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PM Meet 12 7 41 1- , "Youth in Government and 7_ '1. _Q.- _ Y _ _~ I=Z-ilr:=- Feee Enterprise P:-eject" 1.-we f Q ii. they are attending e seminar in

_ T _ ';|__ f *.» 7* ,1, , , I government in Wee ma-no-eon-mm-BO 417 J-L7 '*..' ' i 7 *

_92' i 4* ii-nu -1 41 K nun. 7 jl_ i "1" * tr f- 7 - i * _|||i +5, 142/ _ _1_H.n;__-* _ MW I e e e ~ Shake hands w1th|Mr 8. P Vanna, * "fl f W j D1redor, Intelligence ational CentralBureau and H8311 O1 N *'" Bureau, mum i _m|s 115' J

_e______W_ ii Z»...- __ _ 7 _ _ '_|_ 77 7* 77

_ i __f Sunday, W __ June _ r 7 .27 _ _ 92 er 7 7* 7 7 Tm *{hirhnnin . _--II-i'-5 -I-I-1-ii lllll as I * » . 92 ______._- I T uesdah june 29 Wednesday,A]une-30. 9.1-'1#':-"'.§|3 Bf j WW HI_|92W} _ ¢

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W 7 _ lllll @" gm * L " ._ 1 ~ ~11 i . ' . 71>" . /1*/="-'%-mi / us - ---~ L4=- - -1.-W I3 . . j j 1 la #7 i if , 3 n 3 n ~- " _ ___ ». auL, I _ ||;{|9 '3 ' ' *.;_ _ j if "'5? ms ._ I i A ' Q j "==' =- >-%:2s.-.=r'.w.=:s*3: £11? ~ 4*. , ?,_,, _ j ji n= 7At:anat3reé6miu66"6¢m¢..Y¢ung

» + -- -'-L " j W - recipients at tl92o_Wlutc_Ho92|ac.-:$:;:A*- A "' ?_ -7 j it _ V ~ n i V 2011 =1ij j ___ |_.u izis American S°'°°*°¥"°19A Mechla for Braver1ri_§-_;_-'593%-'.-_: Ea 92- " ;___ _W___|7§|é _ ."¢-- _---~-:---92---+4!!l:i=|i~u-A.-i§- -.-,_ W 92 $'7__'92 -- .1. ..'92 9 ,. V, , .92_ Qig, - I t'] %=- M Thursday,]uly 1 -F 11441!:'11! 34i frtiuii 3 T 7* I'll AIIOUIT I In-I __ ! I I I


an 1-: ~ i r-I 9:00 *;- Pk i 7 an !mr.tm£.D.McLea.n, V1cePrea1 dent and Peraonhel Director of ____ Crocker-Citizens National Bank, '1 esent 45Year Service Award Les Angelee,California, and hi! Plaque oi the FBI and a miniature y - Tour and meet the - bust of the Buecwr to #74 A ___ 3-. SA JosephA Genau, WFO WllliamA Scott, P1: the» California 7 - Tour and "';Ly' 4r<4JL Director - I6-BEo "

"_ I I FK§ 4 _ mrM ~ we Iuisimli 5| %,__£"_"7_';'.'nll

rr.1,¢-A?/J _ _.4u ~4 4" J11 - tori-'55-*z »~"*E',.."U!'P"'I7_ _ ~r wow____ E1 6110 * véi us?i T11 .. M ____| u u as u u on 11 Saturday, July 3 % M°dy# J3 5 if unanan :suIl""'J¢* ggggg __,_1 w;=.=._ ii:LE$Z?IE;_.§w1$$*$_$_ l kl ' PM L1 | m BBO J


l _I;§;§[ *P ul fill 1j * Inf M __I CW7 1--9* ,_, WW , * i W, pun my 7 illl T*:*1 "* """ it 1 1 i as #1! _ _ _ I 1-lit 7 l7_ I_ 7 r ,u§ __ HI _ 9! ___ . *- _ Ii V 1

J ______*p§__;__ H *1_ -._. ;l 7 an???-5 Hm 92 j moo T 4; 7 ~1* ~ 7 92 -. 1|: pl: 1 _ 417

nu? 7 *1? F Ip 41- i Mil! llzllll .*W* V 7 _l_ >._.*n_;__ I YI- 41: IJII5 _ _ 1- ______s_. ' - 'P*~ "J7 4 1oI| All- --li-! __ ' W - - 0 , T-in T 7 ~ __ All 7 gl .;::.: 92 5:00 1% __ 74*, i»»' i-" |,_ I.Id. :1, 7 _f Li? J F7~ i _ i _ _ 5.15 ms ill _*r92-' ;_. _ :1. __ I=+4I .- 1 '-!°§Hl_!' 1 pull lld lily 4 Y - if U_ _ _,_ _ 1_ W~ IIS _ WW in , 1. 7_ _ _ Ité rile-rnlv Sf?" 1 I71 f an W I7 f ff j - II"- nu- IN! " Jul


4 I--;|__ 67 Wednesday,I 7 INS Tuesday,July -_-i._...... i

q-no -M2, 'Legat J._<;Ium'=en,Reine - Three-Day Conlerencesn-» NEXT T0 LAST DAY F" i ' File d as 9:55AM Mrs. Diana C. Canady, Clerk, s an _ -! _ . D- D CommunicationsDivision, and her family,-, ¥;_ at R J 3'13- iTour andmeet the Director _ "*1 _7 " if 1 , Kw1 §10:0i!A1§:A girl andboy whgarewinners an of Essay; .--¢ !|Writing Contestsponsored by Radio Station iWELM Elmira. New York. accomnanied by - |Mr. William J. Griffiths, President of WELM and Mr. Stan Douglas, Radio Announcer, IWELM - Tourand meet the Director ' - R 10:l0AhSA BertramWorthington, SanFrancisco, '_ QB _ II his wile and sixyear old son - ' . - _i0:i5AN'Receive plaquefrom Captain William T. flail, illlinois State Highway Police, and Chief of .Police Thomas P. " Boustead, Rockford, <4 énqr" , ' 7" Illinois - on behali oi the National W I. 1. S "Academy Associates honoring the Director on the 30th Anniversary of the National _ i _ H T.""*-T? D §m'm"Imi_,___"llluh_ IISIIM M"t OWGnu 'Im".Ilu1|Inn__I%WJ_N*_uW _9 Jm%/__,m_ Fm_ _ __Hm_mum Q8M [WYNHL 'M_ H M TA__LPunInn. _ _ muTuna WI":____MW4W__M.Inn __ |Inn"'4 UIf_'1 2 H_ .1'1I_MF TMW 4nu jM_'"_i. mI5iMAU92_LW m T" Saturday, 10. - M°dy: 13 4 , ff ' TE lo __§$9

_ _ __,,, _ 7 ' _ _ ,_ _ ~41 * -J i, mu F _*91>I1_/ _ i -. =- * * i___ ighir 1% 15;, B1_rettSti11,Jr-,WF°» potom Q1}; w1E1T§A nd Frank If. 1- ;J}_g'92!; Lh18£ather,'SA K o;cv111* e - while Frank he is Barrett attendingStillr _ ' C:1m1na1'm-Serlécs-_

-_'-_---- _ "41" I l_ * _ I-L, W i

---¢-m-/ ____ '-' ___ July SA Jchn F Hal-|1un,Jr., - -""-'-'=*'"""iIf tlu'u Y!-while he in attending Criminll - ~ :!~=1m In-===='1==..=..¢1==-.*1A

_ 7 I1 I-E/E3

j * _ _ now"-»-_ p I./ F

* j " 190%/*1!-'§¢f-7'{M1-us _ hf, l ______J___ Tuesday, ]uly 13 g Wedefdya "1 4 ll II 92|92 I I Q4 35 3 6 I7 I -I ~u_|_-__- LII. A.& -_- BM, I.ll- ~'%* ' _ ' ' '

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- ' A .- ._ I QQIQ - , 1 - . 3 m:7*|:7|§W A dr. 1mnt92,,u= - A FY59 '- _ 1'?,- Ho ' 3|" "; _;_:,1 7 _1v:ee:anabephotoeraPh=dW1*hpa Divll -- I " ""1-'5 H i Mr. Edward}. Brown 33° 9 " I om e ta -- n==_A=¢P=I9292<,~_.-, H ~A-"'1 o Haw Secretary of moStar Craft $1? - An Btaqtw - -29 Qlfll-1_--_-+--,-9'5- 41: g _ ||;li oz Illinois, ch1caso,e11-11°1B='__--i ;.s-;JL."$ H ml~ /"'*' ""*"'_"~ _ g W ~ o * ** 7* - Meet Mr. Robert FrBi$nB1',' _ e W _ H § ' Eastmé1n'I{odakComP3»11Y» A W 5-an of W9 Rochester; New_Yo_rk, and 101-11' Z i '7 ' "'" ' Iriends oi h1s'thait are also _ mu. . , _ 5|: __ ms attending the Shrine Convention _.n.f'U'92 ' on {-0 i I I'86

* * 7 1-1-o@Lew» 4L V _

II us |_u .-__, 1 6 W j -n-n '-T _.. 1 7 1" i. 7-9",, 11i||-m ___-ax-1- INI DUI-I r-I-llz___ | I I I ! ! Ill, ll ii ll ll ll IIIII ISIOITIU - -Thuisdayi Julyf 15 g Fridayijfuly 16 A-1 ' . ~|" I "7 {' a <1 I V, _4f ¢;_ _l:i= . M1. __ , ,1 _. ______,__, _ I i Wu , _ W _ ,7 _ _ __ K , _ Io-.| - --er - " -*"*' us s an f _ _ f - : I75.-IR ;.'f.' f- s_ W e 1 as '1' hm s N} ' Qi end swearingin ceremonyoi .._.._.. . ' Hi cting Assistant Attorney General -1-nu-I 1» 92 I"_ I f f i m ip 0 onald F . Turner, . Antitrust * * -W i Yr *|e" = *"*m * * it ii I; ivision in the Attorney General;q 1 i Q I. In-pi '-' *""'' 5 *_ Elites. Invitation from Acting1" Scroll to Mrs, Yea: Alice SGTVICC Jacobs, Award 7' ii-"..l 23 "**" i * I :.' 6 frimslser may G men? Supervisory C1erk,A'_dn_:1inistratives; M so an LE? _ - , IW__;__ -1.1, c t , Division u i* @ I goxie J. Dusenberry, File hi: L -?i ms Q... and Pnmmiiniranl_,_,,,,,-.._..._____.,___ » 1 92§ . Secretary of Cabiri, _a national is : Mr . 1 and Mrs. Harol organization of past potentates - TO BE no mm '-_Dusenberry - ' the sQQNFIRMED + ' ~ e * "|;e _ 'lI!i1-actor _ A_ H _ A _ M1 i s 7 7L if W 7 .Attornev _ G enera s 1' Office?-.to~*acco1:ni pany- Mrs- FilesMiriam andCommunications 1-- Milli. File Division, Clerk, Who I _% '"""5 the where Attorney the President General is to going the White to sign Housethe resigning - ' ____' I District of Columbia Appropriations B111 I T Q at 4:45PM and make a statement on crime

