn n ens. were Puppy Stake — with takers; scene 4 very in length front 46 to 52 feet, Holatem breed. Lt measures the Jamica. Over 200 Attend January 3661i Quad-Mete String nileht charged from thickest blue to bright hum let place. Salute, setter, ovmed kept ip Jail Mies Tate sald pheacei contormation of I ndivid - Winning of the trips is bated Orohestra Festival. chickens. They were mixed 'Kith greens, browns or by Ferrel Miller, 2nd place, Gal, Opening Of Project They ap- Swann Hall is a one-etory struc- in 1 animate against the theoretf- on sates of General Electric pro- Chorea participants are oohed- for about two hours grays. Omen mixed with browns setter, awned by Ronnie Hay, 3rd, throw the ng ture on the northw ea side of eel pert mbion of the True Type ducts Dialtrey tt is beginning Its tiled for a full day cm November parently Panned to ea elm Dad a dashing look they Ron, pointer, owned by Thomas drive-in or 4 er.•- the campus. It was Watt under cow or bull. list year in Murray and last 7 with rehearsals. recreation, and ohickene out at scene el and IRK Erneistberger other gathering as a pnuok. tt Dos. the cid Nattonal Youth Admin- Information made available by , week observed titer 20th annivet - Over 300 persons were present an evening concert and booed:last Shooting dogs — it, Ned, point- most serious vaiatitian beratton Later it became }WA an- the program provides detailed re-e airy as a business in Murray. far the opening cif the whoa ef at 7 :00 pan in the Student Un- The c•Ivas lbw west on to see a lot more er, owned be Ferrel Miller. 2nd.. • ca, other men's dein for 80 students fluidram . The chorus will be ported was the burning of 'there be- fer en ce material for Hot.e4nt- - — World Outreach Sunday evening, ion U MOM WS we better step right Jan, waiter. awned by Frank telephone booth at 'Cressy Wit and in more recent yam' has been brers in all seceions of the October 30, in the Fine. Claratan under the direction of Proftenor cause you get old Dad too dressed Bucty : Ind, Jake, pointer, owned Sheriff's office re- occupied recoluehely by athletes country Church The school is Robert Bear, Dept . of Fine Arts. night. The and _up he might be hard to ha.ndle by Ferrel miller: 4th, a .Ktint The building is named for the Freckles, Reath Darnall is daemon of ported that the booth was filled setter. Gem ed by J B. Bell. All Letter To The Editor project of the First Methodist r. corn shucks and set fire and nee Warren Swann, a promtnent Church and the First Chriatian. the Quad-Stale Music Pestivah. with Thomas Walsh of Murray is parta winners were presented trot:hies. the booth and the teteptasie Murray tuba= man and meenber The Invocation was The chorus wal perform men- that coot!nit in the Small Southern Area Family Life A brae notateig trophy donated Dear Edoor presented in of the MSU board of regents in tions by Mendehaohn, Gray, was completeiy destroyed_ exhibi- dialogue form. -Affluence and f3cu I pture , an uwitataonal Workshop by Buity's Ranch Meuse, Mayfield, Severs* alum are k:nown, as- 1924-35 Underway Poverty" by Mrs Joe K easier and Ehret, Jennings, and Williams tion of email sceapture from most b promoted to the winner of each and an ef- Murray State's four sororvued I un apposed to the revised Let The Murray &site University Band to the Sheriff Of the waling soutpttes of the fell and springtalal, The tetchy Waldrop are Sigma Sigma Sigma. Alpha nanstaareon to be presented to will accompany the chorus on Wil- fort is being made to find out The Area Pam ily Lite W trkshop Malta be won three times before A skit by Mrs. Harlan Hodge. ('ontinned on Page Six) alma Alpha. Alpha Onaicei Pi the people of Kentucky Novetpber burn' 'eine Nominee." , the identaty of the vandals who openod today at the First Me- it can be kept Dale Barnett, last and Mrs. Charles Mason Raker, and Gamma Della S. as aura other fanners destroyed the expensive installa- Alpha Un1- thodlet Church with Dr. Hurt ns,riy was entiteed 'Two In A Trap". The putek is invited to attend. years Winner, presented the tro- Alter r the proposed then- tion The booth is owned tit the wenn' btheve the camp- Cooto, family specialist in ex- I A panel dammed the skit's Int- There is no admission charge. Io- phy to Ferrel MIller. Telephone us ooukl amt others, and, to merit and xnparthg it *nth our ea: high schools to be representetl. West Kentucky Rural tallith work bran the University • Fited tudges were, J. D Bras, pboations and relevance of the allow for future growth, Swann I present Constautton, I became their choral music directors, and Cooperative, Corporation. , Lion's Club of Kentucky leadmg the diecus- Paducah arid Leon Hutchens, Ful- theme to chumhes and theer cor- deeply concerned about many of Ha* le being cuttitted to accom- dons. porate Wittman. Participating as their students selected to particip- ton. the changes In ite present form ' mocate • total of Aplat, Mks Tate This morning the sessicns per- tenet members were Willy Jack- ate are as fetiows: biebeve it will be bad for read Caliche/ay Camay High Eldhool— World Community Light Bulb rained to the emblems of mothers son, then Biankenthip, James and city people alike At present two aororilies have with younger ohniren and a Cromer Joe Raider, Bed Jobe, Mrs. Lacuna Darnall, Director; Observed I Halloween Quiet Let me explain briefly &Nile of Day Will Be ri , Moms in the library, on 13 lo- Ixtrsery was open to care for the Gene Schinbather, and Ted Carol Beagew, Mends Dale, Jenne cated adjacent to the infirmary my COVICarT1 Winotaiter, Itairkey By Church Women Sale Planned ceakin n wah the members of the City Police Report Vaughn it:Ren- I am concerned dot the pro- - ;ln Welk Mail a w omen's therm, hamemakens Vi charge Of the Mrs George Hart and Mrs ck Oampon. &die Chilhemi, Gee ',end the tear Miele In the Stir ethatitution • we. Bigr011et, alit 1ey, Paul., Wright. World Communite Day sal be et • ' • mama .0kataiW..ere ocionthweing A quiet night for Halloween was the voter of the people and cent- aleervid by the United thinieh r elent Union Buking. After the The afternoon esalion is being the opening phases of each session *IOW 881101 dame — Mee The Yuma, Latta MUD ell con- reported by the Murray Police De- ralize more power in Frankfort. Women at the North %f- move, these roona be used devoted to the problems of those beginrerig at 6 30 p.m duct an drive on Theiday partment des morning Only scat- I ern concerned that we would Grove Chimberhnd Preillrememe for Mmes. and ter expanding the mothers and persons with otter This jaint school was planned by strialtsy thiranber to set elect- tered reports of ahootieg fire- trade what coostituteonai protec- Nursing Students Chinch on Freckwy. November 11, infirmary &taken and with the problem's of the Outreaoh Committee& of the lie light India to residents accord- cracker, were reperted and no tion we now have an tax rates one pm. ; Each ream will be rethondble Sic iged. two churches, under the chair - Win Association N ing to en a n nounceme n t made to- for the Seta of tandalisrn have been re- tor a blank that to the Leg isla - Max Hurt, well known dill interior decorating of its Tlhe workshop will continue thr- mantrap of Dr Howard ThaWcirth day by Club President Vernon ported to the Police Department. ture. Honors At Meeting Mune, and Canoed/ age trh the oenverted dorm, Miss ough Friday, November 4. with the and Dr James Byrn Ws James leader at Andrea n Every cent of the pro- Offloilab of the department said h I ant concern eel to find the te- will be the speaker fee Tate seed morning sembans from 9 30 to 11 Rudy Ailinntten is Director of the County, ceed& win go to The Kent/101Y a miner treble Rent occurred nsors faded to include the pro- theme of the pro- am and the afternoon Ions achool the day 'the Eye Rematch Building Project ist 15th and Sycamore Streeta veto n that lets etas Mary Jane Perry, a junior "Laity - Rigihte, Re- tom one to 2:90 p.m. the Legidatuhr ea - The second seaman will be Sun- gram is The light bides *ill be sold in net night at 7 20 p.m but no ernpt Cann machinery and Me- student in nursing at Murray ResetensthUlttes" Mrs. Ebe Lyons Dies The pubbc is urged to attend day es-erring, November 6 in the sources, handy Pro)wt. -Fain e each Police report me feed Several ars*, manufacturing machiner State University, represented the The service project for this light this venal woilkahop. First Methodist Church ta.rang dog .111 aseorted Here Last Night thiliciren were out "trick ar treat- notes, cach on hand, etc. frem K eneucky Student Nurses' Associ- special meeting from each church bulbs . . at the regular pries ing" in the rain but not like Dora/ taxation. ation at the Kentucky Nurses' As- Is the Personal Hygiene ate. of two as. Seery householder • Mrs the auntie) Lyons of 212 the usual number on past Hal- I hope you are as concern ed as : sociitton Conventem heed in Lex- These drawstring begs are trade can UP, lift bulbs, strad the chive Seven Story Building Murray Ministerial troth Street was claimed by death loween nights I GM With Riming additional power' miton on CoMber 26-28 by cutting one yard of inategial aff ode en apporturety to get a as ask Might at 7 46 at the Murray- Falls To Ground The Pence arrested one person to a Letaseature when With Houses Association To Meet Miss Perry took office Pre- Into three twelve inch Ares cut good supple% while heiptng a mold Cailoway County Hospital She for, public drunkenness and an- are to be apportioned on popun- . sident at Kentucky a Student into half, fold, sew bottom and worthy mane. a Lon ipokaanian AMR/MEN, Scotland TIT — A other person for driving While in - bon alone The Murray Area Ministerial Nurses' Aramaean on October 7. the top with • was only 56 yews of Me and her side, hemming seed Aseociation death foithwed an extended Ill- seven-"y concrete and steel toxtcated °libations wet-e elm is- I am convanced that the legis- 1 will meet at the Mur- She will represene the modem( as- one Inch hem to inset drawstetng The entire mernberthip at the ness. beleing under c matruction cal- sued for unnecessary nrase and Woes with longer terms wookl be I ray-Calloway County Hospital sociateen- at ggreessonal nurses' Into the bag Owe one bar of teens Club bee been organ:zed to Thursdree morning. the State The dressed was a member of liper! during a torrential MID, no operator's license. lees