This week, the fifth to eighth grade students in Miss Zampieri’s (Miss Z’s) class at the Whitby School in Greenwich were treated to a special jam session with Guns N’ Roses guitarist Richard Fortus. Joining live via Skype, Fortus was the second member from the legendary rock band to guest in Miss Z’s class. Last month, band mate Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal also Skyped in to advise students and offer guitar-playing pointers.

Classically trained in violin at age 4 and drums at age 5, Fortus provided the class with a unique perspective from his deep and versatile musical experience. In turn, School of Rock students treated Fortus to their rendition of Guns N’ Roses hit “Sweet Child of Mine.” Fortus provided feedback on his guitar as well as answered students’ questions.

Inviting noted experts to class is one of the many ways that Whitby guides students to engage in learning and discover meaningful connections between their subjects and the real world. Also joining the class was Bob Capazzo, guitarist for Fairfield County’s rock band Merlin. Upcoming musicians slated to visit the School of Rock class this semester include Chris Bishop, who was a bassist for Robert Palmer and the James Montgomery Band, and Mike Suppa, a guitarist who has performed with many notable musicians including Ace Frehley of KISS; Jerry Cantrell, Sean Kinney and Mike Starr of ; as well as Roger Glover and Steve Morse of Deep Purple.

Whitby student Lara Patricio (center) listens as Guns N’ Roses guitarist Richard Fortus (back) provides musical instruction via Skype. Bob Capazzo (right), member of the local band Merlin, was also a guest expert in Roxanna Zampieri’s (left) School of Rock class.