RECOGNITION GUIDE: ILCLAN VOL. 07 saFactor, Words which once seemed impossible now seem inevitable: the ilClan is nigh. The turbulence of the last two decades has brought several of our fellow Clans to Terra’s doorstep, to say nothing of the Inner Sphere powers which gaze upon humanity’s birthplace with hungry eyes. But we know our people, we know their aggression. One of them will move to take Terra first and claim the mantle of ilClan, however briefly. If they intend to hold it, however, they will need new hardware—and, as ever, we stand ready to deliver. For a price. Contained within these volumes is that hardware. It is an intriguing combination of all-new BattleMech designs and retrofits of existing Inner Sphere and Clan designs with weapons and equipment suitable for modern combat. All are in our inventories or otherwise obtainable, and I have instructed all Merchant Caste personnel under my command above the rank of Point Merchant to familiarize themselves with the contents of these reports and be ready to negotiate terms for any merchandise herein. I hope you will assist me, “old friend,” with their distribution across all Khanates. The wheel of power is poised to spin once more, but we must be the axle on which it revolves. Who winds up atop that wheel, and who is crushed beneath it, matters little as long as we profit from each turn.

—Merchant Colonel Reece, aboard CSF Atlantean, Skate Khanate, 14 November 3150

Welcome to Recognition Guide: ilClan, a supplement offering players exciting new ’Mech variants rooted in the closing days of the Dark Age era and the transition to the ilClan era. Inside, you’ll discover a mix of all-new ’Mechs only recently seen on battlefields of the Inner Sphere, alongside modern refits of long-existing and much- loved units. Each volume of Recognition Guide: ilClan includes full, Technical Readout-style entries on new ’Mechs or significant rebuilds of existing designs; a selection of brief write- ups on existing variants; notable pilots for each ’Mech, and record sheets for immediate game use. Special attention has been given to ’Mechs which were redesigned as part of the BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter, to ensure that these brand-new miniatures have a place in games set in the Dark Age. Many of these units have torn apart battlefields of the Inner Sphere for hundreds of years. With these guides, they will continue to do so for hundreds more.

CREDITS FIND US ONLINE Project Development: Johannes Heidler Record Sheets: Dave Nawton, Carl Spain, Matt Wilsbacher [email protected] Development Assistance: Aaron Cahall, Chris Wheeler (e-mail address for any BattleTech questions) BattleTech Line Developer: Ray Arrastia Proofers, Core Fact Checkers, and Unit Design: Ray Arrastia, Assistant Line Developer: Aaron Cahall Matt Cross, Joshua Franklin, William Gauthier, Keith Hann, Writing: Joshua Franklin, Joshua Perian, Lance Scarinci, Paul Sjardijn Mike Miller, Joshua Perian, Luke Robertson, Lance Scarinci, (official BattleTech web pages) BattleTech Line Editor: Aaron Cahall Matt Wilsbacher (Catalyst web pages) Production Staff Additional Fact Checkers: Étienne Charron-Willard, David Nawton, Art Director: Anthony Scroggins Eric Salzman (online ordering) Assistant Art Director: Ray Arrastia Cover Design and Layout: David A. Kerber Special Thanks: To Ashley Pollard nee Watkins, for creating the Published by , an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Illustrations: Alan Blackwell, Harri Kallio, Matt Plog, Anthony Clan Classics almost 30 years ago and for sharing her original 7108 S. Pheasant Ridge Dr. • Spokane, WA 99224 Scroggins notes with me, allowing a few additional ideas to now finally see the light of day. To Lance and Dale for doing so much more on this project than what they signed up for. 35TR107 Under License From

® ©2020 The Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Recognition Guide: IlClan, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech, MechWarrior and Topps logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. INCUBUS (VIXEN) 4

CAPABILITIES the accuracy of a pulse laser and the brute force of a light ’MECH At its inception, the Incubus faced competition from PPC. Other versions that equip an autocannon or even then-new OmniMechs such as the Viper. Its extreme an LRM rack, if the mission calls for it, continue to be agility provided a niche for who found used to this day. A rarer variant improves the torso lasers the more brutal nature of the Battle Cobra and Adder to pulse models by freeing up mass with a switch to incompatible with their preferred method of combat. Streak missiles in the arm. This version is of considerable But as the Clans’ premier Clusters transitioned to interest to mercenaries even today. OmniMechs, the Incubus was largely relegated to As much of the Inner Sphere is still willing to pay solahma units despite its capabilities. There, supply the decades-old early adopter prices for XXL engines, chain issues neutralized much of the potential of we will develop an XXL variant, permitting the usual the ’Mech’s semi-modular weaponry. Despite this, “deep discounts” without significantly affecting our the Incubus was sought after by MechWarriors who profit margins. Upgrading the Incubus’ weaponry and intended to claim a few last victories before finding armor further amplifies the profit potential, and permits Mass: 30 tons death in a Circle of Equals. multiple sales channels even without any demand- Chassis: LM3 Endo Steel creation activities. Power Plant: Light Force 270 XL Cruising Speed: 97 kph BATTLE HISTORY The Incubus proved a difficult problem for any Inner NOTABLE ’MECHS Maximum Speed: 151 kph AND MECHWARRIORS Jump Jets: None Sphere unit that raided Clan holdings. In the wake of Tukayyid, brief shortages of OmniMechs among the Clan MechWarrior Alex Sea Fox: Captured from the Wolves Jump Capacity: None in the late 3090s, Alex was quickly made abtakha and Armor: Forging FF01 Ferro-Fibrous toumans caused Incubuses to take up front-line duty for many of its heavier users, including the Jade Falcons became Alex Diamond Shark. Some predicted he would Armament: become a ristar in his new Clan, but this was not to be. 1 Kolibri Delta Series Large Pulse Laser and Steel Vipers. When Warrior House Ijori raided Goat Path in 3060, the Viper Fusiliers had still not recovered Alex’s rigid adherence to the tenets of honor proved 2 Series 2b Extended-Range Medium Laser a political liability in his new Clan and also kept him to full strength and a full complement of OmniMechs, 4 Series XII Rotary Machine Guns aloof from his Bloodhouse. Clans Sea Fox and Wolf but the Incubus managed to stymie the Warrior Houses’ Manufacturer: Manufacturing Plant SFF-TW2 both expect a degree of pragmatism and realism from cutting-edge Capellan ’Mechs. Renewed production by Primary Factory: CSF Titanic Mobile their warriors, and Alex maintained a rectitude that the Hell’s Horses in the 3060s prevented the extinction Production Facility seems more suited to a Jade Falcon. Now well in to his of the Incubus. More recently, the ’Mech has seen much Communications System: Comset 1 seventies, his more intelligent commanders have found use among the Hell’s Horses Mongols, where its more Targeting and Tracking System: Delta-Six great value in Alex Sea Fox’s insights, and he still is able aggressive variants often result in high attrition rates for Sensor Suite to best most MechWarriors in his Incubus. both sides. We have also provided a significant quantity The Incubus might have become one of the Clans’ of the ’Mech’s older configurations to interested Star Commander Athena Fokker: While the bulk premier BattleMechs, if it had been conceived sooner customers, indirectly causing it to appear on Solaris VII of the Nova Cat Guards utilized OmniMechs during than it was. Instead, its development came during a and other gaming worlds in greater frequency. the Revival Trials, one Star Commander retained the time of transition in the Homeworlds: the OmniMech Data suggests that sufficient female MechWarriors ’Mech that helped her earn her Bloodname. Athena was clearly the future, but manufacturing capabilities are attracted to the ’Mech’s Inner Sphere designation Fokker proved the wisdom of this decision when she evolve with all the speed of an assault ’Mech. Conceived to consider leaning in to this trend with some targeted successfully helped retain her Clan’s position. Her final by the Steel Vipers as an attempt to compensate for their marketing. While they might mock the totem animals accomplishments on Luthien did much to improve the inability to keep pace with OmniMech-producing rivals, of the Clans, many Inner Sphere MechWarriors assign reputation of her unit and Bloodname, as she succeeded the Incubus drew on the Vipers’ existing manufacturing an animal nickname to themselves, their fighting style, in frustrating an entire company of Combine ’Mechs. capability while providing a degree of modularity or their ’Mech, and this is an opportunity. She was brought low by artillery fire, but members through its arm mount. It is this property that makes of ensuing generations of Fokker sibkos continued to it an ideal candidate for manufacture on ArcShips, as VARIANTS heavily favor swift, powerful Light ’Mechs in honor of it requires less space for testing than OmniMechs. Its Most known variants of the Incubus make good use of their ancestor. ease of production also makes it an easier design to the archaic modular weaponry technology. Its oldest encourage our manufacturing partners to adopt. versions permitted commanders to choose between INCUBUS (VIXEN) 5

Type: Incubus Inner Sphere Designation: Vixen Technology Base: Clan Tonnage: 30 Role: Striker Battle Value: 1,596

Equipment Mass Internal Structure: Endo Steel 1.5 Engine: 270 XL 7.5 Walking MP: 9 Running MP: 14 Jumping MP: 0 Heat Sinks: 10 [20] 0 Gyro: 3 Cockpit: 3 Armor Factor (Ferro): 105 5.5 Internal Armor Structure Value Head 3 9 Center Torso 10 15 Center Torso (rear) 5 R/L Torso 7 10 R/L Torso (rear) 4 R/L Arm 5 10 R/L Leg 7 14

Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1 2 Machine Guns RT 2 .5 Ammo (MG) 100 CT 1 .5 2 Machine Guns LT 2 .5 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1

Notes: Features the following Design Quirks: Jettison- Capable Weapon (Large Pulse Laser), Modular Weapons. WAR CROW 6

