Swedish Film Series Winter, 2009; Fridays at 7 pm; 177 Lawrence Hall FREE and open to the public

Probably no other nation of comparable population can match the artistic success of in the film industry. Yet few Americans—aside from a small group of fans—could name even one Swedish film. This series aims to change that. Come sample a rich variety of wonderful films made between 1951 and 2006. All nine films are in Swedish with subtitles in English. Each film is preceded by a short presentation about a particular aspect of Swedish culture (e.g., food, geography, language) as well as a brief intro- duction to the film itself. At the conclusion of the film, audience members who wish to stay for another 10-15 minutes are invited to participate in a short, not-overly-academic discussion of the film.

Lawrence Hall is located in the central part of the University of Oregon cam- pus, about 100 yards north of the intersection of 13th and University. Please use the building’s south entrance just below the AAA Library, and proceed straight ahead to 177.

9 January when Elisabeth parks her car in (Så som i Himmelen) 2004 a loading zone and is ticketed by Directed by Gudrun. Despite this shaky start, A successful international conductor suddenly interrupts his a friendship grows between the career and returns alone to his childhood village in Norrland, two. Elisabeth, a gynecologist, is in Sweden’s far north. It doesn’t take long before he is asked to sexy and confident. She leads the come and listen to the fragment of a church choir, which prac- shy Gudrun through the dangerous tices every Thursday in the parish hall—“Just come along and waters of single life, but as they give a little bit of good advice....” He can’t say no, and from cavort through the dance floors that moment, nothing in the village is the same again. The choir and bars of Stockholm’s nightlife, develops and grows. He makes both friends and enemies, and they are led to a deeper examina- he finds love. (132 minutes) tion of relationships with men. (106 minutes) 16 January 6 February Miss Julie (Fröken Julie) 1951 Best Intentions (Den Goda Viljan) 1992 Directed by Alf Sjöberg Directed by Bille August This film is an adapta- tion of Strindberg’s play Ingmar Bergman wrote this semi-autobiographical story of his concerning social and parents’ relationship and enlisted Bille August to direct the film. sexual domination; it is It’s 1909 and theology student Henrik Bergman and Anna Åker- set in the late 1800s. The blom—the daughter of a wealthy family in Uppsala—marry young Miss Julie—who despite their families’ disapproval. After the wedding, they lives in a mansion with move to northern Sweden where Henrik becomes a priest for a her father—has recently small, rural parish. But they struggle as Anna tries to cope with- broken off her engage- out the luxuries and the social life to which she is accustomed. ment, but is attracted to (182 minutes, with 10-minute intermission) one of the servants, Jean. 13 February They spend the midsum- The Slingshot (Kådisbellan) 1993 mer night together, telling Directed by Åke Sandgren memories of their dreams It’s Stockholm in the 1930s. Young Roland lives with his social- to each other. Realizing ist father, Jewish mother, and an older brother who is a boxer. that an affair between “a His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland man of the people” and an aristocrat is impossible, they plan to makes slingshots which he sells to his schoolmates. His rebel- escape to Switzerland. (90 minutes) lious ways earn him the attention of his teacher, who makes 23 January sure that Roland is punished. (102 minutes) Elvira Madigan 1967 20 February (No film this week) Directed by 27 February Based on the true story of a handsome young Swedish army officer who in 1889 falls in love with a beautiful Danish circus Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg (God Afton, Herr Wallenberg) 1990 performer. He gives up everything—his family, his career, and Directed by his social standing—to flee to Denmark and embark on a pas- The story of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swede who, with the sup- sionate, summer-long affair. Then, as the money runs out, the port of the Swedish Embassy, moved from Sweden to Budapest atmosphere changes. The film’s sumptuous photography is in late 1944 to help protect Jews from Adolph Eichmann’s accompanied throughout by Mozart’s lovely Piano Concerto Sonderkommando. By issuing Swedish passports and brazenly No. 21 in C major. (91 minutes) intimidating German officials, he succeeded in helping hun- dreds of Jews flee, or be placed in protective housing. Wallen- 30 January berg was taken prisoner in 1945 by the Russian army a month Heartbreak Hotel 2006 after he saved the lives of 65,000 Jews in the Budapest ghetto, Directed by and was never seen again. (90 minutes) Elisabeth and Gudrun—both over 40 and divorced—meet (please turn) Whitey Lueck 2755 Potter Street Eugene, Oregon 97405

The Fourth Annual SWEDISH


Fridays at 7pm • January 9th to March 13th March to 9th January • 7pm at Fridays

Swedish Film Series Film Swedish

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