Federal Troops Capture Jalapa in Night Attack
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THB WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Fotccaat bjr D< S. Weather OareaUt AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Ke«* B avea for the month of Febrcary, 1020 Fair tonight and Friday; colder 5 , 2 8 4 tonight. Mciubcr of the Andit Bureau ot attrbfafer Circulationa FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIII., NO. 121. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929. $75,000 REWARD IN MEXICAN WAR NEWS HOOVER CALLS FOR A STOCKING FEDERAL TROOPS That’s What Rich Broker Of- j EXTRA SESSION fers If You Find One in His j CAPTURE JALAPA Apartment. F O ^ R I L 15 New York, March 7.— “ But ton’ button, who's got the-- stocking?” was the cry in fi IN NIGHT ATTACK nancial circles today following Albert Clayburgh’s promise to Short Meeting Will Deal pay $75,000 to anyone who could find a woman’s chitfoii With Farm Relief, Tar slocking in his apartment.- Rebels Flee from Capital of Vera Cruz— General Lopez Clayburgh, a wealtliy broker, made his pledge from the wit Captured and Will Face Firing Squad at Dawn; Trains iff Revision and Reappor ness stand in Supreme Court here. A 'fhe occasion was the hear Start Again on Schedule— ^Reports of Battles Receiv tionment. ing on an action brought by his estranged wife, Mrs. Alma Clayburgh, who claimed that ed from Many Quarters— Federals See End of Revolu Washington. March 7.— President the* broker stormed into her J Hoover decided today to call the home and moved out practic Seventy-first Congress into special ally all her furnishings both tion Within a Week. session on April 15. household an>l personal. This session promised during the Mexico City, March 7.— In a Gen. Gastalum who with 300 Loyal campaign, will deal with farm relief ist soldiers captured San Luis on and tariff revision primarily, and. night attack federal troops captured General Adalberto Tejedo, who is One of the leaders of the Mexican | Pascual Ortiz Rubio, above, is one the boundary between Sonora and if the leaders have their way about START COUNT General Fausto Topete, above. Jalapa, capital of the State of Vera Lower California. It, reapportionment of Congress on Governor of the State of Sonoia, in Cerro Colorado, Mexico, with a revolution is General Antonio Vil- of the most popular representatives lereal, above, who also is an an- j Cruz, from the rebels early today. Report Battle. the basis of the 1930 census. has openly defied President Fortes force of armed agrarians, disrupt of the recently formed National Possibility also existed that the It is not likely that much else uounced candidate for the presi- j Government troops are now in contingent will be sent eastward to OF VOTES IN Gil in a public message of sympathy ed wire and rail communication in- dency of Mexico. He, with a force | Revolutionary Party in Mexico. v.-ill be attempted. Mr. Hoover full control of the State of Vera, jijaj.02 assist Rebel forces there, doesn't want Congress on his hands with the rebel cause headed by to Jalapa and is reported to have of insurgents, has been active njarj Rubio now is mentioned as a can- Cruz. [reported in a heavy field engage any longer than necessary, and the looted the town of Cardel. Monterey. didate for the presidency. General Jesus 51. Aguirre. Gen. Jesus Palomera Lopez, one ment with Federals under Gen. leaders don't want to stay in the OIL FIGHT Manuel Limon. capital very far into the summer. of the greatest “ killers” of all time, The first reinforcement troop They are hopeful of getting away who was captured by Federal train to arrive here carried Gov. by mid-June or July 1 at the latest. NO MOURNER NOR Bullet Hole In Heart, ASSEMBLY KILLS troops in the State of Michoacan, Fausto Topete of Sonora, outstand Expect Snappy Session Crowds Gather to See will face a firing squad at sunset. ing leader of revolution who A snappy, expehtious session is Gen. Palomera Lopez was accus- (granted International News Serv the program, and it probably can be CORONER’ S BILL ed of inciting rebellion. He Is said interview a few minutes after carried out despite the many con Whether or Not Colonel RUES FOR CHARLEY | Kept Alive 20 Hours to have killed more than 500 per his arrival. troversial factors inherent in farm sons with his own hands. Topete declared ‘‘Mazatlan, Im relief and tariff tinkering. For one The prisoner was former chief of portant Sinaloa seaport, has been thing, the Republicans will be pret Stewart is to Be Ousted fhe mounted police of Mexico j evacuated by Federal forces under Moscow, March 7.