Alliance law, but one noticeable clause is that twenty The target of this mystery hunter was Ban-zhang Pang heavy ’MECH percent of new OmniMech production is slated to Ping of Warrior House Imarra, and the two finally met bolster the anemic ground forces of the Alliance Military during Julian Davion’s Operation Cerberus. While Command. This surprising show of respect mollified the feinting with elements of the First Davion Guards, loudest detractors, and the War Crow entered service Pang either became lost or was deliberately separated only slightly behind schedule. from his Lance, and encountered the green War Crow. BattleROMs recovered from the Capellan warrior’s CAPABILITIES destroyed Lightning indicate that the hunter radioed The War Crow is to Clan Snow Raven what the Grand him for positive ID before attacking. Though the Summoner is to the Jade Falcons, a ’Mech intended to Lightning’s heavy weaponry would have crippled a serve as the primary line fighter of most engagements. weaker ’Mech, the War Crow shrugged off what PPC Not outstanding or exemplary in any particular way, it and Gauss blows it could not avoid, returning fire with is instead a solid platform on which to build an army. its HAG until an armor breach detonated the Lightning’s Mass: 70 tons The next generation Ferro-Lamellor armor coating Gauss coils. As Pang lay wounded, the War Crow pilot Chassis: Raven Endo Steel WC1 its chassis, pioneered on the White Raven, represents said “For Angela, with regards from the Sixth,” before Power Plant: Redline 350 XL a new standard in Raven design philosophy—and a training his lasers on Pang’s cockpit and killing him. The Cruising Speed: 54 kph bone for unwary enemies to choke on. Despite its sleek bright green War Crow has not been seen since. Maximum Speed: 86 kph appearance, the War Crow is an ungainly beast, prone to Jump Jets: None stumble on rough terrain. Its MechWarriors quickly learn NOTABLE ’MECHS Jump Capacity: None to lean the ’Mech back when traversing rubble, lest they AND MECHWARRIORS Armor: Compound LZ-7 Ferro-Lamellor get a much closer look at the ground. Supervisor Carlton Cume: Cume is known as the best Armament: MechWarrior in the Avellar Guards, and possibly the best 25 tons of pod space available BATTLE HISTORY in the entire Alliance Military Corps. He obtained his War Manufacturer: Snow Raven Industrial Complex Beta In October 3146, a Star from the Fifth Raven Wing Crow not as part of the AMC’s portion of production, Primary Factory: Mitchella Cluster encountered an unidentified raiding party but by challenging Star Colonel Jordan Howe, Khan Communications System: TDWS-37 Mk. 2.2 nosing around the ruins of a Draconis Combine garrison McKenna’s personal aide. Cume’s Thunderbolt, long Targeting & Tracking System: “Hermes” CT-44 from the Reunification War. Though painted as pirates, since upgraded with Clan technology, was already the the distinctly Combine flavor of the assorted ’Mechs, envy of his unit, leading to speculation that he made the This age of darkness knows little mercy, and though led by an AS8-K Atlas, did not fool the Ravens, who challenge simply to humiliate the Star Colonel and the under no immediate threat, Khan Sterling McKenna demanded that the trespassers cease all activity. Half Ravens as a whole. Ever the politician, Khan McKenna believed that a Sphere-wide war must someday visit of the raiders immediately attacked, with the Atlas praised Cume’s victory as proof of the strength of the its wrath upon Clan Snow Raven and their Outworlds singling out Star Commander Philius Howe’s War Crow Outworlds people, and the rightness of the Ravens’ allies. In December 3144, two new OmniMechs were A. Howe found his HAG ineffective against the Atlas’ choice to ally with them. commissioned to be the backbone of the Ravens’ advanced armor, while the Atlas struggled to damage modernized touman, but also brought unforeseen his War Crow in return. The battle was finally decided MechWarrior “Jolly” Daniel: A Raven warrior renowned headaches to the Clan. by Howe’s lasers, and a series of lucky shots against for his gregariousness, Jolly is the unofficial morale Many Outworlds citizens decried the funding of the Atlas’ knee. Howe’s victory was Pyrrhic, however, officer of the 100th Raven Battle Cluster, soothing expensive new OmniMech designs, especially when a as three of his Starmates died and the raiders escaped bruised egos and ensuring that minor spats do not famine had struck the world of Loparri and resources with an unknown prize from the ruins. The Atlas pilot grow into Trials of Grievance. His deep well of patience were needed for relief. Native Outworlders expressed killed himself in his cockpit, and none of the others were and gift for instruction guarantee him a spot as a warder their anger through protests and sit-ins on factory captured alive, leaving the Ravens with many questions. for Raven cadets once his front-line duty ends. floors. Rather than put down these demonstrations In late 3147, a War Crow was spotted on several through force, Khan McKenna engaged with local worlds along the Davion-Liao border, far from the political leaders to find a solution. The details of the Raven Alliance, painted in the trademark green of the resulting contracts are typically Machiavellian and infamous Bounty Hunter; it is unknown if this was unreadable to anyone not deeply versed in Raven actually the Bounty Hunter, or a bold impersonator. WAR CROW 7

Type: War Crow Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Technology Base: Clan (Advanced) Primary Weapons Configuration Tonnage: 70 Ammo (LRM) 16 RA 2 2 Role: Brawler LRM 15 RT 2 3.5 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2 Battle Value: 2,835 ER Medium Laser H 1 1 ER Medium Laser CT 1 1 Equipment Mass Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 2 Internal Structure: Endo Steel 3.5 LRM 15 LT 2 3.5 Engine: 350 XL 15 Ammo (LRM) 16 LA 2 2 Walking MP: 5 ER PPC LA 2 6 Running MP: 8 PPC Capacitor LA 1 1 Jumping MP: 0 Double Heat Sink LA 2 1 Heat Sinks: 14 [28] 4 Gyro: 4 Alternate Configuration A Cockpit: 3 ER Large Laser RA 1 4 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1 Armor Factor (Lamellor): 217 15.5 Supercharger RT 1 1.5 Internal Armor ER Small Laser H 1 .5 Structure Value ER Medium Laser CT 1 1 Head 3 9 Ammo (HAG) 16 LT 4 4 Center Torso 22 32 HAG 30 LA 8 13 Center Torso (rear) 12 Battle Value: 3,030 Role: Skirmisher R/L Torso 15 22 R/L Torso (rear) 8 Alternate Configuration B R/L Arm 11 22 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6 R/L Leg 15 30 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2 ER Medium Laser H 1 1 Medium Pulse Laser CT 1 2 Weight and Space Allocation Streak LRM 15 LT 3 7 Location Fixed Spaces Remaining Head None 1 Ammo (Streak) 16 LA 2 2 Center Torso None 2 Jump Jet RL 1 1 Right Torso 2 XL Engine 4 Jump Jet RT 1 1 2 Endo Steel Jump Jet CT 1 1 4 Ferro-Lamellor Jump Jet LT 1 1 Left Torso 2 XL Engine 4 Jump Jet LL 1 1 3 Endo Steel Battle Value: 2,787 Role: Skirmisher 3 Ferro-Lamellor Right Arm 5 Ferro-Lamellor 3 Alternate Configuration C Left Arm 2 Endo Steel 6 Right Leg None 2 ER Large Laser RA 1 4 Left Leg None 2 Ammo (ATM) 14 RA 2 2 ATM 9 RT 4 5 Notes: Features the following Design Quirks: Improved ER Medium Laser H 1 1 Targeting (Short), Unbalanced. ER Medium Laser CT 1 1 ATM 9 LT 4 5 Ammo (ATM) 14 LA 2 2 ER Large Laser LA 1 4 Coolant Pod LA 1 1 Battle Value: 2,572 Role: Sniper WARHAMMER 8

but with each component lighter, longer-ranged, more VARIANTS heavy ’MECH accurate, or tougher. The recovery of the Helm Core brought about a new The Draconis Combine took a similar iterative generation of Warhammers, first in the form of refit rather than revolutionary approach, producing a variant kits and later with new production variants employing which mounts ballistic-reinforced armor and employs reclaimed technology. The new variants’ extended- Clan technology in its secondary systems. range cannons and improved heat-dissipating technology made an effective combination, even against the Clan invaders. BATTLE HISTORY The Federated Commonwealth’s Warhammer Perhaps the most famous battle of the Warhammer’s production capacity suffered a hard hit with the loss long battlefield service occurred during the Marik of the ’Mech’s primary factory to Clan Jade Falcon Civil War in 3015. After acquiring the services of Wolf’s early in the Clan Invasion; the Commonwealth was Dragoons, Duke Anton Marik began to distrust the reduced to refitting ancient Succession Wars ’Mechs mercenaries’ intentions, eventually detaining and killing to the -7S variant until Project Phoenix brought The Warhammer may be the best representation of more than two dozen Dragoon civilians, including about new Warhammers in the Federated Suns and the average citizen’s view of the BattleMech. As they Joshua Wolf and Jaime Wolf’s wife and children. Wolf’s Lyran Commonwealth more than a decade later. Clan would see it, once the Warhammer plants its feet, it is Dragoons descended on Anton’s New Delos palace in a garrisons also developed various ClanTech refit kits for stable and almost impossible to move, carries enough fury, kept at bay only by a wildfire the Duke ordered lit use on captured FedCom Warhammers, replacing the firepower to destroy any opposing ’Mech, and is always to keep the mercenaries out until reinforcements could PPCs with pulse lasers on models not yet equipped with in the thick of the fight. From the unwavering lines arrive. double heat sinks. of the Star League Defense Force bringing down the At the controls of her famous Warhammer, Natasha Recently, Wolf’s Dragoons contracted with us Usurper, to the pirate in the Periphery screaming “Stand Kerensky volunteered to lead her independent company to begin production runs on a Golden Century-era Clan Warhammer variant which was popular with the and Deliver,” the Warhammer looms large over popular through the flames and attack the unsuspecting Ducal images of BattleMech warfare. original Dragoons, and we have fulfilled several Clans’ Guard. Pushing her Warhammer’s heat sinks deep in to subsequent requests for the model. the red, Kerensky smashed through the walls of Anton’s CAPABILITIES Free Worlds League Warhammers became palace and gave her company the time it needed to ubiquitous throughout the Inner Sphere due the The defining characteristic of the Warhammer is its break through and vent their rage against the Duke and popularity of their refit kits and the deals other rugged, stable chassis carrying paired, arm-mounted his forces. Houses made with the League during the Clan particle projector cannons. These weapons give the Our Spirit Cat allies saw the effectiveness of the Invasion. Some of these -7M models were even Warhammer dependable firepower at range, while Marik Warhammers first hand when the Regulan fitted with a two-seat command console to serve as the ’Mech’s torso carries close combat weapons or Hussars invaded Marik in 3147. The Purifier Cluster command-and-control units. specialized equipment. Warhammers are typically found itself outnumbered by several regiments of the The Draconis Combine refit its own Warhammers found anchoring battle lances but can also serve as Hussars and attempted to use the longer range of to -7K standard, and the resulting ’Mech was often a commander’s BattleMech or provide direct fire their Clan weapons to reduce the invaders’ numerical confused with Marik refits. This would change abruptly support. advantage. But the Regulan Hussar fire lances and with the introduction of a variant featuring paired The Free Worlds League found a booming business their Warhammers provided covering fire for the heavy PPCs, a design which proved so popular that in the export of Warhammer refit kits in the years before faster Trebuchet and Sarath equipped striker lances. other Houses also copied it, refitting both newer Project Phoenix and more venerable Warhammers. Alshain and after the Clan Invasion, but production of new units The Purifier Cluster was driven into hiding within their within the League was limited until early in the Jihad, Weapons in turn received the funding it needed to fortified headquarters, where the Regulan Warhammers build a new Warhammer line on Tok Do, where they when the Prince of Regulus backed a new Warhammer watched for any attempt at a breakout. The Hussars created the -9K as an intermediary, placing a large MML line on Wallis to supply him with BattleMechs for his brought forward artillery to shell the fortification, and next to the heavy PPCs. With the renewed emphasis on ambitious plans to claim the Captain-Generalcy. Initial the Purifier Cluster was saved only by negotiation for a tradition in the Draconis Combine, Alshain emphasized attempts to focus exclusively on long-range weaponry Regulan withdrawal after expected reinforcements were the classic chassis on all their Warhammers. resulted in a heat dissipation system that was unusually destroyed before reaching the system. The Taurian Concordat has constructed the weak for a Warhammer; despite some initial success, Warhammer on Pinard since the ’Mech was first this variant eventually became very unpopular. The introduced. After the discovery of the New Dallas definitive -8R reverted back to a more typical loadout Memory Core during the Jihad, SLDF Royal models were that was almost an exact copy of its original forebear, introduced, with the WHM-7A currently in production. WARHAMMER 9

