I{ew BUFORA Journal ISSN:1476-5314 l6ore on the Phlladelphla Experlmenl Also in this issue: - A 1981 Close Encounter - Astro Highwoy to Eorth - A South Africon'Flop' New BUFORA Journal ISSN: 1476-5314 April 2003 Issue No.? tt!;I&nrtere ltt The British UFO Research Association is a Company limited by cuarantee. The Registered ofiice is at: BUFORA Ltd., 70, High Street, Wingham, Kent, CT3 '1BJ T elephonet 0 1227 7 2291 6 Email:
[email protected] Web: htto://www. bufora.oro. u k Director of Research Email: JohnandAnne@paranorm alworldwide,com Director of lnvestiqations Heather Dixon Tel: 0191 478 3173 Email:
[email protected] London Office BM BUFOM, London, WC1N 3XX Low Road, Walnfleet St Mary, Lincolnshire PE24 4JQ
[email protected] This Journal is Copyright BUFORA Ltd., and vlews expressed are those of the author and not the company. lt is published by BUFORA Ltd., and is free to members. lt is produced in digitaltormat and printed by: Parchment, Crescent Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2PBfel01865 747547 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.Printuk.com New BUFOL4 Journal ISSN: 1476-5314 April 2003 Issue No.7 Let us take the concept, though, not just of our being able to travel in time, but that there may well be a number of 'time lines' existing parallel to our own but with subtle - or maybe not so subtle - differences, amongst other things in development and terrain. iright this not account for such experjences as that of the Doncaster Biker featured in NBJ6 where, on returnrng later to the scene of hrs experience, features of his surroundings during that experience could not be identified Similarly in this issue, where the object seen by the three witnesses was not observed to take off smoothly, but was seen in three separate 'stills'.