20p/25c WarTHE Cry20 AprilApril 20120133 salvationarmy.org.uk/warcry Est 1879 No 7112 FIGHTING FOR HEARTS AND SOULS


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Back page The War Cry 2 20 April 2013 GMB AKASH News BANGLADESH PROJECT HELPS THOUSANDS CHILDREN ‘SHOULD LEARN ABOUT FAITHS’ Farmers reap RE exclusion benefits of could have training consequences THE exclusion of religious education from the English Baccalaureate could have far-reaching consequences, cam- paigners have told the Government. Peter Kerridge, chief executive of Premier Radio, which runs the RE.Act A CHRISTIAN-based project campaign, wrote to Schools Minister has provided training and David Laws to say that a lack of religious support to more than 2,500 literacy could have ‘negative consequenc- farmers in Bangladesh since it es’ internationally. He wrote: ‘The State, began in 2007, according to an in whatever country, has a duty to ensure independent audit. As a result that their children are given the oppor- of the Sustainable Livelihoods tunity to learn about and understand the for Poor Producers project, world’s dominant religions if future gen- run by fair-trade organisation erations are to have a hope of coexisting, Traidcraft, vegetable farmers side by side, in harmony.’ have increased their income by The letter highlighted key findings more than 78 per cent, ensuring of an All-Party Parliamentary Group on that they can eat more regularly Religious Education, which reported that and more healthily and are able more than 50 per cent of teachers of RE to send their children to school. in secondary schools have no Farmer Muklasur Raham qualification or expertise in the Mukul says: ‘Before the project, Conference to consider urban landscape subject. I did not know about different AN ecologist, an architect and a theology professor are to take part in The English Baccalaureate cultivation techniques for a conference on urban landscape and sacred space. The conference – is a performance measure rec- different vegetables, but I Hope for the Urban Landscape – will be held at Blackburn Cathedral ognising where pupils have received training and I have on Thursday 16 May. secured a C grade or better increased production.’ ‘across a core of academic DON FOSTER AT SMALLCOMBE HOUSE subjects’. MP visits Becomingeco a Salvation Army Christian care home There is no set formula to becoming a Christian, but many people have found saying this prayer BATH MP Don Foster to be a helpful first step to a relationship with talked with residents and God. staff when he visited a Salvation Army care home Lord Jesus Christ, in the city. Mr Foster I am truly sorry for the things I have done wrong discussed The Salvation in my life. Please forgive me. I now turn from Army’s provision of everything that I know is wrong. older people’s services at Smallcombe House, Thank you that you died on the cross for me so which offers residential that I could be forgiven and set free. care – including a range Thank you that you offer me forgiveness and the of activities – for older gift of your Holy Spirit. people no longer able to Please come into my life by your Holy Spirit to live independently. It also provides respite care and be with me for ever. day care. Thank you, Don meets resident Annie and centre manager Ena Caddy Lord Jesus. COMMENT – p6 THE GREAT OUTDOORS – p7 PUZZLES – p12 INNER LIFE – p13 FOOD FOR THOUGHT – p14 RECIPES – p15 Amen

Extract from Why Jesus? by Nicky Gumbel published by Alpha International, 2011. Used by kind permission of Alpha International The War Cry 20 April 2013 3 I know I just FARAMARZ GOSHEH have to keep going

ON your marks, get completing the course is a great achievement.’ set, go! And keep Ben started his train- going for 26.2 miles. ing for the big day last That’s the aim of Christmas. Since then he has the 36,000 runners clocked up more than 150 hours of running. He finds that pound- who are tackling the ing the pavements adds some- wasn’t ideal.’ London Marathon thing to his life. Battling an injury means that tomorrow (Sunday 21 ‘When I’m out running, Ben is even more reliant on the I have time to think,’ he encouragement of pavement April). says. ‘At the moment I’m supporters to help him round After months of training, at college, preparing to be a the course. He is nervous about elite, amateur and fun run- Salvation Army minister, so starting the marathon, but deter- ners from across the globe when I run I often find myself mined to finish it. thinking about God. ‘Sometimes, in training, I are getting ready to run, jog didn’t feel like running, but or shuffle their way round ‘A lot of people think that it must be horrendous to run all mentally I had to put my foot the gruelling course. Their these miles, but I actually feel down and get out there. On race steely determination may be freer as a result.’ day, I know I just have to keep present and correct as they Despite the positives of run- going.’ approach the starting lines. ning, Ben has also encountered He makes a good point. some obstacles to his training. Whatever life throws at us, But what they don’t yet we have to decide: do we keep know is how their run will ‘The weather has been awful,’ he says. ‘I remember going or quit trying? pan out. running in a storm, and the To help us keep going, we Will past injuries flare up en wind kept blowing me back- can take comfort from God, route? Will they reach 18 miles wards. And the snow meant that who supports us. In the Bible, and hit the dreaded wall? I had to do some training on a he says: ‘Do not fear, for I am Ben Cotterill understands treadmill, which resulted in a with you … I will strengthen such concerns well. Tomorrow knee injury. I had to rest you and help you’ (Isaiah 41:10 he is taking part in his first for two weeks, which New International Version). London Marathon – and he is We don’t know what we may nervous and excited about it. encounter, what awaits us round ‘I’ve always been a sporty the next corner. But, if we ask guy, so I thought it was about him, we can always be sure that time I had a go at the mara- God will be with us. He is will- thon,’ the 26-year-old tells The ing to help us – every step of the War Cry. ‘My main reason for way. entering is to raise money for Watershed, a Salvation Army project which provides clean water to communities in poor By CLAIRE BRINE countries, but I also think that Running makes me feel freer 4 What’s going on MARTIN TALBOT of the Official Charts Company gives the recently launched Christian and Gospel Albums Chart NEW ENTRY