WHM-8R WARHAMMER Equipment Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Mass: 70 tons Internal Structure: Endo Steel 3.5 ER PPC RA 3 7 Chassis: Kell Reinforced 270 Endo Steel Engine: 280 16 Streak SRM 6 RT 2 4.5 Power Plant: Magna 280 Walking MP: 4 Ammo (Streak) 15 RT 1 1 Cruising Speed: 43 kph Running MP: 6 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1 Maximum Speed: 64 kph Jumping MP: 0 ER Small Laser RT 1 .5 Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Heat Sinks: 16 [32] 6 Machine Gun RT 1 .5 Armor: Durallex Heavy with CASE II Gyro: 3 Ammo (MG) 200 RT 1 1 Armament: Cockpit: 3 CASE II RT 1 1 2 Fusigon Longtooth ER PPC Armor Factor: 208 13 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1 ER Small Laser LT 1 .5 2 Magna Mk. VI Extended-Range Medium Lasers Internal Armor 2 Magna Mk. IV Extended-Range Small Lasers Machine Gun LT 1 .5 Structure Value 2 LFN Linblad Machine Guns ER PPC LA 3 7 1 Shannon SH-67 Streak SRM 6 launcher Head 3 9 Center Torso 22 29 Manufacturer: Ronin Inc. Notes: Features the following Design Quirks: Rugged (2), Primary Factory: Wallis Center Torso (rear) 10 Searchlight, Stable, Ubiquitous. Communications System: Barret Party Line-200 R/L Torso 15 21 Targeting and Tracking System: Wasat Watchdog R/L Torso (rear) 7 W100 R/L Arm 11 22 Technology Base: Inner Sphere R/L Leg 15 30 Tonnage: 70 Role: Brawler Battle Value: 1,697

WHM-10K WARHAMMER Equipment Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Mass: 70 tons Internal Structure: Endo-Composite 5.5 ER PPC RA 3 7 Chassis: Alshain Class 115-70H Endo-Composite Engine: 280 Light 12 Streak SRM 6 (C) RT 2 3 Power Plant: GM 280 Light Walking MP: 4 Ammo (Streak) 15 (C) RT 1 1 Cruising Speed: 43 kph Running MP: 6 Medium Laser RT 1 1 Maximum Speed: 64 kph Jumping MP: 0 ER Small Laser RT 1 .5 Jump Jets: None Heat Sinks (C): 16 [32] 6 Machine Gun (C) RT 1 .25 Jump Capacity: None Gyro: 3 Ammo (MG) 100 (C) RT 1 .5 Armor: Durallex Ballistic-Reinforced with Clan CASE II Armament: Cockpit: 3 CASE II (C) RT 1 .5 2 Lord’s Light 2 Extended-Range PPCs Armor Factor (Reinforced): 216 18 Medium Laser LT 1 1 ER Small Laser LT 1 .5 2 Martell Medium Lasers Internal Armor Machine Gun (C) LT 1 .25 2 Diverse Optics Extended-Range Small Lasers Structure Value ER PPC LA 3 7 2 Bulldog Mk. II (Clanspec) Machine Guns Head 3 9 1 Guided Technologies 3rd Gen (Clanspec) Center Torso 22 30 Streak SRM 6 Notes: Features the following Design Quirks: Rugged (2), Center Torso (rear) 13 Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons Searchlight, Stable, Ubiquitous. Primary Factory: Tok Do R/L Torso 15 20 Communications System: Sipher Security Plus R/L Torso (rear) 10 Targeting and Tracking System: Matabushi Sentinel R/L Arm 11 22 R/L Leg 15 30 Technology Base: Mixed Inner Sphere (Advanced) Tonnage: 70 Role: Brawler Battle Value: 2,033 WARHAMMER 10

NOTABLE ’MECHS Greystar fought his way to the title of Champion AND MECHWARRIORS of that circuit in 3066, but the Jihad destroyed his dreams of competing for the title of Solaris Champion.

General Michael Maisel: The self-proclaimed “General or somesuch” of the mercenary band Maisel’s Militia, Michael piloted his Warhammer with all the finesse The Black Widow: Natasha Kerensky led Wolf’s of a jackhammer. During the Battle of Pilot Mountain, Dragoons‘ infamous Black Widow formation from Maisel’s BattleMech was felled by the loss of both legs. the cockpit of her legendary Warhammer for the With the battle still in doubt, Maisel commandeered MechWarrior Eldin Tola: Born in the iron wombs of Clan better part of five decades. No other MechWarrior in a rifle and a grappling rod from a fallen infantryman, Steel Viper after their retreat from the Inner Sphere, Eldin history captured the public’s imagination more than scaled his second in command’s Catapult, and continued had few opportunities to achieve the renown needed to her carefully styled persona—part ruthless killer, to “lead” his remaining mercenaries to victory. be sponsored for a coveted Bloodname. That left him part mysterious femme fatale who once even posed the route of the Grand Melee. Stuck with an ancient for pin-up pictures. Her feats proved she was the Captain Leopold Vogel: Leopold Vogel’s first command Star League Warhammer, Eldin’s patience and accuracy greatest warrior of her generation, ahead even of the was a lance of the First Drakøn assigned to defend won him not only the Grand Melee, but his Bloodname. fearsome Bounty Hunter with whom she frequently the Rasalhagian capital against the invading Wolves. Before he could trial for a command position, the Fourth clashed, and the mythical Morgan Kell, whose son Vogel and his lance contested the Fourth Wolf Guards’ Fang challenged Clan Wolf. Shocked by a surprise attack she would later mentor. Almost a century after her landing with a desperate charge to counter the Clan’s by the Wolves, the Vipers struggled. Eldin destroyed a death as Khan of Clan Wolf, she remains the iconic range advantage. Vogel alone made it to a close-range Wolf Linebacker before falling to a Nova’s laser blast. MechWarrior of the Succession Wars in popular assault, initiating a duel with a Timber Wolf. His rabid He was taken as a bondsman by the Wolves, but within media that always clamors for more tales of the Black attack nearly overwhelmed his opponent, but Vogel days found himself adopted as a warrior and assigned Widow and her Warhammer. did not have the firepower to defeat a Clan ’Mech one his battered Warhammer yet again. A week later, he on one. He served two years as a prisoner to Clan Wolf faced his original Clan. Frustrated at the futility of his Tai-sa Yorinaga Kurita: A distant cousin of Coordinator before local partisans broke him free. Disgusted by the future with his new Clan facing Abjuration, Eldin Tola Takashi Kurita, Yorinaga’s rise through the DCMS ranks Truce of Tukayyid’s surrender of most of Rasalhague fought like a man possessed. His Warhammer was left a was hardly surprising. In command of a battalion of to the enemy, Vogel left his home and joined several smoking ruin amongst the battlefield, the Steel Vipers the Second Sword of Light during the 3013 assault on mercenary groups fighting the Clans before accepting discarding him as just another tainted Wolf. Mallory’s World, Yorinaga in his Warhammer challenged a berth with Wolf’s Dragoons. He received a new and defeated First Prince Ian Davion and his Atlas. Warhammer, enabling him to fight the Clans on more Yorinaga was foiled in his attempt to bring the First even terms. Prince’s body back to his Coordinator, sparking a rivalry with the Kell Hounds that would doom one of the Kell brothers as well as Yorinaga himself. In the effort to defeat the Kells, the Coordinator ordered Yorinaga to Chu-i Edward “Joe” Brevan: Chu-i Brevan rushed through train an elite new command, the Genyosha. Yorinaga’s his studies at the Sun Zhang Military Academy, eager to last battle with the Kells saw him duel with Morgan yet MechWarrior Ryveg: Ryveg’s father, finding his join the ranks of the DCMS, stating “I want to fight so that again, and the two were unable to destroy each other. military career in the Draconis Combine stagnating, others don’t have to.” He eventually graduated directly After the duel was ended by mutual consent, Yorinaga resigned his commission and joined the Osaka to command of a lance in the new Hikage regiment and committed seppuku before the regiments he led. Mercenary Legion. Shattered in battle against the was assigned a new Warhammer. With only a few months Sword of Light, Ryveg’s father retired to Solaris and of training, the Hikage were deployed to end the vicious mentored his son to fight in the games. Employing assaults by Task Force Perceval. a new stage name, “Greystar” rose to the Class Four As Brevan led his lance off the ramp of their circuit on behalf of Blackstar Stables, helping lead DropShip and into battle, an unknown enemy heavy their resurgence. Piloting his family Warhammer, ’Mech challenged him to a duel. Aware that his WARHAMMER 11 lancemates and company commander had already ques- tioned his leadership abilities, Brevan agreed to honor the duel. His Warhammer’s PPC lit up the Davion Inferno, beat- ing it down into the tarmac. With the ’Mech on the ground and seemingly defeated, Brevan waited for his opponent to surrender. He saw it miraculously rise one last time and fire its own PPC directly toward his cockpit. Brevan survived, though he sustained heavy wounds. He struggles to recover his place in the Hikage, and has vowed to never show mercy to a Davion again.

