SERVER GUIDELINES General: Role model for the congregation. • Look at the person proclaiming the word/preaching. • Keep hands folded in lap when seated. • When walking or standing and nothing is in the servers hands, their hands are folded. It is not appropriate to walk in the sanctuary with their hands and arms swinging at their side. • Before and after , genuflect to the tabernacle. • This includes going from the sacristy to the main doors at both Sacred Heart and St John’s Chapel. • During Mass, bow to the when crossing from one side to the next. 1. Sacred Heart Chapel, when altar servers bring the from the to the or , bow at the altar coming and going. • Make the sign of the cross and other gestures during Mass. • Pray during Mass praying the prayers out loud that are given to the congregation. This includes opening the Song Book and singing when the congregation is singing. • When carrying candles, the servers will keep the candle flame above their noses so they don’t accidently blow out the can- dles. As much as possible, keep both candles flames at the same height • Place to sit when serving: 1. St John the Evangelist: front pew in front of priest. 2. Sacred Heart, by the credence table or the opposite wall. 3. St Patrick, by the credence table or the opposite wall (not next to the priest.) Arrival and Preparation: Arrive 15 minutes before Mass time. • Candles will be lit at 10 minutes prior to Mass time by the priest or deacon which is the signal anyone in the congrega- tion can come to the sacristy to prepare to serve. If an lights the candles 10 minutes before Mass begins, all three altar servers are present. • If a substitute or assigned altar servers vest after 5 minutes prior to Mass: 1. St Patrick chapel; it is not allowed; Mass will be celebrated with fewer/no servers. 2. St John and Sacred Heart chapels, servers will come out of the sacristy and go to their chairs when the priest (and deacon) reverence the altar. No candles and no cross. Candles 3 & 4 will be placed at the altar at the 5 minute mark. 3. Mass begins on time. It is not appropriate to wait for altar servers to get ready if it means Mass will begin late. • Realize the do not cover up bright shirts nor bold word- ing on t-shirts so dress modestly and professionally to serve. • Find the that fits. A properly fitting alb is ankle length; any shorter and one may trip; any longer and it looks too short. • Put a cross on over the alb. 1. St John Chapel wears cassock and . Find one of each that fits. Cassock should be to the ankle and surplice goes to mid-thigh. (Below the waist but not to the knees.) There is no cross worn at St John Chapel. • Sign in at the sign in book at Sacred Heart and the ministry schedule at St. Patrick and St. John. • Pray the prayer that is near the sign in book to prayerfully prepare for the ministry of altar server. • Assist the /deacon/priest in getting things ready for Mass. • Place song books open to the opening song at the chairs the servers will use. • Light the candles at the altar if they are not already lit. 1. Light the candle lighter wick, do not use the aim & flame to light the candles. 2. Server may use matches or aim & flame to light the candle lighter wick. Arrival and Preparation Continued: • Move the bells to the place. 1. To the left of the server kneeling to the left when looking at the altar. 2. Sacred Heart chapel, make sure the bells are under the hand rail so that no one trips on them. • Light processional candles. Bring them to the entrance proces- sion location. Sacred Heart chapel, these candles are kept in the cry room. 3. St. John and St. Patrick, these candles are in the sacristy. • Bring the processional crucifix to the beginning of the proces- sional. • If one server, that server does not carry any item. • If there are 2 servers, both servers carry candles. • If there are 3 servers, 2 candles and a crucifix. 1. If adults choose to help, what is carried still applies.

Processional: • If 3 servers, then crucifix and 2 servers carrying candles just slightly behind crucifix. • Then the deacon, or with book of Gospels. • Priest • One with crucifix places crucifix in its stand and goes to their place. 1. Sacred Heart and St John chapels, the stand is in the sacristy. 2. St Patrick chapel, the stand is to the immediate right of the altar. • The two with candles move to place candles then directly to chair. 1. St. Patrick chapel bows since the tabernacle is to the side. • If no candles, the server genuflects when the priest genuflects. 1. -St. Patrick chapel bows since the tabernacle is to the side. • Once the appropriate gesture is made, the altar servers place the candles in the correct place and go to their chairs. They pick up the song book and begin singing. • At SH: Cross bearer & candle bearer on left sit by credence table. Candle bearer on right will have the “book” and sit behind priest/deacon. • At SP & SJ: No server should in it Deacon’s chair. Introductory Rite: • It may be that the deacon wants the Roman Missal for the Penitential Rite; if he does he will speak to the altar server ahead of Mass and then look and nod at the server while the priest is saying the opening to Mass. If the deacon wants the Roman Missal for the Penitential Rite, the priest says, “Let us call to mind our sins” and the altar server goes to the deacon with Roman Missal. • After the Gloria, the priest says, “Let us pray” and the server brings the Roman Missal to the priest for the Opening Prayer.

Liturgy of the Word. • The servers either sit up straight with hands in their lap look- ing at the lector or they have the book open to the readings and follow along with the readings. They are to role model to the congregation how to pay attention to the Liturgy of the Word. • . 1. When the deacon is receiving a blessing from the priest, both candle servers go to the altar, pick up their candles and stand next to each other on the same side of the altar as the ambo facing the congregation. If there is no Book of Gospels, remain at the place. 2. The candle bearer who is furthest from the ambo stands alongside the one who is closest to the ambo so that both are in front of the deacon/priest for the Gospel Procession. 3. They wait for the deacon/priest to take the Book of Gospels out of the stand and turn toward the Ambo. 4. When the deacon turns, both servers turn and go in front of the Book of Gospels to the Ambo. 5. The server to the right in procession stands between ambo and wall. The server on the left in procession stands between the ambo and altar. Liturgy of the Word Continued. 6. Once the deacon/priest says “The Gospel of the Lord” servers return the candles to their places. They return to their seats with hands folded. The one who had to cross in front of the altar, bows at the altar. When they get to their seats, they keep their hands folded in their lap and look at the one giving the . 7. At the appropriate time, open the song book and pray the “Prayer for Vocations” even if the prayer is memorized. Altar Servers role model what the congregation should do.