ONDAY 11 March was a notable day Min the history of the charts. The Official Charts Company – which compiles the UK’s weekly singles chart and albums chart – pub- lished the first Official Christian and Gospel Albums Chart. Last year, the UK singles chart celebrated its 60th anniversary. Since 1952, various charts have been added to what was originally the Top 12. ‘The process of collecting data was comput- erised and automated in 1987, so before that the collection of data was much more basic than it is today. We now compile dozens of charts,’ says Martin Talbot, managing director of the Official Charts Company. ‘We collect data from more than six and a half thousand outlets, both bricks and mortar outlets and download stores. The more data you collect, the deeper you can dig in compiling a chart. We can now go down to 15,000 titles in any given week so we can get information on records, of various genres, that will not be in the overall singles or albums charts. ‘We compile several classical charts – including a classical singles chart, which we would not have had until the past ten years, because before digital took off there were rarely classical singles. ‘We also compile a rock chart for Kerrang! magazine, an urban chart and a chart that takes Martin Smith sales just from independent record shops.’ performs at the

The idea of the Christian and Gospel Albums PHILIP HALCROW launch of the chart The War Cry 20 April 2013 5 The Official Charts Company

Philip Halcrow a rundown of

Martin Talbot

Chart had been bubbling under for a few years. The Christian and Gospel Albums Charts love and faith and encouragement.’ The Official Charts Company had to make sure that have been published so far have included The chart is published every week on the that they could collect data from all the key the live worship of former Delirious? front- Official Charts Company website and it is retailers who work in the specialist area and man Martin Smith, a studio album by American broadcast by radio stations Premier and UCB. that they could identify new releases. Idol finalist Colton Dixon, the gospel sounds of Martin says that the collaboration between One issue that compilers of any specialist Fred Hammond’s United Tenors and Denedin the Official Charts Company and the Christian chart need to deal with is what tracks should be Consort’s recording of Bach’s St John Passion. and gospel hits the right note. counted. What is a Christian and gospel track? Martin was among the music industry people ‘The music industry is not a particularly easy ‘We have an army of people who are con- who marked the launch of the new chart at a cel- place to be and hasn’t been in the past five to stantly genre-coding anything that is selling in ebration in Central London. The event included ten years, as everybody in the business has tried reasonable volumes,’ says Martin. ‘They will music from Martin Smith and the London to manoeuvre their way from the old world to work with guidance from labels that are sup- Community Gospel Choir and a rundown of the the new world where music is sold digitally and porting the chart – and those labels will also first top ten – with Zion by Australian rockers physically. be flagging up to us in advance that they’re Hillsong United at No 1. ‘The labels that have helped to begin this releasing a Christian and gospel At the event, Jonathan Brown chart are, in a lot of cases, small. It’s very easy record. of Christian music label Integrity for small labels to stick their head in the sand ‘It’s an ongoing process told The War Cry that he and and pretend the world hasn’t changed. But the to make sure no records are others had championed a chart Christian and gospel sector has not done this – missed. There are also grey because ‘we wanted a mecha- it wants to promote its music. areas, and some people will nism that would profile this great ‘And our fundamental aim is to promote think a certain record should Our music every week’. He explained music. We’re a music industry service. be in a certain genre whereas it that Christian music’s tie-up with ‘In terms of its profile, its exposure and the doesn’t conform to the particu- fundamental the Official Charts Company degree to which it has been supported by the lar rules. ‘brought credibility’ to the chart. industry, the Christian and Gospel Albums ‘It’s only once you start com- aim is to ‘We believe in our music, we Chart is already more successful than some of piling genre charts that you believe in our songs,’ he said. the other genre charts. It has got off to a fantas- begin to test the rules.’ promote music ‘It’s about bringing hope and tic start.’ The War Cry 6 20 April 2013 Find The War Cry on Facebook and at /TheWarCryUK Media Comment CTJM