Lieutenant Nigel Kendrick: Nigel Kendrick was working his way up the circuits on Solaris VII when he accepted an unusual contract to smuggle a Capellan dancer being held by a local Triad away to join her brother, a refugee in the Lyran Commonwealth. After sneaking into the Triad- owned club, finding the dancer, and escaping, Nigel and his compatriots found themselves in a three-way ’Mech brawl with the Triad and Black Hills security. Kendrick’s Warhammer was captured on tri-vid news repeatedly kicking a downed Triad Vindicator. On the run, rumors suggest that Kendrick may be serving the Republic of the Sphere as a Ghost Paladin or with the Northwind Highlanders.

Subaltern Bradley Pylypiuk: Pirates are always a threat to the Calderon Protectorate, and Bradley Pylypiuk has made a career of bringing them to justice. He leads a company of the Third Taurian Pride on detached duty, assigned to their own Union DropShip and hopping from system to system hunting down reports of pirate hideouts. In his Warhammer, Pylypiuk led a combat drop directly onto a lunar lair in the Pirate’s Haven while the pirates celebrated their latest heist. Although their leader, Moses Henriques, escaped, the destruction of the pirate hideout, the capture of several dozen pirates, and the confiscation of billions of bull bills worth of stolen loot gave Pylypiuk a widespread reputation. He also came away with a French bulldog named Charlie and the nickname of “The Bulldog of Matanzas.” MIST LYNX (KOSHI) 12

both took advantage of the SLDF’s invasion of Huntress Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage to trial for and then bring the light OmniMech into Weapons Configuration T production before the Wars of Reaving. 2 ER Small Lasers RA 2 1 SRM 4 RA 1 1 In 3070, during the Wars of Reaving, Viper Khan Ammo (SRM) 25 RA 1 1 Brett Andrews dispatched Alpha Galaxy to punish ECM Suite RT 1 1 the Snow Ravens by seizing the valuable world of LRM 10 LA 1 2.5 Lum and ejecting them from Clan space. Once on the Ammo (LRM) 12 LA 1 1 ground, the Second Viper Guards tried to draw out Battle Value: 971 Role: Scout some of the Raven defenders by destroying civilian Alternate Configuration I settlements between the invaders and the capital. As Narc Missile Beacon RA 1 2 the Vipers advanced, a Binary of Mist Lynxes flanked Ammo (Narc) 12 RA 2 2 the Snow Ravens’ attempt to intervene. Using their 5 SRM 2 LA 5 2.5 speed and lasers, the Vipers eviscerated the few Ammo (SRM) 50 LA 1 1 Raven auxiliaries left. Battle Value: 689 Role: Striker As Clan Wolf marched towards Terra, the planet Alternate Configuration J Alula Australis stood in its way. As Wolf forces advanced Imp. Heavy Medium Laser RA 2 1 on the Republic defenders, several Mist Lynxes of the Supercharger RT 1 .5 Ninth Wolf Guard Striker Cluster provided essential ER PPC LA 2 6 Mass: 25 tons recon that foiled many of the defending Eleventh Battle Value: 1,704 Role: Sniper Speed: 75 kph cruising, 118 kph max Triarii’s attempts on Khan Alaric Ward’s life. On two Alternate Configuration K Jump Capacity: 180 meters separate occasions, Mist Lynxes outfitted in the P and Payload: 7.5 tons of pod space, Active Probe 2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2 K configurations destroyed Republic headhunter units ProtoMech AC/4 LA 3 4.5 Manufacturer: Manufacturing Plant SFF-AL1 before they reached the Khan. Unfortunately, the Ammo (PAC) 20 LA 1 1 (Alnabog) Eleventh Triarii was able to execute a surprise artillery Battle Value: 976 Role: Scout Featured in TRO: 3050 Upgrade / Clan Invasion strike, but it failed to kill Khan Ward. As Wolf Dominators clashed with Republic Axmans in the ensuing melee, a Alternate Configuration L Known as the Mist Lynx among the Clans and the Koshi 4 AP Gauss Rifles RA 4 2 swift Star of Wolf Omnis, including a Mist Lynx J, quickly Ammo (AP Gauss) 40 RA 1 1 to Inner Sphere MechWarriors, this swift OmniMech overran and made short work of the Republic artillery. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser RT 2 1 remains a popular mainstay in many toumans despite Heavy Flamer LA 1 1.5 the introduction of newer designs. Now produced by NOTABLE ’MECHS Ammo (Heavy Flamer) 10 LA 1 1 our Clan, the nimble Mist Lynx can be found throughout AND MECHWARRIORS ECM Suite LA 1 1 the Occupation Zones and beyond. Captain Ian Schneider: Descended from former Battle Value: 901 Role: Scout Wolfnet operatives who survived the Jihad, Ian felt he Alternate Configuration M CAPABILITIES was born into intelligence work. Fiercely patriotic, he Plasma Cannon RA 1 3 The Mist Lynx has more than a dozen different standard joined the Republic’s Sphere Intelligence Service as Ammo (Plasma) 20 RA 2 2 configurations which cover a range of mission profiles soon as he could. Gifted with superb reflexes and a SRM 2 RT 1 .5 and battlefield scenarios. The popular OmniMech is keen wit, Ian’s dedication to the Republic’s survival saw Ammo (SRM) 50 RT 1 1 typically deployed as a hard-hitting scout or harasser, 4 ER Micro Lasers LA 4 1 him deployed outside of the Fortress Wall on numerous Battle Value: 961 Role: Striker using a few powerful weapons and its speed to snipe occasions, always in a customized Mist Lynx. Attached targets from afar, or to quickly engage and then to the Eleventh Triarii on Alula Australis, Ian planned the Alternate Configuration N disengage from the enemy. failed artillery strike that almost killed Alaric Ward. Last 2 LRM 5 RA 2 2 seen before the Eleventh’s headquarters was overrun, Heavy Small Laser RA 1 .5 BATTLE HISTORY Ian’s current whereabouts are unknown. Ammo (LRM) 24 RT 1 1 TAG RT 1 1 Clan Smoke Jaguar was once the most frequent 2 LRM 5 LA 2 2 deployer of the Mist Lynx, but their annihilation spread Laser Anti-Missile System LA 1 1 its manufacture to the Ice Hellions and Steel Vipers, who Battle Value: 976 Role: Missile Boat STORMCROW (RYOKEN) 13

