Allergenic Invasive Plant Ambrosia Artemisiifolia L. in Poland: Threat and Selected Aspects of Biology

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Allergenic Invasive Plant Ambrosia Artemisiifolia L. in Poland: Threat and Selected Aspects of Biology Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 21: 39-48, 2011 BRC DOI 10.2478/v10119-011-0008-8 Allergenic invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Poland: threat and selected aspects of biology Barbara Tokarska-Guzik*, Katarzyna BzdÍga, Katarzyna Koszela, Izabela ØabiÒska, Barbara Krzuú, Ma≥gorzata Sajan & Agnieszka Sendek Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, JagielloÒska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: *[email protected] Abstract: The study presents the current state of research on Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Poland within its wider scientific background and gives the results of some field and laboratory investigations. This annual plant is characterised by a high level of production of seeds, easily dispersed by different vectors. Ragweed pollen is a strong allergen considered to be one of the most dangerous pollen allergens in the world. Being a serious hazard to human health, it is also considered as an Ñenvironmental weedî causing economic threat. The main aim of the study is to verify the status of the species in the flora of Poland, to assess the threat and discuss possibilities to prevent its future spread. Keywords: alien invasive species, distribution, soil seed bank, seed germination, human health, control 1. Introduction requirements as well as their geographical range of dis- tribution. Invasion by plants, animals or fungi is one of the Among numerous invasive alien plants, of particu- most pressing issues of nature considered on a global lar interest in many regions of the world, is Ambrosia scale (Tokarska-Guzik 2005). Some authors even deem artemisiifolia L. ñ Common ragweed ñ one of 40 spe- it to be the single most important problem in protecting cies of the Asteraceae genus which has representatives biodiversity in the 21st century (Vitousek et al. 1996, originating both from the Americas and Africa (Willis 1997; Mooney & Hobbs 2000; Hulme et al. 2009). The 1973). Ragweed pollen is a strong allergen considered International Convention on Biological Diversity con- to be one of the most dangerous pollen allergens in the tains a special provision calling upon country-signato- world (Comtois 1998; J‰ger 2000; Bousquet et al. 2001). ries to eradicate or at least control invasive alien species In spite of the species being recorded in some regions which could be of danger to native habitats, communi- of Europe since the second half of 19th century, pollen ties or species. These circumstances have contributed of Ambrosia had hitherto not been considered a threat to an evident increase in the interest in these issues in Europe. Since the 1960s, this pollen has been recorded among the theoreticians and practitioners in nature con- in the atmosphere of several European countries servation. (Ch≥opek & Tokarska-Guzik 2006, and literature cited Due to the extent of anthropogenic changes in plant therein). Recently, A. artemisiifolia has been recognized cover, the monitoring of species of alien origin has ac- as one of the most dangerous invasive alien species in quired an ever-increasing importance in recent times. many regions of the world, including southern and cen- It is crucial to control quantitative changes in the popu- tral Europe (e.g. Laaidi et al. 2003; Makra et al. 2004; lation size of these species not only from the point of Peternel et al. 2005, 2008; Testi et al. 2009), causing view of natural sciences, but also from economic as environmental, economic and medical problems. Com- well as medical perspectives (Mack et al. 2000; Pimental mon ragweed is also a weed in arable crops both in its 2002; Gadermaier et al. 2004; Tokarska-Guzik et al. natural and introduced range. Its seeds have been trans- 2009). However, it will not be possible to prevent their ported to Europe with imported seeds of cultivated spread without knowledge of their biology and habitat plants and with ship ballast. Currently, most frequently, ECOLOGY © Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaÒ (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved. 40 Barbara Tokarska-Guzik et al. Allergenic invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Poland: threat and selected... it is a contaminant of crop (cereals) seeds, grain, maize, during the growing seasons of years 2007-2009. The sunflower and soybean seeds as well as clover, alfalfa data were stored in the regional database ATPOL and fodder materials. Silesia, which is fully compatible with the database of All these are reasons for a growing interest in research the Atlas of distribution of vascular plants in Poland in the fields of chemistry, allelopathy, cytogenetic, gene- (ATPOL). In ATPOL, the basic cartogram unit is a tics, biology, ecology, palinology and different control square 10 x 10 km; these are combined in Ñlargeî 100 x methods. Only between 2001 to 2010, approx. 