Curriculum Vitae Professor Peter Roy Lawrence

Academic Qualifications: B.A.(II.1) Economics/Social Studies, , 1966. M.A. Development Economics/African Studies, Sussex, 1967. Ph.D. (), 1992.


Professor of Development Economics, 2007- Head of School of Economic and Management Studies, 2005-8 Senior Lecturer in Economics, 1996 - 2007 Deputy Head of Department (later Director of Undergraduate Studies) Department of Economics, Keele University, 1992-2001 Lecturer in Economics, University of Keele, 1974-96 Temporary Lecturer in Economics, University of Keele, 1973-4. Senior Research Associate, University of East Anglia, 1972-3. Lecturer in Economics, University of Dar es Salaam, 1970-72. Junior Research Fellow in African Economic Studies, University of Leeds, 1967-70 Research Associate, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1968-9 Assistant Master (part-time), Hove and Sussex Grammar School, 1966-1967

Visiting or other Appointments

External Peer Reviewer (Economics) Internal Teaching Review, Aberdeen Business School, , May 2005. External Examiner, Diploma and MSc Courses, Bradford Centre for International Development 2002-6 External Tutor, MSc in Financial Management, SOAS, since 1994 Visiting Lecturer, MA Programme in Economic Policy and Planning, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, Jan-March 1992 and Jan-Mar 1993 (funded by United Nations Development Programme and the European Commission) Research Associate, Centre for , University of Leeds, from 1986. British Council Exchange Visitor, Institute of World Economy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, January to April 1984. Visiting Professor, ETEA, University of Cordoba, Spain, Sept.-Dec.1980 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Manitoba, Canada, July/August, 1989. Exchange Visitor, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, November, 1989. Contributing Editor, Review of African Political Economy, 1993- Founding and Managing Editor, Review of African Political Economy, 1974-93.


Current The effects of macro-financial policy on household and individual behaviour: using Indian and other developing country household datasets to analyse the impact of changes in monetary and fiscal policy associated with financial liberalisation, on household and individual savings and credit behaviour. Water Poverty Index: constructing an index of water security and development both at national and local level as a monitoring tool to be used by international organisations, national and local governments and by people at local level to help in determining water supply and management policy.

1 Price capping regulation and entry deterrence in developing countries. This research addresses the question incumbent (domestic) firms lobbying for price-cap regulation as a means of protection against entry by foreign firms. Agricultural exportables performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of the determinants of agricultural exportables output to answer the question why the output of agricultural exportables has been so slow to recover under World Bank structural adjustment policies.


Economic analysis of the transition from state to private agriculture in developing countries Unemployment and Redundancy under restructuring in Poland and Hungary, based on survey work undertaken in both countries in collaboration with researchers at the Warsaw School of Economics and the Institute of Economics in Budapest and funded by the Nuffield Foundation. Macro-economic analysis of aid, exchange rates and export incentives in Uganda. Privatisation in Hungary Local Labour markets and the duration of unemployment, based on surveys of North Staffordshire unemployed The adoption of innovations in sub-Saharan African agriculture. Land reform and rural cooperation in Andalucia. Hungary's system of agricultural producer cooperatives. The economic and social consequences of the introduction of high yielding varieties of foodgrains and other crops into African agriculture. The economics of rationalisation and diversification of the Tanzanian sisal plantation industry. Regional Planning in Tanzania The economics of cocoa production in Ghana.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Application of the Water Poverty Index at Different Scales: A Cautionary Tale Water International 31,3 (2006) (with C Sullivan and J Meigh ) Finance and Development: does causation matter? (2006) Journal of International Development 18:1-20. Explaining Sub-Saharan Africa’s Manufacturing Performance (2005), Development and Change, 36,6. The Water Poverty Index: Development and Application at the Community Scale (2003) (with C. Sullivan and others), Natural Resources Forum: a United Nations Journal, 27, 3:189-199 Rural Cooperation and the Renewal of Rural Socialism in Africa (2003), Review of African Political Economy, 30,96: 241-248,. Agricultural Tradables and Economic Recovery in Uganda: the Limitations of Structural Adjustment in Practice, World Development, 27, 4 (1999) (with D Belshaw and M Hubbard) Labour Market Changes in a Local Area: 1988-90, International Journal of Manpower, 14,1 (1993) (with L Rosenthal) Employment Experiences Following the Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival, Local Economy, 5,2, (1990) (with L. Rosenthal). Long-term Unemployment and the Demand for Labour in the Stoke-on-Trent Travel-to-Work Area, International Journal of Manpower, 10, 4 (1989) (with L. Rosenthal and P. Sheldon),. The Political Economy of the Green Revolution In Africa, Review of African Political Economy 42 (1988)'The African Environment', December. The Soviet Union, China and the Horn of Africa, Review of African Political Economy No 12 (1978) (as 'Roy Lyons'), Socialist Experiments: Lessons for Tanzania , Third World Forum Vol.1 No.3 (1975). Regional Planning in Tanzania: some institutional problems, East African Journal of Rural Development, Vol.7 Nos. 1&2 (1975) (with P. Raikes, R.G. Saylor and D. Warner).