BATTLE HISTORY Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Every major power fields the Stormcrow, though it Weapons Configuration T is still known as the Ryoken among the Spheroids. Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6 ER Small Pulse Laser RA 1 1.5 It particularly flourishes in House Kurita’s tactically Light Active Probe RT 1 .5 unorthodox Ryuken regiments. During the Battle of New 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2 Avalon, the Ryuken-hachi used waves of Stormcrows as Medium Pulse Laser H 1 2 shock troops against the Davion Assault Guards, where Supercharger LT 1 1.5 their mix of speed and firepower downed Davion Victors 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2 and BattleMasters with ease. Chu-i Sharanjeet Singh Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6 distinguished himself by blasting the head off of Major ER Small Pulse Laser LA 1 1.5 Battle Value: 2,280 Role: Striker Daniel Zibler’s Atlas at extreme range, demoralizing Charlie Battalion and hastening the Kurita victory over Alternate Configuration I their ancient foes. ER Large Laser RA 1 4 Star Commander Fernelle, a Falcon warrior on ER Medium Laser RA 1 1 the verge of solahma status, found herself relegated Double Heat Sink RA 2 1 to an older Stormcrow after her Clan’s defeat on Skye. LRM 15 RT 2 3.5 Ammo (LRM) 8 RT 1 1 Desperate for some measure of vindication, she threw Double Heat Sink RT 2 1 herself into the fray on Rigil Kentarus like a savage, Active Probe H 1 1 Mass: 55 tons attacking every Wolf in sight. Fernelle downed two LRM 15 LT 2 3.5 Speed: 64 kph cruising, 97 kph max smaller ’Mechs before coming up against Star Captain Ammo (LRM) 8 LT 1 1 Myron Kerensky’s Dominator. Kerensky tried to use Double Heat Sink LT 2 1 Jump Capacity: None ER Large Laser LA 1 4 Payload: 23 tons of pod space his superior maneuverability to keep out of range of Fernelle’s guns, but the Wolf warrior fought too ER Medium Laser LA 1 1 Manufacturer: Industrial Complex Alpha (Dante) Battle Value: 2,319 Role: Scout Featured in TRO: 3050 Upgrade / Clan Invasion conservatively. Heedless of damage or crippling heat, Fernelle pressed her opponent until her HAG ammo ran Alternate Configuration J Lessons learned from the Corvis helped Clan Snow dry, the weapon itself exploded, and her hip actuator Imp. Heavy Large Laser RA 3 4 was frozen, before finally coring the Dominator with her Targeting Computer RT 4 4 Raven create the Stormcrow, arguably the most heavy laser. Her heroism earned her a stay of transfer, Ammo (HAG) 8 LT 2 2 successful medium OmniMech ever made. Over two but it remains to be seen if she can repeat her victory, HAG 30 LA 8 13 hundred years after its debut, the original chassis Battle Value: 2,300 Role: Striker or if it was simply the luck of the desperate. remains competitive, even dominant. New Stormcrows from the Dante plant strengthen the Raven touman, and Alternate Configuration K NOTABLE ’MECHS outside sales of the ’Mech have helped fund important 4 Imp. Heavy Medium Lasers RA 8 4 AND MECHWARRIORS 3 Double Heat Sinks RT 6 3 new OmniMech projects—though it is unlikely anything Nova Commander Kanas Cobb: Commanding a Nova 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2 will ever supersede it. in the Hell’s Horses’ Seventy-first Mechanized Cavalry, Ammo (Gauss) 16 LT 2 2 Kanas serves under his own genefather, Star Colonel Gauss Rifle LA 6 12 Battle Value: 2,001 Role: Striker CAPABILITIES Elliot Cobb. Though both are skilled and respected Built to deliver a withering barrage to any spot on the MechWarriors, a rivalry has grown between them. It battlefield, the Stormcrow is made not for prolonged Alternate Configuration P seems neither can do right in the eyes of the other, ER Large Laser RA 1 4 engagements, but for smashing an enemy as quickly as and mutual accusations of embarrassing their shared Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 2 possible, no matter that enemy’s size. A skilled warrior Bloodright are common. Kanas has vowed to outshine Streak SRM 6 RT 2 3 in a Stormcrow is a whirlwind of doom, humbling all but his genefather, while Elliot often expresses hope that his Double Heat Sink RT 2 1 the strongest of BattleMechs and humiliating many an Medium Pulse Laser H 1 2 subsequent spawn disappoint him less. Kanas has many Streak SRM 6 LT 2 3 overconfident MechWarrior. Though the Ghost Bears’ friends in his Cluster, some of whom whisper to him to Ryoken II and Clan Wolf’s radical Skinwalker descend Ammo (Streak) 15 LT 1 1 challenge Elliot for command, but he is not yet ready to Double Heat Sink LT 2 1 from the Stormcrow, neither design has become as take their spat to such a level. ER Large Laser LA 1 4 iconic their progenitor’s combination of speed and Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2 hard-hitting firepower. Battle Value: 2,213 Role: Striker ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) T Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Scout Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 LRM 10 LA 4 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 1 SRM 4 RA 3 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Center 2 ER Small Laser RA 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ECM Suite RT — [E] — — — 6 ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 ) 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (LRM 10) 12, (SRM 4) 25 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 971


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. LRM 10 6. Life Support 5. SRM 4 28* 6. Ammo (LRM 10) 12 6. ER Small Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Endo Steel 1. ER Small Laser 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. Ferro-Fibrous 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ammo (SRM 4) 25 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Endo Steel Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Ferro-Fibrous 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Jump Jet Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. ECM Suite 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. Endo Steel 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) I Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 5 SRM 2 LA 2 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 1 Narc RA — [M] — 4 8 12 Center 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5 Left Arm Torso Right Arm ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 )

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (Narc) 12, (SRM 2) 50 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 689


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. SRM 2 6. Life Support 5. Narc 28* 6. SRM 2 6. Ammo (Narc) 6 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. SRM 2 1. Ammo (Narc) 6 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. SRM 2 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Endo Steel 25* 3. SRM 2 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Fibrous Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Ammo (SRM 2) 50 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Jump Jet Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. Endo Steel 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) J Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 [14] Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Sniper Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 Imp. Heavy Medium RA 7 10 [DE,X] — 3 6 9 Center Laser Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5 ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 )

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 1,704


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. ER PPC 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. ER PPC 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Endo Steel 6. Life Support 5. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 28* 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Endo Steel 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ferro-Fibrous 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Supercharger Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. Jump Jet 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. Endo Steel 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) K Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Scout Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ProtoMech AC/4 LA 1 4 [DB,S] — 5 10 15 2 ER Medium Laser RA 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Center 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5 Left Arm Torso Right Arm ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 )

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (Proto AC/4) 20 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 976


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. ProtoMech AC/4 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. ProtoMech AC/4 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. ProtoMech AC/4 6. Life Support 5. ER Medium Laser 28* 6. Ammo (Proto AC/4) 20 6. ER Medium Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. Ferro-Fibrous 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ferro-Fibrous 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Jump Jet Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. Endo Steel 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) L Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Scout Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Heavy Flamer LA 5 4 [DE,H,AI] — 2 3 4 1 ECM Suite LA — [E] — — — 6 Center 4 AP Gauss Rifle RA 1 3 [DB,AI,X] — 3 6 9 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Imp. Heavy Medium RT 7 10 [DE,X] — 3 6 9 ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 ) Laser 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (AP Gauss) 40, (Heavy Flamer) 10 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 901


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe 3. AP Gauss Rifle 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. AP Gauss Rifle 5. Heavy Flamer 6. Life Support 5. AP Gauss Rifle 28* 6. Ammo (Heavy Flamer) 10 6. AP Gauss Rifle Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ECM Suite 1. Ammo (AP Gauss) 40 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. Endo Steel 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Endo Steel 25* 3. Ferro-Fibrous 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Fibrous Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Jump Jet Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Endo Steel 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) M Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 4 ER Micro Laser LA 1 2 [DE] — 1 2 4 1 Plasma Cannon RA 7 [DE,H,AI] — 6 12 18 Center 1 SRM 2 RT 2 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5 ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 )

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (Plasma Cannon) 20, (SRM 2) 50 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 961


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. ER Micro Laser 6. Life Support 5. Plasma Cannon 28* 6. ER Micro Laser 6. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER Micro Laser 1. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. ER Micro Laser 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Endo Steel 25* 3. Endo Steel 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Fibrous Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Ferro-Fibrous 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Jump Jet Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. SRM 2 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. Ammo (SRM 2) 50 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Endo Steel 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 7 ) ( 7 )


Type: Mist Lynx (Koshi) N Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 7 Tech Base: Clan Running: 11 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 6 Role: Missile Boat Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 2 LRM 5 LA 2 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 1 Laser AMS LA 5 [PD] — 1 — — Center 2 LRM 5 RA 2 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Heavy Small Laser RA 3 6 [DE] — 1 2 3 ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 4 ) 1 TAG RT — [E] — 5 9 15 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 5 ) Torso ( 5 ) ( 6 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (LRM 5) 24 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 5 ) ( 5 ) BV: 976


Head Left Torso ( 6 ) Right Torso ( 6 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. LRM 5 6. Life Support 5. LRM 5 28* 6. LRM 5 6. LRM 5 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Laser AMS 1. Heavy Small Laser 26* Center Torso ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 2. Endo Steel 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Endo Steel 25* 3. Ferro-Fibrous 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Fibrous Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 8 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 6 ) ( 6 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Jump Jet Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Jump Jet Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Jump Jet 1. Jump Jet 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Jump Jet Sensor Hits 2. Ammo (LRM 5) 24 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Jump Jet 3. TAG 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Endo Steel 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 10 ) ( 10 )


Type: Incubus (Vixen) Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 30 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 9 Tech Base: Clan Running: 14 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 10 10 [P] — 6 14 20 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Center 2 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 10 ) ( 15 ) ( 10 ) 2 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 14 ) Torso ( 14 ) ( 5 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 4 ) ( 4 ) BV: 1,596


Head Left Torso ( 7 ) Right Torso ( 7 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Roll Again 6. Life Support 5. Large Pulse Laser 28* 6. Roll Again 6. Large Pulse Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Roll Again 26* Center Torso (CASE) ( 5 ) ( 5 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 10 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 7 ) ( 7 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. ER Medium Laser 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 3. ER Medium Laser 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Machine Gun 6. Endo Steel 4. Machine Gun Double Heat Sinks: 5. Machine Gun 5. Machine Gun Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Endo Steel Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ferro-Fibrous Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Roll Again 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Ferro-Fibrous Diagram 6. Ferro-Fibrous 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 10 ) ( 10 )


Type: Incubus (Vixen) 2 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 30 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 9 Tech Base: Clan Running: 14 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC RA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Center 2 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 10 ) ( 15 ) ( 10 ) 2 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 14 ) Torso ( 14 ) ( 5 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 4 ) ( 4 ) BV: 1,913


Head Left Torso ( 7 ) Right Torso ( 7 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Roll Again 6. Life Support 5. ER PPC 28* 6. Roll Again 6. ER PPC Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Roll Again 26* Center Torso (CASE) ( 5 ) ( 5 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 10 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 7 ) ( 7 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. ER Medium Laser 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 3. ER Medium Laser 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Machine Gun 6. Endo Steel 4. Machine Gun Double Heat Sinks: 5. Machine Gun 5. Machine Gun Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Endo Steel Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ferro-Fibrous Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Roll Again 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Ferro-Fibrous Diagram 6. Ferro-Fibrous 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 10 ) ( 10 )


Type: Incubus (Vixen) 3 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 30 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 9 Tech Base: Clan Running: 14 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Streak SRM 6 RA 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Center 2 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 ( 10 ) ( 15 ) ( 10 ) 2 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 14 ) Torso ( 14 ) ( 5 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100, (Streak SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 4 ) ( 4 ) BV: 1,324


Head Left Torso ( 7 ) Right Torso ( 7 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Roll Again 6. Life Support 5. Streak SRM 6 28* 6. Roll Again 6. Streak SRM 6 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 26* Center Torso (CASE) ( 5 ) ( 5 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 10 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 7 ) ( 7 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Medium Pulse Laser 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 3. Medium Pulse Laser 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Machine Gun 6. Endo Steel 4. Machine Gun Double Heat Sinks: 5. Machine Gun 5. Machine Gun Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Endo Steel Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ferro-Fibrous Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Roll Again 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Ferro-Fibrous Diagram 6. Ferro-Fibrous 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 10 ) ( 10 )