IT’S time to think outside the box. We have a window for some proactive face-time mindshare to synergise up blue-sky thinking that will kick the silo effect into the long grass. Gobbledygook peppers business- speak and assaults the senses in the process. While the suits may think phrases such as ‘It is what it is’, ‘Adult in the room’, and ‘Do more with less’ are motivating, their staff find them exactly the opposite. For the second consecutive year, the business magazine Forbes asked F Stop Press readers to vote for ‘the most annoying WORSHIPPERS used iPads to pray at the UK’s corporate buzzword, cliché or And God first digital church service, reported The Sun. euphemism’. The list included ‘thought According to the paper, the congregation leadership’, (‘expertise’), ‘going forward’ at St John’s Church in Mickleover, Derby, (which just pads out sentences) and gave followed the hymns, readings and sermon ‘onboarding’ (‘training a new recruit’). by using tablet computers. The idea for the service came about when some older The winner was ‘Come to Jesus Moses two parishioners struggled to read the small-print Moment’. In business-speak, this Bibles. means ‘time reserved for cold, harsh The Rev Alun Rowlands said: ‘We want to truth’, as in, ‘If Joe doesn’t improve his tablets… make our services as accessible as possible.’ productivity, he and I are going to have a CTJM.’ Reflecting on the result, Forbes advises on how to avoid such moments: Boy asked Maggie about Jesus establish milestones, embrace conflict, A LETTER written by because you are the Prime The Prime Minister define priorities, avoid surprises and Margaret Thatcher to a Minister. Am I right or is concluded by saying: ‘I finish the job. child in 1980 revealed my daddy?’ try very hard to do things her belief that Jesus Mrs Thatcher’s hand- right and because Jesus was the ‘perfect exam- written reply said: gave us a perfect example Crisis ple’ which no one could ‘However good we try I try even harder.’ But what of the real come-to-Jesus match, reported the Daily to be, we can never be as The article reported that moments? Some people reach out Express. kind, gentle and wise as David also sent a similar to Jesus at a time of personal crisis – The paper told how the Jesus … We do our best, letter to the Queen, who they have lost their job, their freedom, former Prime Minister but our best is not as good responded that Jesus lived replied to a letter from as his daily life … No our a perfect life and that a loved one or their way. Others do the nine-year-old David lives can’t be as good as ‘when we fail, [we can] it when life is going well. They are a Liddelow, who had writ- the life of Jesus.’ ask for his forgiveness’. success. They have all the trappings ten: ‘Last night when we but realise that something is missing. were saying prayers my Something that money can’t buy. daddy said everyone has Recurring dream for H The cold, harsh truth is that, whether done wrong things except SINGER Ian ‘H’ Watkins from the pop group Steps Q is to play the role of Joseph in a tour of the Tim we are mentioned in a Forbes rich list Jesus. I said I don’t think Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Joseph and the or not, we are all sinners. If we are to you have done bad things Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. H previously get into , we all need God’s played the role in the West End production of the forgiveness. We all need to confess our musical in 2005. sins, turn from them and put our trust in The theatre tour – which starts at the Bristol Jesus, who died and was raised so that Hippodrome – runs from June till October. we can have life in all its fullness now and through eternity. PEOPLE following The Salvation Those who come to Jesus are warmly Q Army’s New Testament Bible Challenge welcomed. They become motivated. are reading the whole New Testament, five They become inspired. They have new chapters a week, over the course of a year. For priorities. They are empowered. each day’s reading plan and discussion notes Make it happen, people! visit salvationarmy.org.uk/biblechallenge The War Cry The great outdoors 20 April 2013 7 Stars appy to share special places