Articles Submitted, or in Preparation, for Publication


Price-Capping regulation as a protectionist strategy (with A Mukherjee) ( to be resubmitted to Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics) The Water Poverty Index: an International Comparison (with J Meigh and C Sullivan) revised version of KERP 2002/19 submitted to Water Policy Financial Liberalisation in : measuring progress’, (with I Longjam) revised version of KERP 2003/08 to be submitted to development economics journal Financial Liberalisation and Household Behaviour in India (with G Lanot) revised version of KERP 2005/15 to be submitted to Journal of Development Economics

Articles in Books

Financial Liberalisation and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa in C Oya & A Santamaría (eds)The Political Economy of Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Madrid: Akal Ediciones (2006, in Spanish) Finance And Development: Four Decades On in Globalization, Neo-conservative Policies, and Democratic Alternatives: Essays in Honour of John Loxley (Eds) H Akram-Lodhi, R Chernomas, and A Sepehri, Arbeiter Ring, 2005 The ‘Sponge Effect’ and the Transition from State to Private Agriculture, in Development Economics and Socio-Economic Justice: Essays In Honour Of Ian Livingstone (M Tribe, J Thoburn and R Palmer-Jones eds), Ashgate, 2005 Structural Adjustment, in (eds) C. Kirkpatrick, R. Clarke and C. Polidano, Handbook on Development Policy and Management, Edward Elgar, (2002) The Non-Recovery of Agricultural Tradables and its Consequences for Rural Poverty, in D. Belshaw and I Livingstone (eds), Renewing Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Routledge (2002) (with Deryke Belshaw) Comparing Africa and Asia in Peter Lawrence and Colin Thirtle (eds), Africa and Asia in Comparative Development, Basingstoke: Macmillan (2001) (with C. Thirtle) A Decade of Structural Adjustment in Uganda:agricultural tradables, rural poverty and macroeconomic 'success', in M Spoor (ed), The 'Market Panacea': Liberalization and Privatization in the Agrarian Sector in the 1990s, London:IT Publications (1997) (with DGR Belshaw and MEV Hubbard) Economic Transition in Eastern Europe: an overview, in (ed) P. Cook and F.I. Nixson, The Move to the Market, Macmillan, (1995) Economic Structure: Employment Patterns and Prospects, in ADM Phillips (ed), Continuity and Change in a Staffordshire Conurbation, Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1993 (with L Rosenthal) Selling Off the State: Privatisation in Hungary, in (eds. T Clarke and C Pitelis) The Political Economy of Privatisation, London: Routledge, 1993. Economic Democracy, Socialism, and the 'Market', in R. Cohen and H. Golbourne (eds.) Democracy and Socialism in Africa, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview, 1991. Agriculture in African Economic Development, in Africa South of the Sahara 1991, London, Europa Publications(with I. Livingstone) The Dynamics of Land Tenure and Agrarian Systems in Africa, in L. Cliffe and P. Lawrence, The Dynamics of Land Tenure and Agrarian Systems : case studies from Africa (with L. Cliffe), FAO, Rome, 1989. Is the Party Over? , in Prior, M. The Popular and the Political: essays on socialism in the 1980s, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Plantation Sisal: the Inherited Mode of Production and Sisal: the Case for Ujamaa in Cliffe, L; Lawrence, P; Luttrell, W; Saul, J and Migot-Adholla, S (Eds) Rural Cooperation in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Publishing House, 1975.