Type: Incubus (Vixen) 7 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 30 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 9 Tech Base: Clan Running: 14 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Ultra AC/2 RA 1 2/Sht 2 9 18 27 [DB,R/C] Center 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 2 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 ( 10 ) ( 15 ) ( 10 ) 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 2 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 14 ) Torso ( 14 ) ( 5 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100, (Ultra AC/2) 45 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 4 ) ( 4 ) BV: 1,175


Head Left Torso ( 7 ) Right Torso ( 7 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Roll Again 6. Life Support 5. Ultra AC/2 28* 6. Roll Again 6. Ultra AC/2 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Ammo (Ultra AC/2) 45 26* Center Torso (CASE) ( 5 ) ( 5 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 10 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 7 ) ( 7 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. ER Medium Laser 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 3. ER Medium Laser 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Machine Gun 6. Endo Steel 4. Machine Gun Double Heat Sinks: 5. Machine Gun 5. Machine Gun Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Endo Steel Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ferro-Fibrous Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Roll Again 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Ferro-Fibrous Diagram 6. Ferro-Fibrous 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 10 ) ( 10 )


Type: Incubus (Vixen) 8 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 30 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 9 Tech Base: Clan Running: 14 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 LRM 20 RA 6 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Center 2 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 10 ) ( 15 ) ( 10 ) 2 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 14 ) Torso ( 14 ) ( 5 )

Left Right Ammo: (LRM 20) 6, (Machine Gun) 100 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 4 ) ( 4 ) BV: 1,557


Head Left Torso ( 7 ) Right Torso ( 7 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Roll Again 6. Life Support 5. LRM 20 28* 6. Roll Again 6. LRM 20 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. LRM 20 26* Center Torso (CASE) ( 5 ) ( 5 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. LRM 20 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ammo (LRM 20) 6 Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 10 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 7 ) ( 7 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. ER Medium Laser 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 3. ER Medium Laser 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Machine Gun 6. Endo Steel 4. Machine Gun Double Heat Sinks: 5. Machine Gun 5. Machine Gun Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Endo Steel Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ferro-Fibrous Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Roll Again 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Ferro-Fibrous Diagram 6. Ferro-Fibrous 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 10 ) ( 10 )


Type: Incubus (Vixen) 9 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 30 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 9 Tech Base: Mixed Running: 14 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER Large Pulse Laser RA 13 10 [P] — 7 15 23 1 ER Medium Pulse LT 6 7 [P] — 5 9 14 Center Laser Left Arm Torso Right Arm 2 AP Gauss Rifle LT 1 3 [DB,AI,X] — 3 6 9 ( 10 ) ( 14 ) ( 10 ) 1 ER Medium Pulse RT 6 7 [P] — 5 9 14 Laser Reflective 1 AP Gauss Rifle RT 1 3 [DB,AI,X] — 3 6 9 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 14 ) Torso ( 14 ) ( 5 )

Left Right Ammo: (AP Gauss) 40 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 4 ) ( 4 ) BV: 1,849


Head Left Torso ( 7 ) Right Torso ( 7 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Endo Steel 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Roll Again 6. Life Support 5. ER Large Pulse Laser 28* 6. Roll Again 6. ER Large Pulse Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. ER Large Pulse Laser 26* Center Torso ( 5 ) ( 5 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XXL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XXL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XXL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. XL Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 10 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. XL Gyro Left Right 21 6. XL Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. XL Gyro ( 7 ) ( 7 ) Left Torso (CASE) 2. XL Gyro Right Torso (CASE) 19* 1. XXL Fusion Engine 1. XXL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Gyro 2. XXL Fusion Engine 4. XXL Fusion Engine 2. XXL Fusion Engine 17* 3. XXL Fusion Engine 5. XXL Fusion Engine 3. XXL Fusion Engine 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. XXL Fusion Engine 6. XXL Fusion Engine 4. XXL Fusion Engine Double Heat Sinks: 5. ER Medium Pulse Laser 5. ER Medium Pulse Laser Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. ER Medium Pulse Laser Engine Hits 6. ER Medium Pulse Laser Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. AP Gauss Rifle 1. AP Gauss Rifle 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. AP Gauss Rifle Sensor Hits 2. Ammo (AP Gauss) 40 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Endo Steel 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Endo Steel 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Reflective 5. Reflective 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Reflective 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Reflective Diagram 6. Reflective 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Stormcrow (Ryoken) T Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 55 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 6 Tech Base: Clan Running: 9 [12] Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 10 10 [P] — 6 14 20 1 ER Small Pulse Laser LA 3 5 [P,AI] — 2 4 6 Center 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 10 10 [P] — 6 14 20 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Small Pulse Laser RA 3 5 [P,AI] — 2 4 6 ( 18 ) ( 25 ) ( 18 ) 1 Light Active Probe RT — [E] — — — 3 1 Medium Pulse Laser HD 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 25 ) Torso ( 25 ) ( 10 )

e f t R i g h tL Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 9 ) ( 9 ) BV: 2,280


Head Left Torso ( 13 ) Right Torso ( 13 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Medium Pulse Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Large Pulse Laser 6. Life Support 5. Large Pulse Laser 28* 6. Large Pulse Laser 6. Large Pulse Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER Small Pulse Laser 1. ER Small Pulse Laser 26* Center Torso ( 9 ) ( 9 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 18 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 13 ) ( 13 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 14 (28) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Supercharger 1. Light Active Probe 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Endo Steel 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Stormcrow (Ryoken) I Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 55 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 6 Tech Base: Clan Running: 9 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Sniper Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER Large Laser LA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 1 ER Medium Laser LA 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Center 1 ER Large Laser RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Medium Laser RA 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 18 ) ( 25 ) ( 18 ) 1 LRM 15 LT 5 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 1 LRM 15 RT 5 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 25 ) Torso ( 25 ) ( 10 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (LRM 15) 16 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 9 ) ( 9 ) BV: 2,319


Head Left Torso ( 13 ) Right Torso ( 13 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. ER Large Laser 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. ER Medium Laser 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. ER Large Laser 26* Center Torso ( 9 ) ( 9 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. ER Medium Laser 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 18 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 13 ) ( 13 ) Left Torso (CASE) 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. LRM 15 5. LRM 15 Heat 15* 13 (26) 6. LRM 15 Engine Hits 6. LRM 15 Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Ammo (LRM 15) 8 1. Ammo (LRM 15) 8 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Endo Steel 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Stormcrow (Ryoken) J Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 55 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 6 Tech Base: Clan Running: 9 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 HAG/30 LA 6 30 [C,F,X] 2 8 16 24 1 Imp. Heavy Large RA 18 16 [DE,X] — 5 10 15 Center Laser Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Targeting Computer RT — [E] — — — — ( 18 ) ( 25 ) ( 18 )

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 25 ) Torso ( 25 ) ( 10 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (HAG 30) 8 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 9 ) ( 9 ) BV: 2,300


Head Left Torso ( 13 ) Right Torso ( 13 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. HAG/30 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. HAG/30 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. HAG/30 6. Life Support 5. Imp. Heavy Large Laser 28* 6. HAG/30 6. Imp. Heavy Large Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. HAG/30 1. Imp. Heavy Large Laser 26* Center Torso ( 9 ) ( 9 ) 2. HAG/30 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. HAG/30 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. HAG/30 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 18 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 13 ) ( 13 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Ammo (HAG 30) 4 5. Endo Steel 3. Targeting Computer 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Ammo (HAG 30) 4 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Targeting Computer Double Heat Sinks: 5. Endo Steel 5. Targeting Computer Heat 15* 10 (20) 6. Ferro-Fibrous Engine Hits 6. Targeting Computer Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Ferro-Fibrous 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ferro-Fibrous Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Roll Again 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Roll Again 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Stormcrow (Ryoken) K Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 55 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 6 Tech Base: Clan Running: 9 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Gauss Rifle LA 1 15 [DB,X] 2 7 15 22 4 Imp. Heavy Medium RA 7 10 [DE,X] — 3 6 9 Center Laser Left Arm Torso Right Arm ( 18 ) ( 25 ) ( 18 )

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 25 ) Torso ( 25 ) ( 10 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (Gauss) 16 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 9 ) ( 9 ) BV: 2,001


Head Left Torso ( 13 ) Right Torso ( 13 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Gauss Rifle 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Gauss Rifle 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Gauss Rifle 6. Life Support 5. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 28* 6. Gauss Rifle 6. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Gauss Rifle 1. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 26* Center Torso ( 9 ) ( 9 ) 2. Gauss Rifle 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser ( 18 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Imp. Heavy Medium Laser 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 13 ) ( 13 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 15 (30) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Ammo (Gauss) 8 1. Double Heat Sink 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Ammo (Gauss) 8 Sensor Hits 2. Double Heat Sink 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Endo Steel 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Stormcrow (Ryoken) P Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 55 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 6 Tech Base: Clan Running: 9 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Striker Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER Large Laser LA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Center 1 ER Large Laser RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 ( 18 ) ( 25 ) ( 18 ) 1 Streak SRM 6 LT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 1 Streak SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 1 Medium Pulse Laser HD 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 25 ) Torso ( 25 ) ( 10 )

e f t R i g h tL Ammo: (Streak SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 9 ) ( 9 ) BV: 2,213


Head Left Torso ( 13 ) Right Torso ( 13 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Medium Pulse Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. ER Large Laser 6. Life Support 5. ER Large Laser 28* 6. Medium Pulse Laser 6. Medium Pulse Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Roll Again 26* Center Torso ( 9 ) ( 9 ) 2. Roll Again 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 18 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 13 ) ( 13 ) Left Torso (CASE) 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Ferro-Fibrous 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Streak SRM 6 5. Streak SRM 6 Heat 15* 12 (24) 6. Streak SRM 6 Engine Hits 6. Streak SRM 6 Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Fibrous 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Fibrous 3. Ferro-Fibrous 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 22 ) ( 22 )


