Volume 17, Number 1 Begins Friday, February 27, 2015 New Albanian Co.


For those readers who are contemplating Gravity Head attendance for the first time, please be aware WKDW ZH¶UH YHU\ VHULRXV ZKHQ ZH FRPPDQG \RX WR DU range transportation from the venue at the conclusion of your gravity session or have a designated driver. Typi- cally, a cab ride to Louisville costs $50, and less to 6RXWKHUQ,QGLDQDKRWHOV7KLVLVQ¶WYHU\PXFKZKHQVSOLW WZRRUWKUHHZD\V«DQGLW¶VIDUOHVVWKDQWKHFRVWRIWKH irresponsible consequences.

For us to continue the tradition of Gravity Head, it is *UDYLW\+HDGLV1$%&¶VDQQXDOFHOHEUDWLRQof absolutely imperative that everyone in attendance WKHEUHZLQJZRUOG¶VELJJHVWDQGEHVW)URP)HE plays by the rules. Foremost among these is your XQWLODOOWKHNHJVDUHJRQHZH¶OOEHGHYRWLQJ personal responsibility as an adult drinker to refrain numerous taps to showcasing these rare and from driving intoxicated! sought-after , as chosen to exhibit maxi- mum diversity of flavors and stylistic inspiration. BIG BEERS, SMALL GLASSES

Not all listed Gravity Head beers are served at the same time. There is constant flux. See the blackboards for daily selections. Many Listed Gravity Head selections are available in small other NABC beers and guest drafts will be pours only, approximately 10 oz. pours, depending on the available during the festival, which pours and the type of glassware used. Prices are indicated through early April. on the blackboards. Not all Gravity Head beers are avail- able at the same time! Always check the blackboards at WKH3XEOLF+RXVHDQG3L]]HULDWRVHHZKDW¶VRQWDS

1 Friday, February 27 ³*UDYLW\7DLOJDWH%UHDNIDVW´

Way back in 2008, we convened early (4:00 a.m.) for a gravity breakfast with Terry Meiners of WHAS television in Louisville. In the years since, the concept has been tweaked, and so now breakfast starts DWDPZKHQLW¶VDFWXDOO\legal to drink beer in Hoosierland. Once again, the full Pizzeria & Public House menu will be available, including a special breakfast pizza being masterminded by the kitchen FUHZ7KHUH¶OODOVREHORFDOO\-baked Creme doughnuts; Ed Needham's kickass home-roasted coffee; and the complete opening day roster of Gravity Head selections. Stop by and get into the spirit before \RXJRWRZRUN«EXWVHULRXVO\LW¶V*UDYLW\+HDG:KDW¶VZRUNJRWWRGRZLWKLW"*HWDGHVLJQDW ed driver, and get started with THE program.

Special events and Friday, February 27 ³2SHQLQJ&HUHPRQLHV´ fixed dates occurring ,W¶VDOOGD\ORQJEXWUHPHPEHUWKDWPHPEHUVRIWKH)266,/6DQG/$*(56KRPHEUHZLQJ GXULQJJUDYLW\¶V beer appreciation clubs and their chosen guests once again enjoy preferred seating in the annual amok time. 3URVWURRPEHJLQQLQJDWSP:H¶UHDOVRH[SHFWLQJORWVRIRXUIULHQGO\$*$,1677+( GRAIN peeps to drop by for a high-level liquidity conference.


The afternoon arrival of these hardy and perennial Buckeyes means tapping a special beer, and the IRUDJLQJLVXQGHUZD\7KH\¶OOEHLQWKH5HG5RRPVRORRNIRUDOO-day barroom duty.

Sunday, March 1 "2nd Annual Gravity Head Hangover Hoedown at BSB" (see pg. 12) 1$%&¶V3L]]HULD  Public House The Pizzeria & Public House is closed on Sunday. The journey has only just begun, and you might choose to listen to your body; drink liquids, have a nap, and avoid both strenuous lifting and the opera- WLRQRIKHDY\PDFKLQHU\2USHUKDSV\RX¶GUDWKHUOLYHOLNHDURFNVWDUDQGLIVR1$%&¶V%DQN6WUHHW 3312 Plaza Drive, New Albany Brewhouse is open from 12 noon until 9:00 p.m. ,W¶VDZD\RIJHQWO\GHVFHQGLQJWRUHHQWU\DQGWKH 812-949-2804 ULJRUVRIWKHZRUNDGD\ZRUOGIROORZLQJ*UDYLW\+HDG¶VRSHQLQJZHHNHQGUHYHOU\

Open at 11:00 a.m., x Special guest beers from Starlight Distribution Monday through Saturday, x Unique vegan pop-up kitchen with V-Grits and closed on Sunday. x Debut of NABC Oaktimus in bomber bottles x 5HWXUQRI%6%¶V%XLOG

Also, 2015 March Madness dates: Friday, March 13 March 17-18 ³&DYDOLHU )RXQGHUV1LJKW«ZLWK)ODWDQG1$%&7RR´ First Four 2015 NCAA basketball tournament

March 19-22 Second and third rounds 2015 NCAA basketball tournament Founders Brewing joins the wholesale gang from Cavalier Distributing (Indianapolis) for an evening of March 26-29 prim, mannered sipping and agitated revolutionary chat. To mark the occasion, Gravity Head kegs Regionals of the IURP)ODW%LHUZHUNV1$%& )RXQGHUVZLOOVZDPSWKHWDSV

of NCAA basketball Wearing of the green is one thing, but ingesting green-tinted swill is tantamount to wearing a badge WKDWUHDGV³,¶PQHLWKHU,ULVKQRUSDUWLFXODUO\EULJKW± VFRIIDWPH´7KHDFFHSWHGFRORUVRI,ULVKEHHUDUH EODFN VWRXW UHG DOH DQGJROG ODJHU DQGLQRXUWUDGLWLRQDOO\PLQLPDOLVWIDVKLRQZH¶OOEHRIIHULQJ three non-Gravity draft selections that roughly approximate each of these styles, while endeavoring to shun inauthentic proto-Hibernian revelry.

Sunday, March 29 On Feb. 27 get a ride ³6HVVLRQ+HDGZLWK1HZ+ROODQGDQG1$%&´ home & support the $W%DQN6WUHHW%UHZKRXVHZH¶OOEHWDSSLQJDVSHFLDOVPDOOOLVWRI1$%&DQGJXHVW³VHVVLRQEHHUV´ from our friends at New Holland Brewing in Michigan. Session parameters as defined by beer writer 6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV« Lew Bryson include:


,QEULHIWKH\¶UHORZ-alcohol, but not low-taste. Enjoy, and have more than one!


