H9816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 our veterans and honor the sacrifices In the words of President John F. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support they have made for this Nation. Kennedy, when he said, ‘‘A nation re- of H.R. 2815, introduced by the gen- Mr. Speaker, I, too, urge the passage veals itself not only by the men it pro- tleman from New Jersey (Mr. LANCE). of H.R. 1208, and I reserve the balance duces, but also by the men it honors The bill names the Post of my time. and the men it remembers’’—and I Office at 30 East Somerset Street in Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to add, and women also— Raritan, New Jersey, after Sergeant would like to make the gentlewoman correct President John F. Kennedy. John Basilone. from Florida aware that I have no fur- This bill allows us to show our appre- Sergeant Basilone was among the ther speakers, and I am prepared to ciation for the veterans, the men and first wave of marines to storm the close. women of Converse, Texas, and across shores of on February 19, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the Nation, and make sure that their 1945. I thank Representative LANCE for my time. service and sacrifice to our country is introducing this bill to pay tribute to Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield not forgotten. the life and sacrifice of Sergeant such time as he may consume to the Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I have Basilone. gentleman from Texas (Mr. CUELLAR). no further speakers, and I yield back Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I thank the balance of my time. may consume to the gentleman from the gentlewoman from Florida for Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I New Jersey (Mr. LANCE) to explain his yielding and for her leadership on this urge adoption of the bill, and I yield bill. issue dealing with veterans. back the balance of my time. Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise I also want to thank my friend from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today to honor an American hero and a Montana for his leadership in support question is on the motion offered by proud son of New Jersey, Gunnery Ser- of veterans across the Nation. the gentleman from Montana (Mr. geant John Basilone, and I offer this Today, Mr. Speaker, I rise to present GIANFORTE) that the House suspend the bill to name the post office in Raritan, H.R. 1208, which will rename the post rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1208. New Jersey, in his honor. The question was taken; and (two- office facility in my district as the Basilone is an ex- thirds being in the affirmative) the Converse Veterans Post Office Build- emplar of brave service in our Armed rules were suspended and the bill was ing. Forces, and a member of the Greatest Across my district, I have fine men passed. A motion to reconsider was laid on Generation, whose collective bravery and women of all walks of life that the table. and selflessness won World War II and have honorably served our country. It liberated millions from oppression. is critical that we honor their service f In Congress, there are many actions and their dedication to our Nation. SERGEANT JOHN BASILONE POST we take to honor and remember those Converse alone is home to over 3,000 OFFICE who serve our Nation. These com- veterans, according to the U.S. Census Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I mendations matter. Younger genera- Bureau. Dedicating this post office to move to suspend the rules and pass the tions ask whose name is inscribed on our veterans will serve as an enduring bill (H.R. 2815) to designate the facility monuments and flag posts or on Fed- reminder of the sacrifices that our of the United States Postal Service lo- eral properties; and in retelling these friends, our neighbors, our families cated at 30 East Somerset Street in stories, we inspire young Americans to have made while serving their country. Raritan, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Sergeant appreciate the generations that came These individuals put country ahead of John Basilone Post Office’’. before in public service. self, and I am proud to recognize them The Clerk read the title of the bill. Sergeant Basilone, indeed, has a tre- with the dedicating of this post office The text of the bill is as follows: mendous story. Born on November 4, facility. H.R. 2815 1916, in Buffalo, New York, he was 1 of Today, I want to acknowledge one Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- 10 siblings born to Salvatore and Dora sacrifice from one individual; that is an resentatives of the United States of America in Basilone. His father, an immigrant individual from Converse, Texas, a vet- Congress assembled, from Italy, and his mother, a native of eran by the name of Quintin E. Cain. SECTION 1. SERGEANT JOHN BASILONE POST OF- Manville, New Jersey, decided to raise Mr. Cain served 23 years in the Army FICE. their family in the Somerset County, (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the as a medic, where he would receive nu- United States Postal Service located at 30 New Jersey, Borough of Raritan. merous medals and recognitions. East Somerset Street in Raritan, New Jer- At just barely 18 years of age, a After being honorably discharged, he sey, shall be known and designated as the young Basilone decided to enlist in the continued to serve the country, his ‘‘Sergeant John Basilone Post Office’’. in the 1930s. He country, by using the medical training (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, would begin his military career with a that he had to train combat medic stu- map, regulation, document, paper, or other tour of the . dents as a civilian. We owe our freedom record of the United States to the facility re- In the Army, he was popular, ex- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to to veterans such as Mr. Cain, which is be a reference to the ‘‘Sergeant John tremely well-liked. He boxed and con- why I am recognizing him and, of Basilone Post Office’’. tributed to a sense of camaraderie that course, the other veterans, by dedi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- put the young men who were a world cating