• Market Report, You'U Like J Gral1l8 firm, Htoehs IIhow 8trencth, ng 8IdiIPF and HIe Coaue ~ honUl RhureK HlultCIKh; rail IIIIUM Pranks Folio" 10m I brlghtpr. ROllort 0\\ lIage 6. Dall, on Pac. s, .. ,IVE CENTS 6 PAGES IOWA CITY. IOWA, rrUESDAY. SEPTEMBER.====::;::=-== 1, 1931 VOL. XXXI NmmER78 ..

----~------~------~~------~~------~------~--~ Localities in Seek Dismissal of MACDONALD LOSES BRITISH POSTTO ARTHUR HENDERSON Foshay, Associates Incompetency Charge on Trial for U8ing Nation Ready State Report Against N. Y. Attorney Mails in Fraud Deal to Abide, Says Heavy Rains NEW YORK, Aug. 31 (API-Dis· 1IIINNEAPOLIS, AUg. 31 (AP) - miSsal Of cha rgee of Incompetency Wilbur B. )o' oshay and six of his aIJ· High Delegate against 'rhomas C. T. CI'aln, the 71 IIOclu tes In the vaat FoBhay en tel" yeal' old district attorney for New prlses, now In the hands at are· Evening Fair Program celver, wlil go on trial In tederal Called Off at York county, whom Tammany "lst"lct court here tomorrow on French Official Asks Leader John F . Curry personally en· ohal'ges 01 usIng the malis to detraud. if Other Countries Des Moines dOl'aed fOI' ottlce, was recommended Ono hundred and torty witnesses to Governol' Roosevelt today by have been subpoenaed to testify tor Will Submit (By '1'100 ASS~)(lilltod Pres8) ~amuel seabury. the government, which alleges Foeh· HeavY rllino W(>rO r~ported Mon­ M,'. Seabury declared, however, ay and his aIdes ul!Ied lhe malls In ((Jopyrlght, lllSl, By The AlIOClaW ~ay nlghl In BPve"ul rowa localltles. the distrIct attorney In many In· seiling )o'08hay slacks and securl· Pre'", Sioux Clly eXllel'lenced one or the stance. had "busied hlmselt Inetfec· ties through representing they were PARIS, Aug. 81 (AP) - Jolltlph heaviest l·alnCo.lls at tho 8ummer tlvely" and a "much heralded war· sound Invostments, whereas the com· Pa.ul·Boncour, torelgn attaIn chalr­ when .81 Inch precipitation was reo fare upon racketeers ended In a pany WIl8 operating at a 1088. man of Ihe chamber at deputies, to­ ported late In the day. '1.'h meroury complete and abject 8urrende,· by The W. B. Foshay company had reached lIB lop. 90 degrpes, at 3 the law·enforclng agencies In New numerous holdlnga In publlo utllltte8 day IB8ued to the AS8OClat.d Pros. o'clOCk and (h'ollped to 69 by 6 York county," and othe,' buslneKses In many sec· &. statement In which he proposed o·clock. No damage re,lUlted fl'om tlons at the United States. The or· The Investigation WIUI made by that the armed torces of every na· the rain. ganlzatlon was placed In the hands Mr. Seabury, acting as the gavel" be J\bove A verllge Fall at a receiver In November 1929. tion plMed at the dllposal of the O. K. Greening, head at lhe Sioux 110"'S commissioner, a.l'ter the CIty League at Natlonl to put down warl City government weather bureau, clUb had asked CraIn's removal. of aggreaslon. Mr. Crain I. a former supl'eme wid that today's moisture pushed Labor Party M' Paul·Boncour, who will be on. lhe August rainfall total to 3.90, court Justice. at France's prinCipal delel'l.t.. to above t.he August average ot 3.13. Oreenlng said that the present Continues to the Geneva dlsl\rmament confer. month Is lhe (lrst since NOvembgr, ence In February, declared Franc. U30, In which "alnfall ltas exceedeLl Woman Flyer was ready to take that momenloua the normal amount. Attack Foes step. "Are Othen Read,," Dubuque " e port~d a good "soak· "Are other 'natlona, like u', II:," raIn stllrtlng about 9 O'clock Wins National ready?" h asked. "Are they wlllln. In the evening. Fl. Dodge received Opposes New National to put their permanent all', naval two Inches ot moisture. Rain at Air Race Cup Political Element and land torcel under the control Cedar J'taplds fOl'ced postponement and at the disposition of lhe League ot the Mississippi valley ball gamo in Eng1and J. an u as a at Nations? By this gesturo the prob. ",Uh Burlington. Artlllll' Henderson, "Uncle Arthur" as he is knowil in the Announced Winner of lem at parity mll'ht be solved." result of his break with the Labor party of Great Britain over the house of parliament, is the new leader of the Rritish labor party. LONDON. Aug. Bt (API-Labor 3101'6 than an Inch or rain fell Grand Award in forming of a new non-party nationalist cabinet. Britons are won­ IIe replaces Ramsay MacDonald, who Was ousted from the party His statement was illueushlld !