DOUBLE Cookware That Out- Howard Said There Was No Men- Nuclear Campaigners Into
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■»‘-J,' -.V-. Si4'.j*^ MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 Average Daily Net Press Run " e The Weather PAGE FOURTEEN jianrtfPBtpr lEnjtttng lifralb For the Week Ended ForeoMt ef U. 8. Wentttin BaroM March 11, 1961 Donald Richtw, and TtModora. Fair and cold acaln tonight. Robert E. Oppelt, radarman The Army-Nav'y Auxiliary wilt ' JM: ■■ Gurney. 13,317 Low 25 to U . Wedaeeday fair. first class. USN. son of Mrs. hold a public card party tonight at I Q iijic Opens Edson Bailey Is publicity chair About Town Theresa Oppelt. 237 Center St.. 8 at the clublmuse. man, aaslsted by Mra. George &. Member ef the Andlt ConUnti^ «ool. High aronad 56. serving abosrd the destroyer. USS Marlow. HOUSE HALE Bnreno ef CIrenlaUen Manchester— City of Village Charm All those taking part In the nie final reading for "The ’nme Preston operating out of Long Drive Today Beach, Calif., will take part in a V’IrtV department variety show- MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER of the Cuckoo" will be held tonight are to meet tonight at 7 at the , a t 8 o’clock In the art room of the large U.S. Pacific Fleet exercise The Community Child Guidance MANCHESTER, CONN., ’TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1961 (CImaelfled AdvertUtag ea Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Boat Side Rec by the Manchester from April 3 to June 3. VFW Post Home for transporta Clinic will Inauguarate It* |15,- Historv of Jazz VOL. L X X X , NO. 156 (SIXTEEN PAGES) litt le Theater. A special meeting tion to Meriden, 000 fund drive tonight with a kick of the board hai been called by The Holy Name, Society of St. off deasert party at 7:30 at the 50-50 Club Topic director Phil Burgess Sr. for to James’ Church will meet tonight The Women’s Auxiliary to the ; Waddell School. morrow at 8 p.m. at the Hast Side at 8;30 in St. James' School Hall. ) Hartford County Medical Assocla-1 I tion will hold its annual meeting Dr. Mather Neill, president of The history of Jazz will be dis GALA OVENETTE State N ew s rec. the' clinic board, and Leonard cussed by Hervey E. Stetson of The DeWolf Art Guild will meet ] April 12 at tlie Tumblebrook Coun- Kennedy in Hurry, i try Club. Bloomfield, The nieet- Yarensky, clinic director, will Newington a t a meeting of the 50- Members of Stanley Circle. tomorrow at 10 a m. at the Com speak briefly, after which Edward 50 Club of St. Mary's Episcopal WSCS. of South Methodist munity BapUst Church on E. Cen i in'g will start at 10 a.m.. followed bv luncheon and a fashion show Dik, drive chairman, will give the Church Friday at 7 p.m. In Neill Roundup Church, will meet tomorrow at 8 ter St. Hall. Tshombe Turns Wild Mob land talk by Mrs. Chase Going worker* cards listing the prospec p.m. at the home of Mrs. George tive givers. The guest speaker Is assistant Hooks 2 Tee Shots Elliott. li28 Ferguson Rd. Host The ?«ecutive committee of the 1 Woodhouse. Reservations should i be made by Wedne.sday. Drive captains are Adam executive secretaiy of the Dio esses will be Mr^. Earl Carton, Washington Social Club will meet cese of Connecticut and Is In and Mrs. Francis Miner. tonight at 8 at the Rhodes. Allan Taylor. Mrs. Jay Honor Student A cancer fllra, "Time and Two Rubinow, Mr.s. George Sandals, and charge of the promotion depart I Women," will be presented by Dr. Mi.«U! Ethel Robb. Division chair ment. To Wrong Fairway The Fellowcraft Club will meet Members of the American Le His talk will be preceded by a At Wesleyan U. tonight at 7:30 at the Ma-sonic gion Auxiliary have been invited ■ Robert Jt Alesbury at a meeting men are Mark Kravit*. retail; Dr. I of the Ladies of the Assimvption Robert Alesbury, manufacturing potluck and business meeting. Temple. to attend a neighborhood meeting Guests ■will be the Rev. and Mrs. Dies of Fumes tonight at 8 at the Church of the and Industry: Dr. FTancls Helfrick MARITN L. ARROWSMITH eon and watch him drive. The Preal- Loose in Anti-UN Rampage and potluck with the Glastonbury Robert Shimoda. pastor and. his Paul Sheridan, son of I>r. and i unit tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at the AMumption hall. The meetings Wanted hy FBI professional groups. dent, wearing a light blue aporta will start a half hour earlier than wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mun- ^alm Beach, Fla., April 4 4 {PP)- Mra. B. J. Sheridan. Hebron Rd., Legion Home. Mam St., Glaston- Willie Hughes, who reportedly Individuals canvassing include roe, presidents of