reepothive to the will of the November 3, meetings throughout soap in a plank AM, toneh brush supply friends and neighbors with storm today Polare WO& at 10 00 durtta the canting year and will comb rail the Seventh and Poplar Chinch Of ilt—was Decide. in bolder, tooth paste. light bubo delivered to their door. After the business the Chita feared 12 workers were buried I aek you, are we not taking meelms , Mrs. represent State at the Nat- file or clipper, face cloth, mal The Murray Lions ChM has re- Cold Air Spreads Tom Turtle, Ounevors are her botheyxi. the save power fnom the keel people when Director of Nurses ional Clanvention to be held in band towel, and one plastic oneed outatandlinlk community ste the Lyons of 212 !nen Wren,: two One trapped men was dragged Over The Nation we cease to elect many of our a- hospitai. will talk with the New York next May. drtnicira oup suppert in past 'tears light bulb - - mixagera about ways Perry graduate of daughters, Mrs. Albert Dodd, clear of concrete '(abs and steel - nnals. inciluckng tudtm , and make they can Wila9 te a Mrs Nix Onerford, president of sales, and Lion President Vernon by tented Press Internatimel work with nurses High School, North illth Street. arid Mrs. Don- beams by rescue workers He was them eipponitive by the Governor' and hoeptial Crittenden County the United Church Wornen urges Anderson rhea eapiewsed his con- The temperature dropped ald Edwards, 1,307 Vine Street: ttesbasared below I an cone erned , boo , that for staff in trenistering to the pat- and her home is Marion all interested permits in Murray fidence in the antlithated mouth freezing over moot of the north hints. Anderson three eons. James Z Lyme of Rain and sleet swept the site of several morale now the proposed Moe GeV* of Mur- arid Canoe ay County to attend of this fasaci-oilang oarnpagn The this The Amoolation has and Mrs. Dengue Ala, Earl Lyons of 212 the collaptsed moeogy building central stains early rote= g constautton has been debated by recently' In- ray, demister of Mr ells MPhil prog ram m retina motto for this year%Je "Rave as cold Mr poured over the plains minuted a Chaplains' Irian Street, arid L. W Lyons which lad been under co nietruc- proponenee and opponents in every program at WaTTICIII Anderson, aim a junior Other officers at the tx'gazuzuasain Sight — Bid leght.” ten for Aberdeen University spreading eaelterani to the A p- comer • ln Kentucky, and pabliely the !townie arid the Weetview student at Murray State University are Mm's Jotumy Walker, secretary, of Dexter Route One eight inani- A sea of mud hampered rescue peacetime, natty NOW enabled attorneys Nursing Mew. studying naming, will be on the and Mrs. M. C Fith, treasurer. children, Stevie arid Jan* Leans oper- TURKEY ft HOOT Th(Caleh tha of Dexter. Rebecca and Rtoky Ed- a Worn. The cold was moon-wanted by In oongthullionei- hos (bah for and cooperation of some State tiontioneith Conurdttee of Moody ) fifteen ministers, the Kentucky eltudere Nurse.' As- Aff wa Oseht Sue and Sammy Polace, iumbulance &fens, fire- skies and blustery wind, seiainsttistervretiadonlime Orden yeedejections On the represen tea see - New Orleans Will Turkey Shoot wikt be held sere:wen& end dencenotateine , sociatelon for the next year. Both Dole Crutch'.r , Jerry and Joe men end workers tore at the rub- swat Dundee from the In this Ministry Satunthy, member 5, starting at be with cranes. central plains across the Great the preposed decument is performed Each chaplain Is of these young women were elect- leak!, all of Murray tharea, pecks and Get NFL Franchise nine am at the Calming County Lakes an ratty, the Student Nurses' &MCI&- Funeral services will be heel bet re hands Welders worked on 'For thew remora and rainy without pay. for one ed at Conaervaliton Ceub week, frorn 1100 am Om Coni'entucaa held at the NEW OffiLE—ANS eft National Wein eatiety at 2 30 pm at the the tangle of Wei with blow - Snow fee in esteem Wynn- ,rniov tuvionree, aimI %ricet rutseiry feelpruposweed sheon.ould to 200 pm., •rtg. special event la being Wen - , Monday through Phoenix Hotel in Lexengton end be chapel of the J H Churchill Fun- teethe ing . port-hearten Colorado arid the oF Friday Fore n lengiie Cnnaniesioner wired by the Lynn Grove Paren t - The effort is ending on October 7 Pete Reeelle said today New Or- eral Home with Bro Jay Lock - "God. it VIAS terrible ," one work - N ebrseen penhandlle on Monciae. proving helpful to Teacher Aisociatton and the pub- both hart et/Mating. er mat The whole place just Snow flurries were Melted in Louis F. Lion patients and staff, These Auden ts are enrolled at iente will get Ms league's 16th lic Ls urged to Wend went L Harrodsburg , Ky. Anyone interacted in Murray State University in the frinetuee in 1907 Roe-elle Bunts I will be In the Murray titian like a pack of cards" the Chicago area Marro' night. further in- made formation about annoimoment at Cemetery with the arrangements Another worker, Archbald Reid, Matt of the nation was dry to- the Chaplains' nurang course of study. wheat the a medal 42, mid,'"We really didn't know day eiccept for a tingly rain, , VISITING HERE program is encouraged to write to prepares them to take the state news conference in a New Or- by the J H Murtha Ftuierail I the Aasocation at Poet Office examinee/eon to be licensed AR a leans hotel. cBane where franca mthe what hit us The building had whith ten sreth of the Midwest .. Box been seven stories Weft and with- extenders' frorn Aricanmis to the Mr. and Mrs. John Roertn er are 864, Murray. registered nwse and at the saine -Halloween bream all sorts crf in a merrate it was as flat as a Ohio Valley. Athena Parents and relatives in tine prepares them to meet the surprises and I have one for you aeloort Scout Council Board pancake " Mestneteie, sunenerthe readings Celt/way County Site week The Tax Money Flows In remaremente for a bachelor of today.- Rout mud continued to warrn the South. coup* arrived last Friday with science degree in nursing Students "Profeesional football ha voted areemite Meets Here their clumeiter Vicki Lynn. Mr To have el nac al experience the franchise to the :trate of Lou- Monday Comedy Will Temperatures cambed to a re- Sheriff's Office at the Be cord high 96 In Calibornia Men- Koerner le the Man of Mr arid Murray-Callaway Coun tor Hothited isan& and the city of New Or- West Kentucny Freese wane Produced Friday day Mrs A. C Koertner and, is the Mrs Cohen Stubbledield this and other hea 1th agencies in leans." the tonight. Cloudy and turtling morning The nation's low Monday was Arts and Crafts Dire-for at Fort reported that over 8560,- Western K ettecity under the cohler lite afternoon end tenight: The Ent-naive Boer d of t The Theepian Seale ty of Put-year 14 at St Johnsbury. V t and Con- Wolters, Texas. He hake a Civil 000 will have been paid by No- 'men nee of the far utty in nurs- Alma Warriors To Jowl freer conditions Four Rivere Bret Scout Cc.xinccl High &toot will present a three cord, N Service potation Mrs K nertnee is vember 1, when all accounts have ing at Murray State University. mostly amity and cold Wednes- will meet at Murray State Una alt contrite. 'play entitled "Stare the former MIss Lintia Tbon i been credited She said that $531,- Meet Hazel Lions day; • few maw Beanies north yenta), on Monday evening No- In Their Eve." on Friday. Novern - daughter of Mrs C. E. Erwin ci 000 had been peat by November Girl Scouts Will portion ate today and torsigInt No vember '1. 1966 6 90 p.m The ber 4. at 7 30 pm in the school Crippled Children's Murray They pan to be in Mur- 1, tee that If ealVe number of iet- The Akno Warrior's will meet precipitletion of ommeuence Htith Beard Is composed of representa meitannin Clinic Is Planned ray for this week. tens have come in arid when all Hold Events Day the Hanel Lions in a basketball this afternoon 44-50 Winds north thee husinem, industrial arid Aiimanion all be arty rents for of them have been procemed , the game tonight, at Alto. 16-18 meet per hour Low tonight carrenunity leaders who emaciate reserved seats with regular seat, The sent-annual ceippled child- TRAIL RIDE SUNDAY expected the total Amount o f The Girt smite; of Bear Creek The "B" team gene will dart 311-86. High Werinewley 40-46 Out- deer adores with Boy Scouting beentr fifty rents for adults and ren's with be held 'Thiene y, ----- money to be abort $660.000 Girl Sr nut Counoll will hold a at 7,00, with the fine Wan game look Thurtelny Fair and not for the democratic development twenty -fere cents for *lent November 5id, am at Brnaili- The Calloway W ra nglees The total tax bin is Mote Senior Events thy ea the Erred- to follow. quite so oral of ems wvy Methodist Church in Pa - Club will /vane a trail ride on $800,000 which leaves MO.000 to way M ethodiet Church. rit\ and Dr Ftalph Wends, Murree Lad - HOLY COMMUNION ducah Sunday, November 6 at 200 p be coneeted $60,000 WM paid in Broadway 'In Paducah, f 930 BURNING TIRE Kentucky lake 7 a m 3648. be- v entity Prdent will serve " Rev Ratert. Burthett mtnister Children from Calloway County Riders will meet at. the home of yesterday by tax payers, the mid. to 12 30 on November 5, 1066 The Murray Fire Department low darn 3022, down 01 host to the oeceskin and will of St John's Episcopal Church. are Rinorer these served by the Red Woods. AN members are urg- The two per cent discount is no (3uat speaker will be Girl answered a ma last night at 7:35 Barkley Lake- 3647, no Ma nge, Mein are longer applicable &cute from to 4th run Vine • personally oonduct tours of the and BrOdiCil Stireets, will canes. sponsored by the Ken - ed to ride and n on -members to the tax brie, neighboring onunella p.m Streets Irelow thin 31722. down 0 1 Univeraity for early arrivals Dr. celebrate Hon, Cann amion bonigtg Welty Bonietty for Crippled Meri- wercrne For fureriet Information the mid. but taxes thouki be They will speak on National end where a car tire was on fire, Retiree 6 21, nunnet et 56 Wroth has king been • member N member 1, at 7 30 p m In no anti the Paducah Creel y three itreereeted sure asked to cell paid at new anyway sere a TT4tortiodOillai events which they Firemen teed ttie booeter to ex- Moon item 656 pin . Of the council Exectittve Howl observanoe of An Stints Day, League 753-6568 as 763-496'1. penalty goes on Jamie Ty 1, 1967. attended the Rummer ti!wrath the flarn es.