' Shake hands with Mr. Wiiiiam 'Hayeld, Chief of Police, - ,___ " 3411!-_.ZE£/fl-en 1,. Q '""sT'Jackson, Mississippi - he is also I " an an Official of the Wahabi Temple 1" 1._¢'q- I/92 1-Lt,-/1: V _ I = in Jackson - T0 BE CONFIRMED _¢,,,'{-,v It 71's-_-,,75* i/-'1/lI{J'92;l|5 :==1f.: , _ 55 i _ e_ e ' 7 V '_||__ ,,,---I-*7 n I965 AUOUII 190.! _..._..L_.!_....-.- - 4 i 3 f 1 4- _ _n Saturday, _/uly 17 *=-"1 Monday, july I9 "1, 3 3% " _ no 2 £1: u 11II _ _ ! H ___7 , ._.-_-- u f if i TS! _ i 7 &|i _ _ 921 aw_ _ rI-I- L i "-

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~ <11 : '7 :1?» ti! ,, f ans 92 -liq 4j7* 7 7 til_ u __ A Q __aa___ ,_ T_ _ _ _|_ F'- , 7 'iQ* 1 * 1,061? 3J * :1" d * -1 -;_-1*; i ** * 315_ -_it gggv 1 W l am --I 3! _ gl Q - ' '1'.a -nnn- " _ -~!u5 "ll /1;/§£/ Zn, Z¢-/A if i I7 ~I92 ma W I

1 77t'T ""-§- " Li6~..¢.""gn§.ntJ. John J5,_ ,_ itii Elnura '*. rt? 4,45, . pa X* ant - TO BE !|.._-1 _%_ ms

+_7 *_ 7 500 7 I200 ~ _ ____';; 4 IJA. ,>,'L%. 2|: 5! ll 1, A rap 1_ #,{Ei§ mm"" " 7 A _ 4-r~_ ¢ _ Sunday, July18 E-:"I |:.nn J _ _ _ __ I '7'l _ U31! 1 , , a , __ _ f -y HI 1.. 9292 W E45 H " Z mo L l i_ lull-_-_-5 IN! ill! -

Tug_;_day,j1llyr20 Wednesday, _/uly 2] H 123134I am ac: I IOUII LII-' nub I I - AM- Inn Wallace B. Newton, File ._ H10 _ *lIil0W______W r use lli Clerk, IdenticationDivision; hisH. -. .3 so gorse Holt. Ree p_pr_oxl.mate1y wile, DonnaGaye; Clerk, e , *1?» s , grandsonof Congressman -- -- .. catlonCorreepondenceDivision; Section,hisIdent1- brother-2and -. 299- ti _ 1 ._!£__n _;=._;,:,: G°°1g9HouseH._ Mahon, theChairman Appropriations ' 0:! ' -"""1in-law,Ralph Arthur, 18° 14"' as I,Q Committee; accompaniedby . _ __ Teurandmeet-theDireptor _ ,9; Mr, Larry Gibbs. whom g " B' .. - " . " ".JigM ;. ; r_ 44- employedTour lnthe and Chairman's themeet'<_ .. T8338 P1ente Reyno1d8 I r_ ' 1 . .'TIQ.'i.'T."."_'l'T'1'II.T'__>'-_'_:;,'.__'__'-___--_==f company!,use 15- Tour andhieand son} meet;IT-'_T;i ~- -§ 34;' "~ resent Keyto sa Joe 25 Year R. cmService wro Award '.1 92 . Dire ctor - 15's fl? eccompaniedby-1115_':- ;,,,§u, {@- i A *- see _ ms _ r _ '_ __ .- _.__i Ella $51621 1;" h __=_~_14~g4m44M4f1;" mo 7 U . ' s n , 9 1:? r flora, a 1'l0Wer5b'§_w1re--J Shoreham Hotel -é Inv"ite.t1on*from ii __ *3. 7 Z Mr, Joseph I.- in-in _* x - - if E member of * as |____l,_..J--- __.______Thursday, ju y 22 Friday, july 23

inni- 4'%Jl|0__iT _ ' "' A-3- _ ¥92._;i-Ii _ ll! E3 "5 k J -

JI-l __u-_ 4

If _j|5 _ 7 7 _ T;' JI- 7 77 A vi 7|


|&0U- 4' i_;1 _ _ H * "" J *1-1 " ~ I-I win. wi W t lg if i- _j7_ i in Bl 4-AI 1--uIIII92~;_1__*p-Q-_ *~ _It _

Ii __. _ |mn.- -.,- ,.... untlco Tom Cla J , 1"?! _ oatliolotcoto Pa u Clue! Jllds of the U 8. _l _ Court Private unche I 1*-° th8IOIlU8I'- Buquwnnq 500 l2:ll0 f I I QIIUIIQT ! I W T I mu _;_r-J Wsatway, My 24 Monday, July, 26% II I ll ll II ll I! II II I4 II ll 17 n----F--':2L"'"""='== ' ALA. a II!-I iI|-1" 92 "'-"" | N 7 ____ I _ - -1 ,§,,f fl _ 4__ _'___ _ 1: ,__,*f%-@%'=- gfw Li _'- i i k _ -fir ¥_ 1 H5 W ii! ~ *1 i- _ ov- . "lb 4 1 ii 1 L_ __|.-_* ._i-I. _._ III- ,- ,__ -31 ~ m _L mun "I f?___, _i- :15 jg j 1"? *_~ -K A-_ - W" ...-_ 7 . _, #I * _ '~__ ' tI~l l. __ '4I_ "4- V VV » { Jr-% '_ __ 7 * f i _ 450 __ "109' f 4__»__l.. Ii --l_ 1 1 ;. H» m i my ______é . M _.I._'Wi% -4-

- 49 . W?nur %~ 7 _ ,. _- *7*n 1 I *7 1- »-L 4 " i ms 1 ' i i K W _ in "_ VT H I. _ in *1 ' * _ _ :__ 1:-1, _ snsj i 1 ~'*'@m 92I tr __, ___ an W f H _ ___|_ 7 77 as f ""~~ _ f H*_ , :.Tm iq _ Sunday, july 25

I , 4/ Mum a ~ »~7** + n-" I _[_ ' _rH-4...; ' An-'4'__~ Q rm *~"~ F K 7 m f _ ___| L ~ ' ' _____. iii?- 4-1"T" - "" -"-era" Tuesday, ]uly 27 1 ' Wednesday, ]uly 28 ? um

ie __i_u-i- IX. +1}/M-*-""**"Z iii __ i i _ -Ill; zis i-|-Z _~92. , Till i y ___T_ Yd _ pea I .5 :1 *" IIII¢_III|._ Q __ S __ H5 -._ i. 77 ai/M; _*'=e<~ 1IIIr" "

-¥ in _ # _ 3? e 3 _ H 400 um __ __ **" ,,,, _,_, i _-_ if | JQ i em :;;;||i |us H _1 yi y IIUIII- as an _ _ _ L;T' 11; '-;r__;yq_ '51 * j jsnnQ6 :]|y*ua %7_ ___ _ I ~ V - '3 I _T _. _1 _l* -_I; 5:15 EQZQI EU ,* ii i-r ______

92 x ==-~ an . H!. » 92 .' , 3- 92 __ 92 92 , . 92 92 ~ _ : Thursday, 29 F rzday, fuly -

in :3 £11" a__ g , .4 Jll W.-J 4» . tl_ B10 , i 3* i K H5 i S115 1] ll __ T " Bl l 15% _,__ _ 1 100 u lllrllll _ _l_ A *1? ii $7 ii. 171' 1 J Zwm.EE ! _ j i 41; Q" susi _ HI . llcl _ .37 .1.-

+ gu M mu 500. f I319_ _ jg til 7 51: 1 Itli I | UL ff _ *4 A " Hr:-:1" X __ ill

Z/l¢dl_..'@*Z%,-i-5' ' K I fr-an *B0 T lzli 7 _ 7 j. JIM Ia V | i 7

_ ,7 l_ Kill __ F___ i _, ul %_§I%_1;un 92 1,; __ fans _ A ___ »&F-In _ __.-II-"'*_92 . IQ! nun nu ' 4 %|-*H Saturday, july 31 7 *1 M°"dy: Aug! 3


i My _92 lm 4, *7 Ull -{E6 , w f i _ --f%~W~*~=~"~7 i 92 _ _ us E *1 "kg; _/%4=-4-¢M- £24 newQ/"" _ _ E/7' _ ;;.,@»»»4 A 7 ___ Q _ __§l5_ 71 5 1. "J? j 7"!

