Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 6, Number 10
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Scholars Crossing 1987 The Fundamentalist Journal 11-1987 Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 6, Number 10 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 6, Number 10" (1987). 1987. 11. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1987 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .-t ,-t .s ;= 9)) -L a^) \) {9 ,vt SI CJ U9 (^) ar -_t -...-..4 -Lr. F rl r rorO c\l @ :oN ,o, tf UJ m '> r>I lll o OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUF 'z LYNCHEURG VA ?4514 Listr Light is a .junittr.from San Bernardino, Calilbrnict. I left Californiafor CedarvilleColleg€... I love California. There hasto be a pretty good reason My classesare challenging. My professorshave lots of for me to leavethe beach. the mountains.and the desert experienceand teach from a biblicalperspective. They've which arejust minutesfrom my homein SanBernardino. beenso willing to meetwith me one-on-one,to helpor just But, when it comesto CedarvilleCollege. there are a lot of to talk! reasonsto leaveCalifornia. Everyoneat Cedarvillereally takes an interestin me Friendstold me I would getan excellentChristian andwants to bringout thebest in me. PresidentDixon tells educationat Cedarville- one that would prepareme for us to call him any time we havea problem,even long almostany career. distance.And, he meansit. They saidI would havemany opportunities to grow I reallylike chapelat Cedarville.The Bibleteaching is spirituallybecause the Bible is reallytaken seriously. great.Speakers are broughtin from aroundthe world and They alsotold me aboutthe friendly people there - whatthey say is reallyinteresting and practical. Being at that they would really careabout me - and that Cedarville the Collegehas made me more confidentin my faith and is a fun placewith lotsto do right on campus. hasgiven me thedesire to know evenmore about God. And you know, when I arrivedI found all thesethings Yes, I lovemy home,but for my collegeeducation, to be true, and more. I'm gladI left Californiafor CedarvilleCollege. a a a I'm amazedat themany Christian service opportunities a a like helping at the Dayton DetentionCenter and traveling a ''^"*,..:.:** $32.50- publisher'sprice for these5 qual$paperbacks. :aOOOOOOaOOOaaaOaaaa YOurcFREE! i aaaoaoooooooolooloo tlu Mt availoble histary0f the "Prfubb survey ,z1 ,316 pages Unitd Stotw" _lHEFREEMAN ,.'211quic?, meaty profiles of keypeople Clarence B. Carson, continues The Freeman "has formed a richly woven ,, Lavishlyillustrated with 238 tapestryof eventsand the ideasthat spawnedthem. For Carson,history is photos,engravings andmaps not merelya collectionof factsand dates,an accountof explorations,settle- ,zAt theend of eachvolume. ments, westwardexpansion, wars, Presidents,and elections.History is the glossaryof dozensof key product of the actions of countlessindividuals. each under the influenceof terms.. propernameindex certain ideas.And Carson exploresthose ideas,ideologies, and 'isms.' He srrnoestinnsfor fuflhef shows how they were responsiblefor the settlementof this continent, the reading.(yes, relrable books) strugglefor freedom, the westwardexpansion, the constructionof schools, extensivefootnotes for churches,factories, and the founding of new religiousdenominations. He ex- documentation plains why our ancestorsfought for their beliefs, and strove to create a ,, Briefchronologies begin each government,limited in scope,with checksand balances,that would not have chapter,to giveyou key dates the power to oppressthe people." andput the section into per- In 5 SweepingVolumes, Tlrc American Story spective ,, EXTRA_ ANDVALUABLE: 5 VOLUMEl: THE COLONIALEXPERIENCE,lffiT-lTi| documentsvital to our heri- VOLUME2: THE BEGINNINCOF THE REPUBLIC,lii5-1825 tage: VOLUME3: THESECTIONS AND THECIVIL WAR, 1826-18?7 TheDeclaration ofIndependence . The . VOLUME4: THE GROWTHOF AMERICA,1878-1928 ConstitutionWashington's Farewell Address. Jellerson's First Inaugural VOLUME5: THE WELFARESTAIE, 1929-1985 Address. The Monroe Doctrine Dr: Carsonis a manwho cherishes our noblest traditions. Far too many modem historians, pur- suingthe agenda of theLeft leaveour pastin tatten.Not Dr. Canon.He undentandswhat madeour countryg%t - andwlut tlreatensus today.He givesus thefacts, and interprets themin waystlnt patrioticconservatives andlibertarians will applaud. He captures the color too, ,f:r::A the clashof controveny,the values we are still struggling to handdown to our children. 