\lak to tJonda," hI! commented. adding he In· "lIarap" rewlted trOlli ~Iolur. the former line, He re81,ned trom ------.------. , 'thll yoUfll \{Idnapel'~ ot .I()hn J . (Jack) Lynch, hIe death tram an attlo Window of formed the lIfemphla meeting he was that Po".r. bad _de oontactll with that posItion beven yMrs ago to be· OperUion lOW dowtIT. ... lieI" her house after two attempts to !I[rl. ROle Ver" oppose to raising tunds In that man' 'many wom.n throUCh matrimonIal Oomm ...... Bu A-II_., net to Metro­ now part ownl'r of a raCing newe come vloe president Of the Chicago, KANSAS CITY (AP)-F. H. Bolt· • ...... &11...... s II'ptUllg ber Vice, obtained bet ween $50,000 and pollan hhn had tailed. lIer and "they were not Included in lLtI'encle.. Mr.. kJcli.r and Mrs. Rook 1Iland, and Pacltlc relread, After the arraignment Prank M:. could not read It and because her Ihe relolutlon." "Ick Of Boon., la., .tate commlUt' .... IIOtI&b pordaae 'I'a.... "hea' "Bell" U6,000 tor his l'el('o88, RooM said. l..emke ".... amon~ thOle "lIb Two yeare a,o, Hammill retired Kenney, Jr., attorney tor Mrs. "Horney was not present. whom h' corresponded, Dateott".. del' Of the Veterall8 ot I'oretgn ...... , eeoIIr Ir--. .. tltO nelf COllI' The Investtgator 8altl there were 'l'Om the vice presidency and Ilnce Farmer KIIII Self ,,'ere .tudyin. a roll of ftlm found War. underwent an operatlon tor IIOU""""" .... au.. ... :::mddle /lutbll' .everal other CMIl! In which kidnap· Veru, said abe had denIed conLess· Mrs. Veras 18 Bald to ha"e pllid en recelve(l larie ransome. hal devoted bll labor to the nation· Jill to the pollCt) or to anyone ellie, premluml on 76 life Inlu~ance poll· WATERLOO (AP)-J'oseph Weln· In a CILIII.ra. In po"er'...... Rbi appendlcltle. H. wu .tricken "bile ~ W.....-, ...... , ::I lO "V' ~ Roche Ilald tlH\t a Chicago Height. .. railroad board ot wap adilllt· that Ihe had refUNd to Ilgn a Paper <:18S taken O\lt by rOOtn4tra '" ller Inc.r, 60, a farmer near Dunkerton 1llctur.. ·dMot0.e4 po...... ,,1tII Mr•. altendill6 the natlonal conftnUon do..., ...,...... PIIIbler PaId ,.0,000 to abduotor.. ment, ot wblcb bl W&I a mIDIbel', oftlreeS ber by dUlcer. Weau.. Ih. bom•• .bot and killed him_it. Ltlllke, ot tbl orpn.... Uon, Val...... ~ -- .--_ ..... ----_.-- ~UESDA Y, SEPTEMBER I, }93! 1!i , I ~ ferent countries must lead to an enormous PRIDE OF DEVIL DOGS TO QUIT. # , amount of good, and I believe in them thor­ ,HELIErE IT OR NOT ca.. ... oughly," asserted Stimson as he sailed for u... raceaa omoe. R~ PublWM4 aV8IT momiq .seept VODU7 117 IIt1l4_C ~Uoa. lJ1corporate4. at 111-110 low...... " .. 10wa the United State .. "In meeting the high of· CItJ'. low&. ned ll. PoWD&ll, Director. ficials and executive heads of Europe we , T Boa:rd'ot Truateea: ~ L. 1(0tt, 111. ll. 1daalIIw1III, R. had a ohance tr... .. e:xelull"ely antlUed to u_ tOI foreign ministers hold regular meetings at I ' rt5buoauon of all nem dl_tohee credlte4 to It or nOI ot lae credited Iu tbI. paper and aI80 lb, looaI new" Geneva 'in the interests of the League of a· ..,bl eel bereln. nons. A recent exam'ple of the new person· All rlghta of republloatlon of 8P8OtaJ dlep ..tohel heretn Tit _ aI80 re.. rved. a] diplomacy are the annual visits between dauW I , ED1TOB1&L DICPABTJDlJlT the Ellglish and German foreign ministers, )4.nl John W. HenderllOn .... _____.. _.... __ ...... _ Edltol ton c .