DAVID REES JONES Address: University of St Andrews, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Institute, North Haugh, St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom. Website: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/profile/dwrj1 Email:
[email protected] ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8698-401X POSITIONS 2019–: Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews. 2016–2019: Postdoctoral researcher in subduction-zone geodynamics, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford (2016–2018). Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (2019). Advised by Professor Richard Katz and Dr John Rudge (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge). 2014–2016: Postdoctoral researcher on the fluid dynamics of frazil-ice crystals, Department of Physics, University of Oxford. Advised by Dr Andrew Wells. 2014–2019: College tutor, Department of Physics, University of Oxford St Anne’s College (2014–2019) and Hertford College (2015–2016). EDUCATION 2010–2013: PhD, Applied Mathematics, University of Cambridge Supervised by Professor Grae Worster. Thesis: The Convective Desalination of Sea Ice (accepted April 2014) Institute of Theoretical Geophysics. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). NERC studentship. 2009–2010: MMath (‘Part III’), Distinction, University of Cambridge Essay ‘Global Modes in Shear Flows’ supervised by Professor Nigel Peake. Courses: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Solidification of Fluids, Slow Viscous Flow, Fluid Dynamics of Energy, and Perturbation and Stability Methods. Not-examined: Polar Oceans and Climate Change, Biological Physics. 2006–2009: BA, First Class Hons., Mathematics, University of Cambridge First class in examinations in each year. PRIZES AND AWARDS 2015: Lighthill-Thwaites Prize finalist. Awarded by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) for a paper in Applied Mathematics within 5 years of first degree.