Books (Ed) Africa and Asia in Comparative Development, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2001 (with C. Thirtle)

3 (Ed.) The Dynamics of Land Tenure and Agrarian Systems in Africa, Rome, FAO, 1989 (with L Cliffe). (Ed.) World Recession and the Food Crisis in Africa, London, James Currey, 1986. (Ed.) Rural Cooperation in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Publishing House (with L.Cliffe, W. Luttrell, J.S. Saul and S. Migot-Adholla), 1975.

Edited Journal Issues The Price of Adjustment, Review of African Political Economy No.47 (with D. Seddon), 1990. Feeding Africa: What Now?, Review of African Political Economy No.43 (with L. Cliffe), 1989. War and Famine, Review of African Political Economy No.33 (with F. Snyder and M. Szeftel), 1985. A Tribute to Ruth First, Review of African Political Economy No.25 (with R. Cohen), 1982. Ideology Class and Development, Review of African Political Economy No.22, 1981. The Roots of Famine, Review of African Political Economy No15-16 (with L. Cliffe), 1979. Mining and Mine Labour, Review of African Political Economy No.12 (with L. Cliffe), 1978. Capitalism in Africa, Review of African Political Economy No.8 (with L. Cliffe), 1977. Multinationals in Africa, Review of African Political Economy No.2 (with M. Bienefeld), 1975.


£ 13,978 from the British Academy for sponsorship of Visiting Fellow Dr P Quartey to work on macro- financial policy, credit to the private sector and poverty reduction in Ghana. £ 158,937 from the Department for International Development for work on the effects of macro-financial policy changes on household financial behaviour (project director), 2001-3 £13,500 from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology for work on the development of a water poverty index as part of a £325,000 project on this subject funded by the Department for International Development, 2001-2 £6,600 from the Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council for two consultancy reports on the impact of the mining closures on the North Staffordshire Economy and labour market trends in North Staffordshire (with L Rosenthal), 1993 £3,000 from the Nuffield Foundation for research project on Labour Market Transitions in Eastern Europe (with L Rosenthal), 1990-1 £2,070 from the Nuffield Foundation for Project on Long Term Unemployment and Demand for Labour (with L Rosenthal), 1988 Travel Grant from British Council towards the expenses of an exploratory visit to the Soviet Union to set up a programme of research collaboration on privatisation and the labour market, 1990 £5,500 from the Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council for a consultancy report investigating access to the labour market for the disadvantaged (with L Rosenthal), 1989 Travel Grant from the British Academy and Subsistence Grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for research in Hungary to study the Privatisation Process, 1989 £1,000 from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations for editing a set of investigations into agrarian reform and land tenure in Africa in cooperation with L Cliffe (Leeds University), 1988 £2,885 from Stoke on Trent City Council for National Garden Festival Employment Follow-up Survey, 1988 £1,250 from West Midlands Regional Enterprise Centre (Dept. of Employment) for same, 1988 £500 from Stoke on Trent Community Partnership for same, 1988 (the above three grants with L Rosenthal) £4,461 from the Swedish Agency for Research in Developing Countries towards the costs of the 1984 Review of African Political Economy Conference on the World Recession and the Food Crisis in Africa, 1984 £250 from the British Academy for travel expenses for distinguished overseas speakers at the above conference, 1984 Travel grant from the British Council and subsistence grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under the Cultural Exchange Scheme for research visit to Hungary, 1984.