-rank Jatte- ...... - ______.. _ Hanll«inr Edit/)! together with heads of their respective de· partments. ot CI JlUnetta . Bernard Burke Hook .... __• _____ - ._ ... _... ~_e Cit,. J!IdItorE!dltol WlJUam A.. RuUedp •___ ,, __._,,_._ "pOrte Editor It is obviolls that first hand contacts are LJttll eilllL Goldberg ...... ___.. _._.. _... _ ...... _... Soclet,. E!!lt6r vastly preferable to second hand information Thl Alert!! MltcheU ...... _ ...... __ __...... carllPU~ Edllnr and diplomatic notes. PI'ejudice and mis· enee IIU8JlOI811 DBPA... HaJIT kin. Chari .. L. Jolm.ton _ ... ___.. _ ... ~._. Bu.tn_ "nager understandings often arise tlrrough the MI'I Apee W. IIchmldt "" __""_"'''''''''_''''_''''' __ AOOOtIIItalU former metllOd of association. It is safe to Unl'" TlILIIlPH01fB H. predict that England and India will find mend Branob exchange cODAeotln. all deplU'tmentl themselves on a more harmonious scale after orlty. the British official", ha ve opportunity to have TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1931 a direct talk with lIlahatmi Gandhi, leader of 4 MONTti~ .oi.o India's millions, at the secolld Round Table 'About Cuurrty Consolidation conference in London. Here problems may BASI( PAUL PRIEST WAs' bc settled in an intelligent and understand· COt1MISS ION~\) A COL.ON£L ay pOSSIBILITY of county consolidation ing way that couid ncver havc been achieved - Go~ , RW~ oHcW!o.\ becoming more imminent, numerous in· through the indirect channel. ' . dividuals and publications are ari ing to "'I, e ItSl,IU", ruturu S.. ndk"., Ine. protect their political and economic integ­ . . rity, held dcar largely because of tradition -.- TODAY'S TOPICS -. - Grr:at Brit.1n rithb rutrvr4. ~\9 ' -----~.-.-~1I':'i...,.... - ... and the efforts of jealous politicians. By FRANK JUrE The Carroll Daily Herald devoted a con­ siderllble section of its editorial page in are· Last week \~as a busy one for Importal't and near cent issue in attempting to prove to this state ImpOrtant persons throughout the world. Notably, tliat county consolidation would result not In America, It marked the coming In of a new com· in economy, but in increased expense per ROYAL 5f(iN~1\JRE mi SSion and the going out of an old one, both presl· OF HENRY 'W,ASHINGTON, Aug. 3i-"Out" As a "leatherneck" campaigner, li capita. dential pets. The Wickersham group published Its lUN(i Of fRAt,[CE The H erald is on fil'm ground when it last report and the Glftord unemllio'Ylllent bunch but a long way from dOwn will be leader ot men who would follow ' Major General Sml'dley n. Butler, him anywbere, as an energetic clv· points out decreased property value and loss Is getting Ils tlrst one ready. JAs. 6RENNAfJ of business in towns which would be depriv­ ot the Marine Corps, on Oct. 1 Ic reformer of Philadelphia In an when he I. retired from tbe fight­ effort to clean up that ('ity, ns AI:.f. 3 ed of court houses, and it is true that tax· In New York state, Governor Franklin D. Roolle· BMKe. I-\IS LE' IN Sf-I>· payers would bo forced to pay more to trans­ Ing "Ieaalhernecks" with whom and the frank critic Of dignitaries, both '·elt. prominent and aspiring Democratic preslden· ba WI\ILf. ASU.E.{). act their busine s at the C01.1Dty seat, officcrs for whOm he has tlIed since his domesllc a nd foreign, the pride of tlal Candidate, got himSelf In bad with Tammany enlistment 33 yea,'S ago. woufd need to go further to serve their war· the Marines has kllown the glal'ln,; C~\Ctoso,Ilt . by proposing a. handful 01 bills In the special legis· While many persons Of high ,spotlight Of puuliclty mol'o tharl a ny rants, and witnesses would havo to be paid EARLE . lative session at Albany atalnat the HaU's willhell sta n~ln g, both at home a nd abroad, other enUsted man 01' officer Of the BAILLY mote expense money. and then bl' refusing to ask Invelltlgatlon of Re· may well wish that tbe "Fighting corp8. But, by far the largest point made in the -LUr.enbur8.N. S. 