*UDYLW\+HDG9HUVLRQ«$SULO House on a Leap Year Friday morning to appear on a WHAS-11 TV remote feed The Gravity Head concept dates to 1999, when we decided to inaugurate our newly hosted by Terry Meiners. Podge Belgian Imperial was the winner of the completed walk-LQ EHHU FRROHU E\ IHDWXULQJ DV PDQ\ ³KRSS\´ EHHUV DV FRXOG EH Gravity Head 2008 fan vote. There were record totals of 62 beers and 21 first- ORFDWHGRQVKRUW QRWLFH7KHHQVXLQJIHVWLYDO ZRXOGEH FDOOHG ³+RS +HDG´6XEVH WLPHVHOHFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJWKUHH%HOO¶V+RS6ODPVDQGDYLVLWIURP/DUU\%HOOKLP TXHQWO\ PRUH ³JUDYLW\´ EHHUV ZHUH DYDLODEOH WKDQ ³KRSS\´ RQHV DQG WKH IHVWLYDO self. accordingly morphed into Gravity Head. According to our flier, the inaugural Gravity +HDGZRXOGODVW³XQWLOHDFKNHJKDVSDVVHGDZD\LQWRPHPRU\¶VZDUPJORZRIWKH Gravity Head 2009, beginning February 27: greatest draft beer line-XS HYHU VHHQ LQ WKH PHWURSROLWDQ /RXLVYLOOH DUHD´ 0DQ\ RI ³7KH/LYHU2O\PSLFV´ WKHVH EHHUV LQFOXGLQJ 'HOLULXP 7UHPHQV DQG %HOO¶V 7ZR +HDUWHG $OH KDYH VLQFH The deepest Gravity Head ever began with with 71 gravity beers, of which 32 become standards in the Public House draft lineup. were first-time entrants, obliterating the previous Gravity Head record total. It was the first time for organizing beers by style rather than country of origin. The insti- ³:H¶YHMXVWVLJQHGOHJLVODWLRQRXWODZLQJOLJKWEHHU WXWLRQRI)ULGD\PRUQLQJ¶V*UDYLW\%UHDNIDVWZDVHQVKULQHGDQGWKHW-shirts de- IRUHYHU«WKHERPELQJEHJLQVRQ0DUFK´ picting a human liver were deemed utterly tasteless. Yes! ,QZHXSSHGWKHDQWHZLWKVLPXOWDQHRXVEDUOH\ZLQHV«DORQJZLWK%HOJLDQ strong specialty ales, 4 German , 3 English strong ales, 3 imperial , and Gravity Head 2010, beginning February 26: 2other American ales for good measure. It was the first year for t-shirts (featuring a "Newton Invented It, We Perfected It" FDWDSXOW DQG D UHIHUHQFH WR 5RQDOG 5HDJDQ¶V IDPRXV UDGLR JDIIH  ³7KH *UDYLW\ The opening day Gravity Head crowd arrived early, drank often, and knew exactly )RUP´WKHVWDUWLQJOLQHXSDQQRXQFHPHQWDQGUXQQLQJWKHJDXQWOHW what to look for, choosing from what arguably was the most stylistically diverse Gravity Head to date. Two hard-to-find Founders beers (Canadian Breakfast and March 9, 2001: Hand of Doom ± the latter the winner of the fan vote) went first, followed in short ³/LJKWEHHU",¶PVRUU\VLUEXW\RX¶UHFXWRII´ order by Dogfish Head Red & White and Two Brothers Red Eye Coffee . 7KHORFDOGHEXWVRIGUDIW6DPLFKODXV(JJHQEHUJ8UERFN+DLURIWKH'RJ¶V)UHG DQG$GDP6FRWFKGH6LOO\DQG*DOH¶V0LOOHQQLXP%UHZEXWPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\WKUHH Gravity Head 2011, beginning February 25: cask-FRQGLWLRQHGJUDYLW\DOHVZHUHGLVSHQVHGGXULQJWKHIHVW¶VILUVWWKUHHZHHNHQGV $6WDFNHG'HFN,V*UDYLW\¶V5DLQERZ 2011 was an All-$PHULFDQ*UDYLW\+HDGULGHUDWRS6OLP³'U6WUDQJHORYH´3LFN Gravity Head 2002, beginning March 8, 2002: HQV¶EDUUHODSRFDO\SWLFLPDJHU\JUDIWHGRQWRD7DURWFDUGWRDVWLQJWKHH[LVWHQFH ³/LWHZHLJKWVQHHGQRWDSSO\´ RIWKHHDUWK¶VLQH[RUDEOHODZKRQRULQJ3\QFKRQ¶VLQIDPRXVO\REWXVHQRYHODQG The emphasis in 2002 was placed on microbrewed gravity beers: Powerhouse ales following on the heels of our previous claim that while Newton discovered gravity, IURP5RJXHLQ2UHJRQ.DODPD]RR %HOO¶V %UHZLQJLQ0LFKLJDQ9LFWRU\%UHZLQJ NABC perfected it. Tony added the mysterious mixed touch of XIII.5, because if ³0DOW$GYRFDWH´PDJD]LQH¶V%UHZHU\RIWKH

Gravity Head 2003, beginning March 7, 2003: Gravity Head 2012, beginning February 24: ³*XLOW\DVFKDUJHG/LWHZHLJKW´ ,W¶VWKH(QGRIWKH:RUOG$V:H.QRZ,W 18 first-WLPHGUDIWVOHGWKHZD\LQFOXGLQJ%HOO¶V([SHGLWLRQ6WRXWDQGRXURZQ1$%& New Holland set the tone with an elegant, nuanced opening weekend tap takeo- Solidarity. We bid a fond farewell to the 1996 vintage of Rogue Old Crustacean ver, its specially blended Blue Sunday joining fan vote winner De Proef Flemish - Crusty, we hardly knew ye! Primitive Wild Ale (Surly Bird) to give us two early sours. Then, two weeks into WKHZRUOG¶VHQGDQLQH-Founders knockout punch was something unlikely to be Gravity Head 2004, beginning March 12: equaled any time soon. ³5DLVH

Gravity Head 2008, beginning February 29: ³

7KHUH¶VVRPXFKWRRQO\EDUHO\UHPHPEHUDERXWVRPHKRZVXUYLYLQJQLQHSUHYLRXV extravaganzas. The few, the proud and the insomniacs gathered at the Public



For Gravity Head 2015, our friends at Against the Grain in Louisville are in a category all by themselves. Their beers will be on tap at 7:00 a.m. on the morning of February 27, as we do this thing we do to ourselves, one more time.