100 pa- 100 km squares (Zajπc 1978). The area of the Silesian pers were published (authorís own publications review). Uplands is limited to two ATPOL large squares designa- Three species from the genus have hitherto been re- ted CF and DF. Each ATPOL square of 10 x 10 km was corded from Poland: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Am- subdivided into 25 smaller squares of a 2 x 2 km side, brosia psilostachya DC. = A. coronopifolia Torr. et Grey which are the basic units in ATPOL Silesia cartograms. and Ambrosia trifida L. The first two taxa have the sta- Input sources for the database include original data, tus of naturalized species in the country, while A. trifida published papers and unpublished manuscripts as well L. is regarded as a sporadically introduced species (Zajπc as herbarium data. A map of the distribution of A. et al. 1998; Mirek et al. 2002; Tokarska-Guzik 2001, artemisiifolia in Poland was published in ÑDistribution 2005; Ch≥opek & Tokarska-Guzik 2006; Ch≥opek et al. Atlas of Vascular Plants in Polandî (Tokarska-Guzik 2008; Weryszko-Chmielewska & Piotrowska 2008, and 2001). The map shown here contains further additions. literature cited therein). Although Ambrosia psilosta- 2.2. Biology chya and A. trifida are rare species on the territory of Poland, the monitoring of all species is required. Never- A germination experiment was performed on a theless the two latter species have more limited distribu- sample of 600 seeds gathered in September 2009 from tion compared with A. artemisiifolia, which has uniquely a roadside population of A. artemisiifolia, located in raised awareness as an invasive plant in Europe (DAISIE Øory (R). 300 seeds were germinated without any treat- Ñ100 of the Worstî, ment, while the other 300 were first stratified (4oC, 90; European and Mediterranean Plant days) (Fig. 1). The collected seeds were placed on moist Protection Organization (EPPO),, germination paper in Petri dishes. Germination was occurring most frequently both in Europe and in Po- conducted for three weeks in conditions of 19oC and 14 land. hours light and recorded daily for 21 days. After Although almost the entire area of Poland appears finishing the experiment, the percentage of germinated to be suitable for its establishment and spread (Kar- seeds and the dynamics of germination (i.e. average time nowski 2001), common ragweed is not currently spread- period needed for germination of one seed) were exa- ing on a large scale. New, isolated places of occurrence mined. are sometimes found, mainly along communication The dynamics of germination was calculated using routes and around warehouses and places of re-loading. Pieperís formula (Pieper 1952): One should assume, however, that this species could Σ(d ◊ pd) become very invasive in the future, as it already has in W = some other regions in Europe (Ch≥opek & Tokarska- k Guzik 2006; Ch≥opek et al. 2008). In view of the above assessment, the main ideas W ñ germination rate (Pieperís coefficient), d ñ day of seed germination, pd ñ number of germinated seeds in each counting day, k ñ total number of behind the present study were: (i) to investigate changes germinated seeds in distribution of Ambrosia artemisiifolia on a regional scale, (ii) to provide new evidence concerning selected The seedlings obtained were grown further in a com- aspects of its biology, important from the point of view mon environment in a glasshouse at the University of of assessing the current threat caused by this plant Silesia. Those plants were later used for the regenera- species, (iii) to identify the status of the species on the tion capability experiment (Fig. 1). Additionally, ob- basis of germination strength values, (iv) to estimate servations of seed germination were undertaken in the participation of A. artemisiifolia seeds in a soil seed field (in two different habitat sites) during the Spring bank and (v) to predict future trends of spread in Poland of 2010 (Fig. 1). and to identify management options. 2.3. Ecology 2. Material and methods Horizontal and spatial distribution of Ambrosia seeds ñ syconia (A. artemisiifolia produces so-called Çsyco- 2.1. Distribution niaí which consist of an achene and its associated woody Botanical recording was carried out on a regional coat) ñ was evaluated in two populations, present in scale in the Silesian Uplands and surrounding areas different habitat types: a roadside population (R ñ Øory) Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 21: 39-48, 2011 41 Fig. 1. Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the Silesian Upalnds: selected aspects of biology Explanations: 1 ñ the roadside populations (R) in Øory, 2 ñ the railway sidetrack population (S) in Tarnowskie GÛry, 3 ñ seeds, 4 ñ germinating seeds, 5 ñ seedling, 6 ñ plant grown from a seed in laboratory conditions, 7 ñ inflorescences, 8 ñ plant cut in regeneration capability experiment, 9 ñ plants after two weeks, 10 ñ numerous pollen grains 42 Barbara Tokarska-Guzik et al.
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