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I'll IIFIIIIII I9! ! I I U I I I ~ Wednesday, ugust 4 ._ 3 .. Tuesday, Aluglm 3 I m

n i, __'**i I7 b _L _j H, us a 4 j e 7 e , % »e1»~-~F _ zé, 4; dz/me-== ,.¢-I gem #7 _

:10 E5316: J, :15 e *5 Y nu ! I5 15??" 4 jg-:17 am e Jmu 415 _ "I15 IHI lM j ms __| _ 1 500 i IZUU A __ -u sleusffe-@@if e'3? -e su '3'

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gilt M _ _ __ , __- 250%-=5.fT? ,5 4- f » lj 7 7 T 1&4; __ Iltlllli _* _ __ , + __1__ .L_ - 1 *7? i;w.' F1 7_ 2* _% '"= ff? M W» ~ 7- 92 .4. -. I r __|u;_ 7_ 7 7 7 .1 _ __ __ 7 7 _ i I 1 L, { {**__@ " Léi 7 _, _* '71; 7 , .5.-...;3-.-_._.______. _

»_-._ -uni _ . V , ! S atur d ay, '/fu g ust 14 Monday, August 16 u***.. M H10 . u J19! _:7 . <1 . u,_J»

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4 ** T " 7 7 é 4 i W Ea W200? m W _ _ *7? 4_ WJ; _ i;i'ii 1-I$'i1*-5 1 T uesday,- August | L-i__-i 17--- Wgdngyday,August I8m L___L__J no _ __ _ _ u II * W ' - - M "- --'' "" 92 I4 _ r L ' 4*i _ ,_ L l I15 ta ' um _t a 1n_" 7 Zn" iggggiW Jr as an T 2, m 5 J 92 -3|-7

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i4_ _ t 4I__ " 7 11"? -mIL"" __92 W an _ H 1! l i==E-1» P ____ I1"? Thy;-gda, August I. x 19 ~ _ F nday, August 20 !___...._..-- Am. 9" PM u ' 1 ms i, I15 [E] , jll kg U5 an u 9*"! 115 92 SIS B H

:m#?im;; - 4 A 1.- ¢,::9 /<%./Z»:-»1jZ¢ i J us j£1-;a_I _ _ J"92 4m I100 4 us ms a IE l 7 -= 1::-Ea ~+~= I *92 590* W I200 a q _

n ms? i :1: bk, M §_" -i"92 f*"'_1I&|_,_, ___l_l Saturday, August21 %I Monday, Augw;23 ' In I 1?? QJI _1' I nnn III W , _ "HQ _ I I I Ii E ll! L 2.00%?[004%,?-032381? inn 1* as gs I 7 -1~ _ 5;? 92 >2, 412,4»-41.1,"!3?4-4.7!_|":2 K

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in 1 _ Sunday, August22 I-=-tr" _ 6110

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LB _ i Eglo I-T --_-HIM-_ _-n-- --F I1

_,.__.L_-3 i Tuesday, August24 % I37 Wednesday, August 25 ' 1 £ T e , eh , 4-1:?--=IIIIiZI _ nu L agar -pp Hi 1| _ i oé kl %-L» _ J 1.;- l |._i_ 41-" f Wes; as i 1|; -J 92 randM188 Ann MienSheila SOONShannon Mill Judy S0011,Tour no 35 s ii 7- 545_ Dale_ F. Nbit°n,S';n i Fraud andmeet the Director e 1 X "-H" H; |_|5 Office,accompaniecfby his Hand swearingInG eral ceremony for - e e 1 eu fa_mi1y Dxrector- Tour and meet the he new Solicitor en us H5 f _ j _ urgood Marshallat the White ouse Invitation trom the _ 490} |Zl:l!0l /K/_yll j _ ' E-I IFFII.4!-n,.4.-ilk-' V ..92 _ _..... /L.-.- ttorney General 415 ms an s s msY /. 553/ E 92 14; 1x_ 5110 s so il i 51: sFt! Itli an IHI I

1" us Q _ an mi as _u| i ' [Q V _ H5 n-I-1-|__. ff ' ,,.,I Thursday,uguif 36 % r Frzday,August 27M

1 !_._...... _._' o 1 r " .,.-u-__- -- - 4~ II ~ A no _ '-"'1 am _ -4* 4| II-I-P I Ii _ 7 Ill H e - waitress nqlluuliwm! irom M5 the Mayflowerand her nephew ll-Z7 _ if mo 9;, Touranin|ntmei5v" in-nw f | _ 7* Hi 92 EXPECTED __ *1 ~ ' p-nu-ihqllli 7 " Pr sent 30Y ex-vice Award * * _ W in _ _ Bred _i ey vision M E ,i_..... _ I- as mil?S '1'es nt 25 YearServl ward e e e * to p Conover, r Charles W Cqrran, Clerk, mum Files d Communications____ catione Division" as 15 ' ---pa.ran1:s""u DiV151°I1-Tour eat Y the1118 ' Director '1'as nt ear Se ce ward 4530 - mm j : ng-nnnnuiiuth ____n4='5 _||=|5 , *9 r ns __i 4? 7

46 0 "I"?-1* W5 _ L _ _ I ml ll o ' e 77 ml an"" s jj lZ:ll Q;' "' W 7_ |7 _____¢--iiimoon nu ' A " " ! I I I ': I I , _ .'..... I . turday, .. August28 % Monday, August 30 A, _._7 A no A M! XVIII? A .-. E--:-_'*:~?J::|:P'~ n ... |mAA ago

-l;_ _ I 7 kl AA _ ~~ T-{ii v A H an E":am_ _ 1:7, ~-+_ ?* *1-'1'-"""' *- _ 2| _ AA Eli _ A A

- esent so Yearserv16FA " * * I 1 *"g 1-~ et ~ eJr'

1 ii » A I» estic Inte gence Di - 1 H AA_ WI I

IIIQ _l AA _ 1 AA V '- um A Y mm J _ T__ Q. W if 1; A u: ms ul ' Ill <1» g A __*_wg% ms A, I A mAA A Iwu |,7 AAAA A 7_ A if A I 515 |z|s_ A. Sunday, August29 7 1 E551" _.% _

AA A any AA 1 _ _ H;-1' ____ 7A_AA 1; +

_7 I7 7 kw _A ' "fT____ _A_ AA AA gi. mu AA AA A A __V V _ V 7 i H5 WV 7 _,__' V H I-1;-I-In "" _ IOUIIIQ

I NI '--' ""-1.7.7?-IF-"uesday,August 31 e rm y, ep emer _m-~-* T :=: Wd d S 1 b 1 II ll ll

_-pg-q 7*7 _ A nxd-9: _1o=mA - __ -0 1'.1-.1} AA as. __j ' ,_,:/,.... ' identification -r _¢¢ Diidsioa ,_ ' an1* g_i _; 10:05AM us __" -Be1.1115! photographedwith . 92 ___ f i 4aTi.mw.'am' _. W "J'w1¢nMr.Pn11ln * 4'l_}l-il_* ' Be vhdosraphe V -. Conovm-,FingerprlntExaminer,

at . . Q SA CourtlandJ. Jonolu WFO 1-Qi ** ** _ _ =" 1-it - m % Q 10:10AMBe photbgrlmdwuh M1~M1"4I Newman, Suppl?.M3l189m°"t % 1o:1sAu3!! W i.U Oiiicer,Administrative Division Z Z Z 4,99 f ig llzll Be photographedwith ' . SA AlexanderW. Nea1e?B°m° atio Intelligence Division,I '1 mi. us7 §_'H2.00PM _ Mr. Herman I-ens,'1' hi!Ohio W° led - iii A 'A e Director -EXPECTED

5130 .,~.,;,>,n~tpl... . . we _ , _ s1:g_g:1: Egg] , _ ¢ V 4 . u W " I ' I _ "" L4 it '5" ' 5'

24! 7 é 7 7 7 .______|_ _ :1 Egg. _ 1 __I| __ JIIL.

_ _I ___'J_.... 15 L _&l5 ._.- - -""__-. Thursday, S eptembef% Friday, September 3 M om" .. pi i % Q51-1v~ i IIII j i L- HI] §!t' 9'10:00AM 04339 urton eutenant Generalxilonso V881» Minister oi Interior oi spam. -%m -4 10:00AM ambassador ccompanied to by the "19 United SP9-I119 States» '---'--1 Merry His Excellency del Val the Tour Marq" and meetide B --'%"-""5 ' I UH D11'ECtO1 sup i 10:05AM 1- Lamar Wayne Steele, ---;--; -1!-IIdentiiication Division, and his _; Congressman once J. B wile, Reverend Clarence Moore» 11 R Utah! and his family Pastor oi the Indian Head Ballast 10:10AM Present 30 Year Service Award Church, and his family T°"I"¢;-%- Key to Mr Hervey E Caton, meet the Director 1______..__92 Supervisory Fingerprint Examiner Identification Division _ ~-- »-- *i"1%4 10:1§AM Rece n i hono 1of Lieutenant Present 25 Year Service Award I Genera so Vega 41° be hem a 71:11:: Key to Inspector Briggs J. White, the Spanish Embassy, 2801 16th 'T Number One Man Inspector, Street, N VI Invitation from the 10:3%M:00 Laboratory Division Ambassador oi Spain. Hie ETIIZP. 11 oioosPresent 25 Year Service Award Excellency the Marqui 5° Me"? Z.___-| Key to SA William A Joule, del Val nneczg 'IIE:I!E_C1»1NED Laboratory Division Mr James K Holcomb, Clerk, WFO, who is resigning Be ,,@_, photographed with the Director M _ Hif WW 7 W7 m.nmn!l1°lRIIII Q IA I at _ us us _ _ A waitress y rom the T nae:-nun? Mayflower *%*%~??i' and her grandson '_ - -{riIIi Tour the Bureau and be photo- graphed with the Director - _'"""' Saturday, September 4 :40 unounur" ¬ .1

f-it-i_ Ill QCIOIII 1 l...... _...... _ Monday, September

.i92. 1

: 43 i '