Type: War Crow Prime Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 5 Tech Base: Clan Running: 8 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 w/Capacitor Center 1 LRM 15 LT 5 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 ( 22 ) ( 32 ) ( 22 ) 1 LRM 15 RT 5 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Ferro 1 ER Medium Laser CT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Lamellor 1 ER Medium Laser HD 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 12 )

Left Right Ammo: (LRM 15) 32 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 2,835


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Double Heat Sink 4. ER Medium Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. ER PPC 6. Life Support 5. Ammo (LRM 15) 8 28* 6. ER PPC 6. Ammo (LRM 15) 8 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. PPC Capacitor 1. Ferro-Lamellor 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Ammo (LRM 15) 8 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ferro-Lamellor 25* 3. Ammo (LRM 15) 8 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Lamellor Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Ferro-Lamellor 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Ferro-Lamellor ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. LRM 15 5. ER Medium Laser 3. LRM 15 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. LRM 15 6. Roll Again 4. LRM 15 Double Heat Sinks: 5. Medium Pulse Laser 5. Medium Pulse Laser Heat 15* 15 (30) 6. Endo Steel Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Lamellor 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Ferro-Lamellor 3. Ferro-Lamellor 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Lamellor 5. Ferro-Lamellor 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 22 ) ( 22 )


Type: War Crow A Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 5 Tech Base: Clan Running: 8 [10] Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Skirmisher Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 HAG/30 LA 6 30 [C,F,X] 2 8 16 24 1 ER Large Laser RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 Center 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Medium Laser CT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 32 ) ( 22 ) 1 ER Small Laser HD 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 Ferro Lamellor Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 12 )

Left Right Ammo: (HAG 30) 16 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 3,030


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. HAG/30 4. ER Small Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. HAG/30 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. HAG/30 6. Life Support 5. ER Large Laser 28* 6. HAG/30 6. Ferro-Lamellor Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. HAG/30 1. Ferro-Lamellor 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. HAG/30 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ferro-Lamellor 25* 3. HAG/30 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Lamellor Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. HAG/30 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Ferro-Lamellor 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Endo Steel 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Ammo (HAG 30) 4 5. ER Medium Laser 3. ER Medium Laser 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Ammo (HAG 30) 4 6. Roll Again 4. Supercharger Double Heat Sinks: 5. Ammo (HAG 30) 4 5. Endo Steel Heat 15* 14 (28) 6. Ammo (HAG 30) 4 Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Ferro-Lamellor 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Lamellor 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Ferro-Lamellor 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Lamellor 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Lamellor 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 22 ) ( 22 )


Type: War Crow B Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 5 Tech Base: Clan Running: 8 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 5 Role: Skirmisher Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 10 10 [P] — 6 14 20 1 Streak LRM 15 LT 5 1/Msl [M,C] — 7 14 21 Center 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Medium Pulse Laser CT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 ( 22 ) ( 32 ) ( 22 ) 1 ER Medium Laser HD 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Ferro Lamellor Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 12 )

Left Right Ammo: (Streak LRM 15) 16 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 2,787


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. ER Medium Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Ammo (Streak LRM 15) 8 6. Life Support 5. Large Pulse Laser 28* 6. Ammo (Streak LRM 15) 8 6. Large Pulse Laser Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Endo Steel 1. Ferro-Lamellor 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Endo Steel 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ferro-Lamellor 25* 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Lamellor Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Ferro-Lamellor 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Ferro-Lamellor ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 3. Jump Jet 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Streak LRM 15 6. Medium Pulse Laser 4. Medium Pulse Laser Double Heat Sinks: 5. Streak LRM 15 5. Endo Steel Heat 15* 14 (28) 6. Streak LRM 15 Engine Hits 6. Endo Steel Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Ferro-Lamellor 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Ferro-Lamellor 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Ferro-Lamellor 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Lamellor 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Lamellor 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Jump Jet Damage Transfer 5. Jump Jet 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 22 ) ( 22 )


Type: War Crow C Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 5 Tech Base: Clan Running: 8 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Sniper Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER Large Laser LA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 1 ER Large Laser RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 Center 1 ATM 9 LT 6 [M,C,S] Left Arm Torso Right Arm Standard 2/Msl 4 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 32 ) ( 22 ) Extended Range 1/Msl 4 9 18 27 High Explosive 3/Msl — 3 6 9 Ferro 1 ATM 9 RT 6 [M,C,S] Lamellor Standard 2/Msl 4 5 10 15 Left Right Extended Range 1/Msl 4 9 18 27 Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) High Explosive 3/Msl — 3 6 9 ( 12 ) 1 ER Medium Laser CT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 1 ER Medium Laser HD 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15

Left Right Ammo: (ATM 9) 28 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 2,572


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. ER Medium Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. ER Large Laser 6. Life Support 5. ER Large Laser 28* 6. Ammo (ATM 9) 7 6. Ammo (ATM 9) 7 Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Ammo (ATM 9) 7 1. Ammo (ATM 9) 7 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Coolant Pod 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Ferro-Lamellor 25* 3. Endo Steel 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Ferro-Lamellor Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Ferro-Lamellor 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Ferro-Lamellor ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Ferro-Lamellor 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. ATM 9 5. ER Medium Laser 3. ATM 9 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. ATM 9 6. Roll Again 4. ATM 9 Double Heat Sinks: 5. ATM 9 5. ATM 9 Heat 15* 14 (28) 6. ATM 9 Engine Hits 6. ATM 9 Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Endo Steel 1. Endo Steel 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Endo Steel Sensor Hits 2. Endo Steel 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Ferro-Lamellor 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 4-6 4. Ferro-Lamellor 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ferro-Lamellor 5. Ferro-Lamellor 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Ferro-Lamellor 6. Ferro-Lamellor 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 22 ) ( 22 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-7A Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 Medium Laser LT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Small Pulse Laser LT 2 3 [P,AI] — 1 2 3 ( 20 ) ( 33 ) ( 20 ) 1 SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 w/Artemis IV 1 Medium Laser RT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 1 Small Pulse Laser RT 2 3 [P,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Right 2 Medium Laser CT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Leg Center Leg ( 28 ) Torso ( 28 ) ( 10 )

Left Right Ammo: (SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 1,679


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC 1. ER PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. ER PPC 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC 25* 3. ER PPC 2. Fusion Engine 3. ER PPC Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Endo Steel 3. Fusion Engine 4. Endo Steel 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Endo Steel ( 22 ) 6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Medium Laser 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Medium Laser 4. SRM 6 Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. SRM 6 Heat 15* 16 (32) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Artemis IV FCS Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Medium Laser 1. Medium Laser 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Small Pulse Laser Sensor Hits 2. Small Pulse Laser 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Ammo (SRM 6) 15 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. CASE 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Endo Steel 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Endo Steel 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 20 ) ( 20 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-7K Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 Medium Laser LT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Small Pulse Laser LT 2 3 [P,AI] — 1 2 3 ( 22 ) ( 30 ) ( 22 ) 1 Medium Laser RT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 1 Small Pulse Laser RT 2 3 [P,AI] — 1 2 3 2 Streak SRM 2 RT 2 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 1 TAG HD — [E] — 5 9 15 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 13 )

Left Right Ammo: (Streak SRM 2) 50 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 10 ) ( 10 ) BV: 1,651


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. TAG 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC 1. Double Heat Sink 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. ER PPC 1. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 25* 3. ER PPC 2. Fusion Engine 3. Double Heat Sink Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Endo Steel 3. Fusion Engine 4. ER PPC 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. ER PPC ( 22 ) 6. Endo Steel 6. ER PPC 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Endo Steel 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 18 (36) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Medium Laser 1. Medium Laser 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Small Pulse Laser Sensor Hits 2. Small Pulse Laser 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Endo Steel 3. Streak SRM 2 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Streak SRM 2 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Endo Steel 5. Ammo (Streak SRM 2) 50 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-7M Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 Medium Laser LT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Anti-Missile System LT 1 [PD] — 1 — — ( 20 ) ( 22 ) ( 20 ) 1 SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 1 Medium Laser RT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 1 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 15 ) Torso ( 15 ) ( 9 )

Left Right Ammo: (AMS) 12, (Machine Gun) 200, (SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 1,487


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC 1. ER PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. ER PPC 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC 25* 3. ER PPC 2. Fusion Engine 3. ER PPC Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 200 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Roll Again 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 18 (36) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. SRM 6 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. SRM 6 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Medium Laser 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Medium Laser 4-6 4. Machine Gun 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Anti-Missile System 5. Ammo (SRM 6) 15 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Ammo (AMS) 12 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-7M-DC Pilot: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Commander: Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Center 1 Medium Laser LT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 ( 20 ) ( 22 ) ( 20 ) 1 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 15 ) Torso ( 15 ) ( 9 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100, (SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 1,402


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Command Console 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC 1. ER PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. ER PPC 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC 25* 3. ER PPC 2. Fusion Engine 3. ER PPC Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Roll Again 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 18 (36) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. SRM 6 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. SRM 6 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Machine Gun 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Medium Laser 4-6 4. Ammo (SRM 6) 15 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-7S Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 6 [P] — 2 4 6 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Streak SRM 2 LT 2 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 ( 20 ) ( 22 ) ( 20 ) 1 Small Laser LT 1 3 [DE] — 1 2 3 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 6 [P] — 2 4 6 1 Streak SRM 2 RT 2 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 1 Small Laser RT 1 3 [DE] — 1 2 3 Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 15 ) Torso ( 15 ) ( 9 )

Left Right Ammo: (Streak SRM 2) 50 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 1,477


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. ER PPC 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. ER PPC 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. ER PPC 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. ER PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Roll Again 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC 25* 3. Roll Again 2. Fusion Engine 3. ER PPC Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Ammo (Streak SRM 2) 50 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Roll Again 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 18 (36) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. Double Heat Sink 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Medium Pulse Laser 4-6 4. Medium Pulse Laser 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Streak SRM 2 5. Streak SRM 2 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Small Laser 6. Small Laser 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 21 ) ( 21 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-8R Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 5 [DE] — 4 8 12 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Small Laser LT 2 3 [DE] — 2 4 5 ( 22 ) ( 29 ) ( 22 ) 1 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 1 Streak SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 5 [DE] — 4 8 12 1 ER Small Laser RT 2 3 [DE] — 2 4 5 Left Right 1 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 10 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 200, (Streak SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 7 ) ( 7 ) BV: 1,697