Against the Grain/De Molen Against the Grain and Maris Otter base malts, while Bo & Luke Kentucky Ryed Chiquen the dark color and roasty flavor (22C) Wood-Aged Beer (22C) Wood-Aged Beer comes from both caramel and choco- Bitterness: 83 IBUs Bitterness: 27.4 IBUs late malts. Clean hop bitterness : 13% Alcohol by volume: 8.2% and spicy aroma is achieved by an Beats all you ever saw Cluck Cluck! The Chiquen has come early boil addition of Magnum hops ´2ULJLQDOO\DQ$W*DQG'H0ROHQ home to roost! and a late addition of Czech Saaz. collaboration beer. We took the ´%UHZHGZLWK0DULV2WWHUIURPWKH Fermented cold with a ingredients in UK and rye malt and caramel rye VWUDLQµ (Barley, Rye, Corn) and then from Germany, imparting a spicy, smoked them with cherry wood and fruity and dry flavor. Hopped with Against the Grain brewed a huge imperial stout with enough English Nugget and Kent Solipsistic Narcissistic Braggot them. Then to top it off we aged Goldings just to balance, and fer- (26B) Braggot it in Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon mented with our house ale yeast. Bitterness: 10.2 IBUs Barrels. The resulting beer is After fermentation we moved the Alcohol by volume: 9.6% rich, smoky and complex, with a entire batch into used Redemption A truly masturbatory experience. bourbon character of caramel, va- Rye barrels from our good friends Enjoy yourself! QLOODDQGVSLFHµ at Strong's Spirits. There it aged ´2XUILUVWIRUD\LQWREUDJJRWWHU IRUZHHNVµ ritory, this example reaches Against the Grain/Beer Engine back to traditional braggots, Brettish Bulldog Against the Grain London Balling which included a smoked element. (23) Specialty Beer (22C) Wood-Aged Beer The braggot is a style of ferment- Alcohol by volume: 8.2% Bitterness: 80 IBUs ed beverage, half beer and half ´7KLVULIIRQDFODVVLFVW\OHLV Alcohol by volume: 12.5% honey, as in mead. We smoked our an old ale by designation. Howev- It's like Essex in your mouth grain with a complex blend of sug- er, we got weird and conditioned ´(QJOLVK-style barleywine, brewed ar maple, orange wood, pecan wood, it for three weeks with Brettano- with enough Maris Otter pale, Aro- oak and alder to add complexity to myces wild yeast. The resulting matic and caramel malts to nearly a very simple malt bill. The large beer is a complex old ale that overflow our mash tun. We balanced honey additions then add a layer pours a ruby color. Notes of dark it with some English Nugget and of sweetness that is very gently fruit and cherries are in the Kent Goldings hops, and the re- offset by a modest hop addition nose and flavor. With just a sulting ale was sweet, nutty and and cut by a thorough and clean slightly higher ABV than an old powerful, but we didn't stop lager fermentation. You have to ale, this makes for an excellent there. The entire batch was put try this. Do it alone in your room warmer on the coldest of winter into used Angel's Envy barrels for or in a crowded public place. nights or a refreshing nightcap nearly 3 months to gather the re- :KDWHYHU\RXOLNHPDQ

5 (Continued from page 5) invention: The Imperial Stout IPA. smooth and dangerous.

Stone Upland Teddy Bear Kisses (2013) %ORRPLQJWRQ%UHZLQJ2O·)OR\G·V Imperial Russian Stout (2014) Upland Brewing Company (2014) Stone Brewing Company Bloomington, IN Bloomington Brewing Company San Marcos CA Bitterness: 80 IBUs Bloomington IN Alcohol by volume: 10.8% Alcohol by volume: 10.2% Bitterness: 27 IBUs Alcohol by volume: 8.7% www.stonebrew.com www.uplandbeer.com www.bloomingtonbrew.com Gravity Head Twist6WRQH·VWDVW Gravity Head Twist: According to ing notes compare it to Siberian 8SODQG´7HGG\%HDU.LVVHVZLOO Gravity Head Twist: Brewery says: crude, with aromatics like anise, make you feel warm and happy in- ´2O·)OR\G·VLPPHGLDWHO\ZHOFRPHV coffee and black currant. Surely VLGHEXWLW·VGHILQLWHO\QRW\RXU the senses with its rich mahogany 3DYORY·VGRJQHYHUUHDFWHGDV FKLOGKRRGFXGGOHWR\µ+RZ·VWKDW color and warm honey aromas. The strongly as the Publican to such for a titillating statement of medium-bodied ale has complex Bel- HURWLFVXJJHVWLYHQHVV$UI«EDUI intent? gian esters and golden raisin «ERZ:2: sweetness to balance its subtle 14C. IMPERIAL INDIA alcohol warmth before a dry fin- Struise Black Albert LVKµ Recent American innovation re- Oostvleteren BELGIUM flecting the trend of American 19B. ENGLISH BARLEYWINE Alcohol by volume: 13% FUDIWEUHZHUV´SXVKLQJWKHHQYH ORSHµWRVDWLVI\WKHQHHGRIKRS Although often a hoppy beer, the www.struise.com aficionados for increasingly in- English Barleywine places less tense products. The adjective emphasis on hop character than the Gravity Head Twist: Originally ´,PSHULDOµLVDUELWUDU\DQGVLPSO\ American Barleywine and features FRQFHLYHGDVD´%HOJLDQ5R\DO implies a stronger version of an English hops. English versions can 6WRXWµLQWULEXWHWR(EHQH]HU·V ,3$´GRXEOHµ´H[WUDµRU be darker, maltier, fruitier, and Pub in , Black Albert (100% ´H[WUHPHµZRXOGEHDVYDOLG feature richer specialty malt fla- Belgian ingredients) now provides vors than American Barleywines. perhaps the finest descriptive ad *DG]RRNV«WKHUHDUHQ·WDQ\:RQ FRS\HYHU´3RXUVDEODFNHUWKDQ GHULIWKDW·VLQWHQWLRQDO" Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet Below black beer with an inch of dark Decks (2012) tan head that lingers as it cas- 16E. BELGIAN SPECIALTY ALE Heavy Seas Beer cades into itself. Nice aroma of Baltimore MD -sweet chocolate, fresh tor- This category encompasses a wide Alcohol by volume: 10% rified coffee beans, barley, candy range of Belgian ales produced by sugar, complex fruits, and floral truly artisanal brewers more con- www.hsbeer.com hops. At the front, there is cerned with creating unique prod- VSLFHGEDNHU·VFKRFRODWHIUHVK ucts than in increasing sales; a Gravity Head Twist: Hugh Sisson mocha, caramel like barley touch- catch-all category for any Belgian ran a Baltimore pub, converted it es, and underlying hints of dried -style beer not fitting any other into a brewpub, founded Clipper fruits which marries the back of Belgian style category. City Brewing, absorbed Oxford your palate and features a Top, Brewing, and launched Heavy Seas, and well integrated but not over- NABC Hard Core Gore (2014) which now serves as the banner for bearing hop flavor. The after- New Albanian Brewing Company all the previous brewing ventures. taste is well balanced and shows a New Albany IN 7KDW·VDOOTXLWHWLULQJLVQ·WLW" panorama of extreme sensations Bitterness: 1?5 IBUs like chocolate and coffee bitters, Alcohol by volume: 9.5% -:/HH·VWK$QQLYHUVDU\9LQ a plum cake richness that covers tage Harvest Ale (2011) the palate, and a crisp impression www.newalbanian.com J.W. Lees & Sons Brewery of hop bitters that brings ele- Middleton, Manchester UK gance and freshness into this mas- Gravity Head Twist: Each year NABC Malts: Maris Otter VLYHEUHZµ celebrates the life of the late Alcohol by volume: 11.5% Jason Gore -- a colleague, friend Three Floyds Blot Out the Sun and co-conspirator ² by brewing a www.jwlees.co.uk Three Floyds Brewing Company Belgo-American Imperial Pale Ale Munster IN QDPHGLQKLVKRQRU,W·VFDOOHG Gravity Head Twist: Dating to Bitterness: 97 IBUs Hard Core Gore, and it's a unique 1986, with a brief pause during Alcohol by volume: 10.4% beer for a unique man, who would the 1990s, Vintage Harvest Ale is have been 32 years old on March brewed once yearly following the www.threefloyds.com -DVRQ VPRWWRZDV´/LYH Maris Otter barley harvest. But life to the fullest and learn as did you know that Maris Otter, Gravity Head Twist: In a phrase PXFKDV\RXFDQµDQGWKHVHZRUGV considered a prime malting barley, attributed to conniving industri- are forever worth remembering. was developed at the University of alist C. Montgomery Burns, "Since Cambridge, and has existed for the dawn of time it has been man- 18E. BELGIAN DARK less than 50 years (1966)? NLQG·VGUHDPWREORWRXWWKHVXQ Meanwhile, it appears that 3F has A dark, very rich, complex, very 19C. AMERICAN BARLEYWINE beaten Mr. Burns to a critical strong Belgian ale. Complex, rich, The American version of the Bar-