— Govern- “ dead man” hack to life. The Long Debate Precedes Ac but lost his post following the as Gen. Jaime Carrilo. ty securely in the saddle, having a Lonely Suicide-Assailant of ment hospital physicians succeeded'ytwitchings of the man’s muscle sassination of PresidentElect Alvaro paper majority of 15 in the Senate, “ The latter is retreating south from Standard Oil. in keeping alive for 20 hours, a 21- and the gurgling noises in his ; Obregon last July. It was while he ward burning bridges and railroads and about 100 in. the House— throat were so shocking, however, j tion on Measure to Abol was chief of police that he carried enough to ride down all opposition Rocco Farr Buried in Pot year-old girl with a bullet hole to cut off pursuit.” through her heart. that the 'physicians vowed they out his record-breaking number of When asked to confirm & report with votes to spare. BULLETIN would never try the experiment 1 executions. A farm bill, embodying a combi The girl, Maria Stackelbreg, was ish Office. that the federal government had ter s Field Todayc delivered at the hospital in an am again. : This city was again in railway launched a punitive expedition con nation of the new president's ideas Whiting, Ind., 5Iarch 7.— Within an hour th© girl recover- , communication with the United and the MeXary plan, without the bulance 15 minutes after being sisting of 17.000 troops northward Col. Stewart admits Rocke I shot. Physicians operated imme ed consciousness to such an extent j Slates today. to meet the rebels. Topete said: famous equalization fee, which Hartford, 5Iarch 7.— The bill to j Trains Running. feller has more votes. Without benefit of clergy, not diately and succeeded in checking that she told the police the name i “ That is unlikely. However. If failed of passage this winter, will of her lover, who had shot her dur The train for Laredo, Texas, left be ready for introduction at the single mourner following the the blood leakage from the heart. abolish the office of coroner in the the reported federal force of 17,000 They attached a blood circulation ing a quarrel. After another hour here as usual. There is only cable soldiers meet our advancin,g army. outset of the new session. About Whiting. Ind.. March 7 — Two hearse, Ignatz Charley, whose gun state met its end in the Lower communication, however, by way of machine to the main artery. her mind was apparently a blank, we will be victorious.’ ten days will he devoted to public massive oil giants, after weeks and ended his own life after he had House of the State Legislature to-| Tampico, 'Ihe rebels in their flight Through Ignacio Vasquer, Mexi- hearings, more for form's sake than This same machine . was used although she did not actually die months of hectic manipulation, at causelessly fired a bullet into the until IS hours later. day. A long debate preceded the from Vera Cruz last night cut the consul at Nogales, Ariz,. claim anything else, and another ten days some months ago in bringing a cables running into that city, ^ federal govern- the stroke of noon today in the j neck of his landlord, Rocco Farr, action. Judge Peck, of Bristol, re should see it adopted by the House, little community hall here, began «>- The victories of the Federals in Alazatlan is still in the ported on the bill for the judiciary according to the leaders. ending the titanic “ Battle of the on Tuesday evening, was buried by WHOLE l OW.V MOUR.NS Vera Cruz, Nuevo Leon and other hands of Loyalists. Tariff Revision Proxies” with almost a billion dol the town this afternoon in that cor VILLAGE OLD SO.VIv. committee, that committee having .slates, during the past 24 hours, A communique signed by Plu- Then while the Senate wrestles lars at stake ip the official counting ner of the East Cemetery that goes ‘ FIRST LADY’ GLAD decided against the bill. He e.x- have put them in a dominating posi tarco Elias Calles and relayed by with it, the House will take up New City, N. Y., 5Iarch 7.— tion throughout most of the repub of proxies of the Standard Oil Com by the always tragic name of Pot- Mexican consul Tez at Laredo, to tariff revision. If there are any fire Flags on public buildings here pressed regret over the report in lic. It is believed that the next in pany of Indiana. asmuch as E. T. Clark, of Haddam, Vasquez, claimed that the warship works in the session they will cen From far off Jerusalem the long ter’s field, resting place of the j TO BE HOME AGAIN here at half mast today as a tensive campaign of the federals Montezuma in Mazatlan harbor un ter about the tariff. friendless. mark of respect to Michael had fathered the bill.