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC 1. ER PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. ER PPC 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC 25* 3. ER PPC 2. Fusion Engine 3. ER PPC Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Endo Steel 3. Fusion Engine 4. Endo Steel 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Endo Steel ( 22 ) 6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Roll Again 4. Streak SRM 6 Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Streak SRM 6 Heat 15* 16 (32) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. ER Medium Laser Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. ER Medium Laser 1. ER Small Laser 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. ER Small Laser Sensor Hits 2. Machine Gun 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Machine Gun 3. Ammo (Machine Gun) 200 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Endo Steel 4-6 4. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Endo Steel 5. CASE II 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Endo Steel 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 20 ) ( 20 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-9K Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Heavy PPC LA 15 15 [DE] 3 6 12 18 1 Heavy PPC RA 15 15 [DE] 3 6 12 18 Center 1 MML 9 RT 5 [M,C,S] Left Arm Torso Right Arm LRM 1/Msl 6 7 14 21 ( 22 ) ( 30 ) ( 22 ) SRM 2/Msl — 3 6 9

Left Right Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 13 )

Left Right Ammo: (MML 9/LRM) 13, (MML 9/SRM) 11 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 10 ) ( 10 ) BV: 1,744


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Endo Steel 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Heavy PPC 1. Heavy PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Heavy PPC 1. Light Fusion Engine 2. Heavy PPC 25* 3. Heavy PPC 2. Light Fusion Engine 3. Heavy PPC Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Heavy PPC 3. Light Fusion Engine 4. Heavy PPC 23* 5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Endo Steel ( 22 ) 6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Light Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Light Fusion Engine 1. Light Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. Light Fusion Engine 2. Light Fusion Engine 4. Light Fusion Engine 2. Light Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 3. MML 9 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Endo Steel 4. MML 9 Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. MML 9 Heat 15* 16 (32) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. MML 9 Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. MML 9 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. Ammo (MML 9/LRM) 13 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Ammo (MML 9/SRM) 11 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Double Heat Sink 4-6 4. CASE II 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Endo Steel 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Endo Steel Damage Transfer 5. Endo Steel 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Endo Steel Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 20 ) ( 20 )


Type: Warhammer WHM-10K Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed Running: 6 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC LA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 Medium Laser LT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 ER Small Laser (IS) LT 2 3 [DE] — 2 4 5 ( 22 ) ( 30 ) ( 22 ) 1 Machine Gun (Clan) LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 1 Streak SRM 6 (Clan) RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 Ballistic 1 Medium Laser RT 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Reinforced 1 ER Small Laser (IS) RT 2 3 [DE] — 2 4 5 Left Right 1 Machine Gun (Clan) RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) ( 13 )

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100, (Streak SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 10 ) ( 10 ) BV: 2,033


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Endo-Composite 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. ER PPC 5. Sensors 1-3 4. ER PPC 5. ER PPC 6. Life Support 5. ER PPC 28* 6. ER PPC 6. ER PPC Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Endo-Composite 1. Endo-Composite 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Endo-Composite 1. Light Fusion Engine 2. Endo-Composite 25* 3. Endo-Composite 2. Light Fusion Engine 3. Endo-Composite Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Ballistic-Reinforced 3. Light Fusion Engine 4. Ballistic-Reinforced 23* 5. Ballistic-Reinforced 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Ballistic-Reinforced ( 22 ) 6. Ballistic-Reinforced 6. Ballistic-Reinforced 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Light Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Light Fusion Engine 1. Light Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. Light Fusion Engine 2. Light Fusion Engine 4. Light Fusion Engine 2. Light Fusion Engine 17* 3. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 5. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 3. Streak SRM 6 [Clan] 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 6. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 4. Streak SRM 6 [Clan] Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 5. Medium Laser Heat 15* 16 (32) 6. Double Heat Sink [Clan] Engine Hits 6. ER Small Laser Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Medium Laser 1. Machine Gun [Clan] 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. ER Small Laser Sensor Hits 2. Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Machine Gun [Clan] 3. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Ballistic-Reinforced 4-6 4. CASE II [Clan] 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Ballistic-Reinforced 5. Ballistic-Reinforced 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Ballistic-Reinforced 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Double Heat Sink [Clan] Damage Transfer 5. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Double Heat Sink [Clan] Diagram 6. Double Heat Sink [Clan] 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Warhammer C Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed Running: 6 Rules Level: Experimental Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 10 10 [P] — 6 14 20 (Clan) Center 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 10 10 [P] — 6 14 20 Left Arm Torso Right Arm (Clan) ( 20 ) ( 22 ) ( 20 ) 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 (Clan) 1 ER Small Laser (Clan) LT 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 1 Machine Gun LT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Left Right 1 Streak SRM 6 (Clan) RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 Leg Center Leg ( 15 ) Torso ( 15 ) 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 9 ) (Clan) 1 ER Small Laser (Clan) RT 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 1 Machine Gun RT — 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3

Left Right Ammo: (Machine Gun) 200, (Streak SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 1,728


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Heat Sink 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Heat Sink 5. Large Pulse Laser [Clan] 6. Life Support 5. Large Pulse Laser [Clan] 28* 6. Large Pulse Laser [Clan] 6. Large Pulse Laser [Clan] Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. Roll Again 1. Roll Again 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Roll Again 1. Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25* 3. Roll Again 2. Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Heat Sink 1. Streak SRM 6 [Clan] 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Streak SRM 6 [Clan] 17* 3. ER Medium Laser [Clan] 5. Ammo (Machine Gun) 200 3. ER Medium Laser [Clan] 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. ER Small Laser [Clan] 6. Roll Again 4. ER Small Laser [Clan] Heat Sinks: 5. Machine Gun 5. Machine Gun Heat 15* 20 6. Roll Again Engine Hits 6. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Roll Again 1. Roll Again 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Roll Again Sensor Hits 2. Roll Again 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Roll Again 3. Roll Again 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Roll Again 4-6 4. Roll Again 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Heat Sink Damage Transfer 5. Heat Sink 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Heat Sink Diagram 6. Heat Sink 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 17 ) ( 17 )


Type: Warhammer C 2 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed Running: 6 Rules Level: Experimental Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC (Clan) LA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 1 ER PPC (Clan) RA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Left Arm Torso Right Arm (Clan) ( 20 ) ( 22 ) ( 20 ) 1 ER Small Laser (Clan) LT 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 1 Small Pulse Laser LT 2 3 [P,AI] — 2 4 6 (Clan) 1 Streak SRM 6 (Clan) RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 Left Right 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Leg Center Leg ( 15 ) Torso ( 15 ) (Clan) ( 9 ) 1 ER Small Laser (Clan) RT 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 1 Small Pulse Laser RT 2 3 [P,AI] — 2 4 6 (Clan)

Left Right Ammo: (Streak SRM 6) 15 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 2,157


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC [Clan] 1. ER PPC [Clan] 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. ER PPC [Clan] 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC [Clan] 25* 3. Roll Again 2. Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 18* 4-6 3. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17* 3. Double Heat Sink 5. Roll Again 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Double Heat Sink 6. Roll Again 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 18 (36) 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Streak SRM 6 [Clan] 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. Streak SRM 6 [Clan] 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Medium Pulse Laser [Clan] 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Medium Pulse Laser [Clan] 4-6 4. ER Small Laser [Clan] 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. ER Small Laser [Clan] 5. Small Pulse Laser [Clan] 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Small Pulse Laser [Clan] 6. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Roll Again Damage Transfer 5. Roll Again 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again Diagram 6. Roll Again 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. ARMOR DIAGRAM

Head ( 9 ) Left Torso Right Torso ( 22 ) ( 22 )


Type: Warhammer C 3 Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 4 Tech Base: Clan Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumping: 0 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 A-Pod RL — [PD,OS,AI] — — — — 1 ER PPC LA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 Center 1 ER PPC RA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 Left Arm Torso Right Arm 1 Streak SRM 6 LT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 ( 22 ) ( 33 ) ( 22 ) 1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 1 Streak SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12 1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Left Right 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12 Leg Center Leg ( 30 ) Torso ( 30 ) 1 ECM Suite HD — [E] — — — 6 ( 11 ) 1 Targeting Computer LT — [E] — — — —

Left Right Ammo: (Streak SRM 6) 30 Torso Rear Torso Rear ( 8 ) ( 8 ) BV: 2,772


Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30* 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. ECM Suite 3. Lower Arm Actuator 29 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28* 6. ER PPC 6. ER PPC Left Right 27 Arm Arm 1. ER PPC 1. ER PPC 26* Center Torso ( 11 ) ( 11 ) 2. Endo Steel 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Endo Steel 25* 3. Endo Steel 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Endo Steel Center 24* 4-6 4-6 Torso 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4. Roll Again 23* 5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 ) 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22* 5. Gyro Left Right 21 6. Gyro Leg Leg 20* 1. Gyro ( 15 ) ( 15 ) Left Torso (CASE) 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19* 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18* 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17* 3. Streak SRM 6 5. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1-3 HEAT DATA 16 4. Streak SRM 6 6. Double Heat Sink 4. Double Heat Sink Double Heat Sinks: 5. ER Medium Laser 5. Double Heat Sink Heat 15* 17 (34) 6. Medium Pulse Laser Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14* Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13* 1. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 1. Streak SRM 6 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+ 2. Targeting Computer Sensor Hits 2. Streak SRM 6 12 Life Support 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 3. Targeting Computer 3. ER Medium Laser 25 -5 Movement Points 11 4-6 4. Targeting Computer 4-6 4. Medium Pulse Laser 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10* 5. Targeting Computer 5. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+ 6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 20 -4 Movement Points 8* 19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 1. Hip 1. Hip 5* 15 -3 Movement Points 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 10 -2 Movement Points 5. Double Heat Sink Damage Transfer 5. A-Pod 2 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Double Heat Sink Diagram 6. Endo Steel 1 5 -1 Movement Points 0

© 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.