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• 0111411116.11111.m eame....i mwommiliiii -- • _ rAitlia•lina,1011.11M# 9 , ' FA.OE TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY IrtaCSDA I' NOVEMBER 1, 1986 THE LEDGER & TIMES PUSLISHED by LEDGES It TIMES PUBLISHING COMPAPV. lac.. Consalaciatim of Me Murray Lodger, The Cailowa,y Tunes, and The ng Tinies-Haraad, Octatior owli 20, 1028, alai the West Kantucktan, January 1, 1942. JAMS C. WILLIAMS, N PLISLISHIH MAGIC-Tgi We rensva the eight be reject any Advartuang, Lefton to the Liner. SON LING LEAGUE or Public Voice it Munn, in our %nom, are not fur the beat Ile Alumnae We of Oct. 18,illS Wrest of air readers. Doubt, Faith Team Standings: W. L. Johnson's Grocery NATKI9IAL ftlaPitATIVES. WALLAC1L WIT51121 CO, — 104 ibee by tailed Pres latersatiseal Flowlend's Madam Ara, Memphis, Toon, Time & Lde 11idg, New York N.T., 19 13 blegarineon Bldg., Detroit, M. Today. is Tuesday. Nov 1, the Continually Morton Flee 17 15 30Sui clay of VMS wan a to fol- Wan Mk My. Shop Ilasisrod at Me Post Ulises, Murray, - 18% 16% Kentucky, for transmission as ma Murray Beauty Second Class blatant. Salon - 14 18 The moon a between its full Mamer Tire Service — 14 113 SUWIDCMLPTIOn SLAWS: My Carrier in Murray, par weal 311e, per maolls phime and ISA quarter Interact Dry. Sara — 13% ills IL-la la Calloway mild unmans couMaes, per year, MAO, answherik MAL The morning sugs are Mans and Oweein rood t. — 13% 18% Jupiter IWO reams 3 Games -Tbe Ouietanding Crete beast al • Comminity is Its The evening star M ilatune. Sy LOUIS CASSELS ichneon's /051 latagialy lismgmprie Peireorane sculptor Besessito United Nees letereatiamal Morton Pave 7711 Calla sat born In destionenal. doubt a the an- Esell Hey. Saban 2711B TUESD- AY - on WM dipbe NOVEMBER 1 1986 tooym. or direct opposite. of fag& High Team Game On nue cley inbiatany. In kite. however. it's not quits that Johnson's - 1017 J. Meson's in lag, the Hapsburg ambibily ample Doubt and both are min- fiel Morton Five Quotes at Anstras-laingsay was dmaleed inteitionng They are so 954 From The News Mat the late Paul /M. Series as audapan became the ouggal °Maly --sellaid (110 By LNITED lbw could be regarded Lae Oben Pates INTL/L4ATIGNAL of the Human and Vilma the TIMM felt 814 Joy Johnson wASHINOTON - Sen. Gale McGee, diLlerIng copse ofA.ustiew es &fiterent ingests al dm mem MD En,PlitE!1.1 Mato el '1111111118. Moween." Wards White with tow contentions that hign prices are caused main- In 19M, polls:at pollsters pre- 616 Many maple MOW OD hava the High Ind. Series (Scratch I ly by inflation. - dicted Pacoima Uewey woad de- idea almt berievenk Cala WSWIlllid DOW Powell 50$ "Inflation hat very little to do with nim Barry Truman toUs progr- higher food prices. at Clock's amteess. swat Is* Joy &amen 476 That CUtitetlia041 is pure amme einstions. hogwash. We wive more 100C1 WW1 we troubied Oy doubts. put retro. apt agerand 471 Chill In INS. Gidaan Presiliag Centro is nee Horn eat, or even throw away. We have food surpluses. latia- .. history affords no suppon for IWO 11110 he& Omar (DC) THIS —C_alifOrnia'S Motor Vehicles Director Tom Bright stand. amongst the ruled international RCA Lon doewn't operate in that Kind of situation." beeekk soolart vsew The grente.9. aunts has ex- Lee OSA'41 54 video ntto Terro:aolt being used to transcribe to computer language the li- claw* to'ree if BMW swam bad perienced "Its dart night of Os 111•1111e Ado= 23'1 censes of the states 10.5 million drivers and registration.. of 11 mill“M motor vehicles in been pulled Out, of Cube. Samba Thimpenn Sacramento. The job will take two years, and will SAIGON - American civilian John H. Vogel of Sea Girt, /aiJ in whsch all certainty Ilan. — 219 make driver and vehicle informanua In ISM. 131 promos were killed aklb id Game almost instantly accessible to safety and enforternent wounded in a terrorist Shelling attack in Seugon. idea (Scratch) law autliontlea at Cerro, when a bus went Into St. Augustine reounied LA his las fain LSI "I was sitting there at my desk when the wall Cialle flying the NM illete "confessions the desperate feeling Dot DOOdillm at me. Boom!" - 177 A names Ice Me day - fanner stunt aocurs Mayans Mime BOWLING Of aloneness gage 173 LEAGUE Challengers 13 19 met Single Game OKI Premiere Hurry TTUMMIZI asses a felt gam Otinverted Dreg of Oct. God suddenly to be irk 1966 Dreamers — 10 30 Joan Blume. 239 ANTIOCH, LL1. - Navyman Lawrence Konen, who came The resixweability 44 the great becomes merely a Ciamie thisprove presence and 3-7 Team Standings: W. 111-Latee 10 22 Verona Oromm 238 home primed to Lake lus caildren out states is to serve and lawatebo liarara trick or treating Mon- not to do- ckW.ttfl ItYPattlellas e•do-7 niters 22% Prances Lavers 206 day night, minate nave Naas Xis= Melt Single Game (Scrallehl corny to di/waver City Council had changed Hallo- the world" "To Thee, 0 Lord, I atioukl 3-10 Hot-Shots 30 High Three Games Scratch) ween mind for Thee to give Leaabort es to Sunday night. lifted up my 5-7 Pin-Ups 18 Joan Bennis lal yerona Orogen 453 relief." St Augustine vsrgte -But Jenny attnudireys -The Fourth of July is on the Fourt of July, right? Maybe it 5-7 -Persia 17'4 Verona Grogan 174 Bobbie Garrison 449 I had neither the will nor ale power lambs/ Forks 37 we should change Orinstmas to toe 91st of January, too." Jeta 17 Bobbie osmium 161 Jain Barnes 447 thIfintlItzi was, JalL.111bud _ to do mo. And. the 3-7 & 3-7 High Tlireo Games (MC) IVHATS GOING greater because, when I thought of stai Jews 3- ie - WASHINGTON- FBI ON an Barnes Director J. Edgar Hoover, writing in Thee. nothing reel and substantial Jcsr isboree 310 the November Venom Onapo 615 issue of the agency's Law Enforcement BOW- presented Mien to my men " • 3ean Moore 3 10 Prances Lavers ISI tin: • EMULATES CANDOR Eibe Welk NEU 3 10 Cenveried "Too many well-niearung but misguided Augustine's candor 1r emu- Bea Plidelpi 5-1-10 Americans not St Martins Alis 1-7 only support Inc lated by the Rev Dr Robert FL Polly Owen doctrine of law-brea/wag for a worthy end. snip 45 Aso Barnes 5-6-10 ' the chapel at BM- Tep Tea Averages but also oppose penalties fur 4101a.tOra" Mama dean of Ann Grogan 5-7 9,2.6.....o4powellffilb tan Univenan in en anurie pub- joye Rowland 146 4 lished so the October Moue of the iliblreid Hedge 156 Top Ten Averages Seintucay Brown Some brawlers Methodist family magamne Ttmeth- &Saba Gengso 151 Bobbie Clarreerm Ten Years. Ago Today purchased 15 top-mast anima at er DS* Posse 156 till RAW Paray Owen 168 ii 1U1 the fifth annual Kentucky Pleacm- -A rand of nightmare haunts see My 153 ' Omberiew Wasps 132 al Brown Dam Show ard Sala hold strain." confames lim OZwelsebee Las 148 time and Mir Prookee Walter 130 The membership of the First Baptist in Lowsvine. Mr. and Mee. Mae preacher. -I isak NOW SSW 147 Church, In a busi- mud Methodist PV•012111 Livers Brom 4 Wastrafseld bombe Dot Deedion' 146 129 ness meeting last flight, voted to inaugurate a building ex- Ms out upon thls Owing. busy walla grand cow 1164.,.12 Ang 128 panaion program of over $141.000. The chungieh a combined end I see no reflection of its Creat- 143 Veraija program will be aimed Joan Wand Oleorsti 336 at by Friendly aims tom. Plymouth. or It a as though I an looking 142 increasing We seating Capacity of the sanctuary of the Beason Essolosi 121 Ludlam. into a mirror but cannot are my church to 1500 without the use of chairs. Pat &eft 131 The andiade Muds lay Kentucky Something has gone blank- DILLAS OS DOLLAR New City and county own face pgalygyOug-These are the main aloft authorities were onsy until the wee hours dammen regramat sane of the best cities of a new tel.- HE 133 Ord resins Went. absent or deed Yuck= network which will begin of the morning today, trying to cope with Halloween pranks- Sas ewes bloodwas in Use Na- main programming an hour • Pita the recurrence of Mos agon- thins anor my noid on God, day Nov. 6. Ills Tr:,n.,vorld ters, scene of whom re/Pried to 1 nem They are Iliusdcastina Company vandalism. dm type of animals izing experience-Matti Mushar but Hu tkiid on cit and hopes to (TBCis hays 10u S and 37 Canadian Mr. and Mrs Allen Rose are the parents of a daughter, seaa wsit build a artioger diary th- to mmy other Clintiana Dr Mesa hes Melo learned from statioart Jane n sn Kentucky Houston Rose. born October 38 at the Murray Hospital. One of the ob- Ms not led Dr limn& to the IMMO expensinga that doubt ban WOW be • . Phillip Garber, senves cd the Nieuunal show and Cellek/IN011 Sig -death at Ood" successfully resolved by yea mews end acknese • Jerry Fefty, Beverly Birawner, Don Gilbert, the rearm Moue. Swa rue program is to afford Kastucky am can n impie-w4oe to • 11r) Robert Young, Max Morgan, Janies OWL thetaammev4gi all* /ammo 13111- it be conquered by • merest dike ler faster service 881.1e Lisnr,7•11, Glenn apporummy • oatiareeta the to buy SPOSIOnems ei 011:01 SO • MOMS for clistay awn or the human MIL I Ashoelaio.. Owe. L Waldrop, Bill Crago, Betty Faust% Harold 6hevey, Jackie Bur- READ THE LEDHER'S CLASSIFIEDS obp-qualay ananals. Tian we are gragroing Mat He no loran' ovists uy Clod illemeit can ever awe keen, John Brooks, and Dale Alexander. all of Murray, have _ always pleased when a number af When a man declares dud be ls my doubts Mout Hun If I pray, I recently pledged fraternities and ,orordies at Murray Eilate. aillhilmis from any partecular 90011 nal able to eons the Prenlmorof mooupoty life to OW 1 find f in in the Stair Ged. says Dr Ha.'this isys a mercy lee my itna. tad Mao dart- Average pre, of the be Brown meat deal about lIarwater• but tice•1011 for my doubts." lieram sold at the recent mde was meg aye nothing about God" Although a 012.16 'Me top sham was the re- I sen deal to osy neighbor is painful. be my,. honest serve elsemplan, a 0110-yamr-oki cow Mei &an net prove Utwat doubt is goal for the soul -In the winch wild tar $LAM be • other ipeetttlema or non-ex- experience of doubt. I Mod, A strung supporter ce the Ken- Mang. Jt.bemisse Ord le not as something of God's VIM be- came doubting tucky Ntatemal Drown Sanaa Show obvious as e balmard is no protif clarifies my thtni- Ing. :topples sod Sale mde some usterestiog theit lie le only a minim- my tale idols. renews my reopen its the oomments at this year's CVO:A He Eta how dote • believer - it truth . . sato be naught the geoid chars- am who wants to believe - cope -Lf you doubt for the mite of pion anima the years agis arid with the lopg dry periods when God truth-a you disbelieve to Gad for ance ins% tam has mid tan cd the seem • remade and Mipmenirle by- Goan rake-- you are Juntas& be- ma ablyes fr- 's for' more than he paid potherb? MOM SW,'Ott doUbt clod o able 4 kr the cow To ow. thu IS real Ged Carew • to maim your authentic Me. proof uf the faot Um a dairyman great thing out afloat at pm turth prices tor "'The one I brie "N you have the courage to god inunaii. Many buyers al Ken- learned about doubt,- rays the Ds- doubt. then you may find Oral in too University dean. "a taint a need tucky Mataarail anemia have mad- that very moment when MI Molt n MS rum my life •Even the denial ed this same degree at MONK sisertion about Oral have lost their of God need not out me off font appeal This a your smerlenne of A Taylor County tanner. Tommy Otd. kr neither my virtue nee my death and resurrection: 13w death leas, tcok tap harms wills Isla Mr, cothatkery earns me God's favor. of every anoint" and Ss netarth tries in die Ceara/ Kernuckg Deg! Gad does care for me regardless af assurance this Ma beyond any Dhow and Careers -Thfltea His of ellta I believe alma God. The Pormaideted belief . _.sai not only moored well in the on-foci= cm they hood rush m ih dreaucia too Sue had both she =mod and reserve V ChaIng‘Ora• Ha grand champion. a Sneaked placed third in the car- • om mutest. whiis his reserve dheammon was riumner one in the I carcase divot/on Earl Rhea Jean. a voisto exhioaor tram n Creek. TENNESSEE VALLEY POLLED HEREFORIJ ad the rerserve champion carcase It had pieced fourth in the on-foot ASSOCIATION elms. Some fine hogs were exhibited at the cen:rai Kentucky event Cvl- .1 • FIRST ANNUAL SHOW & SALE cienice of the sexes 4 the Depart- DILLSDI N. 11 NNISSEL ment 01 Aerscukure's two alum pro- Heated lint-stork Pavilion gram 5 the fact that nw plecines are no close to the live Saturday, November 12 piscine, In (Aber words fernmek can see animals • Show 9:30 a.m. (cat) -Sate 1:00 p.m. (cat) judged live and then sae bos theme Mgt anneall measure ti tt the caress amIllties 144. delurr-d in today"a masts' Ps.

