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Skipisten / piste da sci / slopes 0/117 km Aufstiegsanlagen / impianti / lifts 5/31

Wetterbericht / meteo / weather Schneehöhe / altezza neve / snow height

Heute Morgen Übermorgen cm Schneehöhe Berg oggi domani dopodomani altezza neve monte today tomorrow day after tomorrow 250 snow height mountain

cm Schneehöhe Tal altezza neve valle 100 snow height valley

cm Schneefall 01.01.0001 cm neve fresca 01.01.0001 9 / 22 °C 9 / 25 °C 6 / 25 °C 0 snowfall 01.01.0001 0 Berg / monte / mountain Tal / valle / valley Temperaturen / temperature / temperatures

Berg / monte / mountain Tal / valle / valley 0°C (2000m) (1000m) Grenze / limite / limit 10 °C 20 °C 3800 m

Verbindungen / collegamenti / connections

closed closed closed c closed closed c closed o c closed o c o o closed c closed closed closed

closed closed

o = geöffnet / aperto / open c = geschlossen / chiuso / closed

c Haunold – Baranci GRANDE GIRO c

c - Braies GIRO DELLE CIME c

c - Dobbiaco Rodelbahnen / pista slittino / toboggan runs

c - Sesto Waldheimlifte

c Kreuzbergpass - P.sso Monte Croce

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Aufstiegsanlagen / impianti / lifts M. Elmo - Orto del Toro - Croda Rossa Ski Area Val Comelico o Helmjet Sexten 11 08:30 - 17:30 c Col d'la Tenda 50 08:45 - 16:30 No other mountain has views to equal those c Cenerentola 51 08:45 - 16:30 of Monte Elmo. The sunrise adventure trip is very popular. Kids love the children’s mountain village Kinderalm, paragliders love Dobbiaco Rienza Monte Elmo and hikers enjoy the many varied walking and hiking paths. c Rienza 27 09:00 - 16:30

c Trenker 26 09:00 - 16:30 o Vierschach - Helm 13 08:30 - 17:30 No other mountain has views to equal those of Monte Elmo. The sunrise adventure trip is Passo Monte Croce very popular. Kids love the children’s mountain village Kinderalm, paragliders love c Kreuzberg I 1 08:00 - 16:30 Monte Elmo and hikers enjoy the many varied c Kreuzberg II 2 08:00 - 16:30 walking and hiking paths.

o Croda Rossa/Rotwand 3 08:30 - 17:30 Waldheim On Croda Rossa the , their history and the reindeer are within arm’s reach. Here c Waldheim I 8 09:00 - 16:00 you can trace the events of the First World c Waldheim II 9 09:00 - 16:30 War and climb in the most important via ferratas in the Alps.

Ausserprags o Tre Cime 41 08:30 - 17:30 The new detachable cable car Three Peaks c Sonnleiten 38 09:00 - 16:30 (seats 8) takes you up from Signaue to c Kameriot 39 09:00 - 16:30 Stiergarten, where once the bulls spent their summers. Today the Stiergarten is a hiking paradise with beautiful walks and view to the Three Peaks.

c Signaue 10 08:30 - 16:30

c Stiergarten 40 08:30 - 16:30

c Mittelstation 14 08:45 - 16:15

c Hasenköpfl 16 08:45 - 16:15

c Uebungslift 15 08:45 - 16:15

c Raut 18 08:30 - 16:30

c Hahnspiel 12 09:00 - 16:15

c Brugger 7 08:15 - 16:00

c Wiese 17 08:30 - 16:30

c Rotwandwiesen 4 08:45 - 16:15

c Porzen 5 08:45 - 16:15

c Moos 6 08:30 - 16:30

Monte Baranci o Haunold 19 09:00 - 18:30 THE mountain for family excursions at the foot of the impressive Baranci mountain range. There you will finde the Giant's realm, the dwarf village and the alpine relax area. Also the Funbob, South ’s longest summer toboggan run, starts there. Kids also love the tubing run and the Children’s Tree

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Tops Adventure Trail.

