Trinity Tripod, 1948-05-15
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lRINITY COLl • L • 1 H <.. ~ 1 \'I l 1 8 1942 , ft Volume XLV HARTFORD, CONN., MAY 15, 1948 Number 24 TRINITY CELEBRATES 125 YEARS Alpha Delts To Hold International Department Exhibits I Seymour, Taft To Speak; Weekend Convention on T rin Campus in June Open Today for All; Features Dedication, Games, Tours By John Coote Thornton Wilder Guide~ y ~~~}~ c~'~a pel j Thi weekend is To Give Address I~~------ ~~--~ Today mark the hi ghlight of the a very important harter Weekend of the 125th Anni milestone in thP The Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity I versary of Trinity College, and, i:J long road traveled will meet for its 116th Annual Inter-. 1 accordance with this important oc by Trinit.y College. national Convention at Trinity Coli ge casion, all guests and friends of th onnecticut's sec on June 24-27, it was announced last college will be given an excellent ond, ew England's week by Dr. Henry A. Perkin , Pro opportunity to inspect the plant and tenth, and the fessor Emeritus of Physics at Trinity exhibits of the school this afternoon nation's t h i r t y College, and Joseph F. Littell, Co between the hours of 1 and 5. third oldest college, chairmen. The guided tours which will be con was founded 125 A principal speaker at the celebra ducted by undergraduates of the year ago by Bishop tions will be Thornton Wilder, famed college will commence at the hapel Thomas Church author and playwright, and three which is known as one of the finest Brownell. times winner of a Pulitzer Prize. Mr. examples of perpendicular Gothic Although Sunday, Dr. , eymour Wilder is perhaps best known for hi3 architecture in the country. There Dr. Taft May 16, is the --------------- ~ actual anniv rsary of th chartering play Our Town and The Skin of Our guests may hear short concerts every Teeth, and his novels The Bridge of half hour while the stained-glass win . r Ba II We II or the college, celebration of this I0 vent !;tarted last night with the an Lui Rey and The Ide of .March, dows, woodcarvings, and construction Sen the latter a current best seller. of the chapel are being explained to Atte nd ed at Cl ub nior Ball held at the Hartford Club, and will continue through the greater Additional speakers at the conven them. ht 'I' . t b t d part of tomorrow. tion will be John Chipman Fana!', Audubon Books on Dis(>lay L rmry o 11 gece 1 rae 11 ' hl ' h ' h 1 d ' 11 b THORNTON WILDER Before seeing the library and ad rg rg trng t e w e ten wr e President of Farrar and Strauss, r·Jh the J2!ith annual obs rvance of th \ the open house this aft moon. Visitors ministration building which houses li. hers; Richardson Wright, Editor of season's final gala social vent- the will be taken by students on a guided House and Garden Magazine; The the famous Audubon Bird books Rabbi Kagan Calls valued at $30,000, visitors will be enior Ball. The staid, sedate, sump- tour of all the main buildings on the Hon. Colin W. G. Gibson, Canada's hown the outdoor athletic plant, in tuous Hartford lub threw off its campus. Many of the educational Secretary of State and President of For Religiousness cluding Trinity Field, the soccer field, unbent departments have set up demonstra Alpha Delta Phi; and Dr. G. Keith By Norm Steinfeld mid-we k atmospher and the new freshman baseball diamond, tions and exhibits illustrating pro Funston. Last Tuesday, May 11, at 8:30 p.m., sufficiently to admit frolicsom and various practice fields. boys edures canied on in various class Others in attendance at the co n before an audience of Trinity students and girls seeking momentary escap' r·oom work. Featured on this exten Guests will then inspect Trinity's vention will probably include Henry and Hartford citizenry, Rabbi Henry brownstone quadrangle as they pass from their int 11 ctua\ labors. sive tour are Tr·inity's famed chapel R. Luce, Editor of Life, Time, and Kagan of Mt. Vernon, New York, down Jarvis Walk, part of which To the meny tunes of the Ynl and the new dormitory and field-house Fortune; Bruce Barton. author; and delivered a talk entitled "Are You dates back to 1870. In showing this collegians the couples did their figur •s now und r construction. Thomas Rudd, Pre ident of Hamilton a Somebody?" The address, spon "fraternity row" of fifty years ago, Also during the afternoon, the Trin- College and Vice Pre ident of Alpha sored by the Inter-Faith Council, was f[·orn 9 unt.r'l 1 Wh1'te dinn r coats guides