Hulme, and Neighbourhood update 16th April 2020

As a Neighbourhood we are working together to try and make sure that key information is shared, to support vulnerable people during this time. Click on the web links embedded in the text below for further info. Please follow and like our new HMSR INT Facebook page. ​ ​

Please let me know if there’s any gaps in information needed at a Neighbourhood level, or any gaps or patterns that you are finding with the people you work with, or other relevant info to share on [email protected] ​ ​

If you have concerns that someone may be vulnerable, please contact:

● Care Navigator Service – self-referrals possible via [email protected] ​ ​ (referrals from organisations also by phone, 0300 303 9650) ● Be Well – referrals now via any organisation: [email protected] or 0161 470 7120 ​ ​ ​ ● City Council’s Community Response helpline - 0800 234 6123 ​

Mutual aid groups and volunteering

● Covid mutual aid groups are co-ordinating invaluable support at a local level for neighbours by neighbours. Info, support & guidance is available here and here. ​ ​ ​ ​ Rusholme & Moss Side Coronavirus Support | Hulme (+ Britannia Basin & ​ ​ ) | Redbricks/Bentley House housing estate (in Hulme). ​ ​ ​

● Are you the organiser or admin of a mutual aid group? Share learning, ask and ​ answer questions with other organisers. ​

● For volunteering & requesting volunteers, the clear advice in Manchester currently is to use the local MACC scheme, rather than the national NHS Volunteer Responders. ​ ​ ​ ​

● Over 2,400 Manchester volunteers available so far - request or offer support ​

Social isolation and mental health

● Manchester Cares is finding new ways of helping people stay connected in times of ​ challenge and change, such as the daily activities in the #AloneTogether pack. ​ ​

● Manchester Local Care Organisation school nurses are providing emotional ​ ​ support to young people aged 11-16. Text #ChatHealthNHS to 07507 330205

● Bereavement: lots of sources of information and helplines compiled here. ​ ​ ​ ● Anxiety and depression helpline, and emotional support for carers in Gujarati, ​ ​ ​ Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu, offered nationally during the covid crisis by Shama ​ ​ Women’s Centre, 0116-251 4747 ​

Partner updates

● Community Grocer members and volunteers have a phone befriending service from ​ Healthy Me Healthy Communities & are referred into the MCC Food Response Team.

● The Food Response Team at MCC: delays in the first week as the system got up ​ and running, Monday of the second week alone had 800 deliveries scheduled.

● Age Friendly Manchester eBulletin: send any info to the buzz AF Central lead. ​ ​ ​

● GM Law Centre has produced a survival guide on housing, employment & benefits ​ ​ ​ during the pandemic. Manchester CAB are still giving advice on 03444 111 222, by ​ ​ Facebook messenger or by webchat. ​ ​ ​ ● Sure Start Centres (Martenscroft, Moss Side and Rusholme) are still delivering ​ essential support to families, including antenatal clinics, sign-posting to food banks, with the outreach workers keeping in touch with families, as well as offering activities that can be done at home.

● Community Diabetes Education & Support has produced a Ramadan newsletter. ​ ​ ​

In other news...

● Health inequalities: BAME groups hit harder by Covid-19 than white people, 35% of ​ patients compared to 13% of population, finds a UK report, due to the wider ​ ​ determinants of health such as cramped housing, nature of work outside the home, and deprivation leading to a higher incidence of underlying health conditions.

● If you’ve kindness stories to share or want to read some, it’s all here, or on twitter ​ ​ ​ ​ with the hashtag #ManchesterKind ​

● Other email updates: Manchester Community Central weekly eBulletin. Sign up ​ ​ ​ for MCC e-bulletins: Covid-19 MCC updates, Age Friendly Manchester e-bulletin ​ ​ (select news & events for older people), and Work and Skills bulletin. ​ ​ ● Substance misuse and covid: policy, health issues, coping strategies & info. ​ ● The Antisocial Behaviour Action Team (at MCC) helps with issues including ​ ​ ​ intimidation, verbal abuse, threats and hate incidents in private rented or owner occupier housing. Contact through the webform, or email, 0161-234 4612 ​ ​ ​ ​ Monday-Friday 9-5. For those in social housing, contact them directly instead.

● PPE for VCSE: if you are from a Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise ​ organisation or group, and need Personal Protective Equipment to continue to deliver your services to vulnerable people, contact [email protected] or if you’ve been ​ ​ funded by OMCVS get in touch with [email protected]

In previous updates...

Please see previous updates for information on: homelessness, Covid-19 in English and community languages, VCSE funding & support, mental health, food provision, family support, domestic abuse, mutual aid groups and other volunteering, plus partner updates.

Keep in touch

Please keep sending me information gaps, patterns in needs, system challenges needing to be addressed. Also send me your updates and information for distribution, & any feedback. HMSR INT Facebook: please like and share. ​ Thank you everything you are doing to support each other and those most in need,

HMSR Health Development Coordinator: [email protected] & on Twitter ​ ​ ​