CELEBRITIES are used to life in front of the lens, but stars from TV, sport and film have been calling the shots. As part of the National Trust’s Special Places project, Jude Law, the Fabulous Baker Brothers, Nell McAndrew and others have shared photographs of places around the UK that mean the most to them. The campaign, which is encouraging peo- ple to celebrate the importance of ‘special places’, follows research undertaken by the National Trust, which found that 84 per cent of people have a favourite location that makes them feel good. The celebrity photographs are being show- cased on a new Facebook app created by the National Trust. On the app members of the public can share their favourite place and say why it means so much to them. Model Nell McAndrew shared her photo of Ham House in London, TV chefs the Fabulous Baker Brothers their photo of Dyrham Park in Bath, and actor Jude Law a photo of Cliveden House near Maidenhead. According to the National Trust, four out of five people said that visiting their favourite Nell McAndrew enjoys Ham House place had a bigger impact on their wellbeing National Trust than shopping or going to the cinema. Nearly a place was where they third of those surveyed were married and 5 per Take a walk on the healthy side said their favourite place cent where their proposal was where they grew up, took place. Eighty-seven WHAT is your favourite place outdoors? activity levels and lead a healthier 30 per cent chose a recent per cent said they felt Why not take a walk around there. lifestyle. It is a great way to improve holiday spot and one in happy just by thinking Recent studies have shown that fewer fitness and can help reduce the risk of four opted for the location about their special loca- than two in five people in England are developing chronic diseases such as of a childhood family out- tion. Three quarters of meeting the recommendations of 150 type 2 diabetes and stroke. Walking ing. people surveyed said that minutes of moderate physical activity a also helps to keep blood pressure, One in ten people was the place they loved the week, and even fewer people aged 65 cholesterol levels and weight under sufficiently romantic to most reminded them of years and over are sufficiently active. control. admit that their special their family. Walking is a free, simple and effective As the lighter evenings finally dawn way for people of all ages to improve upon us, why not take note of this advice: O Take a walk with family or friends to Comfortable footwear and a well-stocked make it more enjoyable. backpack are must-haves for a long family walk O Make sure your walking shoes are comfortable and provide sufficient support so you can walk further and enjoy the experience for longer. O Use a pedometer to track your progress and aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. O If you’re new to walking, start out slowly and gradually build up to at least 30 minutes on most days to achieve the recommended activity levels. O On longer walks take a backpack containing water to keep hydrated, MERRICK WINSOR healthy snacks and sunscreen for protection.

Health tips provided by Research UK. For more information email lifestyle@heartresearch .org.uk 8 Interview

Dr Wiseman, one area of space exploration that is causing excitement is the discovery of exoplanets. What are they? Exoplanets – or extrasolar planets – are planets outside of our solar system. Twenty or so years ago, the idea that there could be other planets orbiting stars other than our Sun was regarded as pure speculation. But in the early 1990s, the first detections happened. Thanks to improvements in technology, over the past two or three years the discovery rate has exploded. As we speak, the Kepler observatory – just one of our space telescopes – is That’s staring at more than 150,000 stars in a very small section of space in our galaxy. The aim is to see how many of them show periodic dimming. Such dimming is caused by a planet passing in front of its star. Kepler observations also allow us to estimate the sizes, orbits and it temperatures of detected planets. planned Kepler has detected with certainty some 1,000 exoplanets and around 3,000 candidate systems that need follow-up study. For the first time ever in human history, we can do statistical studies on As Senior Project Scientist for the Nasa how common various kinds of planets are in the galaxy. Hubble Space Telescope, astronomer Does planet Earth have a twin? We can’t answer that just yet. We Dr JENNIFER WISEMAN scans the know that there are Earth-sized planets and that there are even Earth-sized heavens. She gives Nigel Bovey a glimpse planets orbiting Sun-like stars. The discoveries are very exciting. The third thing we want to find out of some of astronomy’s is whether there are Earth-like planets orbiting Sun-like stars in the region we call the Habitable Zone. This is recent discoveries where a planet is at the right distance from its star so that the planet is neither and her personal too hot nor too cold for life. We are starting to find candidate planets like this. But the systems detected by reflections Kepler are too far away for follow-up study. Is there life on these planets? We are observing these bodies from a remote distance. The stars that Kepler monitors are somewhat distant, allowing many stars to fill the telescope’s field of view, but also inhibiting detailed study of the life- potential of any of these systems. To detect life, we need even more sophisticated technology that would allow us to image a planet, suppressing the blinding glare of its parent star in order to analyse the light from the planet. To see if there’s any evidence of biological activity, we’d need to study the atmospheres of those planets. When we look back at Earth from a distance, for example, and do a chemical analysis of the light from our own atmosphere, we see evidence of oxygen – a product of plant photosynthesis – and water vapour, both of which are essential to life. We also see methane, which comes largely from cattle. If we were to look at another planet, we would want evidence of a similar NIGEL BOVEY The War Cry 20 April 2013 9 the way God combination of those elements – that would mean that God, who filled Earth would be a strong indication of active with life, is so magnificent that he biology on that planet. blessed life throughout the galaxy and the Universe. That would be something You spoke earlier of ‘speculation’ to behold! and of speculation becoming reality. When we come to the idea of Allow me to speculate: If there human-like beings who are capable of were human-like life on Earth-like understanding morality, have the planets, would those ‘people’ need a ability to distinguish and choose Saviour? between right and wrong and can relate That’s a big leap from simple life to God, then there is the question of forms – such as bacteria – to advanced salvation that has exercised Christian self-conscious life. Now we’re thinkers for centuries: Would the moving from a discussion of science same gracious means by which we to discussing theological implications can be reconciled with God on Earth and my own personal reflections. Even be applied to other civilisations on We want to find out if we found simple life, it would be other planets? Would they even need interesting theologically because it salvation? whether there are would mean that, however God created Some say that if there were life in life on planet Earth, he also enabled life other worlds, Christ would visit them Earth-like planets on other planets. That would fit with the idea of a generous Creator. That Turn to page 10 NIGEL BOVEY