II» +41 92 1-nun! f 1'"-'¢ 7 92 1

1{92 1 t


September¥ Wednegday, 7 S II I7 ll ll II J}? d Legat Grus , Bern Three Day §p@:i':.=e/"' 5:.ir:~,-er HUB 10:00AM An gelo Vicari, Chie , Italian National Police, and his wife Tour and meet the |--- Director I us Grush, 11:00AM Lieutenant John J.Devli.n, Elmira, New York, 9110 Coniei-enand oneor two Police Department,possibly his nephews, Mr John Murray and Mr Thomas Kerwan, :;;!iiFsAM-'?rauiing and grandson,Michael Almon, age 9 Tcnir and meet the Director t¬§ mm! and 11:15AM Present 25 Year Service Award Key to I N100; Miss Thelma A.Johnson, Mexico City Office ILQOAM Mr Richard ALambert, PhysicalScience Technician, Laboratory Division, who is _|_92!i resigning 3.15PM Judge James BentonParsons, UnitedStates gang:-%s'CarlCurtis N R b T. District Judge, , Illinois @Roipgn_L. Hrueka R;-_lfI_e_hrasl;a_! 3.7l5PM Shake hands with Dr. Roger Swearmgen, 'i'§;;¢§e'5'wi£nDirector DeLoach Assistant Director, ResearchInstitute onCommunist toPresidmgwéiy Whit s ee with theCommission's |_£meeting withthe President,the Director ' IHJO will proceedto theDepartment Commerce of _:i-._- Auditorium, wherethe Directorwill speak I ilzll briefly tothe membersof thePresident's Ilia Commission onLaw Enforcementand Administration of Justice - Invitation from I_E the Attorney General ''IZIUU -- _ __...._ Att'l-iifincheonbeing heldfor the-members Strategy andPropaganda, Universityof m,' Southern_-_ °° CaliformaS",in @109/g? '1" of thePresident's Enforcement and Administration onof Justice LawCommission - / , _, ms AttorneyGeneral's Roomin - i Dining LL88! Mr GarrettH Byrne, District Attorney,___Tf_:n;ATwE. °°._z/212 _ J; nu ocuon Ihnll I968 !_.._._._____ »---~'7__l=..VL _1 1. _! »;-. - mm Saturday, Sebtember11 % 13 75' > _.._I._£..__._l 13 SAC J.H Williams, Portland L00 - 1 Two-Day Conferences 1'1 13 {E Q "' Legat J.S. Leo,Rome Orde * *7-1.77 41- 7 ? Three Day Conferences "ii? lz 7 Q ll I _I_I_ I'92_¢-n 1'7Honorable D Lnauwlcx n %. but 7*; *_ Z00 _ 4 Ulmerican Consul General ,1 --no--ax--u--we---our-nu-I-I w Z!!! -ii 13 U17? _.l I-ad EXPECTED F" 9:45AM Present 30 YearService A J _cI* lllf r Key to Miss Ella A Beahm, 0! *7 if 4-I. 4 K_ _ -_ _ :*@~,£ 13 Clerk, Identification Divisi w __ jllll *~1-Ih Inn. IQ!-la 4%? T. 10:00AM Present 35 Year Service A 1 iiqlljle J1. : Scroll to SAC Charles E W -1»- 4 K7 C 13% -_-| New Haven Oifice while he i attending Two-Day Conieren _* _ W __ 7 pante '1 accompanied byhis wife, Lu1 :n L L -q--I~ ll: _ I Judge IanMac Rae,London, 41 7 i 7_ Ontario, Canada Tour and Ti if the Director 4110 I 1-l* 4 *_Z?i_. _ _ Q! E; 1 10:00AM Present 25 Year Service A a* 1'-1*" K to SA Joseph I. Grealy " Q1! 1 ' Q M!10 30AM Mr JamesE Finan, Jr.,Chiei Eli-I __.___-- G %lice, Concord, ieiaaeaeh-aw. 5-£5 - ea accompanied by his daughter andQ a friend oi hers, and Detective K 1 1 Sunday, 5! pE11. *'____j1__ Donald Wimon, Barter Comitv SeptemberI2 ._.______~=._ 16 _, __L5.__ Police Department,and MrJo C HarrisMiami of Harris, Roark andha ' - - .,, Glvnn 92 Alexandria.ontinued Virginia onnext plg! xi " iii _ _l ' _ A_:4_ ' i _ _p&6. F, [5510 qg_>i f 4* _ _ _ ~- 1./var i.::-.. 1 '- 1_ mo: LI-""" Tuesday, September 14 f-¢IInii.i I'll OCIOII I I an 5 Wednesday, September I5

Lg 41 n inn F II lrllninllil I3 nilzcn - 7. =:|= In. Mil E II /Q11 j *7 »- k 7 J:4..¢_ ff. JZgzoo ,_e E3!, jll Q _2!l Ml

_ I-I--ii * f4. Wjg? msjd é

_J _ aim _F ip no __ ||;uo "5 W111:_ 7 1 * .J_,,,_.n§ I 5 *3 __lHl 5" 2ff'§@_- » '.4. 51» M5we .2, _ __ ,_.. _L :45 Q ms _ _ ; 51' ' ml e" E-u _ 1- __4_ e 15PM H ave tea with M dame1 Chung . _--' Shoreham Hotel Roo UL 630 C 59 ii Invitation from Madame 0 as ,, 3 U65

I ..l'¢-~ Ii r. -=3'lr~#1 e -4.-;.¢||;ga_'q3, 4,, _____._.-..___ ' 92 msocuou r---3 . | . !_...... ___'_.-.- ll W|'Il>_92 ' , ""'""|::4 r'O "::: "-Thursday, " < 'September 16 % Fnday, September I7 "" '_ I4:: "9 35' 'n==- P§ ' -e . ' n M e 7$0 QLA4tyii. XL, 2| _&I_ A? pdt-I ~rv~ 13 <--2! {H ,2nké~£B57 Eggiii e ,. Wanner: ftp, w -ex; @-I ,"_/ éi j L ' _ __.-- I:7i»¢-4.:.-£_ F92'92*v-4-..- o e_||;uo e _ f 2!:/en!/1 Ame:

_.;¢>u.9e e 5110 J--=!-+-=--@@= 1 e ~ e Fe W 1 an , ez _ e_ W 1 - r** 1 f }*§*%i;;;!-*' 92 Elma Austin !_ron_| LooAngelou, and bar daughter, Mr. Bonn! . 6,,/,",,,-LX ¢92'JI]~.o7I§ }-1%¢ L ;,'.,--,_112 from Alexandria, Virginia - Tour ~L;1 -Twziiiliv 19- 6.1 meet the Director - EXPECTED ' ~e---*e_G } -us as ____.----L1IInnllllllnull-llnnlllnlllln _

"ii. llllllhlllI I MAIvi I I Q ' . 0 I06!5 OCIOIIIw | ll l |,.. .. Saturday, September 18 § Monday, September2 I I1 II I, M 5 I K I - Ill '- "ll , I mm. 92U I-Iliilll _._ I1 ll "u J lz an "nISIOi7Il ji-" ll

-|92 V Ti f - * HI nu Izli ll! f L __ ll us i_ E00 Sill

_ i - _** ff} H5 _, 5| " 1-egafiM 92R. B. HiW1e7,iviinui 92 Conferences _Id*77 1 3; 7 Fl. lmoolm Be phdogmplmed with _ ~ 1' In . I- _ 4; _{ **; ' S t,..J_°°-* '"" _ GE ~ I92l » tlveandBureauCh1eioIDeB1oom,Waehlngtou "rm 14% "I .. Cc1u.vnh-4.2 .D!.e'~=,...... *I'l-" ----in -_,,_ .~ , En E 1|; 10:80AM Mre Marie Boguelav, former

. , - Bureau Employee {mm New 92 41$ I1 accompanied by her niece, 92 Mre. CatherineSte:-nberg ,, E 7:_ll I 10:45AM Mr Tran Mlnh Hut, Minister &nn_ benznqé,-;!=--1 the Interior IIBOIIHIVIBCIII-In SIS w IZI 5__ 92 ill I -p 92 I 5" §i. '1 .. Sunday, September 19 .... ____..__m 7 1 7 SW7 ~ I iii W "77L 7777' @1_---V Bl!7 nicfff ' ...... ,...e.. _ ' __ __ yae 7""-- I _ __ l y_ _ _ _ _ E; ' Y 7110 4| . me.---. e ~| 1| * * i-it-_ I-1 Q ||| I I6 IOIII ! . . . - n Tuesday, September 21 § Wednesday, September22 lo __ H H Q - "II ISIO PM --_T 92- Ei nan. -u .__.._ , _ I11" __aun , i T "" * * 19""V' ' us

e _ ; _:4. *; _ * I-T 1'16 i up lI 7-L 11 if ! iv me-5 snu *92_! _* H5 Q Z W ,_,,_._.@7 I 14> jun _ _ _ _ i_ 7 ¢- V _J_ 7


I H110 ti? 7

Ilsli 7 _ L7 7

e kl IHI _ 7 _ -1 .-1

10:00AM Present25 YearServ ice Award_. -1-. lll -- -Key toMr. NormanJ. Walter, _ so Friday,SéptemberP24!' 5'1|' , -; pervisory FingerprintDivision " , Examiner, Identification P.3-

+-P /1410

n;, *.'

hiang§ ii. Ching-Kano,of MinisterDefense,1.-5'1A F5 Republic1422-23 West,China 4201- Apartmentoi Cathe M MieeeeIilizabeth Li"arrel1;-' A. P * Mrs. ClaireLee Chennault,am H5 ElizabethAnn Reed; ancfsheryu Jr- Avenue,N.W. - Invitation£rom_-.-;=:.,.e Q Woodruff,Tour andmeetClerks, theDirector NewarkOlflce' " _ -1 -Q M4201Reception bythe CathedralAvenue, 1§.wi.*d seqeyerssaeewtforeae,~ C Bodies tortheir Washington»Grand H Ph111PpineCongress- Tour a1 -Q-jI" - meet the Director --T6-Bi: . _-Z-¬l CommanderHim at the Temple,Grand Secretary, andms l6_th_, AStreet A.S.R.., NW;Southern -Invitation Jurisdiction from_"-_-= . -....¢- M Mr!Renalt F.Cama1ier,Deputyoi u _ __ , 'Supreme the Council 3-1&E'!iB5D_- Hm "]....1n.uu-u if t *92 I,-.Fm--| enema E ' Mr.Byron Directorto! Engle,, ''Public Saiety,DevelopmentAgency -International ior-,-.;:_-.;q,-.¢-- _ _._'._.i-'_ '_ Ta:otu¥";$FnBxti:i§51--r'Yé Saturday,September 25

Monday, September27 IO ll II I7 il I NAIMNA pill -,-1-i T_$_rZQ_7 4 41 fig

4:1 J1 '

4 492_ 77 ,_ 4;-ul1If~_4l*- 7 , _.__..9_-"Q, SAC: R E Gobhardt, sprmgnam, j i C * L'| P u Stoddard,Detroit and _ _I ft i __£t V Turyn, Bualo Two-Day H 1 so Conferences -I1- 4 _ % 4* 10°J 1 allece ve e eon I-17 Q from 1 officialspot of ouncementthe Storer tapes l :l-'l1% _'!i*Broadcasting Detroit» Company, 4,-1 1 imp: i Michigan, accompaniedby 1% H " SAC PaulI-I Stoddard Detroit, """ """ 2 mu IHIIJ and tour the -__ |_____ t -' L 7 " ~ ms -4~ .4- '1; .44n,¢_J_. I __4 ~ C A ma |___~L__?_iII QZLV/QZFIEI .. __ " n»- 1w~ " no _P*--- -7'_ 3,@é%é=-I A-_4}|_<-g__ it 4* 5""? mo Bk uni--.~ I! OCIOIII I II " . I 92_=.__..__- ~Tuesday, September 28. % _ Wednesday, September 29 _ HH i I "|' ;~"_ Ill *:__ _ "1"" IN emu e L