8s2.s0 lf you'velong since left the campusbehind but wouldlike a sound,readable refresher in it Americanhistory, this is yourfint choice, rnnr Every4 weeks(13 tJmes a year)you geta freecopy of theClub Bulletin which offers ycu o theFealrrd Selectionplus a goodchoice ofAlternaEs - all of nterst to consenativs. 15Oakland Avenue Harrison,N.Y. 10528 * If you wanttiE FeaturedSelatioq do nothingit will comeautonutically. * If yur Pleaseaccept my membershipin the don't wantthe Fea0.rred Selatioq or you do wantan Altemate,indicate yorr wisheson Club and send FREE my the tnndy cardenclmd with your Bulletinand retumit by the deadlinedate. * The S-volume $32.50 set of ClarenceB. 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City State-Zip NOVEMBER1987 voL.6/NO.10 a Family Living a ls it God'swill for all ln Review Christiansto enjoygood 50 a health,wealth, and suc- cessas the worldknows it? Certainprosperity MinistryUpdate theologiansare teaching 53 thatit is.The Bible teachessomething different. Profile -55 PacificGarden Mission 14 JamesR. Adair 40 W" GatherTogether l4 l'3",i:^,iy J,ff "J:flJ,., HaroldL. Willmington 42Hg";1""'ffiiil.i,#' DeborahW Huff Gambling WhyChristians Must Say"No" I errv Rrair-lfnnt YouSaid lt !)rit InstantWin or Dismal !! Oisappointment? MichaelR Smith Fromthe Publisher 9 Beatingthe GamblingHabit RonaldE Hawkins The biblicalview of workaffords no Jerry FalwellComments Loop l fl roomfor the vice of gambling.Larry Closingthe A Ministryin Jeopardy iZiZ Friahin hrlnKqr = Braidfoot why Lvvr), 1 explains Christians r mustsay no to the practice. FundamentalismToday 1, NewsBriefs ;if Religionand Politics 58 Whatabout the Future? - EdwardG Dobson News Biography -62 Post-AbortionSyndrome WilliamBrewster A GrowingMental Health RobertA, Peterson Problem AnnWharton Post-AbortionSyndrome QQ Thunderin the Pulpit 63 A MentalHealth Yll - Growing 4 BoldStatement Problem WilliamBrewster and AnnWharton JohnRobinson Just as a parentis thrilledwith a child'sheartfelt thank-you, so must After All ourheavenly Father be pleasedwhen Preaching& Pastoring 66 Reflections welearn the fine art of giving thanks. lrumanDollar 4 FundamentalistJournal Deeplymoved. of the needsoutside our affluentcom- state's or government's,and family's munity and be happy with meager responsibilities.In most of thesediscus- As I read "ThrowawayKids" and givingof our 10percent and not surren- sions,the lastperson considered was the "Children of the Road: Destination dering all. residentwho was to receivethe care. Unknown" (September),I was deeply As a result,we havedecided to fol- A great dealof time was spentdis- moved.Moved not only to tears and low whatwe knowis God'sleading, and cussinghow the familysu-ffers when they compassion,but alsoto action. move to the inner city within the next watcha lovedone go througha longperi- Godhas burdened my husbandand year (uponmy collegegraduation). We od of sufferingwith a terminaldisease and me for the inner city. We are in college dreamand hope to work in a Christian how steps can be taken to alleviatetlle preparingfor God'swork. We knewthat organtzationsuch as Rev.Ritter's, while suffering, through the denial of life- we were beingdirected by the Lord to my husbandcompletes his collegework. prolongingmeasures (which can be good inner-citywork two years ago and are We are prayingthat Godwill leadus to whendone for the rightreasons). For ex- workingnow with an inner-cityrenewal the placewhere He canuse us most. ample,a 97-year-oldperson who has had organizationin Cleveland.We had not Thank you. We appreciatedyour cancerfor a longperiod of time, weighs decidedexactly what type of inner-city article and how God has used it to lessthan 100 pounds, and can no longer need God would be able to fill through revealthe next step in our lives. eat or speak,probably should not be put us. But aswe readthe articleit became on a respirator and other life-prolonging quiteclear. Robbieand Kathi Dyer supportsystems. Nor shouldthat person We have trainingand experiencein Wooster,Ohio be givenarfficial resuscitation to bringhim youthwork boththrough our