A new hoe stem hem" itirlel to the program dais year, this one to be WM at Paris ?teasel the Blue areas Ceserka Darrow Wins aryl Oareass Contest, it la scheduled for January 23-31. Dodge Builds Tough Trucks The on-foot Mow is planned for January 34, with the camas Mem Pined Henriard Bali Polled Hereford uns and banquet to be tiekl on Jan- DOOGE COVISION CHRYSLER try 36 Tbr show inn be open to MOTORS CORPORATION 40 FFMAIES - (111:4N PEDIGUI.ES - 21 Rills.. his breeders in the Blue Orems.ares BRED and OP/IN • %el Adlitional information will b- Tisac-pit-heauss get an unesnected treat from Mrs KtIlle Auctioneer a- Bryan "Bo" Swilley supplied inu.rested Orreries", h•ar.r the date 4 the Mason in Centeroort. N Y St.e presents them with pictures Motor inc. (tualiti Polled Hereford f attic from the event Those want- kg owner can ooreact of thernselves to costume, mad• right at the door Top Herd. in West Rv. and West Tenn S he Department of 4r5ulture at 1113 South I• 01171h Mink/ere Murray, Ky.

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. 1, 1966

✓ ilinteDAY — NOVEMBER 1, 1966 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY PACHI TIMM Johnny Unitas Thunderbolt Division Almost Certain Seeks Members Larry Wilson Intercepts Three t PI Major Of'Hall of Fame';Colts Win 17-3 SEC Places 3 In The 83rd Infantry Division — Passes;Cards Down Bears 24-17 College Grid the famed Thunderbolt Division By VITO STELLING lustricrue , menpleted 13 of worm Wir II, Is conducting By RICHARD LAY 40 yards in UPI Sports Writer of 22 passes nine plays the first for 252 nude to break the greatest manhunt us history. United Preis Ratings &You can almost loternational time they got the tall with rookie guarantee that Tittle's old mark of 28,334. Unitas They are seeldng some 26,000 of ST. LOUIS 't.P1 — A ruddy-look- Johnny Roland taking it the final whist Johnny Unitas is named to now has 28,375. Top thee- former members. That is ing ball-hawk with a puffed hand 0 yards of Nation on an ends the pro football Hall of Fame, he'll But while sweep. Unitas acted so cas- the number of men on their rost- _sipped Ill-- The United II, he's a coke and philosophized The Bears had the ball for ex- NEW YORK surprised ually, the guy who caught the 31- er, who have not been contacted, 'about his Job. actly one play when Wilson enter- Press International major football tie will be the one; one. yard pass at the end of the third since the end of the war. These "Lf your not not bruised after a ed their hair for the ratings with first place votes and lacaruc, unemotional football period that put Unitas over the first time, By FRED McMANE men are scattered al over the ball game you'd better start look- -lost records in parentheses: genets became the greatest tamer place to eighth after a crushing grabbing a Rudy Bukich pass on won top, Ray Berry, was excited about nation. trig In UPI Sports Writer 34-0 victory over Texas A&M. Many are from the State for another job because eotere the 35 and returning 17 yards to the history of the National Foot- It. Teams Points NEW YORK ITU — The South- Purdue. which squeezed out a vic- of Kentucky. not doing yours." said Larry Wilson the Bears' 18 Roland ate 1.4) ball League Sunday while leading "John says he doesn't care but those 1. Notre Dame — (23) (6-0) 322 eastern conference, which is often tory over Illinois Saturday, moved All former members of the old Who grabbed off three last 18 yard-s in five running plays, the Baltimore Colts to a 17-3 vic- It gave me a big thrill. It we. an 2. Michigan St. — ( (7-0) 313 ranted by the critics fcr failure a step creer to the top 10 by ad- 83rd are urged to contact the and spearheaded a 34-17 victory by taking it over for the second time inity over the . honor to catch the ball that broke 3. UCLA ( 2) 17-0i 295 lite to schedule games with football vancing one place to llth while national secretary, Lawry Redmond the St. Louis Cardinals over the from three yards out. Unitas acted like his new pass- the record. I saw it arl the way, 4. Alabama — ( I) (6-0) 240 powers outside the South, still 132 Radtwood Drive Hater-town . Penalties Hurt Bears reoonl we. no more of a feat knew it was the Southern Methodist and GeOrgis at- important one and It was a win 5. Georgia Tech (7-0) 204 than maintains an extremely high I:res- so moved up one place each to 12th Pa. , that rnoved the pulsing bread across a table. I didn't even think about records, Chicago, tle victim of a recalled 6. Nebraska ( 1) (7-0) 191 tate with the ration's coac.hes. and 13th respectively Cardinals back on tap of the Na- Unttaa. even admitted he was su- Berry said. 80-yard 7. Florets. (7-0) 145 This fact was more apparent than tional Football League's Eastern Di- touchdown pain train Bu- preme when the referee harried him Meanwhile, the Colts weren't The biggest jump ofwhich(r the ek was dicates that the best football in the ab- vision, a half of the kich to tight end Dick Gordon and 8. Arkansas (6-1) 92 the ellene ever today when the weekly United mode by Colcrado, efeated game ahead ball at the end of the le to get closer to the goal. that country is played in the South. numerous several other costly pen- 9. Southern Gal (6-1) 55 Press International btiarrl of coach- Oklahoma to move from noatiere Dallas Cowboys third period Unitas cares about--winning the However, that fact is open to much alties, got on the beard with just 28 10. Tennessee (4-2) 31 es rat_ngt showed three SW' 91110043 to a tie for 14th itauth Michigan Wilson. whose three interceptions Surprised By Award title. Green Hay remained a genie Sk:egiticiem from many other ex- seconds remainmg in the half when an10214; the top 10 teams and five and Houston. brought his season's total to eight, 10-1I. Purdue 26; 12. "I wog surprised to learn I had ahead of the Colts in the West by perts who claim that the schedules Burtch sneaked over from the one Second listed among the top 20. The Buffaloes, who nearly whip- ran one back 29 yards for a touch- Methodist 16; 13. Georgia passed Y. A Tittle's career passing cnishing Detroit, 31-7, Dales mov- of SFJC teams dun% measure up to yard line to cap a drive that moved Southern Teinnesse. which dropped from the ped Nebraska tem weeks ago, have down, set up the Cardinals second Michigan, Houston and mart, records don't interest roe ed into a temporary tie for first those of major schools from other 52 yards in seven pays. 7: 14. tie, top 10 a month ago, returned in not been rated this high since 1961. touchdown in a first period "blitz" tie, MLesppi and much end nobody mentioned it with SC Louis in the East by maul- parts of the country, The two teams traded held goals, Colorado 3; 17 the No 10 position this week after The Hurricanes' upeet of the Tro- that got than off to a 14-0 lead Miami Fla. 2; 19. tie, Wyoming and ketcre the?' game,' Unitise amid ing Pitteburgh 52-31. Clevethnd re- A check of this seamen's schedule Roger LeClerc hitting from 16 yards a convince* 38-7 victory over Army jan enabled them to return to the in lea than tune minute., and stop- Unita& who ranks in the mine mained In the East race by whip- for all 10 SEC teams drew that only out and the Geri:Wads Jim Bakken Oklahoma 1. I. bat Saturday to join Alabama No. Clop 2e after an &there of several ped another potential Bear rally in company with TkUe, Serrurry Baugh ping Atlanta, 49-17, Weshington Iwo colleges have gams; with horn 40 yards before Wilson enter- a Otto Graham, 4 and Florida No 7 among the na- week In a tie for 19th with Ole Mies the fourth period. . iked beat Phile.dephia, 27-13 and San edhoon outside the &sub or Sandi- ed the picture again trek point on. *MI Bulcboh unload- t3on's select 10 while Georgie. No. while Wyoming. an upset victim of Ties Record Ludt:man Cecil Libre aad atbee -111- Prancer° dumped Minnesota, 38-3. wine Tennessee hosted Army last He gave the Cardinals a 34-10 ed ) another 804arder, this time to 13 and lefissisippi tied for 17th found Colorade, State, dropped 10 notches weekend and Vanderbilt entertains His third quarter touchdown was lead when he grabbed another Bu- Gale Sayers, sffio took it on the themselves groupeded in the emorri to a tie for 19th with Oklahoma. ?they on Nov 12, but other thau the fifth of his career and tied an kith as that was intended for Bears' 46, dipped away from two 10. Large Support 1111C1 hat no Eastern, Midwestern or NFL record held by four others Gordon and carried it all the way defenders and outdistanced every- Jim There was no change among the Nance Sets New Record back one to the goal brie But that was 289 The large support given the SEC Western colleges are found on the The Cardinale, who now sport a for a touchdown. top hour teams this week as Notre —288 by BBoard of In- sottedule of any SEC team. 6-1-I record, moved down the held Things looked comfortable from all they could muster. Dame conttnued its stronghold on teat" the Cnitche6 206 the No. 1 position by pulley; down crake° ,Sunday;Patriots Win 24.21 23 first place votes frail the 35- 463 man UPI board for a total of 332 449 By MIKE GREMAUD and HUI Haircla 39-yard bunt with points. 