_ I " I J-1;, 7 e » 1-IO~ P % .- " '- an _ i§92~¢~-FBI-~< _ J L

_ A J 1|: e .i.I-I-4 ii _ til as 7%? see LL 1 7 H10 illtll _ j as e Jus A

______' __.'_.7 ~ _L , 1e ew»4{|0 jlillll T _ L Cominiesloner Patrick 7 e Carroll, B. L. An Garcia Slochanae l U5 -ff; 17 Irish National Police! Dublin, .5 4; mg Ireland Touran<_ls_hake hands 7* F S * " M _ le_ l with ire r - e =, e cmmmvmn f "i 7 i {:00 e 7 Illli H I-Isl. _ f M an _ 1115 " 'I ji W W if W an _, '13;i Fe; ,4 _ nwepuon- 7' 'ch mmzn:hnt'e '_ Hmoeré-E _. M - -- e-A; * Marine Barrickn --Invitation from __ T ;_ Q Tha CU mmandant of the Marlne __ a: B110 1r_92 Corps andMr::aeesne. *4 i m J Jolnt Ceremonial - °"-l.""§_11l._Il_ r "" Comman dantslioule, 1 llllinlfyfgsI f W i ,,_, i 1* Barracks - Invitation rum P mu l 1.. The Corpsa.n¢l_lrlra.__Gln_en0-.i,..~_.Commandant olthe Marlne 'i"% -1 * 1'5 f- e as llllll ll-I I L____A______I ., 92 Thursday,September 30 % Friday,

| Im OC QIII III: L_||iII'1''_' l :14 ' 92I PM A-V '

4:1 I§- -

3-u-Z"-" Th8 Atl:0l'l92BYGntl-I ll in _ iw17L * so andseheduledto is via return Q::l__.______.AdnerhmulAJI1hmB8lW1ghl§20Ir0l900 Dallas arriving atFriendship -- * Airport at 9'44PMevening this 45AM tto mey Generalis sched D mpogmnvg uled. leave Dulles In ternational _ _ Airport via Eastern Airlines Flight#141 for Houston, Midland .'' V IMr DeanRoger Jacobln and Dallas,Texas, andis eched- - Administrative pmaion.M his uled to return via American Mother andstep-Father, Airlines Flight #20 fromDallas Mr andMrs.Leonard arriving atFriendship Airportat "F irom Beloit,Wisconsin Tour» 9.44PM onOctober 1, 1965 Meet andbe phot0E1lP|92°d INFORMATIV E t_. PresentYear 25 ServiceAward 1%- ~ Key to Miss Mary P Dougherty, Secretary Stenogi-aphy!,General ~ " ~ ~ Investigative Division 8010:0§A!l Present25 YearService Award '_ 1 3' "" P r -9+_ Key to MrDonald C Hillerich, ""*@""'= Attend meetingin theoliigegd AdministrativeExhibits Specialist General!, 5;~ ii-T-T:Mr ,"*-,.; McGeorge Bandy It Pp 8010:10Alias PresentDivisionYearService _. Award ___---55 w.m,":°m,,°',l,,'1m um mmmu KeyBA to ClementL lVicGowan,Jr -m 'i I5; . 92-:1.. President ' ei oithe Civil Ri his Section ..._._.PL F; » fq.--Iii Saturday,i0ctoberi ? 2.- i Monday, -October 4 ,1s an H _ _ "1 wu:,,.i i .



-q_||II-I I.¥- _ 7v__ if * W us s " , H -'~ '3 -puni- l- 7 " o1965 i f W . Loaders . "L--~ Co|'|!0rOn065___1%_____'£_ --'*-'$111333 Geno:-a1'isthe Intemational atschsd-' CIOIII .-"""""" I W u A : ms uovnnn 1 I I W I I

T"e5d.J: 0505 5 g Wednesday; October #6 _, _:, _:_ :1; :1n III! m ' I70 V001 Ilnlll ~ ""1: u E PJA. rm. I a" -_ ' 1. _ M am 92 , 4,: , 47_ " 111 @ -== e _. _ 1 - , - 0 L r, " 7' 1* **- |---¢,_ ti JA14_Mr. mm Sutton, cm: ocltho Division E211" *" ,. handling U10 Bureau: hldgt III lh B92I8lEn." u 9* J, W _ _ -w-J Bureau, and his aaslstant,Mr.Jo0 I Elganmann - Tour and moat tho. ". e1*jlD1IOcU0r ' 1 * V I, we 92 . . ,,,'.,..4 . as 7 ' - 5411 Shake hands with Mr. John 1". Luz, 1 |-_-. ~ ,,, L , '1; _i, .'- ,1 "_ Editor, Jollomlllnola, Harald Neva; andI __,,_|uou; 4L , * l E-.";' Mr. Warren Taylor, Editor and _ - ms ___i__ _ T ______pubuahar, Aurora, Illinois, Beacon um -" -_- A u _ 7 4, -H _ ___ _ ,1 __ ,

, - 1'_'__i- 7 '** .,',7 7 , if kn. F _ 7_ J 411:, "II, *5 ' llil jnnlp 11 "* "e T *7 é" . iv L _' 1" My _ _ **|-no 7 7 V 1-? 2,5100 _ p _ 5:51 7 z P [Z00IJI. -I" L 1 * ' _ _ ow _ % ,~ jjl %===

____ W

_ l r 1 __ ~ _ _' '__ ' Y W" ___ Hi _ W7_- ,_ 7- - us -l__I , ¢_ ~11 " " ' " T717!-I __' Ti ' *- -l _

L _ _4 __ - x W"-"9 iQ_w .-- J. W; r r r ___ T~;___ ,_ eéq. L i L,,....,_~.e,..e_ .,, 92 e7 7_ Q _ ___ _ *" "WK "1 e 1 1 _ :+,1 o 1 * 1 1 * e~ 1 :"i':""" T hursda October 7 92 M 4. * * * Om. 91'7"! fog : i i ii i _i ki_ _ L i

IKI IIOVIIIII ! I I I H T J... 11...}.-92 P atly, U55"

I- 7 i _- 7 _ _ __ 7

_ . "" 7 i 7

26 Year Service Award Key to Mr Frank w mover. ____% 1aenun¢aum"§'151v1a1on "' % 9:001B *7 _ W _ J___ , _ _L4_ _ _ 4-_ _ 1 _ ...r n-Q-1 _ik a 25 Year Service Award * * [I 1* 1 1 _ __ - ~ _ -V f K61 $0 BA 13.11168 FEW, WFO 7 if _.__5_'§.. Mr G H Robina cgmmillf r -r 0- Bevera v--'-'-i"--" M Louden, " File l _ MD u meettheDimqmg Tour the W Files and Communications n who is resigning _ Q ___ e f Divislo E ' *4 1.; mm -ulwf 3 Z z __ ___* i _ £1-_. _ ]l_ ll

JJ.'@._..J-4.:...uw__ 'w*7 '"@m..__m 7 W/ L11 a-@*<*< K _ A __ __4! M6 _ if _r ~ Jllll P0 .- 1*/3,51: el ma!-rubzl % Z-It-uni;-1° CYOIII INI L__i__,_._.._.-- '| __,_'I_,.__Saturday, October 9 Monday, H 06705"11

i|i--I ;"__F'_' "' Inn fa no 7

k *5 1% --' ommemoratingadmission his to ' A gnu 5 ractice before theU S Supreme i f 1 1 35 curt Bar, accompaniedby his J- * -gi iie, Donna and, pare his nt s,

4&0-II-L 41 * r-nu-I" 7 3* ' i 4-F -- t;:u_- -H X +- 41 1 ' ' s}o~ ' Ii! g _ t? t 92 H i ll i Ai __ *9 K 4-15 E F

A1 f 1- H E,Q _ Qf 11.30AM_ and eet photographedbe mm 1* 1 r ' r * A R Phillip Harker, WFO

r and Mrs Russell P Harksr anlciort IN-_, I r-n-i|i_ I IQ! IIOVII _.____l '1,_A_J__- 11-4; .... Elli rrr I A _ n-a_L,...

1 ll8J'y,ucw F=l'I Wgangjagy, uuuucr HI! ll I7 II I'l Illlilll UMIUSDQY IIIIII % IIICOL - _ I LX- ° I at a- J1! i mad}, 7..., .4; ...,a § if e. fjiiji*3 , an *1; / [W If _ tthennual U S. Attorneys Deiaarhnentotiusitce-INFORM» Conference tobe i :59;m _ Mr. ClarkCli.ttord,Chiarman, Presideni Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, a; e Ivir. Pat Cfoyne - ~ 5 '| Statler-Hilton H0181 ' 1 u. ___mu

__ i 1 if


FM;-. AlfredWilliam Moellering,United st. _ e D at Attorney, orthernDistrict ofIndiana, H in -1 F011 Y Indiana_ T0 BECONFIRM I _ q@j' YMr.Attorney, EdwardV. Hanrahan, District NorthernUnited Illinois,States of Emu TOD 'l'Luncheon, _ FGWU, acuity E Chic-age, Illinois- IQ BE QQNFIRMED ii . Noon I ConterenceRoom, 5thoor, I96!!! l______L___ 1 5;" W Thursday, % October I4 rFru1a J:October 15

$5 ..- er- _._i _ i _ 1 1 w 17% wnw esent as Year Service Awart Key to SA Edward B Raddy M Domestic Intelligence Division Kev to BA80 Edward Year Service AwardB Bhivld. 100 E Ji Mr Robert J.Schaper, Clerk, _"""_""'_"_ use mi Administrative Division,hisWu ea _, Jeanne, a former Bureau emplO ___-- and his parents, Mr and Mrs. iii Andrew P Schaper from H.110 Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaT4 Meet and be photographed may General will leave Washington E52. IN! M.L Q Atto for New York, arriving at * N, dia AirportAirport at approximately 2 05PM § _ _ "r P 47 _ 'La He Guarwill return to Washington later in the __ H non U w afternoon or early evening INFORMAIna__ -. pa 2|! in III _ #1- so ea i I? i 1L K K5 _ ii. _ 17 rf #15::M _* .

