Prepared by SSA District Elementary Education Committee, Aizawi District: Mizoram COIMEINTS

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Prepared by SSA District Elementary Education Committee, Aizawi District: Mizoram COIMEINTS SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN DISTRICT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PLAN AIZAWI DISTRICT Prepared by SSA District Elementary Education Committee, Aizawi District: Mizoram COIMEINTS Muj) L)fML^oi ivn.................. ............. .............................^ Map of Aizawl District......... ........... ............................................ ...... DEEP Aizawl District at a Glance........................................ -............. Chapter __________________ ___________ Page. No. 1. fntrodiu'tion ............................................. ..............................................1-14 2. Educ^ational Profile of Aizawl District ............................... ......... 15-(i5 3. The Planning Process....................................................................... 6h~75 4. Objective wise intervention ..... ......................................................7f>-83 5. Major Issues, Target setting and vStrategies................................. 84-99 6. Quality Improvement .................. ............................................ 100-109 7. Special Focussed Groups and Innovative Education ........... 110-120 8. Mccnagement Structure............................................................ 121-LS3 9. Reseai'ch, Evaluation, Supemsion & Monitoring................. 154-158 10. Civil Works ........................... ..... ......... .................................... 159-161 11. implemenlaUou/u 1 angomcnt .................................................. Ift6-lh4 12. B u d g et....................................................................................... 165-176 13. Implemention Schedule for 9 y e a rs ........................................ 177-181 14. M in im i Work Plan Budget for 2002 - 2003 ........................ 182-185 15. Trnplementation Schedule for 2002 2011 ...................... ........ 186-lb9 Yeanvise Allocation of Funds References MAP OF MIZORAM T\4 AP OP AIZAVi/L DISTRICT . \ M A ^ T^EFEHENCES !> V— ^ ^ ' Plin^mmx ^ //^ Zonmuni / I Si ate Boun(<Q-r^ ■—• > ^ q; /. (rt J)i!s(". Sciundary ^ Nl. KKawduh^^ 6 C Slale Thi aiO.Y%-^'f’vtK XJiUrict- ■ Sui)-J)Wn. H q-ii;, Uurv^ufT^ R.p Block Mtffs, D '«uh. x>f^iZ)y^r\ VillagEL/5up-wn O ^jSunklucl^p^ I . gv0^<mi>(Lu)wjOMi^f P iS<xiL»itd^ Jj dMfi Tlan^nikXj>\O T t u c k R p a d r * f^S&nauil^ ft riKh^wUan Sciwl€n< CSii£Kn^p.uI[3Un >« c li ha^c Knayu>/i VL"''unnfViJi flFu:!_ ^>htk\T . )) . 0,3 , 6^ban,/Q ___J ^ f?Ke?^ V (TT) DE£F AIZAWL D2STKICT AT A GLAPICE 3576.31 Area of the District 175162 Total Population Male Fem ale 167073 Total 342235 Literacy percentage 96.62 % Papulation of 6-14 years Male 30923 Female 30174 Total 61097 Total No. of school going children (6-14 yrs.) 57338 Total No. of out of school children (6-14 yrs.) 3759 Total No. of Ciovt. Primary Schools 28^1 Total No. of Govt. Managed Upper Primary Schools 177 Qovt. Primary School Teachers Male 484 Fem ale 872 Qovt. Upper Primary School Teachers Male 960 Female 408 Total No. of teachers in P/S and Upper P/S 2724 Gross Enrolment Ratio of the District : Prirrary School Boys 126% riiric I'? ! .OR % Upper Primary School Boys 85.48% Girls 93.10% Net Enrolment Ratio of the District • Primary School Boys 38.20% Uiris Upper Primary School Boys 23.87% Girls i 27,64% Budget estimates for 9 years (Rupees in lakhs) (a) Quality improvement : Rs.4043.966 (b) Civil works : Rs.2174.900 (c) Management I Rs. 393.340 Tolal : Rs.66 12.206 ui ABBREVIATIONS ADEO Assistant District Education Ofiirer AHPO Assistant Hindi Propagation Officei AIE Alternate Innovative Education AS Alternative School AWP & B Annual Work Plan and Budget BDO Block Development Officer CEC Circle Education Comiiiittee CEO Circle Education Ofiicer CLRG Cluster Resource Group CLRC Cluster Resource Centre CLRP Cluster Resource Person CPC Circle Project Coordinator CRC Circle Resource Centre CRQ Circle Resource Group CRP Circle Resouce Person DC Deputy Cornniiasioner DEEC District Eleincntaiy Educotion Comniittct* DD Deputy Director DEEP District Elementary Education Plan DEO District Education Officer DIET District Institute of Education and Training DPC District Project Coordinator DSE Directorate of School Education ECE Early Childhood Education HPO Hindi Propagation Officer ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme MHIP Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawrn Pawl MHRD Mmistry of Human Resource Development MIS Management Information System MPTA Mizoram Piimary Teachers Association MSTA Middle School I'eachers Association MUP Mizoram Upa Pawl .MZP Mizo Zirlai Pawl NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Trainings NGO Non-Govemmental Organisations NPE New Policy on Education Pl'A Parent’s Teachers’ Association SC School Committee SCERT State Council of Educational Research and Training SDEO Sub-Divisional Education Officer SDO Sub-Divisional Officer SSA Sarva Shiksa Abhiyan TIP Te'^rhinp’ T F!nninrnpnt«; TIM Teaching Learning Materials TPR Teacher-Pupil Ratio VC Village Council VCP Village Council FYesident VBP VUlage Defence Party VEC Village Education Committee VRG Village Resource Group VNU Young Mizo Association CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION : Profile of Mizoram and Aizawl District 'iixe L-aiiuut.uuuxi of iiidiy. tlit ctate shall endeavour to provide witliin a period of ten years from the com­ mencement of the Constitution (ie. 26.1.1950) for free and com­ pulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen yeai's. Besides, the Constitution emphasises on the edu­ cational advancement of lingviistic or religious minorities, weaker sections of the society and SC/ST. hispite of these noble provi­ sions, we have a long way to go to universalise elementary edu­ cation even after more than 50 years of commencement of our Constitution. Subsequently, tlie Supreme Court has recently made the right to elementary education as FundamentaJ Right, thus chal­ lenging the Centi*al and States to provide free and compulsory Elementaiy Education, failure of which could be cliallenged the law courts. hi view of the above Constitutional obligations and sub­ sequent legal bindings, Government of Mizoram has no other choice but to strive for the new venture to meet the challenges ahecid through the SSA Programmes. BRIEF PROFILE OF MIZORAM Mizoram, formerly, known as the Lushai Hills is situated in tlie extreme Southern corner of North East India bordering uaij -n:i. LU c-L Xi. i, iJ. a. w Y.Vu.1 .UiJ Manipiir iind Assam in the North. The twenty-third state of the Indian Union, Mizoram, which became a full fledged state on the 20^*’ Februaiy, 1987, is one of the least known states of the hidian Union. In their secluded life, the Mizoa had maintained their own culture, traditional beliefs and practices, language, code of justice and morality. This remote corner of India came to be laiown only after tlie National Sample Survey Organisation reported, in 1999 that the literacy rate of this staf • MS thp nmonj/si the slates of ihe luciiriu Union, iJt.- eracy Rate as reportsd by NSSO was a high as 95%. In 2001, Keit-la has surpassed the literacy percentage of Mizoram i.e. 88.49% wntli 90.92%. The groMh of Literacy in Mizortun, as shown below, is quitesatisfactoiy and encouraging during tlae last 10 decades. Literacy Percentage 1901 0.92 1911 3_9S i921 6.23 1931 10.70 19.48 1951 30.57 1961 44.02 1971 53.79 19«1 59.88 82.27 2001 88.49 Source : Record of Adult Educaiion Wing, D.S.E. Historical and Anthropological evidences show that th Mizos, the inhabitants of Mizoram, are Mongoloid Stock in origir who migrated sometime to the pieseiiL iiabiLciLb buuicwLuic fror China. This perception is also agreed by legendary tales and fol songs of the Mizos. The Mizo language belongs to the Indo-Tibet Burman family of language. The word "Mizo’ is a generic term literally stands for liigh landers*. There ai^e a number of Mizo sub-groups like Lusei, Hniai Paihte, Pawi, Lakher, Darlawng, Hrangkawl, Pang, Mualtliuam Biate, Kvikis etc. Each Sub-gi’oup has a number of Sub clan: since each Sub-clan followed a particulai* migratoiy route whil( moving westward towards theii* present settlement. Though the total area of Mizoram is only 21087 sq. kms with a total population of 891058 according to 2001 census, it is di\aded into 8 districts for the sake of administrative convenietu e, The eight districts with their headquarters and area covered are given below : SI. No.Name of the District Headquarters Total Area 1. Aizawl Disti'ict Aizawl 3576.31 2, Lunglei District Lunglei 4538.00 sq. laii 3. Saiha District Saiha 3185.83 sti. l<m 4. Champhai District Champhai 3025.75 sq. km 5. Kolasib District Kolasib 1382.51 sq. km 6. Mamit District Mamit 1421,60 sq. krn 7. Serchhip District Serchhip 1399.9CJ sq. km 8. Lawngtk^i District Lawngllai 2557.10 sq. km Source : Statistical Hand Book, 2001 Published by Eco. & Stat, Dejnt. PROFILE OF AIZAWL DISTRICT Aizawl DisU'ict, though not the largest in terms of total \x is the most densely populaled ol all the districts, 38.13% of the total population of Mizoram concentrated m this district. The Headquarters of this District is Aizawl, wliich is at tlie same time, the capital of tlie state oi Mizorcmi. (a) Location, Demographic and Administration: Aizawl District occupies the nort:herri part of Mizoram and is situated between 23”N and 24"’N latitude and 92°36’E - 93"12’FC longitudes. This distiict is bounded by Champhai district in the east, Serchhip and Lunglei district in the South and Mamit dis­ trict in the west. It is also bounded by Kolasib District in the north west and Manipur State in the North east.
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