the Couples Club, shirt and pale ye)low alacks, ar Middlefield, April Bolton, Is home for the Easter re-1 usual. beat and strangled to death his Joseph Garman, George Marlow, (/P)—Playing like a man in a rived at the club at the wheel of a An inve.8tigation was under- burv. Samuel Dianvond. Miss Frances all of .the Talcottville Congrega een from the University of Notre ] only close friend, is being sought tional Church. terrific hurry, President Ken top-down convertible a few minutes wa.v today into the death of a tiame In Indiana, where he is a i Two circle* of the Community Badger. Mrs. Robert Barningham, before 11 a.m. The third in a .series of .six one- Baptist Women's Society will meet throughout the country by the FBI Members of the food committee nedy drove—and severely Wesleyan University senior Dozen Injured aophomore. His roommate. George Mra. Philip Bayer. Mrs. L. J, are Mr. and Mrs. Nelli Lawrence, Other members of the foursome UN Swedes M. Kerin of Denver. Colo., also a day conferences, sponsored by the Wednesday: The Estelle Carpenter and had been added to its list of Bjorkman, Mrs. Thomas Boland REGULARLY 10.99 hooked—two golf balls off descritied as one of the most Connecticut League for Nursing, "Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. ” chairman, aaalsted by Mr. and were the President’s father, Joseph aophoraore. is visiting Sheridan fot Circle will meet at 8 p.m. at the Mrs. William Brainard. Mrs. Spen the first tee into a gusty wind P. Kennedy, former ambassador to brilliant students on the cam- for the northeast section of the home of Mrs. William Gilroy, 28 On June 16. 1960, a federal war Mrs. George Brownsw'orth, Mr. As Blast Rips th« receas. , cer Carey, Mra. T. A. Crandall, and Mrs. William Bryce, Mr. and today. Britain; and two of the President’s pus. state will be held at the Burnside Washington St., Vernon, and the rant was issued In Detroit, Mich., Both balla traveled about 176 yard* Block Grab Methodist Chtirch in East Hart Mrs. Edward Dik. Mrs. Fred Ed Mrs. Fred Burr, ^nd Mn and Mrs. brothers-ln-law — Stephen Smith The body of Hugh Dyer, 23. wa* CMffOTd H-. Fisher, electrician's ReedrEaton Circle will meet at the charging that Hughes had unlaw wards. Mrs, Hahn, Miss Ber and both came to reat beyond the ford on 'niursday. n ie morning fully fled that state to avoid prose Robert Call. and Peter Lawford, the Hollj'wood found in his car near the Black Paris Bourse mats fireman. USN. son of Mn home of Mrs. Thomas Spano. 195 nice Hall. Mrs. George Hammar, rough—in the wrong fairway. actor. Pond area, off Route 6 yesterday. and Mrs. Oifford Fisher. 34. ; session will begin at 10 a m., and Ferguson Rd . also at 8 p.m. cution for murder. ■ Thia waa the first time reporter* the ' afternoon se.asion at 1 p.m. He has a lengthy criminal record Mrs. Fl-ancis Helfrick. Mrs. John SOUGHT AS KIDNAPER Only the President’s father had Police said a hose wa* connected .(By THE ASSOCI.4TED PRESS). Of Airport Burnham St., is serving aboard Hllditch. Mrs. G. S. Keith, Mrs. had been permitted to watch Ken a golf club in hLs hand as the from the exhaust pipe into the the destroyer. USS Buck operating Reservations must be made for a The WSCS of North Methodist which includes convictions for sev Cotteklll. N. Y„ April 3 - - j Mark Kravitz, Mrs. Howard Lock- Police are hunting for Robert T. nedy tee off, and then write about cameramen got pictures of the resr window of the auto. A pre A bomb at the Paris with the Seventh Fleet in the | luncheon at the church. The meet Church will meet tonight at 7:30 eral vicious assaults, and for sec It, since he waa nominated for the By ERROL FRIEDMANN ing is open to professional nurses, ond degree murder In 1933. ward, Mrs. John McElraevy, Mrs Tassaboom, 32, formerly of Hart-| 8.88 four at the first tee. liminary autopsy di.sclo.sed death Stock Exchange shook the j Western Pacific. The ship is sched- at the church. Mothers and daugh- j David McComb, Mrs. Joseph Mar :-r' - ’ presidency in July. Then, as the picture-making was caused by carbon monoxide Elisabethville, Katanga, ulad to visit Midway Island. | whether or not they are members ter.s in the church and . WSCS j Since Hughes has served tifhe ford, Conn., in connection with i center of Paris today and in o the Connecticut League for previously for both second degree tin. Mrs. Maurice Pass, Mrs. Theo the alleged kidnaping of a 14-year- A few minutes earlier photogra waa halted. Smith and the elder poisoning. jured a dozen per.sons, two April 4 (/P)— President Moise Hawaii and Japan during the ex- j members ai e invited to a program j dore Powell.