11* mm: so '11::Q1 7 4? I T ___-F--|-in-._~ ' f-i-ii IIO-I IOOVIIIII ...1...... _---! . _ ' . "' "" '

Saturday, October I6 E1 Monday, OctoberI8 I Il II M1,; I _

I L __ HI! gm 7 at _ 1 _ k , W C _ i U5 us *3 ' all J __r_ _ 7 i 1 _ _*, ,_ *5? -un no § W l A-L""r _ L "j;___ J , f e _ 4i _ p J r T 1 _~ Ia ll 1 k ~ 4* @1s=:~" -H *_1-k n___-1 C _ H9 ' N1110- il 7 l1_ W, , j E all I: _ I 1 -__ JII C 1 wan» ~ 4.110 llil T*i_:_Ju-I at-In i __ W _ _ 415 um o__';_ 7 C I ill 9211:30AM.Meet anabe""p1m6"'gra§ed with W7 " Y C C " * _ -s.Au_p11mp.ne11,.1r., NewYor 4" 1* '7 C "1; Qff1¢Q;¢gmmQm0rtlgh13adm1B J -- 3: J6, ,Q,;'g,,/.,.,ig 50° C ii} K e C am!-t ms".3: -3""-l Supreme sion to practice beforeBar, Courtwhile the heU S.is 1 12:15PM The n y Attorney Generalwillleave -- Y ' ,7 ~ - c "". '... - attendhgtwoweeks of In Service WashingtonA oi;'I;>0eF;>;'1d Nationalrt f _..____61 ,_ M 4,-__'1:-aining&___,hj .. .. 5,i__ ¥_____~ _,_ ' Chicago,at approximately arriving 2:10PM,at ar F- Chicago _ CC C C_ _ C_ ____&§'92"§_'__ C - 92 time - He will speak before the - _ _''7V V _,.. 1-1 -nu-1_ Polish National Alliance _ , Hotel Sherman;and returnto Y. i F ' " 1_ ___I_ ~_i-13-1 _ -1 _, 0 Washi inngton the eveni ng- Q 9! 7' _ ' _ requiri- INFORMAIIVEL _ _._- _ Q5 ,_~_ i|._ rs Morris Cairitz At Home - *" C --1-"_" "0 lill I II ll! DCIOIII ll ' _ ! I I U I I I _I.__._.-.-1-! ' Tuesday, October 19 ti Wednejday, October. 20 __ 3 3 3 3 3 3 ll pm 133$- -I-I1'_H_ _-»--===-a it nan on _ _ L__ 3 Q7

_; 1* _ II ' 'H _ *4__ _J 1 7 * .1- 3 _ y . -I it 92-1 pi J» E! n 7 %l_ I2 7 L 3, W¢F _¢ -iii 17 ll or 3 T 4; 1 4__ é 7 T 7 91"! 1"§; * ' ' Eu-92 - ||.;- -am-.- P_ M 2 em , nL i-3 1000MlMr 3 I Receive a bronze from @:,J,___.___m" .3P°1'~"F°'i=" ' West MrVnlliam Manseld, O Sweet, Massachusetts M4 I I3! Ia5'3;$33;-*";5"'=""'-" A5°°g.dDJ|twnw3°£.NPA!



___,_,,,__...... -.-_--->-

--.'~n'5 -

I ~1_1*lL 21561

twp Receive the Grind Cross Award _ 7 i ______¢ 7 77 ..... from the Supreme Council 33° oi * ,,,_,._,,.,, theSc0ttiahRite and speaka.tthe' v ' Grand Commander's Dinner in I _ 3 i P _ _ _ e State Room Mayflower Hotel Q lnvitat 1 on tr om 'm se overe 1 gn ta Grand Commander of the i Southern Jurisdiction out Scottish 1 H mu dMr th A Smith 335 W hi ._., BLACKTIE Ritean e {Lu er | " 3' -

_-iii! f 'II IIOVIIIII I I I I '!'TL_"' 'I ~ e ' '_ ' IO 11:4:IWIII: W *?Thursday, 0vi0b@1- 21~ % F nday, October 22 _,_ M3 u_I ... ..,. "

---1-£1- -I94 Ill 41. I9_ DOM!Dr. -- _ -':'-1"?!'an j f _ e1_ e i 'i f I= Mn; ';*PrO|ent 25Yeu' Service Award " * '*In * _ _ eh ' e _ KeytoBAWu:r0II :..um,wro_ iuei i i jt j i : T Present 26 Year Service Award .a_§9o6_i -H i i . r 7' I 7 In H 'r . DOM ;-.; n ]g;,»gg Mlle Helen IE - Illnlinljg. 1» o 77 n in n e _F- - e e 1:1-ainlni Dlvlemn ,30All rune Thoma! 8.51-er, 8.1. 0. 1.0101: Retrot H0080, Fau]k:I:I1',5.1 . Ll Mi.1'!lI.nIl,t¢o0Illpi.n10l'1 bi 3° IWW 77 V./ -.° 1 I! /4' '7 QE V i Y, H;' I- 92 sisters nl Mercy,Mor¢7 - 'HOBPNIL.- . ms -1 I I I I l ff U I r I, U _, / .|1,!.JF". 4-. "'1; Baltimore, ' 'Maryland Tour and'5 ll 4 1/ a":!_' 'I "3; I .,;. __ v P meet the Director ._ i u V _ l ,_ 7,_',,.;vr'z;V - I ' °°" Rece on in the Governoenoom1 '||-on? h h h ' J ;__. no_ L 92_ 9,, lial Pu MOI mn¢1n¢,14mandFsu-eeu,£g! zanlno oor, National Y 'o h*' ||_:|5 = i '* j *~ _1-: N _ j j e ' 4» ml AN w' uumclui Q ;° » e h " Y - h =~ L2:80 ___ _ Be a Head Table Guest- _. i i 7 nus _ - 9 _- . ,,_ i ,4 -- I e ~, N. Zr Luncheon in the Ballroom mgr»? § l :AM H tlon from the National _ Press i _| ,_ i .7 -M7,: . L __ ' i --__ Q The Attorney General I will _ be the 4; i ms? V f f ti ; M f . 7 r|-e-b ' 1 51' ' nun I '~ 7 ~ gueet apekr ' ,4-¢~*r-*1!" ' ' A _ .¢ - E _; . . W " e _ __ o 1" ~F$ o *_n ~+ ; ,_ ,, -Q 0' ' 1 , _ _' , , 1% V A " ' i nu g son _ [email protected] _ - * * * '*"*' P5 Saturday October 23 2" M0"dy5"0"ber'25 % __.__ , M

' " <11 ,_i.,.Z_--nii in-I-" .0 0 , Pr»;-._ . , . 3"?!-¢"!""B# - "1 .92.c ,0, - I .,-7| --- 7__ _'_ 7 _ _ B0 __ - . ' " = ,1 Q 'r 9" '3 Ea I: _!!'nl!!!!!:r~P1llIAnJFIIIalqI1 -L-r_ I 92 2uE?:E!| Ago" Vi ix V7 i _ ,4; _ %--1 U5 Eggsi _! H _ , _ , *7 19* ' 17 I ""'_*:7-'i' H- 15' ~_ 102005 M1. Rl0b.ld B. AIIIIIIII, Pllbulh. -4! , 92 * 2 St. Loull Globe-Democrat ill 1 as jg]- -,--Pi .Iyr | 3°" 1=oom Btatlor-Hilton Hotel Hr _ 1 ,_i5=:I_ _f _ ll ' *~92-&**_ 1; 8:80PM Chic! John B. hymn, Iltrpllh 3 * j mu» mp»-mm -_ #1--' * -r 92 r waif W .11-** am ?__?||@o:__? i 1 l _ H. ' T 4 __ _J 7 __ _l i 7 92 t _{!;:| IE5 ' 92 4! Hi _ l _ _ _n-l- k A 1-IIII-Ti 44: § gm 5110 _ I200 1 _ 92 -_ 1. "iv"-Hy. DP? J Lu~w4l i 4l;¬l: RH 5 .; if 92 w " "' "- -'9' . .14 -1., 5!

a J. 1; 521%

* Sunday} gctober.24 - _ B110 j- ,-

Q5 H,- ?l13~" _ '_____ if 'I i j ti mu 1* _ AT _, -7 LU ' L 7 ,_,__ __ ';,, * I uni } 0;,-q-1 Dav Y 111- 1 | e

_-p-___il_,. ' m,.,,?y?|:'n Q I Tuesday, October-~26 V '' ' r__u_.'._;_!I 3

E-1 Wednesday,= tuber 27 |_M;;;;§§

_* __ I %___, __

u .*, re _ A L ' Y ' kl _q_-,_T_ f A -1 K |?7Wr IQ d - __ ' ' _Il ,7 I-If W *7 V. 7 31" 1 ~ _ ml Mr. 1 ' "-1' 7 7 _--7 1-uIIl' >7 - ' ' Hi u

q-L ecu --1 e ~_ 7 - §l___ gii l I @ , _In _ 2-_|_-.___~~ Be photographed 1-92.<=<>1~= "1 o WA def; 1* in i __ l i L3&0 W 1|: g Em ms 811- General Roger oi H. Britishlse H0111-8, D;1°;;°°'» - - ii |T¬?u } f r

_ II ,. L r * e um 41.