447 UPI Spirts Writer an intereepted pans gave the New Collision Due • IBC) Jim Nance has inside est about Yceters 20 points in the final per- Michaten State, which meets the 621 the bl splash in Boston since iod frith Nov 19, held onto second 615 the tea party. place by receiving eight !Vet place 586 The real *locker came when pint- The Boston Patriors sophomore votes and 313 potnta, whine ITCLA need Buffalo defenrsive tack Charlie If you Proposed fullback racked up a new team re- haven't remained in the third position with - --- 2-7 Warner took the second half open- cord of 210 yards Sunday as the two first place nods and 206 points -- 5-6-10 for Ities Wok over first plate in the kickce and raced 95 3411-d6 Mebane rec.eiveci one first Piece — e-7 a touchdown, to build the Bills' vote 4 elIkelese Devisian at the American and kept its nom on fourth lead to 10-3 read Itesefsell League with a 24-31 win this: place with 240 posnts. stir Oakland KENTUCKY Kansas City mounteda 39-1 &t- The big change was in the No. —110 In ihe AFL motion. Buffalo clown- hick in the fine halt and went on 5 position. SAouthern Cattiornie 166 ed Me York 33-33, stop- to humble the Houston (Mena as whioh had hela that poet virtualev 133 ped Dower 24-17, and Karma City CONSTITUTION the Chiefs mourned atop the West- all seseen. wile Upset by Miami 130 tesehed Houston 46-23 Mime had ern divn Pia. het Priday night and 129 • bee. the way to ninth ohmdroppedall while 128 Nines. the league's leading Long Besteng Mar Georgia Tech rolled In Its seventh REVISION 226 ercund-gainer with 736 yards snor- The meet exciting play of the straight victory and replaced the U6 ed an plunges of one and two yards game cane when Johnny Robinson Tnalsre in the filth slot 133 *The touchdowns were bels seventh, intercepted a George Banda pass Nebraska. which scored an im- 12.3 and eighth mehing to set another l and mood 23 yards dovrn the Ade- portant victory over Mlesourt, mov- Pats' record ! lines before iaterating to MUM ed up one notch to eixth while Gino Cappelletti's 15-yard heti Mitchell who raced the rest el the the Gaon* held on to the seventh ,S* gust in the second quarter gave way to spore on • 73-yard pley. spot &Aransas alio moved up one 'tea Boman the edge, as Oakland rallied The atarters tarn In second for two touchdown; In the final place al the Western Division with quarter. a win over Denver. In• game mark- take time to Winning Record ed by tour maid c.nenses in the Drat Announcement half 'The win rave the sum-Ming Pet a 4-3-1 MUNI, while second-piece Denver scored first on • two-yard Given Today, read this: • Et ifhalo sod New Trick share ident- rein by Max Ohnbian Elan Diego ical 4-3-1 marts same lack on a five yard run by Buffalo telid the Jets to a net Keith Lino-3in in the first period five yards twiling and picked off By Rozelle Bob Scarptto recurneo a ptrit 03 Summary of changes in five Jew Nam& swab to land Denver to give ttr Ion- New Tort its third sbreight low yards for lead. but John Ha passed ortrz,oLs jun °animist: Bomb Luatag. Buffalo's recide kick- cos the NEW KENTUCKY'S COURT SYSTEM • totalidown and Paul Lowe ing sensation, booted four field for doner Pete Roselle is expecitee'ro returned • kickoff 54 yards to put seals annosure today that the National A UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM The proposed Constitution Revision seeks to unify Namatili towed two TD passes Has Mere ahead at half time. Football League has awarded' an Kentucky's court system expernion fressehise to the city of from the highest state level through the local level. The unified system would consist of a Supreme Court, a New Orleans. Court of Appeals, Circuit Courts and District Courts. 'Austin reay Upsets Raiders Roselle. who also has visited Cm- cirmati and Seattle during the kat THE SUPREME COURT This would be a new judicial level SELECTION OF two weeks..weeks. was reported ready to SUPREME COURT AND COURT OF AP- created out of the existing Court of Appeals, Place, OVC make the formal announcement presentlx Ken- PEALS JUDGES When there is a vacancy, a Nominating 13-7; Moves Into 1st tucky's highest court. The Supreme Court would become brinsring New Orleans into the NFL the Commission would present three names to the Governor. He highest court—the at • news conference which also court of last resort—in the Common- will appoint one of these. After three years, this judge would Gov John J. wealth. The Supreme Court would set rules BY Uallied Press lateratiesial The OVC genie of the week left will be attended by of procedure for run for election to a full eight-year term. He would run un- rental for the McKeithein, Sen Ruserell B. Long, lower courts. With a 19-7 win over Middle MTSILT with a. 5-2 Jurisdiction would be established by the Gen- opposed and "on his record." He would not run as a member and a 2-3 in the OVC D-1.., Rep Hale Bows, D-La., Tennessee State Unlvendty Satur- esnion eral Assembly. of any political party. He would have to be approved by the day. Austin Peal moved into first and Mayor Victor Shiro. voters Other conference action maw for each additional term. Should he fail to win this ap- place in the Otto Valley Carder- THE COURT OF APPEALS A new intermediate judicial Eastern Kentunky's quartertaric Jim A !spokesman for Gov McKeethen proval, or resign from the bench, a vacancy would exist; and ennr and earned the reoutatksi of level, the Court of Appeals, would relieve some of the work Guar paseng for two touchdowns confirmed that the governor will the same nomination-appointment-election procedure would an OVC big shot niter and runlet* Bob Beck run another be in New Orleans Tuesday but load from the Supreme Court. It would consist of at least be required. Aladin Peay crarterbaric Oart in help submerse Western Kennaky woukl not cornrnent directly on re- nine judges, one from each of the seven Court Districts and SELECTION OF CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT Wilnarne surprised MTS1', which 24 to 12. ports of the forthooming announce- two from the state-at-large. COURT JUDGES Circuit Court judges in ham been krreted out of the con- ment districts with a population of more In the final pericri split end Aaron ference lead Mice thee year, with CIRCUIT COURTS The Circuit Courts would operate as than 50,000 would be selected in the same manner as higher Mansh renred on an 11-verd pass Roselle end other NFL officials twn first period bountelown passes they do now. court judges unless otherwise voted by the people of the from Glace. who loas already broken as well as lone officals made them- end the rovernon held on to half district. the school aerial yardage record selves umwaikible for comment irmund DISTRICT COURTS A District Court would be created for Circuit Court judges in districts of than and onmpleted 15 out of 24 passes less 50,000 would Road* and three members of each county and would assume the present jurisdiction of the be elected for eight-year terms unless 'Me Blue Ridden+ managed to for 132 yards otherwise voted-by the pro foothell's expaneeinn aornsnintee— Police, Justice of Peace, Quarterly and County Courts, The people of the district * wore only once. when Bitty W'alk- Saving a 13-7 lead renew Feet Ten-!Dan Reeves of the Les Angeles General Assembly would provide for as many ier corripleted a 13-rant pass to half- District Court District Court judges would be elected for four-year terms. newer State Unteeretv by onrefin- Rams. lama Int of the Kansas back Jamie Jamison in the third judges in each district as the Supreme Court certifies is Mg them twit's' inside the 20 More- Ottv Chiefs and Ftelph Wilan of QUOJ147. necessary. Generally, there would be one district court for head link a tie for first piaioe in the —visited New Or- THE BILL OF RIGHTS The original Bill of Rights each county. However, two adjoining counties could be con- under , oonferenoe standings. team best Tuesday. the present Constitution remains unchanged in the pro- solidated into one district if the Supreme Court certifies that posed revisions. However, three new rights were added: Tennessee Tank makine an open- At that tine it is undentond that one district judge could FOR CORRECT handle the judicial business of the One permits an individual to waive pre-trial touchdown af- they neselhed an agreement with indictment ing kickoff into a combined counties. In this case, a District Court Commis- in a felony charge, thus allowing him a speedier trial A TIME and ter 16 plays and 75 yards. turned Tulare* °Motels to use the 82,500- sioner would be named from residents of counties other than second prohibits any individual from being held in jail as back Louisiana 21-9 in an liter- seat augur Bowl Stadium an an TEMPERATURE the one in which the judge lives. a material witness. The third would prohibit the game Interim feekl for NFL games until invasion NIGHT of privacy of an DAY OR S new rkened spode stadium is individual by means of wire tapping or QUALIFICATION OF JUDGES Underthe any other The amine left Tennegisee Tech cameo-tend from pmeeeele re a Constitution Re- electronic or mechanical snooping devices. 75c3,,-.6363 'with a 4-3 few the seism arid Lou- vision, all judges would be qualified attorneys. VIAL hotel- motel occupancy tax levied e isiana WS dragging along without In Orleans) and Jefferann counties. • senile win in seven outings. THIS ri:oi1ii:s DANK Merin, State estorntileirt in a non- LOOK FOR WHEN YOU VOTE NOVEMBER 8 INFORMED CITIZENS MAKE WISE CHOICES of conference genie ieth the Univer- I encourage every Kentucky voter to read the entire proposed etty of Tennelsce \.444artin Bnam.:-h Constitution Revision. You may have a Sfurris, Kentucky Alteration Or Reformation free copy by writing to the and took a kern of 18-12 Attorney Of Constitution General's Office, State Capitol Building, Frankfort, Ky. in favor of reforming the Constitu- "The Rest In Service .. . Rest of Gasoline" Are you tion of the Commonwealth to cause same to tram )1enelkees.laekeeeraweli, be in the same form and language as finally submitted to the Governor and the General Robert Matthews, Attorney General 641 ETr.„RIAM'IL VAIRCE Assembly of Kentucky by the Constitution "BOTTLES" HUTSON -*:- MAX MeCUIPITON Revision Assembly and set forth in Senate O. IL One of a market of messages prepared and published according to legislative • WE OWE TREASURE CHEST STAMPS • Bill No. 161 enacted at the Regular Session directive by Robert Matthews, Attorney General. This message has been author- of the General Assembly of Kentucky held YES Ot ized under a law enacted by the 1966 Kentucky General Assembly, titled Senate in the year 1966 and as heretofore sched- Bill 161, Sec. V: "...The Attorney General shall cause the proposed Constitu- tion and schedule or summaries MURRAY'S USED CAR BARGAIN CENTER published as required by law? NO thereof to be further publicized by other com- a uled and munication • media in order that the voters of the Commonwealth may have a • NEW reasonable opportunity to become Informed on the issue 6 to be decided by them." .5 . CAIN & TAYLOR'S . KING Give TREASURE CHEST STAMPS • -nu SERVICE THAT MADE THIS CORNER FAMOUS" EDWARD xi? CIGARILLO • MAIN at 6th STREW Phone T53-5662