4 Consultancies Institute of Hydrology, (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) Water and Poverty in Developing Countries, funded by DfID (March/April, 2000) IDPM, , MA in Industrial Strategy and Trade Policy: lectures and examining Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council on the Impact of Mining Closures in North Staffordshire (June 1993) Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council and Newcastle Borough Council on Employment Forecasts for North Staffordshire (September 1992). Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council for a consultancy report investigating access to the labour market for the disadvantaged (with L Rosenthal) Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian reform Division of the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations on the dynamics of land tenure changes in Africa, resulting in edited collection of case studies published by FAO. Tanzania Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planning for the preparation of the third volume of the second Five Year Plan based on a fact-finding mission to four of Tanzania's seventeen regions.

Working Papers ‘Financial Liberalisation in India: measuring progress’, Keele Economics Research Papers 2003/08, Keele University Economics Department (with I Longjam) . ‘Fifty Years of Finance and Development: Does Causation Matter?’ Keele Economics Research Papers 2003/07, Keele University Economics Department. Household Credit and Saving: does macroeconomic policy matter? Keele Economics Research Papers, 2002/04. The Water Poverty Index: an International Comparison Keele Economics Research Papers, 2002/19 (with J Meigh and C Sullivan) Price-Capping regulation as a protectionist strategy in developing countries Keele Economics Research Papers 2002/18 (with A Mukherjee) Finance and Development: an empirical review Keele Economics Research Papers forthcoming 2003 Macro-micro financial interactions Keele Economics Research Papers forthcoming, 2003 The Economic Analysis of Agrarian Structural Reform: the transition from state to private agriculture in developing and transitional economies Keele Economics Department Working Paper, 99/08 The Non-Recovery of Agricultural Tradables and Enduring Rural Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Keele Economics Department Working Paper, 99/09 (with Deryke Belshaw) Redundancy and Unemployment in post-Communist Economies, Keele Working Papers in Economics 93.5, (with L Rosenthal) Long Term Unemployment and the Demand for Labour In North Staffordshire, Department of Economics and Management Science Working Paper 88.36 (with L. Rosenthal and P. Sheldon), 1988. The Green Revolution in Africa: stagnation or diffusion?, Department of Economics and Management Science Working Paper 87.23, University of Keele, 1987. State, Market and Peasant: some aspects of the Hungarian case, Department of Economics and Management Science Working Paper 87.7, University of Keele, June, 1987.

Reports The Impact of the Market Economy on the Poor: case studies from East and Central Europe Consultancy Report with DGR Belshaw (UEA), Norwich 1994. The Impact of the Mining Closures on the North Staffordshire Economy, Report to the Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council, June 1993 (with L Rosenthal) Employment Forecasts for North Staffordshire, Report to the Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council and Newcastle Borough Council, September 1992. (with L Rosenthal) Equal Opportunities and Training in Staffordshire, Report to the Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council. (with S. Procter and L. Rosenthal),1989. Stoke-on-Trent National Garden Festival Follow-up Report, Report to Stoke-on-Trent City Council (with L. Rosenthal), 1989