.-A 1_'4|~ 92 ll ,_ L,_ K e'"" re ~ e " ' * re me nzou ___ 7 I ' *~x Lg u _ __ ~_ T 5:00 an I I, 1-in P.1- Eli ______' xé iii o i_ ow _ fr, , "F N ms ocvosss-7:177 JSIN "'"'""L' YThu 0610561 ,,».- m, I -;?<5 , _ I Fnday, October 29 aarausa MU- 7 _! _B0__ I ___ vaw-. " '* M Inspector Haro1dE Campbell, Jr , Inspector 1-illHarold-E. campbeu. -Ir-. -§-- J Inspection No:-roll:as Division sec! 1»lAs'r UnderDAY tranaier _ to:- Inspection Division Undertransfer to us . an ______k _ T as SAC!_ - LAST DAYNUT 'Fl;2:0l! . _ f _9.0 SAs J.Stewsrt Kl.iser,NeIYo92rk 25 Year Service Award _ as - - M Edward L. Morris, New Yo;-k;m t-OM: Geor so E s Goodreau, '_ ' - Robert L. 8h'Omberg,Chlcggq Fingerprint emmum-,, _J" S's e 1 mromurrwn DIVIIIOII5_ - ,-1." a H5 9 _, 25 Year -"Service '"xi Award - |~ K"nan I 0 DOM! Keytollrs Present 10 Year Eleanor R.Berries Shelton,Anrd Key to SA-Seymor Fred Phillips, M;-, duo, om, unnamed Domestic Intelligence Division _ BL on so_!I1Lo by her mum _ - . _ 1 1i__ 3 ' i iii -': if i 7 i Key to Miss 25 Year Virginia I. Service Martin, Award_'-I? _, - J e no * $1-I * S mmS 3°¢1°"l-W t°I920813PhY!,- WFO 3:30?" | llllneetor Harold I Campbell, r S ' ' " an Inspection Division Under trans! OI 25 Year Service Awardi M, V7 M? | Nqglkiu g! Key to sn George w. Fi|iger,Jr._,---50"-6-"W Z 3% I-aboratoryD_ivi_eion. . ,. _ e HID __ _7 mam a-aaapnan ianaiar '7 oi, -_=naF'1-£19;-*I1I21! present gift to, [Sir Roger I_i."'-i.'I.-";t '3. f - ~ S 7 7 7 A -l*IY~ _ _ Hollis, Direwfeneral, _ _ ,_i_£__Eg;i J4? :-II- British MI-5 0 is retiring * i A A __ _* Z-ca.-I-. Sea Room, j 8th_ oor, I Army iisvy Hf we Cluti On] Farragut Square ,..,=~:;_g_-1; __ IT; * m7 7 * _ -_,.,_ 1 ; 1-»- 1*-'_'*

.._---I-I-"""'_"~q I41 OGIOIII ll

A ilf if _

_'_ i bar30 Mgudav Novemberl..___..-.-.--

P I """ """""."J4" i f _4 - _@150E 3 __ __'_'

- * ' 7 f _ _ _ _ us I ______~ ~_ *;Ju*4 ~ T _7 _ j. -1{c L E,A o@"o if -_ -_ :1|$lf7'* _i_* i _ ;i_ 17 _ V

-1-:4l|ul_ .* ,__r.___ 44 _ if _ i 77 - 4 ____ *7 -ll III an ~_-*1 _ 'I -1'-I.W 7 ' W 7 7 iii? an-I 1 1 an _ ii i- 7 _p_ ___ac _ $11411;," * * *7 ' '5" 10:00»! PrcocntAmoc1|.nLc¢lonNotlonn U "'-;~"W * " * Acadcmy!'1rnrmoProl1cicncy ;1__ *;_

-|---_ L[_i_Q l _ _ ii 3:1 ' Award toCaptlin Jamcow $- "' "W Kennoo, GlennCounty She:-l'l_ 41-_ _ -T J1 * r 7 Oice, Mllowl, Calornlo, 41 1-:I'l'"--1'92* i 1 92_'. W W F H nnn " 76th Benton, FBI HA -= u 4 ' * ' _ 3:uu_ ;_____ 14: _~i ___ _' 1 ~ ' -11 *lIIT 1-W * * moon: m Jasper A mu» cum u l:|5 <-q. All ~ 41' "1~'o : * "a* Police, Jnnenlc, Wisconsin _- ll {G:'=:-o-ca a 2!: 2% Session, _ 4 -jib-{IA * 92 Tuejday,Naggmbgr 2 I/Vednesday, November 3 '

-74. iii _ _i _ . ' '1''-- -i f I M vi 3OI 4 '92. ll QQQ A. 1-ill ______4 __ _;______i i .A1 _ ,'4 I V h _ I i_ 1 .. _ i i _ _ _ _** if i _*_* 4* _ -Ilr f '-gq _ 1 A 1 : o i W V r i f i m I W _ i _|_|sU1" - 1-,. _-d|l_"" 1 - _ _ __ 1 7__ _ Il7Q 7 -on-11: _"1 _,_ '. ,#,¢ 4;-1-" L7" 7 7 if :7" i V '*'i i i i; __ l us no _,_i ,_,__ _*-_i _i _i;* _ if ?__p-;_ *_, ;-% I-F*I ~ ~*~l 1'11 t~* p|¢uIr- 1 m W -1-1

...Q; -J W? 92 < * o_ I iii an _ -n- ii _ j 1o~aoAu Grldns.tinn,'Ih8cssicn,I'BINA Departmental Auditorium Present thoJohn Eden; I_!_°°'_9}';;1_ QLModal .r*uu51;*i;- for Excellence in meif-Y sum: Ill 1£___ sun J_Hm8:48?! Prusnt 28 Year Sonics Award at Low Eniorcemont to1nBP°¢t°1' /flT92:r~I'____!_i Ker to llr John P mun-;_ Ib-II County Elie:-isOffice. 93" I: 3 E RCVIOIOI Analyst, Ggngr FloydBornardino,I Tidwoll 1: California, Q "K Berna:-dino Ban and 3:5I human mm Present thoNational Academah 4110 _ Iii 4:00!!! Present 38 You 801-vicoAward seals to timeciass ciiioors of uw"--5 5:1 m I . Scroll to AssistutLegal Mischa as i FBINA androv .n if F34 .4. -.. Nathan L Iorri I nth lgmmtlio0l¢Bl:l bei|sJ1{-on ' -- 4: 1 ocivo! #6 ';- ---1.! _ __ __ l C3100 cit,- d tbs76th Sessionoitbe l'fBIl_iA- 30PM Mr Neale D Murphy, Jr , clq 515Q i 4:35PM Mrs.Administrative ThelmaT Dorset,Division, whoSecre is -vow-fmmuw1' __ s__ __..': 51195 Stenography!, ___' resigning, and his Domestic family Intelligti ,4 '- ~'_ l nlnn hlhn in Ilnfirinal f _ nrnv " < IIl92III' IVOIU GQilllillna i _ f 1, L i ~ ~~ as F15... ______|4:40PM

1!______J_; irfl ** H! I-ll-i Mr Samuel D Baughman, Clori _ ax ,, . 7: __ 1:1: 9 7 Files and Communications Divisi 92 4 _ W r_T_#.l;, 4' * _1._i who is resigning i __:'_ _? 17: :77 * _ _o is i fem? ll s9!!QVI _ J if lI_..'J..-. 1. Thur;-daj;1V011ember 4 ~ rrzaay

. . - ._ Q

ll QICIIIII ! I I I I 4-l

n - , Mm D - '---

.t.. "' , , _ _ _ "" ma ' _ '} ,, ___ ,_;__, I ,, 7, i __ I ' ' "7 ____F _ * f _ __j_*7 "" 1 I "FM : j 2 W 7 ____,|;|s TsAamchao1A. Garrett, n, Cb.£%o; John. G} Green, 7 ' 7" 1 7* H I7 '7' i '7 7 toL [** * D__; ---- Knoxvl1le'a.ndNormanH. mu, 1 7 _ _ 7 _ _ f _ ' _ __ ca- .-- , gresent 25 Year Service Award Key to _ g.raouoov1'no - mromurrwe SA Malcolm P. cw, WFQ :l5PM Reception in honor of SA Peter 25? Service Award Kev to ' _ ~ Duncan, Laboratory Division, pm I mu womb :1 Jr wro ." I ea F-reéerlck J. ..--_:a-__= _ -= . Q Le mtl;-Lug-lioom 1.5331 - mu- Present 25 Year Service Award Key 1 to 92tation from Assistant Director ' ___ I V Identication Mrs. Helen P. Division Stotler, 3B¢1'f1!Y¥8B°B'*°Ph?¬u _ 77 - 7Conrad -- '. 25 service Award K6! '10 ~ 7 77 7 1 1 to7777 _' 7V *7 oMre= Present Lox-.. 1-:earL no . Whalen, Intelligence , gs 7 ji Z i i i it fiw 7 i _¢._, Analyst, Domestic lute 111 g once Division 7 ,_ 77 __ ' _____k,_ W é_ _ _ _ , ,,

92 Presen :35 Year Service Am S°1'°u° !1L_:_~ t __ I; 77 1___: to D _ » _ _, Miss Eleanor A. D1-mt» C°"'°3P°d°°°i_ 2: ' - _ ___I7 i 7,47 i ivi ?:_ A cm-1: TrainingI118t1'I1¢t0!'_!r 1<1e"t"1°a* °" TDlvilon .. . " **# '1 7 7- W3. ,4¢7 r;: L J ,W;- "_ 1:7" ' :1 ' __ | 7 7 _ Ii 7 7 ______' Couch Clerk-Stenogohrl ,~ l0:35KM ,,Mlsa Helen _» 'D, ism under trans __: _ 77 *i 77 i _. 7 |;_7;#_"_ * ,92 Special Investlgatwe IV , - I eoc em.%.1- ;umb S-¢-<>w~== 7; L, __ _ D ,_ o ~ W_ - - ynr:_'f_§>,,__,=wAMi Meet Mm and Barbara be photographed J-119¥¥:,?¬?f3: with M188 .§l°.ii,.o., J0 Ann ~ * 1 V: ' ': -|T' _ .1;-| - - - _7 - - Monday November, 8 '1 Novembe 6 an S a 'tu7'd4!'>"0 --:.'.: " I92 h I |p_ulV. _ n 7 _ _ _ 7 fir i i "7 _ _ j j |-as i _ W " + i j _j m - '3! che Clark D.-Anderson, 1 - * 'L f 7 to . _J,°. Santa Domingo - 0116 Di?" " f -III- i -i _|Domlnica.n C0n161¢I1¢° - - -i 1 NU 92 And- an , 4 I --c- ' j. 215-giéxi ii l _-p_ 4 _i_ _ gr-' ~ ' _ ___Q-

_ _I_ _1_


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1{,1_:'¢&¥ .1 -..1? -'1'? w|*"' 2=§§~r'¢ " ,.2" 1. 1 Y. 211'» =* 2:-i~" -'"" L 7 mu é -. W"? * 7 7 . _n|s_ A,-I-+ 115 i ~ i i A"_T7' 1-._*-' I :- ____ --H- _ I ____I-f 9 _ ---- 'A"nu . 3:. Q _: _ Tuesday, November 9 § II/ednesday, November 1 -"'J_1'I1 - to ",7 * A ti |1s_ J /0-30 an-_ 7 * J?--~'1l 45.5% e "5 @5!_..I§_.h.w' w - Z11" e__e M900 ,i L