'l'h I pObliean controlled communities upstate, In the Quakc,-" will be totally out of the As youth and nian, General Bul· Herald's attack on the consolidation plan is race of Tamman)"s request. picture with retirement from the Iei', during his 33 years' sel'vlce A Oot.lAR 6tLL ftItML~S Mlg thc matter of increased proportionate ex· glorious CO I'PS wllose mony records with the Marines, has SP'!nt most COSTS ONLY '¥40f ACtKi ev HOLD1NI< ~~~c(',18 A. L. l'"l1 Iworld po we,' It nnd when Ca· Miss Sidwell Unlve,·slty ot Iowa In 1930. Hnl·con <, . Des Molnc8. la., /luLJflsher, Grand Jury 110lle Is Bellt to the fed ral penltentl· \\'ho t1 ('cllnrd to accepl a second [II'l' Ilt Leavenworth. Kan .• on thll Wed Saturday H Q.rrlet Brown, secretary a.t the, t('l'm. CIJTC'ACIO. Aug. 31-The Dally Illcome tax and IlQuol' charges. a lumnI oftlce. returned yesterday \ Othe'· 0((\ ('I'S who "'He clecteu Nc\V~ sal'R J ohnnie 1'01'1'10. "Scor· from Marengo. where she spent her loY d('II't;ut t>s from 12 statrs fotlow, fu<'e AI" apone'" p,'cdecessor as Couple Will Relide in v~catLon. lft. \I'. IJUttOIl , F:IIIOrtl, In., vlc(> "r('s. Bee Sting Cau8es 1,11'111; ]\irH. !,nHIIIl J,('hmfln. Rob. "l.jII58" or the ChI cago underworld. wus III Chlcogo today. having b en Accident; Man Dies E'f1aRlton~ Ill., Dorothy Moore. Carmellta Calder­ hlllHd" lp, !II Inri .• H('c r<,tury·treasurer. I ' [ Mubpoenned to appear befOre the A d('lc!"ntltJll ""miNI h~' ~I r. Sal'· A.fter Trip wood. and Allabefl Willard lett last rpderal gl'and jury to tell what he OTTAWA. Aug. 31 (AP) - A bee l'''IIP will nlllltinr h(>Core the city night for a 20 days tour of the I,"ows of Capone'.. Income. stung Jame8 Evans of Chicago on Announcement has been made of west. l",,"nel l tomo",'ow morninG' to de· lhe cheek today a8 he was driving '"fllll] ('nfol'cf'mrnt oC the nrdlnarlc!' 'I'he News says Torrlo WOS Bub· Ihe marrlal'e of GertrUde Sidwell or t)('('llllcll III New YOI·k. according to towards hleago. tll ' ohlhllfn~ 1"(' 1 ~ I · owtll of rng weros I.IH t'I·lentl8. Evans. Crlghlenell. lost control 01 Evanston. III., daughter ot Mrs. E . 1111'S. F . E. Meacham and son. lit the ('Ih·. Philip. 328 S. Clinton street. will ('II pone C&IIe Sept. II the car. It "an Into a dllch, turn· H. Sidwell, 220 River street, to James I'eturn tomorrow night from a 10 'l'h(' ('U lluno Income tax ~P'e on I'd over. and crushM him to death. C. Teller of RIverside. 111 . The " '(,Ht 'rex n~ I'XPl'o t K 0111' or th .. days vacation wIth Mrs. Meacham's whll'h "Scarfucc AI" Wllhd. . . hIs 1111'. ana Mra. Chari 8 Wright. hi, ceremony took place Saturday. 11l1'I:\'1'8t peC(l1l crofls In y (l1'N thl. mother. MrS. A. F. Webb ot Sey· 1)1~1l or. gullly cumes up betor~ Fed. grandparents. ana hIs aunt. MfA. Mfa. Tellar graduated trom Iowa ft< 11 . ul'1I l Judge James H . \Vllkerson on City high school and received hel' maul'. A Ibe,'t Web r. nnd her 80n. a1\ "t B.A. and M.A. degrees trom the Unl· St'Jlt. 8. ,\I the same lime. Capone's whom wer In Evans' car. escuped r:loUon to withdraw his plea of verslty of Iowa. She J8 a member of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Brown. who Lellrning Again Delta Delta Delta sororl ty. lett Iowa City Aug. 24. arrh'eel yes· '1'wo imposing s ights, the giant German Dorniee DO-X, in landing at ew York, completed an /.IIIJity In the prohIbition Indictment Rehaaf Beats Oa lllPOlo Member of Kappa 81rma terday at theh' new home at 65 ering Empire State buil ding in the background, make 1hi. an ullllf;nal pictul'c of two of 1he greatest whlt'h churge. 5.000 offenses will NEW YORK. Aug. 31 (AP) -EI'nle Mr. Teller graduated from Lake Grandview avenue, PlaI.ovlew, N.J. things of 1heir kind in the world, 'l'be DO-X is 1h e Inrgrst era ft in 1he universe, the Empire State "OIl1e up on call. Schaaf. Boston heavyweight, knoCk· Torrlo wUs the C1r~t large scnle Itlneral1 ForeBt college. Lake Forest. III .