6 leywine tends to have a greater www.newalbanian.com Alcohol by volume: 10.6% emphasis on hop bitterness, flavor and aroma than the English Barley- Gravity Head Twist: We teasingly www.smuttynose.com wine, and often features American DVNWKHTXHVWLRQ´:LWKDEDUN hop varieties. Differs from an OLNHWKDWZKRQHHGV3DW"µ,W·V Gravity Head Twist: :H·UHSODFLQJ Imperial IPA in that the hops are 1$%&·VILUVWHYHU%DUOH\ZLQH 6PXWW\QRVH·VHQWU\XQGHU$PHULFDQ not extreme, the malt is more for- brewed and aged by David Pierce at not English Barleywine, although ward, and the body richer and more Bank Street Brewhouse; only the the brewery insists that it strad- characterful. first runnings are collected from dles both interpretations. Judge the mash tun (with no sparge). for yourself. Dogfish Head Olde School Three separate mashes make up one Dogfish Head Brewery batch. 21A. SPICE, HERB, OR VEGETABLE Milton DE BEER Bitterness: 85 IBUs Rogue XS Old Crustacean (2013) Alcohol by volume: 13-16% Rogue Ales A harmonious marriage of spices, www.dogfish.com Newport OR herbs and/or vegetables and beer. Malts: Great Western Harrington, The key attributes of the underly- Gravity Head Twist: Fermented with Klages, Hugh Baird Carastan, Mu- ing style will be different with dates and figs, an idea coming nich the addition of spices, herbs and/ ´IURPDQROGFHOOHUPDQ VPDQXDO Hops: Chinook, Centennial or vegetables. 6DP&DODJLRQHFDPHDFURVVµ7KH Bitterness: 120 IBUs brewery recommends Olde School for Original Gravity: 26 degrees Plato Founders Breakfast Stout aging, noting that as time passes, Alcohol by volume: Circa 11% Founders Brewing Company ´WKHEHHUGULHVRXWWKHSLWIUXLW Grand Rapids MI flavors come forward and the hops www.rogueales.com Malts: Indeterminate, but includes UHFHGHµ:H·YHGHFLGHGWRHQMR\LW flaked oats, bitter and sweetened QRZEHFDXVHZH·UHLPSDWLHQWDQG Gravity Head Twist: Forever re- imported chocolates, and Sumatra thirsty. QRZQHGIRUWKH·YLQWDJH·VVH and Kona coffees. lection to the All-Time Gravity Hops: Why do you even ask? Great Divide Old Ruffian (2011) First Team. A tad young by our Bitterness: 25 IBUs Great Divide Brewing Company XVXDOVWDQGDUGVEXWOHW·VEH Alcohol by volume: 8.3% Denver CO risky for a change. Hops: 90 IBUs www.foundersbrewing.com Alcohol by volume: 10.2% Sierra Nevada Bigfoot (2010) Sierra Nevada Brewing Company Gravity Head Twist: Has any single www.greatdivide.com Chico CA beer been used as the base for Malts: Two-row Pale, English Cara- more fascinating experiments than Gravity Head Twist: ´*UHDW0LQGV mel this one? From beerhaikudaily.com, 'ULQN$OLNHµDFFRUGLQJWR*UHDW Hops: Cascade, Chinook, Centennial come words for living: 'LYLGHDQGLW·VHVSHFLDOO\WUXH Bitterness: 90 IBUs IRUWKHEUHZHU\·V´5HDOO\%LJ Original Gravity: 23 Plato bacon, eggs, and beer %HHUVµ2OG5XIILDQLVWKHSURSHU Alcohol by volume: 9.6% everyday should start with use for Rocky Mountain spring wa- breakfast stout at 10! ter ³ not to be confused with that www.sierranevada.com other forgettable water, Coors. Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel ´+LJKFRXQWU\EDUOH\µP\DVV Gravity Head Twist: Bigfoot re- Mikkeller WXUQVLQ·ZLWKDILYH-year-old Copenhagen DENMARK (formerly NABC Jaxon (2011) version (2010) that may have shed brewed at Nøgne Ø, Norway, now New Albanian Brewing Company elements of a rambunctious youth, brewed at Lervig, Norway) New Albany IN but added mellow streaks with age. Alcohol by volume: 10.9% Malts: Special Pale, Dingeman's Biscuit, Cara 45, Special B Smuttynose Barleywine Style Ale www.mikkeller.dk Hops: Centennial, Simcoe, Chinook (2013) in two additions; Smuttynose Brewing Company Gravity Head Twist: ´This imperial Cascade in the whirlpool; dry Hampton NH Oatmeal stout is brewed with one hopped twice with whole cone Cas- Malts: North American 2-Row, Crisp RIWKHZRUOG·VPRVWH[SHQVLYHFRI cade Pale Ale, Caramunich 1, Aromatic, fees (Vietnamese ca phe chon), Bitterness: 100 IBUs Special B, Carahell made from droppings of weasel-like Yeast: House English Adjuncts: Amber candi sugar civet cats. The fussy Southeast Original Gravity: 28 degrees Plato Hops: Bravo, Centennial, Apollo Asian animals only eat the best Alcohol by volume: 11% Bitterness: 65 IBUs and ripest coffee berries. Enzymes Original Gravity: 22 Plato in their digestive system help to (Continued on page 8)