will conduct visitors into two · ity varsity baseball t am, with an Delta P hi. held under the auspices of the Jewish and strapless, flowing gowns augured avcr·age r cord thus far, will engage dormitory suites now being used as This June's will be the first conven Chautauqua Society, a group acting offices. In passing Northam Towers, a summer vacation close at hand. Worcester Polytechnic Institute on tion of Alpha Delta Phi held at Trin as ponsor for various prominent it will be noted that beside thi s en Patr·ons and Patronesses were to Trinity Field. ity since 1900 and tke third since speakers throughout the country. trance in 1918 President Theodore be thanked for their invaluable addi 1877. The Rt. Rev. S. Harrington The peaker, a graduate of the Delta Phi Invites Theta Xi Roosevelt made a famous address. tion to the evening's festivities. Presi Littell, retired Episcopal Bishop of niversity of Cincinnati and a recipi Directly to the left of Northam stands dent and Mrs. G. Keith Funston, Dean This evening the fratemity houses ent of a Ph.D. degree in Psycho Honolulu, will officiate, with the a - th statue of Bishop Thoma hurch and Mrs. Arthur H. Hughes, R v. hav plann d large parties with dinner Therapy from Columbia University, si tar.ce of Chaplain Gerald B. Brownell, founder of the college, and and Mrs. Arthur Adams, Rev. and and dancing afterwards included poke on the insignificance of the in O'Grady, at a service in Trinity nearby is the alumni flagpole. Mrs. Gerald B. O'Grady, Prof. and among the proceedings. Delta Phi dividual that has become so wide Chapel opening the convention. Busi Demonstrations and experiments by Mrs. Edward F. Humphr y, Prof. and Praternity has invited all t.h mem pread in the twentieth century. He ness meetings in the Chemistry Audi the Science departments of the col Mrs. JT aroutune Dadourian, Mr. and. ber·s of the n wly founded chapter of claimed t hat this feeling of insigni torium, a picnic at Avon Old Farms lege will be next on the agenda. Mr·s. Francis S. Murphy, D •an and Theta Xi to be their guests for the ficance wa the result of three impor School, a convention banquet at the Gue ts will be hown through the Mrs ..Jo s ph Iarke, Prof. and Mrs. t•vening's f stivilies. Hartford lub, and a reception at the tant discoveries, that of the solar hemistry laboratories, the chemistry Robert M. Vogel, and Prof. Geor·ge Th co lle g- will pause in its cele ystem by Copernicus, the biological home of Trinity Pre ident G. Keith library, cia srooms, and . everal per B. oop r, helped in sur the success I hration to pay tribut to the late sciences by Darwin, and psychology Funston are scheduled on the program. manent exhibts. Also, there will be of the dance. l~ e m se n H. Ogilhy, one of its greate. t Alumni on the convention commit by Sigmund Freud. The on ly solu motion pictures in the 'hemistry Jo'urth r gratitude was •xt.ended to president s, in whose memory a new tee are A. H nry Moses, West Hart t ion to this sense of mediocrity and auditorium of last fall's football 1\lonk R ynolds and hi s committee for chapel window will he dedicated. helplessnes in our everyday lives was ford; David M. Hadlow, West Hart game and various other college activ- their thankless task which was per- The dedica ion ceremonies will be to find an interdependence among our- ford; and Einer Sather, Hartford. ( ontinued on page 3.) formed so well. h ld rl ur·in g the morning Whitsunday Undergraduates on the committee are elves, between ourselves a individuals /-------------------------------~ ser·vic at Jl o'clock. Given by Mrs. and other human beings. This inter Dougla Harding, Hastings, .Y., Welcome to Trinity oll cge ! We hope that the tour of t.h campus dependence could best be satisfied by Og- ilby a nd her sons, the window was Registration hairman; J ames D. and p cia! exhibits and d monstrat.ions which have been arranged for you the appeal of reli gion, which arouses Iadapt ed from plans made by Dr. McCli ter, Kittaning, Pa., Banquet will be both educational and entertaininJ! . After touring the chap I, yo u gilby of a window repr·cseniing the the motion of love and thus gives us hah·man; Redding L. Crafts, or- will be met at the small north door of the chapel by a student guid ' who fr·iendship of Washington and Hamil a relatednes. to other . folk, Va., Facilities Chairman; David will take you on a quick inspection trip of the entire campus and ~h e The next day, May 12, Rabbi Kagan I ton, and l ~mer· s on and Thoreau, and M.