An artist’s impression of Nasa extrasolar planet HD189773b 10 Interview From page 9 in a form they could understand and redemption would be I wouldn’t want made possible for them. Others maintain that God regards Christ’s death on the cross on planet Earth as the way by which all civilisations can be reconciled to him. to abuse science You mention the conditions needed for the Habitable Zone. Scientists – including the Astronomer Royal, Lord Rees – tell us that life on Earth is possible because by turning it into the Universe is finely tuned. Some Christians see this fine-tuning as indicative of a designer. If Earth is not the only life-sustaining planet, does that undermine the idea that God purposely designed the Universe to allow a religion life on Earth? Not at all. A Universe that has been endowed from the very beginning with the capability of producing and sustaining life is indicative of – or at least, consistent with – the idea of a God who desired a fruitful Universe. So, if one planet – Earth – is fruitful, why not many others? We have to be careful, though, about relying too much on fine-tuning as an apologetic for the existence of God. If it turned out that there were many ways for the Universe to be the home for life, then that would also be indicative of a gracious God. Our faith is not contingent upon fine- tuning arguments. People knew about God before anybody thought them up.

Another idea, which some might label ‘speculative’, is Nasa that there is more than one universe. Some atheists use the multiverse model as a way of countering the idea that the Earth is the product of divine fine-tuning. To what extent is the multiverse idea a God substitute? The multiverse idea can provide a bit of intellectual escape from the realisation that the Universe does seem Is the Higgs boson what caused the arranged for complex life to thrive. big bang? Even if there were other universes, it I wouldn’t put it that way. I think would in no way affect the recognition it is one of the features or outcomes that in at least one universe intelligent of the big bang. Scientifically, the life is abounding, thriving and question of what caused the big bang is recognising its own existence. difficult. Scientifically, it doesn’t make The bigger questions, which science obvious sense that we are here as just cannot answer, are along the lines of: random products of an initially lifeless Is there an ultimate first cause? Even Universe who can now somehow if there is a multiverse, who set up speculate about our own existence. But that system? Is there a God who is in it would make a whole lot of sense for charge? there to be a creative God who desired the Universe to bring forth beings who Physicist Brian Cox begins one of his could relate to him in a personal way – TV programmes on the wonders of which is what we can experience. the Universe with the words: ‘God didn’t create the Universe; science Scientists have recently confirmed did.’ Is he correct? the existence of the Higgs boson Science hasn’t created anything. – the ‘God particle’. What is the Science is a tool by which we significance of that discovery? understand how the physical Universe An artist’s expansion is accelerating. There is a The Higgs boson is, in some works. Humans have invented science impression limit on how far we can see sense, the manifestation of how the as a method to help us understand (top) of the star with our telescopes. This has to do components of atoms obtained mass. things. with the limited age of the Universe. 2 Fomalhaut and Einstein’s famous e=mc equation I am very grateful for science. I see the Jupiter-type We believe the Universe had a very equates energy with mass. But how did science as a gift from God to help us planet that the energetic beginning about 13.7 billion that translation actually occur from a with our understanding of nature, but Hubble Space years ago. We are limited, therefore, Universe that initially began as a burst science is a tool, not a creating power. to seeing things that are under of energy to the point where we now I wouldn’t want to abuse science Telescope 13.7 billion light-years away, because have a lot of material in the form of by turning it into some kind of divine (above) observed that is the fullness of time for light mass? The translation came via force or religion. It was never meant to to travel from these distant objects the entity physicists call the Higgs be that. to us. boson. In the meantime, however, in all Theologically, it changes nothing. How big is the Universe? these billions of years of expansion For me as a Christian it is simply a It is almost impossible to say. of space some of these distant galaxies manifestation of God’s glory and the The scales of space within the Universe have moved beyond that limit, so we meticulous effectiveness with which he are themselves stretching as the will never be able to see light from created the Universe. fabric of the Universe expands, and that them. The War Cry 20 April 2013 11