• and Mra. Bro,vn was tormerly Ellen reaches higher than any building on thc globe. 'J'he DO-X, in landing at N w York, compelLed an ed out Vlctorlo Campolo. Argentine "\:09"" ot Chlcogo's bootlegging glnnt. In the seventh round of a 12 westcl'n pari II a member of Kappa Sigma tra· Jones oC Iowa City. a erial voyage to America started in ovembel', 1D30, from Lake 'onRtance, witzerland. 'fhousands J~'"lgH. He took the skcll'ton ot (tn round match here tonight. A left I.rnlty. He Ii assoclate.d with Evans roarpd tlleil' welcome to the huge German air[llan e as it circled th metropolis and landed On th(' AdVertising agency In Chicago. u,·gunlzo.llon cl'cated by "Big Jim" hook to the head finished the Argen. Thelma Peterson. 10 N. Van waters of upper York bay. Mr. and Mrs. Teller are takIng a New ColoHlmo and pul 11I'o lllblllon viola· tine (ltter Schaat had hu,·t hIm se· Buren street, has returned trom a t Ion an" other rllckets on the basis verely with body punohes. Schaaf bOat trIp to northern MIchIgan. and vacatton at Laurenz. an auto trip through '''Isconsln. to (If a hugo COI·poratlon. apone waH welghec] 205 1,2; ampolo 225. norlhern MlnneBota tor theh' honey· Announcement hll8 been received Grad Wed to Steeplejacl~ Beats Death by moon. and wtll return by way of Iowa ot the death ot Dr. George M. City. They will reside at Evans· ton. Jonea. '26. who was kUJed In a n Illinois Man Using Wits; Companion Dies automobile accident on the PacWc ooast, Fall Cleaning Prof. Molt, Family Elizabeth Dunn Marries ROCHESTER. N.Y.• Aug. 31 (AP) ccsSfully to lower ropes to the prls· Return After Trip VirginIa Gray. 420 N. Dubuque Joseph Green at -A ' breakIng Rcaffolc1lng at lhe top oner. \Vhlle police stood about the Itreet. returned Sunday from a Of a. 160 foot chimney tllmbled one base Of the chimney holding lifo and Paris Cleaners to Western State, week's vIWallon. Rock Island steeplejack to his death today but nets the coa.st guard went Into ac. hIs 63 year old companion eRc.."lped tlon with a rocket gun. Mr. and Mfs. L. O. Stone and The wedding of Elizabeth Kather· Prof. Frank Luther Mott. dlr"ctor son. Edward. and Mr. and MrS. Curl ine Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. because he wus allie to faco a lmost LoWerll(l to Ground THE TWO GO HAND of the .chool ot journalism. Mrs. HanSOn and family. all or Moline. 'l'homas Dunn of Rock Island, and certain death for two hours without At laRt a Blender line was to~se(l Yott. and daughter. Mildred. return. vial ted Sunday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Green of Rock Island, son fell I'. over the chlmney's top and Keml). trl yesterday trom a 4.700 mUe motor IN HAND • .... 1.. Maude Stone. 1402 E. Court street. of Mr. and Mrs. SImon J. Green of Gondolfo DI Primo. 40. nnd James wl10 by thpn had been balnnclng on trip through western states. They Rocltford. III., took place at the his perilous wind swept perch tor have been gone since early June. Kemp, 63. had been workIng on the TillS FALL LET Mrs. Albert Sidwell and sister. Sacred Heart Catholic church In Rocl< Lwo hours. caulioUSly reeled In Lho At the University of Colorado. outsIde or the chimney of the Yaw· Lole lundall. secretary to Prof. 10'. Island. Sunday. BoUlder. Protessor Mott devoted man and E .. he manufacturing com· line and a heavIer rope attached L. Mott. leave today for a two weeks Mrs. Or&en Is a gmduate of lhe PARIS DO IT! three weeks time to the teachIng of llany's plant, and today had pulled to It. A swing was sent up In the vacation In Denver. Colo. Villa de Chantal, Rock Island, and same way and sealing hlmaelf In It ma&'allne and feature wrltlng duro the UnIversity or Iowa. She Is a themselves on the fraU llonl-c1 floor­ the old steeplejack