Did you know? Two studies comparing On Feb. 27, get a ride locally owned businesses with nationally home & support the owned bookstores in Texas and Maine 6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV« showed that $100 spent at a national retailer yielded a return of about $15 to

the local economy while the same See page 13 for details amount spent at a locally owned busi- ness yielded a return of about $45. 7 (Continued from page 7) tanks for a full month. break down the bean. Workers col- Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron lect the bean-containing droppings Dogfish Head Brewery for Civet or Weasel Coffee. The Milton DE exceedingly rare Civet Coffee has Base style: Imperial Brown Ale a strong taste and an even strong- Bitterness: 50 IBUs HUDURPDµ Alcohol by volume: 12% www.dogfish.com Rivertown Death Rivertown Brewing Company Gravity Head Twist: An unfiltered, Cincinnati OH unfettered, unprecedented brown Bitterness: 38 IBUs ale aged in handmade wooden brew- Alcohol by volume: 11.7% ing vessels. The caramel and va- nilla complexity unique to this www.rivertownbrewery.com beer comes from the exotic Para- guayan Palo Santo wood from which Gravity Head Twist: Ironically, these tanks were crafted. Palo death is strong, spicy and drinka- Santo means "holy tree," and its EOH´'HDWKLVDKLJKJUDYLW\5XV wood traditionally has been used sian Imperial Stout. Rich malt in South American wine-making com- complexity from a blend of dark munities. malts, paired with Jolokia peppers (ghost chili peppers) emphasize Flat12 Big Black Snow Dog the finality of the series and the Flat12 Bierwerks KRUVHPDQKLPVHOIµ Indianapolis IN Base style: Imperial Rye Stout 22C. WOOD-AGED BEER Alcohol by volume: 9.2%

A harmonious blend of the base http://flat12.me/ beer style with characteristics from aging in contact with wood Gravity Head Twist: Snow Dog Impe- (including any alcoholic products rial Rye Stout aged in Canadian previously in contact with the barrels. wood). The best examples will be smooth, flavorful, well-balanced Flat12 Brandy Slumber and well-aged. Flat12 Bierwerks Indianapolis IN Bloomington Brewing Barrel-Aged Base style: Belgian Dark Strong 2O·)OR\G·V  Ale Bloomington Brewing Company Bitterness: 47 IBUs Bloomington IN Alcohol by volume: 11.5% YES, NABC GROWLERS Base style: Belgian Dark Strong Ale http://flat12.me/ 72*2«21SUNDAY. Bitterness: 27 IBUs Alcohol by volume: 8.7% Gravity Head Twist: Brandy barrel aged version of Perpetual Slumber, www.bloomingtonbrew.com a dark, boozy Belgian.

Gravity Head Twist: Barrel aged Flat12 Massive Barrel Retaliation YHUVLRQRI2O·)OR\G·V DERYH  Flat12 Bierwerks Indianapolis IN Dogfish Head Burton Baton Base style: American Stout Dogfish Head Brewery Bitterness: 73 IBUs Milton DE Alcohol by volume: 8.4% Base style: Hybrid Old Ale/ Imperial Pale Ale http://flat12.me/ Hops: Northwestern Bitterness: 70 IBUs Gravity Head Twist: Massive Retal- Alcohol by volume: 10% iation Stout aged in bourbon bar- www.dogfish.com rels.

Gravity Head Twist: Dogfish Head Flat12 Rum Gordo Since July 4, 2010, Sunday EUHZVWZRVHSDUDWH´WKUHDGVµRI Flat12 Bierwerks carry-out sales from Indi- beer, an English-style Old Ale and Indianapolis IN an Imperial IPA. After fermenta- Base style: English-style Old Ale DQD·VVPDOOEUHZHULHVKDYH tion, the beers are blended and Bitterness: 51 IBUs been legit. Every Sunday DJHGLQRQHRIWKHEUHZHU\·VRDN Alcohol by volume: 10.8% from open to close, reusable growlers of NABC beer can http://flat12.me/ be purchased at Bank Street NABC on Twitter: Brewhouse (415 Bank http://twitter.com/nabcofficial Street in New Albany). 8 Gravity Head Twist: Vewy Owd Gor- Alcohol by volume: 10.2% Heavy Seas Beer do, an English-style Old Ale, aged Baltimore MD in barrels that previously held www.foundersbrewing.com Base style: Double rum. Bitterness: 76 IBUs Gravity Head Twist: Founders makes Alcohol by volume: 10.5% Flat12 Rye Barrel Pinko! a Scotch/Wee Heavy called Dirty Flat12 Bierwerks Bastard, and bourbon barrels come www.hsbeer.com Indianapolis IN from the backwoods of Kentucky. Base style: Russian Imperial Stout Put the two together, and you have Gravity Head Twist: The Big Dip- Bitterness: 80 IBUs a familiar stereotype, complete SHUJHWLW"´:H·YHDJHGLWRQRDN Alcohol by volume: 11.3% with bearded hillbilly on the la- spirals. Oak spirals suspended in EHO%XWZKHUH·VWKHKRRWFKWKH solution allow more surface area http://flat12.me/ shine, the mountain dew? Coal to come into contact with the beer smoke instead of peat? Where are increasing the oak presence with- Gravity Head Twist: Pinko! aged in Bo & Luke? Coy & Vance? RXWLQFUHDVLQJH[SRVXUHWLPHµ a barrel formerly used for rye whisky. Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Hobbybrouwerij Het Nest Dead Man's Stout) Hand Flat12 Tequila Grande Founders Brewing Company Hobbybrouwerij Het Nest (Brewed by Flat12 Bierwerks Grand Rapids MI Brouwerij Pirlot, Zandhoven BE) Indianapolis IN Base style: Imperial Stout with Base style: Russian Imperial Stout Base style: Rye Porter coffee & chocolate Alcohol by volume: 10% Bitterness: 35 IBUs Bitterness: 70 IBUs Alcohol by volume: 9% Alcohol by volume: 11.2% www.brouwerijhetnest.be