In a lecture, Jennifer recounts the history of the space telescope

other universes being spawned. unusual timing of natural events. A Christians believe we are promised miracle is more than a mystery. It is something much different for always done in a very specific way and our future, however – that God is for an unusual purpose. upholding this Universe and will in God has established physical laws, NIGEL BOVEY One of the pieces of evidence some way transform it, a process but he also retains authority over suggested for the existence of God that already has begun somehow, nature. We see evidence of that in the is that the Universe is extremely mysteriously, through Christ. We don’t Gospels when Jesus calmed the storm. well ordered. You see things in the know exactly what is meant by these The winds and waves obeyed him. Universe few of us will ever see. Do scriptural promises, but we are told that In the Bible, miracles don’t happen you see order when you look into there will always be the presence of arbitrarily or globally. For example, space? God and that we will be in the presence if God had wanted, Jesus could have Yes. We see magnificent order on all of God in some kind of a “new Heaven snapped his fingers and healed every different scales. I find order to be the and a new Earth”. sick person on the planet. He didn’t; most interesting facet of the Universe. Whether that is a literal or figurative rather he touched some people one at Clusters of galaxies – perhaps the most biblical truth, in God’s view there is a a time. This suggests that miracles are massive structures in the Universe – bright future for those who believe in used for a very specific person at a very operate according to the same basic him. specific time for a very specific purpose physical principles that we see on very of communicating God’s message in a small scales here on Earth. We have a Your work entails your looking at particular situation. structured Universe that we can study a Universe that God does work miracles but they are and understand. is so ordered not his normal way of working. God is and regular that still operating even when there are not What is the future for the ever- scientists talk of miracles. “Natural” processes do not expanding Universe? We have a nature having mean “God-less” processes. Quite the Current scientific understanding is laws. Does God contrary: the message of the natural that it looks as though the Universe as structured Universe sometimes break world is that God is operating in his we know it will continue to expand. those laws to regular fashion through nature and the For the most part, galaxies will move that we can study produce a miracle forces that he has ordained. away from one another, the stars within and, if so, why? them will eventually cool off and die and understand I believe God O Dr Wiseman was speaking out. In many billions of years’ time the does miracles. in a personal capacity and Universe could be very dark and cold, Miracles occur outside the normal not as a representative of the though some theoretical speculations workings of nature – either in the way National Aeronautics and Space hold the idea of other dimensions and the physical forces work or in the Administration The War Cry 12 20 April 2013 Puzzlebreak

B T T R O M B O N E T R N E T U L F L V A B E E D R H E B R N G L I C M N R O A N U O M L D E O S I U H R O L O C C I P C L R M H WORDSEARCH P H A D O U B L E B A S S A P R E T C Y M B A L S I Look up, down, E O B V E O B O P L C E L forwards, backwards U L E I P S N E K C O L G and diagonally on E Y L O M O B A S S O O N U the grid to find these F X L L U N B T P E P R E K orchestral instruments S G S I R U S O B O O U B O Fill the grid so that every column, N B N N T O B E N H I U O D every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 U BASSOON

S FLUTE TRUMPET Solution on page 15 CELLO GLOCKENSPIEL TUBA CLARINET HARP TUBULAR CYMBALS HORN BELLS QUICK CROSSWORD by Chris Horne DOUBLE BASS OBOE VIOLA DRUMS PICCOLO VIOLIN ENGLISH HORN TROMBONE XYLOPHONE ACROSS 1. Illustration (7) 5. Defamation (5) 7. Mythological goat with a lion’s head (7) HONEYCOMB 8. Seize a throne (5) 10. Princess Each solution Royal (4) starts on the 11. Evaluated (8) coloured cell 13. Nakedness (6) and reads 14. Brook (6) clockwise round QUICK QUIZ 17. Bellies (8) the number 19. Fair (4) 21. Judge’s 1. By what name is the hammer (5) disease varicella 22. Renegade (7) better known? 23. Pop group in the 2. In which county is desert? (5) DOWN 24. Years in a Sandringham House? 2. Arranged in a century (7) straight line (7) 3. How many old 3 and 5 down. Carol Ann pennies were there in Duffy is the current a pound? one (4, 8) 4. Where in the human 4. Pass (6) body is the incus 5. See 3 down bone? ANSWERS 6. American folk

5. Which of the Mr Men

5 Orchid. 6 Saucer. 6 Orchid. 5 music (5)

1 Vacuum. 2 Volume. 3 Funnel. 4 Dinner. Dinner. 4 Funnel. 3 Volume. 2 Vacuum. 1 7. Shackled characters is orange

HONEYCOMB convicts (5, 4) with a blue hat and

Tickle. 6 Blames his tools. his Blames 6 Tickle. 9. Device for very long arms? 1 Chicken pox. 2 Norfolk. 3 240. 4 The ear. 5 Mr Mr 5 ear. The 4 240. 3 Norfolk. 2 pox. Chicken 1 1. Space devoid of matter estimating distance 6. Complete the saying:

QUICK QUIZ QUICK walked (9) 2. Degree of loudness

15 Equator. 16 Snatch. 18 Davis. 20 Fawn. 20 Davis. 18 Snatch. 16 Equator. 15 A bad workman…

6 Blues. 7 Chain gang. 9 Pedometer. 12 Stumbles. Stumbles. 12 Pedometer. 9 gang. Chain 7 Blues. 6 12. Trips (8) 3. Chimney on a ship