wus lowel'cd to Inr the summer sessIon. While -----._-- member of Theta PhI Alpha, social Ing Of theIr scaCfoldlng Lo the ve,'y tho ground. , there. he also attended the Rocky sororIty. and has been executive sec· top when the rOpes slipped. llountaln WrIter,' conference. Start Project retary of the sororlly since her gradu· Grab~ HOpe The man who har] been helping PHONE Resuming their trip. the family atlon. DI Primo cried out and the next with the ropes at the base of the drove over the continental divide to Jlllnois Grailuate moment was hurtilng through the chImney fell unconscious from nerv· St<'p by st<'p. like II baby lea ru- Santa Fe. N. M .• where Pro'tesBor of Beautifying Mr. Green graduated from St. ah' to his death. Kemp gl'aaped ous sLraln ns K emp was saved. lk ElK llott visited the Wrlter's Colony. Thomas' high school at Rockford. and 0. rope and Instead of plunging out· Slepplng from the swing to walk ing to wa, ve yn napp, Although he has assocIated Indirectly State's Roads trom tho University of IllinoIs at ward from the chimney landed on unaided Into the emergency rOOm of RCI'een actl'('S. , iR slowly recov­ I Wltb the colony for I!Cversl days. this Urbana. HI . He Is affiliated with a 10 inch ledge eight feet from the the manuracturlng company, Kemp ering Ih<' II e of her legs in Los Wat his flrat vIsit the,·e. PhI Kuppa SIgma fratel'llity. and the chlmney's top. snIt!: Angeles after being contin d to 55 The Motts vI sited friends and rela· DES "MOINES. Aug. 31 (AP) -A Tribe of 1I11nl. Ire Is associated wlLh The flro dppartment waH called "I knew better than to let the bt'd fOl' two months. Tht) beau· tlvel In Texas and Oll.lahoma on their statewid e highway beautlClcatlon Ithe engIneering department of the but their ladders fell far shOrt of thing 8CIlI'6 me. I could have stayed tiflll film star was scriously i n­ return trip. project was launched today at th ~ Continental Construction corporation the spot where the man hugged up there a. couple of houra more jure(l when she fell down a cliff annual luncheon meeUng of the Fed· or ChIcago. the brIcks. Plan~s were prcsA(>d If necessary. tieca\(se I wllSn·t· while hikina in ttL!) mountains Mr.. W ol/e HOlte" erated Garden clubs of Iowa at the Following a short wedding trip. the Into servIce and attempted unsuc· i nervous." , neal' Hollywood. state fnh' gl·ound8. couple will reside In Rock Island. PARIS 10 Methodilt Society Mrs F. C. Sigler of Indianola. 14.,. J . H . Wolte will be hostess to federation president. was chairman DES MOINl~S (AP)- The state mea!bera ot the \Voman'8 Foreign at the luncheon progrum attended hIghway commission a nnounced llluionary society of the Methodlat by state ot flce r~ . directors, commIt· that two paving contracts were church tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at her tee h~ad8 , and representatives ot com pl eted last week. They were Cleallers borne. 430 Oakland avenue. ihe state garden clubs. 13.8 72 miles on No. 18 In Clay coun· }lra. C. 8. Woodford will conduct Mrs. FOI'rest HuttenlOcher. vIce ty a nd 16.208 miles on No. 51 In I-Iurry Down Today For ON IOWA AVENlJE' the devotions and Mrs. H. L . Seger president. said the first .step wU\ be Grundy county. will have charge of the lell8on. 10 arouse public opinion In sllCurlng Aul.tan t hostesses wU\ be Mrs. proper legislatIon for the eUmlnation ~ -- H. C. Lane; Mrs. Woodford; Mrs. of the billboard. She said GOO post· Entry in Air Meet Beier; Mrs. John Larsen; Mrs. O. E . cards bearing the slogan "I lavor SEPTEMBER Van Doren; Mrs. E. H. Weber; and producta not adverttsed on the lanl!