c Doris 20 08:45 - 16:30

c Untertal 21 08:45 - 16:30

c Lärchen 22 08:45 - 16:30

c Erschbaum 23 08:45 - 16:30

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Skipisten / piste / slopes M. Elmo - Orto del Toro - Croda Rossa Nummer Schwierigkeit numero difficoltà number difficulty c Grande Giro delle Cime clockwise 0 c M.Elmo - Stiergarten 11- c Stiergarten - Sesto 11 c Kristlerhang - Sexten 11a c Hahnspieleck - Sexten 11b c Hahnspiel-Eck Variante 11c c Hahnspiel 12 c Trainingspiste Hahnspiel 12a c Hahnspielhütte 12b c Helm-Vierschach 13 c Variante "S" Vierschach 13a c Raut - Vierschach 13b c Mittelstation 14 c Übungslift 15 c Übungslift 15a c Übungslift II 15b c Hasenköpfl 16 c Helm 16a c Helm II 16b c Steilhang 16c c Schuss 16d c Direttissima 16e c Olperl Weg 16f c Olperls Funslope 16g c Wiese 17 c Übungshang Raut 18 c Skiweg Raut 18a c Bruggerleite 7 c Connection Brugger 7a c Connection Helmjet 7b c Stiergarten 40 c Drei Zinnen 41 c Variante Family Drei Zinnen 41a c Variante Family Drei Zinnen 41b c Moos-Sexten 41c c Bad Moos - Rotwand 3 c Holzriese I 3a c Holzriese II 3b c Variante Stiermahdrane 3c c Rotwandwiesen 4 c Kids Race 4a

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c Connection Rotwandwiesen 4b c Fun Park Rotwand 4b c Rudi Rentier Funslope 4c c Porzen 5 c Trainingspiste Porzen 5a c Porzen Variante 5b c Signaue 10 c Rudi Rentier Weg 10a c Signaue II 10b c Moos 6 c Heinrich Harrer 6a c Moos- Rotwand 6b c Skiweg UNESCO I c Popera II c Kreuzberg - Signaue III c Kreuzberg 1 c Marc Giradelli 2 c Toboggan run Croda Rossa R1

Monte Baranci Nummer Schwierigkeit numero difficoltà number difficulty c Haunold 19 c Haunold West 19a c Mandoriese 19b c Doris 20 c Doris II 20a c Untertal 21 c Trainingspiste - Untertal 21a c Kids Ski Cross 21b c Lärchen 22 c Erschbaum 23 c Toboggan run M. Baranci R2

Ski Area Val Comelico Nummer Schwierigkeit numero difficoltà number difficulty c Grande Giro delle Cime clockwise 0 c Campo 50 c Tre Picchi - Talstation 50a c Europa Unita 50b c Pra'dei Guardiani 50d c Tabiadel 50e c Campo Scuola 51

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Dobbiaco Rienza Nummer Schwierigkeit numero difficoltà number difficulty c Ski School 25 c Trenker 26 c Trainingspiste Trenker 26a c Rienz 27

Waldheim Nummer Schwierigkeit numero difficoltà number difficulty c Waldheim I 8 c Waldheim I/bis 9

Ausserprags Nummer Schwierigkeit numero difficoltà number difficulty c Sonnleiten 38 c Sonnleiten 38a c Crosspiste Sonnleiten 38b c Kameriot 39 c Crosspiste Kameriot 39a

Rodelbahnen Schwierigkeit Typ Länge Höhenmeter difficoltà tipo lunghezza dislivello difficulty type length altitude gesamt / totale / total: 0 m 0 m

Schwierigkeitsgrad / difficoltà / difficulty Legende / legenda / legend Länge leicht / facile / easy leicht / facile / easy 56.854 m 49 % mittel / media / medium

mittel / media / medium 48.117 m 41 % schwer / difficile / hard schwer / difficile / hard 12.225 m 10 % c geschlossen / chiuso / closed gesamt / totale / total: 117.196 m 100% o geöffnet / aperto / open

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