5 Africa Report-Global 2 : the economic and social implications of the introduction of high-yielding varieties of foodgrains into Africa, Geneva, United Nations Institute for Social Research and Development (with D. Feldman), 1973. The Rationale for Socialist Development, in Manual for Teachers of Agriculture in Secondary Schools, Dar es Salaam, 1972. The Economic Development of Cuba and North Korea, in Manual for Teachers of Agriculture in Secondary Schools, Dar es Salaam, 1972. Sisal in Tanzania: a review of the informal commodity agreement and related questions of strategy, ERB Paper 71.9, Economic Research Bureau, Dar es Salaam, 1971. The Sisal Industry of Tanzania; a report to the Ministry of Agriculture, ERB Paper 70.13, Economic Research Bureau, Dar es Salaam, 1970. The Adoption of Innovations and Research Recommendations to the Sisal Industry of Tanzania, ERB Paper 69.22, Economic Research Bureau, Dar es Salaam, 1969. Rationalisation and Diversification in the Tanzanian Sisal Industry, ERB Paper 69.3, Economic Research Bureau, Dar es Salaam, 1969. Tanga Region, Report to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planning, Dar es Salaam, 1969.

Theses and Dissertations The Decline and Fall of a Primary Commodity: the case of Tanzanian sisal, PhD thesis, University of Leeds, 1992, 316pp. The Future Pattern of the Ghana Cocoa Industry, M.A. dissertation, , 1967.

Conference Papers Price-Capping regulation as a protectionist strategy in developing countries, RES Annual Conference, , April, 2003 Macro-micro financial interactions, Finance and Development Conference, IDPM, Manchester April 2002 The Non-Recovery of Agricultural Exportables and Enduring Rural Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Development Economics Study Group Conference, , March 2000 (with D. Belshaw). The Non-Recovery of Agricultural Exportables and Enduring Rural Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Fourth SCUSA Inter-University Colloquium, University of East Anglia, September 1999 Agricultural Exportables and Rural Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Annual Conference of the UK Development Studies Association, , September 1998 (with D Belshaw) A Decade of Structural Adjustment in Uganda: agricultural tradables, rural poverty and macroeconomic 'success', Annual Conference of the UK Development Studies Association, University of Bradford, September 1996 (with D Belshaw and M Hubbard) The Economic Analysis of Agrarian structural reform: the transition from state to private agriculture, invited paper to the UK Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, Girton College, Cambridge April 1995 Aid, the Exchange Rate and Incentives for Tradables: the contradictions of structural adjustment, Annual Conference of the US African Studies Association Boston Mass. December 1993 (with D Belshaw and M Hubbard) Aid, the Exchange Rate and Incentives for Tradables: the contradictions of structural adjustment, Annual Conference of the UK Development Studies Association, University of Sussex, September 1993 (with D Belshaw and M Hubbard) Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe: an Overview, paper presented to Development Studies Association, Industry and Trade Study Group Conference, June 1991 Privatisation and Policy Reform in Hungary: Problems, Experiences and Perspectives, paper presented to Development Studies Association Industry and Trade Study Group Conference, June 1990 Long Term Unemployment and the Demand for Labour in the UK North Midlands, paper to be presented to the CURE Conference, Fryske Aacademy, Holland, April,1990 Economic Democracy and the Market, paper presented to ROAPE Conference on Democracy in Africa, Warwick University, September 1989 The Green Revolution in Africa: stagnation or diffusion, paper presented to Development Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester, September 1987.

6 State, Market and Peasant, paper presented to Development Studies Association Annual Conference, Norwich, September, 1986. African Studies Journals, a symposium of the Canadian African Studies Annual Conference, Quebec, May, 1983. The Lessons for Tanzania of the Development of the Socialist Countries, paper presented to United Nations Africa Institute for Economic Development and Planning, Seminar on the use of Foreign .Funds in the Development of East African Countries, Dar es Salaam, April-May, 1972

Seminar Presentations

I have presented seminar papers, most of which related to papers already or subsequently published, at various universities and research institutions including the Reserve Bank of India, University of Manitoba, Makerere University, Uganda, Institute of Planning, Budapest, Institute of Sociology, Budapest, Institute of World Economy, Budapest, ETEA, University of Cordoba, Spain and in the UK: , School of Oriental and African Studies, University of Bradford, , , University of Manchester, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, and at several Economics Department research workshops at Keele,

Conference Organisation

Organisation, in 1984, on behalf of the Review of African Political Economy and the Keele Economics Department, an international conference at Keele on the World Recession and the Crisis in Africa, with over 50 papers presented and over 200 participants from many parts of Africa, Europe and North America. C-organised an ESRC Development Economics Study Group Conference ‘Is Africa Different From Asia’ at , July 1998. Co-organised a conference ‘Looking at South Africa: Ten Years On’ held at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London September 2004.