· Mr •. C. W. Thompson. seape" have been receIved tor dis· trlbutlon. Mrl. Ellen Mather to Mrs. Sigler dlaou88cd the growth thIs year In Interest and numbers or I Entertain W.C.T.V. the federated club.. From 17 rep· Mri. Ellen K. Mather will enter· resentatlves or 19 clubs last year The Advantage8 of a tlln members of the Woman's Chris· the luncheo n Monday revealed 65 Hosiery Week tlan Temperance union at a picnic prosen t from 65 clubs. The latest . {~ Checking Account luncbaon. Thuraday. club to joi n 19 the Dubuque Garden Following the luncheon. prepara· club, tlon. will be made for the 8tate con· SEPTEMBER 1 TO SEPTEMBER 5 A ch£'Cking account has many ad­ ".ntlon. to be held at Da.venport vantages. Sept. 2. to Oct. 2. Southerners Happy, All penons planning to attend the Says Lazell After Payment of bills by check avoids lUncheon are reQ uested to bring table $2.00 HOSE, NOW _...... $1, .2.9 $1.85 HOSE, NOW ...... 19 the necessity of taking and pre­ lervlce. a covered dish, and rolls. Trip to Dixie Line SX serving receIpts, enables you to pay by mail, and relieves you of car­ 3 Pairs for $3.75 3 Pairs for $3.50 "rl. W. R. Horrabin "Southerners are a contented peo­ rying substantial sums of cash on ple," aald Prof. Fred J. La.zell. In· your person or in your home. Ho,'esl at Luncheon structor In he school of journo.ll8m. Aside from those conveniences, Honorln, Mildred WhIta ker of yesterday upo n his return from a your checking account, if you car­ Urbana. 1\I.; Mr•. W. R. Horrabln wtll mo tor Irlp through Kentucky. Ten· $1.65 HOSE, NOW ...... $1.50 HOSE, NOW ...... :. be hoatel8 at a 1 o'clock lunoheon SI,.0, 89c ry a satisfactory balance, will give ne!l8ee. Oeorgla. and the Caroltnaa. today at her home. 1502 Muscatine you a standing with your bank that "Natives oC th~s e states rejoIce over av.nlle. will prove beneficial all through bountiful crops of peaches. cotton. I .. ,. 3 Pairs for $3.15 3 Pairs for $2.65 )II •• Whitaker II the hOU8e guolt and tobacco. In Iplte of the fact that life. \It }l~. and Mrs. Otto H . Vogel. 147 ko.. r avenue. products muet be lold at low The First National bank welcomes prIces," he added. ~ "MIIltons of tree8 loaded wIth the the accounts of responsible individ. Holdup Men Get 'Il00 uals, firms, or corporations. DUBUQUE (AP)-Pollce were larce varlety or Albertll peRche8 ot· ~N:i,~~~tw f~~~~~. .~~~.~~ ...... 69C learchlnl' for two men who held UP traot hundreds Of thou8I1 nds of tour· 3 Pairs for $2.00 the OIICar Reillelln, Key club of 18t8 who vl81t Georgia. and Tennes· lliat Dubuque and escaped with see." he aald. Profeasor Lazell'8 hob­ about ,.00 after binding and .... by of nature .tudy was reflected In fiRST ~.ATIONlL ~U'- ....MIIt riM,," ...... SVlUM 1111, R ••elllll' and a man named hl8 pralllO or the state Of Georgia lWn,. as "a beautiful garden ot flowen ond and ootton blo•• om •. " '1 y .... Old Dr... ,1at DIM W:hlle In KentUcky he Helen Donovan fAims loAN &1kusrCo. WATERLOo (APr-Thoma, E. Cry.tal and Mammoth cavee. In the t..An.ts OW~ $ lIorn.... 71. fonner drll•• I.t at Carolina .tate.. where he reported Six South Clinton Street 0.,. and Sh.llrock. dlel! at the condition, a bit 1_ optlmlatlo, the Ernst Udet, ranking Germall IOWA CITY-IOWA profulIOr drOVe throu,h tbe smoky bOlD. or hi. dau,hter, II... . Byron war ace, who is competing in the ,~ RJda'e mounta1nl, fl· nat!ona! air f!Cea at Cleve!and. - TIlE DAtty rOWAN. IOWA ClTT TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1931 •

Wes Ferrell -Paces Cle¥eland Indians to 15 to 5 Trouncing of White Sox , - Connects for BLON1JIE-Face Value By Chic f OUII,