http://flat12.me/ www.foundersbrewing.com Gravity Head Twist: The skinny on this gypsy brewer based near Ant- Gravity Head Twist: Centeno Grande Gravity Head Twist: Aged for a werp is hard to find. The beer is a South of the Border version year in bourbon barrels, and not variously is referred to as Impe- RI3RJXH·V5XQ3RUWHUEXWEHHIHG to be confused with Breakfast rial Stout oak-aged, and also up and with a healthy dose of rye Stout. ´DJHGPRQWKVRQ%HOJLDQ2ZO and Mexican Piloncillo (a raw form ZKLVN\EDUUHOVµ2QRULQ"2WKHU of pure cane sugar) added. Tequila Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged versions are wine barrel aged. And Grande is Centeno Grande aged in a Yeti ZKDWLV%HOJLDQ2ZO",W·VDQHFR- EDUUHOIRUPHUO\XVHGWRKROG« Great Divide Brewing Company friendly distillery on the out- tequila. Denver CO skirts of Liege. Bitterness: 75 IBUs Flat12 Wine Barrel Winter Cycle Alcohol by volume: 9.5% Left Hand Oak Aged Widdershins Flat12 Bierwerks Left Hand Brewing Company Indianapolis IN www.greatdivide.com Longmont CO Base style: Imperial India Pale Base style: Barleywine Ale Gravity Head Twist: Great Divide Malts: Two Row, Golden Promise, +RSV´GLIIHUHQWKRSVIURP starts with Yeti, a delightful Crystal, Munich, Peated, Wheat FRQWLQHQWVµ Imperial Stout, and then adds es- Hops: CTZ, Mt Hood, Golding, Bitterness: 100+ IBUs SUHVVRIURP3DEOR·V&RIIHH Willamette Alcohol by volume: 10% (Denver), yielding Espresso Yeti. Bitterness: 65 IBUs After that, there is oak aging. Original Gravity: http://flat12.me/ Alcohol by volume: 10.7% Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet Bourbon Gravity Head Twist: The base Win- Barrel Aged Below Decks (2012) www.newalbanian.com ter Cycle DIPA has been aged in Heavy Seas Beer red wine barrels. As for Winter Baltimore MD Gravity Head Twist: ´:LGGHUVKLQV Cycle itself, it is Flat12 Half Base style: English Barleywine is our oak aged, counter- &\FOH,3$·V´SLVVHGRII9LNLQJ Alcohol by volume: 10% clockwise, biennial barleywine- FRXVLQµ style ale. Floral and fruity notes www.hsbeer.com of orange and apricot rest upon a Founders Backwoods Bastard foundation of oak, garlanded with Founders Brewing Company Gravity Head Twist: Take Below earthy hop aromas and the sinister Grand Rapids MI 'HFNVDQG«WKDW·VULJKWEDUUHO presence of peated malt. Our an- Base style: Strong Scotch Ale age it. Noticing a trend? swer to waning daylight and frigid 0DOWV´7HQYDULHWLHVRILPSRUWHG temperatures can be enjoyed imme- PDOWµ Heavy Seas Uncharted Waters Big (Continued on page 10) Bitterness: 50 IBUs DIPA

As always, the 2015 Gravity Form was written damned quickly by Roger A. Baylor, so please excuse the inevitable mistakes.

9 (Continued from page 9) capriciously through itself. With from my brew colleague Carlo, who a snarky hop character that is wanted to age Pannepot in genuine diately or saved in your cellar blatantly unrepentant, Hoptimus )UHQFKRDNEDUUHOVµ IRUDVQRZ\GD\µ ensures that meek palates surely will not inherit the earth. Struise Rio Reserva (2008) NABC Coy & Vance De Struise Brouwers New Albanian Brewing Company NABC ThunderFoot Oostvleteren BELGIUM New Albany IN New Albanian Brewing Company Base Style: Belgian Specialty Ale Base Style: Imperial Stout New Albany IN Alcohol by volume: 11% %LWWHUQHVV·,%8V Base Style: Cherry Imperial Stout Alcohol by volume: Circa 12% Malts: Pale, Chocolate, Roast, www.struise.com Special B, CaraMunich, Flaked www.newalbanian.com Oats Gravity Head Twist: ´7KLVDOHZDV Adjunct: Sucrose brewed back in 2008 in collabora- Gravity Head Twist: In the 1983 Hops: US Galena, Styrian Celeia tion with brewmaster Rychei Sugawa episode entitled "Ding, Dong, the Plus: Mass quantities of Bing and San from Rio Brewing Co. Our goal Boss Is Dead," Coy and Vance Duke Tart cherries was to brew a Belgian dark golden actually help Jefferson Davis Bitterness: 77 IBUs blond quadrupel with oak barrel ´%RVVµ+RJJDYRLGWKHUHYHQJHRI Original Gravity: 25 degrees Pla- aging. Bourbon barrels from Ken- an old moonshine runner by staging to tucky were chosen due to their WKHFRPLFDOO\FRUUXSWSROLWLFLDQ·V Alcohol by volume: 12% very special soft roast quality funeral. Byron Cherry (Coy) still DQGQREOHYDQLOODIODYRUVµ trades off the fleeting notoriety www.newalbanian.com of those 19 replacement episodes Struise St. Amatus ² Oostvleteren so long ago, but unfortunately, Gravity Head Twist: There can be 12 Christopher Mayer (Vance) died no doubt. ThunderFoot actively De Struise Brouwers unexpectedly in 2011. As for the renounces the gentle tweak, the Oostvleteren BELGIUM &R\ 9DQFHEHHU«LWLVYHU\UH mild revision, and the impercep- Base Style: Belgian Specialty Ale al, as aged on Willett-soaked oak tible hint. ThunderFoot neither Alcohol by volume: 10.5% spirals. seeks to make a plausible case for adaptive reuse, nor can it be www.struise.com NABC Oaktimus bothered with the nuances of his- New Albanian Brewing Company torical preservation. ThunderFoot Gravity Head Twist: Another great New Albany IN puts its elongated foot squarely EUHZHU\H[SODQDWLRQ´Saint Ama- Base style: Imperial IPA GRZQDGYRFDWLQJ\RXUSDODWH·V tus, also called St. Aimé, was a Malts: Special Pale restructuring the old-fashioned Benedictine monk. In Belgium, Hops: Four additions of high alpha way ² whole cloth, entire, com- Oostvleteren is the only parish to Nugget, one late addition of Cas- plete, irresistible, certain and patron St Amatus as saint. Struise cade, dry-hopped with whole cone inevitable. started brewing at Deca in Cascade in early 2006 (and began Bitterness: 100 IBUs North Coast XVII Barrel Aged Old developing) our own microbrewery Original Gravity: 22.6 Plato Rasputin (nitro) in Oostvleteren during 2009. We Alcohol by volume: 10.7% North Coast Brewing Company thought the making of Saint Amatus Fort Bragg CA 12 was (an obvious move). Saint www.newalbanian.com Base style: Imperial Stout Amatus has aged on Woodford Re- Bitterness: 38 IBUs serve barrels from Labrot & Gra- Gravity Head Twist: Aged in stern- Alcohol by volume: 12.1% ham, Kentucky USA. Some batches er stuff, Oaktimus is Hoptimus were instead aged on Pappy Van permitted to rest in oak. Hoptimus www.northcoastbrewing.com Winkle whiskey barrels, both vari- lives vivaciously, audaciously and eties are valid for this entry.µ Gravity Head Twist: On the night of his murder in 1916, Grigori 23. SPECIALTY BEER Rasputin drank sweet wine laced with cyanide. By contrast, North This is explicitly a catch-all &RDVW·VIDPRXVDOHLV,PSHULDO category for any beer that does Stout aged in bourbon barrels. not fit into an existing style The label phrase in Russian rings FDWHJRU\1REHHULVHYHU´RXWRI WUXH´$VLQFHUHIULHQGLVQRW VW\OHµLQWKLVFDWHJRU\XQOHVVLW ERUQLQVWDQWO\µ6WD\DZD\IURP fits elsewhere. the wine, ̨̛̯̬̺̏̌͘ 10 Barrel/Bluejacket/Stone Suede Struise Pannepot Reserva (2010) Imperial Porter (2013) De Struise Brouwers Stone Brewing Company Oostvleteren BELGIUM (collaboration; see below) Base Style: Belgian Specialty Ale San Marcos CA Alcohol by volume: 10% Say what? Imperial Porter with various flavorings www.struise.com Bitterness: IBUs Alcohol by volume: 9.6% Gravity Head Twist: Urbain tells LW´Pannepot Reserva was an idea www.stonebrew.com