DOWN: 2 Aligned. 3 Poet. 4 Elapse. 5 Laureate. Laureate. 5 Elapse. 4 Poet. 3 Aligned. 2 DOWN: 15. 0 degrees

22 Traitor. 23 Oasis. 24 Hundred. Hundred. 24 Oasis. 23 Traitor. 22 latitude (7) 4. Main meal of the day

14 Stream. 17 Abdomens. 19 Just. 21 Gavel. Gavel. 21 Just. 19 Abdomens. 17 Stream. 14

8 Usurp. 10 Anne. 11 Assessed. 13 Nudity. Nudity. 13 Assessed. 11 Anne. 10 Usurp. 8 16. Grab (6) 5. Flowering plant

ACROSS: 1 Example. 5 Libel. 7 Chimera. Chimera. 7 Libel. 5 Example. 1 ACROSS: 18. _____ Cup, tennis 6. Shallow dish QUICK CROSSWORD QUICK trophy (5) 20. Young deer (4) The War Cry Inner life 20 April 2013 13 face TO face

In this series, IT’S a sad fact of the ROSEMARY DAWSON modern world that in looks at people who met Jesus everyday life people don’t take each other on trust very easily. There is also mistrust of 3: The centurion authority figures. The pursuit of profits and sensationalism at the expense of truth has resulted in a lack of respect for bankers, politicians and the media. Trust levels weren’t very

much different in Bible times. Library picture posed by model On one occasion, Jesus was so from where you are, and my impressed by a man’s absolute servant will be healed’ (5:8). faith in his ability to heal that he The centurion recognised in was ‘amazed’ and commented: Jesus a greater authority than ‘I haven’t seen faith like this in his own. And Jesus rewarded his all Israel!’ (Matthew 8:10 New faith: ‘Go back home. Because Living Translation). you believed, it has happened!’ The man’s faith was surprising (5:13). because he was a Gentile, The Bible describes faith as someone who did not belong ‘the confidence that what we to the Jewish community. As a hope for will actually happen’ captain of the Roman Army, he (Hebrews 11:1). The centurion was also of some considerable clearly had a lot of faith, but importance, responsible for the some of us find it harder to come discipline and training of up to to that point of absolute trust. 100 soldiers who were part of the Having faith in someone occupying military force. comes through personal He was concerned about his knowledge and experience. Even young servant’s illness and then, we are often disappointed asked Jesus to heal him. Then he in the actions or reactions of demonstrated the strength of his family and friends who let faith in Jesus: ‘Just say the word us down when we need their support most. Putting our faith and trust in Almighty God is the only sure antidote for uncertain and unsettling times in a topsy- turvy world or mundane life. He alone remains reliable and unchanging. Whatever our need, WANTED: he will never let us down.

LOOKING FOR HELP? Just complete this coupon and send it to The War Cry, 101 Newington someONE TO Causeway, London SE1 6BN Please send me Basic reading about Christianity Information about The Salvation Army Contact details of a Salvationist minister Name TRUST Address The War Cry 14 20 April 2013 Food for thought



OUR garden is normally a peaceful place. stage Greenfinches flit to and from the feeders. Blackbirds and robins forage for their food on the ground. And a jay a periodically swoops in coo to have a drink at the fall to the ground. At this for their labour. If either of bird-bath. point I scare them off to give them falls down, one can Recently, however, a the smaller birds a chance. help the other up. But pity gang has started to invade I can’t help but admire anyone who falls and has the garden. They’re an their technique though. no one to help them up’ assortment of pigeons and The birds have learnt that (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 New doves, and when they zoom joining together helps them International Version). in, they demolish any food to achieve more than going Company can be good for scraps within minutes. One it alone. And they’ve got an us. The right company can pigeon has even learnt to enterprising leader to follow. be even better. We, like the balance on the seed tray of We can learn from that pigeons, need a good leader the bird feeder. As the feeder bird gang, I think. Like the to follow. And the best leader swings about and the bird birds, we are usually more I have ever come across is frantically flaps its wings to productive and effective Jesus, who said: ‘I am the stay in position, its mates when working in company. bread of life. Whoever below pick up the seeds that One Bible writer expressed comes to me will never this in a poetical go hungry, and whoever way when he believes in me will never be said: ‘Two are thirsty’ (John 6:35). Its mates below pick up better than one, Food for our souls can because they be supplied by Jesus if we the seeds on the ground have good return follow him.