Teaching experience

I have taught numerous courses in the main areas of Economics and Political Economy, including Development Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Social Economics Labour economics, European Economies, Financial Institutions and Markets, Money and Banking, and Population, Environment and Development, Development and Resource Mobilisation, Trade and Industry, Globalisation.

Research Supervision and Training

I have considerable experience of supervising overseas graduate students in development economics at master's and doctoral level. I have successfully supervised Master’s and Doctoral theses on the following topics: Foreign Trade and Theories of Development Land Reform and the Development of Capitalism in Rural Iran. Land Reform and Agricultural Development in Iraq, 1958-78. Transnational Investment and State Contracts in the Ghanaian economy Arab Capital Market Integration: problems and prospects Direct Foreign Investment, Transnational Corporations and the Transfer of Technology to Egypt,Arab Economic Integration Foreign Trade and the Economic Development of Algeria Agrarian Reform and Agricultural Development in Algeria, 1962-84 Greek Industrial Development and the European Community The Structure and Performance of Algerian Industry 1920-80 The External Debt of Developing Countries The International Monetary Fund and the Debt Crisis in the Third World Economic Development and the Tourist Industry in The Agricultural Sector in Iraq: policy, performance and impact The determinants of labour migration: the case of Yemeni migration to Saudi Arabia

7 Investment strategy in an oil-surplus economy: the case of Bahrain, An Evaluation of Malaysian Rural Small-Scale Industries I am currently co-supervising a doctoral candidate on Financial liberalisation and household behaviour in Ghana

Administrative Experience

I took up the post of interim Head of the School of Economic and Management Studies in August 2005. The chief responsibility of this post is to merge four departmental units into one School with a new administrative structure and systems and with considerable emphasis on the review of existing programmes and the development of new ones. I have been Deputy Head of Economics (later re-titled Director of Undergraduate Studies) since July 1993, taking responsibility for the administration and strategic development of all undergraduate teaching. I have been the departmental coordinator for graduate studies in economics and for the second year undergraduate programme, and have done both jobs for several years in each case. I was Course Supervisor for the MSc in Economic Development Planning and participated in its design. I also designed and ran a Diploma course for prospective masters' students. Between 1983 and 1985 I chaired the University's Overseas Students' Committee, charged with overseeing the welfare of overseas students. I have collaborated in the design and organisation of an interdepartmental research training course in the social sciences.

Other Professional Activities

Reviewing I have reviewed a number of books for the following journals:The Economic Journal, The Journal of Development Studies, Development and Change, Sociological Review, Third World Quarterly, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Development Policy Review, Journal of International Development

Manuscript and Journal refereeing I have assessed books for Irwin, Croom Helm, Routledge, Manchester University Press and the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, and have refereed articles for the Economic Journal, African Affairs, Food Policy, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of International Development, and Sociological Review, and refereed several research proposals and acted as research project rapporteur for the ESRC (UK).

External Examining I have been appointed external examiner of several M Phil and PhD theses at Durham, London, Manchester and Sussex and currently, of the Master’s in International Development at the University of Bradford.

Other Related Activities Member, ESRC Development Economics Study Group and U.K. Development Studies Association. Chair, Faculty of Social Sciences Course Development Sub Committee (1997-2001) Member, Keele Teaching Network, Elected Member University of Keele Senate 1980-85, and 2003- President Keele Association of University Teachers, 1980-82 Secretary, Keele Association of University Teachers, 1977-80