this post office. He is just one ant to the rule, the gentleman from away from home at ease. He would example of many veterans who have Montana (Mr. GIANFORTE) and the gen- later be honorably discharged from the made countless sacrifices for their tlewoman from Florida (Mrs. DEMINGS) Army and return home. country in the face of danger. each will control 20 minutes. But in 1940, the trumpet summoned The bravery and the commitment of The Chair recognizes the gentleman him again, and he re-enlisted, this time our veterans to our Nation dem- from Montana. in the Marines. He would be dispatched onstrates what it really means to be an GENERAL LEAVE to the height of battle in American, the essence of being an Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask theater. American. unanimous consent that all Members Sergeant Basilone and many fellow I would also like to take a moment may have 5 legislative days in which to marines were part of Operation Watch- to thank the veterans organizations revise and extend their remarks and in- tower to regain territory in Guadal- throughout my district for their tire- clude extraneous material on the bill canal, the site of a Japanese airfield. less work in providing care to our vet- under consideration. On August 7, 1942, the group took the erans when they need it. There are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there airfield and defended it bravely from good men and women who work hard objection to the request of the gen- Japanese attempts to reconquer the and provide that care to our veterans. tleman from Montana? territory. Let us remember and express gratitude There was no objection. In October of 1942, the Japanese to these courageous people, the vet- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I began another land attack to regain erans, their families, as well as their yield myself such time as I may con- control of . Sergeant care providers. sume. Basilone fought bravely for 2 days and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.053 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE December 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9817 ultimately contributed to the annihila- In the generations that have fol- It is a great honor to salute Sergeant tion of a considerable portion of the lowed, Sergeant Basilone has rightfully Basilone’s family, a native of New Jer- Japanese regiment. taken his place as an American hero of sey, and a hero of our Italian-American In a moment of selfless service to his the Second World War. Raritan has community. fellow marines, Sergeant Basilone en- held a parade in his honor every Sep- He started serving his country, as dured brutal enemy fire during the as- tember. His statue stands in the heart you already heard, very early in the sault to assist nearby machine gunners of the borough. His legacy of love and U.S. Army; and then 3 years later, he in trouble. service to the country has been main- enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, Seeing the immediate danger, he tained by his extended family, such as where he was sent to a position on the killed eight encroaching Japanese sol- his niece Kim Van Note, through the Tenaru River in Guadalcanal and diers and quickly provided aid and Basilone Foundation. Kim joins us placed in command of two sections of equipment to the pinned marines. He today in the House gallery. heavy machine guns. saved many lives that day and, in later Gunnery Sergeant Basilone, more Despite being outnumbered, Sergeant testimony, his fellow marines credited than self, his country loved, and it is Basilone and his men successfully de- Sergeant Basilone’s gallantry and he- that great love of country and an fended Henderson airfield from the roic conduct for saving their lives, ac- American spirit I hope that inspires fu- Japanese assault. In the process, he crossed enemy lines to replenish am- tions that would earn him the Medal of ture generations for years—might I munition, he repaired artillery, and he Honor in recognition of his actions at suggest, decades—to come. It is the went several days and nights without Guadalcanal. least we can do in the House of Rep- food or sleep to lead his troops. He led resentatives to name Raritan’s post of- b 1445 his troops to victory. Sergeant Basilone would return home fice in his honor. I am honored to spon- Sergeant Basilone’s unprecedented for a short time, selling war bonds to sor this legislation. heroics in the Pacific theater during continue doing what he could for the Mr. GIANFORTE. I reserve the bal- World War II have become part of the country he loved and the work of which ance of my time. Marine Corps lore, and for his brave he was so proud. Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield service, we worked together a few However, staying stateside was not myself such time as I may consume. years back to immortalize John where he wanted to be. He volunteered Mr. Speaker, I am honored to join my Basilone with a postage stamp. How to go back to the Pacific. Before he left colleagues in consideration of H.R. fitting, today, we want to name a post Camp Pendleton and returned to bat- 2815, a bill to designate the facility of office after him. tle, he married Lena Mae Riggi on July the United States Post Office located Thanks to the campaign that spread 10, 1944. at 30 East Somerset Street in Raritan, through the Italian-American clubs One of Gunnery Sergeant Basilone’s New Jersey, as the Sergeant Basilone and veterans halls nationwide, the greatest traits was his tremendous re- Post Office. United States Postal Service’s Distin- gard for the safety of his fellow war- We have already heard he was born in guished Marines stamp series included riors. He could not let the narrow es- 1916 and enlisted in the United States John Basilone, beginning in 2005. cape in Guadalcanal happen again, so Army at the young age of 18. While He embodied the best we could hope he worked diligently to train recruits serving in the Philippines, Sergeant for in a servicemember and was a true on proper machine-gun use. His train- Basilone developed a reputation as a New Jersey guy: a scrappy fighter who ees became known as the Basilone championship boxer. always wanted to be on the front lines. Boys. He returned to