Preparation of the Altar. • Immediately after the “Prayer for Vocations” bring items from credence table to the deacon and let the deacon set them on the altar. If there is no deacon, hand the items to the priest. Al- tar servers should not set items on the altar. They hand items to the deacon or priest. 1. Bring over the Roman Missal; hand it to the priest or deacon. 2. Bring over the main with and purificator; hand items to the priest. 3. Bring the remaining cups and purificators; hand to the deacon or priest. • Be seated until the collection is finished. When collection is finished, ushers will gather the people who will bring up the gifts. When they are finished setting the altar, servers take the candles from the front of the altar (there are 4 candles; take the two that are closest to the congregation) and go to where the gift table is located. 1. St John and Sacred Heart Chapels, the gift table is in the back by the main doors. 2. St Patrick Chapel, the gift table is half way up the main aisle. • Turn and face the altar and slowly walk up the aisle leading the people with the gifts of bread, wine, and money. • Return the candles to the candle stands on either side of the altar. • One receives the basket of money (first item to be taken) place it to (SH & SP beside credance table/SJ to sacrisity on right. • One receives the wine (second item to be taken) Preparation of the Altar Continued. • Father or deacon receives the bread. • Do not set the wine on the altar; hand it to the deacon or priest when they are ready to take it. • Once the bread and wine are no longer in the server’s hands, they go back, with hands folded, to the credence table. 1. One server immediately brings over the water. Waits for the priest to hand him/her the water to take back to the cre- dence table. 2. Another server picks up the towel and bowl and stays until the other server returns. 3. Both go to the priest. (The priest doesn’t go to the servers.) 4. Towel is on the same arm that will be closest to the priest when he washes his hands. 5. The priest will step back (not to the side) from the gifts on the altar. Come to him. He will stick out his hands. Put the bowl under his hands so when the other server pours the water, the water goes into the bowl and not on the floor. The priest will dry his hands with the towel draped over the server’s arm. He will give the towel back to the server. Then the servers can take the items back to the credence table and set them down on the table. 6. Once items are placed on the credence table, servers imme- diately go to where they will kneel for the Holy Holy Holy but will remain standing until it is time to kneel. 7. While they are standing and kneeling, unless they are ring- ing bells, their hands are folded in prayer. • St John and St Patrick, on the steps center of the altar. • Sacred Heart to the right of the hand rail by the ambo.

Eucharistic Prayer • Ringing of the Bells. • In all 3 chapels, the altar server who is furthest to the left when they are kneeling is the one who rings the bells. • When the priest extends both hands over the gifts, ring the bells once. This gesture will come quickly at the beginning of Eucharistic Prayer II. Be ready. • When the priest lifts up the and later the chalice, ring the bells 3 times. 1. At the 11:30am Mass, when the host and chalice are raised, wait for the people to finish saying their audible private prayer before ringing the bells.

Communion Rite • Hands are folded during the Lord’s Prayer until making the sign of peace. • Make the sign of peace with each server. • Servers continue standing in the same place as where they were kneeling so they become the first in the Congregation Line. After Father receives when Communion minister come up the step back and stand. • Once they receive, servers return to their seats and remain standing until the priest sits. While standing, altar servers open the Song Book and sing the Communion Hymn until they are needed to assist cleaning the altar. 1. At all 3 chapels, remove the corporal and the Roman Missal after all vessels have been placed on the credence table. 2. If the priest is going to purify the vessels at the altar, bring him the water and then take the water back to the credence table and come back to the altar to take the purified vessels and purificators to the credence table. Then, take the Ro- man Missal to its place. • The priest stands and says “Let us pray.” Bring the Roman Missal to the priest. 1. If the priest finishes the prayer and then places his hand in the center of the book and says “stay here” stay with book closed but with finger on the ribbon, until after the priest reads the announcements. He will then open the Roman Missal and pray the Blessing Prayers. Recessional. • When say “Thanks be to God”, 1. Altar server gets the and stands at the second set of pews facing the altar. 2. Other two altar servers get the two candles closest to the congregation from the altar and stand on the floor in the aisle by the first set of pews facing the altar. 3. When the priest and deacon give the appropriate reverence, if servers are empty handed: • St John Chapel and Sacred Heart, genuflect. • St Patrick Chapel, bow. 5. When the priest (and deacon) turn, altar servers turn and processes out. Clean up. • Place Processional Cross and candles where they belong. 1. St John Chapel, all in the sacristy. 2. Sacred Heart Chapel, cross in the vestibule and candles in the cry room. 3. St Patrick Chapel, cross near the altar and candles in the sacristy. • Assist by bringing everything off of the credence table back to the sacristy. 1. As each altar server learns the ministry of “sacristy” assist in putting things away and/or getting ready for the next Mass. • Extinguish the candles using the bell at the end of the candle lighter; do not blow out the candles. • Remove cross and hang it up. • Remove alb and hang it up. • Say a prayer of thanksgiving for assisting at the Most Holy Mass and receiving the . We thank you for filling this important role for our parish.

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