Sportively ~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~~eoll~~~~~~~~~------' dUST Pair of Four MUC.\.4 ._- l!LL "T\-\E. ,.-ype: OFGtRL Speaking "'I'"RV TO P\...e,e...<:;E VVE: IoJE";;:'D 'TO ""'-.IT !1/ff\ -..ou '··1 00 so OVEl"t ~\G \Jl:'iP'\....•.• C!.. t~ ", Base Drives By Bill Rldle",. 100X 1aR.''''U~~CO'e [AlP' GiiIR.\'" ""~6.N "r"'l ~6.YswE Rub Limits Chicagoans to ONE·- ,Iav, Six Hits to Win A controversy has been going on Iellt over lhe lea811b lllty of night base· ,. Eighteenth ball. The innlvatlon has had a ",aM stimulating affeet on the gate rc­ IWU! OJlJCAGO, Aug. 31 (AP)-Wesley, cdpte ot the minOr league clubs. eOa l"el"l'ell )ICr90nally led Clevela nd to Probably because they have a , , Wad .. a 16 to (j victory over the White Sox ~Ught teal' that the maJors wlll turn dere' In the first game ot the aeries to­ to illuminated playing, metropolitan deel:' day. sports pages have had a derogatory rlPI '" Ferrell held the Sox to Si x hits, attitude towards the arc light game. JIIln( but 89 good aa his pitching was, It ,blp, was fflr from being as sensational The Ietlr, however slight, Is ss hl8 hitting. In racklnl; up hlB entirely W1rounded. Night bas&­ eighteenth victory ot tho season, the ball bas not e,ell been d/lICull8ed I ndlan right hander slammed out by the magoatee of the majors. two home runs and a Bi ngle, batted Loria Stages , Wrigley Hopes H(lck Par Remains Leland C. Parkin Giants Cop 2~ Johnny Doeg, Loll In five rune fi nd scored two hlmecl!. Whatever may be said allout the WUson Not Member De/ealer 0/ Yale, Defeated in National Both homcrs were line drives Into joy of basking under a ~ ummer aun t he lett field stands, the first com· and watching a contest, It must be Opening Drill of Cubs Next Year Out of Reach Among "Missing'" Down Braves Meet by Y oung8tm Ing with one on, and the second admitted that Ul e change has been With two matelS aboard. LOS'l'; A 8Ul.r rooLOaJl Quacter· BR :KLINE, MaSS., Aug. 31 (AP) a vel'ltable financial lite saver to CIIlCAGO, Aug. 31 (AP/-Owncr 'rhe Sox scorcd tour runs In the the struggling minors. for St. Pat's of Amateurs Imck somewhere betwecn graduation 3 to 2, 4 to 3 -Johnny Doeg and Oeorge Lott, eighth with tho a id of two errors , William W1'Igloy uC the ChIcago a nel the present lime. P lease notl. who ha.ve domlnl\led the national ' but were helplcss the rest of the Something had to bo dono to Cubs, today said he "hopos that fy university of Iowa alumni ottlca. BOSTON, Aug. 31 (API-Fred doublcs tcnnls tournament lor the way. rat Caraway started for Chi· pull the 81\1al1 clubs of! th First Game Sept. 25 ; Hack Wilson will not be a m Cmbcl' Chicago Man's 72 Best l .. elan\1 C. Parkin, the Hawkeye Fitzsimmons and Clarence Mitchell past two years, today passed out oC cngo, but Called to get a man out J'J eld general who crossed Yale'~ the 1931 champlol1sl,lp pIcture. rocks. Appeals were made to to Stress Blocking of the Cubs next season." He said in Op~ning Day p!tched the New York GIants to a and was chargeel with his 21st de· Goal wIth the winnIng touchdown They were easily beaten by Sidney rich maJor loogue clubs to no the wish was IL personal Olle, and leat Of the season. avail. ill Practices ofTourn~y III 1922, and who later was namod palr of hard·earned victories ovcr 'Vood antI Fmnk X. Shields, Davit Score by Inntngs: R. H. E. that Presid ent WIIUam L. Veeek an~ nll·conference quarter UPOll the com· the Braves today, 3 to 2 and 4 to 3, up youngsters,

THROUGH theytmay.lbave.the,Jacts of all news evell!" IOWA WITH eoss HOT!LS HOTEL flllS :I,Waterloo , HOTEL ANTHEH...... HOm. HOlST · ..• 6oono ~ HOTfL MfALY .. ·Oel_in I CHOICE' QOOMS WITH HOTn IlllADrORD ' S_~ PRlYATf IW'H tlClltL IffW Wusatwo...a. I t«ml"'~ "" AI .... t10Tll WlIlllf5l1fIK' o.a...ft IIOTtl GAROSIDN · E... 110 $2.'" $2.~O tQ[lONllAHS·E.I_" HaUL GfDH£Y·IMo ...... 1'- ...... "ba4Io IW..ad 0.,.. I HaUL UNDtfI.W .. CIo,i,. GAAAGt NeXT DOOR HOff L WHITNeY .. ·... llanll< lOW, A. 10" 0..... WNIDfH · fort """...... _~ A few hours after tills picture was made Harry F, Powers The Daily Iowan (&\lown handcuffed) , Olarkilburg, W. Va" "modern Bluebeard." confessed to the killinw of Mrs. Aste Eicher and her three children, ) Powers, aa Cornelius Pierson I wooed Mrs. Eicher, a widow, of Park "First With The News" Ridge, Ill" by mail. She went to West Virginia to marry him IDd ... ther~ killed her au4 her ohil~