Illinois State alumni magazine Campus memories are forever mixed with romance for Redbird couples who married. WINTER 2008-2009 • NUMBER 3 NUMBER • VOLUME 9 Illinois State alumni magazine Volume 9, Number 3, Winter 2008–2009 EDITORIAL ADVISORY GROUP Pete Guither; Amy Humphreys; Brian Huonker ’92; Joy Hutchcraft; Lynn Kennell; Katy Killian ’92; Todd Kober ’97, M.S. ’99; Claire Lieberman; Marilee (Zielinski) Rapp ’63; Jim Thompson ’80, M.S. ’89; Toni Tucker; Lori Woeste, M.S. ’97, Ed.D. ’04 PUBLISHER, Stephanie Epp, Ed.D. ’07 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Susan Marquardt Blystone ’84, M.S. ’03 ALUMNI EDITOR, Annette States Levitt ’96, M.S. ’02 CLASS NOTES EDITOR, Leisa Barbour, M.S. ’06 COPY EDITORS, Susan Marquardt Blystone ’84, M.S. ’03; Steven Barcus ’06 LEAD DESIGNER, Dave Jorgensen, M.S. ’03 DESIGNERS, Laura DiMascio, Michael Mahle, Jeff Higgerson ’92 PHOTOGRAPHER, Lyndsie Schlink ’04 The First PRODUCTION COORDINATOR, Mary (Mulhall) Cowdery ’80 WRITERS, Kate Arthur, Steven Barcus ’06 Word Illinois State (USPS 019606) is published quarterly for members of the Illinois State University Alumni Association at Bone Student Center 146, 100 North University Street, Normal, Illinois 61790-3100. Periodicals February is a milestone postage paid at Normal, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. month at Illinois State, as the campus community comes together to cel- Magazine editorial offices are located at 1101 North Main Street, Normal, ebrate the University’s establishment in 1857. Illinois 61790-3100; telephone (309) 438-2586; facsimile (309) 438-8057; Founders Day is an annual tradition that invokes reflection on the vari- e-mail
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