10 enough of that. The most famous Palisade, Golding, Tettnang, Ahta- Gravity Head Twist: Collaboration Soviet female sniper in WWII was num, Cascade, Czech Saaz, Centen- Brewers were Tonya Cornett of 10 Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a student nial, Chinook, Santiam, Simcoe, Barrel Brewing Company, Megan who volunteered for service fol- Summit, Amarillo, Citra and Crys- O'Leary Parisi of Bluejacket and lowing the Nazi invasion of the tal 6WRQH%UHZLQJ&RPSDQ\·V0LWFK USSR, and refused to serve as a Alcohol by volume: 17% Steele. To a base of strong nurse. Rather, her most obvious ´,PSHULDOµ3RUWHUWKH\DGGHGDQ aptitude came apparent when she www.shmaltzbrewing.com infusion of San Diego-area avocado was armed with a rifle. Eventual- honey, jasmine and calendula flow- ly, Pavlichenko recorded 309 cer- Gravity Head Twist: When Jewbe- ers (some of the latter from Stone tified kills, and such was her lation Reborn was released in )DUPV DQGGHFODUHGLW´FUDIW fame that in far-off America, 2013, Thanksgiving and Chanukkah cross-SROOLQDWLRQDWLWVILQHVWµ folk singer Woody Guthrie took overlapped for the first time notice. After all, Guthrie knew a since 1888, and the two holidays BBC Chocolate Love fascist-killer when he saw one. will not coincide again for 79,000 Bluegrass Brewing Company (St. years. A more prosaic reason for Matthews) Miss Pavlichenko's well known to WKHEHHU·V´UHERUQµWDJZDVWR Say what? Wheat Wine with choco- fame; FHOHEUDWHWKHRSHQLQJRI6KPDOW]·V late Russia's your country, fighting very own brewery in upstate New Louisville KY is your game; York following its long life as a Bitterness: 44 IBUs The whole world will love her for contract brew. Alcohol by volume: 8.3% a long time to come, For more than three hundred Nazis Stone Double Bastard Ale (2011) www.bbcbrew.com fell by your gun. Stone Double Bastard Ale (2013) Stone Brewing Company Gravity Head Twist: Owner Pat Ha- NABC Stumble Bus San Marcos CA JDQGHVFULEHVLWVLPSO\´A high New Albanian Brewing Company Say what? ´'RXEOH%DVWDUGµ,JXHVV gravity Wheat Wine with a portion New Albany IN Bitterness: 100 IBUs of chocolate malt added to give Say what? American Strong Ale Alcohol by volume: 10% this ale a voluptuous malty sweet Malts: Rahr Pale, Weyermann Vien- body with a slight dark chocolate na, Simpson Medium Crystal, light www.stonebrew.com ELWHµ1RZZH·OOVHH malt extract Hops: A delicate mix of Galena, Gravity Head Twist: The term Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break Cascade and Golding ´H[WUHPHµLVHQWLUHO\DSSURSULDWH Natale ² Pretty Please with a Yeast: House American Ale WRWKHSRUWIROLRRI&DOLIRUQLD·V Cherry on Top Bitterness: 126 IBUs Stone Brewing Company. Double Evil Twin (Brewed by Westbrook OG: 25 degrees Plato %DVWDUGLV´H[WUHPHO\µLQGHILQDEOH Brewing Company, Mt. Pleasant SC) ABV: 11.2% - could be DIPA, or Barley Wine, Say what? Imperial Porter with or Old Ale, and certainly strong sour cherries www.newalbanian.com with a powerful punch of heavenly Alcohol by volume: 11.5% IODYRUVRU\HDUVLQ«ZKDW Gravity Head Twist: Fall Off the now? http://eviltwin.dk %XV«$ORQJZLWK%RXUERQGDGG\ Stumble Bus is the most fondly Gravity Head Twist: In the annals remembered seasonal ale brewed by of gypsy-brewing Danes, Mikkel 1$%&·VIRXQGLQJEUHZHU0LFKDHO Borg Bjergsø of Mikkeller fame has Borchers. Was it Imperial IPA, or a twin brother, whose name is was it Barleywine? What is it Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø. The latter QRZ",W·VQRWWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ designs beers under the Evil Twin LW·VWKHMRXUQH\3DUWRI1$%&·V QDPH,PSHULDO%LVFRWWL%UHDN·V (the brewery) 10th Anniversary intent is to make difficult domes- Bygoner Series, brewed to cele- tic yuletide obligations tolera- EUDWH1$%&·VWKFRPSDQ\DQQL EOHLWZLOOPDNHRQH·V´VXJDU versary in 2012. levels rise and (add) the bitter sweet flavors of coffee, almonds 6KPDOW]+H·EUHZ-HZEHODWLRQ5H DQGFKRFRODWH« ZLWK DVRXU born (2013) FKHUU\RQWRSµ Shmaltz Brewing Company Clifton Park NY NABC Eastern Front Say what? American Strong Amok New Albanian Brewing Company Ale New Albany IN Malts: 2-Row, Vienna, Munich, Say what? Russian (Post-War) Impe- Spelt, Rye, Wheat, Einkorn, Em- rial Pilsner mer, Chocolate, Crystal Rye, Dark Bitterness: 80 IBUs Crystal, Roasted Barley, Roasted Alcohol by volume: 8% Wheat, Flaked Oats, Caramunich 40, Carapilsner and Kiln Amber www.newalbanian.com Hops: Warrior, Columbus, Apollo,

Gravity Head Twist: 1$%&·V(DVWHUQ Front is an Imperial Pilsner, but

11 12 noon to 9:00 p.m. 415 Bank Street in downtown New Albany The Six Guest Beers of the Zeitgeist

Prior to 2014, the cultural phenomenon known As curated by the estimable Josh Hambright, our DV*UDYLW\+HDGZDVUHVWULFWHGWR1$%&¶V3L]]H Indianapolis-based friend, comrade, beer salesper- ria & Public House, but last year the fest was ex- son extraordinaire (Starlight) and former (Flat12) panded to Sunday with a slot at Bank Street and future (Central State Brewing) brewer, these Brewhouse, with brunch and guest taps. are craft beers of varying potency that offer a tasty

glimpse into the creative brewing process in con- ,W¶VDZD\RIJHQWO\GHVFHQGLQJWRUHHQWU\DQGWKH temporary America. rigors of the workaday world following Gravity


The Six Guest Beers of the Zeitgeist WK6WUHHW³7R%H$QQRXQFHG´ (sidebar) Josh vows a road trip to Gary if necessary to make

the selection. Stay tuned. V-*ULWV3RS8S.LWFKHQ³Are you ready for

/RXLVYLOOH¶VQHZVWLFN-to-yo-ribs, hearty, healthy, Against the Grain Brett Offensive 7% soul-food-with-a-soul, southern-style, vegan food .HQWXFN\«%UHWW-finished Smoked Ale with apri- WUXFN"´9-Grits will be cooking in the BSB kitch- cots. en for the day.

Evil Twin Turkish Delight 6% %6%¶V%XLOG

North Peak Humongous Midwest Red 9.6% NABC Oaktimus Bombers: :H¶OOEHGHEXWLQJ 0LFKLJDQ«,PSHULDO5HG$OH Oaktimus in 22-RXQFH³ERPEHU´ERWWOHVIRUFDUU\

-out sales. Oaktimus is oak-aged Hoptimus Im- Prairie Funky Gold Amarillo 7.5% SHULDO,3$³)XOO-bodied, with aggressive hops 2NODKRPD«$GU\-hopped Sour/Wild Ale. and noteworthy bitterness, and with oak adding DQHOHPHQWRIZRRG\YDQLOOD´

1$%&¶VFXVWRPDU\EHHUOLQHXS: Our many beers of proven merit, available for Sunday carry -out in growlers and bombers.

Uplands Peak Sanctuary Consciousness: ,W¶VDQDQLPDOVDQFWXDU\ORFDWHGRQDIDUPLQ6D lem, Indiana, where rescued farm animals live out their lives with love and respect. Some of the fine folks connected with Uplands Peak are help- LQJZLWK%6%¶VKRHGRZQORJLVWLFVRQ0DUFKLQ cluding the link to V-Grits (below), musical per- formances (TBA) and lots of education about what Uplands Peak does and why it matters. We Release is thank them, and a portion of the proceeds from March 1, 2015 beer sales will be donated to the sanctuary. at BSB

12 Welcome to New Albania! www.newalbanian.com

6LQFH1$%&KDVQ·WVWRSSHG evolving as a business and leading ad- vocate for craft beer in New Albany and metropolitan Louisville. NABC is all about the beer ... and the food and the atmosphere ... but most importantly, ZH·UHDOODERXWDQH[WHQGHGIDPLO\RI friends, neighbors and employees. 1$%&·VRIILFLDOZHEVLWHWDNHV\RXLQ i side the Pizzeria & Public House and Bank Street Brewhouse. You can see i 1$%&·VWZREUHZHULHVPHHWRXUVWDII and learn about the beers we brew for in-house release and distribution.

As they say in Old Albania: "Baltë këtu në sy të juaj!"

Each year, NABC celebrates the life of the late Jason Gore -- our colleague, friend and co-conspirator -- with an ale we've named in his honor: Hard Core Gore. It's a Belgo-American IPA, and a unique beer for a unique man, who would have been 31 on 0DUFK´:KHQWKH\EXLOW\RXEURWKHUWKH\ EURNHWKHPROGµ

13 00. AGAINST THE GRAIN ² STYLE UNTO ITSELF 21A. SPICE, HERB, OR VEGETABLE BEER Against the Grain/De Molen Bo & Luke 13% (pages 7-8) Against the Grain/Beer Engine Founders Breakfast Stout 8.3% Brettish Bulldog 8.2% Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel 10.9% Against the Grain HAmon HAmarth 12.5% Rivertown Death 11.7% Against the Grain Kentucky Ryed Chiquen 8.2% 22C. WOOD-AGED BEER (pages 8-10) Against the Grain London Balling 12.5% Bloomington Brewing Against the Grain/Country Boy Barrel-$JHG2O·)OR\G·V  8.7% Saladbarity 8.1% Dogfish Head Burton Baton 10% Against the Grain Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron 12% Solipsistic Narcissistic Braggot 9.6% Flat12 Big Black Snow Dog 9.2% Against the Grain/Marz/Takeshi Flat12 Brandy Slumber 11.5% Takeshi Umami Imperial Stout 12.5% Flat12 Massive Barrel Retaliation 8.4% Flat12 Rum Gordo 10.8% 5E. EISBOCK (page 5) Flat12 Rye Barrel Pinko! 11.3% Kulmbacher Flat12 Tequila Grande 9% (LVERFN´%D\HULVFK*·IURUQVµ  9.2% Flat12 Wine Barrel Winter Cycle 10% Founders Backwoods Bastard 10.2% 9E. STRONG SCOTCH ALE (WEE HEAVY) (page 5) Founders NABC/Bloomington Brewing KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) 11.2% Feastiality (2014) 9.2% Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged Yeti 9.5% Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet 12C. BALTIC PORTER (page 5) Bourbon Barrel Aged Below Decks (2012) 10% NABC Solidarity (2014) 8% Heavy Seas Uncharted Waters Big DIPA 10.5% Hobbybrouwerij Het Nest Dead Man's Hand 10% 13F. RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT (pages 5³6) Left Hand Oak Aged Widdershins 10.7% De Molen Hel & Verdoemenis 10% NABC Coy & Vance 12% Flat12 Pinko! 10.9% NABC Oaktimus 10.7% Founders Imperial Stout (2013) 10.5% NABC ThunderFoot 12% Sierra Nevada Narwhal 10.2% North Coast Stone Imperial Russian Stout (2014) 10.8% XVII Barrel Aged Old Rasputin (nitro) 12.1% Struise Black Albert 13% Struise Pannepot Reserva (2010) 10% Three Floyds Blot Out the Sun 10.4% Struise Rio Reserva (2008) 11% Upland Teddy Bear Kisses (2013) 10.2% Struise St. Amatus ² Oostvleteren 12 10.5%

16E. BELGIAN SPECIALTY ALE (page 6) 23. SPECIALTY BEER (pages 10-11) NABC Hard Core Gore (2014) 9.5% 10 Barrel/Bluejacket/Stone Suede (2013) 9.6% BBC Chocolate Love 8.3% 18E. BELGIAN DARK STRONG ALE (page 6) Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break Natale ² %ORRPLQJWRQ%UHZLQJ2O·)OR\G·V  8.7% Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top 11.5% NABC Eastern Front 8% 19B. ENGLISH BARLEYWINE (page 6) NABC Stumble Bus 11.2% Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet 6KPDOW]+H·EUHZ Below Decks (2012) 10% Jewbelation Reborn (2013) 17% -:/HH·VWK$QQLYHUVDU\ Stone Double Bastard Ale (2011) 10% Vintage Harvest Ale (2011) 11.5% Stone Double Bastard Ale (2013) 10%

19C. AMERICAN BARLEYWINE (page 7) Dogfish Head Olde School 13-16% Great Divide Old Ruffian (2011) 10.2% Special thanks to the many people who conspire each NABC Jaxon (2011) 11% year to stage our Gravity Head extravaganza, includ- Rogue XS Old Crustacean (2013) 11% ing wholesalers and brewery reps, but especially each and every employee of NABC, both past and present. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot (2010) 9.6% A special shout-out goes to Cellarman/Beer Manager Smuttynose Eric Gray and R & D Brewer Ben Minton. There are Barleywine Style Ale (2013) 10.6% others. You know who you are. Thanks. 14