The War Cry Registered at Companies House as a newspaper under the Newspaper Libel and Registration Act 1881

Editor: Nigel Bovey, Major Deputy Editor: Philip Halcrow Annual subscription of The War Cry Production Editor: Stephen Pearson Print version £26 (UK) or £44.50 (overseas) The Salvation Army UK Territory with the Republic of Ireland Editorial Assistant: Claire Brine Call 01933 445451 or visit sps-shop.com 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN Editorial Assistant: Renée Davis Tel: 0845 634 0101 Helpline: 020 7367 4888 Chief Designer: Gill Cox App version £9.99 D AND O F I Founder: William Booth O R L Visit App Store or Play Store E DTP Operator: Denise D’Souza B

General: Linda Bond T Y H M Secretary: Joanne Allcock E R Territorial Commander: Commissioner Clive Adams A SA N War Cry office: 020 7367 4900 Editor-in-Chief and Publishing Secretary: LVATIO Email: [email protected] SALES AND DISTRIBUTION: Tel: 01933 441807 Major Martin Hill The War Cry What’s cooking? 20 April 2013 15 I’M Michael Darracott. I have been an executive chef in several large establishments in charge of cooking for 200-plus people. I have also written a number of books. It gives me great pleasure to offer my recipes in The War Cry. I invite readers to send in recipe ideas, to be considered for publication Lamb here. I would also like to offer help with any cooking-related problems you have. So send in your question and, if it is selected, an answer will be published on this page. korma Email your recipes and questions to [email protected] Cook with chef MICHAEL DARRACOTT


Apple and peach crumble

Ingredients: For the filling 3 cooking apples, peeled, cored and chopped 175ml water 3tsp sugar 400g can peaches, drained 10g sultanas 2tsp cinnamon For the crumble 120g unsalted butter 190g plain flour 115g caster sugar Ingredients: 1tsp cinnamon 100g butter Method: Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 300g lamb breast, Method: diced Mark 4. Place the apples, water and Melt the butter in a saucepan, then cook the lamb for sugar in a saucepan and boil over a 500ml vegetable about 4 minutes, turning every now and then. low heat until the apples have stock Pour in the stock, and add the remaining ingredients, softened. excluding the yoghurt. Cook on a low heat for Add the peaches, sultanas and 2tsp Worcester 30 minutes. cinnamon to the pan. Simmer for sauce Fold in the yoghurt, then serve on a bed of rice. 2 minutes, stirring all the time. Divide the mixture into 4 individual 2 onions, chopped Serves 4 portion-sized ovenproof dishes. 1tsp paprika To make the crumble, rub the butter and flour together in a bowl until the 2 cloves of garlic, mixture resembles breadcrumbs. crushed Mix in the sugar and cinnamon. Cover each bowl of stewed fruit 2tbsp desiccated with the crumble topping. Cook for coconut 20–30 minutes, then serve hot. SUDOKU SOLUTION 4tsp curry powder Serves 4 125g natural yoghurt ITV It isn’t all about performance writes RENÉE DAVIS

JUDGMENT TIGHTROPE-walkers, dancers, sing- ers and performing dogs are just some of the acts viewers can expect to see Alesha, as ITV’s Britain’s opens for Simon, business again. David Hosted by TV favourites Ant and Dec, the vari- and ety show – now in its seventh series – is on the Amanda lookout for Britain’s best talent. Judges Simon are Cowell, , and DAs last year’sA winner wasY Maybe we? wish that, just for a looking will be deciding which perform- Pudsey the Dog and trainer moment, we could drop the act for talent ers have what it takes to go through to the final Ashleigh, there’s no telling who’ll and relax. But we can take comfort stages and win the chance to appear at the Royal win the heart of the nation and be in the fact that God looks deeper. Variety Performance later this voted the 2013 winner. The Bible says: ‘The Lord does year. Away from the stage, life in not look at the things people look Alesha Dixon sums up what she itself can feel like one big perfor- at. People look at the outward thinks of the talent so far: ‘When mance. We may try to put our best appearance, but the Lord looks that special person comes along foot forward at work in the hope at the heart’ (1 Samuel 16:7 New you get that amazing feeling that of securing a promotion. At home, International Version). you’ve witnessed the beginning we may be attempting to juggle the We don’t have to put on a song of a really great career. There are bills and housework while keeping and dance for God. He knows and already at least five contestants our family happy. With friends, loves us for who we really are. that I think could win the show.’ perhaps we are always trying to be If we accept his unconditional the life and soul of the love and forgiveness and follow party by cracking the his teachings, he will give us rest best jokes. and the strength and courage to Putting on a show be ourselves. There’s no need to God loves us for of having everything stay stuck at this stage of our lives. in hand can leave us With God, we can move on to a who we are tired and drained. better future.

The Salvation Army ( Territory with the Republic of Ireland) on behalf of the General of The Salvation Army. Printed by Wyndeham Grange, Southwick. © Linda Bond, General of The Salvation Army, 2013 YOUR LOCAL SALVATION ARMY CENTRE YOUR LOCAL SALVATION