/," • ••••

^ •


PIM3Il • &SWISS Peen THE 18 TIM I18 — MUSKAT, ILICNTUCKT TUESDAY -c•-• NOlf11111919Pt lp 19135 viip co

The Phone 753-1917 or 753-4947 Ledger & Times. • Make /1 With Tana It's a Flavorful High-Protein Ingredient

ty JOAN OltRUYAN TUNA adad- -on rye, white eaedwich10 Nete/ ably 99plod 1116 Wm &earful fide that's • muar4 or whole wheat — a Its ingredients , Is and VI most every- packed with protein, canned favorite rriday one will sandwich. And agree that tuna is • tuna Is a god buy because St's just great! Rose Medic Cures But, thee. a treat. there's absolutely no waste. WIAAL LALL*111 Babe 'Em l'horny Problems Use it for saadwiches but, MAX JENNINGS efeseilay. November for a change from the salad landed IPress Interonal Tbe Jamie Wadi Gide ot the type, whip up baked ones. LOVELL. ban tie At the maim of she Pest Preabsiterlan They make a very good lunch on • tiool nmehern Wissner* tarn of Levet Otaseti meat at the hems of day Also try cooking with tuna. just • few maps from. the'Mon - ears Heinen Brooks all 1:90 PAL As an ingredient, It teams tens bcreler they eel Vs Ihe • • • wonderfidly well with other • ibom Ereitor cif Wycning And TM Arai randy late Wodishap food*. debt* do MR be hal lessaiy Today, Tuna Cheese Pie Is Dr W W Horsley hes peselle- day at the Pena ltabodlie amen C good company recipe Serve ed medicine for four decathe educatiorm butkling. Team tem- it in wide wedges for a main his mood prate:son far shah Ohs ram mend Dila 9:90 to disk or in thin silvers for an ws Ism Ille elber erib is Mit 11:1111 am and older temiles fad appatatte. I.00 to 2.00 pm Dr. Hen OessO Ramie TUNA Hie love the the bemead ghats will lead Its dartessole SANDWI(IIIES • acne toasted, trimmed hay made heat oar of the selisees • • • bettered bred atzbarairs Oars Uses Mole of PIM 1 4414 on. or 7 os.) can Dr Horsiey often Judges at milt- Prodleteetan COMM Mods tune drained sonal rose compentiore she bee meet of 11:39 eau IN IN Mem • c. chopped celery a-nutten seeensi art:cies an the at Mrs. Pau: Lama. • C. chopped green pepper:- winter care of noses •• • % tsp. LC NCH 114 served--baked time sandwiches, Me. George Week= Treseheent dry mustard complemented 'Harty five With cold celery sticks, years ago. the dace- The Omaha Ceres filumloy tbisp. sliced pimiento. green grapes or other fruit Stuffed or deeded to do stersehing shoe* Oohed Chas of the Memorial olives ha towns Diane Taliaferro And I Him flour Cook trver low maser undimane mein Bowed Miura vidi meet at the heat, stirring % lb. (2 c.) grated Mae la tsp paprika constantly until thickened. Re- Ma foiled • herd to help George W. Trenholm hose of Ms. leery Anima, gee process Aniseed hen and planted a spresSia rose 1 a milk move from heat; stir ta cheese. eheese 011ee Street, at IS pas with e. grated Cheddar garden of the wee end af the Married Recently Pour over tuna mixture. 3 or. or 7 oz.) cans bera Bobby themes se cabesams. theme Bake at 325'F. alWeet Horiley airefailh ourtiaN Annainoernerx has been made for 29 tuna •' • Place 4 sheet toast on hot- Top with remaining 4 dicea Combine eggs, milk. breed ed esdi plant ureal the &rem was af 1wmarrage at Mimi Mary Amend* tom of greased Murray No. 19 Order shallow baking toaat. crumbs and seasonings in • a beauty ehoweime Deane lailealesvo and George WS- dish. Of the Ralnleow fix Chris Serves 4. large mixing bowl. Beat until The nna praise Wti, the mid lam Trenhalin which was waren- Combine tuna, meet at the kimonos Hail at celery, green TI'NA CHEESE PIE blended. in cisme and mei of the ame impresser MZPIlt Omar- Sled tn an dot** ring amen pm An uniaation all be pepper, niustard and olives; Mfg tuna. wood. sills& sal, roan ceremony dimof mix well and nds- In the of he Soft % c. milk Turn tato •9 -in. pie plate. enti Spread tuna mixture were Ugmed um a me pm- Broadest, bleaballa Oborde Po- .. . cm top 2 c. soft bread crumbs Bake in moderate oven. den of bread. 14 tsp salt I ducal arrePelandrIcdthe OW? 350'P, 35 to 40 min. CANN RD IlL'NA wins a new circle of friends when baked In saucepan, mix Today. the /ova gaolers have Rev -land P b ed flour and 15 tsp dry mustard To serve cut into eradsea of the Arm Cedellen ChM& Is a pie with eggs, milk, bread crumbs and A •e1-1, ,in cheese. paprika; ber+xne slowly stir in Milk. la tap. Tabaisco Serves IL test tteds far many new of he careemine read ea Wattles- willl med. with las. Elms J. • breeds ot rows introduced by the dmr °caber Bade at 2:30 p.m. — turs.on s oursenes The be 1wdaaahter of • •• In the MO Ma #01rdens there Rubye Taliaereo of Murray Oroup TV elf the cat a the and Lore Meth and her mother. Mire R L. I are 150 varieties of rails Dr sod Joe Tahaferro of Knoxville. Personals PSof.Ctirealan Church de meet Wade of Iluerary, are veltag thelr }Whin, Owl wirkifY Tann The amain Is the ion of vrah Mrs. HI Frank Kirk at Len Lade kine Leslie Hard, dumb- sater and dander, Mee Robert 9020 cheating on avrowel of Iire Veda Pre:Moan af Mune* ter of Dr and Mrs. Charles Min- Roivetod and finely. winter and iettier charemeterialts and Garnet Trerilicim of Pialuesti • • • ns of Murray. wee one of the 0 • • Dr For ha wealing the bride dame Honiara love tar mess b The Woosane Society of Chris- flower gas at the wedding ce to wear a lovely tante wool street NOW YOU KNOW liegendere When he &Kill a Mot len Serene of the Pica Method- Pamda Diane flood and to a ctild. and the child doesn't'length dreg, wert Whete seam let Mouth inall has its general Wale= P. eltideed. Jr., at the by ('ailed Pies Intervallic's] cry tub reeseird is a role phial I sorter Her ceily attendee' hhe etesellog at the Hale Cheese at Ftret. Metteadiet. Church. Fulton, The v.ond Sitroitaait' deriv- instead cif a lollipop Theriot Reeig wore • banturaly tee am vab the minutiae board on Oetaber 23 Jahn C Winter ed from the Oreck words Mean" • • • ent wog cress well been arm seesaw of 0.16 a.m., • at Murray was the organist ler sear and -mutes" insionnn, hencs, series • • • the wonting. a mace of the heavens Joe thaw less the best ewes • Search The Attic; The Deka DeVarbiaard at the • • • Par Mr 'flambee You May Find Mama, Club well meet Me and Mrs. C. W. Worth- Mrs. Treisholet is a seam •• the dub home at 7.30 pia. Enron at Essireha Ark., were the Si Missing Painting 10mar Mel School 10 n'es- Philleloes ea be mesdames Mg Poor Kid Can Take weekend guesses of Mr and Mrs. ham Is • menibr of be Marrs, blengeke. Rue Bede, Redid Char- Robert W Hine of Morley and ORANOIKEOURG. N Y 1 -- The ade Urevatete Maid and a w D anddwak. egaziocgg Motored $omme of Mx. S. Ids Claude Animas de of Balers Hindi Statioa maw and Dr. Mary Ilimehdh Care of Himself Hamel. County tit:1J is trytogSoMire The omega Sreading of MRS Ba. • • • aet hassorlose polocing seid Menai Bred • • • Street. Murhie By Abigail Vail &reit 14WANTADS1 someone el Me United eltares pea- • • • Kieteadiklil is The Kappa, Department. of Um Mrs Ray Mat trebly knows where in. • ABBY: Will you pleas walk arms the Mat alms is. home from • five weeks stay in Pack Ileseety Waded* CR* eh met The as ile 'War- give me your amen of a 11-year-! "Den t talk to sinsaters, aever isratiroving Colbert•Ryan 1 ores IL tZse club home at 7 30 pm. the hospeal. 99w Power view Between Aodre and Adak" gart who drives 00 miles to ass got tato a car with mei" Wissither Residee alio** Anyone eaten to send lies panted by Junius ell be letedaseet Jer- B tildelas Read At Paducah a bqy instead of wang for hue the girl is or le the &dere Is still her cash or letters may do so by and was eat ry Roberta, Walsen T. Dees, atid 111°9 whited in lea. 10 see Mr? She is supped to be good. 1 o ignore tevestioas frees Mx ard medium than to 300 E Jersey, Some Mrs Mid Lena) Bobby Tam • m dae — oder M • wart tki. Mel I understood Ms strangers asmaabilles to medal- PIA. 321906. Parma'MIR%Ryon ere nos Milalik I Orlando, by — deplete Iles easeillog bolds a good }ob. She Mee SO allies Ise is not snobbish_ it's seasible. • • • Avenue, Blifi p• Weasesday, November 2 between Brash spy Hagar Pod:, eeWheal from hare, arid ithe's as town eaery • • • hey me and Revalutovary Ilibr gleam beils demIlme Mom /he leusedve Ociarien of the Wm he tains anaant les boy a ler and Mg& ("item Miler have State Unererap. DEAR ABBY. lbw Gen Senabot Arnold of • WhIS of the Pea Bead Church sem My problem may returned lb their hetet at Orlan- mtiffannittr S. meet of the hates of 1w mean peep so others, but is big home in Mem es now Wert Rev- The couple IPSO married on He la 21, arid I cant see whet he do. ru, eller spendni three LI to ate. My Mahal erses,' NY Edea r derriey as bee as. sees In her. Bee is laud seal famead -id am at home re- we with friends and albs lei- October 11 at seven octant in the • • . and My. coeering from a sends operation -It's Mitorical agmfbarse. par- eras* in • end he a quiet I am in lees falser, Om Lamb and a sis- double ring eery- dab he 1w them months ago. HIGH-PtICED PET — A pet acularly to Raidand Ocemile h mem be mined lint poor leld Ira get Weed ter. fat Mareperet Calitt, With Rey Alltal Sheppard at The spring be ol hand Two ø.&-01- Sown Mends awe me mink. Dusty. I. cuddled in his WATCH tremendem ' sees secede utto marryeag tea. 1 dust Snow of the Ooldwater Read. Pre/0 !burial ATPLETt Metks wet. MI be held of lettlobele • seat my bailie by 8-year-old REPAILRING when so tam He bee memos ta- hustiond. They sired • • • Erie. Pa.. dent John R Zahn* oho Is ar- Cheadv. Podende Hare from ;line am lo 4-310 Ewa. DAReddiseit. tura lien a there a nothing sop- to une ear teephdoe, and I OK'd • Mindelc HID parents ming the wank OrmillveArb Eshemineet Guaranteed Denise by the S not mime they were going if end Mrs. Warr Doherty of operate a mink ranch which Inquiries Ibraugh ettenneses tor the couple were ping ham 'Whist should a mother made el the WM, Wade% Chilk. 10 mate long Ins do? defame calls. Eleallog Orem were the weaenel presently bonuses about 6,bei0 Paso 7112-11101 art priarmailian cliesnale elreadir Lena °Alien aster of Wee • • • WORMED One made two ails Mirth total- oats alt Mr and Mrs A. A. of the valuable animals. sot Maki &met bare seen wade ellehed 1119101110 beetle and Tan Ryan, brother of ed ea id the other nide one king Delhany Mr. and MM. 0. T. Mink can be tamed only Murray, beatudo Zamer wad b• groom Murray, Neennber 1 DEAR WORRIED: Nothing. And S. delarice call ammating to $16. Both Dave. handing from birth. The pasalog h not to be am- The 113ern and Comary Hams- dent waste year sprapauty ea a eau• i I 111111111Willi baniatilloaely following Ihe cere- AM den S. milord to pay far cheer • • • fumed web encase Illairar wash Makers Cilia will meet at the peer ft-yew-old "Mir elrhis hal a mony a recepeme wee heed by cella eleis What Elvt brielnathasold• es New- Mad "TM/01 Mabe Ander hrime at Ropeins, Mr ant Mrs Bey F Cedar the parents of the tee* combe Moyle he nee 111 lid way. Teas is to a presage collecnion Corded Delia of 7 30 pm Itra S emband is an-employed, Peen crest *ere Mrs Ryon is the f arrow Gall • • • and cetediree at hare lk nopey /41#011E &AZ Vest enrolee hav- Jade Pee ea be mho/tem. caning Ki and weekend guests of her per- ameliew 012 Mr and Mrs • • • the DRUG DEAR ABBY I WALLIS know you MIS 55Mims tee Men very cooly. ing any doematson ahem the eras. Str. mid Mrs Bantes W 0. CI ashen of Paled& Yr gm Whore of Setters "Interview- peewee mead lila The Kartorer Hansa. Church Wo- every ray so "lhe 136 would defeats*, put a Phone 753-1272 Item5 ha son Burkeen who returned home Vita of Me and Mea ray deer all probed:11y do Ursa* Main on out budget. Plasm advise. or the wake. of moon as pasibLe man. Marary elatiely S. S'* week's visit. They, a- 10PSt21A11117 * Ryas of leleklele. and unanswered. S realy im- than * PRESCRIPTIONS A R iiiiistra hope he seed, meet m Wee hams of Mrs Jack ON TUE SPOT • • • 10,111 ##551 other members of the Omen It bereft pm portant the, as I 'chow kits of teen- to acquire Sedber through per- IIIIKAS ON: 11w, Mom Burkeen larnike were Sunday din- • • • age glees me ape lab this timillsit. the - We Have It — We Will Get It — Or It Can't Be Had Mom or daletsen. and Mrs Ftich- Quilting S.a might mat ash aims of the stances. mete Lase "heeds" a tar gunge of Mr For any allearp-eyed readers *se Keeps Camp lel of the cw• 01 ate .101 Wipe who read it., too. safie. telling these you are awe they ard W James sod daulthatm the somemes dime a Keeps Hash- Sisters Para clagrattin ctardb S. wad Together Whenever I ma cbwn the direct, mold want Is. he reminded of the way. Ossagamell. •V. MOW of Ow law of Mes. Gene lab Meg Masser calb tbey made at err LOt.7311 CD — The former bOky in cars stop and honk, etc. • • • asei ea he* am ?Sir boas and lads& a copy ef Kuhn sass have been mallard • • • Borne a! been are very nice end the bill Ititedser tor yeare mute cute. but n a Pet stops ad even before The Oteattee Arta Dspelement • • • Directory Helps they we lam to than, or sous fora Nee married. of lae Mama, Warson's Cab via Mb aims de gates • reputation' Apartment Hunter continue Is lama of Mod crate CONTTORNT IA L TY) If Fire el Mr sit slaws get to- as a Odom. at the Latteseen aMare Yaw wife lee longer mires how late NEW YOfU 01 - Aperment- gether far Whim bees. true &toe Os OM ether head. thecloseel. SALE than yam TEEN 4 30 yea ease base, If. Inter hunCret never S eam but • him pm tie boys seader her a auck-up "We've hem plaint so hem OS • • • thialk, Oat offere to esse the alb tear snob. Which would be better. to I aan racember." • • • a toe) in the New York 0.4 area add like Priday. November 4 sup and be amiable or to act like Lassie Shop needs some help to clear out their Mad, age eh "1 c*bt t The Lad & ease a helps So know some al The Natio °utilised thombee • snob ebw Me world been treating the quilks in staters have mede" • the "Mat to ier amen &Moo, Chas Of the Cherre Corn- SOCIABLE PICK-UP met tared you( problerrui on Deer • aloe Theodore H Here I part 01 -1w list In Mohr. Mei et lhiptle Church will meet at, nes& SOCIABLE P. L.: One a Abby. Hoe amp, LeaAngeteR, Cal. stock to prepare for the opening of their . . . is Si. romancers ale m what Area Cmassiesea 1w.. cede iraKula the tame of Dan Rept Roberts Mt am ibises • mother Iamb* 9000. Par a pessenel. unpublished feint* home 'The big quiteng • the mantled - beedleag ward at IMMIL pita a Mae gin she la old 'nese b to reviy. Isolate a teat-adoresteo. hem Ms NEW JUNIOR SHOP came. shwa seep sed armed envelope — gels were kept base "All moiern Inetweverionts Emend WM A nesesesge ode Mebane cloth- starting M. dicta •in. Par Aware sitainiet. item to Have imam JUMPER8 refers to a renovated budding inewe." es., elnahlr. bead utensils, etc , • • • • Lovely Wedding.- mend el I. ON SUR-TEEN SIZE DRESSES - 5LAZI1221 - -Beeineaf people Sr Mead S. be hal 411 the Amoebae Leg- Abby. hey Wes, Les Angeles, aL and iltrs Mar odd MeV ?nether Ohopcer M of the P. I. O. Ells- /1 3 OFF eilkIRTS BLOUSON ion Hall tram OM. . couple- no chadren seated led 1.2 askiren and needed a nioe •m 10 three teeticxxl sae hold a leinetiona by the Them De_ "Chinn — no moot actinium kt pen. /itemised mesa* at of waft" •he leareed tO 12 00 mon in Ma ON BOY'S PREP SITE 17, 18, 1,9. 211 denotes higher once palement of the Maray Woman's but teadiy quilt M WIC age of 14. home of Mrs Berry McKenzie. Club "KASAI IIVERY GRAirg" SWEATERS.- ROBES - PAJAMAS - CAR CoNtS -Omaha apartment — inlass- '•' /1 3 OFF team en epertment on the Bemis Mrs. Mar and Mrs. and SPORT COATS • • • Monday, November ground floor or a basement with Itiltied the either $310111rig deers The Subestan Homemakers Chits • rear yard are Mrs Edward 0 lionerman. 97, World Onsinmunity Day wet be MIL sleet at Si. home of Mrs. High Hoar — impala a Me*, lara Rea Deft& Ilk sid 1111 IS. of tip "107r#11 Pleasant Orme Jae Albeitten, Shady Lair, at but cheat of whet R H larmearaiallere. Chlitheelind Prabyteride Oben* nevan ern Mrs. Joe Rosforl will Krorienette — tem far at one pm nue awed The eaters said smarm 'is a program be eohostess 11in re his eatchen furrature. is aoractal by the United Mora inverie WWI to spend Si. • • • EMS der — bathtub etramen. Murray Marble They talk sbotst napes, erveleg Lad & Lassie "Terrace — anything outside • • • The Woman's Society end yam pine by when they of Chris- Works above level all shwas end Saterday, ground were November 5 tian Serv're of the Coldwater Ire- Pine Memoriam home together Builders of Shopping •$ eszez, laid. moil and mem. Women of Weedima of lese Modal. ('-Si will meat - Setuth•Ide Manse ('enter at the Porter. White - kranager "Welliw•• — a few BMW to Mr. Mohr seed 'I wouldn't know World (bort 726 win etiorwor • home MT.. 'Jenny W.,son 111 Maple St. '153-2512 ma. coal be es many as ell," an unkind word Irum • palter." rummage sale at the Legion Hall seven p.m.