the United States in After his first tour, the Marine Corps One of his recruits, William Douglas 1937 to begin work as a truck driver, offered to commission him as an offi- Lansford, spoke of the pride and con- but we have heard that that was not cer, but Basilone responded: I ain’t no fidence Gunnery Sergeant Basilone in- enough. He reenlisted in the Marines in officer. I ain’t no museum piece. I be- stilled in him. ‘‘We wanted to be just 1940. long back with my outfit. like him,’’ Lansford was known to have Sergeant Basilone earned the reputa- He opted to return to the front lines said. tion as the marine who proved that the rather than ride out the war helping While he could have remained state- opposition was not invincible. Sergeant promote war bonds here at home. side at home with his new wife, he in- Basilone was a hero. As stated, upon Tragically, Sergeant John Basilone sisted on staying with the Basilone his death, he was awarded a Navy died when he returned to the front Boys. Gunnery Sergeant Basilone and Cross, the Navy’s highest decoration. lines while fighting at Iwo Jima, 27 years old. He earned the Congressional his men stormed the shores of Iwo Mr. Speaker, we must pass this bill , the Navy Cross, the Jima with the first wave of marines on to name the post office in Raritan, New , and the deep apprecia- February 19, 1945. Jersey, after their hometown hero so The Japanese returned heavy fire. that future generations might continue tion of a grateful nation. John Basilone’s story was brought to Sergeant Basilone ran toward one of to be inspired by his selfless and heroic life to the masses in the 2010 award- service. the block houses, the source of Japa- winning HBO miniseries ‘‘The Pacific.’’ Mr. Speaker, I urge the passage of nese fire, and quickly destroyed it with Montclair State University has a H.R. 2815, and I reserve the balance of grenades and demolitions. After this, Basilone dormitory, and just last year, he scrambled to rescue an American my time. the U.S. Navy commissioned a de- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I tank that was trapped in a minefield. stroyer as the USS Basilone. But in a moment that will forever would like to make the gentlewoman I marched in that parade several live in our hearts, Sergeant Basilone from Florida aware that I have no fur- years ago. I know that the people of and a handful of his fellow marines ther speakers, and I am prepared to Raritan, New Jersey, have never for- were then hit by heavy fire. He close. gotten their favorite son, and they will died alongside the brave men who Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield be honored to have a Basilone Post Of- stepped forward to serve this country such time as he may consume to the fice. and the men he wanted to return to gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAS- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Italian battle to protect and defend. CRELL), my colleague. American Congressional Delegation, I Thanks to his bravery and his fellow Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, Ser- thank my colleague LEONARD LANCE marines, the Allied Forces were able to geant Basilone was the first enlisted for introducing this measure, and I en- complete the invasion. He would be marine to receive the Congressional courage my colleagues and all Ameri- awarded, posthumously, the Navy Medal of Honor in the war. In 1943, the cans to learn about the storied history Cross, the ’s high- Sunday News captured his picture with of Sergeant Basilone. est decoration, for his sacrifice and his award, the first that he would re- Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield service on that fateful day, becoming ceive and the first of anyone in that back the balance of my time. the only marine in the war to receive war. I have had it in my office for the Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I both the Navy Cross and the Medal of years that I have been on this par- urge adoption of the bill, and I yield Honor. ticular issue, Mr. Speaker. back the balance of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:43 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.055 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rights movement. He is remembered This experience prepared Pearson to question is on the motion offered by for his ability to attract young people pursue a career in education, and, like the gentleman from Montana (Mr. to the fight for civil rights. Tragically, most of us, when you pursue a career in GIANFORTE) that the House suspend the he was killed in a car accident in 1967. education, you break down a lot of bar- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2815. Today, we honor his legacy and service riers. Rutledge Pearson was elected The question was taken. to his community in Jacksonville. president of the Jacksonville branch of The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the NAACP and was later elected to be opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being support this bill, and I reserve the bal- president of the Florida State Con- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ance of my time. ference of the NAACP. Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I ob- Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield He was known for his ability to at- ject to the vote on the ground that a myself such time as I may consume. tract young people, which all of us do quorum is not present and make the Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my today, to get young people involved in point of order that a quorum is not colleagues in consideration of H.R. the NAACP and many community or- present. 3638, a bill to designate the facility of ganizations. Pearson was instrumental The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the United States Post Office located as a leader in the fight for civil rights. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- at 1100 Kings Road in Jacksonville, Little did I know that I would be on ceedings on this question will be post- Florida, as the Rutledge Pearson Post the floor speaking for this great person poned. Office Building. whom I learned about many years ago Born in 1929, Rutledge Pearson grad- The point of no quorum is considered in a history class. uated from New Stanton High School withdrawn. Pearson was instrumental in all of in 1947, before attending Tillatson Col- his efforts, especially locally and na- f lege on a baseball scholarship. Fol- tionally, helping change Jacksonville’s RUTLEDGE PEARSON POST OFFICE lowing his graduation, he began play- culture as it is today in its landscape. BUILDING ing for the Negro League’s Birmingham Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Black Barons, but because of his race, Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I gentleman for the time, and I urge a the Jacksonville Beach Seabirds re- move to suspend the rules and pass the ‘‘yes’’ vote to honor Rutledge Pearson fused to allow Mr. Pearson to play on bill (H.R. 3638) to designate the facility for his contribution to the city of their team, deciding they would rather of the United States Postal Service lo- Jacksonville and to our Nation. close the park. cated at 1100 Kings Road in Jackson- Also, little did I know, in 1970, that I ville, Florida, as the ‘‘Rutledge Pear- His rejection, however, inspired him, and he went on to become an influen- would be sitting in a class in college son Post Office Building’’. with Rutledge Pearson’s niece. It is so The Clerk read the title of the bill. tial member of Jacksonville’s edu- cation system and civil rights move- exciting to have Congress honor this The text of the bill is as follows: great leader among people throughout H.R. 3638 ments. He served at every level in the NAACP, and he continued to energize the State of Florida. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I have and inspire young people around his resentatives of the United States of America in no further speakers, and I yield back community, as he did in the classroom Congress assembled, the balance of my time. SECTION 1. RUTLEDGE PEARSON POST OFFICE every day. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be a co- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I BUILDING. urge adoption of the bill, and I yield (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the sponsor of this legislation to honor Mr. United States Postal Service located at 1100 Rutledge Pearson. I urge the passage of back the balance of my time. Kings Road in Jacksonville, Florida, shall be H.R. 3638, and I reserve the balance of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The known and designated as the ‘‘Rutledge my time. question is on the motion offered by Pearson Post Office Building’’. Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I re- the gentleman from Montana (Mr. (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, serve the balance of my time. GIANFORTE) that the House suspend the map, regulation, document, paper, or other Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3638. record of the United States to the facility re- such time as he may consume to the The question was taken; and (two- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to thirds being in the affirmative) the be a reference to the ‘‘Rutledge Pearson Post gentleman from Florida (Mr. LAWSON). Office Building’’. rules were suspended and the bill was b 1500 passed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. LAWSON of Florida. Mr. Speak- A motion to reconsider was laid on ant to the rule, the gentleman from er, I am honored to stand before you the table. Montana (Mr. GIANFORTE) and the gen- today as we move to honor the legacy f tlewoman from Florida (Mrs. DEMINGS) of Rutledge Pearson by naming the each will control 20 minutes. Jacksonville Post Office in his honor. BORINQUENEERS POST OFFICE The Chair recognizes the gentleman He was a tremendous leader. Rutledge BUILDING from Montana. Pearson was a civil rights leader, an Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I GENERAL LEAVE American history teacher, and a distin- move to suspend the rules and pass the Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask guished baseball player. His legacy in bill (H.R. 4042) to designate the facility unanimous consent that all Members Jacksonville, and especially for civil of the United States Postal Service lo- may have 5 legislative days within rights, is long lasting, and this is the cated at 1415 West Oak Street, in Kis- which to revise and extend their re- fitting way to honor his contribution simmee, Florida, as the marks and include extraneous material to our community. ‘‘Borinqueneers Post Office Building’’. on the bill under consideration. As a young man, Rutledge Pearson The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there had a successful baseball career, as we The text of the bill is as follows: objection to the request of the gen- heard from the Congressman, with the H.R. 4042 tleman from Montana? Birmingham Black Barons of the Negro Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- There was no objection. League. His talent granted him the op- resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I portunity to play major league base- Congress assembled, yield myself such time as I may con- ball in his hometown. SECTION 1. BORINQUENEERS POST OFFICE sume. However, as we heard earlier, because BUILDING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of his race, the Jacksonville Beach (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the of H.R. 3638, introduced by the gen- Seabirds rejected Pearson from joining United States Postal Service located at 1415 tleman from Florida (Mr. LAWSON). The the team. In fact, park officials, as was West Oak Street, in Kissimmee, Florida, bill names the United States Post Of- stated also earlier, said that they shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Borinqueneers Post Office Building’’. fice at 1100 Kings Road in Jacksonville, would rather close the park than to (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Florida, after Rutledge Pearson. have this outstanding hero, baseball map, regulation, document, paper, or other Rutledge Pearson was an educator player, and educator play in his home- record of the United States to the facility re- and instrumental leader in the civil town. ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.059 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE