Smock Ends Eatontown Council Service

SEE STORY PAGE 2 The Weather Cloudy, mild today and tonight. Cooler tomorrow. FINAL EDITION 21 PACES Monmoulh County** Oulslandintf llomt* Xewspapor VOL.96 NO. 129 RED BANK-MIDDLKTOWN, N.J. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27,1973 TEN CENTS

• Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illl Illl HUH Hill Ill Illllll IIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIH Carlton Theater Sale Set for Tomorrow

By BETTE SPERO cation, citing the tentative na- ing climaxes 11 months of ne- president. ture of negotiations, until the gotiations between the arts John Balmer. a Keadc execu- RED BANK - The Mon- contract had been formalized. group and the Reade Organi- tive, the firm's chief negotia- mouth County Arts Council is Council spokesmen have zation. The Reade firm, which tor with the council, has said scheduled to formally buy The been especially reticent, ex- has offices in Oakhurst, first the theater ;hain favored the Carlton Theatre from the Wal- pressing concern that a "pre- announced plans to sell The council purchase because ter Reade Organization to- mature'' announcement of the Carlton in October. 1972. such a move would retain the morrow. purchase might thwart fund- The theater and other theater's cultural heritage. U mm 1 Contract closing ceremonies raising necessary to finance Reade properties in Mon- The Carlton, which had di- for the transfer of the proper- the theater operation. mouth and Ocean counties minished in recent years as a ty from the Reade Organiza- In addition to the purchase and elsewhere in New Jersey moviehouse, no longer func- tion to the Council are slated price, council officials have were being sold because they tioned as a first-run film the- to be held between the prin- estimated annual operating were no longer profitable to ater. Its most prominent ar- cipals, The Daily Register costs would be at least $50,000. the Reade Organization, the- tistic acivity tif late has been learned. The Monmouth County Board ater officials said at the time. live performances, mostly The council announced yes- of Freeholders has pledged The council, an amalgam or one-night concerts, drama terday it would hold a press $30,000 a year in aid, with the area arts groups, ads mainly and dance sponsored by such conference Wednesday to an- remaining operating and pur- as a conduit for federal, slate organizations as the Mon- nounce its Carlton plans. chase costs to come from pri- and other aid available to the mouth Arts Foundation and Purchase price for the the- vate and other donations. The arts. In January the council Brookdale College, Lincroft. ater has not been revealed but council has hired L. Kenneth expressed interest in buying Last month, on Nov. II, The prevlqus asking price, an- Simsarian, a professional fund The Carlton for use in sundry Carlton celebrated its 47th an- nounced by the Reade organi- raiser, as executive director. arts activities by its member niversary. The theater has zation, was $150,000. Mr. Simsarian's duties include groups involving music, art, been a landmark on Mon- LANDMARK TO CHANGE HANDS - The Carlton Theater, which was Officials of both organiza- directing the contributions history, theater and dance. mouth Street since it was opened on Monmouth St., Red Bank In 1926, is scheduled to be formally tions have been reluctant to campaign. William D. Waiters, of Lin- opened there, in 1926, by the acquired tomorrow by the Monmouth County Arts Council from the Wal- discuss the matter for publi- Tomorrow's contract clos- croft, serves as the group's late Walter Reade. ter Reade Organization. Expect Standby Gas Rationing Plan WASHINGTON (AP) - is needed during tho spring Energy Office worked late but would be made public in 12, the allocation regulations products, ranging from 100 per While President Nixon flew to upsurge in gasoline demand. into the night on revisions of some form during the day would require a reduction in cent of current needs for a California vacation last Nixon met with Simon yes- proposed regulations to con- A public information officer gasoliac production to a level some essential services, down night, energy chief William K. terday, then commented to trol the nationwide flow of acknowledged his office hoped five per cent lower than In to various levels below 1(7* Simon and his staff scrambled White House photographers: crude oil and petroleum prod- to write some official an- 1872 — a 15 per cent cutback fuel use. to prepare a long-awaited an- "I'm working right now to ucts. nouncement of the regulations from the production level pre- The proposal would have as- nouncement on gasoline ratio- make certain we won't have Under law, those regu- although it did not expect to viously projected (or early signed low priorities to gaso- ning and to complete oil allo- to ration gas for you fellows." lations must be issued in final see them before noon 1974. line service stations and to cation rules. Presidential spokesman form today, and Simon was Various sources said numer- The regulations, as pro- electric power plants burning With the announcement due Gerald L. Warren said later unable to get permission from ous changes were being made posed, also would require a residual oil. Both categories for today, there were in- the comment should not be Congress to postpone their is- in the allocation regulations, six-degree winter tempera- would get whatever is left af- dications creation of a stand- considered as a decision on suance until Jan. 11. designed to control the dis- ture reduction in residences ter priority customers were by gasoline rationing system rationing. Sources in the energy office tribution of nil products at the and a It-degree healing re- served. was under consideration, al- The White House said thai said the revised regulations wholesale level and — except duction in other buildings. The Dec. 12 proposal, how- though Nixon still wanted to decision would be announced probably would not be ready for gasoline — right down to The proposed rules would ever, aroused objections from avoid rationing. by Simon. in time for publication in the final user. establish a scries of priorities various fuel users who felt One clue was the presence Meanwhile, Simon's Federal Friday's Federal Register, As originally proposed Pec for various uses of petroleum See Standby, Page 2 of Judy Liersch. head of a task force preparing gasoline rationing blueprints, in the of- fice of John A. Hill, one of Simon's key policy planners, late Wednesday night. Werner Vote OKs Condominium Another staff member told a By SHERRY IIGDORE since Wednesday. The devel- declaring thai one yes vote mayor, "since this will have newsman later yesterday a opers had assured him the would come from (outgoing great'impact on the public" rationing decision was "still EATONTOWN - With May- "integrity" of the Tinton GOP councilman Leon B. Mayor Werner, who has pre- PRESIDENT HOLDS YOUNGSTER - President in abeyance." or Herbert K. Werner casting Woods condominiums would Smock, "who's had his mind viously spoken out in favor of Nixon enroute to Los Angeles aboard a com- Hill had told a newsman the tie-breaking vote, Borough not be impaired by reducing made up on this for a consid- the proposed, said he visited mercial DC-10, holds youngster, Edward Hap- last weekend it would be Council last night approved their density and he had con- erable amount of time " Connecticut's award-winning good, who Is traveling with his parents to Tokyo. sound logic to expect creation the controversial Tinton cluded that a theoretical of- Mr. Borneo accused Mayor, Hertitage Village con- The President surprised passengers who didn't of a standby rationing system Woods condominium devel- fice building of a size now Werner of opening last dominium complex over the know he was aboard until he strolled through the now, since failure to do so opment, provided that per- allowed in the present PBO Wednesday's workshop meet- Christmas holiday and was plane. The President flew commercially to set an would make it virtually im- acre population be reduced to zone on the tract would gener- ing with a threat that hi' "very much impressed." The example during the energy crisis. possible to start rationing if it Six persons. ate more traffic on car- would make Tinton Woods Tinton Woods developers The proposed town houses, clogged Hope Road and Tin- "one of the biggest political claim their project will have slated for a 51-acre tract at ton Ave. than would the con- issues of next year" if the pro- the same "feel" as Heritage Tinton Ave. and Hope Road, dominiums. posal were defeated. Village. has been before the Zoning Democrat Rudolph J. Bor- Mayor Werner, pausing to Walter Kublin. a frequent Nixon a Big Surprise Board of Adjustment since neo denied that he wanted the declare that in "13 years as critic (if council actions, told last March and the Planning matter carried to January he- mayor, I have never ex- the mayor that "In view of Board since July. Both boards cause of "political concerns " perienced a political situation the obvious bias you've -shown have approved Hie project, He said he wanted "clari- as there has been recently on on this mailer, you should dis which still needs site plan ap- fication of need, traffic, and this council" denied he had qualify yourself from voting " To Plane Passengers proval from the planners. the effect on schools" of the made any threat Mr. Kublfh also accused Mr. SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.' During the flight to Los An- Warren said the trip was Last night's vote came after development. Mayor Rapped Werner of sending a letter to (AP)'— President Nixon is geles en route to the Western kept secret for security rea- another tw? hours of debate "We're ramroddlng this "I said I would take this is- the zoning board urging if- vacationing here today after an White House at San Clemente, sons. on the proposal, as the three project through," he said, sue to the public," said the See Werner, page 2 Hrrbf rt E. Werner unannounced commercial air- Calif., he strolled the aisles of On previous trips from Democrats, all of whom voted liner flight that caught news- the plane, talking to passen- Washington to the Western against t'he development, men by surprise and thrilled gers and signing autographs. White House, the presidential sought to postpone the deci- fellow passengers. Assistant White House press entourage has used two gov- sion until the new Democrati- The President secretly secretary Gerald Warren, ernment-owned Boeing 707s. cally controlled council lakes over next week. » Washington in a Brief Lull boarded United Air Lines who didn't announce the Pres- The 707s and helicopters used ident's departure to newsmen to ferry the presidential party Action Scored Flight 55'before other passen- e.irly in the year. Nixon's linng ol Archibald CM shook the ad- until after the flight was air- to and from airports con- After Borough Attorney WASHINGTON (AC) - Congress is in recess President gers yesterday at Washing- ministration, drawing bitter congressional and national reac- borne, said Nixon took a com- sumed some 58,000 gallons of John W. O'Mara read a Nixon has slipped away to San Clemente lor a year-end vaca- ton's Dulles International Air- tion. So the office ol special prosecutor was left in place, and mercial flight "to set an ex- jet fuel at a round-trip cost to lengthy resolution of approv- tion. So, after a year of shocks and crises, then is a lull in port. He took a seat in the Leon Jawortkl was appointed to head It, But the question for ample for the American pub- the government of up to al, requiring that 15 per cent Washington. first class section, surrounded 1974 is not who is the special prosecutor, but who Is indicted by Secret Service agents. lic" during the energy crisis. $11,600, by White House esti- of the 306 units contain only It won't last long. mates. one bedroom and setting min- "The past may haunt us, but the future crowds us." Sen. and prosecuted (or Watergate crimes. So with the Senate Wa- Charles McC. Mathias, R-Md., said in the Senate tergate hearings Whatever the value of disclosure lor its own Tina Myers. 1«. of San imum square feet and per-unit That seems an apt slogan for a government which in 1974 sake, ind thai is lUU a subject of debate, the mandate of the Diego, Calif., said she awoke occupancy. Democrat J. Jo- must reach judgment on problems, shortages and scandals dis- Senate committee is to assemble evidence and recommend from a sleep in the tourist sec- seph Frankel declared himself "shocked that tonight Mr. closed during 1973. legislation to make sure such abuses do not happen again. The The Inside Story tion and saw the President panel is supposed to report in two months, although it may walking down the aisle. "It O'Mara reads a lengthy three- Next November the voters will render their judgment. Ttpj for cheap European travel Page If page resolution prepared by Those issues, and the way they are handled in Ihe months just seek an extension Doris Kulman makes first annual awards Page 17 just shocked me," she said. She had been writing a let- Mr. (OOP Councilman Henry ahead, arc likely to shape the verdict of the 1974 congressional The old business foretells other new butlw Kilck* win, Net> lose Page 18 C.)Frey." elections. Malhias made his comment in discussing hazards in the Rangers win, Islanders lose Page IS ter to her boyfriend and asked "At last Wednesday's work- For much of what has happened on such problems during misuse of national security claims as grounds tor domestic ac- Complete holiday cage coverage Pages IK- IS Nixon to sign it or "he'd never believe" that the President shop meeting," continued Mr. 1973 has been in the area of disclosure, not settlement or solu- tion by the government He said he plans to sponsor legislation Classified 21,21 DAILY REGISTER was on her flight. Nixon was Frankel, "Mr. Frey was pre- tion seeking to deal wiih Ihe problem and enforce the Bill of Comics 22 PHONE NUMBERS happy to sign the letter, she pared to remand this to the The inirgy crisis has been confronted with a blend of gov- Rights, Contemporary Life It, 17 Mali Office 741 Mil said. /lining board for further testi- ernment orders and requests (or voluntary conservation to . we must look forward to Ihe derisions that must be taken in January and the succeeding months The Iragn pad Crossword Paule 22 ChusUMA* 741 MM "I saw his wife pass," said mony on the need for this DM shortage. When Congress adjourned until Jan 21. it is our road to ihe future and must be taken into account as we Editorials ( Legal Adv 741 Mil Mrs. Merle Fleming of Tulsa, project " did so without passing legislation empowering Ihe I'resioVni in make our plans," he Entertainment 21 Display Adv 741 Mil Okla " 'Isn't that Pal?' I Hefmng In the tract, owned order rationing and initiate other stringent energy meajun Here's to Health I ClrcaUUoa Deal 74I12M asked the stewardess. She by Miltnn Gilbert, as "one of There Is much more to be done to cope with the Immediate Sen Mark O, llalheld. It Ore took Ihe past into account Horoscope 22 Sports Deat 741 Ml 7 Bald yes. I couldn't believe the Mggesi panels we have shortage, and still mure to deal with it on a long term b in a different manner, proposing a resolution to proclaim next Make A Date 17 Contemporary Life 741-MII it." left In Katontown," Mr. April XI as • national day ol humiliation, fasting and prayer. On the Watergate, there are inflict merits. Idall and more He patterned it on nnu drawn by Abraham Lincoln during the Movies U Aeeaaats PayaMe 741-Mll Julie Gilkey, 19, of Fairfax, Frankel declared it "just in- Sen.ile hearings ahead. There is Ihe House investigation Into Obltaarlrs 4 AccoaaU RccHviHr...741 Mil Civil War Va., a sophomore at the Uni- credible that we would vote possible impeachment proceedings against President Nixon. Outdoor World I NfcMetawa Bareaa I7I-22M on this tonight when we The Senate adopicd it The House has not acted. : versity of Oregon, said she Sports IM» Freehold larean 4O-2I2I had been worried during haven't had a chance to con- Many of the matters that have become major issues ol "I believe we have heen living through days that try the Lwg Braaeh Bareaa...221-MII Television 21 takeoff that something was sider the language" of the res- 1973 involve methods and evidence that arc means to he used soul of the nation and test the resiliency of the Republic," Hat- amiss because a security olution, and further called it in resolving Watergate and related Cl field sau I Ben AMekmaa guard had grabbed her rough- "Irresponsible" for coun- For example, the question of a special prosecutor was an lie said an altitude of national self righteousness, "no mat- Marsh Marine. 741 B7B7 Acousticon—Radloear Hear- ly as she boarded and asked cilmen to vote on the resolu- issue frrttn Ihe time the Watergate cover-up « ter what we as a nation do, only leads us into greater-peril." ing Aid Center—Moved to new Glass Blowing Demo to see her ticket tion. Location 430 Cookman Ave, At True Expressions Art Craft Office Building Mil Doris (N) Ed's At The Cabaret NeV Year's Eve In Europe •She to|d newsmen hen' Bayshor* Flshrry, Red Bank Anbury Park. Corner Sum- Gallery. 30 Monmouth St . Mr Frey said, however, Reopening New Year's Eve Wed. and Thurs. nights, Moon 125 per person Open Ml, when .she met Nixon "I told Open Sun., Dec. 30, and Mon., mcrfleld Avc., next to Keys- Red Bank. Fit-Sat., Dec. 28. that hiK questions M density and New Year's Day at 4:30. Dance with Tim M< I,oonc Id. dine, dance, favors. I o him, I'm glad It's you and not Dec, 31, (or your convenience. tone Savings. 774-2208. 29. a bomb.' " and traffic had been answeied Reservations 872-1565. 35, Eatontown. iiiranl H42-9H57 2 The Dally RegUter, Red Bask-MWdleUwa, N.J. Thursday, December 27, II7J Supermarket Fire Probed Smock Ends Service NEPTUNE — Local and that local and county fire stores were damaged by but no other injuries were re- On Eatontown Council county (ire officials are com marshals are sifting the smoke and water during the ported. turning a probe of the Christ- charred remains of the super- five hour Maze. The stores. Chief Seeds said last night EATONTOWN - Council Smock cited some of the ac- "great person, one who's mas fire which gutted the Su- market to determine the ori- police said, were closed when lhat no results have come President Leon B. Smock was complishments he's particu- sometimes not fully appre- per Saver Market. Rt. 35. ac- gin of the blaze. the fire started from the probe of the fire He present as usual at last larly proud of — location here ciated." cording to Kire Chief Elwood The supermarket, the hub Two firemen were treated said that no estimate has been night's Borough Council meet- of the Bendix Corp. and the Mr. Werner credited the Seeds. of a large shopping complex, for smoke inhalation at Jersey set for the amount ui damage Ing, one of the hundreds of Monmouth Shopping Center, outgoing president as being Chief Seeds said last night was wrecked and adjacent Shore Medical Center, here. to the buildings. such meetings he's attended establishment of the Shade "the father of recreation in Police here said that the in- in his 23 years on council. Tree and Historical Commis- Katontown," a leader in the vestigation is being conducted But last night's meeting sions, development of the community, and "an in- by local and county fire offi- marked the end of a public borough's Industrial Park and spiration to me." Revaluation Pact Extended cials. Police do not enter fire era for Mr. Smock, who was its new Industrial Road, now Mr. Smock, who is systems probes, it was said, unless, defeated in his bid for a ninth nearing completion, creation supervisor for the Northeast there is an indication of arson. term last month by Democrat of borough playgrounds and a *' Regional Sewerage Authority, recreational program. Chief Seeds offered no in- UMl.taMekJr. Jerome Fleischman. took his seat for the first time By Long Branch Council on Jan. 1, 1950. He was council dication that the fire was of Accepting congratulations One of his long-sought proj- president in 1965, was reelec- LONG BRANCH - City City Council, however, An ordinance was also ap- suspicious origin. He said only of residents and fellow council ects, however, has faded to ted to that position in 1967 and Council last night approved would not agree to the firm's proved which requires that that the blaze started in members last night, Mr. materialize, and Mr. Smock Standby has held it since. • an extension of a pact with request, It then asked far an copies and memoranda of all a loading area - Smock declared that "I've said sadly last night that "I the V.M. Co., extension to secure the per- city insurance pacts paid (or The fire spread to a false loved this job of being your regret leaving without seeing Council will reorganize at Ohio, to revaluate the city's sonnel with the required ex- by public funds will be filed in ceiling, the chief said, and Rationing councilman." our senior citizen housing a its traditional time at noon on properties by Oct. 1. perience. the city clerk's office. was whisked through the Looking back over his years reality." New Year's Day, but Mr. The original contract called The governing body last structure by the draft. on council, during which Ea- Presenting a plaque ac- Smock doesn't expect to be Thomas Boyd Associates, Expected for the city's revaluation to be night agreed to extend the re- Chief Seeds said that a fire tontown grew from a sleepy knowledging his service to the there. Allenhurst. was retained by completed by last October. valuation program one year. in confined spaces — such as (Continued) little town of 1,200 people to a community for the past quar- "There'll be too many the governing body as its pub- The revaluation company, Council last night also ap- a dropped ceiling — defies de- their needs deserved better busy commercial and indus- ter century, Mayor Herbert changes being made to suit lic relations consultant at however, was unable to com- proved an ordinance which tection until it rages to a point treatment, including com- trial center of 16,000, Mr. E. Wemer called Mr. Smock a me," he said. $2,500 for a three-month peri- plete the agreement due to sets the requirements for ex- where it becomes uncon- mercial airlines which were od. stipulations of the local tun- cavation and soil removal trolled. The roof was demo- slated for a cutback to 85 per tract. from city properties. The Councilman Samuel Tei- lished, he said, and sections of cent of their 1972 fuel sup- The agreement here calls measure was aired last cher, objected to the pact. He the wall collapsed before the plies. Twin 20-Story Towers for appraisers who have at month. , said that the job should have blaze could be contained. Simon announced last week least two years of experience Also approved was a code to been advertised for bids. The Also damaged by the fire he was taking back some 1.5 in that field. The appraisal accept a state grant of SIX,400 contract, however, will expire were the Adult Book Store, million.barrels' of jet fuel, April 1, council agreed, and commandeered by the Penta-' Eyed for Hazlet Seniors firm seeks a reduction in ex- (or a research and devel- the Century Loan Company, perience to ISO hours of back- opment program for the local the issue will then be reconsi- Barbara's Wig Shop and the gon from civilian suppliers, to HAZLET - Plans for the last Thursday, but a power apartments and a two-bed- ground in the field, a require- community development ef- dered with an eye tk seeking Monmouth School of Music. help international airlines get township's second senior citi- failure forced the board to room apartment for the super- ment of the state law. fort. bids for the post. Chief Seeds said there is no jhrough January. zen housing project have been continue the case until its intendent on the ground floor. way of determining the origin ' But fuel allocation touches received by the Zoning Board next meeting at 8:30 p. m. Jan. of the fire until a thorough in- every aspect of the nation's The first floor would also of Adjustment. 17. vestigation has been made. economy and Simon's office contain a lobby, community Record Interest Earnings was swamped with some Twin 20-story towers are The Rt. 36 site is one of room, library, television room 20,000 comments on its propos- proposed for a 10.7-acre site three tracts recently rezoned and an arts and crafts room • Merchants al during the eight days it west of the Shop-Rite on Rt. for senior citizen projects un- There would also be a central allowed for public comment. 36 and adjacent to Franciscan .der the revised zoning ordi- laundry area. Are Reported for Hazlet Way. The multi-million dollar nance. But since projects of Simon's office, created Set Dinner project is being sponsored by Taking into account federal only on Dec. 4, and faced with six to 20 stories need a special IIAZLKT - Mayor Herbert $12,000 in interest was earned. fore generating income." the Walter Conover Memorial subsidies, the applicant esti- the Dec. 12 legal deadline to exemption to the zoning ordi- •J. Kupfer has announced that Mayor Kupfer said this — A full-time business ad- Corp. of Matawan, a non-prof- mates that one-bedroom In Keyport propose oil allocation rules nance, the applicant was re- $41,000, the highest amount in year's increase was due to: ministrator who coordinated it organization formed by the apartments would rent for and, the Dec. 27 deadline to is- quired to bring its plans to the the township's history, has — an all-time high interest the income from each depart- KKYPORT - The annual Marine Corps League of $140 and efficiency apart- sue them, has been rushed Zoning Board of Adjustment been earned in interest on the rate on short term in- ment and supervised the de- installation dinner dance of Holmdel to qualify for state from the start. for approval. ments for $125. township's current fund ac- vestments in 1973. positing of all funds. the Keyport Chamber of Com- and federal grants. Its haste to meet the Dec. 12 Each tower would be 206 A variance is also being^ count. — The appointment of Mrs. — Broad investment powers merce is scheduled at H p.m. deadline led to a blunder, in The Zoning Board of Adjust- feet high and contain 205 sought to build 423 parking* The sum was earned Patricia M. Frank as full- given to the treasurer by the Saturday. Jan. 12. in the Town which the officially proposed ment heard initial testimony units, consisting of 166 one- spaces instead of the 615 re- through short term in- time treasurer last Jan. I Township Committee. "These and Country Inn, Rt. 25 and gasoline cutback was mistak- on the plans at its meeting bedroom units, 38 efficiency quired by the ordinance. vestments made through I he The mayor said this resulted powers allowed the treasurer Broadway. .. enly presented to the public Treasurer's Office, according in "an efficient and produc- to make certain investments George M.Beaman has as a much larger reduction, to the mayor. The account is tive cash flow position. Funds without further approval been nominated to succeed seifding bad vibrations funded by local taxes. collected on a daily basis was from the Township Com- Victor (sik as chamber through the stock market and County Young Democrats Last year, approximately invested immediately, there- mittee," the mayor said. dent. Others nominated are Kichard Hill, first.vice presi- the driving public until it was dent; James Mancini, second corrected. vice president; William Simon asked Congress for a Headed by Rumson Man Weather: Cloudy Mild Francis, .treasurer; Eric Win- delay until Jan. 11 to issue fi- ston, corresponding secre- nal regulations, but Congress RED BANK - Richard J. shall seek to serve as a think tary; Mrs. Ruth D. llartman, left for its winter holiday tank both for the newly-elect- Cloudy this afternoon. The Del., followed a clay of heavy Christmas morning. Streams McManus of 9 Lakeside Ave., recording secretary, and Mr. without acting on the request, ed legislators and for the high is expected to be in the rains and high winds in the in Virginia and West Virginia Rumson. has been elected Csik, immediate past presi- and key congressmen said county candidates of the fu- low to mid fill's. South that contributed to five were out of their banks. president of the Monmouth dent. they had no authority to allow County Young Democrats. ture. We look with particular Partly cloudy tmrigM and deaths. Two others died in Il- Dense fog developed in the delay on their own. He defeated Ramona L. Lit- interest toward the congres- tomorrow, low tonight in the linois in a weather-related ac- southern New York and New Nominated as directors (or In other energy-related de- tlejohn of Middlelown. sional and freeholder races of low 40's. high tomorrow in the cident. Kngland where the mild, 1974 are Louis Hosenthal, Da- velopments: next year," he added. upper Ws. High winds yesterday over- moist air hit the snow-cover vid Thaler, John Hurlbert and Mr. McManus suceeds An- turned a mobile home in Jef- zone. Mrs. Josephine Conover. John — In New York, analysts drew M. Smith, Jr., who did Also, elected were: vice- In Long Branch, yesterday ferson County, Miss., killing Temperatures before dawn (iardella and Krrol Mallory said encouraging energy news not seek reelection. president, Mrs. Allyn Heck of the high was 55 degrees and one woman. Four died in a ranged from 2 at Trinidad. have been named to fill exist-' accounted for a strong stock Mr. McManus, a graduate Shrewsbury, former director the low. 48 It was SO at 8 p.m. truck-bus collision in Birming- CdldV, to 74 at Miami. Fla. ing vacancies on the bnaul or market rally. The Dow Jones of Red Bank Catholic High of registration for the Mon- and the overnight low was 49. ham, Ala., during a violent TIDES Sandy Hook directors. average of 30 industrials yes- School, Yale College and Har- mouth, Democratic Organisa- Today's 7 a.m. temperature thunderstorm TODAY - High 9:36 p.m. The general membership terday climbed 23.97 to 837.56, vard Law School, is an associ- tion; corresponding secretary, . was 60. There was .95 inches its biggest gain since Dec. 7. Mrs. Susan Wickham of Haz- Flash-flood warnings were and low 3:43 p.m. will be asked to approve an ate with the law firm of An- '. of rain in the past 24 hours. let; treasurer, Arthur Schloss- issued last night for parts of TOMORROW - High 9:49 increase in the board of direc- - In Vail, Colo., Vice Presi- schelewitz, Barr, Ansell & Bo- bach of Belmar; and record- Unseasonably warm air Maryland and New Jersey am. and 10:12 p.m. and low tors fi orn 12 to 1.') members. dent derald R. Ford com- nello, Long Branch. mented that resorts like Vail ing secretary, Thomas Lu- fanned the Atlantic coastal Flooding in Mississippi, 3:41 ,i in and 4:15 p.m. Nominated as the three addi- A former teacher, and re- probably won't suffer too pinski of Shrewsbury. states today and set off flood- Louisiana, Alabama, Ten- For Heel Hank and Kumsim tional directors are Frank porter, he served as munici- much from energy con- ing as snow melted and heavy nessee and in Mnline, III., bridge, add (wo hours; Sea I jughlin, William (Jeiger and pal leader of Monmouth servation measures. rains swamped local streams. caused a few families lo evac- Bright, deduct 10 minutes; J. Leon Schanck Jr. Beach in 1970-71; as a regional The warming trend, which uate their homes yesterday Long Branch, deduct 15 min- Tickets to the affair may be coordinator in the McUovern Rumson Woman drove temperatures to 65 be- Siime areas have had as much utes; Highlands bridge, add 40 obtained at the chamber sec- primary campaign, and was Killed in Crash Richard I. McManus fore dawn at Wilmington. as 10 inches of, rain since minutes retary's office, 34 W. Front St. elected a delegate to the 1972 Werner Vote National Democratic Con- NEW SHREWSBURY - vention in Miami Beach. Mrs. Ellen T. Nnlan. 52, of 62 Is Decisive He has also served as law Ridge Road, Rumson, died clerk to Superior Court Judge yesterday at Riverview Hospi- Lawrence A. Carton, Jr. tal, Red. Bank, shortly after On Project "Tht November election an accident on Sycamore Ave. (Continued) provided a solid foundation at 4:30p.m. REGISTER NOW for building a strong Demo- firmative action on the proj- Police say Mrs. Nolan had cratic party in the county," ect. been driving west when her Mr. McManus said, "I hope to The mayor in turn, sug- car crossed into the eastbound see the Young Democrats gested that Democratic Coun- lane, ran off the road, and more involved not only in the cilman Lawrence F. Boff struck a tree. There were no nuts and bolts of the party or- might be in conflict since one passengers in the vehicle. ganization, but in issue devel- of the developers' real estate Sgt. Fred J. (iarrabrant is opment and policy as well. We WINTER TERM witnesses was a client of Mr. investigating officer. Buff's accounting firm. Mr Boff replied that the real estate agency provided AT BROOKDALE "less than one tenth of one „„„.. B-ookdal. can per cent of my firm's income, and I don't receive any of ital." Mr 0 Mara ruled that he could find no conflict in Mr. Boff'i relationship, and told Mr Werner that he should dis- qualify himself "if (here was evidence that you prejudged this case." Up to the final vote. Mr. Frankel and Mr. Boff con- tended that now here in the months of testimony before Ihr zoning board had any real i d for the proiect been demonstrated, nor had any marketability study ever been conducted OOP Councilman Theodore IIARI.KSTON CONTESTS Zcbrowakl held the decision SINGING AM) DANCING "Wll not rushed, not i.un- rodded." "You can ask for more fads and more (acts," he MM, inv Ml your decision |l obsolftl " Roast Pime Ribs COUncli'l decision will not Income finul for 45 days, and PUS our FABULOUS an appeal of the ruling could bt made before thai time. SALAD IUFFET The (own house project mast still go through the long |in>< eiliue of earning site plan •a approval from the Planning ••uto thlrty-liv«, Board John I' Cluster, archi- ThinM PLACE Eatontown, N.J. 07738 tect fin the |)in|i'ct said lust night the must nptlmlltll• tobt llva.feur.lws • aundbreaklng would bt EOERY HUMY oh.aU.ah.oh' late nmi fall "Spring of I9?li is more like ly, ' U i iiinnienled lit Dally B«il|er,BedBuk-MlddteUwi,N.J.TIiin(Uy,Deceabern,4IQ S Budget Up, but Levy to Drop

Serious Crimes Show Increase At Monmouth Regional High WASHINGTON - The Justice Department report, that serious crime increased one per cent in the first nine months NEW SHREWSBURY - current budget. on the other hand, federal However, the only items of this year. The Monmouth Regional High Board members attributed aid has been reduced in the that will appear on the ballot School Board of Education the reduction of the amount to Figures released today by Acting Attorney General Robert 1974-1975 budget by $50,000 to Feb. 5 are current expenses last night adopted a 1974-1975 be raised by taxes to an an- H. Bork noted, however, that 71 of the nation's largest cities $200,000. totalling $1,755,341, and a capi- budget calling for increased ticipated $887,276 in state aid, reported decreases in crime over the same period. Included in the proposed tal outlay of $9,000 for a total spending but reduced local an increase of '$431,419 over The over-all one per cent rise In crime compares will a budget are $2,947,068 for cur- of $1,764,341. school taxation the sum allocated by the state two per cent decline reported in the first nine months of l»71. rent expenses, up $248,918; The total debt service of The tentative budget is in the present school budget. The report said violent crime increased three per cent (19,000 for capital outlay, up $235,340 includes $187,115 to be $3,201,408. up 8.4 per cent or The nearly doubled stale during the first nine months of the year, the same increase as $6,090, and $235,340 (or debt raised by local taxes, which $248,318 from 1973-1974, while aid total is the result of a mul- for last year. service, down $6,690. was previously approved by the amount to be raised by ti-million dollar surplus dis- voters and is not submitted Property crimes increased one per cent this year, com- The board has appropriated taxes is 11.951,456. down 17 covered earlier this year at again in the school budget ref- pared with a two per cent drop last year. $110,000 from surplus for the per cent or $56,146 36 from the the state level. erendum. The figures showed forcible rape was up 8 per cent, com- new budget. pared with 13 per cent the year before. Murder was up 5 per A public hearing on the pro- cent, the same increase as last year, and aggravated assault posed budget, which contains was up S per cent, compared with 7 per cent last year. Cemetery Vandalism Hit several expenditures, will be By region the western states showed a 2 per cent decline conducted on Jan. 15. in crime, while the total level of crime was unchanged in the Among the increased ex- Northeast. Overall crime levels rose 2 per cent in the North POLICE MATRON — Receiving badge as Middle- penditures is $1,963,660 (or in- Central States and 4 per cent in the South. town's head police matron is Mrs. Vernel Walker, By Holmdel Police Chief struction, which includes sala- left, school crossing guard at Wilson Ave. in Port ries for teachers, counselors, Egyptian, Israeli Talks Resume Monmouth. Mrs. Walker, associated with police HOLMDEL - "its a sad "1 don't know. People like In the meantime, township librarians,' and other special department 10 years, is graduate ot two special state of affairs when people that are just sick," he replied. police have increased patrol services personnel, up GENEVA, Switzerland - The Egyptian-Israeli talks on a police officers schools on search and seizure and who have nothing better to do activity around the cemeter- $124,870. troop pullback along the Suez Canal are back in session, but Is qualified In firearms. She replaces Mrs. Agnes for kicks have to turn to the The chief added that there ies in the community, keeping the hard bargaining apparently has not resumed yet. Judge, right, in matron post. Mrs. Judge, per- cemeteries." is not a cemetery in the town- them under surveillance in lludgct notes indicate the Israeli and Egyptian army personnel resumed talks with a manently disabled by attack by female prisoner, ship in which vandals have increase lor instruction Is to With this comment Police daylight as well as at night, 90-minute meeting yesterday after a month-long Egyptian boy- is now In charge of firearms identification and fin- not been at work at one time Chief Phillips went on. anticipate salary Increases Chief R. Bruce Phillips re- or another, toppling head- cott. A United Nations spokesman said they would meet again gerprinting In records division of department. Po- To the vandals, Chief Phil- for 1974-1975 personnel con- Friday. lice Chief Joseph M. McCarthy, center, praises ported to. The Register that a stones and In many cases tracts while textbook teaching both women for their efforts on behalf of Middle- freshly laid Christmas blanket smashing them, disturbing lips had this to say: "Can't A brief communique said: "Both sides discussed the prin- you even let the deceased rest and library supplies costs ciples of disengagement, which will facilitate productive dis- town citizens. of greens, laid in Holmdel floral tributes to the dead and have been largely stabilized. Cemetery on the grave of a 'otherwise desecrating burial in peace? Too bad that none cussions in future meetings." of you believe in God, which is The operation ot the Lt. Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo of Finland, who chaired the ear- lately deceased father by his places. school's plant will cost wife and children, was perfectly obvious. Too bad lier, unsuccessful talks at Kilometer 101 on the Cairo-Suez The latest such desecration that you don't know what love $268,300. a $63,740 increase. road, also presided at the Geneva session. Egypt's delegates promptly stolen by an un- The board said a significant Howard Lauded known vandal. occurred Dec. 21, when the and devotion are, and will were Brig. Taha el-Magdoob and Col. Ahmed Fouad Howaidl; Christmas grave blanket was probably never know. For part of this hike is due to a the Israeli representatives were Maj. Gen. Mordechai Gur and "What do such thieves do taken, Chief Phillips ex- those of us who know that God $55,000 increase in the cost of Col. D'w Sion, son-in-law of Defense Minister Moshe Dayan. with a thing like a grave blan- plained. An investigation of is real . . . receive our com- fuel oil. Israeli sources said their government would agree to pull On Energy Probe ket?" Chief Phillips was the incident us continuing un- fort by knowing that some A $6,090 increase in capital back its forces six miles from the canal but expected Egypt to asked. der the chief's direction. day He will deal with you." outlay total of $19,000 will help ' insist on a bigger withdrawal. WASHINGTON - Rep. the school expand Its athletic James J. Howard, D-N.J., fields to a portion of 39.48 Leisure Activities Burn Up Fuel was highly commended today acres purchased In 1968 under by Public Works Committee NEW YORK - Americans at play used up 8.1 billion gal- Group Supports Dickerson the Green Acres Program. Chairman John A. Blatnik, D- The transportation appro- lons of fuel last year, according to a recent survey. Minn., for "his diligent and priation Is increased $37,309 to Daily consumption in the United States is estimated at 17 penetrating probe into our $157,704 to provide funds for a million barrels of crude oil a day, or about 260 billion gallons energy problems long before For Red Bank Board Post transportation coordinator's of fuel a year. they reached crisis propor- Public Schools PTA. and salary and those of nine bus The survey by the National Motor Sports Committee, an tions. RED BANK - At a meeting of a full platform until I can arm of the auto racing industry, showed most of the 1972 leis- at the home of Mrs. Joann served as a member of the listen to the public and find drivers (or a total of $50,354. "In your brief year as board of education title III ure-time consumption was attributable to vacation and recrea- l'lumaker, William Dickerson out what are their needs and Also noted on the trans- chairman of the important committee. tion travel. ' was urged to run for a three- concerns. This is a policy I in- portation line are $69,350 for a energy subcommittee," Blat- Some examples: year term on the Red Bank "My platform will be an ac- tend to follow after my elec- 50 per cent expansion of con-' nik told Howard, "you have Americans burned 749 million gallons of gasoline going to Board of Education by a new curate gauge of what the pub- tion to the board,'"Dickerson traded bus routes, $12,800 for made it one of the most effec- the movies; rodeo fans used another 88 million; horse racing citizen organization. lic wants in Red Bank continued. quarterly inspections and re- tive and responsive in the required 98 million; bowling, 40 million; golf, IS million; wres- The group, Red Bank Tax- Schools," Mr. Dickerson was Mrs. Plumaker is chairman pair of vehicles and $11,200 for Public Works Committee." tling, 27 million; baseball, 34 million; football, 5S4 million; and payers and Citizens for Better quoted as saying in the re of the newly formed group. increased gasoline costs. basketball, 238 million. Rep. Howard was appointed Schools, said in its first state- lease. "In order to do this, I Pleasure flying consumed 835 million gallons of aviation chairman of the newly- ment to the press "We sup- am going to delay the release and jet fuel in 1972, the Federal Aviation Administration esti- created energy subcommittee port the candidacy of Bill mated. In October, 1972, and recon- Dickerson for Board of Edu- By far the biggest single gas-eater was vacation travel. firmed to that post at the cation and the need to pro- Valuation The U.S. Travel Data Center said people driving cars and opening of the 93rd Congress James J. Howard mote quality education for all Our 1974 trucks for nonbusiness activities consumed 5.4 billion gallons in January, 1973. Red Bank children without Appeals Are of gasoline in traveling 41.1 billion miles last year. The subcommittee has con- al-Aid Highway Act of 1973, wasting taxpayers' dollars." ducted a broad probe of all which provides funds for both The statement continued, our energy problems with a highways and rail transit, and "Bill Dickerson's experience Suggested Christmas Clubs pay Astronauts Near Trip Midpoint view to short and long range the Water Resources, Devel- as a community organization SPACE CENTER, Houston — The Skylab 3 astronauts are solutions. opment Act, now before the administrator, his background MONMOUTH BEACH - nearing the midway point of their M-day space journey. Mr. Howard's legislation Senate, authorizing water re,; of working with youth groups Mayor Sidney B. Johnson said Gerald P. Carr, William R. Pogue and Edward G. Gibson setting a national speed limit sources projects to help as- and demonstrated interest In last night those residents who interest at IP*0/ start the downhill leg of their record flight at 9:36 a.m. EST to- is now on the President's desk sure the nation adequate sup- Red Bank public education aren't satisfied with recent morrow. They are due to return to earth on Feb. 8. awaiting signature. His plies for the future. are factors in our endorsing property assessments should The spacemen concentrate on medical and solar astro- deepwater port legislation has The committee is currently . his candidacy." consider appealing to the nomy experiments today. Monmouth County Board of to been approved by the com- holding hearings on ways pub- The statement continued The astronauts had a day off yesterday after a strenuous •Taxation. mittee and sent to the House lic works programs such as "our Board of Education ur- Christmas Day space walk during which Carr and Pogue were The borough was recently for early action next year. highways, economic devel- gently needs more parents of outside the station a record seven hours. They photographed revalued by the Realty Ap- Major public works legisla- opment and water resource Red Bank public school chil- the comet Kohoutek, heading for a loop around the sun tomor- praisal Corp., West New tion this year, in which Mr. development can contribute to dren — citizens who have a com- row, and changed film in Skylab's telescope cameras. Howard played a strong role, more orderly and balanced York, N.J., which was mitment to our public schools awarded a $14,500 contract by Pogue and Gibson plan another space walk Saturday to includes the $20 billion Fcdcr- national growth. — as members of the board." photograph Kohoutek as it heads away from the sun and back the borough Board of Com- Mr. Dickerson,' Red Bank missioners in June. toward deep space. The pictures hopefully will provide data on branch executive of the Com- how much of the comet's nucleus vaporized from the intense The revaluation was munity YMCA since 1971, is a needed, Mayor Johnson said, heat ot the sun. To Name O.'Brien career YMCA administrator, because the borough was only coming to Red Bank from pre- assessing at 76 per cent of Senility Blamed for Non-Payment A c vious YMCA positions in true value based on recent SCHENECTADY - The grandson of an elderly couple l\& MnVnr Pennsylvania. A graduate of property sales. found dead in a cold home Christmas Eve says possible seni- If JECl J VfJl Lafayette College, he is mar- Under a state law, all prop- lity may have caused his grandparents to fail to pay their utili- HAZLET - Township Com- ried, the father of two chil- erty in New Jersey ll sup- ty bill. mitteeman Francis J. dren, both enrolled in the pub- posed to be assessed at 100 Authorities investigating the deaths of Frank and Cath- O'Brien, will succeed Herbert lic school system, and owner per cent of its market value. of a home on John St. Mr. erine Baker said yesterday that hundreds of dollars were J. Kupfer as mayor when the The mayor said he felt that Dickerson is currently chair- found in the house under mattresses and wrapped in toilet pa- Township Comm'ittee orga- some of the assessments rec- man of the primary school ad- per. nizes on Tuesday. ommended by the appraisal visory committee, a vice pres- firm were loo high. Me ng- Baker was 93, his wife 92. The Committee's Democrat- ident and member of the ex- (jested if property owners we- Basil Heise, 20, discovered the bodies of his grandparents ic majority, consising of Mr. ecutive board of the Red Rank in the living room of their home four days after Niagara Mo- O'Brien, Mr. Kupfer, Stephen ren't satisfied after speaking hawk Power Corp. turned off the couple's electricity. The cor- J. Filardi and Joseph J. De- with representatives of the poralion'said it acted after repeated attempts to collect a five-, Virgilio, voted unanimously appraisal company or the month-old bill of $253. (or Mr. O'Brien in a recent Woman Accused borough assessor, an appeal Detective Edward O'Connor refused to disclose the caucus session. should be made (o the county. amount of money found in the Baker home, saying only that it According to Mr. Kupfer, Qf Shoplifting In other business during the was less than $1,000. He called the couple senile. who has been mayor for the ' MIDDLETOWN - A 29-HMnmutr meeting, the board Asked whether he agreed with O'Connor, Heise said, past year, the Democrats de- year-old Newark woman was awarded a $5,MH contract lo "From what I saw, it was possible, yes." cided in 1972 to rotate the arrested in Sears Roebuck Km]] Motors of hong Branch, township's highest office and Co. on Ht IS on Christ- for a new truck for I ho street Be Wise and Save for 1974 Comet Near Closest Sun Approach among themselves each year mas Eva and charged with department, and named Mi- Join The Central Jersey Bank and Mr. O'Brien's term will expire shoplifting two women'-. CHU chael Murray of Ultle Silver, Trust Company Christmas Club now. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Comet Kohoutek makes its closest Dec. 31, 1974. 'valued at $110. a full patrolman. Mr. Murray approach to the sun tomorrow as it begins a swing which will Memberships start from as little The outgoing mayor report- The suspect was identified completed a year as a proba- take it back out of the solar system. as 50e a week. We don't just ed that the Democratic com- Francis I. O'Brien as Barbara James by Detec- tionary patrolman. Kohoutek is to reach perihelion, or the low point in its or- mJtteemen will meet later this tive Lt. William J. Halliday. collect your Christmas Club money bit, at 5:24 a.m. EST. At thit time, it will be only 13.24 million the arresting officer. Two ac- New week to decide on appoint- Vice-president of Red Star we pay 5% interest on it. miles from the sun and traveling at 251,400 miles per hour. ments. He did confirm, how- complices escaped with the Year t Eve Marine Services. New York The comet will go around the sun, but it will not dip behind ever, that Francis X. Journick stolen goods, police said. . DiniriK or Party our star as seen from earth. Because ot the angle of the comet will remain township at- lily Mr O'Brief! and his wife Ms. James is bv\ng held in See how our Christmas Club accounts in relation to the earth, it will appear Just to loop around the - torney. CecUlJ live li I9« Middle the township jail in lieu of lop of the sun before heading back out into space. Road with their three chil- otobrookj build up over a 50-week period: Mr. O'Brien is starting his $500 bail pending a Municipal Dr. William A. Deutschman, head of Project Kohoutek at third year as a coh> dren Court appearance Jan '!H, .50 a week —$ 29.63 3.O0 a week— 256.25 the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, says that after mitteeman, and was the town- Mr O'Brien promises t.OO a week- 51.25 perihelion the comet should re-emerge to earth viewers in the 10.00 a week— 512.90 ship's police committee chair- to continue programs ihal I he nighttime sky. 2.00 a week— 1O2.5O 20.00 a week-1,025.00 man this year He was a Democrats Initiated this past A SPECIAL HOLIDAY TREAT 3.00 a week— 153.73 on completed Club* "However, comets are notoriously unpredictable," member of the RtlNatloil year, especially construction Deutschman' says, noting that some have disappeared com- Commission live years and of senior citizens' housing, a BROOKDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE pletely at perihelion or have broken up into smaller units. served as its chairman in new police headquarter! ind 1968 a public library. & 'EEGJSm THE MARLBORO ELEMENTARY P.T.A. CAN WB HSLP YOU MAIN OFPICf: CHUTNUT if, HID iiNK, Ml t»tl i«»NCH OrflCII: CENTRAL JERSEY BANK 111 «T. II. MIODIITOWN, M.J., Bid SNOW WHITE AND TRUST M IMT MAIN II , MtiMOCO, H J . «m in »«OAM»*Y. LAN* tHAMCM. HI, mm MONMOUTH COUNT V • AHonhural • Aoantmrn & THE SEVEN DWARFS Btmwmy Baach • fatontown • ParrmrtMIMo. • Fort HMkllMM* M Mil *i Htm N CM* —4 Mmry Cm Monmouth • Proohokl O) • Proohotd Township |3; A IIV0 mutlcal pmmMlon MnoaH • I.ono. Branch 131 Manalapon • PUIUSMIO •* TNI HID »«rlK ••OIITiH Malawan • Naptuno Cit» • Ocoon Townohlp . pjunv Mfffrtwr ot Iht Auocloffftf Prtti- The A\»ortolrt PffM II •fllillttf #•• ciutivrly to IM vM tor '•auelKnH«onl alt th« )•£•• nwi ffrmttd In 1M1 by thi TRAVELING PLAYHOUSE OF NEW YORK •on . Soa Bria,ht • Shrowabury • Spring L oka HotfNIa nfwtpaotr at ttffll ot all A> n«wi riitpotrHn Priday, December 28th - 1 ft 3 P.M. UNION COUNTY • MounfainOKtt • WaaHloW i«on« rioo» Moil luotcna- Marlboro High School Rout* » 79 liont PO' I IVW I Month ] Msflttn * Montnt 1 vtor Tickets: Adults $2.00 Students $1.50 UN »» »mt SERVICE IS OUR BIGGEST ASStT / U1M Children SI .00 llom» Iwhvtiy £ years ser- 1 Hill Road, died Dec. 16 while ter Blazer will conduct Sab- church's Council of the but resumed official church Methodist Church, here. ber of the Art Students exander Zuewsky. vice. He was a member of the visiting her daughter, Mrs. bath Eve services at Temple Surviving are his widow, League of New York; a mem- Mrs. Zuewsky was a mem- Port Monmouth First Aid Margaret Fleisher, in Miami, Beth Miriam tonight at 8:30 Mrs. George II. Rinear TtiSttLSStT^ Mrs. Judy Martin Sutherland; ber of the Retired Educators ber of the Rosary-Altar So- Squad and a communicant of Fla. o'clock. Association, and a lifelong PORT MONMOUTH - Mrs. lem. He has had other serious a son, Ronald Scott Suther- ciety of St. Agnes Catholic St. Catherine's Catholic Mrs. Buskirk was born in Stanley Grubman, vice member of St. James Episco- Church, East Keansburg. Anna A. Rinear, 78, of 214 Wil- illness. A lung malignancy left land, at home; his parents, Church, Atlantic Highlands. New York City. president will read the in- pal Church, here. son Ave. died Tuesday in Kiv- him with a deep, raspy voice. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suther- Surviving are a son, Step- Surviving are his widow, Surviving besides Mrs. Flei- troduction to the Kiddush. erview Hospital, Red Bank, Mrs. Lee died in 1962 The land of Jacksonville, Fla.; a Surviving are a brother, hen Apanel of Atlantic High- Mrs. Maria A. Greenwood; a sher are two daughters, Mrs. There will be no session of lands; a daughter, Mrs. John daughter, Mrs. Gabriella Shhe was born iin Greenwich year after the death of his brother, Arthur C. Sutherland John F. Wright of Fort Myers, Eloise Bowtell, with whom the Sunday Religious School Township and lived in this first wife, President Lee mar- of Jacksonville, and his pater- Fla.; a niece, Mrs. Janice Kozkowski, with whom she Zeidlik of Belford; a brother. Mrs. Buskirk lived, and Mrs. this Sunday and no sessions of area most of her life. ned Freda Joan Jensen, a nal grandmother, Mrs. Ivy Winder of Madera, Calif., and made her home and three Michael Greenwood of Doris Hepple of El Paso, the Hebrew School during the Mrs. Rinear was a commu- school administrator. She sur- Sauerland of Fort Smith. Ark. a nephew, Kenneth D. Wright grandchildren. Queens, N.Y., and a grandson. Tex.; a son, Edward Buskirk ensuing week. nicant of St. Mary's Catholic yives. of Oakhurst. The Condon Funeral Home, The Scott Funeral Home, of Cedar Grove; eight grand- The C.H.T. Clayton and LOTTERY NUMBER Church New Monmouth, a Son Funeral Home, Adelphia, The Flock Funeral Home is Atlantic Highlands, is inBelford, is in charge of ar- children, and 12 great-grand- children. Wed., Dee. M: 1MIS member of the Ladies Aux- Clyde E. Wilson is in charge of arrangemmta. in charge of arrangements. charge cf arrangements. rangements. iliary of the Hook and Ladder GENEVA, Neb. - Clyde E. Fire Co. in Keyport, and a Wilson, 84, formerly of Little member of the Ladies Aux- Silver, N.J., died Dec. 19. iliary of Raritan Post 23, Mr. Wilson had lived in American Legion, of Keyport. Little Silver before moving Surviving are her husband, here three years ago to make George H. Rinear, and two his home with his daughter, sisters, Mrs. Alex Chambliss Mrs. Jean Daws of Fair- of Hillside, and Mrs. Mary E. mont, Neb. Hart of Long Branch. Mr. Wilson was born in The Bedle Funeral Home, Lucas, Ohio, and moved to Keyport, is in charge of ar- Cherokee, Iowa, in 1907 where Play the new'Weekly" raflgements. he was employed as a farm worker and mechanic. He was John J. S'trcckfusft a member of the International BELFORD - John J. Order of Odd Fellows, and the Streckfuss, 88, of 256 Sunrise Eagle Lodge. Place died Dec. 25 in Mon- His first wife, the former mouth Medical Center, Long Lucy Ware, died in 1937. His Branch. second wife, the former He moved here 15 yeary s ago Frances Wulf, died in 1963. from Atlantic Highlands. Also surviving arc two other MMr . SStreckfuss was a re- daughters, Mrs. Virginia Fish- tired mason. He was a mem- cr of Sioux City, Iowa, a. il ber of the Mlddletown Senior Mrs. Mildred Terry of Che Citizens and Advance Lodge rokee, Iowa; two sons, Lyle 635, F&AM, of Astoria, N.Y. Wilson of Mesquite, Tex., and Surviving are two daugh- Kenneth Wilson of Santa Mo- ters, Mrs. Clara Tejchman, nita, Calif ; a slepson, Kay here, and Mrs. Alma sotton of Wulf of San Fernando. C«* Atlantic Highlands, and two lif.; a stepdaughter. Mrs. grandchildren. Joanne Nelson nf Fergus Posten's Funeral Home, At- Falls, Minn.; 19 grand- .wice lantic Highlands, is in charge children; five step-grand- of arrangements. children, and 12 great-grand- children. Mn». J. Pierandri The Boothby Funeral Home HOWELL - Mrs. Harriet of Cherokee, Iowa, was in (Hattie) Pierandri, 67, of charge of services Maxim-Southard Road, died Tuesday at Jersey Shore Me- Mrs. Mathias I'elzer dical Center, Neptune. CHATHAM, \a. - Mrs She had been a lifelong resi- Blanch Pelzer, 61, of Rural dent here. Rt. 4, died yesterday at Me- as many Surviving are her husband, mortal Hospital, Danville. She Joseph Pierandri; three sons, had resided in Highlands,4 Raymond E. Marks Sr. of N.J., for 15 years prior to Sprinp g Lake Heightsg , Edward coming here a year ago. Marks of Rockville Centre, She had been a member of ,N.Y., and William ('. Woollcy the Veterans of Foreign Wars of FarmingdaloFd ; a brotherbh , Auxiliary. HHighlands/and of Chase WooUcy of Lakewood, st. Mary'y s Catholic Church, and 10 grandchildren. New Monmouth, N.J. She was The C.H.T. Clayton and Son born in Charleroi, Pa. Funeral Home, Adelphia, is in Surviving are her husband, charge of arrangements. Mathias Pelzer; a son, Rich- chances Mrs. W.\l. Sanders ard Pelzcr of Waldorf, Md.; a daughter, Mrs. Blanch Tillett, LAKEHURST - Mrs. Willie with whom she resided; two Mac Sanders, 69, or 4SE brothers, John Krulz of Point Ridgeway Road, died Monday Pleasant, N.J., and J.ames at Paul Kimball Hospital, Krutz of Charleroi, and five Lakewood. grandchildren. She was the widow of Joe The Scott Funeral llnmc, Sanders. She was a member here, is in cbaiffl nf arrange- of the Sixth Street Ruptist mpnis. Church, Lakewood. „ ... , ...... Surviving are a sister, Mrs "rotlur Joseph Sullivan to win! Rose Solomon, here, and a |>ORT CHARLOTTK, FIH. brother, Samuel Sununerall — Brother Joseph Sullivan, ti7, Your Guide to Lottery Cash...all the way up to a million! The F. Leon Harris Funeral of W.F. Provisional House, New Jersey's favorite game now has a brand new prize list. Home, Red Bank, is in charge Plainfield, N.J. died here Dec. The Lottery Number on your "Weekly" ticket or Clover Club Membership Card has six digits. There's more lottery cash given away each week, with twice of arrangements. 24. So does-tfie weekly winning number which determines the winners of all prizes. as many chances to grab somel And Just matching the last digit Death Notices He was born in Flfeshiro, puts you on the road to a million! •OLD — Richard L . on Dec J4, 1WI at Scotland. For example: If the Weekly Winning Number is 123456, Check the chart for all the details. Then check your tickets Me-A Texas Rood. Molowon. N J. Beloved lutbond of Edith (nee Orbonn). Oevnlrd SurvTOnR are Ihree sisters, and your number is: carefully. With so many new ways to win, you won't want to other of Mrs. Artene Gorlto and Robert Mrc M'irv htllMli'ii hpn» 'I » Gold Retired bus operator for Trans lvlrs Mary IMimien. 11(11, ,1 overlook any possibilities. wffof N.J., trvinoion. Member of Inter- former ri'Mflcnl (if Kasl 123456 (all 6 digits match) YOU WIN $50,000 Tickets for the new "Weekly" are on sale now. And they're „wllono- l Federotron of Homing Pigeo...... n IUIInlKeansburg-r ".MUli, N.J.H, Mrsin, r.d(aliiM- tluB and member of Middlesen Pigeon n , , , „ NEWI 654321 (Exaot reversed winning number) YOU WIN $5,000 still only 500. Jlus)!lu*.. funeraFunerall service Friday.. DecemDecembeb r Trine Hiimklail of MlllTIS •. It am at the Berlle Funeral Home. 61 Iraod St., Kevport. Interment Shoreland Plains, N.J , und Mrs. Bridget X234SS (last 5 digits match) YOU WIN $2,500 Mil Gd MlN l N J vViolt1 01 i 1 teSSftj^KJ' ' ' " "" Jones of New Brunswick, Ca- NEW! 12345K (first 5 digits match) YOU WIN $2300 LlottHAHDT - oeo.o. w., oge u. oi nada, and a brother, William 4 Green Ave., Belford, and 4033-fftn c,i||iV.,ri i,f ll'itKrhill U«H n34M (last 4 digits match) YOU WIN $250 B .Corona. N.Y., on Dec Jj. 1913. Be Of H.IVemill, M.ISS. oved hutband of Helen L tsowshy, devoted Thn lnhti I Hvin llnmn fnr NEWI 1234M (first 4 digits match) YOU WIN $250 other of Mrs Helen Jackson, dior broth ' nP •"""• J "V'ln III"TU lor K of John and Mrs Louise Sullivan. Rela Kun(Tills Kciinsburi! N ,1 IS [Un ond friend! ore respectfully Invited . V_ ' , '"""'"' ^' "•»•• xxx458 (last 3 digits match) YOU WIN $25 lo attend funeral services on Friday ot to in chai^l' of arrangements. ln the John F Pfleger Funeral , IIS Tlndoll Rood. New Monmoulh, \|_u II,._....ii \l/:lt..... NEW! 123XXK (first 3 digits match) YOU WIN $25 Eng lodoy and Thursday J 4 ond »•• ,>lrs. IfiiriU'll W HSIHl NEWI xxxxxS (last digit matches) You win entry into 50* "Millionaire" Semi-Flnal Drawing linWELI. - Mrs \lv,i It inndalc Road (lied Tuesday al NEWI 1234x8 (first 4 digits and last digit match) You win erftry Into 50* "Millionaire" «f1O MnflTI rim,, ,.uTiMti W,u,u,- Freehold Area Hospital. Kire Semi-Flnal Drawing and $250. w of Mrs. Annie Moe Pierce, Mrs. wm Jock hold Township. nerql wrvlce Mondoy. I p.m., at the SI. NEWI 123«»8 (first 3 digits and last digit match) You win entry Into 60* "Millionaire" Paul »optlst Church, Red Bank The Rev She was born in Clarksburg iefner Matthew! In charge. Interment Semi-Flnal Drawing and $25. Monmoulh Memorial Pork, New Shrews- Millstone Township, and had bury. Friend! may call ot the Child! Fu nerol Home Sundfiy from VS p.m , ond resided in this area most of NEWI Last digit plus last 4 digits of Serial Number that match a 4 digit qualifier from « » p m at the St. Paul Bapllsl Clwch, Redionk her life. number drawn (Cash Winners Included) You win entry into SOt "Millionaire" IANDIRI - Willie Moe, of 4W Hldge- i Surviving ure her husband Finalist Drawing and a minimum of $500. Way Rd., Lakehursl. N.J,, on December 14. ltd Wife ol the late Jo* Sanders, sis- Ramett Wilson, and a brother er of Mrs, Rose Solomon and Samuel Charles Kiirl Unison of Long NEWI Last digit plus last 3 digits'of Serial Number That match the last 3 digits of tummeroll Also survived by three niece* 1 ond ihree nephews, funeral Salurrin*. i llranch the qualifier number drawn (Cash Winners Included) You win $100. m., of tilth St. Bdpthl thurch. Lake- Cnod Remains lo lie In ilale at the The (MIT Clayton and SIM ' rldoy I p.m. until time of tuner If you're a cash winner tajje your ticket to any N.J. State Motor •J. Arrangements by the F (eon >tnin< Funeral Home, Adelphj NEW PRIZE STRUCTURE 8TAHTS '. Cvnerol Mome. J40 Shrewsbury Ave , Red charge ot arrangement Vehicle Agency to be validated, and a check will be forwardedho you. WITH JANUARY 3* DRAWING. m The Dally Register, Red Buk-MkMIetown, N.J. Thursday, December 27,1171 I Mayor Frowns Upon 'Natural State' Restrictions Put on Land Donations MIDDLETOWN - Dedica- lengths and leave them at cur- morialize the occasion. Mayor leted from the ordinance. unit. tion of private lands to the bade. Lynch announced. Mr. Bradshaw announced Info Comp Inc. will supply county for recreational use "It will be advertised and Three ordinances were in- awards of contracts for a num- data processing service to the should not be made subject to residents will be welcome to troduced, with public hearing ber of municipal services. Si- police department on a low conditions that they be left in help themselves," Mr. Brad- scheduled Tuesday, Jan. I teco Inc. of llolmdel received bid of (2.5O0. Itadio Commu- their natural state. Mayor shaw said. One measure requires post- a contract for the first section nications Co. of Freehold will Thomas J. Lynch commented The crews will saw up only ing of octane ratings on all of landscaping at Uie public li- maintain Township radio at last night's Township Com- those branches within a rea- gasoline pumps in the town- brary on a low bid of $3,361; equipment during 1974 at W8I mittee meeting. sonable distance of the curb ship; another approves an the second section contract per month. Schweitzer Bros, The mayor said such dedi- line, the administrator added. agreement with the Team- went to Landcraft Inc. ofof Rt. 35 will supply landfill cations merely result in "huge The sawing will take a num- ster's Union on behalf of road Spring Lake Heights on a low material at 11.90 per cubic buffer zones that no one else ber of weeks. department employes bid of J:I.KIIII yard. can enjoy." He added that Commended in absentia A third ordinance, remtin- Around the (lock Janitorial Mayor Lynch and Thomas while he welcomes land dona- was Deputy Police Chief Wil- duced after objections at the Services of Oceanport will J Magin, Township clerk, tions for public use, they liam B. Schanck, who will last committee meeting, supply janitorial services in were authorized to make Kffltttr SMt Ptralt should be made with no such YULE DONATION — James Bunsch, assistant director of the Long complete 25 years service in creates no parking zones on Township Hall during 1974 at funding agreements with the strings attached. the police department .Ian 1. New Monmouth Road A pro $13,900 for the year. Ben's Car state Department of Trans- Branch Outreach Center, left, accepts food pockoges donated by the AAon- "If a parcel is coming off mouth County Chapter of B'nai B'rlth Women for the center's Christmas A suitable plaque will be gtv> vision for sucti zones on Wash of Kt. 35 will wash mu- portation for highway lighting the tax rolls, everyone should en Chief Schanck to me- Campbell Ave. has been de- nicipal vehicles at {6.99 per in the township. dinner. The women of the county chapter donate food packages to the have a right to enjoy at least center each year. Passing food packages to Mr. Bunsch are, from left, a part of it," Mayor Lynch de- Mrs. Miriam Bergenfeld, Mrs. Judith Levinson, president of the chapter, clared. He added that though and Mrs. Delia Moser, the unit's project chairman. some land should surely be left in its natural state for Starting THURSDAY, DEC. 27th birdwatchers and hikers, "not thru SUNDAY, DEC. 30th. m MISS in everyone is a nature hiker." Keyport to Lease Building "There somelhinj! It's our sala of th* for everyone to enjoy," he ya«r. An amailng chene, to save J3% said. to SOX anrf mor. To Local Historical Group Free firewood is available during our annual to those willing to go out and "•'••"•-Christmas KEYPORT - Borough first of the year." borough must file a work help themselves, Herbert E. ckMfwnta. Walk . . . Bradshaw, township business Council unanimously adopted The mayor said he didn't schedule to the slate Bureau ««"... bwt gal har. a resolution last night author- want to discuss the terms of of Local State Aid Programs administrator, announced. fast. izing the borough to lease the any suggested agreement be- on or before March I, 1974, to Mr. Bradshaw said mad de- Gehlhaus Building to the Key- fore council meets with the lie eligible for the money. partment crews will saw fall- EH271h port Historical Society. Historical Society to work out The allotment may be used en branches from last week's •MNCHMOOKCO. The historical group plans the lease agreement. only to fund local trans- tee storm into fireplace '« me plac, to be? to renovate the century-old He pointed out, however, portation improvements. structure and remodel it as a "The borough will rctaiiKthe Mayor Ralph said the mon- «aaaaaaaaaaaaa J , museum. title for the Gehlhaus Building ey will most likely fund re- Man Stabbed The one-story building is at and site." pairs on Beers St. FABULOUS TREE 'N TRIM CLEARANCE the foot of Broadway near the In a letter'to mayor and Thai's the plan, up to now," By Iiifruder Raritan Bay shoreline. The council dated Dec. 5, the Har- he said. borougr. purchased the struc- bor Commission recommend- Council adopted a resolution ture three months ago as part ed that council approve the proclaiming Nov. 11 as Veter- In His Home, of the land acquired for the use Of the G£hlhaus Building ans Day in the community. MIDDLETOWN - Police UPTOIVW /OOFF. are still seeking a 5 foot, 4 50% new municipal marina. by the Historical group. The action was taken at tho Mayor William A. Ralph an- inch mate who allegedly Council referred to the request of Veterans of For- OUR REGULAR LOW DISCOUNT PRICES r nounced, after adoption of the' borough engineer for study, a eign Wars Tost' 4247. stabbed Ga"ry Newborn of 1 ' TREES • LIGHTS • GARLAND resolution, "The Borough in- letter from the stale Depart- In its resolution, council Ideal Ave., East Kcansburg, •i tends to lease the building to' ment of Transportation an- noted that 32 state legisla- in his homd early yesterday. INDOOR/OUTDOOR DECORATIONS the Historical Society." nouncing allotment of $2,«45 to tures have already abolished Mr. Newborn was unable to ^ plus much moral # * A He added, "We (the Mayor the borough for the' first half the Oct. 22 observance of Vet- provide a full description of • .and Council).will be in touch of 1974. erans Day established by the the suspect because his house " it/Y NOW M SAW • YOU'LL If YOUDIDI with the society to discuss the Under the terms of the -I97t federal government. ^ was in darkness when the in- eaaaeaeeaeaaeaaeaaae^ aaeaaaeaa••—••••••••••••••••••••• terms of the lease after the Municipal Aid agreement, the Similar legislation is pend- cident occurred at 'Mh a.m. ing in the state Legislature. The suspect was reportedly OUR ENTIRE OUR ENTIRE OUR ENTIRE OUR ENTIRE wearing a dark coat with a INVENTORY OF INVENTORY OF INVENTORY OF INVENTORY OF hood and blue dungarees. • LWV Plans Mr. Newborn was listed in • satisfactory condition at Riv- ROAD RACE TRAIN SETS.; LIONEL TOYS erview Hospital, Hed Rank, * Comp/ere Mmtihn • TAILORS Land Use l TRAIN GAMES $1 RED BANK last 'ntgh,t after urflfrrgolng * SETS "HO SCALE" IADIIS surgery for a severed artery TYOD • AURORA ft | A j M RED BANK FOR TWO DAYS. DECEMBER 27.28 Discussion in his right arm. and "N-GAUGE" SETS DOUBt; • ATIAS ...JOWL DON T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY KNIT HObMDBL - The history The victirti said he was of (and use and methods of lo- PJICHVOND VA Cit custom mtMurWfor yM r SUIT'53 | awakened by an intruder in tailored min's tuiti, letrti coal*, ANY SIZE cal planning will be discussed his bedroom yesterday morn- Men's ihirli ladin >uili, drum, AN p STYLE by members of the League of ing, He chased the intruder Urmtlwtar, (Mis •Of? /O OFF Double . Women Voters of Holmdel- into the kitchen and grabbed 20% ... Knit SELECT FROM 0VER7,000 SAMPLES Colts Neck at unit meetings him by the hood of his jacket, OUR REGULAR LOW OUR RIOULAR LOW OUR REGULAR LOW OUR RIOULAR LOW scheduled Monday, .Inn 14, at DISCOUNT PRICES Suits MEN S ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS 'H* he added. M(COUNT PtICES DISCOUNT PRICES DISCOUNT PRICES 8:15 p.m. in the home of Mrs. •40" CASHMERE SPORT JACKETS '38" Mr. Newborn said the sus- EVERYTHING GOES EVERYTHING GOES EVERYTHING GOES IVERYTHiNO GOES MEN S KNIT SPORT JACKET '35" Joan Marple, 5 Twin Brook pect then wheeled around and NOTHING HELD RACK NOTHING HELD RACK NOTHING HELD RACK NOTHING HELD RACK PACKAGE MEN'S KNIT SHIRT t" Court, and Tuesday, Jan. 15, out at 9:15 am. in the home of stabbed him several times in t, UDIIS MINS Mrs. Frances Balejgh. U) The his right arm. The suspect COMPLETE SELECTION OF ROAD RACE and TRAIN ACCESSORIES IN STOCK I MIX". SUIT P/UKAGi DUl CASHMIM Enclosure, Colts Neck. then reportedly fled the house IMMSUCIU 3MINS SUI1S J LOW, LOW DISCOUNT PRICES SAVE 0 SAVE OVERCOATS The league has scheduled a by the rear door. SHIKT MO.OO WE REPAIR OLD LIONEL TRAINS and ENGINES _J I0JW general meeting Tuesday, Police were unable to fur- nish a description of the If It's worth fixing, bring It Iff and let us taka a look, we can h.lpt CAL L~FOR APPOINTMENT MASTER TAILOR; Jan. 29, at 9:15 a.m. in the Lu- weapon yesterday. Detective Mr. B. Gary at tha Molly Pitcher Inn theran Church of the Good POOL TABLE SALE a SEE a BUY a SAVE Tal: 747-2500 Shepherd, Crawford! Corner- Irvin B. Beaver is in- Phone /Onytimt. il Not in, Inn Him. ind T.I. Numb.. Everett Koad. vestigating. j

BUMPER DELUXE DELUXE POOL TABLE with AUTOMATIC POOL TABLE RACK 'N ROIL BALL RETURN , • UM ««MI prthiilwl cmr. PLAYBACK rrofaulonol tmmlvrt found in fahki • MriM kv*iF*»M> sun rut> coaling many dollort mmrm btrrtaej TABLE TENNIS * HMvy to* mil «nd bad t) WtMftUf nnyi fTVMM nwh • Easily folded by 1 parson a Daluia parfMtal l*«i • fcny n w M/U| Imitri • Official tii* S x 9 a Ceverea ball return • ADmMwriltMvdjd • Fully strlpod a MoWerf p*clc*u • Ml ACCMMKWI Incl ! • Haavy duty construction 99 • Platad staal lags 3-FOOT 7-FOOT 8-FOOT #1401 j • Includo net and brackats 42 TABLE TABLE TAILI Wt Umk • cwncfoM fttdtor, of POCH OlUt TAIIIMcsssoaiss. . .cmSTICKS family 99 99 a SU.IS a TIIAM4H.I WAll RACKS #1*04 Gift. 29 69 79" loWif r DISCOUNT Micm I Minnesob Kds t^nwm SLATE POOL TABLES I: • Minnasota Fats parfact playing tlala tobla at an unballavabla prlca • 3-placa ragistarad and matchad tlota 7 FOOT *219 ll • Fast action gum rubber cushions • Silent ball return $ • All accessories included 8-FOOT 239 * HmnMNMHIHHMMINNNIMIHMNINIMUNtlUHHHIHHIUMIMit J FOR BEST SELECTION AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE. i HURRY IN TODAY. GREATEST SAVINGS EVER! 370 ROUTE 36 223 BLOOMFIELD AVE. Eml 148 Garden State Parkway at Bloomfield Avenue Pro- EXIT 117 GARDEN STATE PARKWAY ceed Eott on Bloomfield Ave. opp'Ox Vh milei to Branch , On Route 36 between Laurel Brook Co. Only I'/j milei from Bloomfield City line, I block arid Union Avenues from Branch Brook Pork. HAZLET • 787-6897 NEWARK • 484:3900 OPEN THURS. DEC. 27, FBI. DEC. 2810 A.M, lo 9 P.M. SAT. OEC. 2* 10 A.M. lo6 P.M. SUN. QIC. 30 11 *M. to4 P.M. MmU WUnd«y DwwnUr 11 Ihru Thurtrfey J. Will r.-.f«" M. JentMry 4th. Capitol Hill's James Bond EtUbiished in 1171-Publuiied by The fed Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON SUA (Shan United Army) who stationery allowance is so cu- ARTHUR Z.KAMIN originally captured them," riously unrestricted that a said the cryptic message. President and Editor WASHINGTON - In an in- WASHINGTON congressman may pocket the ternational intrigue worthy of "The Russian Embassy in entire amount if he wishes. James Bond, a mild, bespec- Bangkok has asked (for me- Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor An earlier Hays circular an- tacled congressman has been SCENE diation) with Kun Siang." nounced a quarterly increase called on by wild Burmese re- The mediator selected by in the telephone service in ( Thursday, December 27,1S73 bels to negotiate the freedom the Shans is Lester Wolff. their home districts — a small of two kidnapped Russian doc- IIIHHinUIHHIIIIIIHIIHH IIIMIHIIIIIUIUNIIMMIN was supposed to be visiting- They (eel if Wolff helps them adjustment that will add tors. the hospital at the time. to work out a fair deal on the about $263,000 to the tax- The Capitol Hill 007 is Rep. SecMMlBett Russians, it will increase the payers' bill. \.. And Season's Greetings to You, Too, Sir.' Lester Wolff, D-N.Y., who Their purpose was to hold Shan's world credibility. A 25 per cent increase was won the Shan guerrillas' con- him as ransom for the return Reluctant at first to leave also granted in the unit allow- fidence last August during a of several Shan leaders now in his congressional chores, backed up our story by quot- ances for congressional tele- trip to Southeast Asia. As Burmese government cus- Wolff has now decided to do ing from the secret CIA ac- phone and telegraph service. chairman of a House narcot- tody. Finding no ambassador, the risky, humanitarian thing. count of the million-dollar Although the ultimate cost is ics subcommittee, Wolff they made off with the two He has agreed to serve as an swindle. Now we are happy to hard to pin down, it may run brought back the Shan's offer physicians. Our sources say "honest broker" and fly to the print this additional unsoli- as high as $1 million a year. to burn 400 tons of opium for the pair have been moved rugged Shan territory, if that cited substantiation of our But that's not all. Congress- 112 million. from one remote camp to an- is what it takes to free the two original story. men have also been given an This would have drained the other while the Russians and doctors. Congressmen received a $2 increase in the amount they opium from the world market Americans, cooperating se- The Shans say they are also million Christmas present can spend for "oficial" ex- and cut off part of the U.S. he- cretly, have sought to free willing to burn a ton of opium from a benevolent House Ad- penses in their offices back roin supply at the source. Al- them. Meanwhile, the Bur- for Wolff to prove they can ministration Committee in the home. This will cost the tax- though the State Department mese have refused the kidnap deliver the deadly drug in ton- form of an increase in their payers another $351,000. rejected the offer, the Shans demands. nage lots. They promise to do office allowances. There was still another spe- came to trust Wolff and have At one point, we started to it "without the cheating that Taxpayers Play Santa cial gift from the thoughtful now asked him to help out break the story but yielded to went into (General) Lao Li's Chairman Wayne Hays, D- Hays. Unexpended clerk-hire with an even stranger deal. State Department pleadings similar deal two or three Ohio, bestowed the gift in a funds up to 1230 per month, Last April, at the isolated that publicity might endanger years ago." letter to his colleagues. With under the new arrangements, Burmese village of Taungyl. the rescue efforts and perhaps The "cheating" refers to a "kind personal regards," he can be spent upon congres- two humanitarian Russian result in the doctors' deaths mix of opium and vegetation informed them that next .ses- sional mail. This means the doctors were working at the A few days ago, however, that was pawned off for SI sion each congressman could taxpayers could wind up foot- Soviet hospital when a force information reached us from million on the United States in dip into the stationery allow- ing the bill, indirectly, for po- of Shan rebels descended on the far northern regions of Thailand. When we exposed ance for a total of $5,250. The litical mass mailings. them and kidnapped them at Burma that the rebels' were what happened, the White increase will cost the tax- As a Christmas token to his gunpoint. The rebels, accord- interested in freeing the doc- House staged a sound-and- payers more than $438,000 colleagues, in other words. ing to our Shan sources, had tors. light press conference to in- next year. Hays offered them half-a-doz- hoped to grab the Russian "The two Russian doctors sist the opium was pure and This little extra is particu- en new ways to skin the tax- ambassador to Burma who are (with) Kun Siang of the to denounce us as liars. We larly appreciated, because the payers. Palestinians Fear Geneva Accord By MILTON V1ORST what other Arab governments Without it, Jordan isn't much refused flatly to do — grant of a state, and Hussein has no WASHINGTON - The les- asylum to the hijackers. intention of conceding it to the son of the latest hijacking THE NEW All of these states are dis- Palestinians, whose own which left 31 dead in Rome tant from Israel's borders. statehood would only rivalhis . and Athens is that any effort POLITICS They don't have to con- Rightly or wrongly to resolve the problems of the IIIIHIHIIIIIIM III lilt template co-existence. They (wrongly, in my view), Israel Middle East hinge not merely can blithely play the game of backs Hussein on this ques- on the composition of differ- foresaw, in capturing giant demagogy to the cheers of the tion, reasoning that he is like- ences between Arabs and Is- headlines throughout the Arab masses. ly to be a less troublesome raelis — but on the resolution world — was that the Palesti- Hut the situation is^totally neighbor than a sovereign Pa- of even more bitter divisions nians would not have their different for Israel's*neigh- lestine. I suspect, however, among the Arabs themselves. cause sold out. That is pre- bors. It is they - Egypt, Syr- that stability requires some cisely what they fear may It Is no coincidence that the ia, Jordan, Lebanon — who VIORST concession to moderate Pales- ,tragedy occurred on the eve happen at Geneva. have borne the brunt of four tinians, though extremist of the Geneva peace confer- No Single Voice wars. It is they, to a greater types will never be satisfied. ence. As usual, statesmen and Indeed, it's been clear for or lesser extent, who have Lebanon would .probably Meanwhile, Israeli diplo- commentators are decrying some time that, unlike the Is- come to realize that the Jews agree to such a plan. mats get ready at Geneva to the act as "senseless." But raelis, no single voice will will not be destroyed and that But whatever moderate Pa- encounter (the Lebanese nev- from the point of view of the-speak for Arabs at Geneva. now may be the time to con- lestinians may feel, the ex- er having been a problem) the iilNHHniiiimiimiiitiiiiniiiiiHHiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiimHHi iiiiiiiiiiini iiniiiliiiiiiMiiliiiiiiiliiilliiiilllllliilliillliiiliiilliilllllllllll hijackers, it wasn't senseless There is no single Arab posi- sider accommodation. tremists regard such a pro- Egyptians and Jordanians — at all. Like the previous hi- tion, no single Arab policy. And it is against them (hat posal as anathema. They with whom the prospect of jackings, it had a calculated The Arab nations which are the Palestinian extremists arc want all of Palestine, in- agreement, though far from Brookdale's New President political objective. involved in Geneva — wheth- directing their wrath. Neither cluding Israel. easy, at least seems possible. What we may fail to under- er by their presence or their Egypt nor Syria nor Lebanon Double Promise The rest of the Arabs re- absence — have not only vari- Brookdale Community College of Lin- 1961 and a doctorate in education in 1969 stand is that the objective was nor Jordan have ever shown However, so do the Syrians, main on the sidelines kibitz- not, in any direct way, Israel. ations of conception but, more any real concern for Palesti- croft will have a new president as of from Columbia University Teachers Col- who have always had dreams ing. For a few, the posture is • The hijackers' target was animportant, deeply conflicting nian nationalism. Further- of empire and, in fact, were more or less neutral; for the March 1. He is 47-year-old Dr. Donald 11. lege, where he was a Kellogg fellow. aircraft that was neither go- interests. more, Syria and Jordan ac- 'promised Palestine by the rest, it's hostile. As for the Smith, now president of the Metropolitan If the Brookdale board's search com- ing to nor coming 'from Tel- For example, It's easy for tually covet the territory that British and French in return Palestinian extremists, they Campus of Cuyahoga Community College mittee's effort was a particularly success- Aviv. The act was a warning Libya and Algeria to take an the Palestinians regard as for their cooperation against will continue to do everything not to Jews but to Arabs — of Cleveland, Ohio. The Brookdale Board ful one, the wisdom of its method must be uncompromising stand theirs. the .Turks in World War I. Un- they can to break, up the because it Is Arabs whom the against Israel —-extending (o of Trustees, after an exhaustive search credited in part for the result. It consid- What sensible men have fortunately, the British made meeting. Palestinian extremists now the existence of the Jewish proposed is to carve a Palesti- the same promise to the Jews It's ironic that the Israelis, and study, appears to have made an ex- ered the needs and the opinions of all ele- see as their big danger. state itself. Saudi Arabia, nian state out of the West — which is how this mess be- who for so long benefited in cellent choice. ments of the community. What they were proclaiming once the most moderate of Bank of the Jordan River and gan. war from Arab divisions, Dr. Smith will come to the trip post of When the search had been narrowed by their spectacular act of pi- Arab nations, has recently the Gaza Strip, with the two As for Jordan, it seized the must now pay a heavy price Monmouth County's college with an im- to four candidates, they were interviewed racy and mass murder — joined the intransigents. Ku- segments connected by a cor- West Bank in 1948 and held It for these divisions in the which succeeded, as they wait tipped its hand by doing pressive record and the highest recom- by a screening committee. Represented ridor. Ultimately, Egypt and until the Six-Day War in 1967. search for peace. mendations. He is, says Maj. Gen. W. Pres- on that screening body, reports Leon ton Corderman (USA-ret.), chairman of Zuckerman, chairman of the board's the Brookdale trustees, "an able and ag- search committee, were faculty, adminis- gressive gentleman." tration, non-academic staff, students and Snowbound: A Time for Reflection For the past three years, Dr. Smith alumni. has been president of the ll.nou-studcnt Dr. Smith was the unanimous choice By JAMES J. KILPATRICK HIHH iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiinnmii live by the bayous, you ra- Soon — too soon — the road pidly lose enthusiasm for erews come, orange-beetled, Metropolitan Campus, largest of Cuyah- of that screening unit. The first snow of the winter them. So It is with snow. A sharp-beaked, crawling in- oga's three campuses. Prior to that he was The new president will become the began falling in Rappahan- CONSERVATIVE good part of the nation views exhorably through the cotton consultant and project director for Davis, young and growing county college's sec- nock County a little before 2 a foot of fresh snow as Ala- drifts. The road opens. Some-, MacConnell and Ralston, a division of ond. He succeeds the founding president, o'clock on the morning of Sun- VIEW bama views a field full of fire where, far away, a wearly day, the 16th. It kept on fall- ants. At the same time, one line man throws a switch, and Westinghouse Learning Corp., of Palo Dr. Ervin L Harlacher, who left Sept. 15 WIHIMI IMIIIIIIIIIIIimuniHIIIUMIMMIII ing until 10 o'clock Monday has to sorrow (or those trans- power is restored; the TV Alto, Calif. In that post he specialized in to become chancellor of the Metropolitan night, and meanwhile, a wind and turned stumps into rose- planted New Englanders, liv- sputters from its sleep: back master planning, program development Junior-College in Kansas City, Mo. blew out of the north in gusts buds. At the crest of White ing in palmy exile in Miami, to Digel! All the perils of civ- and facilities planning for community col- Dr. Harlacher had done an out- up to SO mph. We awoke to Walnut Hill, in white mus- who hunger for the stuff that ilization once more descend. „» leges. standing job of organizing the infant school brilliant sunshine on Tuesday, tache and dark posts, the Minnesota gladly would give snowbound in beauly. away. KILPATRICK But there are sweet perils and building it to its present position of im- summer house stood like a Dr. Smith has served as the first dean The high meadows that last stiff and aging bridegroom. Just Right also — lusty sons who come 1 portance in the academic world and the stamping and tromping, a of instruction at Parkland College, week were brown-stubbled One writes of the first snow Here in the Blue Ridge the birds in ribbon flight — Monmouth County community. In replac- granddaughter dressed in Champaign, III., and as director of admis- and sedge-whiskered were with a small sense of diffi- mountains, the season's first red cardinals and blue jun- ing him, Dr. Smith steps into a demanding suddenly as smooth and white dence, out of respect for those snow is always just right. It is coes, titmice and grosbeaks, a Christmas red, the rousing din sions and registration and, subsequently, of well-loved carols. These role. There will be difficulties — brand as wedding cakes. Nothing re- who have too much or too perfect — rarely too much, ragged band of urchin spar- dean of curriculum and instruction at last are rendered by four ap- new difficulties born of today's education- mained of the stone walls: little. This is the way it is with seldom too little. Monday's rows. After awhile the two Monroe Community College, Rochester, they were frosted over in mixed blessings. Poets may blizzard came on lfke a fine collies ventured out, blonde proximate baritones, one al cutbacks and declining enrolments. banging piano, and two help- N.Y. mounds of icing. The wind, rhapsodize over honeysuckle fairy tale, rilled with ter- Katie and dark Lorenzo, rom- But we feel Brookdale has chosen a like a master baker, had and water hyacinths, but if rifying sound effects, the wind ping like children In the scal- ful collies, both of them bark- ing off key. The house, and A 1952 graduate of Purdue University man equal to the task. Behind him will be made garlands of hedge-rows you farm In the lowlands or shrieking in the eaves and the loped drifts. the heart, overflow. with a B.S. degree in economics, Dr. an excellent board of trustees, and aiding birds fleeing for cover. To be It is no bad thing, for a sure, this was a blizzard Vir- while at least, to be quite lit- Smith spent 12 years in the field of busi- him will be a most capable administration Christmases ought to be this ginia style, a nice shuddery erally snowbound. With the ness, including three with Arabian Ameri- way. God knows they are not • " and faculty. t scary blizzard; it was not a roads blocked and the drive- for much of mankind, but can Oil Company developing training pro- With that combination of talents, we Kansas or Nebraska blizzard, way blocked, the outside even where the snow is not so grams for Saudi Arabian employes. Me re- can look forward with optimism to the fu- ill-tempered and mean, a bul- world cannot intrude. So what perfect, and the fires not so ceived his master's degree in Social Stud- ly of a blizzard. In our own if the power lines go? There ture of a vital local institution as it enters warm or the loved ones not so small cqrner of Camelot, even are candles and Kerosene ies from the University of Rochester in a new phase of its development. close, perhaps the spirit of the snows are well-bred. lamps. Meanwhile, the kitch- Christmas survives as bravely en, fire blazes happily, and So we emerged with a wed- as the plump cardinal just there are books to be read and ding-book morning, the hills beyond my office window. He nuts to be cracked and gifts to white-skirted, satin-shining, sits, Santa-scarlet, on a snowy Winter Comes to Visit be wrapped. A reader in Jack- the rippling fabric edged in branch, beautiful and endur- son, Miss., has sc>it a tin of A familiar but formidable figure little frightening. In this year of threat- frosty lace and stitched in ing, asking to be remembered southern toffee. We munch as moved back into our hemisphere last ened fuel and power shortages, it becomes split-rail hems. For hours, al- as a part of Christmas, like most nothing moved. From contentedly as two squirrels Friday evening for his annual three-month multiply so. "Solstice" means that the the star, like Ihe silent sheep the kitchen we could sec only in our own smug tree. visit. He's called 01' Man Winter and he most trying lime of the year lies dead like the Child. arrived with the Winter Solstice which B» ahead. A winter of shortages, in the area tronomers say occurred at exactly 7:08 where they could hurt a little — or a lot — p.m. Eastern Standard Time. is a prospect not calculated to draw roars Today in History of happy anticipation,. By The AssociateA G m fkf\l M t Mttd PresOvAJise Int_ 18224 AIM, th*Le_ scientis..t know. n |& UA MA We can hope his entrance might lie Even among those who usually look In IMS. after World War II as the founder of preventive forward lo this season — the operators of the U.S., Britain and the So- prophetic. Although he's depicted as dark Today is Thursday, Dec. 27, medicine, Louis Pasteur, was viet Union announced that of countenance, hoary-haired and icy-fin- ski resorts and other winter sports attrac- the 381st day nf 1973. There born In'the French city of they would govern Korea as gered, the old fellow came in smiling. Af- tions - there is little to be cheerful about lire four days left In the Dole. joint trustees for five yearj, ter a period which saw our worst ice at the moment. Even if they can draw the Today's highlight in hlrto'ry: In 1900. Prohibitionist Car- then grant Independence. power to operate their lifts, heat and light On this date In 1949, Queen rie Nation staged h


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1 1 • And Loan Association ri i • • •K - ; • 1 Another Fine Product of 38 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK 741-0M3 • -•; - MMMfft FtDfHAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CMP. 11 1 i I | ucl indicntffd Any ollwi UM i 8 The Dally Register, Red Baak-Mlddlelowi, N.J. Thursday, December Z7, IJ71 The Energy Crisis: Top News Story of a Generation? By WILLIAM F. SANDFORD ihe year had it occurred in of knowledge and facilities for which is another item of cur- hail either the promise or the doorsman succumbed to the any other year of the past harnessing and using it. rent shortage is the cause fulfillment of 1973 for the out- reaper of human devel- Another year is now rapidly decade. But there was more Example: The National OUTDOOR called conservation. For alldoor hobbyist. It looks as opment. For everything we winding down — a year we're in '73, and it's not likely that Wildlife Federation relays the its other tribulations, we must though we're going to have to may have gained in housing, likely to remember for a history will record any of physicists' finding that the record 1973 as a big year for do a lot more of our camping, industrial facility, highway while. The things we remem- these as the top happening of energy shed upon us by the WORLD that cause. It was a year in hiking, angling, birding, bot- and parking lot, we lost a the past year. sun in just two days exceeds which we began to really anizing, rock-hounding, hunt- little of the vital resource of the automobile on which we ber it for, 10 years hence, are have come to lean so heavily not likely (o be in the order in Our assessment of the most that of all the known, reserves leant to conserve. And that's ing, sight-seeing and all the called open space. in recent years, there will be which the editors of , important story of the year — of all our fossil fuels — oil, search priorities. And the soon- what conservation is all rest a lot closer to home. The crunch poses a chal- other ways of getting around. voting a month ago, listed the and the last decade and, prob- natural gas and our still vast er our governments accom- about. At the same time, the year lenge in the pursuit of our di- 'Top 10 News Stories of 1973." ably, Ihe generation since the untapped supply of coal. plish that shift the lesser will H*kbyl*ts' Challeaie now ending saw further dete- versions, just as it does with There are bicycles and (So rapid are today's devel- end of World War II - is The solution of our problem be the hardships of adjust- On the ligher side — and in rioration of the close-to-home more serious activities. And horses, and some forms of opments that that year-end something else. It's a story lies in technological devel- ment to a new way of life. this readjustment period we facilities for such activities. A we're betting we'll find ways public transit no doubt will feature of the news services that began late in the year opment. What we urgently The province of this col- probably need a lot of lighter- little more of what had been of beating it. survive. We may even leam can be accurately captioned and will continue'for months, need is a major shift in re- umn's share of the newsprint side distraction — we can't the natural habitat of the out- If we lose much of the use to walk again. only as "Editors' assessment probably years to come. of the most important news It's labeled The Energy stories of the first 10% months Crisis. And nothing that has ) happened in the last quarter- There was news of great joy century will so directly and SAll TODAY in 1973, topped by the end of profoundly affect the lives of our involvement in the longest every one of us. Urn and, in some ways, the most Whether it proves to be a DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORKS SATURDAY trying war in American his- disaster or a disguised bless- tory, and the subsequent ing depends in large measure ffytutally:. homecoming of hundreds of on how we handle It. So it is prisoners of war. It was too vital to our welfare that we soon dimmed by the nausea of understand it. Watergate and a vice presi- One of the things we must dent's resignation tinder the avoid ts being misled by am- pressure of charges of biguous terms like "energy wrongdoing. shortage." We are literally Outerwear 25% & 40% Off AU those things were impor- bathed in more energy than tant. Any one of them might we could ever possibly use. have rated top news story of But there's a severe shortage r • Men's Pick from our entire stock of ranchers, bush coots ond stylish suburbans, in wool Environment Seen! plaids, corduroys and more. You'll find dozens of styles and assorted colors. A 'Human Crisis' Sizes 36 to 46. REG. 19.94 TO 39.99 NEW BRUNSWICK - A terms, which I don't believe is thoroughly modern man, sci- the way to look at it." • Men's entist and educator at Rut- The book, intended for use *Oxf ord nylon varsity. •. ....,,,...... rtf REG. 14.? 4 gers takes the increasingly in senior high school and ju- *Wool melton team jackets REG. 19.94 accepted view that the "sud- nior college courses on social *Velour bike jackets REG. 19.94 den" ecological crisis is one issues, includes a series of for man, not nature. case studies. *Printed corduroy novelty jackets REG. 19.94 Dr. Michael Pibuni, a slim, There is, for example, the *Polyurethone novelty jackets REG. 22.94 wiry and elegantly bearded blackout in New York of sev- young associate professor of eral years ago as an example r- science and humanities in the of the energy crisis and the ftr Rutgers Graduate School of failure of voters in Pennsylva- mm Education, says that more nia to accept the Brandywine Glrii' plan for regional devel- people are swinging around to Save on this large selection of pant coats, jackets, boot length coats ond more, this still somewhat con- opment. troversial way of looking at Each case study is present- available in a wide assortment of fin* fabrics and fashion colors. Sizes 3-6X the ecological crisis. And lie is ed in terms of the kinds of ond 7-14. REG. $13 TO 40.11 doing his best to see to it that choices we have ahead of us. more people look in this light ''Usually," Prof. Piburn upon what could be the most said, "these are quite com- serious problem facing mod- plicated but they are general- Misses' em man. ly centered around the quality Choose from all fabrics, oil lengths and all styles, including single and double He states this point of view and kind of life we want to breasted, belted and non-belted, trimmed and non-trimmesdo modelsmoaoiv. 5-15J-IJ,, a-8- in the title of a new book, live." 16, 16'/2-24'/2. ., :. . "The Environment, A Human Above all others and most REG. 15.99 TO 59.99 Crisis," and then deals with it pressing is the question of the more fully between covers of automobile. this slender volume in the Most of these questions in- • Boys' Hayden Press American Val- volve unpleasant choices. Af- ues series. ter all, he points out, our lives This special group of toppers consists of worm ski jackets, parkas, and stylish Recognize Problem are centered around the au- suburban coats, in wools, nylon, corduroys and vinyls. Asst. colors and sizes. "Briefly put, we think it is tomobile ,fnd giving it up REG.10.Mh$3S an Important way of recogniz- would be deeWMly unplea- ing what the problem is," said sant. Dr. Piburn. "For the volumes Even though our lives are in this American Values series indeed and beyond con- • Junior Boys' represent an attempt to ad-troversy centered around the One ond two piece snowsuits, parkos, short jackets and ski jackets, in cordu- dress some contemporary so- automobile, Dr. Piburn re- roys/nylons, wool blends ond acrylic piles. Wide array of top colors. Sizes cial Issues not strictly from a marked gloomily that he U technical view but through the doesn't see how we can live 3,4,5,6,7. REG. 9.86 TO 23.96 value problems these issues with the automobile "as now raise with respect to the envi- used." \ ronment. The Alaskan pipeline con- "This is not a crisis for na- troversy and apparent solu- • Infants' and Toddlers' ture. Nature has endured sev- tion came too late for in- Toddlers boy' and girls' snowsuits, prams in one and two piece styles and infant eral more profound crises in clusion in Prof. Piburn's book boys' and girls' coat sets. Choose from many colors. Sizes 12 to 24 mo. and 2 the past, such as continental but Ihe work does include ma- glaciation, volcanic eruptions, (trial on the wilderness prob- to4yrs KG. 7.16 TO 22.97 and even the extermination nf lem. major groups of animals who "Everybody who speaks on faltered. the wilderness speaks from "The crisis is strictly from some personal point of view, the human point of view, and this is not in itself neces- whereas it is usually couched sarily bad," Ihe young profes- in ecological (abstract) sor said.

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Girls' Pant Dresses NECESSITIES Boys' Flannel Shirts and Dresses Cotton and polyester Solids, prints blends and 100% SEE PROWN'S FOR EVERYTHING combinations. 3-6X cotton. Sizes 8 to 18. FOR YOUR NEW YEAR'S PARTY 7-14 RI6.5.94-14.9$ Off

Libby Stamwar* TOSS A WASH* & WHISKEY PLASTIC SOUR GLASSES J GLASSES "98' GLASSWARE • STEMWARE • BAR SETS ICE BUCKETS • DECORATIONS • FAVORS AND MORE! Of (N DMtT 741-7500 •:10A.«. It 10 P.M. HJNOAV* 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK S1MIDDLET0WN Rt.35 • A.m. a * MI. to* uin Miowro »r u» |3 CREDIT PLANS I The Dally Register, Red Btik-MkkUetowi, N.J. Thursday, December 27,1171 t Doctors See '73 a Year of Federal Encroachment By IRWIN J. POLK the medical care offered un- The Department of Health, of these groups honored the November. - ing very exact documentation N.D., M.P.H. der its direction. Education and Welfare im- price lines, but as costs The Food and Drug Admin- and research before licensing Dbagroemeat Areas pounded and did not spend mounted, some difficulties be- istration had a prominent role new drugs. Indeed, the num- The relationship between Another area in which legis- $1.1 billion in funds authorized HERE'S TO came apparent. In New York in medical affairs this year, bers of medicines developed organized medicine and the lators and doctors may soon by Congress for health pur- City, hospital workers went on too. It published regulations in the U.S. has fallen sharply federal government has come come into disagreement has poses. This led to a cutback in HEALTH strike to protest failure to re- concerning the use of vita- below those developed abroad into sharper focus this year. to do with health maintenance funding and therefore in re- ceive wage boosts which had mins which pleased doctors in recent years. There have been several im- organizations (HMO's). There search at the National In- been agreed to by hospital who feel that over-the-counter So 1973 will be remembered portant changes in the struc- are several bills pending in stitutes of Health. So the NIH fire faculty members, reduce management, but denied by vitamin preparations are dan- by many doctors as the year patient to choose his own plan ture of the medical care sys- Congress to establish HMO's was forced to cut back on its the size of classes and curtail government price-wage gerous. But it alienated do-it- when the legislative, financial of medical care. tem as a result of the finan- as called for by President grants to medical schools for sharply both current and pro- agencies. After negotiations yourselfers by indicating that and regulatory powers of the Dr. Polk will be happy to cial and legislative policies of Nixon three years ago in a research in many fields. A posed research. failed to resolve the con- most vitamins would be pur- federal government were seen aaswer questions on medical the government. message to Congress. At that survey by the American Asso- Charges Fixed troversy, the first large-scale chasable only on prescription. most strikingly as encroach- subjects. Letters may be ad- time, President Nixon de- ciation of Medical Colleges in- The government's wage- strike against American hos- This year, too, the FDA was ing on the traditional freedom dressed to him In rare of The scribed HMO's as a new dicated that as a result, many price freeze fixed the charges pitals began, against New accused of hindering medical of freedoms of the American Dally Register, IIS Chestnut The molt important change method for delivering health medical schools would have to U hospitals and doctors. Both York's voluntary hospitals in care by its policies of requir- doctor to practice and of the St., Red Baak, N.J. 17711. In laws occurred in 1972 when services which "brings to- a revision of the Social Secu- gether a comprehensive range rity Act created a system of of medical services in a single Professional Standards Re- organization so that a patient view Organizations (PSRO's). is assured of convenient ac> According to the law, by next cess to all of them. And it pro- Jan. 1, the Department of vides needed services for a END OF YEAR Health, Education and Wel- fixed-contract fee which is fare must designate between paid in advance by all sub- DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORKS 200 and 350 PSRO areas scribers." The largest and BELL RINGERS, throughout the country. In best known of the few HMO- each of these, a review orga- type medical care organiza- |SALE TODAY THRU SATURDAY! nization will monitor the care tions already functioning in given for which federal funds the U.S. is the Kaiser-Per- GIFTDEPT. are supplied, that is, for Medi- manente program which care and Medicaid patients. serves 2.2 million people in T$ supervise the PSRO's, California. The legislation th«re is a National Profes- now pending in Congress may sional Standards Review provide the impetus for REG. 9.99 Council made up of doctors HMO's throughout the coun- who are appointed by the gov- try. Many doctors feel that ernment. Since the role of HMO's tend to increase the PSRO's is to review the quali- costs of medical care without ty of medical care which is providing more or better ser- paid for by government funds, vices. there is much feeling among 50-Pc. Service for 8 practicing doctors that the Financial pressures applied PSRO's system may ultima- by the federal government 10-Pc. Wooden Solad Set Stainless Steel Flatware Set Famous Cannon Bath Towels tely take complete control of caused some disturbances in SET CONSISTS OF: 1 10" bowl, 4 salad bowlj, I fork, 1 Beautiful patter™ by famous IMPERIAL INTERNATIONAL. medicine in this past year. spoon, I tall & pepper shakers, 1 large tray. Set includes 8 ea. dinner knives, dinner forks, soup spoons, 100% Cotton Terry COLORS: Avocado, walnut or natural. salad/dessert forks, 16 ea. teaspoons, I sugar spoon, I butter spreader. Never needs polishing . . . dishwasher Decor Colors ATCO Workers Sign IN TIME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SERVINGI safel Gift boxed. Not all patterns shown. 3-Year Labor Contract HOUStWAMSKPT KEYPORT - Officials of a ninth paid holiday (the AfCO Ceramics Corp. have worker's birthday), doubled signed a three-year labor pact differential for those on the with the Oil, Chemical and Sunday shift and a substantial Atomic Workers, AFL-CIO, piece rate increase for jobs in Local 8-20581, that will give the Incentive system. company workers an increase "We expect these new ben- of 45 cents an hour and boost efits and wage increases to the starting rate for trainees give us a competitive advan- by 52 cents hourly. tage in keeping our work All factory employes re- crews filled," Mr. Ellingham Gumout ceived an hourly increase of added. 16 cents as soon as the con- Company president Robert • Cleans carburetor • Removes sludge and car- tract was signed and will re- K. Multer believes the Im- bon • Great for cars, trucks, boats, snowmobi- ceive additional boosts of 15 proved productivity could al- and 14 cents on Dec. 1, 1974 low ATCO to avoid a price in- les and mini-bikes. -'ftTO 50 % . and 1975, respectively. crease at this time, despite SPORTS DIPT. Union and management the wage increase. leaders reported that the' set- ATCO, which has some 200 tlement was the largest ever employes, has been manufac- OFF negotiated by the local tile- turing ceramic tile here for 70 manufacturer. The 45 cents years. ON SELECTED includes a three-cent-an-hour increase in the company's H.O. Train & Roadrace * contribution to the pension CRG Corp. plan. Accessories 1 Corporate vice president John Sardella, chief negotia- Jobs Total tor 'for ATCO, said a favor- Men's Deluxe able vote on the contract $2 Million came four days before the ex- ASBURY PARK - CRG Stereo Headphones piration of the prior contract. Corp. has been awarded two 2-Pc. Insulated Suit FREQUENCY RESPONSE 20-1400 HZ i "Although four days may new construction contracts to- - *3.3 oz. Docron-88 insulation * 100% nylon shell-kidney riot sound significant," Mr. tailing approximately $2 mil-! flap 'Zipper & snopjfront closure on jocket 'Cigarette • Padded ear cushions Sardella explained, "the abili- lion, according to an an- chest pocket 'Elaslic^olst on pants 'Colors: red, navy, ty of the two groups to reach nouncement by Angelo M. • Lightweight headband agreement before the dead- brown Gregos, president of the firm. . HOME FURNISHINGS CENTER line shows that mutual trust The work will be performed and respect were present at by the company's A&M the bargaining table." Gregos division, which spe- Walter Ellingham, corpo- cializes in rehabilitation and rate personnel director and modernization contracting for the other member of the com- various agencies of the U.S. pany's bargaining team, said state and local government' the higher wages will make it throughout the country. easier to attract and hold The larger of the new con- good workers, resulting in re- tracts is for $1,225,000 from duced turnover and a corre- the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- sponding improvement in pro- neers in Ft. Dix. It involves Polaroid ductivity. repair and modernization of Famous The negotiators for the base housing facilities under 108 Color Pack Film union Included William the government's new Volun- Deluxe Record Cabinet Young, president; Douglas teer Army Program. A second Lipstick Bonanza IN BEAUTIFUL WALNUT FINISH with A SLEEVE OF FLASH CUBES Carter, vice president; Clif- contract for $701,000 from the • Also mokes an ideal bar or sewing cabinet YOUR CHOICE New Brunswick Housing Au- YOUR CHOICE • Mar proof and stain resistant ford Bryan, secrelary-treasur- M-3 or Hi-Power cubes for your favorite Polaroid camera. thority will entail the rehabili- Choose from regular or frosted in many high fashion • Two sliding doors eE; Robert Jones, former With flash units. president; and Leo Crema, in- tation of garden apartments. shades. • Ready-to-assemble ternational representative for The new awards bring to tUb O.C.A.W. $8,5(7,000 the amount of con- o(jU4fd( AUTOMOTIVE DIPT. Mr. Bryan said other ben- struction currently under con- TOIIf THIS DIPT. i — — -' COUPON efits won by the union include tract. COUPON WEEK-END BONUS! FROM OUR SMALL APPLIANCE DEPT. MAY YOUR A /V : "Hamilton Beach" 8 Push-Button Blender "PlusII

One I6-Oz. individual size & one large 48 Oz.-family size YOU SAVE MORE container. Toward tfct fvrcMM of Tampax 99 Battery BE FILLED WITH ... Tampons 14 REG. 19.99 Booster Cable HEAPS OF HEALTH, JUGS OF JOY, REGULAR OR SUPER A MUST FOR WINTER DRIVING LOADS OF LOVE, KARLOADS OF M.IJI KINDNESS, MEASURES OF MONETARY 'All are dishwasher safe 'In- LIMIT 1 SIT PIR COU- SUFFICIENCY AND INFESTATIONS cludes covers that seal and PON On* coupon p«r lock 'Solid state 840 watt cuuotwr Good thru OF INTELLIGENCE Sol. Dtc 29, 19/3 motor. , •

OPINDAI1Y 9:30 A.M.'Tl 10 P.M. SUNDAY' ISouth of the Krummy Krupp^ '• Rt.35 • A.M. 'Tl 6 P.M. Ion Woiuterful Wast Front»^ It The Dally Register, Red Baik-MWdJeiowi, N.J. Thursday, December 17, UTS Volunteer Advisers Help Town Keep Costs Down By CHERYL MORRISON expert who's advising me one of the first jobs done by

1 r town on its personnel policies. volunteers was a study of the m ' '•' ••'""• MADISON (AP) - This A local landscaper has been borough's billing procedures Morris County borough has helping with the choice and for water and power custom- been saving money by solic- care of shade trees. Two more ers. The committee, which in- iting free advice from its own volunteers are helping to pre- cluded systems experts, in- citizens. pare an argument against a formed the borough about One of the borough's 17,000 rate increase sought by a several kinds of billing equip- 3.49 residents is a labor relations power company. ment available to replace its EVERY L.P. IN STOCK "The alternative in some of faltering old machine. these cases would be to hire Another group advised the professionals," says Borough town on allocating space in its Teitelbaum Administrator Arnold C. Mat- crowded Borough Hall. REDUCED! thies. "In other cases, the Cable TV Promoted work just wouldn't get done." Still another committee has The amount of money the been studying whether the volunteers save the borough IK borough should grant a cable By Bank inestimable, he says. television franchise or operate NEW YOKK _ c. Leonard The "Mayor's Talent Bank" cable system. 349 529 Teitelbaum of Holmdel, N.J., was proposed by Mayor Glenn Of the 156 who volunteered las been appointed an assis- 0. Head during his 1971 elec- their services, says Matthies, reg 4.89 reg. 5.59 reg 6.59 tant vice president in the In- tion campaign. 41 have been assigned to proj- vestment Research Division Wanted to Help ects. of the Bankers Trust Com- Head noted that some "The obvious advantage is pany. townspeople wanted to par- in terms of savings in costs," ticipate in municipal govern- be says. "In some cases it re- Nothing held back! Pick from Ringo . . Elton John ... Jim Croce ... Garfunkel Mr. Teitelbaum joined the ment but couldn't spend the lieves busy elected officials ... Barry White . David Bowie... every other in our huge stock! bank in 1967 and was named time required by elected of- and the administrative staff. lot afexnt canUMng mm Um I LP multiply I>Y —>o«w prfcts an assistant secretary in 1970 fice or long-term appointed The added information will 'and an assistant treasurer in jobs. Many of Madison's resi- lead to better decision-mak- dents commute to jobs in New ing. York. "Those who participate," he He is a graduate of the Uni- The request for volunteers adds, "become more knowl- versity of Michigan and re- was mailed to 5,300 homes edgeable about the local gov- ceived his master's from early last year, and 156 citi- ernment process. They be- there in 1965. He is a member zens offered their services to come better acquainted with of the New York Society of the borough. On the request elected officials and employ- Security Analysts. cards, they listed their ex- es. It Is hoped that this brief perience related to borough experience will, in some cases He is treasurer and vice problems like traffic flow, at least, lead to a desire to ac- president of Temple Shalom municipal bond* pricing and cept a long-term appoint- in Matawan Township, N.J. road construction. ment." Alexander*/ Cjfashion Shoe Salon u ALL A & M L.P.'s IN STOCK

B. 3.99

3-PACK - BLANK K reg. 4.89 L*2P\ reg. 5.59 Featuring CASSETTE "Singles"... from Ampex including fantastic hits like "Super- star", "Ticket to 60-MINUTE 90-MINUTE Ride", plus their brand new "Top u of the World" clearance i\ > Plus Cat Stevens "Foreigner" and })\ Cheech&Chong Stock-up at these "Los Cochinos" jackpot incredibly low prices! red hots from regular stock yours for a song! AM/FM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO r 2 pairs at a price you can't refuse! with pillow speaker!

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2 prs. '9 2 prs. '13 2 prs.'17 AM/FM 8-TRACK Treat the leet you love to the shoe looks you've been TABLE RADIO AM7FW RADIO WITH craving! Save, save, save! Choose from selected groups STEREO TAPE DECK of Albert Durelle and Captlvators. Now putons with miles CASSETTE RECORDEF to go. Pumps, straps, platforms, ties, sportsters, slings. Your favorites In fresh leathers, patents, suedes, and i99 leather looks. Scads of heel heights, too! Double time it and grab the size and colors you want. Don't let the • Solid state circuitry. • Solid state • Condenser microphone. pair-ade pass you by! • Slide-rule tuning • Compact walnut-grain cabinet. • AC/DC operation • AFC on FM. • Woodgraki finish. • Automatic stop & automatic level Model #7192 Model #1007 control lor recording. wmmmmmmModel #2800 OPfN EVIRY NIGHT TO 9,30 P M. NO MAIl OK PHONE OftDMS. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 930 P.M. NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS. M0NM0UTH SHOPPING CENTER - EATONTOWN, N.J. MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER -EATONTOWN, N.J. The Dally Register, Red Baak-Mlddfetewi, NJ. Thursday. December 17,


gigantic after-Christmas WINTER COAT SPECTACULAR over 6000 * ... for misses', V2-sizes & jrs.!

Waller Garelde Erich vonGehren m 4 Scouts Achieve Top Rank of Eagle many sold in stock •. RUMSON - Four members B. Quirk, 7 Kingham Hill of Boy Scout Troop 200, which Circle. He joined the troop $ $ is led by William Wilson, have when he was in eighth grade achieved the rank of Eagle. and now is a senior at Rum- for 29- 59! Walter Garside. 16, the son son-Fair Haven Regional High of Mr. and Mrs. R. I). Garside School and a senior patrol 4 PLAIDS... TWEEDS ... MELTONS ... Jr., J4 Circle Drivt, is a junior leader for his troop. He is a PSEUDO-SUEDES... LEATHER-LOOKS ... at Rumson-Kair Haven Re- member of the Order of the ,gional High School. Arrow. He Is a member of the 1 PILE LININGS... FAKE FURS... STORMCO ATS Erich vonGehren, 13, is the National Honor Society and ... TRENCITCOATS ... HOODS... son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. was recipient of a National vonGehren, 27 Lakeside Ave. •Merit Scholarship letter of ' REGULAR-LENGTHS... BOOT-LENGTHS ... He transferred last June (rain commendation. PANTCOATS... MORE IN THE GROUP! Troop 137, Worms, Germany, Tom McDerby, 17, is the son II where he was active in scout- of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A huge, huge selection (probably the biggest in ing during the three years his McDerby, who recently I family lived in that country. moved from this community town!)... and every coat an unbelievable value! He is a ninth grade student at to 30 Edgewood Ave., Little The quality of the fabrics ... the fashion-right the Ranney School and is a Silver. He joined the troop in member of the Order of the 1967 and is a member of the styling... the low price tags must be seen to be Arrow, Black Kaglc Lodge wnlor patrol and the 100-Mile believed! Be here first thing! Misses' 8-18 482, Transatlantic Council, Committee. He is a senior at Germany. Red Bank Catholic High (including some misses' petite), half-sizes William M. Quirk, 17. Is the School, where he is a member 16t/t-24'/t, jrs.' 5-13 in the group... but not every of the honor socielv. son of Mr. and Mrs. William type coat or style in every size, color or store. Tola/ quantity In all stores.


savings & spec/a/ purchases, PANTCOATS MISSES' 2 & 3-PC. PANTSUITS TO WEAR SERVICE AWARD — Rocco Caponigro receives the Department of Army's second highest civilian honor for his work on the Alcohol and Drug Abuse for now through Program at Ft. Monmouth. Presenting it is Col. WITH V C. Devon, commanding officer of Headquarters arid Installations Support Activity Army Elec- spring! tronics Command. EVERYTHI Hfci .FAKE FURS. PLAID BOWBBP Lombardo Stages JACKETS. WRAPS «• STA^P $ COATS. PSUEDO-SUEDES Early Celebration I ,' T " I By Thr Associated Press lends ihe, "Sweetest Music this Side of Heaven " He Mas NEWARK (AIM - New last in Newark in lltXi and it Year's Eve will seem like old wasn't exactly a happy occa- . SHIRT-JACKETS . SAFARI-LOOKS hat to many New .In sion. this year, •I remember thai ntght . TWINSWEATER SETS • JACKETS Guy Lombardo. the inde- well," he said, '•because «<• WITH STRIPED SHELLS • MORE with ' structible impresari". "• were playing In :i wall -to-wall ccntly brought Auld Lang dancing crowd ,il KlTH Syne' to the (iarricn Stale for Auditorium and we never n»t Sensational price for fresh, brand new a preview performance of his our money, $2,500 — a lot in pantsuits you want right now and into Iront tradltioriiil ringing out tin* old UIOK depression day*. r and ringing in the ne» spring! All easy care polyester and "H'I (till vtv(d in ni> mind An overflow crowd ol adml- The crowd reall) enjo) acrylics. Lots detailing and a great rers danced amid the frivolity Ing Itself in Die lull when Ihe selection of plaids, prints, stripes of a New Vein's Kve atlTUM manager came, running lo ihe phere al the Hotel Roberl bandstand il ID IS yelling and solids. 8-16. Not every size Treat in the hrait ol IN slop ihe music We're not un- or style in every color or store. slate's largest cHj Dtc 10 mg io nei our dough here ny sold in stock 2ND FLOOR DRESS DEPT. The 71-year-old rMMtro *%• Inn11:hi I i ,ni i (ind Ihe S pressed surprise and elation promottn for 35! ovtr his reception "I "The firs! person i ran |p)o and Gentlemen, we're cel« there Diamond an bratlng New VMI'S Eve urtderworld figure ol lhal era early. " he explained H Ihe .mil hi laid, I heard you band waxed Into IIM familiar played fin nothing lonl strains or his I never (mind out how Legs OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9:30 P.M. NO MAIL OR PHONE It was» lung awaited ralurn learned about "in pla) fot no to Newiirk for Ihe man who MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER -EATONTOWN. NJ. 12 The Daily Register, Re4 |gj£g|kkUet«wi, N.J Small Stock Exchange Is Growing PHILADELPHIA (AO) - Like an old-time circus wres- tler, the PBW Stock Exchange is taking on all comers. If it's not the New York Stock Ex- change, then it's the Secu- rities and Exchange Commis- sion. Each year it grows, spewing out ideas designed to carve out a bigger share of the mar- ket, and just maybe, to em- barrass the bigger exchanges Day Clearance Sale! on Wall Street. ^mmmw _« mm m\ B m Mm _a^ MM §*• ^BHI KBHBaMM^h, ^m Mm M» MI ^ K_ M While the New York Stock AT ALL HOME CENTERS & PLAY FACTORY TOY STORES! Exchange was talking about raising brokerage fees, the PBW came up with a plan to lower fees to attract smaller investors. TODAY THROUGH SUHDAY OHLY! In January PBW will open an office In Miami, and is looking at Atlanta and Dallas as possible locations. And for some time it has been pushing a plan to get the, regional stock exchanges to merge. May Lose War For all of its ambition, how- ever, the PBW still does only as much trading in a year as the NYSE does in a week. And despite winning a number of battles, the I'BW may be about to lose the war. In 1067, in a drastic break with tradition, the PBW began admitting financial In- stitutions as members of the exchange. The idea was that an Insurance company which traded tens of thousands of shares a year could avoid paying brokerage fees if it held its own scat on a stock exchange. Since a seat on the PBW costs only $4,000 and the in- stitutions could save hundreds of thousands of commission dollars a year, the lure was obvious. But early this year the plan hit a snag. The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted a rule forbidding the entry of institutions into the stock exchanges unless a cer- tain amount of their business was public. Appeal Sought Since then, PBW has been in court, trying to appeal the SEC order. It is now pre- paring to appeal to the Su- preme Court, and at the same time trying to convince the in- stitutions, to do some public business. The exchange suffered an- other blow in 1973 after a tie- in with the Pacific Stock Kx- change, which seemed set, fell through. The PBW is the nation's old- est exchange. It was original- ly called the Philadelphia, •Baltimore, Washington Stock Exchange, but changed its name and its staid image af- ter Elins Wetherill took over as president in 1965. . Today, the exchange has 444 members and lists 1,209 stocks. Of the 1,209, only 135 are "primary" stocks. The rest are also carried on either the New York or American exchanges. Computer System BATHROOM Wetherill, a lawyer, has been behind many of the new ideas advanced by PBW. The exchange will install a coin. VANITIES! plicated computer trading system in 1974 and says it will have it in operation two years before the NYSE. Wetherill acknowledges that "we mean to be in the position ON ALL of taking on everybody." But he blames the SEC and the UNPAINTED NYSE for failing to keep up with new ideas. & FINISHED


SAVE SAVEto*39 \

DoaaM B. Steel Steel Joins Law Practice RET) BANK - Donald B. Steel has joined the law firm of Reussille, Comwell, Mau- sner and Carotenuto. Mr. Steel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P, Steel, 84 Garden Middletown Neptune Road, Shrewsbury, attended Shrewsbury grammar school Route 35 & Harmony Road. Route 35,1000 feel south ol and ii a graduate of Red Asbury Park Circle. Bank High School. He re- CHANNEL. Shop 6 nights 'til 10...ihop Sunday 'til 6 (for item allowed by law) ceived his bachelor's degree NOME CENTERS from Gettysburg College, del " A hauithoid word line* I9O$" tyiburg, Pa., and his Law de- SALE ENOS DECEMBER 30.1973 62-21 IN gree from Seton Hall Univer- sity School of Law, Newark, In June 1973. rwni th« >i«hl

from motorists. report on how many cases of gasoline price LONG BRANCH - An ex- • • • • • ... ..'•••• • • ••.*.- gouging have been reported in recent weeks, Gasoline price gouging is illegal, Mr. How- hibit of antique toys in the New Jersey begin toll-free telephone service to provide mass Under a complicated formula, service sta- hardworking people interested in making a Jan. 15. transit scheduling information to the public. tions are allowed to charge an amount equal to decent living and properly serving the public. The toys were first found "I believe that the system would be extremely beneficial the station's cost per gallon as of May 15, plus "But, " he said, "there are always those, under Christmas trees 20, 50 in light of the current gasoline shortage and the efforts to re- the station's cost for handling, including profit. be it in politics, business or other fields, who or 100 years ago and are part duce air pollution by decreasing reliance on automobiles," This amount varies according lo area and sta- will take advantage of a situation without re- of the collection of Mrs. Vir- Byrne said. ' tion. gard to the morality of the matter or the ad- ginia Stevenson, who has been "What we wouldn't need," Byrne said, "is'somcthing similar It is clear, Mr. Howard said, that 79 cents verse impact it will have on others in their re- collecting antiques (or more to the railroad's information system. If someone tned to gel a gallon is price gouging, but 50 cents a gallon spective fields." than 10 years. She and her scheduling information from the Port Authority, I would ex- might be within legal limits. Mr. Howard said the action or some ser- husband, Wayne, a guidance pect the call to be answered promptly." Mr. Howard, chairman of the House Sub- vice station operators in charging excessive counselor at Long Branch The railroads have long been under fire for their failure to committee on Knergy, said "if we are to fight prices, will harm the reputation of all service High School, have taught an answer their telephones to provide scheduling information. proposals for higher gasoline prices, we must station owners unless a proper example is set. antiques course at the Mon- Byrne jfejiid the Port Authority's information system should galvanize a citizen's reporting system of price And the best example, he said, is to have mouth County Adult School be able to handle a large number of telephone calls concerning gouging. those who are overcharging reported and for several years. schedules of trains and buses in the metropolitan area. "The blatant example of law violations chargpdwith the violation of the law they are Mrs. Stevenson also re- must be nipped in the bud," he said, "and so callously violating. cently opened a shop at Ihe Antiques Center, 1.109 Allaire Woman Mayor Has Theory Ave., Wanamassa, where she specializes in glass, silver and EAST BRUNSWICK - East Brunswick Mayor Jean Wall- china. ing said yesterday that municipal documents were stolen from Colts Neck School Budget Included in the library ex- her office in attempts to discredit her administration. hibit are a dozen colored Mrs. Walling said her office was burglarized last Thursday Christmas post cards from the while office personnel were at a Christmas reception across IKOQs which were used before the hall. She said that was the fourth time in four months her To Have $28,789 Restored the cards with which we are office had been burglarized. HOLIDAY TOY EXHIBIT - On display at Long COLTS NECK - The state Under the committee rec- pealed to the state Hoard of familiar today The mayor, a Democrat elected last year in a three-worn-. Branch Public Library now through Jan. IS are a Commissioner of Education ommendation, which called Education, but he added the There are also a number of an race, said none of the missing documents were vital to the number of antique toys including 12-inch high has restored part of funds cut (or anticipation of $50,000 in board would probably not old board games, most of municipal government. But she said someone "inside or out- stove made to scale which can actually be fueled from the school budget by the federal aid in addition lo the take that step. which stress moral uplift and side the administration is trying to find out whatever he or she by wood or coal to cook a mini-meal. Township Committee. $120,000 cut, the current ex- education; a wide selection of can in an attempt to embarrass local officials before munici- Roy Unger, superintendent penses levy would have been _ Dr. I'ngcr said the specific wooden doll furniture; a eluding toys, have etttnuuled arc skyrocketing " pal elections next November." of schools, yesterday an- $33,789 less, or $ areas where the budget will handmade circus train; cast most tin toys (rum the mar- A display of silver spoons She said local police have been asked to investigate the in- nounced the decision in- In effect, the commission- be cut is up to the board. He iron banks, both movable and ket from the Stevenson collection cidents. volving the 1973-74 school er's decision reduces budget said those decisions would ul- still, and a selection of non- "Contsquently," she uys, is also on view budget that was defeated by- appropriations from the pn> timately be administrative. movable and wind-up tin toys "tin toys that were wide Library hours are 9 a m lo voters last February. posed $1,929,474 by $91,211 to <> Not many options are open Mrs. Stevenson points oul spread in the I'MOs and IMIs H p in. Monday through The commissioner's deck new total of 11,838,268. for consideration, he said,' be- Park and Ride Service Readied that changes in federal laws and which were never ex- Knday and 9 am. to 5 p.m. sion has been due since last The commissioner entered cause the board has many WAYNE — Transport of New Jersey, the state's largest about hazardous products, in- pensive, are now a hot new Saturday The library will be the matter when the com- necessary commitments such bus company, yesterday announced plans for the metropolitan Spring. collectible and prices for closed next Monday and mittee and the Board of Edu- as salaries. area's first "park and ride" commuter bus service. Restored funds total I2K.7H9 Church lo Show wind-up tin toys m particular Tuesday. The service is scheduled to begin Jan. 7 at the Willow- or about one-fourth of the cation, which hail countered The cuts will curtail ser- brook Mall in Wayne. John J. Gilhoolcy, chairman of the bus committee-recommended cut the committee cut with I sug- vices and have I liciiring on HHigious Film company's board of directors said the plan is a Joint effort be- of $120,000 gested $37,000 reduction and 1 the school program, Dr. LAURENCE HARBOR - tween his firm and Sterns Department Stores. Commuters will The commissioner's reslma $35,000 anticipated aid mea- i said Colts Neck Family be allowed to park in the 400 spaces made available in front of lion of (unds raises ttn- | 111 sure, reached a Militate "The very critical factor is "Centervlllt Awakening Sterns and take one of seven express buses to the Port Author- rent expenses tax levy tn Dr Tnncr s;ml the commis- the psychological affect," i". rellglOlia motion plCtU ity terminal in New York. l77 sioner's derision could be ap- Unger said. "Objectors to the popular that clergymen have Seeks Very III Dog Bus tickets wiN cost less than regular tickets and the ex- budget may feel they are vm darkened the Sunday morning sanctuary to show it to their press buses will cut the normal length of the trip by 20 min- COLTS NECK - The besl The family ll especially dlcated bei ill w • portion of congregations, will be shown Woman Badly Burned DM < NI was upheld " Christmas present n[ all tin concerned, Mr* Haynlo Hid, BIM Monday. New Year s live, at Don ltd II Kuhn. board thi' Deralil D Haymc family IMI,IU.!• the pet h.r. terminal MATAWAN - Marie Den- at 4:31 p m Patrolmen dis H p.m. The film's ippearam e president, echoed those scnll- this year would be Ihe return t The dog was to have nis. 48, was reported in criti- patched lo till scene found In this area is being sponsored merits of their lost, and seriously ill celebrated her Muni birthday Empty Bus in Pike Chain Crash cal condition In Bayshore Ms. Dennis lying on the porch by the Bible Baptist Church "As taxpayers, the board sheep dog, Vickie 'lav JERSEY CITY - A bus that carried no passengers col- Community Hospital, Holm- landing with an unidentified here. shares concern for costs," Mr Mrs. Betty Haynlt ha Ml-. Haynie described Hie lided with the rear of a car at a New Jersey Turnpike toll del, last night after suffering man who had rescued her Winner of the National him Kuhn said. "But we reco asked any persons having in- dog as being about two feet booth exit last night setting off a chain crash affecting a third severe bums over most of her from the burping and smoke- Foundation "Oscar ' as the idtOOll and their staffs do not formation iboul the dog, who high and weighing between 65 vehicle in front of the car body in a fur ai her apart- fiiieii ipartmml outstanding production of its has been milling nines and VII |iiiiinil With •tiii^g.V, Four person',. Including lha drlvti ol tlw bus. were taken ment on Ravine Drive yes- Township fireman Kevin live in a vacuum " i nits Neck must d ..kind, Ctntervllle Awakening day, to call the llflynll black and while fur. black to Jersey fit v Medical Center, ureated ind relea "d terday afternoon. Dnlan was taken to |h| hospi- shows how any local congre- mine it ii win continue to nip dime at 4 ChTlltopMl Mil and brown eyes. There is lU police, the driver of tin DIM claimed he lal and treated (»r a tut hand. gation can find n new spiritual port ii which a growth, caused by the can accidenlly slid lOtQ Ihi CM It was raining at the time of the Police reported receiving a • An Investigation of Ihi MM (in life l>y meetingdivlM hen. call about a fire at Apt. 7Jt m origin onducted by has been growing the past It) cer, over the dog'i front tooth. '»accident conditions, The public > Mr. Haynie n a member ol Mil Tree Haven Apartments No I hlef John Conlon Ml KIIIMI added. The bus owned by the pomenlco Hus Service. the Board nf I''IHI .it inn 14 The Dally Register, Red Bank Graduate Promoted by Bank v SUMMIT - Thomas D. charge of the bank's five Styles, Jr., president of Sum- branches in Eastern Union mit and Elizabeth Trust Com- County. He is a senior lending pany, has announced the ap- officer of the bank and has T-CHRISTMAS pointment of J. Palmer Pal- the overall responsibility for ton, 36, to senior vice presi- SETCO's Business Devel- dent. opment Program. Mr. Patton, who is located Mr. Patton has been with at SETCO's Jefferson Avenue SETCO for just under two Office in Elizabeth, is in years. Previous to this he was Vice President and Treasurer MADE IN AMERICA at Precipitation Associates of WATERBURY. Conn. (AP) America in Keyport and Vice —Thousands of American flags President of Middletown are waving in Japan. But the Banking Company. flags are sitting in front of Mr. Patton is a graduate of rows of merchandise rather Red Bank High School, I.e- than flying from flagpoles. high University and the Sto- John C. Helies, president of nier Graduate School of Bank- Scoville Manufacturing Co., Ing at Rutgers. He is a mem- who has just returned from a TEMPLE PROGRAM — Hebrew School students of Monmouth Reform business development trip to ber of ihe Kiwanis Club of Temple, New Shrewsbury, perform rites during special Hanukkah pro- Elizabeth and Robert Morris the Far East, said that there is gram presented in the temple after Sabbath Eve services. SYLVANfA a growing retail market in Ja- Associates. Mr. Patton also pan for foreign products. serves as a director of the or MAONA VOX "And you can tell where Y.M.C.A. of Eastern Union these products are from — the County. He is also active In Spirit of Jewish Survival United States, France, England the Chamber of Commerce of — by tiny flags on stands Eastern Union County serving placed in front of them in de- on the economic development partment store displays." and membership committees. Demonstrated inProgram NEW SHREWSBURY - ing completely, orders the The spirit of Jewish survival, sons to be put to death one by always strong but especially one in front of Hannah. Final- visible during Hanukkah, was ly she too is killed — unwilling demonstrated by Hebrew to give up her faith even at School students of Monmouth the price of her life. Reform Temple at a special At the end of the drama- service Friday night. tization, the candles of the After the Sabbath Eve ser- Menorah were blessed by Bar- vice conducted by Rabbi Al- he Rubinstein and Robert ton Meyer Winters, the chil- Kwallck. The candles not only dren presented a pageant and symbolize the nights the oil several dramatizations to a burned after the Jews rededi- capacity congregation. cated the temple following the Under the direction of Ruth Greek desecration, but also Bimbaum, educational direc- serve as memorials to the tor of the Temple's Hebrew brave Jews, like Hannah and MASNAVOX School, and aided by Necia her seven sons, who died rath- Marko in creating striking er than give up their faith. TOTA1 AUTOMATIC scenery, costumes and deco- diagonal rations, the fourth, fifth, and The second presentation sixth grades reenacted the was an original play by the Color Console Color CoiMofo Color Console story of Hannah and her sev- seventh grade class, guided en sons as told in the book of by their teacher, Rona Kapl- •399 •499 Maccabees. an. Entitled "When the Lights Went On in Georgia," it con- Hannah and her suns arc cerned a present-day Jewish STtVANIA taken captive by Antiochus, family which moves to a the Greek king, who com- small town, in Georgia and has rm/AM MM, mands them to bow down to the. courage to kindle their PHONO« t 5% Greek gods. He tries various Menorah in the window, as is •-TRACK means to trick them into the custom, in spite of taunt- Interest bending their knees and, fail- ing from their neighbors.

Booklet Cites Doctors MAMMVOX FM/AM n Eggs, Cholesterol mono « ••TKACK IOO% SOU* STATI new booklet, "Eggs nerves to transmit their Im- .Your Diet and Your pulses throughout your body. lalth," prepared and offered Your nervous system could CHRISTMAS!free by the National Commis- not work without an adequate Color Console sion on Egg Nutrition, cites amount of cholesterol to act meilkal studies and author- as a conductor. In addition to •499 nerve impulse transmission, 4 ities on the subject of choles- terol. the body must have cholester- DRASTIC REDUCTIONS I ////'///// /,'//•'//' ol in order to make sex hor- Among the scientists and mones, of which cholesterol is ON MANY papers cited in the 8-page an Integral part," the booklet booklet are Or. Roger Wil- slates. 20 liams, Dr. Michael DeBakey, CONSOLE STEREOS 5% INTEREST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES "The Journal of the American Increase Is Normal "A temporary Increase in If rtgular paymanta hava ba«n Medical 'Association," "Lan- HOTPOINT FOftTAaUl HEAD OFFICE: blood cholesterol concentra- mad* a* achadulad Men wt«k 60 Naptuna Blvd., Naptuna. New Jarsay cet," "The Journal of Mt. and club compltttd, 8% Inttnit sinai Hospital," and others. tion after eating several eggs TOP LOAD!NO paid on th« av*rag« balanea is normal, just as blood sugar MEMBER FEOERAL RESERVE SYSTEM / F.O.I.C. "Cholesterol is absolutely tl is elevated after eating candy. essential In order for your Both blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels will be back to where they were after a few hours In a person whose •5 metabolism is functioning nor- 159 DD151 WS.Waitaee. mally." The booklet explains that the Food and Drug Adminis- tration requires that advertis- ing for drugs to lower the TAP*AM blood cholesterol concentra- tion carry this warning, "An CONTINUOUS CLffANINO important note: It has not been established whether drug-induced lowering of sc- CAS RANGE rum cholesterol or other lipid levels has a detrimental, ben- eficial, or no effect at all on MEN'S the morbidity or mortality '199 due to atherosclerosis or coro- SUIT SALE nary heart disease." REMINGTON Among the authorities cued in Ihe booklet Is Dr. Roger SUPER 600 Williams, of the University of Texas, the discoverer of the B STYLER/DRYER vitamin, pantnthenir acid. In his "Nutrition Against Dis- ease," Dr. Williams said, OUR ANNUAL CLOTHING "Anyone who deliberately 97 avoids cholesterol in his diet SALE IS NOW IN may be inadvertently courting PROGRESS heart disease." Copies of "Eggs. . . Your Diet and Your Health " are available free Irom the Na- Substantial Reductions tional Commission on Egg Nu- on our entiri stock ol trition. 205 Touhy Avenue, men's suits & sportscoals. Park Ridge. Illinois MOM. LYRIC RESISTED 8ONYFM/AM Hickey Freeman BURGLARY Hart Schaffner & Marx YUMA, Ariz. (AP) - Nothing seemed to go right for burglars GE CLOCK RADIO DIGIMATIC CLOCK RADIO Kingsridge who broke Into the Lyric The- ater here. 99 No C.hnrgr for normal allerationt First the burglars were 95 unable to open the safe, al- II though causing $200 damage to the metal box. CREDIT TERMS AVAIUBLE They were unable to enter the projection booth, after breaking a key In the lock. HAZLET But they managed to break SS.HKMM into a gum machine, However, the machine had been empty •a*. Ml Sea Girt Mall • Keyport • BankAmencard for atveral weeks' and there Hwy. 35 24 West Front St. • Master Charge wai no money Inside. Open Every Evening'Til 9 • American Expre-A Open Every Evening 'Til 9 The final haul: six packages £23-9700 of cigarettes and a pair of pliers. fit n« OtUy RtgUtef, H»4 BMfc-MiddteUwi, N J. Ttofry, December «, H7J THURSDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY HAZLET STORE: OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. TIL 6 P.M.




.it. fi£3^^\ ^^B^^B^^h^ FIXTURE m& WOOD LFSSBULB NATURAL ; SLAHED 11 RAHAN Mm, ST00SWIVELL | FLUORESCENT BAR ifn \ GRID LIGHT iAn STOOL VDIWI10.N •1 MOOELKI1I 2 LIGHT HBl y UMI two 40 wall BOOK PRICE OUR REG. LOW BOOK PRICE bud* 4S' unil MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM READY TO PAINT OR SJAIN EMM FLOOR MODELS ONLY! EASY TO ASSEMBLE HAZLET: ROUTE 35 AND POOLE AVE. It The Dally Register, Red Baak-MktdletowB. N.J. nrartday, December 27,1173 Guild Slates Joint Exhibition SHREWSBURY - A paint- done in acrylic and featuring at the University of Pennsyl- and illustrates books. In her stone. Mrs. Boesewetter has er reflecting on her impres- African landscapes. Miss vania and Monmouth and ''spare" time, she teaches at exhibited at the Studio 72S Ex- sions of East Africa and a Geayer, of Sea Bright, has ex- Newark Colleges. the Thbrne Junior High School hibition, Frank Brothers, sculptress working in various hi6ited at the Montclair Mu- Visit Inspires in Middletown. Miss Geayer, Whitehouse and Hardy, and at kinds of stone, will have a seum, the Newark Museum, Captured in Miss Geayer's who has lived in this area Etchings International, all in Joint exhibit of their works at the Slate Museum at Trenton, paintings are the huge, hori- most of her life, is serving her New York City, and at the the Guild of Creative Art, 620 and at Monmouth Medical zontal plains, the wide open second term as a member of Guild of Creative Art. Her Broad St. The exhibition will Center and Riverview Hospi- spaces, and the tremendous Sea Blight's Board of Educa- work is included in many pri- open Jan. 5 and continue to tal, as well as at the Guild of distances between commu- tion. vate collections. She attended Feb. 1. The public is invited to Creative Art. She holds a nities which she saw when vis- Monita Low Boesewetter, a the College of Notre Dame in attend an opening reception bachelor of fine arts degree iting East Africa last sum- self-styled "expressionistic" Maryland, George Washington Jan. 6 from i to 6 p.m. • from Beaver College, where mer. A person of many tal- sculptress, will Introduce a University, the New York Jane Geayer, an abstract she was the first alumna to ents, she works with wood- wide variety of forms and School of Interior Design, the painter, will present ''East Af- have a one-woman art show. cuts, in oils, and is also an in- pieces fashioned out of Art Students League and the rican Patterns" — paintings She has done graduate work terior architectural designer marble, alabaster and lime- New School for Social Re- search. Ucal Activities Mrs. Boesewetter is active in art and cultural affairs in "Traveling? the Monmouth area. She is a former director of Monmouth Arts Foundation and has been associated with the Monmouth Arts Gallery and the Festival Simple Life of Arts of Red Bank. The Boesewetter family in the past three years have led a double life. An apartment Is Key residence in New York City has provided proximity to creative workshops and ONE OF TWO — Jane Geayer displays an abstract tost African land- schools from which Monita scape, part of a show openlna Jan. 5 at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrews- To Economy Boesewetter has drawn her new sculptural concepts. Fair bury. The sculpture In foreground is by Monita Low Boesewetter, co-ex- Haven is still "home" on long hibitor with Miss Geayer. weekends and summers. Editor's Nate: This two-part story by staff re- more, you can get all the comforts of a European's porter Marie Clerl, a June graduate of Douglass bed-sitting room — easy chairs and furnishings The Guild, a non-profit or- College, Is based on her experiences on a two- that would thrill American antique-lovers. ganization, is open Tuesdays Book Suggests Art meitk backpacking trip through Europe from Most U.S. travel agents won't reserve rooms through Sundays from noon to wfelek sbe has Just returned. that rent for less than $10 per person per night. But 5 p.m. Closed Mondays. with the help of the many travel guides on the mar- By MARIE CIERI ket,'such as Arthur Frommer's "Europe on $5 and Creativity Methods ~ $10 a Day" and Fielding's "Super Economy Eu- Travel to Europe has (alien victim to con- rope" a traveler tfan find downs of budget hotels Flower .__If you're looking for a creat- ginners, she writes: "Contour juiciness." When you leam to sumer fears during the latter part of 1973. Accord- on his own in every city, ««; ive way to express yourself, drawing is really easy If you experience things instead of Ing to figures released by the U.S. State Depart- t During the peak summer season, travelers don't get hooked into step-by- just let your eye 'feel' every just using them, she says, you ment, 'visits to Britain and the continent in Septem- ' might want to make reservations so they are as- Show step, do-it-yourself gimmicks detail of your subject. Try will be ready to experience ber and October were down 12 per cent from com- sured of a place to stay as soon as they reach their like painting by numbers or drawing the ordinary things art. parable periods in 1972, the biggest drop in a dec- destination. But at any other time of year, there pre-designed needlework. around the house — a few Art of all ages uses visual ade. < are almost always plenty of available budget Think NEW. Try out different empty jars, a pair of old exaggeration, Miss Morman Slated ways of putting your own feel- Ask any number of travel agents and former rtoms in every city. shoes, an open cabinet. Let points out. "Take a sidewalk MORRISTOWN - The ings into color and form that your pencil move slowly, but vacationers and thevwlll tell you that the thoughts One painless way of getting a room on arrivaj crach tour. Photograph the eighth annual New Jersey can brighten your world. look at your subject rather patterns you find," she sug- uppermost In Ameri&n minds are dollar devalua- is to go,to a hotel placement center located in ai-. Flower & Garden Show, the. tions and higher prices both here and abroad. Jean Mary Morman advises than the paper. You'll be gests as one of many recom- most every major airline terminal and train sta- largest exposition of its kind amazed at the realness of While it is true that 'some aspects of European tion in Europe. By simply telling the attendant how this in her new book, "Wonder mendations for experiencing in the metropolitan area, will Under Your Feet: Making the your sketch." art all around you. 'travel, especially the rising air fares, are enough much you would like to pay, you will be placed In a run through two weekends at t»give the potential traveler pause before dipping hotel either without charge or for a nominal fee. World of Art Your Own," pub- "To really know form takes Her book, "Wonder Tinder the request of previous year lished by Harper & Row. every sense," she writes. Your Feet," contains capsule into his pocket, the situation isn't nearly as bad as Still Cheaper There visitors. fears would Indicate. Though it is true that Europe is also plagued "Build a toothpick sculp- "Look at the subtle contours descriptions of major periods The secret to vacationing in Europe cheaply, by inflation, the basics of living and entertainment I.K.Christensen of Wood- ture," she suggests. "Dis- and multicolor redness of an of art, illustrated with 168 pic- even at the rate of $10 and under per day, is to live are still cheaper as a rule than they are here. And Rldge is president, of the cover where it's going as it apple. Smell it. Feel its wax- tures in black-and-white and by European standards. If the American traveler though the dollar's buying power took a plunge af- show, "Enjoy Life With Liv- grows. Don't be afraid to an- iness. Cur it, Bite into it and in color and is available in pa- darts off to the nearest ptuslr hotel or name restau- ter two devaluations this year, in recent weeks it ing Beauty", that will take swer the question, 'What listen to the crunch. Taste its perback, and hardcover. rant catering mainly to Americans, he surely will has been steadily gaining in all foreign markets. place March 9 to 17 in the now?' over and over again. "Leam to make your own pay enough to make his finances suffer for a long A seat at the opera for $1 or $1.50 is unheard of Morristown National Guard candles, and then enjoy their time. For the economy-minded traveler, the here, but many cities in Europe offer such a bar- Armory. Frozen Cranberry glow. Make a kite. Why not? first step is to find a low-cost hotel or pension. Ev- gain along with stars of international reknown. The The show Is sponsored by Find a dry branch with 'char- ery European city, even ones with expensive repu- highly acclaimed theatres in London charge as state horticultural associ- acter' and use it instead of a tations like Nice or Paris, have plenty of them. little as $1.50 for admission. Other forms of enter- Salads Fill the Bill ations, the New Jersey State stick to support your plants." Rooms rent for as little as $3 per person a night tainment very often follow suit in costing less than By CECILY BROWNSTONE FROZEN and up, depending on what country you're in. Florists Association, the New For timid ones who'd like to their American counterparts. Jersey Association of Nur- Associated Press Food Editor CRANBERRY SALADS The cheapest rooms are very simply furnished, Tomorrow — Bargains In food and ways to save on draw. Miss Morman suggests: lean (16 ounces) whole serymen, Inc. and the New "Try a felt-tip pen on a piece When I was vacationing on but Include all tbe necessities. By paying a in He Jersey Plant & Flower Grow- Cape Ann, Mass., last summer cranberry sauce of glass. Set the glass in posi- Lcontainer (8 ounces) ers Association. tion to 'frame' your subject I was thinking of Christmas and the New Year! That's be- heavy cream Cooperating in the non-prof- through it. Then follow edges, V« cup sugar recording thickness of objects cause I met Marilyn Van Dam it sponsorship are the New who, in an exchange of recipes, ••a teaspoon salt Jersey Department of Agri- (two lines to show door edges, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise etc.), smoothness, texture, gave me her directions for culture and Cook College of making Frozen Cranberry Sal- l-3rd cup thawed frozen orange Winter Antiques Show Is Benefit Rutgers University. movement back into space." ads. They seemed perfect to juice concentrate, about For slightly more-ready be- Vi of a 8-ounce can In addition to Mr. Christen- serve around holiday time be- cause Marilyn said they were Into a small mixing bowl turn For East Side Settlement House sen, the officers are Herbert great with turkey or chicken. the cranberry sauce; break up W. Kale, Princeton, vice pres- with a fork; using kitchen scis- NEW YORK - The 20th an- 18-27. Hours are from noon to available through Hast Side and quality antiques. Included ident, and William E. Snyder, Women But they're also good at other nual Winter Antiques Show, a sors snip cranberries Into small 6 p.m. weekdays, and from 1 Settlement House, 30 E, 60th will be furniture from the con- North Brunswick, secretary- tunes of the year because they pieces. benefit for East Side Settle- to 6 p.m. Sundays. use a can of whole cranberry St. tinent, England, China and treasurer. The Board of In a medium mixing bowl stir ment House, will be staged at There will be a preview John KitzGibbons is chair- America; porcelain and pot- sauce, always available. Mari- Trustees includes Robert Bos- Need lyn likes to serve the salads together the-cream, sugar and the 7th Regiment Armory, benefit party on the night of man of the antiques show for tery; American folk art; land, Wayne; James A. Cor- salt; beat until soft peaks form. Park Ave. and 67th St. Jan. Jan. 17. Ticket information is paintings, rugs and ta- with a chicken and wild rice the third consecutive year. radl, Summit; Fred Her- casserole for a company din- Fold in cranberry sauce, may- pestries; Chinese Export por- onnaise and orange juice con- Members of the National rmann, Middlesex; Carl .1. Wills ner. The recipe makes plenty, a l celain; pewter, copper and Klotz, Robbinsville; Lowell BOSTON (AP) - What if a centrate. Antique and Art Dealers Asso- "firass; and artifacts from feature Marilyn finds con- Kennedy, Wyckoff; Lester G. woman precedes her spouse in venient because when she en- Place fluted paper cups iP ciation will participate in a around the world. muffin-pan cups. Spoon cran- [Pine For special exhibit in the entrance Pylc, Gillette, and Edward. death? tertains at dinner she invites East Side Settlement House Wyckoff, Bedminster. Also, That's a question more wom- from eight to* a dozen guests. berry mixture into paper cups. area The Gallery Walks in- is the third oldest non-secta- Freeze until firm. Remov* 'The Holidays I augurated last year arc again Ivan Olinsky of the State De- en are considering these days, Marilyn said the salads were rian settlement house in the also delicious with a sandwich from muffin pans; stack in scheduled. partment of Agriculture, is an according to W. Scane Bowl- country, dedicated to serving ex-officio member. er, chairman of the board of loaf for an evening party. plastic containers or bags with Participating dealers from locally disadvantaged commu- wax paper separating salads. Pioneer Western Corp., a na- Marilyn and her husband Store in freezer until just be- throughout the country will nities through a variety of tional financial services orga- John live in Evanston, 111. display important collections noteworthy programs. fore serving. Peel off paper Tinsel nization. Marilyn graduated from the cups and serve on lettuce. If "A woman needs to have a National College of Education you like, you may pass may- Painting properly drawn will just as in Wilmette, 111: Then she mar- onnaise thinned slightly with Decoupage Course Set much as her husband," Bowl- ried John and taught kindergar- cranberry Juice cocktail with ten classes. After their two the salads. LINCROFT - The Mon- The instructor will be Mrs. Taught er said. children were born she did sub- Coffee Table mouth Museum, 761 Newman He added that keeping a Jean llolzer, owner of Hearts LINCROFT - Mrs. Arlcne stitute work, teaching classes Makes about 4M> cups mix- 52'M" V*li" hl Springs Road, will offer a be- will up to date is also impor- ranging from nursery school ture or fills 18 (Ni by IVI Inch) & Crafts, Middletown. Borup will give a course in ginner's decoupage course on tant. through the eighth grade, and muffin-pans cups using v* cup tinsel painting as one of the six Mondays. Jan. 14 to Feb Fee information and reser- Bowler suggests the follow- continues this work to this day. mixture for each cup. If larger winter workshops for adults 25, with the exception of Keb. vations arc available at the ing details be given consid- Now the Van Dam children are muffin-pan cups and paper-cup slated by the Monmouth Mu- 18. museum office. eration. grown and away from home — liners are used, yield will t*e seum, 781 Newman Springs — List all real estate a Dave at college, Sue at a job from 10 to 12 salads. JUST ARRIVED-NEW PATTERNS-NCW COLORS Road. Lessons will take place woman owns in her name, its and living in her own apart- 400 recipes are given in the on six consecutive Thursdays, location and value, plus ment. ' illustrated "Cecily Browns- SPECIAL-NOW IN STOCK Jan. 10 to Feb. 14 from 1 to 3 jointly owned property. When we were talking about tone's Associated Press Cook- 3 PIECE-DANISH STYLE p.m. — State approximately the having guests, one thing Mari- book" available by sending Weatport Coffee Table Tinsel painting, is an art real and intrinsic value of lyn said struck home: "I enter- $4.95 (check or money order that was very popular in the tain in cycles!" No worry about made payable to "The Associ- x 1ST hkh 5"x9'WW paintings, objets d'art, heir- 19th century but lends itself to looms or precious jewelry. inviting company on a pre- ated Press") to this newspaper • 1 MATTRESS in care of AP Cookbook, Box 30"x74"x4" any decor. A reverse process — Leave an explicit letter scribed schedule. This way you Many colon and patterns - Mad* on glass will be taught using are free of pressure. When you G4, Teaneck, N.J. 07666. lo our apaclflcatlona to Inaura long of instruction with the will, in- translucent oil paints and var- dicating all desired arrange- see your way clear, you enjoy ARIZONA GUEST wear and parlacl til. entertaining. When you arc "DUJTINCTIVI nish, backed with foil. ments. One example would be SUN CITY, Ariz. - Mrs. DEBRA DECORATORS WORKMANSHIP" For additional information very busy you Just say, "I'll 747-4421 MO BANK educational programs for the ask friends later when I have Henry H. Abbott, Hope Road, 3) MONMOUTH STRUT 747-4411 on fees and supplies contact children. New Shrewsbury, visited here' Optft M. tt - TM* up to 24 monMa to pay the museum office. more time." No compulsion, no — List names of people who guilt! at Del Webb's resort-retire- t should be notified of death. ment community. Many women have church, I >/t" top - rxtvmh to 41 '/i " club and business friends who WIN A FREE TRIP may not be well known to the Ready fW imninliuti' ift>llv<-r> MMtark pint' family. from iiur iliHthttfui-lM-il Kurlt Aimrliuii nillirliim. Kltt- Make A Dale iiihfil in ram Kiilili'n lirown, Imlilly |ir»|Mii'lioiiril nilli TO BERMUDA! GRAPE-BERRY RELISH A pain directory of coming events lor non-prom orgamzn Mninn line »f llic IHTMMI. VIU ranlin y on tmir hvuAU To Introduce you to our beautiful new travel New treatment of a favorite. Uons. Rates: 12.00 for 3 lines for one day, $1.00 each addi- • i lmr«i' curd. oflice, we are giving away a FREE VACA- 2 cupa cranberries „ tional line; U00 for two days, fl 25 each addilional line; i • TION . . . nothing to buy. Just visit us and 1 large tairt red apple, cored $5 00 for three to five days. II 50 each addilional line; |6 00 Optn 10 to 5 Daily - i register for our drawing to be held January 1 small omnge, unpared ano for 10 days, $2 00 *ach addilional hnV; f 1000 (or 20 days, quartered with seeds $2.90 each addilional line. Deadline noon day before publi- INTKRIOR DESIGN SERVICE i 9,1974.. i removed cation. Call The Dally Register. 741-0010. auk for the Date ;< I 11 '.i of a 10-ounce jar Concord Secretary. • I Custom Collected Early i • t grape preserves American Furniture i M cup Mifar Today - For children, Dlal-a-Story with a Biblica. '• t i • j" • Force cranberries, apple and moral. Sponsored by King of Kings Lutheran Church of • t i INC. orange through the coarse Middletown. Dial (171-3319 < I CORNELIUS CORE L«. i blade of a food grinder. Add • [ Calli Ink. i 31 Church St. Little Sllvir prestrvts and sugar; mix well. DECEMBER 2N • [ i ON ROUTE M 411.1771 842-2600 Covtr and let stand several Parents Without Partnora General Meeting, lourih Open Friday Nlghl 'HI ViOOSun. I to 5 hour* before serving to allow Friday of every month, Holiday Inn. lluy M. w. Long r* ADJACENT TO Af.C. SPOUTS flavors to blend. Makes about I Rranch, H HO p.m. EligiblegUtStl welcome ii.' 7077". pint. The Daily Register, Red Buk-Mlddletown, N.J. Thursday, December 27,1*73 17 It's Curtain Up on 'Womb With a View'

fly DORIS KIL.HAN domilable queens, one of whom made Cecil Rhodes rich. Well, it's that time of year, and herewith The — Little League Baseball Inc, which doesn't Sexes first annual Womb With A View awards, af- The Sexes believe diamonds are a girl's best friend, for its an- fectionately known as Reggies — and you tan fig- nounced decision to fight the New Jersey Division ure that out without half trying on Civil Rights ruling that the organization's "hf women in the sport (more the Equal Rights Amendment with blatant appeals — Richard M. Nixon, among other things for than 40 per cent of the A.K.C. licensed judges and to a stereotyped female materialism ("American telling a 13-year-old girl who voiced ambition to en- 60 per cent of exhibitors are women). Pretty bit- husbands work hours of overtime tn buy a fur piece ter politics, "You're loo pretty. You'll probably get chy. or other finery to keep their wives in fashion jnd to married instead." Like Martha Mitchell? Or Bella ' — (iov William T Cahill, for talking a lol and pay premiums on their life Insurance policies to doing little about appointing women tn hi^h posts provide for her comfort when she is a widow ... I — The Red Bank Regional High School Board in his administration. Why name a competent don't think most women want to give that up"). of Education, for setting salaries of female custo- woman when you can find a corrupt man' Every time we meet the enemy it is uv dians at 75 per cent of male custodians' wages. The — The Rhodes Scholarship Committee, for — The American Medical Association, the board argues that men must do "heavy" jobs wom- turning down a New Jersey student whose stunning Monmouth County Medical Society, and organued en can't, such as sweeping out rooms, waxing academic achievement, athletic proficiency and medicine in general fnr refining the practice ol floors, mowing lawns. We trust the eight men mi proved college leadership.would seem la satisfy chauvinism into a medical science. the board are as considerate of their wives as they the application requirements of Intellectual attain- — Mayor Daniel J. O'llern ami Ibe Red Hank are of hired help and have taken over similar ment, character, leadership and physical vigor. Borough Council (or striving mightly (and so tar, "heavy" work at home. But the committee said Ada StpinmeU doesn't DO* vainly) to oust a responsibly run group foster home — The Red Bank First Aid Squad, for ignoring sess the "qualities of manhood" Rhodes stipulated for eight hapless teenage girls on the grounds that the experience of sister squads in communities in a will it will take the British Parliament to the neighborhood is too good for them. This may neighboring and afar which have female member*, .chance. It would bchpovc the Rhpdes men to intci seem more a humanist than a sexist issue — imag- and continuing to deny a woman membership on pret "man" in the generic, rather than genilul ine the greater ruckus If the home housed eight the grounds that the work is "too heavy." See sense, if only because Britain knew her greatest boys! —but that's what the women's movement is abtve. glory (if glory it was) in the reign oi two in all about, the building of a humane society.

Mp <4n M Landers' Double Is Double-Dealer

Dear Ann Landers: I have a If you see me on the street, 'seem to be a telephon-ahohc. now pronounce you man and problem. I look like you. or any place at all, please say - He Made Me One wife," the btide grabbed the People are always stopping hello. But don't ask for ad- Dear One: You and thou- groom and nearly strangled Miss Illllniunn me on the street, in the super- vice. I don't counsel on the Ann Landers sands of others. Alexander him with a kiss that was so Miss Rotolo Miss Kurlato markets, any place at all, and hoof. It isn't fair to you OR to (liaham Bell probably didn't passionate everybody in UN- asking me for advice. I used me. •• ••: •• • ••• - ... : know it but his invention church laughed. I didn't Hunk to say, "I'm not Ann Landers. Dear Ann Landers: I am it is morally wrong to let a told the man who complained serves as "therapy" for a it was funny. You are mistaken," but lately getting a divorce soon. My man support children that are that his wife was a telephone large segment of society. Will you please say some- I've decided that maybe I can husband was physically abu- not his. For this reason I think yakker, "Maybe you don't Thank you for saying it. thing about wedding kisses Engagements do some good (besides, they sive from the first month of I should tell him. Do you talk to her and she feels the Dear Ann Landers: Why and good taste'.' Or am I look so disappointed when I our marriage. This does not agree? — New Woman In In- need to talk to SOMEBODY." don't you and Mayor Lindsay square and old-fashioned.' "tell them I'm not you). So, excuse what I did, however. I diana I married a non-commu- take a walk — into the Hud- (PS 1 am 43 years old ) — Tannenbaum-Rotolo I've been giving a little advice need your advice. Dear Woman I have a nag- nicator. On the rare occasion son? Mother Of The (iroom F.AST KKWSIIl IKi - An- late Mrs THnnenbaum. A Sep- if the problem isn't too com- .Three years ago I started to ging suspicion that the real that he feels like talking, hr His letter on guns and your nouncement is made by Mr. Dear Mother: Passionate' tember wedding is planned plicated. see a married .man. (No lec- reason you want to tell your ridicules me for asking such hysterical attack about the and Mrs I'eler Rotolo, I'll Wil- kisses should be saved for the Miss Hntolo was graduated Almost everyone thanks me tures, please.) I had tuo chil- husband the children aren'l stupid questions. Our conver- millions of innocent people liams .\ve, nf the engagement honeymoon. from Mlddletown Township and I sec no harm in it. (One dren with him. Now, the real his is so he will give"you full sations always end up in a ter- who are scared to death to Of their daughter, Miss Irene High School and has attended problem. My husband loves custody. rific argument. lady kissed me.) I should also walk from a bus slop to their Dear Ann Landers: A cer- Rotolo, to Paul s. Tan- Traphagan School of Fashion these kids and has no idea 1 tell you, Ann, that I've signed Sorry, Lady, according In Women have more of a need homes makes no sense. tain person in our office says nenhaum, son of Murray Tan- Design and Fashion Institute they aren't his. I have offered a few autographs when there law the kids are his. And they to talk than men, especially "(inod morning" to everybody nenhaum of Brooklyn, amtthe nl Technology in New York. to forego support and alimony Why don't you* and Iliz/.oner was no way out of it. MAY be his, biologically, as the trapped hnusewile with who walks in the door. If he She is employed by the Sim- if he will give me complete go back and read the Second Please say if it is O.K. I'm well. Keep quiet and settle for young children. The telephone doesn't get a reply, he will fol- plicity Pattern vo. New custody lie has refused, Amendment, contained in the beginning to [eel guilty. — Joint custody. Pass up the ali- can be her link with the out- low that individual around- Updike-Hillmann York, as a pattern designer saying he wants to support his Kill of Rights? It says. \ Your Carbon Copy in Houston mony if you want to, but don't side world He is nut among and keep repeating "(Inod MIIMH.I TOWN - Miss for children's wear. children. well-regulated militia being Dear Copy: Ills NOT O.K.. try to cut this man off from people during the day so it's morning" until he gels an an- Amelia Ann Ihllmann and Mr. Tiinnenbaum is a grad- necessary to the security of a Cut it out. And now if you'll I have changed my whole the children. Kids need all the easy to see why he is content swer Samuel Donncllon Updike uate ol Lafayette High School, move over, the real Ann life and am behaving like a love they can get - from any- to read the paper and watch free Slate, the right of the plan to be married .Ian lf> in It's not that I am mi Brooklyn. He served four Landers would like to stand model mother. I am not place they can get It, TV at night. If there's no con- people to keep and bear arms the Holy Spirit Catholic friendly, but I can't stand to years in Ihe t'.S. Air Force up and say something in her seeing anyone hut my con- Dear Ann Landers: You lul versation it's O.K. with him. shall not be infringed " Sign Church. Lake Wales, Fla An- hear "flood morning" :niii and attended Merced (Calif J readers: science is bothering me. I feel it dght on the head when you So. pardon me, Ann, il I «M> — Mudcnl .irtmeiil at K- had a lovely wedding for them Church here. listing in "Who's Who in Mart, West Long Bran< h because the bride's parents All area residents aie urged GENTLEMEN'S CHOICE - Young teenage Kathy Ratney, Little Silver; Jason De Mont,, American Junioi Colleges" decided not tri'hless the union in have their children tested dance students of Lois McDonald assembled for Shrewsbury, and Lesley Beckman and Kent due to religious difference*. lor detection of amblyopia the annual Christmas dance at The Barn, Mrs. Deary, Fair Haven. At the end of the cercmonv (lazy eye) or other eye de- McDonald's Rumson studio, include from left when the clergyman said, I lects. COMPLETE SELECTION OF


REDUCED HATS • NOISMAKERS HOLIDAY SAVES n. pair DECORATIONS • PAPER PLATES • PLASTIC ORINKWARE You'll ahc find paper party food* to pi AND FLATWARE... EVERYTHING YOU NEED! your theme, nntl color acheme. hen, RATES - LOW. LOW PRICES FOR GROUPS OF ALL SIZES - CLURS December 21st thru January 1st - ORGANIZATIONS - CHURCHES - HOUSE PARTIES WEEKDAYS.., '8.00 • RENT • WEEKENDS '12.00 Fall Shoes & Boots CHAIRS • TABLES • CHINA • FU1WMC CUSSES • UNEM • FOUNTAINS • CHAFING DISHES NEW SHREWSBURY The Candle Light] ALL PURPOSE The For Gifts That Are Different RENTAL CENTER JMnmurf RACQUET CLUB Mtshl 7/0 R.irr K..jrf • (lit II,irn, N I 747-0464 111 \ IIRO.U) ST. HUMIWk 741-2144 f 741-0040 GILBERT ST. NORTH NEW SHREWSBURY The Dally Register, Red Bank-Mlddktowo, N.J. Thursday, December Zl, 1171 Ranger Power Play Overtakes Flyers, 2-1 By The Associated Press a brilliant duel with goalie apiece as the Maple Leafs Besides McDonald, the To- Gerry Desjardins of the Islan- pounded the Canadiens 9-2 in ronto scorers were Paul Bobby Rousseau set up Ted ders. ac- Henderson, Rick Kehoe, Inge Irvine for a power-play goal Desjardins stood up to a 44- tion. Hammarstrom, Bob Neely, midway through the second shot North Star onslaught, , "At least it gives a coach Dave Keon, Jim McKenny period, lifting the New York nine by BUI Goldsworthy. something to talk to his play- and Daryl Sittler. Rangers to a 2-1 National Only Nanne's shot over Des- ers about," said Ruel, search- Islanders goalie Gerry Des- Hockey League victory over jardins' left shoulder at 10:01 ing for the silver lining. "It's jardins made 43 saves, but it the last of the first period prevented a not that I'm saying it's not a was Minnesota's Cesar Ma- night. scoreless tie. Danny Grant shame, because it is, but if niago who got the shutout. With the score tied, 1-1, checked the puck away from you're going to tqse badly, it Lou Nanne's goal in the final Philadelphia's Jim Watson an Islander to keep it in the makes no difference what the minute of the first period look was penalized for holding Bil- New York zone and Nanne final score is." • the luster off a superb per- ly Kairbairn at 10:59 of the fired in the winning goal from In other NHL games, the formance by Desjardins. second period. The Rangers 25 feet after a pass to the Minnesota North Stars "All the rebounds were go- capitalized 20 seconds later point. blanked the New York Islan- ing out to our guys," says Ma- when Rousseau centered a Montreal's Michel Plasse ders 1-0; the Vancouver Ca- niago, who made 29 saves. "I pass from the right side to Ir- made 36 saves against the To- nucks defeated the California don't think they had a vine, who shot the puck past ronto Maple Leafs last night. Golden Seals 6-4; the Detroit rebound chance all night." Flyers' go*alie Bemie Parent. But it was the nine he didn't Red Wings and Pittsburgh ' "If we get 40 shots a game Rod Gilbert gave New York make which prompted Claude Penguins battled to a 2-2 tie, we're going to keep winning," a 1-0 lead at 9:46 of the open- Ruel, the former coach of the and the said Minnesota Coach Parker and Chicago Black Hawks MacDonald. "We played very AP Wlriphoto ing period, converting a Canadiens who now serves as WHERE'D IT GOT - While Minnesota North Star him as teammate Craig Cameron (19) and the ref rebound of a shot by Brad the team's director of player played a 3-3 draw. well. The score doesn't tell Bill Goldsworthy (8) thinks his team has scored, watch the action in goalie Gerry Desjardln's end Park. Rousseau also assisted personnel, to comment: "I The Maple Leafs, leading 2- the story. We should have had New York Islander Dave Lewis (20) lies noncha- ot the rink last night. on the play. It was the 10th cannot remember such a 1 after the first period, broke five Or six more, but Desjar- lantly nearby on the ice with the puck alongside goal in the last 12 games for loss." the game open in the second dins was out of this world." Gilbert, who leads the Rookie Lanny McDonald period, taking advantage of Syl Apps scored with just Rangers in scoring with 18 scored two goals and seven the porous Montreal defense three minutes left in the game goals and 40 points. other Toronto players had one for four goals. to gain a tie for the Penguins. Bill Clement tied the score Knicks Dee-fense Pistons; for Philadelphia at 14:36 of rill miitliit the opening period when he took a pass from Bob Kelly and beat Ranger goalie Ed Giacomin from the slot. Nets Tangled by Cougars The third period went score- WHA Back to NYC less, with Giacomin making a By The Associated Press 84 lead with 6:09 to go. Dave King, with 22 points, 105-95 American Basketball number of sparkling saves on By ED WALSH night that Winnipeg will move to Detroit, A basket by Jerry Lucas, and lf(il) Lamer, with 19. Association victory. shots from in front of the net freeing Hull to sign with the Whalers. Dave DeBusschere sparked another veteran, started the topped the Pistons. Detroit led NEW YORK - The World Hockey Associ- The Garden's former tenants, the New The Nets pulled within two by , BUI Bar- a last period comeback last New York breakout, and then by as many as nine-points in ber and Bill Flett. ation will make a strong comeback in New Jersey Knights, who now play in Cherry Hill, night to help the New York DeBusschere hit his two .bas- the~ early "going, fell behind by points early in the final quar- York next season, The Daily Register learned will move to Indianapolis under a new owner ter, but the Courgars out- NHL Milestone Knicks clip the Detroit Pis- kets', .Walt Frailer tallied a eight in the third period, and Cesare Maniago marked hM last night. as part of the reshuffling. tons, 96-91. bucket, and DeBusschere hit then surged into the one-point scored New York, 14-1, during Last year's champs, the New England In addition to solving the Whalers' money one stretch, grabbed an 87-72 375th NHL game with his 25th DeBusschere, who has been twoVreg throws to put the advantage on the hut shooting Whalers, beset by financial troubles this year, problems, the move to New York would put lead and remained in com-' career shutout as Lou Nane's on a personal hot streak — av- game out of reach for the of George. Trapp in the early will move into Madison Square Garden under the WHA back in the running for a solid Tele- mand the rest of the way. first-period goal gave the Min- eraging better than 26 points Knicks, which hud three minutes ol the closing period. nesota North Stars a 1-0 vic- new ownership and will bring the league's vision contract. in his previous five games — of its last four stains. Cougars Coast Calvin scored 21 points tory over the New York Islan- crown jewel, Bobby Hull, with them. The league official also said that Simone No- hit two baskets and'as many DeBusschere wound up with The Carolina Cougars, led while added 19 and ders. HuU, who was made a millionaire by the let of the PhUadelphia Fliers and Pierre Jarre, free throws in a five-minute 23 points, while Frazicr added by Mack Calvin and Ted set a new league record for Maniago, without a shutout Winnipeg Jets, has a clause in his contract a former Ranger now with Detroit, would join stretch, when New York out- '22. The Knicks held an oppo- McClain, stormed past the steals with 12. McClain sur- in 23 appearances this season, which makes him a free agent if the Jets move Bobby Rousseau of the Rangers in the leap to scored Detroit 12-4, after the nent under 100 points for the New York Nels with u [iiurlh- passed the old mark of 10 set stopped 29 New York shots in from Winnipeg. A high league source said last the Quebec Nordiques of the WHA next season. Pistons had rallied for an 85- 17th time this season. period surge and recorded a by teammate Joe Caldwell. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimHiMiiiiiiimiin IIMIIMIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIUMIt

New Yor k (H) Oclroil (III G F T| Bradley ] |51 Adams c F T OBuchr 10 3 231 Row* 7 3 17 LUC OS I 0 3!Lonl«r 3 1 S Memloer I 0 1 Blng 1 5 l» Fl I « Z2 Ford I 6 31 RBC, Buc Gab Win; 4 0 I Dovlt 1 0 6 Branchers Win, Rockets Fall » I UiKtlso 3 16 5 I 11'Menglt 0 0 0 i Nrwood 1 2 4 iTropp 0 I I S 1 II Tololl 41 13 «6lTotol» 35 ji n Niv> York...: » a I) 30 -M OelroU 26 It J3 31 -91 In Out-of-Town Tournaments Seraphs, Devils Score f-ouled out—None Total loull—Ntwi 1York 31, Detroit 32 HIGHLANDS - Ked Bank man Basketball Tournament mouth in the victors' bracket. A-I1.34I, RAMSEY — Long Branch played a tenacious defense to Sescik. Tournamel here yesterday. < Regional, Shore Regional, at Shore Regional yesterday. Cornelius Gamble led Ked rkllll Carolina ll«> scored its first win of the year send the Comets to their sec- Fred Balina and Steve Ox- The Rockets dropped a 77-67 O F T| OFT Mater Dei and Red Bank In other first-round play, Bank with :i(l points, while Ervlng 13 7 33 Cldwell 5 0 II by beating Hackensack, 34-29, ond defeat. Hackensack has ley led the Wave in the first verdict to host Cranford. Catholic scored first-round Kenen 4 0 1 Owem 3 0 4 half, but Les Puryear, high Red Bank Regional topped Brian Johnson scored 17 for Paultt 3 I 7~ Chorm 6 4 U in the first round of the Don won twice. victories in the girls' division RumsonKair Haven Region- Kumson, Wlrmort I 4 30 Calvin SI1 21 Bosco Invitational Tourna- The low-scoring game fea- for Long Branch with nine Cranford had to overcome a i I 13 MtClon t I K of the Casey Holiday Festival al, 57-47; Ked Hank Catholic l.onnle lUirgoss accounted 3 I o Jones 0 0 0 ,mcnt here last irtght. tured dose guarding on both points, chipped in with timely 43-39 deficit at the half. -" ss 3 2 Mnnlng • 0 II at Henry Hudson Regional downed Henry Hudson Re- for 13 Casey points Kill Max- 1 0 Llttl«S 4 J 10 The win sends the Green sides. Few fouls were called. goals In the late going. John McDermott led Rari- Schortr Wuvclk 2 16 yesterday. gional, 40-23. and Monmouth son had seven for the Admi- Solurnr Wave into a semi-final game The teams were tied going Sescik led both teams with tan to his lead by scoring 10 of Tololl 3111 Ii Total! 33 20,105' Red Bank Regional edged Regional bounced Mater Dei, rals. New York. 17 34 34 ii -us tomorrow night against a foe into the last period, but Long 10 points. his 31 points in the first peri- St. Mary's, 27-26; Shore Re- 53-41. Carolina 31 30 30 34 — I0S to be decided. Joe Smith's 19 markers Total touls-New York 21. Carolina 27 Branch outscored the Comets, Rockets Downed , » v od, but the winners got a gional downed Middletown, Thompson and Ked Hank were high (or Mnnmoulh. lechnkal loull— Corollno Aisl. Coaiti The Wave, which lost Its 7-2, in that frame. Hacken- CRANFOBD - Raritan was more balanced effort, /our MM 32-26; Mater Dei beat Mon- are set for today in the semis, Dave McCarthy led Mater Dei Three point goals — Ervlng, Taylor, first three games — two of sack's only points came on a a first-round victim in the players score in double fig- Roch«. Caldwell mouth Regional, 42-30; and while RBC'i frosh play Mon- with Hi. A-6.297 them by one.point each, pair of free throws by George Cranford Holiday Basketball ures. Bruce Bishop led the Red Bank Catholic outlasted way with 18, while teammates Henry Hudson Regional, 23-15. George Davis, Jim Hobbie The Red Bank Regional -St. and Pete Pierce added 17, 15 Mary's game went 'right down and 12 respectively. to the wire with Ihc Bucettes CBA Pounds Ocean* Girds for Piners earning a one-point win. Pierce was responsible for Gloria Gadson was high with the beginning of the Cranford By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN me Colts wonted out only once during that time. comeback. He scored eight nine points. * Register Sports Editor "We were flat," said Cox. Ronelle Maher led Shore points in the third period and Lakewood's superior height took its toll on a game St. Davis hit for 11 in the fourth Regional to its win over Mid- WKST LONG BRANCH - Christian Brothers Academy Rose team. The Piners (2-0), held to a 19-all first period tie dletown by scoring 13 points, to help his team pull away for didn't have to wait long for the opportunity to gain revenge scored the first seven points of the second period, including good. and Mater Dei gut 20 from against I.akewood, which severed its 37-game winning streak three straight iayups by Willie Troy, and forged to a 38-27 half- Nancy Mcllugh and 12 from Lono • toruh (Ml Hotknniirk IXI last week. The Colts and Piners collide tonight in the semi-fi- time lead. OFG F T G F T Betty Jean Uresh while beat- nals of the Holiday Basketball Jubilee at Monmouth College. The Purple Roses (2-2) never drew any closer than 50-43 BMIno 3 3 1 Lor Mm 1 I S ing Monmouth Regional. Gllllord 0 0 Sescik 4 I 10 CBA advanced here yesterday by destroying Ocean Town- late in the third period, after which the Piners scored eight Green* 3 li Wright I I jiB 0 4 M. PrWIlTrbd I 0 Red Bank Catholic was ship with surprising ease, 74-56, while Lakewood got by its straight to end the stanza on top, 58-43. I 5 Pletrnky 3 I paced by Kerri Hlggihs, who Ken" 0, 01 Allison 0 I first round encounter against St. Rose, also with plenty to Troy wound up with 14 point's, one less than team leader Onlty 3 6 Her bet I 1 0 scored seven points High spare, 78-60. - ' Kevin King. Durv ear I 9: P. TrbllM 0 0 scorer in the game was Alison In other first round action" last night, Asbury Park de- St. Rose's Bill Morrow captured game honors with 18. Ed Tololl 13 I 34! Total) 13 J 71 Loori of Henry Hudson, who feated a pesky Wall Township team, 62-52, and Neptune sur- Dooley added a dozen more. Lona Branch..... 10 10 7 7 —34 Hockemock | 10 » 3 -3» had nine vived a scare before beating Manasquan, 55-48. Asbury Park Asbury Park (3-1) and Wall Township (21) went into the and Neptune's semi-final meeting will take place Friday night final period tied at 44 after a see-saw three periods that saw Cnmtoril (7M Jayvee Victors TF T NF.W SHREWSBURY - at 9, the same hour that CBA and Lakewood clash tonight. Wall gain as much as a nine-point lead, 19-10, after running off Klroon t 3 S Howie 7 I 15 Frealete 3 0 i Pierce 6 0 13 Middletown. Rod Bank He- CBA, which won its second straight since its long string 11 straight points late in the first quarter and early in the sec- McOermott IS I 31 Bishop * 0 II Hogan 6 1 U.Femtrmn « 0 gional, Henry Hudson and was snapped last Friday night for a 3-1 season record, used su- ond. Asbury, however, led, 28-26, at halftime by scoring eight Carroll 3 0 3 Davis • I perior rebounding and shooting to completely outclass Ocean, of the last nine points before the intermission. Feglor 3 0 J.PIovIe 0 I Monmouth Regional advanced Charley o a in the Casey Festival Junior now it A long jumper by Bob Pryzyblowski with 5:23 left in the uarmak I 0 0 3 Varsity Tournament here yes- • The Colts outrebounded the Spartans, 46-24,,wilh 6-8 junior contest gave the Crimson Knights their last lead. The Blue Kiln terday center Kob Roma hauling down 22,in addition to scoring a Bishops then ran up 10 consecutive points, six by Lcroy Wash- Middletown downed Shore game high of 23 points on 9 for 15 shooting from the field. As a ington and fouc by Jim Ferguson, to sew up the verdict. Regional, 70-68, hclund Rich team, CBA shot 27 of 58 from the field, but the Colts first half Asbury's decisive height advantage, principally in the per- Kasten's 25 points, high for showing vi'as a torrid IB of 28. They wen 20 ol 21 from the foul son of Washington (6-6) and Ferguson (6-5), who scored 20 and the day line, 15 points, respectively, from close range, took Its toll on Wall. Red Bank Regional lieal Roma's performance was his norm, but Cox got fine ef- Pryzyblowski was high for the game with 21 points, and Rumson-Fair Haven Region- forts from his entire starting lineup. Charlie Carney contrib- teammates Duke Madsen and Mike Kachelreiss combined for al, 49-30, and Henry Hudson. uted It points, and Bill Wheatley chipped In with 10. Mark 25 more markers. with Don Brown scoring 17, Schroeter and Blanc (ordes had eight apiece. An eight-point run that began with four minutes left to edged Ked Bank Catholic, 39- Ocean, with its one-two punch of Bruce Hlatky (21 points) play broke a 44-all tie to propel Neptune (2-2) past Manasquan, S3. Monmouth Regional up- and Jim Cassldy (18), but little else, stayed close only in the which lost its first game after three victories. ended Mater Dei, 42-3K. first period, as (HA could muster only a 12-9 edge. Late In the first period and early in the second Neptune In the second period, however, the Colts caught fire, as ran off a dozen unanswered points io lift itself from an 8-2 Frosh Festival Honiii, who settled for feeding his teammates during Ihe early deficit, but Manasquan refused to fold and rebounded with a WKST LONG BRANCH - filing, began going to the hoop. An eight-point CBA run, six of six-point streak of its own for a 20-20 halftime count. Thompson Junior High the points by Roma, opened a 22-11 spread and the rout was In the third period it was the Scarlet Fliers who had to School, led hy Mark Ciewe. on. bounce back for a 34-all knot heading into the final eight min- beat Shore Regional's fresh- Later in the period, the Colts tallied eight more unans- utes of play. men, 34-27, in the first round wered pomis (in a 36-19 lead, and their 26-14 second quarter With five minutes left to play, two fouls and a lap-in by of the Casey Festival Krcsh- bulge made it 38-23 at halftime. Jack Algor and a free throw by Mark Forrest put'the Warriors "Our kids played a fine ball game,'' said Cox. "One of our out front, 42-38, but they couldn't hold off the winners' late Soulhern, Kcucli probltma hai bMn outside shooting help from our guards." surge Roma received satisfactory offensive help yesterday, and Kevin Amey and Tyrone Austin paced Neptune with 16 and Gral» Openers lie will need more of the same against Lakewood tonight. The 15 points, respectively, while Sam Johnson chimed in with 12. 1 MANAIIAWKIN - Host nil. looked eager to gain revenge for that streak-snapping <>4- 'Squan's John Daitnn was high for the game with 16 points, team Southern Regional .mil to the Plnen, who may have benefllted last week by a and Forrest had 10. Point Pleasant Beach opened five-day period of inactivity due to a lack of heating at CBA. Tonight's CHA-I.akewond semi-final will follow a loser's The Sunflower bracket meeting between Ocean and St. Rose at 7 o'clock. the Southern Regional Round- I l*n»ootl |7ll '199 ball Tournament here lait Friday night's semi-final (Neptune-Asbury Park) will be Romn • S 23 Mlolky OFT played after Wall goes against Manasquan. night with victories. 3 4 10 rmid 4 I • inNufejMk.Hl khroettr 3 3 1 3 I S The championship game ii set for Saturday night. Southern rolled by Central J i ta Rot* I J II I 4 0 Ilkldmore Regional, 86-67, and Point I 0 3 I I rnedrtmi I Wall Tewntfiip (111 AvIMry t>i»» 1111 0 3 I n.m G F Tl OPT Beach downed Jackson, 72-57. 0 0 II I Intlll.. i'I V0 13 Algor 3 II BOAT Kochttreln 6 0 111 0 0 0 0 I balloOoVon While Action continues tonight SPINNING TO WINNING - Christian BrotheVs 0 Proll ' ? Ill 0 0 I) Rtilrlinr, 0 Henry 2 0 4 Forrest Modsen I ) with St, Joseph's of Toms l(n Academy's Mark Schroeter (52) tvvists and spins 1 0 1 HimmMmon I) 0 1 Amy 7 ] II Fowler PriMoskl I } HOUSE Foy 0 Roller I 0 7 Austin 1 1) I! Koenlg ! 1 (i taking on point Pdasant around OceanTownship's Vaughn SKI . Ojjjnootll 0 0 Lona 4 1 10 HuMxrd ~ 4 Koto I) I) lorm\r>rt 1133 OCEAN AVI. I fenretk «nVS. - a I 0 I iiiini ii | |i ni and Brick score In yesterday's opening round of the Holiday /optic I 0 ii 0 MA MIOHT t\ it u TtHU J0J060. IMMI 11 14 71 tows 33 I U Tololl Township meeting Toms Kit, Basketball Jubilee at Monmouth College. I in- Tololl 37 70 7< Totnll 71 14 7< I « TotiDs II It II Urnrn II I 17 -10 10 III 14 Wall TmraB I -n 842-2211 *r North at 8;30p in Colts trounced the Spartans, 74-56. s l*|i .. t II • 34 -M lonewood II I* 30-71 I I) II If 19 Asbury Pork. 14 -41 II - 13 I * Tie Dally Register, Bed Baak-Mttdietawa, N.J. Ttanday, December 27.1171 II Hudson, Buccos, Devils Festive: Heard Saves Seraphs' Triumph By RICH NICOLETTI RED BANK - An upset sandwiched in between a rousing starting and an un- believable, finish were all characteristics of yesterday's 10th annual Casey Basketball Festival openers played at Red Bank Catholic's Gym. The nightcap between Ma- ter Dei and Monmouth Re- gional could read like some- thing out of the Brothers Grimm. Mater Dei came out a 75-74 victor, but not before Bill Heard dropped in a shot from under the boards at the buzzer. Red Bank Catholic, which defeated Henry Hudson Re- gional last week by four points saw the rejuvenated Admirals bounce back for a 70-56 win and a trip to the semis. Red Bank Regional, the most surprising team in the event, handed Rumson-Fair Haveri Regional an 84-78 set- back, and Shore Regional sur- vived its turnovers and came from behind to beat Middle- town Township, 68-64. Mater Dei will play Henry Hudson at 3:30 p.m. today, while Red Bank and Shore clash at 8:30 p.m. In the losters' brackets, WELL ARMED — The battle for the ball was a continuous show ROUNDBALL IN MOTION — Mater Del's Bill Heard (21) and Monmouth and RBC take In yesterday's four-game Casey Festival. Red Bank Catholic's Steve McCarthy (15) appear to be gliding after the ball with court at 2 p.m. and Rumson Dave Bauer (35) and teammate Bob Ovens (43) come down Monmouth Reglonal's Ken Spahn hot on their trail and Middletown are scheduled with the ball this time against Henry Hudson Regional's Tom the Casey Festival. Mater Dei won the squeaker, 75-74 on fora 7p.m. start. Masse (51). Hudson upset last year's runnerup, 70-55. Heard's last-second heroics. Hudson Wins A lapse suffered by Red The Hudson win marked the The Bulldogs received played to an 18-18 deadlock af- points with two minutes left in White was the consistent GRABBING CONTEST - Red Bank Reglonal's Bank Catholic in the last first time it has beaten RBC strong games from Mike ter a period. The Bucks went the game as George Ramos force for Shore. He scored 26 Doug Scott (43) appears to have the reach on hfs three minutes of the game since 1965. Miles (20). Dick Crichlow (19) up by three at the half but a began to find the range, but points and kept the Devils in Rumson-Fair Haven Regional foe John Emery as allowed Henry* Hudson to Bucs Score and Mike Connor (15). layup by John Emery early in Shore scored the last 10 points the game until they finally got the two go up tor a rebound In yesterday's Casey walk away with the win. The The Rumson-Red Bank It was Crichlow who kept the fourth gave Rumson a of the game to pull it out. themselves together in the Festival. The Buccaneers won, 84-78. game was close throughout. battle was about the best his team close in the fourth point margin. Back and forth Bob Woolley started the fourth period. Then Hudson grabbed the played of the day. Both teams period when he began to con- went the lead until the roof fi- drive with a jump shot and Joe Corbett was the most Seraphs swept to a 17-point Mater Dei had 14 seconds to lead for good at 4:32 of the were hot from the floor, and nect from the outside. Miles nally caved in on the Bull- Bert White sank two foul consistent Lion. He wound up lead to close the third period, score the winning point, but third period on a layup by the bout remained close until was devastating. He scored 14 dogs. shots to cut the Lion margin with an 18-polnt day. but Falcon Paul Kaikaka put bodies were flying all over the the Bucs scored 10 straight in points in the first half, but John Conncll. Shore Survives to two. Serapki Saved on a show of his own in the court, and it appeared that no The Admirals stretched the the last three minutes of. the was shut out in the third when White tied the game with a Rill Heard saved the Se- fourth period and turned the one would even get off a shot. third period. Red Bank jumped ah^ad. Winless Middletown nearly lead to six points at the con- pulled off a big upset over er- steal and a layup and Woolley raphs last night. He scored 26 game around completely. The ball finally went, to Heard, clusion of the third session The shooting by both teams Bulldog mentor Tom Botti ror-ridden Shore. took a pass and went in for points, but the big one was his Kaikaka scored 12 of his 19 who dodged in and out of wav- and never got closer than four was extraordinary. Red. was amazed by the talented The Blue Devils just what proved to be the winning last. It was a hasty pop from points in the session and final- ing arms for his* one and only points away for the duration. Bank's John Holden led the Bucs. "John Holden is some- couldn't put anything togeth- shot with seconds remaining. underneath that sent the ly put his team up by a point shot. , "They played a real good game with 31. points. He thing else," he said. "That er. Theyshat 9 for 32 from the Bob Shirvanian completed the Casey Gym into bedlam. on a pair of foul shots with scoring with a layup. Monmouth Regional was out just seconds to go. Paul Harrington scored 15 game," said RBC coach Joe scored 20 in the second half. team will go a long way with floor in the first half as the Mater Dei points and Tom Kristofik. of Hudson. "That His Buc teammate Doug Scott him." of it right from the start. The >MmMPH|7f) Kdiiink IMI Lions slipped to a 30-29 lead at. Hi. Co» OSI Henry Hudlon 1711 O F Tl OFT Sullivan chipped in 10. Hung'recker*(Bill) is too tallied 24 and punished the G F Tl G r T MMtoaJp. « n IUI Conor t 1 I) Sloter 10 1 Marksmanship was the key- intermission. •i Hngrckr II I 7) OFT Olctilow I ]] It Jen Holder! 13 1] Moter Del 01) Menmenth 1)1) much." Bulldogs with his hook shot. word right from the begin- Middletown was up by four I'Mone 7 4 1 Shrvnon 7 S » Cor I 0 II 0 F T| OFT 17 'Lowler hit. 10 » 74 Hook I 7 I M Truo. ning. The two teams traded at the end of the third. The ISiTonoo WooKty 4 1 10 Provlne 4'Wolker 7 Cornell 7 0 4 Retlly KMurti . 4|Hororr* bucket after bucket and Lions led by as much as six INoonon 5 1 I Harrington 9 II IS Her Kir ] I 7 Laura rAcCorfcy • Smith 0 0 0 Atoot Sullivan Icumon Ml 0 0 0 Connelly Khlwnlr •rodlev t 0 OlHoeklIHopfclm 10 0 loohn Gar tend TotoH O t UlTotoll TofcUl U It Mi' Total* M II ( Tatou nun Totoii Totoll I) 17 14 B -4 tolrt. K.B.Cottl 13 70 I. Shore 1 Motor D*l Braves Henry Huion.. I] It 70 MlWIelown Watt.! :...:. !J IS 5? Titans Roll YOU CAN'T ENJOY IT FREEHOLD - It will be Braves switched to a press In Manalapan against Keans- the second and started to pull burg at 7 p.m. and Freehold away. taking on Marlboro at 8:30 Bob Lane of Freehold YOU DON'T p.m. today in the second Township led all scorers with round of the Freehold District 19 points, but Pete Jeremich Holiday Basketball Tourna- and Vince Dozier of Manala- ment. pan each had 18. GET THERE Manalapan beat Freehold Using a fast break off their Township, 71-54; Keansburg press, the Braves ran off 28 whipped Keyport, 51-35; Marl- points in a loose fourth period. boro eliminated Matawan Re- Only in the second period gional, 56-42. and Freehold could the Raiders find the nipped Howell, 48-44, in yes- hoop, and they scored more terday's action. than half their points (18) in Freehold, the host school, that stanza. grabbed a large lead in the first period and stretch it !» The Titans got excellent 42-24 at the close of the third ball handling from Pete Peltz period. and John Donnelly. They were Howell nearly caught up in the game's high men with 14 WEATHER-MASTER the finale. The Rebels held and 13 points, respectively. PREMIUM* 71 the Colonials to just six points Marlboro surprised Mata- * Two llbtrglaaa cord in the fourth while scoring 20 wan by controlling the boards, balta and two polyester points. and that turned out to be the cord pll«t Freehold Township took an key to the Mustangs' win. early lead against Manalapan * Doatgnad to rocelva Although their big man, motal traction studa •' Register Staff Photo* by Lorry Perno but failed to hold it against Doug Zielinski, got into early the taller Braves. * 17/32 Inch Powor-Drlvo LION HAS IT — Middletown Township's Joe Cor- foul trouble, the Mustangs WEATHER-MASTER bett (52) Is about to come down with a rebound in The Patriots took advan- still outrebounded the Husk- traad front of Shore Regional's Bert White (?5). Look- taged of a sagging Manalapan ies, particularly on their of- * Four polyt-tttr cord * Modorn "71 Sarlat" Ing on Is Lion Jim Hopkins (55). Shore won the defense to hit short jumpers in ' fensive board. pll*t " alilng the first period, but the Casey Festival first-round bout, 68-64. Monolopon 171) frruwXd T« IH' * Tread molded to OFT Jeremch I I II Smith 3 4 10 r«c*lv« metal traction Gordon 4 3 II Gilbert 1 0 < Sormtod 4 7 10 Lone I ) It ttudt Horrlvn 4 I t Rolnrir, 1 0 I Owier • 0 II Coa ! 0 10 * 15/32 Inch long Poo. 0 3 3 Mulyko I 0 7 Hornets, Lancers to Meet 0 I 1 Peorion 1 0 1 Aleilo mllMgo traad 30 II 71 To** * Two groove tread It IS It lit. Freehold T»p JO - J4 design In Holmd^l Cage Finals MorlMro IUI Motowon 1471 G F G F T BLACKWAU. * Modern "71 Serlti" BELTED WHITEWALL 7 0 14 Pitmen I 4 79 PMCC F.B.T. '• ailing HOLMDEL - Defending Th&Lancers, now 3-2 on the Guy Leigh contributed 10 Zielnki 3 I 7 Undrwod 2 0 tun mice Fix ICO 4 0 17 Somert I 0 7 m 1I.M 2.24 champion and host St. John seasonL displayed a balanced points to the winning effort. ' McConn I I S Wolclk 7 O 14 art-u cra-14 MM 211 Cohen I o 7 Hurley I 0 7 MM IN Vianney will oppose Holmdol scorinXattark led by Mike St .lames, which bad I 17- IH I 7 I Mndv.le 0 0 0 i/a-u 17.M 2.31 in tomorrow night's title gami- Durling\ 15 points Larry field goal ecluc put only one RooirT*1 3 7 I Seek 0 0 0 ort-M »H 2.M rra-u 21M 2.M Paten 0 0 0 Bocon 0 0 0 070-11 n.M 2.11 Hoss cannAl 11 points and Joe Klelorg 0 0 0 Loown 0 0 0 M.M 217 of the second annual llolmdi'l player in double figures Kcilh 0 0 0 Lclkvch 0 0 0 ora-M Holiday Basketball Tourna- Lauro and Bill Carry had 10 Miller hit for 13. Archer 0 0 0 Mendei 0 0 0 HTfrif ».M Ml ora-is JIM 2.7J Koche 0 0 0 tl John V im Gorer* •ra-ii 2T.M JOI 4e ment. each. Terrv 0 0 0 Mra-i* MM 2.M G f T •UK "V 4 J 10 L7f-1l MM 1.11 ' 'M •• IN jra-is ISM St. John's defeated St. St. Mary's had a one-lwu Pancoe S Lours TolOll 7! t » Tojett 1« < 47 ill JO »«i 5 I II li '7 14 14 - Sft L;a-i» 1.11 Mdiitot 7 I IS vu Mary's of Perth Amboy, 68-5H. punch in Dave Simon and OA 0 Ourling I 0 7 ' II '0 «-4j 16 ' « Kone after Holmdel tripped SI Gibe Stanziaha, who hit for :>n 17 Q-|rlm 4 I e Hnorll 1441 FrtthoM YOUR WINTER TIRE HEADQUARTERS Tli 0 0 0 G F T iF and 17 points, respectively. i C( 4 7 10 I 3 4 iroMley » I M James of Carney's Point, HO- 0 Mickey 7 3 7 Kuril ita.rlti 3 7 I Brenon 7 I I 48, in first round action last veiern 1 J 4 3 0 1 The Lancers shot 45 per Buble 0 0 0 rtelrtnrt 0 4 4 night. cent from the field (2H lor K) • I I 1 0 4 ssis nte I • I4> The championship gamp while the visiting Lions hit on Total! 7] s) i ma. nu « McCwr SI Mary I Pa II it lo 7i -m 14 17 44 Toton JI » 4» will be played at 9 p.m., two only 35 per cent of their shols Jt John V 17 73 17 » -*» I II » TO -44 14 13 13 4 -4« hours after the third-place (23 of 65). II consolation game between HOMlrr ) Le'gti rr«ISI> Kttfl In winning its first gamp ;il- 4 ichm* fc F T OFT last night's losers. ter three setbacks, Hnlmdrl 4 Ftiimm 4 4 14 Burlew 1 7 Cindrlc 7 J 4 I II) JO"» RED BANK T RE It, John's dominated the was never headed by St ? Horru II.,. IS ! t II 0 > I 0 7 Perth Amboy Saints through- James- Tom Schwab Wl Oimenno 4 Vtolo Miller 1) 6 0 ftoeerti out, but » 23- IB sec mid period Hornets' big gun with 23 0 G Newman ilin t I Burner I 0 7 advanlw pill till I points, nine of which P-iHlxk 3 •01 SHREWSBURY AVE. SOUTH OF SYCAMORE AVE. SHREWSBURY 747-3404 from the (mil line when the II II IS t*mi 14 It to t«oh l» 13 SI Totort II I 31 wildly in front at hHlftlinc, XV Ormtiffi i) 1 V. winner, had I bt| :* .. II u Keysorl 4 I 4 21 The Daily Register, Red Bank^MlddkUwn, N.J. Thursday, DecemrVr 27, 1973 III. HMrchWKJlM for Sale 37«.Pet* ond L AKlTRCCTstERCO - Corn— thaeWd I. Onl» tSt U»,Ayt»» lor sale Call ftU i OM< AMARO I9IJ LT COUPE - 11.000 mllet M/FM radio, four speed. Cleon tor Coll AM ALgLMOPMOZA(?T J odtr S p.m. 2211147 RRTIES -> mpg. , / r.t »e»i Tlii... d tronimlltlon 1 on floor Air condi M/ .Itl lonf >lck up - MM MCh 1H. Auto* tor Sflje onlng, power fleering, vinyl roof, new Delivered — «7 94 oocn (minimum K0 oil traction, rodlo, wllh air. 24,000 Shrewsbury Ave . Red Bolank. . MS17777 Furniture, lolnllngt. cut glotl. art. Met Good gas mileage 71712H 1 '' JHRtWSIUKY MOTORS FUR JACKET — Brown mouton, fi. Svrwtkvry AvI. Srvtwtfwry BUHLfftt BITTER ength, cuffed sleeves, site 14. like new. 210. Builnti* Strvlcti 310. Htlp Wonted 110. Htlp Wanted » Bino surfboard, (2S 291 4*41 IHTEPNATIONAL GALLERIES 7411)00 PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 510. Mtrchondlw for Sou It Plver.lde A»t.. Red Ban. >«1>4I« We Buy I) ted VolklwoQens Hoy IS, Hulel IM01N •LEAN YOUR CELLARS. ATTICS, GA Malt or Female Male or Female DUAL SHOWMAN AMPLIFIERS - With MTCHEH'SET -"Bound wood table, lour RACES Free Mtlmate. LERK TYPISTS — Are you Interested in chairs, ISO Three large trunks. S?S each JEEP SALEVAfctt'ItRv'iCC 97) GTO - Hat 1.000 mllet on H Air Coll 741 2149 oner ) pm COMPTROLLER — For dynamic mental Twiw n a0.lo o0 Motors. Inc. ondltlontd Power iteerlna, power heollh ooency In Monmouln county £•- od poylng and exciting job? Two chests of drawers. SIS eoch. Un- 1111. Newman Sprlngi Rd Rtd (onk aerlence required I institutional account 1115. Coll ul Immediately tar the de- pointed Dookcote headboord, single. 110 rturagfeetf ahet. AM/FM iterto. rear window dr HELSON ROMAN - PalnllnPaln o antTpOPtTpOP f ralt. ANTIQUE CENTE* ANTIOUE It iRY - tea coth paid. CALL NOW 7470O4O ogger. Poll traction, 455 with 4 barrel hi Qllt k Free illmotei innog ond monogemenmonogemi t of business office. loll 747 SSH ony time. hanging Qoollty work. Free eillmotei. EOUITY PERSONNEL INC. Trlflet to Tre. LES DEUX 4 __ PONS, m River Rd , o" 142 9741 between 7 o MI I |) III Submit relumresume onand lolorsolory histhistori y to P.O. I3»9 Allaire Ave . V KENMORE GAS RANGE - With middle Fair Hoven, otfoW orr 741-4741 413! 7 AAA AUTO CREDIT Box II. Eotontown, N J. 07734. 590 Hwy 15, Mlddlelown 471 6500 griddle, excellent condition. Atftum.e. ^avmtnlpovi t on Ofiy ol I0O can In •7J CHBVY NOVA - Four dooT Tedon ADAMS HEPHODUCTIONS 717 3041 t6Y+RAINS WANTED •lock. Credit opi even new tlrei Eicellent motor. Like WAITERS AND WAITRESSES — E> AK-EUY DRIVER - And bokery picker. : ' . Credit oppllcoilom occtpttd by SLIPCOVERS Aiddleie* Boklng Co. 17 Induttrlol Dr . land1 Furniturur nlture fcReflnlihlng Any model or candWon. will poy cash or pnone. All moktfl ond models ovolloble 12200. Call 1-9 pm , 741 1954 perlenced. All thlfti ovailoble. Attractive TUXEOO . Call SJI-IMe Guaranteed croddll Call for I hour se r- PIOBIIC and labflc GuoronlMd low prlcrt surroundlngi. Apply Mr. Sleverli, Molty ourenco Harbor. 543 5400. •ellocoled Ul MM Slie ooout 42. 117 ¥lc«. iaylliart Chrytler-Plymouth 97) MAVERICK - Gold. Air, 10,000 DMI direct with monufacturet*, tllmlnate Pitcher Inn, Red Bonk. Dr Warren Fowler, 142 IB** WANTED ,11,1 New mow tires. U00O. TRUCK DRIVER TYPEWRITER!. ADDING mochlnet. AM 170-1700 middle man. Coll Mr. Tup#. Ul 1319 trmanent poiltlon Oil delivery. Call for motel ne« or uled Guoronleed lew o> Used Or*eniol Rugi S4M304 CLERK TYPIST —for purcnoling de- v Chlneseind Perslon HdUlC PAINTINO — Intcrlsr and tx- partment. Apply Crown Engineering ppolnlmenf. 264 0764 OS. Serplco'l, 101 Monmoutfi St. Neat to AUSTINS, MSTond TV* - Soles ond t*rior RtmoAoblt ratts. Frte ntimottt. theater. 7«7 IMS. DOOR SECONDS ~" Alto WolWall TapesirleTaMttr s Jervlce E«t Coll Motor Sollt. Ocean 9»rY¥ir6W0PJHTi Corp., LOCUIt V • Keyporl 244 JOI» PART TIME DELIVERY lut good enoeah for full ute ot doort FRIEOMAN GALLERIES 774-1141 Srovt. N.J 7>5-14»l ellent condition ""' num. TANK TRUCic~ORIVF RS - l«pefienced Heavy lifting Involved DESKS, FILES, tables, cho-ri. oddlng mo 'lutlf Interior, on eoch, tl«ponei Colo KtOLL MOTORS. INC May Include night work. Apply Rollo Coll 7410040 cMm$, typtwriiers. aftce iquifffunl, etc. wfl, white pine Interior, t9.M each FronL BUYING SILVER COINS ' PAUL'S UPHOLSTERING iCHVlil*"* •t bargain prlcet. New or used. AAC •nd back aovi. W.9S oo^h. Prlcet are for fff Broadway Long ironch Trucking, 295 Broodwoy, Keyport. ARTIV^Tantotllc opportunity j% ever loce, ond silver dellirt 11931 VOLKSWAGENS FurnMure upholitery, repair*, dlnettei re- DENTAL ASSTSTANT"- Orthodonim DESK OUTLET, 170* Rt. )S, Ookhunt all tlietj» ' . 28-M09 covtred, iiipcovert and dropenei. Call perioni wllh excellent skills ond bock- film Soturdoyi until S p.m. onabetorel. 12 SO eoch Choott from two - IW2 and 1940. Mlddletown. EnperHnce preferred. Send round In personnel work. Come In now! Coil 744 1474 otter 4 p.m TP.AOI ALLOWANCE - Superb 5ovt now. 774- HU ony llmt. relume to Bo« H 200 The Dolly Regllter, HOUSECLEANINC - »v Iniurtd trained EQUITY PERSONNEL, INC. R E JB AN K.LUMBER WANTED - Enercltc bike Heovy duly, penonnel wllh own equipment One time Red Bonk. 590 Hwy 15, Mlddletown 671 6500 IBM TYPEWRITERS manual operated, uted. In good condilion. or regular lervlce. toched by blue Chip 291-23SS '__ «EO IAN i VOLVO corp Alto lloort, wall*, rugi, window*, COOK WANTED — With llgnt"boVing"eir Rental $16.50 per mo. SnRd RASSAS furniture cleaned In your home. Coll Do- trlence. Apply In perlOn. Long John i RECEPTIONIST MIR*OR: MD Id . II Beach ilvd., Hlghlondi. h J 172 Rent with option to buy I7TU17 ON THE WALL, m«tticort of Freehold, M73122 for fret r . . •sting ond diversified position. Typ 1771. ' ANTIQUES 570. Ptts and Livestock WHO IS FAIREST WALL LINCOLN MERCURY PONTIAC eitimole*. ng ond pitoiant p«nonohty needed Must LPN WANTED — From 12 to I. for imoll II dining tablet. 77 dining cholrt. tin OF 'HEM All' Jhrewteury An. at tycamari MS Brood St. '41 SIM Red Bank it diplomatic and en|oy working with china clolHi, nine lldeboorat, 7 gome ta- BEEF FOR YOUR FREEZER - Block TRY 741 iJJI tves until 9 | hurling home In Keyport Holmdel vlcl- pvopit. Matowon or to. ALTERATIONS nlly. Experienced. References required. blet, 11 teak tablet. II detkt. live or Angtrt and while-face steers. Groin fed. MS OPIC- TwaodoR. F6u R-cv L Dormeri porchei, tfolri, addition!, etc ALSO HOUSEKEEPER WANTED from I molret. SO occotlonol chain, eight grond- Ready to bo slaughtered. For Information fother clockt, IS chondelleri, 117 oil point call 442W14, ALL AMERICAN INC. NOER. FOUR-SPEED. VERY ECO Free eitlmotei. Insured. Reoionoble. I do to 4. For Information call 7472017. A-l EMPLOYMENT OMICAL. UOO CALL 741.4314. the lob myitlf. Coll Jim 776-I7R 370 Brood Hum *' U\'7tn P»a Bonk BELGIAN SHEEPDOG PUPPIES - AKC I REAL ESTATE 97J DOOGE DART SVVTNCER'~Aule E -ReoeonobiIe rotei EXPERIENCED WAITRESS M/W - Ap INTIRNATIONAL GALLERIES itV Free eitimotes ply In perion, ask for Ted Brodthaw, £Cn€TKfir^^pQn5r95n5n''$fiitti or" 10 Rlvertlde Ave , Rod Bonk 7417474 registered Block. Five months old. Love I RENTALS mafic, vinyl roof, power steering. New 1 anliatlon. Htovy public and employee CIRCLE CHEVROLET Phoine 542 0M4 long John ! Lid , II Beach Blvd., High children. Good watchdogs. Perfect Christ- hlte wall tires. K.OOO miles. 12100 in loo«, N.J. I7M771. on toe t. Considerable research ond si gift. Call evenlnge, 144-3719 Shrewsbury Avt. Stirewtpury ILLUMINATE MOVING CO. - Low cent •y work. Excellent typing and ste PIANOS AND ORGANS 917 OLDSMOBILE 91 — Two-door,~A~I moving, houllng ond delivery. hills required. Send resume lo Box A 2J9. Over ISO units at warehouse prket Yom 'OODLES — AKC mlnloture*, block, (Ive ondlllon. Must lee to appreciate. Coll RN - 7 to 1. Monday through Friday. Ap. aha, Klmbolt, Conn, Chlckerlng, Grand OIII70-17QI ply Mri. Mrokovclch he Dolly Register, Red Bank. An equal weeks. Five females, one mole. Will hold *0J. Apartments Ft HMotori Inc. 719171. opportunity employer. Lots ot trade-In pianos and organs from until Christmas. Wi 0705 after S. Authorliod Dealers, LIGHT 1421400 US Unlimited rentals from I7.S0. Turn MS BUICK STATION WAGON - e-CYL MOOCR N A»ARTMtNTJ Dodge and Oodoe truckt DELIVERY SERVICE TV REPAIR PERSON QUALITY CONTHOLINSPECTOR your Christmas Club Into lifetime enjoy TWO-YEAR OLD PONY — Good with Hoy IS Ealonlown, N.J. NOER. GOOD ON GAS. BEAUTIFUL ment. Chrlttmos week deliveries, fay children. Saddle Included. Reasonable. HAPE. 1395. 741434). NORWOOD TV ree years experience with tlcc HM1I1 3*5 Broadway, Long Bronch romechonlcol devises. MuM read prints away. Weekdoys 9 to 9. Salt. 9 to 1. Suns COM 717-340?. SXKt" I9M VOLKSWAGEN BUG MASON Apply Electro Impulse Lab, It* Chestnut 10 to S through Christmas. OATSUN Specialise* In tlreplocet. TANK"TSArLE^"DR"TvTR~ ~ Fuel oil MINIATURE DACHSHUNOS - AKC reg OPEN FOR INSPECTION WASHINGTON S AUTO SERVICE 10)5 Sf.- Red Bonk. stored. Shots given. Make o reasonable _Call ofter 3 p m. W 4970 Brick, concrete work. 171 3032 equired. Freehold Music Center I 1 2 bedroom opartmonts Broad SI. H4-131J Kevport Year round work. 354-7711. ADMITTING CLERK^~ For 1750 p.m. to 441-4710 offer 513 1233 (»7 VOLKSWAGEN BUG - RADIO, if I A •RUSSELL MAN" — For IMMt midnight shift. Including weekends. Liber TYPEWRITERS AND ADDERS GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES - 4 Marine Manor APE. ROOF RACK. ETC. LOOKS. MIDOLETOWV V •" ^ • ^# V* N*T CHURCH^ » » V •' ^* " • —— Seekintf«« ni rigy ol fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Oc cor buyl. RUSSELL Oldimobllt Codlllo. Bought Sold Rented Repaired weeks. AKC registered. Large boned. IN Shore Drive. HloMondt 172 I9O» ' UNS EXCELLENT. 1100 741 4743 port-timjrt-tlme custodian. "Age. race or i«x no orimenl, weekdays 9 a.m. to ? p.m., Jer- Hourt; 10-41 p m. i«i 7»M«»t Co.. 100 Ne*mon Spring! Rd .. Red iank ij ^ ii block/Ion. Mrs. tortonek, 944-119] alter 4 iclor Call 671 1905. tv Shore Medico) Center, Conies Ave., SCA BRIGHT - ANCHORAGE APART 741-0010. 973 PONnAC FIDE BIRD - 25.000 leptune. An equol opportunity employer. p.m. miles. Air conditioning, power brakes, P"ORTESS M/W — For houiekeeplng de ADDING MACHINES MINTS SOUTH AND WIST. Private KITSON CHEVROLET CO. power steering, new radial tires. l«3 437B. oceaattan atachKeen, new one ond« twlwe-»e, U3 1319. RUMSON - OnVbeoVoom oporlmenl'tur- obit offer refuted. ltt. Truck* oiwl Troll.rt Electro impulie, lit Chestnut St., days ier wetk. Write Box H-2Q4, The ADDING MACHINES - NCR. Llv GOOD HOME WANTED nllhed. Heot, water. Moture or couple. 2111434 Red Bonn >4i-B4sVT WAITRESS M'W - Steady work. Apply In Doily Register, Red Bonk. For German short haired pointer, male 9*9 OOOOt PICKUP O 100 - JKcylln- Keyboard, 7 column, ISO, 10 column, (100 MW, lease, security, NO pets !4M7oS. UAR IMe - Its Mdon Good condl perion, Rum Runner, 116 Ocean Ave., Sea 74111J7. Liver color. 944-4497. Her. ttlct ifilft. Rodlo. •' boa. >. ton. wllh SCHOOLBU50RIVE"R$-Noe»' Bright. LONG BRANCH — I and 1 bedroom fur•' 74,000 mild. II4S6. Call after » 30 helper iprlnai 7*4 0101. lence necessory Storting lolory 13 per LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUP9>iES~— nllhea* opartmenls, heat ond water lup- 0U r. Apply In person to Mr Mlchoel Gor SHORT "ORDER COOK - Experienced Chocolates ond blocks. AKC approved. plled. Call eves 7291553. 971 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO — 7,000 K 320. Baby Sitting/ 1971 CHEVROLET - Nine posienoer mJev, Transportation Coordinator. Hallcl only Apply In perion between 5-7 p.m OFA hips normal. 481 «194 or 774 9741 mllei, air, power iletrlna. lonneou cover. Martini1! Diner, Hwy. 34. Keomburg. wogon Power iteerlng. •Smal alll V. I ~ Township Board ot Education. 13 Bethany Child Car* 547 4411 rid.. Hoilel, N.J. . TWO HORSE TRAILER-Electric Mori Clastlflid i mileage. Ideal for large family or cai MBYSITTER - For working m'olhtr THE SOUNDER brakes. Excollenl condition, si,050 firm. I. Very good overall condition. SI2S0 FORO"T9»3 WALK-IN - •' ol^irnlnurn ••••• Days. Eotoncreit areo of Ealohtown. My 7211443 on Next Pagi •0»7t. odv. FdCtory rebuilt motor — 20,000 WIRERSANOSOLDERERS-Ca- Hear It today, flt i mllet. Four-ipeed Irommliilon. New ptrlence preferred WINSLOW TELE home or yours 142-0397 after S. i JICK LE SABRE — Custom four A«'ond new organ with TRONICS. 607 Induslrlol Woy West, Eo rodlalor. 1400. Call 229 2714 between tond •Happy Holidays BABYSITTEH - Little Silver Weekday*. built In auto rhythm door lonlng lonlown Contocl Mr. RlnolrJI. 4 p\m. to 6 p. 17,000 miles. Evenings, AM l ., occasslonally all doy * Play* it immediately , door hardtop. Loaded, air EXPERIENCED SINGLE NEEDLE OP* From (oil Ul V364 with no lessons. 8T ECATORS - On coots IS hour week 7:10 WOMAN TO CARE FOR FIVF YF.AR 1«4 SKYLARK - Sl« cylinder wagon o m. to 3 pm. Unloty shop. Apply Woll OLD GIRt - In my home, half doy. lt»t 775-9300 Burnt no all. 31 MPG. >I3{. Sot til i 130. Motorcycles Street Foihlont, 37 Woll SI . Red Bonk. MANPOWER ictk. Own transportation. Cpli CLASSIFIED r of Mattison Ave. •MR, 7 YAMAHA .- SNELLING AND SNELLING - World ! IMt CHEVROLET IMPALA - Good mt J »R CYCLE SERVICt, INC Joroeiorgeil employmenemploy t service. 54 Brood SI . WE N-EED PEOPLE WITH SEASONED FIREWOOD chonlcol coodlllon AiklftQ 1300 171 W. Front SI, Red Bonk I42JM77 ed tank, N.J 747-tUI. ALL 'OFFrCE SKILLS S40 d delivered Call 2*4-7051 _^ «1 HEAL ESTATE SALES -Llcenied pre COME IN AND ENJOY INI BUICK HARDTOP — One owner IV71 YAMAHA - 250 Enduro. MX handle- 330. Domestic Help ADVERTISING RATES ferred. Aggreltlvt growing office re- BROOKOALE COMMUNITY .COUEGf Show room condition 17 MPG. «4IS ban, high fender. Excellent condition SOME HOLIDAY RE- Mult lelf Call 291 0909 after 6. ' W qulret a large ilaff due to eiponslon pro HOUSEWORK - Four hour! Smoll ranch - Student nurte uniforms ond cap. size 4>5-M7f grom. Only Inleretted In salespeople, fit FRESHMENTS WHILE YOU in Mlddletown near bus line. 12.50 per 10. Never warn, ttlll In bo«, wo. 244 7764 llroul of earning over 120.000 per year. hour. Coll 142 DIRECT ACTION LINE 741-6900 Office leodl. extensive odverllilng nation FILL OUT AN APPLI DRUMS - Two tell. Very good condition WANTED ol referral lervlce. Member of two MLS , CATION. WE ARE OPEN 1250 eoch. < 13 00 Minimum Chtrgt Party who needs 100% financing, with no 100. Auto Strvlct/Part* training program. All ripllei held In itrlc. MON. THROUGH FRI. 9-5. 244 0137 » money down, on a 1973 PINTO AM/FM OVERHEADLUBE EOUIPMENT- lest confidence Send relume Jo Bon.G 77, REMINGTON CAIfH REGISTER 1 Day..... » ' , ™ ...55;^)erline M.OOO miles 1179S. Monv other models to The Dally Regllter, Red Bank. 4 W. Front. Rid Bank 142 4343 3S0. Situations Wanted No. 317 Chevrolet engine, ^cylinder : >i«r choosovrom. For quick credit O.K., cat Plymouth engine. 54)4411. ",« g Coll 542 4411 2 Qays (Consecutive) , .50' per line' CASISMOTORS °t*tf'l n'-7100. Mote ' REAL ESTATE SALES - Commercial, 1 *9? ' 19*9 CHRYM.ER -^Newport convlrtl. induilrlol, and lond only. Local eitab TREES ORTIMBS FALLEN - Fro... 7 SLfVfEPbOL /TABLE, - Juke ban 3 Days (Consecutive) 40 per line Full power, wllh air conditioning. Goo llthed firm opening new ofllce for this MAINTENANCE Itorm' Will cut and stock tor you. Call Stone electrified llreplace. Portable elec condition 11100 in lilt purpoic. Muil hove llceme ond tome ex- 747-9711 alter Sp.m. Free estimates. Irlc organ with amplifier, clarinet ond ', 37 per line ISO. Auto* Rent/Ltost trombone. 741-9477. 4 Days (Consecutive) perlence Send resume to Box K 25, The AAACHJINIST PAINTING M3NE ^WANTED" Bally Rtgltler. Rod Bank. - College men with exccllenexcellenti referenceretere d 34 per line .Jteiponilbl* tor the repair, molntenanc SONY TAffc RECORDER — Tto And II! 5 Days (Consecutive) Party who needs 100% llnonclng, with no TOM'S FORD Reasonable roles ond pleasing results. In lope Used once. Cost SI7S, will sacrifice RENTACAR y5ij CAN DO ITI - If you want to tarn ond letup of production machine*, know tenon only. •y down, on a 1970 MONTE CARLO 110 In two houn and hove fun ot the tome edge ot ihop technique! ond procedure* »12S Coll 717 1195 between 9 12 am. 6 Days (Consecutive) '. j, 3? per line DO miles. S179S Many other models to DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING 74l72ISOr 142 1419 OOHWYJS H4 1400 KEYPORT lime. SARAH COVENTRY wonfl you. Some wfirimg experience hetpful. Out choose from. For quick credit O.K., cal Pleoie coll 54*1773 II ond ovei ilondlno company benefits Pleaie appl NEW YEAR SfEVE SUPPLIES OF ALL 7 Days (Consecutive) OASIS MOTORS ot 13011 731 7100 at the Pfrdkinel Office- Mon thru Frt., TYPES — Halt, noisemokers, streamers, WOMEN, MEN — DISTRIBUTE CAT* a.m. to II noV or coll 6? 1-3000, Ext 31S. decorations, rental Hems — SteLl ICTOXPICK UP ORDERS rOR THE 8 Days (Consecutive) 2r per line- "GS" GAS SAVER LtLV for grotpi ol 12 01 mote W.dOp HOUSE OF FULLER. AVERAGE M AN available from the Party Corner at All IfT197O0 GS BUICK two door hardtop. 14 mpp g IN. Wanted Automotive Dlviilon of Owens Illinois Irown txttrlor InttMor, llgM nyyl top jSuj._PHONE 744 3744 Hwy. 35 <> Holmdel, N.J Purpose Rentals, 111 Newmon Springs ' In ' ' Hlgheit prlcet paid for all uted cars Rd, Shrewsbury 7410040. cyllndtr. console, oulomoflc 4S0 gi OVER WHOLESALE1 Buyer on premliei "SCHOOL B"0T6RIV^RS WANTE D' An equal opportunity employer • FAMILY PLAN RATE Power itttring and broKes. Buckti seal) ill times- Will Iroln. Coll Bennelt Bros.. Corp, 391- SDNGE~RLAND DRUM SET i.Full sel 3 Lines - 5 Days - $2TJB"V 00 each additional line Available lo indi- tllt-up ittfring, Ponlradlon, r»or dclros TOWN 1 COUNTRY OODGE S3»3 with cymbals ond many accessories. Ex vidualsalacmg ads under Merchandise For Sale'lor items not tx- 'ttr, olr. iltr«o. New tronimtulon, new 561-6100 cellent condition. Coll 142-0271. M ' drufni ond brokei Good tires Excellen SECRETARY WAITED - Permonenl, SUPERVISOR- 410. Business Opportunities •ceecting^50 each Hems mua be prc<(d ll-IJrne. Must know shortliond onrf lyp AH1 IQUfJ~BE^ — VictorlonTstngle. bo* buy-UltS Call after 4 p.m., 7A4S604. LUNCHEONETTE AND SUB SHOP - DAT SUN 3000 1V6I - Five ipttd Ver a Coll HOSPITAL PICTURE SERVICE Keypunch deportment, night thift. * 10 lprlngs ond mallress. Beoutlful. 149. 542 Contract flare j en Raquttt JUNK CARS Alt equipped. Can be good location for pli •MS, 9 to 12 noon .low mdtoge. Monv new porit. S7S0. Co p.m. Keypunch eipenence, Five day* per la, none In area. Store on Rl. 34, Port PICKED UP 74\un BURNER SERVICE MANAGER - Wllh week. Pleasant working condition*. Apply Monmoulh Rtnl 1225 per month. 244 S4II OIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING Twinbrook Auto Wrecking o knowledge ol bookkeeping. Send resume alter s. U2S lit] COUNTRY SQUIRE STATIO Personnel office, Riverview Moipilol. 35 717-ilW ;__^ BOX REPLY SERVICE FRONT PAGE READERS WAGON - Radio, healer, good tlrei. Co Eatontown 542-2235 loP.O. Box 217, Sea Bright. N.J. Union St., Ked Bank, N J. NEW ULTRA GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN - RELIEF COOK - Temporary CSCORTTV - Console £ood condltlorv Pick-Up .5C «> SO per ItM Sold fact rttodlng MODERN LAUNDERETTES S7S firm. EXCELLENT MOf OR~~Eosy~ on go AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH Coll Bayvlew Nursing Home 741 2/00, Ext 7/* S3 SO Minimum 3 Unt\. mo*imum An equal opportunity employer M W til 5722 Mailed $1.00 U Hot* All fto6tr\ ploced ol loot 19M Pontioc Calollno, four-door hordlo MOTORS, INC., H«y 15, Eolonlown. Ul Going up in busy shopping center UU For each box number assigned ot column ond tnorkta "Adv," WH. Between 7 9, 741 19K PART-TIME — Good Income Training In Model and Toms River. Inter ANTIQUES - Large variety Fine gills CARS WANTED - 1947 lo 1970 provided No gimmicks. No Investment. SECURITY etted Domes please contact Com- Collectors items. Restoration, delicate re- " WANTED"" Oomoged cort considered Call 229 3697 or 2)9 IIIt oiler S p.m. or Way tfoulpment Co , S42 7070. ioirfc at reasonable prlcet. Mgry Jane AUTOHOiiYCENTER 791 1I4» IT! 09*0 alter 6 p.m. GUARDS looievell, 109 E. River Rd , Rumson, 142 'Party who needs 100** financing, with n money down, on a 1969 DODGE DAR Start II 50 per hour DEADLINES 'Sll-cyllnder automatic Power steer In WANTED Must have car and telephone, no police FiRFPLA(E"j«OOD - S25 holt a cord, •41.570 miles. I1S9S. Many other models A-l used con. Top dollorpoid MAINTENANCE record. S4S a cord. Noon Day Preceding Publication choose Irom. For quick credit O.K., CO OASIS MOOTORS (7011 721 430. Monty to Loon/Invest Coll 471 033S Coll 545-1345 DISPLAY MS -2 DAYS Pflf CE DING PUiUCATION OASIS MOTORS at. 13011 731 7100 MACHINIST INVESTORS WANTED TO BUY OLD TWO BLUE PLAID CHAIRS MUSTZNG MACH i'-"i973 Blue Irstorl Alter 6p.m. call 7390215 HOUSES FOR RESALE - Alto 10 remo Like new. 1100. All ads are restricted lo their proper classification and to Ihe regular and eilerlor. VI automatic. Power steer- Responsible (or the repair, maintenance For appointment del foreclosed houses for resale Write to 291 0114 Ing and brakes Factory olr AM FM ster- and setup ot production machines, know)- Daily Register style ol lype We reserve Ihe right to edit or teiecl any BUSINESS K*ot of ihop techniques (frtd procedurfs MUST BF RFLIABLE James Poppos. 710 Main St.. Atbbury SFARS 20 - Boys Stingray Fxcellfnt eo. Tinted gloss Sporl deck rear seot. Park, N.J OT7I2 llres. Coaster broke. Good condition. SI3. classified adverlising copy Four polyslecl tire", excellent condition. ,DIRECTORY Some wilding experience helpful. Out PART TIME JANITOR'** HF.LP Mo it ond l na compony benefits. Pleo*e apply 747-4231. Two liuoded snows 31,000 miles. Coll 431 ot the Personnel Office. Mon. thru Fn , 9 tyre and dependable help for nlghl work. 11)1 ofter S p.m. I con be very reason- a.m. to 12 noon or call 671 3000. Ext. 315. U midnight to 2 a.m.. *7 50 per hour. Musi be reliable Coll 54? 1411 CORRECTIONS 310. Business Services LILV CANCELLATIONS 1971 OLDSMOBIl E" - Luiurysedon, Division of Owens-Illinois G~O~GO~'DANCERS - (Attractive) High MERCHANDISE FIREWOOD Wr> will not bt rttponitblff (Of nvoraj Mint be phoned m bflor • ipm four door hardtop Full power ond air, FM Hwv- 35 Holmdel. N.J. pay, adaptable hours, pleasant working Delivered Coll 671 1511. Ihon onf mcorrtct Insertion Pitott day preceding publxolion Billing stereo radio 12000 172 0703 An equal opportunity empoyer m w conditions Will train 3*4 411? LAMPS. TABLES. PAINTINGS check ttrit publlcotlon ol your od will be ol rot* lor number of day. ATTIC STAIRS CO PART TIME JANITORIAL HFl P Must BEHIND THE TIMES ANTIQUES od wot pub) lined. SOD JOBS - AMitiens. penenna on * AVON be mature and dependable. Will train — /'Shrewsbury Ave Red Book H7 5079 types of maienry Orlvewevt Coll 49S- Five nights per week. 97 per hour to storl. S10. Merchandise lor Sale TRAINS — 077 gauge, complele'set. ET WANTED TOSELLOR BUY AVON Coll Mrs. Coll Ul 1431 Word. 741 4343, 442 1377 or 7/4 I2M celient shape Metal engine, cars, track, .Party who need! 100*. financing, with no FURNITURE ANO APPLIANCES transformer. 135 531 I3li. money down, on o 1971 MGB. AM FM IOHT HAULINO DRAFTSMAN M/W - For electro me CUSTODIAN — Temporory positionsiMori., 7J5S to rVeifore and people with credit problems CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INDEX 24.SOO mlln 12191 Monv other model! to chonlcol drawings. Knowledge of mill 30 hours per week Must nave ilatl_ Instant credit Immediate delivery Call MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SET — choose from. For qulch credit OK. call specs helpful. Apply Elr-ctro Impulse wogon or von. Hours lleilble. Coll 847 Mr Grand, 31)1411 Nine pieces. Encrllent condition Reason OASIS MOTORS al (Mil 721 7100 ' *t, 114 Chestnut St.. Red Bonk ably priced 764 0074 -aar 9308, E»l. U BUTCHER SLOCK TABLE - Orlnlnolly CHEVY NOVA 1971 - Automatic Power TETME IDO IT! BEAUTICIAN - Hair culltr lor lop holr EXPERIENCED TYPEWRITER RE- used In butcher shop Top Is If tU ond TWO IHREE MONTH SEASONED FIRE . ...NT.REPAIR 14" thick Table stands 37" high Well sto PLACE WOOD - »45 a cord. 135 a hall iteerlna ond dlic brokfi Air conditioning REMQDCLPAIN GUARANTEED cutting shop In Matawan Training pro PAIRMAN M>w - Needed tor pan time EXPERT WORK ins i sorted Asking I13S. Coll 741 U7I before t com, (Ifhvcird S47 09I6 Coll »M ltf>. PERT WORK IMS FRIENDLY gram avolloblc for Interested perion. Coll work. Must hove own tools and eilensive HO Autos For Sale REASONABLE 1414551 knowledge ol IBM Seleclrlc I ond II. Coll • m. 600 Apartments COLOR TV CONSOLF T w VslngTe 120 Trucks And Trailers *! CMRYSLe* PLYMOUTH ExTEWSB - INTERIOR PAINTTHS" Ceorgeot 741 5(10 SANTA CLAUS OUTDOOR DISPLAY - beds, bedroom suite (Double bedl, 70 001 610 Houses For Renl ELECTRICIAN oquorlum. baby corrloge All almost new 130 Motorcycles MI A«eAllonllc Hltld Poperhonalna Free esllmoles. Experienced in house wiring. OLS*T1 R Made ol plywood, multl colored, three 620 Rentals To Share Call Ml-eUt or I4M9M TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT piece Main piece I toll 140. firm. Coll - owner relocating. 10 Donnelly St. 741J94* Union Beach. 719 0M7 140 Auto Service' Parts 630 Winler Rentals NEVER A FEE S44V0934 otter 4pm . ISO Autos Renl Lease 110. Autos for Sale 110. Autos tor Sale SffCRETARY - Who possesses good MHailet Ave . Hoilel 764 n.ll 635 Summer Rentals skills. Position avollable Immediately. 310. Help Wonted 310. Help Wanted 160 Auto Insurance 142 7940 RN 5. LPN S, NURSES AIDES 640 Furnished Rooms FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Malt or Female Malt or Female 1 70 Aulo Financing 650 Nursing Homes OISHWASMI R Full or port time, eve- All shltts. Clltlslde Health Core Center. 180 Construction Equipment nings Apply In person, Rum Runner, 114 700 Center si . Cllltwood Reach Apply 660 Commercial Rentals Octon Ave , Sea Brlghl Mon. through Frl . t:30o.m lo 4 p.m SM 190 Warned Auiomotive 670 Buildings Garages un. 660 Wanted To Rent SECRETARY GREAT OPPORTUNITY - For e«- REAL ESTATE SALES perlenced salesperson to work full tlmt in With some steno and good typing loco* lunlor shop. Must be bright, energcl Skills This (s a ptrmonent posi- "A majority of sales people in this area are wor- tion. Solorv nn#n rnmmmnxi20 Garage Yard Sales Typtwrl»tr» CARPENTRY Remodeling, paneling OMrit ^ riUMUNG AND "t A TING 110 Card of Thank-, closets, doors, additions Fireptoces Odd New intlollolions ond repairs All types S.W Machinery For Sals • DOINO MACHINIJ . r,p.«,,i,,, loht Reasflnahie rates •< •»i>r» 144 9494 onvlime Transmission •eM. rental, reaolrea Slroiie i. 101 Men 640 Rental Serviui montntl .Re* Ban* W tit\ Limousine Service V;0 Farm Equipment Ptarl and 'Above Run Obit' ALTERATIOLTERATIONNS - A4WitTon>. on lypes nl porlt Weonmsi Any occasion Chauf "ifiO Auction Saws Problems? arpentrat y AA Brvce llgenrouck. Builder feured Codllloc limousines Personained Btod Rtitrlnglng . S70 Pr>ts and Livestock %0 LnM And Fftund ollSn -ftt> otter ) , m service on time Seo Bright Rumsen Lim • Vim ntad «H Expert f"ipif fly on brolOed nylon ll » ottrorKJ Trait '70 Soecm Notices eusine Service 14) 4419 Jlerlin. closos Irom lit REUSJILLIJ M 590 Swap or F. "Change 980 Travel - Transportation MURPHY & DAVISON • ) (Ml Illllv Olio BreM SI . Red Bonk Clocks and Painting & Decorating S95 Merchandise Wanted 998 Instruction • Onr-dav .Sorr/rr- Watch Repair """•* MERCEDES-BENZ >'IOIOI»» I'AI'AIN IIINf PAPERINO Rooting, Siding, moil ram J.A. SrVUTH U2 o//9 & Insulation _^_^ INI - (inner 147 1911 J I .' 141 ' air conditioning, wall to-wall carpet cipatated at $64,904, an in- ng. Approved income property for pos count. Local students for- nance up $1,500, and food ser- V!t£ "!P ~ ?w *"""*•* «•• both, lull kitchenette, or conditioning, terrace Ible opartment in rear. VA'FHA buyers "Mommy! Jaffy's bein' like Scrooge!" crease of $10,748. Total aid in merly sent to schools outside vices operation up $1,500. pool. bu», beach, m-HH, " "rr0" welcome. Coll todaytod , we have the key. STORE — Mi Main St.. Pert Monmouth Asking i»,S0OitySOO. the 1974-75 budget is esti of Atlantic Highlands will be Capital outlay increased OARAttr APARTMENT -H7Sper m mated at $134,279 This in- —i. X"fJOntrocl. Rumton. Two, 6M- '~l£ftt&Z? WALKER & WALKER taught here. Tuition for this $3,037, up to $27,478 over last . Sullofcle lor adultl. 741 7WS oner s RRealtors cludes special aid, tuition, Hwyli o7HHI Mlddletown Educational Impact purpose was reduced $6,000 year's $24,441. jfolXN^TSwrMrnoporirn BARN transportation.atypical and from last year's budget. The The increase in that portion One bMrOORl, kitchen, living room, •tOFIiMONAL OFFICE - Four room., ei. we hove a nice one with i federal aid. Last year's aid to- total for tuition in the pro- month leturlly. No peli. 747-JM2. newly mwiwloj, near Rlvervlew Hotpl lome which hot been totoll of the budget came under the tol. & fa, n. toll 74UOW. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Immediate and sports loads of space an taled $102,957. posed budget is $23,000, down equipment account, up to Londtcaped grounds, fine _ Reports Seen Needed occupancy. Newer garden oporlment. Air KEYPORT — Two stores, heart of bun from $29,000 in 1973-74. .conditioned. Heot, refrigerator lupplled. oxes and convenient location moke thli a The largest increase in the $19,478 over $16,441 last year. nets district. 1 West Front St., 16«», S200. eal value at 1SI.500 Swlmmlna pool. IVi rooms — 1195. 4Vi 3West Front St., I3»», >IS0 2*4 1117. proposed budget Is in the in- Thus fixed charges were re- Reserve remained unchanged Call Supt., Itl-DOU or V47-4M1 MATAWAN — Large one room office In struction account. It jumped duced from $50,000 last year at $8,000 modern air conditioned building. All utlli Board NED BANK — Unfurnished Creentree from $330,545 to j:t.'i7.!Hin. an Oordtn AporlmenU lit Spring St., Rei to $45,500 in the proposed A public hearing on the pro- Strathmore Professional Bldg. MIDDLETOYVN - The cation on each proposed ma- increase of $27,355. budget. The only increase in posed budget is set for Jan. Rte. 14. Motowon Sle-IU 741-4500 Planning Board may have jor subdivision, Dwlehl E This account includes sala- that account was due to an in- 23, at which time it li ex- LONG BRANCH - Fourroooom furnished PORT MONMOUTH — Rt. 34. Approxi- ojortgjnlTSeciirMy required. Call otter S mately ?0'x60'. Presently equipped for been remiss in (ailing to Richardson, board chairnuin. ries for teachers, this item re- crease in Insurance costs, up . peeled to be adopted by the luncheonette-type business. Can be usee lor other. »M5 per month. 264- Mil after 5. request an educational impact has conceded. flects the largest single in- $1,500 over list year's $14,000. Board of Education. RED »ANK - Unfurnished three-room -. OR JUST OUT report from the Board of Edu- Mr. Richardson said yes- riverfront apartment. Convenient to trap- SPACE AVAILABLE - In new shopping GROWING YOUR HOME? -Call or ping and trontportaflon. Prefer mature center on Rt. It, Mlddletown. Idool loca- write far your complimentary copy of Ap- terday a letter from the plan- adulti, 741-9039. tion for drug store, gift shop, delicatessen, •leBrook l monthly Homes for Living etc. Key tenants Include A S. P. Post 01 moaailne. Offert pictures, prices, de- tM. Boats and Accessories ners has been sent to Richard KEANSBURG — Two-bedroom apart- flee, United County Trust. Coll 741 3019. ment, oil utilities paid. Alto comfortable scriptions. APFLEBROOK AGENCY, F. Jones, Board of Education rooms for rent. 7I7-O9S7. NEW SHREWSBURY - JOOO so. ft. store. Realtors. HO Hwy 15. Mlddletown 1JI JMJ LOST OUR LEASE 10 Pet. Sewer Rate Hike gtosrtlrortlh^irgw.l MIOOLETOWN — Seven year old ranch. Cntlre stock of boating accessories must president, suggesting in- NORTH LONG IRArlCH - One-bedroom be sold. Wholesale prices an outbooroutboard momo-- It occupancy. JI65 a Central air conditioning. Almost two tors, trollertrailers etc. Open 1:10-5 each .-.Jet. One month secu- N8W SHREWSBURY — IJ00 id, ft. avail acres. Pour bedrooms, JVi Dams, cement clusion of an educational im- Ttly needed. Coll 747-imor I4»3||4. able In discount department stare. Choice circle driveway, 12' raised fireplace, tin- BOAT & SKI CENTE•T pact report from the board as location. Call 542^55 75 White St.. Red Bank 7411124 RED IANK - Four rearm. Healed. Feb part of approval procedure Is Authorized in Holmdel lit. Quiet, convenient. Adults. Security THREE-ROOM OFFICE SUITE - SOD sq EVERYTHING FOR THE BOATMAN least. Alter 7 p.m. 411-9011. ft. neor corner of Broad and Monmouth IIOLMDEL - The Town- KEANSBURC - HI.500 By owner. Im. for all major subdivisions. week's storm. He reported RED IANK — Spacious SVi-room pent Sts., Red Bonk. Ills per month BOATMAN'S SHOP in the town's Road Depart- SCHANCK AGENCY. Realtor. I Linden mediate occupancy. Starter or retirement The letter outlines areas in ship Committee, at a special that he was told by the police house apartment overlooking the Naves PI.. Red Bank. 747-0397. ranch. Five rooms. Two bedrooms. Im- NeMarlnw Jersey't Suppls yLarges HOUMt ment. A salary for 'he new po- Ink river. Also 4Vi-room oporlment. Luxu maculate condition. High and dry. Mori- 34 Wharf Ave Red Bank which tin' Board of Education meeting last night, adopted that 45 tickets had been is- ry building. Air conditioned. Coll 142-4145. gage arranged. Coll evenings HHWi sition will be set next year un- three ordinances after con- sued. HIGHLANDS - Bay Avt. 1 and WINTER STORAGE may be of assistance to the der a separate ordinance. room apartments available. No pets MO. Wanted to Rent ducting public hearings. Mayor Cohen acknowledged Couple preferred. S140 month plus one planners in considering the No objections were voiced month's security and references. 191-3003. HOUSING WANTED - SoclonervTce subdivisions, Mr. Richardson The first measure involves that the committee had an- Agency seeking housing for clientele. Cal 710. Apartment*/ BOSTON WHALER - Glntron, Sport to the measures. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT - tlSS Mrs. Reod. S4MO00. Hi. W. NO commls Town Houses croft, Seocraft. Stinger, Johnson. OMC. explained. an amendment to the sewer nounced last year that they Sultoble lor bachelor or couple. 791-1S7I si«h Involved. Mcraulstr, Volvo, loot trailer* Frank Somma of 4 Kcl- Coll 1-5 p.m CONDOMINIUM — Two bedrooms, two "In view of Ihe concern dis- rental and use charges ordi- swood Way, protested to the would ask the police to loths. On the lake. Below going price We will be closed on Monday ond nance adopted in 1969. The KEANSBURC — Two-bedroom apart Contact O.B. Pearl, 130 Sandpiper Rd. Tuesday, month* of December and Jo played by the Board of Edu- committee that he was un- strictly enforce the ordinance ment, furnished or unfurnished. 14 Han Rl. S. Stuart, Flo. 13494. , noory. cock St., Apt. 1IA. REAL ESTATE cation over the master plan amendment provides rates for justly given a ticket by police as of this year. He added, RED BANK — Six-year-old duplex. Two FOR bALE certain uses that were not in however, that he thought it bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette, revisions, it occurs to us that under terms of a Parking Or- IVi baths, full cellar, washing machine we may have been remiss in existence in the community at was not necessary for them to oMMryer, air conditioning. Rent IKOplin 7». Income Property FLAGSHIP dinance approved last year. utiMel. 741-4427 or 74I-4W2. MunlclpolMcxTne Basin the time the original code was remind the police of their job. FAIR HAVEN — Three family horned In- Atlantic Hlghlonds »1>M3I the past by failing Uvrequesit The ordinance restricts HIGHLANDS — Three-room apartment, 70S. House* for Sal* come dig month. Call I4MM0. If no on approved. swer. call 717-eM4 NEW AND USEO SAILBOATS an educational impact report parking on the streets be- The mayor also announced furnlstied, year round. All utilities Includ- 7' thru 26' on display Specifically it provides ed. Call 291-94M. NOW HEAR THIS MEW VOKK »T»Tt - UMrtv are*. Mi MONMOUTH SAILING CENTER from the Board of Education tween 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. The that if a resident could not THREE-ROOM FURN.ISHED APART- A new Ititlng In Fair Haven features lot ecres Beewtlluf.vlew Two lo,«e bmiiKnas West St. Monmouth Beach 322-3497 on each major subdivision as varying rates for Bayshore obey the ordinance because of MENT - Utilities Included. Two persons of property wllh subdivision possibilities iulle»le for etieVrtments er IMae. Dee* need for the ordinance arose only. M00 a month. Set-3595. Th* home Is a tour-bedroom Cape Cod In well. Cictllenl for hunting end tlshlne. FOR SALE — Handyman's special. 23' it is processed," the Planning Community Hospital, swim- undue circumstances, they very good condition. There's a lull base Term. Coil H\UB open skiff. Sound condition A good winter during the winter months RED BANK — Garden apartments. Two ment and a block-built aarooe. All In ven project. Open to offers. Al Hasilnger, Ul Board chairman said. ming pools and new in- when cars parked in the should notify the police ahead bedrooms, S200 a month, Five minutes met shape. Priced right of only 141,00 walking distance to bus ond railroad sta- Coll us for tht arand tour. "The growth pattern that dustries street obstructed (he Road of lime to try to work some- tion. Private parking space on premises. 730. Form Property Adults preferred. NO PETS. Lease ond appears to have the must The second ordinance au- Department's snow plows. thing out. one month's security required. Call Super- ONLY 15 DAYS TO SPRING - Come see thorizes a 10 per cent hike in intendent. 741-2975, between 14 a.m. and 5 ARMSTRONG 20 dcre horse farm, N stalls, track, good 140. Recreational Vehicles serious impact on Ihe school Mr. Somma told the com- Mr. Somma wis advised to p.m. ONLY. , . AGENCY-REALTORS hree bedroom home; or, six ocres, larae sewer rates effective in 1974. lorn, four-bedroom ranch home, J'i l»7J CMC LUXURY MOTOR HOME — system is single-family de- write to the municipal court 555 Prospect Ave. Little Sllve For rent to resoonsekle porly S300 per mittee his car was mechani- paths; or, 50 wooded ocres with large hill. week and 10c per mitt Coll 6)11)11 tached houses," Mr. Richard- The increase is the result of judge to ask for a waiver of his 741-4500 Hdruld Llneemann, Broker, Eolontown. cally Immobile, and, the dis- 410. HouiHtor^tnt 542-1103. 1973 TRAVEL TRAILER - 17'. Two bock son continued. "The Planning increased charges being made ticket. FAIR HAVEN aoors and rajnp Holds small boat, snow- cussion led into policies of dis- mobile, etcrused once. 13500. 7177761. Board does not want to con- by the Bayshore Outfall Sew- Leonard Sasso, 22, of 25 Old WIDE SELECTION OP RENTALS - Fur* PAUL R. STRYKER, Reollor Farms cretion the police can take un- *lshed and unfurnished. Immediate occu- 135.000 tribute to further congestion erage Authority. Manor Road was sworn In at fmicy. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY, •B ne LOST - Friday In Flnast or Mike's— the Board of Education," the Party-Pretty! section of thriving young city In souther New York Ballet tickets to Nutcracker MONMOUTH BEACH - New four bed- Gult orea At original cost to seller. Tak planning chairman added. MATAWAN - An additional room, 2ft-both home. Available Immedlot julte. for child's birthday. Reword 747-4633. VAN HORN over remaining contract at 6%. Colt ev .OST — Mon's gold r Ing, owl facelr ed eiy Sets Mr month. Lease. Cozens, Real ' AOENCY - REALTORS nlngs, 741 lilt. The planners have asked $100,000 in state aid jnay re- 820 jtone eyes, vicinity River Rd., Maple r Printed Pattern Open 7 doys. Call 24 hours a day. MONMOUTH BEACH - Al resldenlla Ave., Locust Ave., ond Youth Center. Fair Board of Education members sult in a reduction from l.> lo KEANSBURG - Three-room cottage 747-4100 lot. Desirable location Haven, on Oec 13. Reword. ;n l from ihe budgel for 1U74-75 PROFESSIONAL ond Revolution award. RECREATIONAL Location Security Improvements, SIX ROOM SUITE Vroom Building, Trenton Psychiatric The award consists of a pin The tax r;ite here is ex- CLIFFSIDE Hospital- Trenton. New Jersey Centrally located in Rod Bank, ap- Owner; State of Ntw Jersty to bo presented to Miss Ander- pected to be reduced any- proximately 900 sq II , heat, air HEALTH CARE CENTER Separate sealed bids (a) for earn of son by Gov, Brendan T. Byrne where from one-half cent lo HO. BIcycles/Mlnl Bikes listed branches of work and a %rDuroir conditioning, laniiornl services, t Ne» rtclttr nv overall sinair contract bid 'bi coveting when DAR winners from high Iwo cents per $100 of assessed sell service eleveior, free parking e 24-hour C»rMI e mlm C BIKES FOR CHRISTMAS -Excert oil the broncnes of work and mnipnai condition. Tricycles. 10' . II, 14", si required to complete the protect will be M hiiol.K all over the slate meet valuation if Ihe budgel is Win sub-divide • RN Supervision Schwlnn Iwo wheeler. SI0. 17I3MI after received in the Reception Room of the e MedicaO Approved p.m. Division of Building and Construction in Trenton next month. adopted as proposed The in- •th floor of the Taxation Building. WeM 200C»nHr8t Stole ond Willow Streets. Trtnlon. New Miss Anderson will also be ircase in Malauan Township WUOt CIKfwood Jersey M6?V until 2 00 p m on January Middletown's rapratentaUvg in Call 747-1100 Boats and Accessorie IS, >T7i ond then publicly opened and in taxes for srhool purpOMMl is Knit this Chanel-style, jewel no. reod aloud No bid will be accepted of rtatewlda ind nationwido mi oryeurBrokir 566-8422 PYRAWACANOES ttr the hour specified Bids wilt be re attributed lo the fail thai ofa jacket NOW: AND INFLATABLE DINGHIES celved on the totiowlng branches of /I'lisinp contests sponsored by tell Wit April 1.1974 SCENIC SERVICE CENTER work. township ratable! total only S.I Knit jacket with diamond Hwy M Highlands 171-1 DM DAR, General Construction million, while ratablea lure yoke and borders from neck MS. Apartments Structural A Misc. Mttgis The daughter of Mr. and MS. Apartments Apartments Electrical total annul $« million. down In one piece. Use knitt- Plumbing & Drainage Mrs. Theodore Anderson of Heating 1 Ventilating 9276 SIZES 2-8 ing worsted or synthetic. 106 Tatum Drive, Miss Ander- Prison Equipment Ideal for all seasons. Pattern All bidders must be preouai>ned in oc son ranks aiming the top five coroonct with the statue (N J S A R20: sizes .12-48 Included M 35) students in her class with a Man Sought The information for liddtvt ' Send 7% cents for each pal- FARMINGDALE GARDENS Bid, Form ot Contract, Pi on*.. Vped'fa four-year straight A average rpi n. Kasy-to-Embroider (lowers lions ond forms of Bid Bond. Perform- tern - add lri rcnls for each ancePaymeni Bond, and o">f Shi' is an officer of the local II /\UtO 1 IM'I I add birthday cake (rating lo — fin each pattern — add IS refunded on amount not lo n»re*rt 117 SO \I.I, \KW KOH I97.T Kash- • Individually Controlled Heal & Air Conditioning per set. ltt(S) of contract documents KEYPORT - A Cfcrtitinai The VK Inn LIUIIMI e liar- roil* (of I'.uh pattern for \\r will be ovoiiaate for per'jsai tiv * off t* • ton-Inspired Nccdlecrafi Cata- • Intercom 4 Buzzer To Mam Entrance Door esled porlles Ut* of charge In the Take party for senior cHlMBI young Manloloklng, lold police Mail mill Special Handling • Terrace Every Apartment Off Room In the Division of Building riend In Marian Martin, 421 log — more knit, cnichet. and Conitrutllon at head sponsored by Hani,in lie puked up Ihe suspect in • Glass Shower Enclosure • v The State reserves the right fir relecl Port, American Legion, wa« Asbury Park Whin lit*? car The Red Hank Register. Fal- slvles. ctiills PRBI dJ • ALL Hardwood Floors • Large Closet', ony or all Olds lions 75c " mu» __ held in the post home at HI W reached Willow Brook and len t>pt. IV. West IHth Si . • "L" Shaped Living Room • Dining Area security m the amount, lorm antt tub New York. NY Iflflll Print NIWI lmt«n» Monty Book — led lo the conditions provided In the In Front SI. Longbridge Hoads here, lite mnka extra dollar! it horn* * • Free On-Site Parking • Laundry Facilities struetlont for Bidders NAME, \DDRESS wllh ZIP. Nearly 40 members and hitchhiker reportedly drew a • Walk to Farmmgdale Public Schools Altenlion of bidder* is particularly sl/.Kiind STYLE Nt'MltKII 'roni your rrnflii 11.00 rolled to the requirements a\ "» rondl •ttendtd despite poor gun and demanded money rut.nt Crochet Book .... II.CO lions of employment to be oblr. "ft mri NKW! SrrtlNO.RUMMF.n minimum woot rates lo be mi"t umtor «r;ilhiT I,ills Wtjrt ill . Whtll Mi ll.irns he Hflrpln Crochet Book ,.., 11.00 Furnished Model Apt* On Display ihe contract CATALOOI Wr luvr-todnliD Imtanl M«cr»m» Book . 11.00 No bidder may wllhdra* t»t hibd «i tlllillll ll l>. S.llll.l I |,MIS. ,111(1 iiini no money, ihe >u ipo< i is In sixty If4l *iy\ after the actual.dattual d e lor you- -over 100 town, van- Inttinl OUt Book . 11.00 Hinting 0Hlc9 on^Ptwnlttt of the ooeilny thereof Dntertalnment wat In Mr and ,il(l 10 fin red linn nut iif tlon,|i!,im(ir nlylrn r'honirnne Complete Afghan Book . 11.00 TM* Ml lohn Ballon oi Belford, Ihe car and drove awav pollfrn Ur»', Henil 7S' ^ow. It Jiffy Rug* Bsok ... HM Division of 12 Prlit Afghani Book .... BO* Call 938-4279 Ml ond <>- marten of magic inim Roche ihe irehli le u,i. found afire INHTANT Piinhlcui Hank. II. Quilt Book 1—IS rattnrnn f.0« fit r »ETCr«l jet 'ii I ,i in al 2nd Ave. and Eastern Mgml Corp acted .is chairman ol the INSTANT Hnwlrm Ilyiik—new MuMum Quill Book 2 60* it* in event Kmorj Streel In Asbury I'ark H lnd»y. weir H Intnnrow. II. 18 OullU for Today Book ,. SO* s 22 The Dally Register, Red Buk-Mlddletowa, N.J. Tkuttay, December 27.1171 f Snuffy Smith Crossword Puzzle 66 Fur animal 29 Gun WHAT ACROSS 32 Bird or fly I'VE HAD POP-TOPS t Pair o» oxen catcher 67 Challenge 30 Age LOOKV,PAW!! THIS SODy DO VE FERTHUTTVVEARS S Charts 37 Nothing 68 Transmitted 31 CH church*: abbr. POP CflN HAS ONE OF THEM MEAN 9Olkidnay* more than 69 Squander NEW- 14 PMI 38 Seasonal 70 Italian 33 Pronoun NEW-FANGLED POP TOPS FANGLED? 15 Request We (amity 34 Frequently: 16 Miss Ryan. 43 Succulent 71 Where Helen poet- "Granny" plant went 35 Meadow i 17 Alms box 44 Property DOWN 36 Colorado It Rime too 45 Concavities 1 Turkish park soon 47 Brilliancies cavalrymen 38 Owned 20 "You gotta 52 Components ol 2 Pa ot Ma 39 Drink have-" chiaroscuro 3 Bazaar 40 Governor's 22 Perfect 57 Hit sign 4 Approach nickname 23 Nickname 60 Tendency goal: 2 wdj 41 Old timers 24 Warmth too 61 Put away 5 Gym teacher's 42 Special late 62 Symbol of degree tcnooi 27 Chest: pref. plenty 6 Turkish 46 Stitch 28 Foolhardy one 65 Silkworm regiments 48 Newest " Hi and Lois 7 Lost: Fr. 49 Worshipper Solution to Yeitwday'a Puule: 8 Witch city 50 Italian city WWATfe THAT UP THERE?/ 9 Ransacked 51 Perspiring HEY, HERE'S THOSE ARE UCV// \ P"*9TWE©ET lil.Hii'.J iM.Jil 10 Go wrong 53 Nor: Lai. A PRESENT VOU FORGOT ONE YOU TREE LIGHTS/ CT.. ) PR£. CHRISTMAS u 11 -sign 54 Positive =bR CHRISTMAS?/ . FOR&OT/irs SNOOPIN©, THEN rvi.j aaan unua 12 Handle: Lst. pole GOT POST-CHRISTMAS ntian u 13 Northern 56 Slangy CHRISTMAS European negatives THAT'S JUST A INVENTOR* '.1 lli;« ilMlliil mVKA 19 Sweet potato 56 Wander STUFF ON TRAYWEPON'T 'vi» npinna riciniri 21 Western 57 Ugly boat USE VERY OFTEN IT/ JJJ JU;JJ JJJJJJ boundary 58 List LHJUU LJLJUJ lake 59 Leftovers -I JJJ UU11U JJJ 25 European 63 After Children^ I UJJUJUJJUJLIJJJUI language expense* UtfUJ UUJLJJ J.IJJ 26 Branches: 64 Alfirmativt LJ.JJJ U'JLIUJ LJJIJJ ena,t. vote 0 e a r I1/17/7J T mis tit **


TliV Wizard of Id IZ-Z7 Vi Your Horoscope, Birthday P THUKSDAY. December 11 seeds of trouble betore they - A day lor planning. You a less aggressive stand than — Born today, you are one of have barely sprouted and lor eun execute today's plans usual where members of the (hose wise persons who this reason can usually cir- later on: for Ihe present be opposite sex ure concerned. places matters of health cumveni dillieuljies well satisfied with organizing Ihe You can be confident of your above all else. Concerned before Ihoy pi'come prob- material you have nn hand. success. that you should always be lematical' AKIKS (March 21-April 19) VIIU.O (Aug. 2:l-Sepl. 22) Andy Capp physically able to.accompli.sli You urijoy all levels of life. —Take carp that you don't — Though imilalion is the sin- your goals, you never enter You find your work interest- weaken your position on UK- ceiest form of flattery, you upon any enterprise without ing, your leisure-lime aclivi- employment scene. An ex- would do belter to lake an tWJNCTJTHirvf PUT TH 'COUNT ME OUT, MATE.I'/vf< first seeing that you are int ties both funand fulfilling. cellenl day. however, for ce- original approach to prob- UNTUPAfiAINiX'AANOT ALREATJy NONE -THE the pink of condition. Even menting friendly relations lems today. Lt'l others llaller HAI/IN'TH«T.'rUK)«/v\A HKW-ftOOD-PSCTSUHE and your social life invigorat- PRESSURE. VARliTY.' mental endeavors, you real- ing. with a recent stranger. you. mil vice versa. i/.e. lake Iheir loll ol physical To find what is in store for TAUHUS (April 20-May 20) LIKKA (Sept. jQ-Qcl. 221 energy and stamina, so oven you tojuorrow. select your -Use your persnnaf in- — A day when ymi arc heller if your project requires no birthday and read the corre- fluence and vou should be suiled to he bossed than to physical "exercise" you are sponding paragraph. Lul able to get a new project off buss. You would do well to careful to eat right and to get your birthday star be your the ground without further take into consideration the rest you need. You do not. daily guide. delay. Seek mil a "friend of a lessons learned iii Ihe recent however. (»verdn things: you * friend." past. are considerate of yourself Friday. ••H (.KMtM may 21-Minr 201 MCOKI'IO (Od 2:i-N»v. 21) but you dn not baby yourself. CAPRICORN iDec IB-.lun. — Advance notice of future — Uecenl festivities may Not one to take chances 19>-If you alicadv have a happenings should bring you have Icll ymi nunc laliguifd will) your financial situation, commanding lead over Ihe a step or two nearer to your than' you realize. Don't be opposition, protect it today: il you (-annul be talked into goal. .Take advantage of in- surprised should you find you're Hi til wnrkinfl-up In II. formation mil divulged to all. Nubbin financial risk for the sake of yinirsell unable lo stick to possible liiuiiH-ial profit. In- lake steps to increase Iho CANCKK (June It-July 221 tempo. wnrk schi'ilnlcs Idday. &0MP? WHO,MB?^ AMp pOW'T VOU vesting only in sure things. -Diin'l waste a moment of SAG ITT AH IUM (\«v 22- GOT /wviuwcr MIII may never strike it us AlJtAKIl'S Mill). 2orVI> 1 Ins day looking back on an Dee 21! -Itesulls of recelil OF com* nov.J $BT fort OH rich as some ol your associ- IKi — Take care llol In overdo unhappy e.vpcnencc Look elfoi is lo influence another in TWtfMCH ates — but you will also never IhiDMs physieally. There ulieud in vicKiries in Ihe should be an excellent oppor- yniir lavor should show Ihem- COLUMN? suffer quite so many financial making: check a tendency to &M* upheavals and periods of tunity for advancement late look on the dark side. srlves at this lime. Don't downright insolvency. You in the day: don't miss it. I.K.O I July 2:l-Aug 221 hesilale lo demonstrate gra- have a lalenl for spotting Ihe PISCKS I Feb. 19-March 20> — You would be wise to lake liludc Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SHEINWULD gratefully cashed the king of with the ten. South had to 3318. Grand Central Station, diamonds in order to get rid overruff with the queen of New York, NY. 10017). Hlondir The science of getting the of his last spade. South had vi- hearts; and West took the last most out of your trumps is an sions of getting out with a trick with the lowly four of HP I'M NOT BUT WHAT IF important branch of de- whole skin, since he had al- hearts! South dealer GOING TO IT'S MY BOSS, clarer's play. In some hands ready taken three side tricks "I would have*'"doubled." Neither side vulnerable ANSWER IT, OR A TELEGRAM the defenders can show how and hoped for five trump West announced, "if I had NORTH THAT'S ALL OR SOMETHING much (hey know of this part tricks. known that I was going to 4 109 THERE'S TO TERRI0LY • of the game, especially if de- Leads Diamond take three trump tricks." tf None IT/ IMPORTANT? clarer has delusions of ade- In an effort to get to his own 0 KQJ853 quacy. hand, declarer led a diamond DAILY QUESTION 4 K 10954 West opened the king of from dummy and ruffed with As dealer, you hold: SKI 9 F.AST spades, and South won with the seven of hearts. West HNoneD-KQ J 8 5 3 C-K 10 9 • 8542 the ace. It was a hopeless con- overruffed with the eight and O AI09 5 4. What do you say'.' l0 tract, but South found an returned a low club. Answer: Pass. Don't stretch 0 » 0 A642 • A 8 .1 2 amusing way to lose the max- East ruffed with the nine, to open a substandard hand * I 7 imum. and South overruffed with the with length only in the minor SOUTH Declarer led a diamond, jack. Declarer next led the suits If your two suits were • A76J and East took the ace. East king of hearts to force out the the majors you would open V KQJ753 returned a spade, and West ace. East returned the last the bidding. ' 0 7 Po^o * Q6 cashed the queen and jack. spade. ("A Pocket Guide to South Wm N0rth £,„ Now West cashed the ace of South ruffed with the five of Bridge" written by Alfred Pas« 2 O Pa»$ clubs and led another club. dU.\ U toff A —&t\fiap4 hearts, and West overruffed Sheinwold is available, (let All PaM we can jrvt ffc MFC - - 'A man Declarer won in dummy with the six. Now West led his your copy by sending 50 cents Opening lead e> K o# uflWi uninspected Intuwtter, with the king of clubs and last club, and East ruffed to Red Bank Register, Box ffiuitrtt Hy a man of mi/ cunning, ivc itHitidgofafi. JUST OWEN HW THINK 1 KNOUJ WHAT fa; MEAN... I MAfBE WE SHfll/LD ALL ) EVERYTHING IS PERFECT, QiJEAR PATTIN6 HELMETS!/ LIFE DEALS 4DU A BLOW! I t I The Phantom Beetle Bailry LAUffANN... ME FLIRT ?WHV. WHY ARE VOU y, WHATEVER / WMO« OH I BETTEJE L4U6HING? CAU YOU MEAN ? { CLEANUP Dim ME GE1& *m V ... TODAY? WiNPOW

THAT MAM. .CA VOU'POR"1 NEVER SAW YOU /WEEK 2* Ttan.Decembers, an

M&JDAV MM at KtNMOWTM T»e Dally Register, ft T fhru*. Ball 1IH TMtiMM&laiaMMi Television Today - GALA HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS • MUIMIl|K'i NNe w YorfYrfi Ch«ni*|*-2.4,5.7.9,Chi*|2457911 111.133 Red BMk-Mkkiletowi, N J. oiimni) «» • • THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW AT WALTER READE THEATRES • MAGNET OATIM MOVCS (It) THE EDITORS • • CIS THURSDAY NIGHT MOVIE "OUakoaaar IIMSI atarrliic Oordoa aurltae. Shir- ley Joaaa. Tka Radfai S 2"" vr- ^ri- anal la aa Amentaa folk aiory akout a cowkoy kara • "!«. ejf rW Daeart" aaeV* faravfM hcratae. (R) ew Year's Ev? • "Joka»y AHU" • B IRONSIDE MO • "SnortIW' "A. Qajeta of Showdown." CaMf IraaaMe decldea to in Europe! 4.-00 • "Tka Sfwnl. Mam" leaek a leaaoa to an unacruputoua riinfaaatnaal • "Imitatia. of Ufa" r with a kakll of caaaUai Ika lalllhat (Rl 0 -Quartfar 1m * nuke* • Calm a rromia. to a


Many of Sunnier»' *v NsfeHow n» i*at PWIIF^I. officers hvoryxoiJUn I luit peopU KiUtc t < i BEST PICTURE In a vpawlnl him the Of THE YEAB" Hiind nfwaj Mattlun off lain The PapoJduuat b Park •081-3533 most IsHtlv.ini nioi'tn, , 2:15-4:45 manaUve 7:25 - 9:45 LAST TIMES TODAY an honest EMECUTIUE flCTION

AL PACINO "SERPICO COUR tlkMIMPlMMM STARTS TOMORROW Timot)ry Bottom* * 'Th» mdomim an lauMlnav And Caorfina S

plut I all «fc0W I Vlny NITI THE RED-NOSED • Georgpna SpeJvin REINDEER" o-r- inhtrmoit moKing ful ALL IN I MATINEE SAT . SUN . HOI GLORIOUS ADMISSION ONLY •taningroto yet! TO LATE SHOW n. COLOR! raNUMMANDOCNTLEMEN OVM ft U The Daly Register, Red Baak-Mkldletown, N.J. Tkursday, December 27,1171 At The Movies Tk«M tchtdults or* pro- ASIURY NOKIM OF M D E-ANK vldtd by tha thaottr and SAVOV ATLANTIC NIONLANDS LY*IC — clearance& Imtt art lor today ATLANTIC - only. Stfplco JOO; 7 M, »:» Don't Look In lh« ioitmtnt 7:00; Nf PTUNI CITY — • 10:00; Lml Hoint on Hit Ittt IIS Chorlotl.i Web 2 00 Ath WMiwWoy MIODLCTOWN 7:25; f: 25 OCEAN TOWNiHIP JHKfWSiUHV Magic Oulitmoi Tr» and Rudolph CIRCLE - RII Enocullvi Action 7: 30. t 30 E>Kutlv

Up. MM; 4:00; <:0t; I:M; MALL I - Jwplca 1:00; 7:00; MS TM Way Wf Wtf I 7:30; f: IS IATONTOWN MALL II - HAILET Clngur aid AbOuctori/Long Goodbye 7: a,- t:JS ' Thi Woy Wt Wtrt J: 01. 7:25; »: JO iZmrm ,:.,,.:» • RICKTOWN il; FrUn* ol e*fi« CtyK • KICK PLAZA - CINEMA II - American GraflHWW. »: 20 Anurlcan Gralllll 7 00. 1.00; 10 00

KEYPORT STRAND - Dftom Lovtr 2:00; 4:50: 7:40: 10:35 Mamat lltllt Girl 1:30; 2:50; 5 « Dr. flinch 3:«; «:3S;»:3O

CINIMA !< - ' Alh Wtdnttdoy 7:30; 9 20

STRATHMORE ' CINEMA II - 7-»Uff?J? 5IU" ^ '° T"' L°"8 000<V' fieldcrest fragrance' .STRATMMORt CINEMA I Tlw Woy Wt Wtri 7:00; I IS no-iron percale sheets MENLO PADK it aglow, in the CINEMA - Sfptco 1:00. 3: IQ, 3.J5. 7:45: 10:00 heart! of young PERTH AMaOY 6.75 twin size AMaors DRIVE IN - &90 and old. Add to iti S«rplco 7:00,' 11:15 FrltfUi ol EOdll 7.75 full size .....4.90 warmth our bright 4.80 42x36" cases pr. 4.00

'Fragrance' is a lovely and delicate multico- lored floral print with all the enchantment of a legendary garden. Smooth polyester/cotton blend. In flat or fitted styles.

/ FIRST NATIONAL COLONIAL^ BANK 19.95 mirro 9-pc. la cuisine cookware 19.75gillette purr untangler Joel S. LUotte Set: 1 qt., 2 qt.. 3 qt. covered Eliminates pulling hair and split' The all-service bank that looks out for you saucepans, 5 qt. covered dutch . ends. Works on wet or dry hair. MEMBER F.D.tC. Daily Register oven, 10" frypan. All stores It's a pleasure. Not in Brick Town Carrier of Week except Brick Town or Red Bank. or Red Bank. , .". 11.90 RED BANK - Joel G. Liz- otte of 36 Victoria Place, Mid- dletown, has been selected by 19.95-39.95 oneida 45-pc. dinnerware '1290 maid rite stand/hand mixer PUBLIC AUCTION The Daily Register's Circula- It's the unbreakable, dishwasher When removed from stand to a tion Department as Carrier of the Week. safe one. Limited quantities. All hand mixer. Mixes, blends, stirs. stores except Brick Town or Red With 2 bowls. Not in Brick Town "? QA SALE A carrier for more than a or Red Bank. f • %PV After UiotifMM, longHty and panahra oonildorollon I, Uio MMtor- year, he delivers to 26 homes Bank Off aigiMtf wtlh raludanea hava ampomrart and dkacM l.a Co«u 4 each day.

• suits • sport coats • slacks • $25-$80 luggage and tote bags CLOTHING SALE • rainwear «car coats • jackets • 9.50-$25 steins, mugs, leather STARTS JANUARY 2nd • arrow dress shirts • knits bottles for at-home bars AT • sport shirts • socks • S2OS130 assorted gift items • sweaters • jeans • gloves • $8-$15 small leather goods JOHN DANIELS

50 BROAD STREET RED BANK shop all stores late tonight OPEN WED & FFtl. EVES TILL 9 P.M.