• 9 fr


• 'Ws

TMIDDAY - NOVEMBER 1, 1966 THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY IMOR Inn • nemtbly renewals. Salary to those on a Hough Model RU Front End ICentucity • SELL MioCuiston. Judge RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL. RENT• SWAP • HIRE - BUY - SELL• RENT • SWAP • H I r-ZE • who qualify, Protected working Dix- Leader, which can be inspected at Hall trews. Free Croup insurance. Male , the Callaway County Highway Ga- Calloway County Court or Fen-woe over 21. Must hawe cat'. 1rage on South Fifth Street, Murray, 17'C Pull or part time to start. Write: LOW COST The Pyramid Plain. P. 0. box 5637. RESULTS Louisville, Kentucky 40205. Expect Answer to Yesterday's Puree CLASSIFIED ADS GET CROSSWORD PUZZLE • i-41F • your reply In 10 days. N-2-C RLJY • !,1-- LL_• F-?E rAT • c:A/VAP • HIPPE • F-31 INK • r;Fl.L• REN r • c•v\IAP • I-IIRE • BUY • !....."•ELL• PENT • IOILABOL WSW f•110.171 61011111111 VE10 WASTRESSES AND C, K.S. Ap- ACROSS Of tsar ennono eloclom ply in person or eall 753-4063. N-1-C 1-Shut up 5.1.1rns mom" 0,2Crl 5-Outlook alhefue not 171161P onc., ra4rm 4 bery lust arrived Free delivery. For 9-Animal's lost 7-Ckgan of q. r - 6.044 SALE FAMILY BIBLES, Make 12-War god P'AC vender- further informwtson tentaot Joe B. FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED hearing WO 1.4 A ful C7hristanas gifts. See or call Dan 13-Winglike Stinging awl MEM SIM US FOR Hosrs Adams, Hazel. Ky at 454-8127 or 14-Frist and motors. Kemp, 753-4938 or 763-2084. N-3-P 15-Handles i.Coddle Zif•IW_ Gerry Requarth at 1107 Main, TWO AND THREWBBIDEUZIOM U.IPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WAITRESSES EvInirode deader, factory trained 753- -Note 10-Solo RN trailers. Couples only. Phone 753- for and 17 of scale r gasoheintle. Murray Sport & Marine, 5 BLACK ANGUS (X)WS, 3 with 2477. N-2-C men between the ago of 25 and 18 Wire measure 11-Seurce of water CVO ES A SSG 1_ 2730 day, 7534401 nights Oct. 31.0 50 to CAR HOSTESSES E A --r:E• 317 Mirth Ph, prime 753-7400. (wives and One ' registered bull tram for aseiffitant store man- 19 Sand bar 16 Indian tents UPRIGHT PIANO, good condition. 20-Persian hat • VE • N 10-C Pixel° .gem for Dollar General Storm. 21-Country of Asia Nov. 482-8666 or 402-8211 N-3-P Pluaie NICE ROOMS for boys one moot 22 Printer's 752-6024 after 5 p. in. ITC Excellent opportunity to advance to 23-Wanders about from =nous. Call 763-31556. NoeiI3-C idly millers RINTLID chriet- store manager level Experience not JERRY'S 23 Jog it inland matrigra.LM BRAND NEW two-wheeled, sturdy RCA TELEVISION, 31 moh, good 27-Cmnpass point 36-Mounstul nectotawy. 24-Amer can 38 Commanded 52 Gaseous WOMB OMR lans selection to choose °taxation. Phone 480-3631. N APARTMENT FOR bryr. New en mast be willing to re- 28.5.4er in trailer, with sideboards. Reasonably -3-C Germany oetrich al Substance element from. Order wad avoid the last ficiency for college boa. „Cull 7541- 100ste. Salary $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 RESTAURANT priced. Os& 450-6264 atter 5:30 --- • - 29-Energy 25 Threwtood sloth 43 Prefix. before 56 Mature nunute 4 1864 ktom2A Corytar, 4-meed, 6466 or 753-6680. Nov. 9-C annwillY. High School edueation re- South 12th Street that 58 Female or 1 rum& Sea the Ledger and p. m. N-2-C (collog ) 26 Occupy chair 45 Supposing Timee Offiee Supply Department clean, good ncioditicia it interested quired. Apply in person at pular N-3-C 31-Knock 30-Vegetable 47-Propose...en 59 Sob NICE ROOMS for boys one block Change colon a TF-NO call after 6, 763-1266. N-3-C General Store, Milton Utley, Mur- 14-Faros islands 32-Aleutian island 49-Go in 60 from campus. Oak whirlwind 63 Sun god WESTINGHOUSE 14 Pt Retrigera- 758-3656. ray Nov. 8-C 33 Skin 50 Veseel TWO Tor pooDLEs for sale Nov. 12-C 35 Roman bronse tor with freezer, gowl operational Services Offered EXCELLENT, efficient and econo- MCC roistered. Eight weeks old. WANTED AT ONCE Linotype 37 Also .1 1 'I 'd IUS 6 7 -II ;;.`:::: 8 to 11 oundetaxi. See at 802 N ZOth Or 39-Symbol ter •.,^ mical, that's Blue Lustre upet and Phone 7744741. N NICE THREE-ROOM aparunent, oppewiLor seleeperain, age 28 to 45, ;•• • a call 753-7964 after 5 p. ui. RAW or -14-C telurnan • completely furnished, private en- twegibla BABY SITTING in nw name. U 117 iz43 .• i uptioniery cleaoer. Rent electric beet offer, N-5-C product, draw up to 40-S,ottish cap w trance and bath. no Utilities funniab- „ eaa maxima hempooer $1. Manor House of $300110 a =nem,. Intel esteu call 762-4.oe. N-3-P 42 'Weaken' 15 IA ''' . ., 1 7 14071C3 ed. 409 N 5113 &t(eat. Phone 44 Hackneyed Color. N-2-C ANOTHER SHIPMENT of shrub- Buel gym. oiewm repreeentatne and in- `loni•ls, 46 Hear 21 tho 753-3474. liwrilt 753-21513. atrance adjustor, age El to 36, two IN V IT ATION FOR BIDS 43!. irilarul ;••••! • 4 ELECTROLUX SALM & Service, N-3-0 yaws college, prefer 27 , degree, salary thikasd 76 .. Box 211, Murray, Ky., C M. Send- op to $60e0.1)0, a year, exoelient Bids will be accepted In the office 53 Hr• rah y, g,.' aid 28 ,,...... 19 30 l' 31 32 13' ers Phone 382-3176 Lynnville, Icy fringe benefits Jobs Conrrotea Un- or the County Judge, Court Houw, •••• ' Nov.--C 54 'SA, in OFFICE SPACE ploy-roux. 16'2'1 Broadway, Radix:sal. Murray. Kele:Away, until 10.00 a. in. 55-WrI0lonian 14 It '33 36... .Z.:',/:3 38 •7 39 Ky., phone 443-8161. N - 1-C (CST), 'rue:whey, November 8, 1966, deity •'. r 41 ,,,'.•.•:7.,,,.,:2....,,,...44,. 43 '444 45 Position Open FOR CARPENTER WORK, paint- AVAILABLE on the fallowing mactunery; 57 Hot 4ch i. ‘.," 42 S. Cl Anger ing, general rtpairs, remodeling, call All tads must meet the folk/wing 62-Monster 49 763-4884. Free estimates. Reason- Large front office now avail- spendxxi.twas what/ are nuaunium OrPORTUNITILS 64-Slippery 51 52 r...... ,,..53 .....- A- ! able rates. Nov. 1-C specifications and nowt be equival- SO . as able, formerly occupied by the 65 Through .,%:•s.' .. spec:Inca- 66 Apprearh FOR HOME Improvement items OPEN ent to or bettor thiin these 54 ''" 55 >6 w• 57 t8 f9- /03 Murray Chamber of Commerce, NOW 67 Remote call Glenn Hargrove, 115 8 10th. , tiona .,• 61 62 63 .• 61 Ledger and Times Circulation Manager '753-4308 iRep Paducah Atones:Luna 101-1103 Maple Street, Wasters at 11.1:BBER-T1Re.D DOWN FRONT END WADER .,'n"'.,. I Co.) N -5-P Growers As- 1 Stroke 65 66 i:'•' 6; Dark Fired Tobacco rubber-tired front end This Job involves supervising 26 Carrier boys Ite yard 2 Bs mistaken •-• :a' • ...• YOU'VE HEARD of cony news, cat sociation Office Building, CH:li- loader. Rigid inane: Diesel en- Distr. b) United Feature Syndicate, Inc. who deliver over the City of Murray and Hazel. at the Akio 'Duck Stop for good dos fiinauthed. Central air-con• gine with minimum 8 FliP: Good position for right man. Apply in person to °ONE'S Curn Bread. N-2-C -shift transmission: Aisioping. plenty of tree park- Full power James C. Williams at Ledger and Times office. Twoue Converter: Hydraulic ing. II interested call 714-3313- Other duties involve handling mail subscribers. At The Movies LAUNDRY & CLEANERS boosted stteering and brakes: or 76.3434.3 R-rrO Parking Henke: Lighta: 'FOP CAPITOL ANL °hwy.-Di 111/11MMEMNI Direct electric Whetting: Sealed taformation cali 763,11314 anytime.' Age 11-S4 Boys! hydraulic melon with vacuum Attention 170 3-BIZAR0031 Rouse furnished. relief: Pldl farm flatenna : Ad- Located 521 So. llati et Awallabla I. Seamstress justable nest: Air horn. Muffler: An excellent paper route in Murray is Nov'. 16a1. Phone 763-3034, N-3-P 2 Coulees- girl Alm R L. 4 • Fully enclosed cab with wipers, tins thrir 3. Prime homer. and defroster. l'uww- open. We need a good responsible boy le Robert MALt rid" WANTED N-3-C x 15-12 ply: Minimum leg- A ‘VONIAN OF THE .PEOPLE tippang load 10,000 ite, 0.1••••naw for this roicte immediately. Qualified OPPORTUNITY OPEN: mammy- Cifiewcay 5,000 lbs. by the award-winning Mould make two bids. novelist, Casoway County Hospital needs HONIETI'ALIZATION-A&H - and Saidera start at once. Please apply in with- boy can men sae 30-00 Reliable lull tiam Late - Appointments! Leads! 5.9- . One for new nuiohine for clash days of delivery, and national BENJAMIN CAPPS housekeeper. Hours '7.00 a in. to pointanenta! furnished daily. Gutman in thirty I WW office. re.Olahed he hui-u glom C Pewee Cbriwriiret person at the Ledger & Times a deriv- , ,-. • ,- n cam., Distributed by Kmc s. its 3:30 p. m. Good working °omit- teed Renown: contribute mkt to all • escoad bid for the difference in with a trade-in e "saran" WW1& PIA' Interview giving com- seer Nigh OLVTIC010111012 paid May, the above machine in, hence, CHAPTER 27 shocked by the appearanceof shield so that die hardly recog- plete information dial 753-5131 be- -ipmNg Tux sun had rises to It The fine thing they saw was nized if, but it could be re- wean 1.30 a m..--1:30 p. tn. TPC "the middle of the sky, a that all the lodges and every paired. One of her Woo cooking messenger from Ute Killer rode kind 4 property were black- pots was broken. - LOS I & r‘rtiNtr in. T h • Comanche women ened by fire. They could see She had owned a email cedar N I KNOW THAT THE L•Mf' ELSE 1,0OVLD r Sri' IN A OF COURSE, I'M -THE TRUSTING LET' FACE IT 'I M /4S-0 'warmed around elm. He re- Nome good lodgepoles protrud- box in which she kept certain OPILY REA5t701 iM Ail NIGHT WW1' Large wild white eat. Part i sv 'MU AO lJA/TIN6 -TYPE TOO . I'M TRUSTING AND A LITTLE IT mained mounted and waited for ing. The wet weather of recent treasure.-beads, a silver chain 51T11,16 011T HERE FOR 14E "6R4( STUPID! liamese Children* pot If found PUMPKIN"? FAITHFUL AND SUPER57171MS_ the questioning to die down. days had left it all damp enough given bet by her husband. • BECALQ Requarth at 753- • -You are to wait wire," he that the fires had gone out tiny flint arrowhead, two tight- auaraot Gerry 5WESTRIOUS. mkt He had to wait again for they sew deed horses. ly rolled dresses ternall, one /677. g 14-3-C the contpiatntrig to die down. All the area at Camp VAN tram- blue, on* brown, now faded, so "You are to wait her., and pled by horses' hoofs so that not old that they could not be WANTW TO WY dreoW alrY1424./;. ...vr I if no one comes start back at a blade of ernes stood up. As straightened out without tear- DOL1 HOUWE Phune 753- they came down through the mg She found a piece of the N-3-C -Come back at night?" scrub cedars and the boulders broken box but nothing that /504. Idtkailrincti4Vagi "Yea.' they began to see the bodies of had been inside it (W'ed) UlISM high diet& Phone "Do they still fight? Are any the People. scattered and still, By the middle of the after- 753-5350. N-3-C men killed?" Lying where they had fallen. noon Use wind had turned too re • "No more braves killed. Thu When they were (Iowa to the that It came from the north it whites set the camp afire, but ' tiny stream. they Saw soots of grew Stronger. They nurrieo we forced them hack. They went dried Mood on the ground. of YE.--w H NOW their wort, getting everything / C I'LL SOOTHE el back and met another bluecoat horses and people. The count ready to move. Some of the IS army, / !.. NERVES FEEL HE'S NERVES A W7-111_E and now they crimp to- of the Comanche dead would women bogus trying to strike FOR gether. They Tv I-iE MUCH BETTER STARTING -.4 have our main !total ten - tour women, three • lint ',arida( flIntatories Into THE NERVES horse nerd, but we burned a children, and three man, but touchwood or into a powder IF YOU WATGH A FISH ALREADY TO LOOK wagon that was coming to them only two of the men were war- made of buroomweedi mixed GOING AROUND IN A LITTLE yesterday." Flora The Kiowa dead would with gunpowder. There CIRCLES NERVOUS were more questions, total tWenLy three; they were Finally one of them succeed- but he all shouted, "finless tfte gene except for same few ed. They fed the fire with dr) Killer sends Who might orders, sten hack be riding with the twig' and took firebrands to at sunset." Comanche then wheeled his warriors. start other fires in the ire of horse and The left older women began to boulders where the slope of the say, -Don t waste They waned through the long time!" hill began. Fine snow began to They afternoon. Some of them Wept. gathered up the bodies whip In the raw wind. It melted gently, and some of the As the sun touched the western women on Uie ground at first, then be began to sob. The older horizon, they hail a i ready ones gan to draw thin white con. "N"N9aald. packed their few burdens and grieving! No mourn- tours &Z....the whim of the wino ing! WWII/tear? lietCernariches! were waiting as for the start Currents. The People gathered trial" Don't you hear? Be , of • race They moved out. Comanche St huddling groups, wrappc.,1 U....•1 Pao tvrikw• woman, don't be • crybaby!" Tehanita wrapped her With covers over their heads, blanket • • • around her and went along with with the wind-whipped fires for ,T71121f pulled precious blankets the three women, who took company. . _ turns riding her horse. Al dark I and robes out of the black- Darkness closed in. The night WATCHiNG YOU YOU'RE TOO STUPID TO FIGURE -- PULLING THE netts came, the stars appeared. ened piles ant wrapped the still was dominated by the wind 11415 GAMBIT YOURSELF -- STRINGS! The) set their course through forms in them and tied them. sound. They could see nothing ('WHAT ARE voy mitt.* TO PULVERIZE OUT SENSE 1H2 SLIMY the winter night on the rising Of the trees strung along the but their small fires, blown ti DOING NEP& MR. ORIONS REPUTATION, AND SO 1 stars. The walking was not small creek. only • dosen were intensity by the coursing win, YOU DRIP, YOU!! HAND OF ONE hard and with the blanket and large. one • spreading live oek, Let• in the night the warnoi CHAD the exercise she kept warm. the others cottonwoods With Came. shouting to identl DERWENT-- At daylight they came strag- great labor they twisted the themselves They were tired a! gling up to the nigh ground bodies as high into the tree cold but jubilant with the ne, overlooking Milkweed Creek. A limbs as they could. They they brought They had tak, young brave rod* up the slope wedged them into crotches and back the horses, which mei to them and shouted, "Gather bound them. The work was ix• Were herded together in the here Gather here! Ute Killer is hausting. They sat on the shelter of the banks just down cornmg!" ground awhile and did not look the valley. Shortly thereafter Bt. Killer rip at the burdens car, CI stark Tehanita searched among the rode out of the valley, followed against the sky by' the leafless men, calling his name until she by Wide Mouth and another branches found Burning Hand She hod Some gr young brave. The chief did not of thefh began' to say, died together with film under have on his war paint, but he "Let's don't waste time." Their all the robes they now port- sat straight and proud, carry- hunger served also to move sensed He said it was the first • ing his bow and his rifle across them They clawed into the time he had been warm in three the saddle In front of him. His great cluttered piles and found days. The next morning she saw voice was fierce when he spoke their rawhide, boxes offood that MS jacket was cut ovcr thc "No grieving! No mournihg! some slashed open and spilled, shoulder and that he had bled Be Comanches! Go others 'whole They ate hand- WAY down and He said it was only a little nal -ME NIO' Am.'. WHICH wrap the dead and put them in nos of pemmican and raw meal NM That morning them quickly FINISHES MAH FINISH TO TOKYO, the trees. Don't waste time' and drank eold water from the loaded the blackened remnant TH' HON `P'? "Then pull apart the piles the stream. of camp onto the shiverin• FEET-AH'LL STORWP devii bluecoata made. Save Mixed up in the piles were ,honces and went south Di FINISH TH' everything that's good and forty-six lodges. mnde of some north wind blew unabated, h STORY fr make it ready to move. We wventy separate tipis. These the snow had stopped fano move soon." made up the greater bulk, out It lay in • streaky film ta, Talking Woman yelled at him, in the piles also were bedding. the bleak land They mai. "What about horses? Will we extra clothes, tools and imple- southward solemnly, all wai. have horses to moved^. Ments. cooking gear, posses- ing to avoid the brunt of t, ‘t, "If my name Is Ute sions of every kind. wind. shoulders hunched, see we'll have horses!" • Tehanits found fourteen of mg • new winter home. "Can We have a fire?" her twenty-two kidgepoles: the tkiC°" • "S m a fires. Ii Don't make others were burned heyon, 'use "In addition to the thing smoke." He turneo and rode Iler tlpi cover was partly burnt I necestiori for a honours ! away, followed by the three oth- She trimmed the bottom, took camp. rehanlid carried a Ili $31*‘0‘1* er :\0tix1 warriors, going downstream out one hide, and altered the lie blanket of rabbit akin toward the northeast. Whole thing no that it would ,and a erndlebeard As the women descended the rover a smaller Din. The paint- I knew 'hat her tutor t, as near ve• long Slope toward where their log and horse-tall streamers hail The story c_0.4er 9r1 erinthures here to t4p • camp had been, they were bu rned off Burning Hand's morrow, n s From tlie sweet published 's repot Moan a Pearce. Coeyrierit 0 ISISby Benjamin Capps. ' 1 King Features lilwauwate,

• Vlo 4.4

011111161161111"""w""m"."11111111111111011111111111111ftsummio...... —. "tooroiligfeseassoorr

1, 1965 4 PAGE RIX THE LEDGER & TIMES -- MURRAY, KENTUCKY TUESDAY — NOVENIBEP Route 1 and the girls are getting are ui the door when you want ti pudding,oat food, dog food, Angel Mr Robert Childress, few sears Murray Hospital Burkeen get in and are there when you food cake that hart lost mos of Almo: Master Clary SEEN & HEARD . . . out. its angelic leftovers and Dexter; Mr. Autry Mc- want to get qualities, Census Adults 84 Route 1, what 4. Murray; Mrs Page Altnesgh women are not Wearing have you. Reynoids, Route IC•atinued I rom not Census - Nursery 3 Murray; Mrs hoer these days, it seems that In short we made every effort Ins Serer, Route 6, ;any Admissions, October 34, 1964 Route. Ma" Fins es. moth so.igg.ure amt.her dog. But . . Specs arrived the other night and Brenda Ford Star at Pembroke Beate Calle.:e, they have klis. Carolyn Wilson and baby New have a new dog. His name le Ce tried to gnore hum Not one hied; Mr. Madison Oarr, Pembroke. North Carokna. Mr. women lisd to have We don's we boy. Route 2, Hazel; Baby boy Route Sport and he is a big overgrown bite of food was the edict handed Concord, Mr*. Omne Hart, Walsh won the Third Honorary A- know 's hat happened but they Oslfrioun. Murray; Bab:', boy Sense who exudes friendliness, down. This went on all day and Buchanan, Tenn. Mrs. ward'for ha Odanique seem to have bushes of hair on Heinz Bcren, Dexter; Miss Sue Willing- 1. 'n and good fellowship. the next night and everytime we Ann Bpann, Loch LOMill, dietr heads and some of the brotherhood, ham. Woxis Hail, Murray: Mrs. looked up there was Sport with Km. Henrietta Shelud. 417 • Noticed one th.:ng about the younger Ivomen have so much- of Mary Parker, Itoute 5, Murray; • it's friendly ,face in Si; eel Murray; Matter Amer-can Falk 1.1.O.:et the other it that you can hardly see their He also has an appetite like looking the South Sch back door. ssdrAge, Route 1, Aim* Feathers Sundiy afternocn All the Ladies face. sta.x.r.g Hyena. Richaas HOG MARKE1 Diandreals. October al, UNIS in the cast had long hair. We I To make long Harris, 609 South 9th not enough of a hair observ,r We firstly bekeve that most things Sport is no prima donna. He Ls a story short. Sport Bah liv Ed and Lee Smith are Federal State Market, News Service, Murray: Mr. Wm. Nie- - that it was devel-p. You don't plan for ra, corma'sseur of fine foods or won He broke down our fiendish Extended, to sate eingthatroalb just Tuesday, Nov. I, 1966 Kentucky Murray: Mast, to in fact any:h.:4 else. In short sport will orders in nothing flat He de- men. 1206 NI,. Main. Due to the many daily requests we receive for complete their own bait. but a appealed leartam things to Wren. Purchase-Ann Hog Market Report, 4 101'17 eat anything you put in front 0, stro.yed our reserve and cast our er Daniel Adam: Soot, and hunting and fishing reports, we ire offering this us. Long hair- adds to the terrain- YOU are guarded against ft, bu, Includes 7 Susan( latations. accurate beside ham, or ben...nol hitr.. edict about no more dogs to the ray; Mr! May Broach, Route Laity of a woman. We thank it they happen anyway. h.m. Receipts 520 Head, Borrows and article on a trial basis Should you find it helpful or interest- four winds We Mrs. Zoille Pasahall, was their own hair. -- opened two cans Gilts Steady; SUM, Steady. murroY: ing it will be published as a regular column. Street, Murray; Mrs our new dog for instance. He eats by the inhalation method of dog food. mixed to some table U. 8. 1-2 190-210 9a. 52060-21.50; North 13th Take 'J16 Irvin, Mur- To enable us to give you the exact information you want, dog. In or nsght can it the one- wraps, but in the left over rolls lbs. Pocahnessis Starks. While we are at it, long near on We did not want a new U. 8. 1-3 190-230 *2025-21,00; with your criticism, comments and sug- to the sup method One slurp •n d and Sport devoured this tidbit 2-3 235-7TO lbs. 619.50-20.25; ray. please be generous a rasa is nauseating This is the fact, we had prorlanned U. 8. any questions or news items you feel that no new dogs es ervihing is gone. He then looks in nothing fiat. SOWS: ------gestions. If you have cure= rage of angers or groups entire form:y Department of Ed up (xpen.antly as though you were U. 5. 1-3 250-350 lbs. *1775-19.00: The Kentucky Vrould be of interest to other sportsmen, you may call of angers We heard about an were delved. second oldeA .rh: to pull another can of dog He either was awfully hungry Of U. S. 1-3 350-4-50 tbs. 116.75-11.75; Asfriculteue is the Smith, 753-2450, any time or write him, Route 5. Murray. lady wha was watching in eiderty of your pocket. has a king size tape worm. lbs *1600-4700. state department of agriculture one of these Taw one dog Lady, who-la the in- toed out U. S. 2-3 450-600 All criticism will be welcome as we may be "out of our telavuto.n Atilt the . It was fouruied she made side dog, was all we couki care' this venture Knowing sportsmen to be of gener- poops was sininng. and dogs yard, and they are in the way in 1816. Commissioner Wendeal P depth" with for. Outside dogs cause trouble. Everytime we open the door. Sport As we said before outside of in- the remark that the songs that want to get in and get Butler is the 23rd person to head ous and kindred spirit, we eagerly anticipate a barrage up newly planted bulbs.runs to hes pan He will eat s cause trouble, dig up newly plant when you are being sung todeay are not much They dig department. formation. questions and ideas from all sections-6f Kentucky. the Thaw mixture of pews, and bans:.• ed bobs and dig In inc out. this better than thoLte song in the pas* They e.:g holes in yard. A special invitation is extended to interested ladies to join our informal_ discussions Naturally you gentlemen may be a little hesitant in admitting this, bu,t,- often the ladies come up with some good ideas as well as fish and trophies. Doubtless you ha,ve surnAised this initial effort is more "gab" than concrete facts. However if You will bear with us a little longer we hope to fulfill your strictest requirements. Man This first effort is by way of an invitation to things to come. A brief period of time is necessary to contact each author- ity on separate and specific rules:levulations and appropriate ,A111001111111.1111111111111141111fr* Information Perhaps it will also serve as a testing period to ditermine whether such an article will be interesting or im- further research Please favor us know portant enough to warrant intim with your opinion. I feel sure our editor will appre"late all coments for or against the article MN policy being to give to the nubile non- dise and accurate news with special articles of information to *peal to the people of all groups, ages and varying interests. keeps you • • • ignirrei Seanon closed October 31 to reopen for a month On December l,t Frog Season closed on October 31st also Dere Season closed on October 31st to reopen December on the go! 1 through December 9th Forbearing Animals for harvesting opens November 17 and continues through January 29th A shake-out season, You get more out of your car, be- durine which raccoons or Posums may be taken by dogs only, your Ashland Oil Dealer opens on October 22 and continues through November 16th. cause • • • puts more into his service. He There is a Cloned Season on all attdli4e. Protected and un- protected. extent deer and waterfowl from November 1st to takes a special interest in doing a intatinight November 16th. However this does not prohibit sr conscientious job. And land owner from killing specimens cansing personal or prop- thorough, erti damage. he has the skill and know-how to • • • Crappie are being taken on minnows from drop-offs and keep your car running at its best. around .;•urnps in depths from 8 to 15 feet. The Blood River section is espe-tially favored at present. He also offers you the very finest Black Roos are striking well and should continue through petroleum products available any- the second week of November. A variety of surface lures are being used with the-Walkie Talkie being most popular where—such as Ashland Vitalized Sitwell are being taken with crickets and redworms Gasoline and Valvoline Motor Oil. White Sass are hitting Shyster spinning lures off shallow bars. Late in the afternoon is best hours for this specimen. To get the most out of your car, Stripe Bass are responding to the same lures and technique as the White Baas see your Good Neighbor Ashland Catfish are being taken mostly by commercial fishermen He's always "at your at present, using cut bait. Oil Dealer. • • • service." This Is a brief resume as time and'space does not allow for extensive coverage in one article However if you need more information on any of the preceding snbjects or any ASHLAND OIL & REFINING COMPANY not dealt with as yet, please send in your questions. We Will Consult with the experts and peas the information on to you. We will discuss the deer season in the next column. The rules governing deer hunting are compii-Fated, to us at least, therefore shotild be discussed at length A special thank you to Mr Dcraglas Shoemaker and Mr. Jerry Mauptn for their invaluable aulstance with the legal arid technical knowledge, also for the encouragement regard- 1 ing this venture. Good luck! A



71, University of WANTS wham pury-Jenifer Johnson. waits for a Junior, aims her nfle in Seattle and Washington duty. • nent to Viet Nam for combat reply to her request to be men in the campus Reflc program,. She has outahot many military tactics, map reading, COM- and has taken courses in munications and markamanship.