-3-1171!» e@==:;: - _._.-eip n_j* C 77* 5 »~-C-;o=ao4uThe Marquis De Merry Del VII, C 1 e *" **%~ e Spanish Ambassador to the _-i L 100 | _1:|l|1 in H5 H _ Kr"*/kw-" Unlfjd 9.1-I-t"~Statue -mi ""' 92- H @I -"-"- u:4m92uceekml Reception L C C C "-3! 12:15PM Be a Dale Guest at 1 Luncheon Meeting being held an a Civic Jp "Y §__no L woe jngg A . Salute to Mr Lem B. Nichole, Executive Vice President, the us _E_:_!5_ 41 _ T Schenley Corporation Honored ult._ 1|!---.- Guest Speaker! by the Advertis- ii:-I 4!- 5 gig ing Club at Baltimore Main if C "" w_ ii Ballroom, The Emerlon Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland Invitation I J; _ 1|! §:;]e=5.". I_ . from Mr David v R.8t1ck1e, _ 4 in -"eh Preeldent, the Advertlstng Club 7+ ': LINED

_; _ ll iii!!! _ C _ II lli l

I v92I""

_ T l beuleii _____ -_ T *1 Z H T G .g£g J 92T/ltlffddy, lV0'U¬mD81 I1 2:80PM Mr James A Naaeikae, tn c m mm" W Cellars at the Mayower Hotel, ,.-... I011» William, age 11 Complete _ _ i f _ _ __ H J9 __ meet the Director _____ 4 7 ,4 QM! -E e 1:; ~ ' 1 _-?,*'||-01-ed * :~ *7 7 7 -_-:2

_ _-en-_ .41 *i4 """'°


i yton, _ 4 Newlgentzes _"Il-u__--{Q

E5iniiHiiiiIiiHIlulIIIIIlIlIlIIllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllleailun-1 --lv- »- I7 an U-T i 4/S 44-4 IIIII-iq . .. ""'""' Ilr ha:


II ll "W sou I "I _ Saturday, Novemben 13 R flfonday, Noveinber15 ""' O 92. 311 ii" '=-Z:-Z 'maQ coo QIII

*7 if __

_ _+ 7 *

i7 _ - 41- 1- ~ 7 --p I_ 1-H15! i 7 i. C 7


1_ JI 7

Maryland JockeyClub Memberl Bullet Luncheon Preeknees Dining Room, New Clubhouse, ~ I"3 gt" . 9 7 InvitationPimlico, Baltimore,from the OicereMaryland and W "' Directors oi the Club DECLIN -1 u __ 1-|@_-....___,.__, Inn; ownE _ i saiatant .1?._=.°°4" Commissioner Lloyd ns_ __ A.lngham, ...7' Director clCriminal lo **" 7 vestigation, andlnepector H.g ;_;.:_§_ I. .."r; u C ,1 4,_ ;_i°',_, - .Norman Jonee,Roylllldill B5 II-Pan 41% 7 "' , 14 ounted Police RCMP!, 1» we"mt I I_|T,'~._&" " , ,- ccompa.nledb'yRCMPLlalsm Q _ ll II-I 1-_ .._ lltulullv iicer Bazowakl Tour and m ll 8 Director ' $1 ___ I-I-duh-Q_ ll _ ____

- _ 1% ' *4 53.!1o=am92u mm and be photorraphedvii" 5011. __-.._. 9 Miss¢ Carolyn Idreal, Crime Jun " .. , Records_pivj_ai_q||_bhhmuh L Ill i 5-o|i_i_ ____ioo

i _- -""""-_'~ ms olcuun DUI l I ]______.___. rum T do November J6 $1 I/d do November I7 H"1 1 a . .. 116.5 J: 4 "U J; Q r I 0 an iii: ii L =3 -"-{Io HQ =I Inn ""' . A*______Iw_______ _

- F 15;? 7

* 41' if 1_ T w __ W __ __ H. H ioioomvi Mr uoroms Fitzgerald, 4 *A l _ : _ _ A loo Publisher, The Pontiac Pres j_ *1 V I Pontiac Michigan i i _ __.|] 92 I _ _ _ ,1 _ : c c s i i Miss Virginia J-icicson, daughter * _ n _ former Assistant Commissioner - - -- " '3-I '3 :!.,..'l. IQW uh CQIORGI JHIIIBB E 99 - 10 JOAM Sir Richard L and Joe!Jackson, Ne _ I ..»'»6t|£., L Wt! C92 SSIOIIGI, in -- L pertinent of Pi. he and Mr Rogersomand Mrs accompanied David Leventhalby D4 actor UL t .e rte ,1 of to ; "-T" Tour and meet the Director is uuc g _ --'* ' um § um xogg ind Maofnonaidson. I """° *", 12 45PM Luncheon in honor or Her Royal Dr -Choissor's Otiice C0II92P1°t° t°' and lIi_;hness The Princess Margare mm 3,, D11-ggtgr ,____..____.__-='---- Countess of mowdon and The Ear oo- * * W * * _ * 2; N _I!! Jmswonoo, Ks!irlowden - British LanbastsadorEmbassy, A - m __ __ _ _ _ c -_ * J 100 lass. Ave. N W 0" W :80Pll Reception in honor at Her in -5 nvitation fa-on. Tne Britishu. 1 3183"" '3! Pri:;°:;:M:I.:gaEa;1'L.- __ fhnbassador and Lady Deon - E.__ InI mm .4 B1-{ab Embassy 9-'1-H The Director and Mr Toison to have rlinn 3100 Mass. Ave. oi. -1?i-i%5%i_...- . =-mi Former Amuaseanor armur Gardner from The British Ambaaeadorl<92|_"__ *2!" 599°» 2211 3°£l$"'<=q§. N W I Ill . . _ ,_

_-_--It-92 7 n I i r Q .7: Thursday, November 18 }.':-LFnda Nawmbef 19 "1 W t tj ...m'm;-]__a@__:'_t_H 't__ _ _ 7 _ , , _ 1 H é '1" *|§__m_ 7* _Z __ t Z_ __ ,_t__ ,7 Q - 7. i 7»--f '4 on - , W 7,

t U i t mgtwjt... 7 Illff 7 71-nr177 . _, f r f 7 7 2, EL;m A J_ T . L

___ __~__t. - 't 4'_mt@.| Special Employee,WFO t_ 1 _ __ J t ,:_V W ~_ ___m__l: @133;;,,Pu Ml ¥§;'&"m:::..?;t;.'::t;::: JdtltF C|'Q_,yQ1'_, my G9; *_ ..i " 'JA ?_' A 7""" * HSW f?___ _ t___M___ '; nonM31225?. .ray age approximate! MzwllowerHotel11 rand --77-'-Y - 1 ~ " - BL] ll" - Comno wrandbophocogr1 to 'r Y ' 35 1

' 7?_ _ ' t 7 " L - 7 ""77 4""- ' "V with 7 - _- ,, . L the1- Director 5"' t ;,§ H _ '. I 1-" Q; kl up _f_ W ~=H;,-»t@___t __ t 7 -7...: j 7 ff '_s|iam um_'_:cn_ L

_ 5!. =1 L 7 1 Z M__ 1:» i t _

-. _.. _ --=.77 7:7 _ _,__: ;;_A 1-'._: __ |'____7_ __ t ...=.=-7* gg _~ Satu , -1I I DH5 rday, November 20 E?-II 1|/londay, Novembem-32 j $&3' .f-._-1, . _ no W ft ii & - { W" _% mum__7 _f1 " :""""7 "1

J? _ _ 1* Q;-5111 u» " _ ?* ---~- - _ ~~ -1_ " * ll _ Iiluri 7* l_ _ V ** K _ i ff -;.r_ ' " "° * '°?:_* j i j ;*;;;__.; It 1n|r ' w,- _ Hm i;:I; .;- " "v-~ I " ' H ' m||;{p||n0o¢rI|vlI'4-"ml, , "t W =00! llnkolnndl __: l~.| 3 1° Impll Pohntltl d North 1 1 92 '- y ja §l - ;192»rn@ . . j "Barn¢1W- 3°31" - - Q >,. 1_ QJQI. 92* £ W uj Q 92 . mnonld, lI¢""'7 Y U V f ' I- 41- -nrP1 F :1 . , - -- , l I 1'" Y Y wail xomumigirl. om, Ind III hlhla, __: I, ti} - - *-r . I 1!: f _92_ 41 . 4 % 4_ ..lll.J0IIlVl.llGD0I_l1d ' '~ 11" ,, I .'-' . ___ _i._------I _ 1. -. =l1 . _ F l. v. 92 - ~-_ _ ~ _;-nan ulnnaccounllllll ¢%§£§ _I7_ fl»- I 1- I; ?IjT"l'. ' T W M t_ll.00NoonI:l'°u mu:..'1'qur, Hoetund , ' _ r.. 1" ,.,_;4p||r-I ~ j * j 4110 j pmo¢npma- zxpscwnn ;92., I '[;':92 Q _ = 'r . * l E2 _ | e . A -I 7 JW <1 " - 4' fl? _ . 1- _ 447? = - _ E: - 11- _ mm, Jmu. mm '1'. ,1 mfgii "Jam 11:;-.|%,°'1l!ou;iastlc lntnllllu m'm°"' . j " j j I201!!! who u mu-us - 11° "31 '"""°" in? 7 P 1 W j 511:4 _ A ggqg Aulntnnt Dtroctllr Sullivan 92 .l,. __ Ff; ,* 5! ,_ ti ______Hu a H, l W__ i - * @.:E§1§, _ 1 ' ' 1 ==-==s._=-~ q ~ » .1 :4 sund¢y,?192,{qv@mb-"21 Y * W " : ": 5lI_I__ _* WW 1 i W *1 :1.=»'* * i _ _ 7" |_n_ H -Y: £1. . 1 * f #1;___.'}}__ _ w ~ K ,'" 1 5.3- " .11 :;;a.%. 1* H - f j _$;..'_1ooI ii ! ;¬ q, , , P 9 77 f 4 J i l qqlu-Ii-_||-_, _-_--11-I-I-Q QV - .0 I'llQ w DICIIIII I! ' 2 I i Y I Q I I 4 iii!nu Tuesday:November % T23 H/¢d'*e~'d*J:"Nme'be'7*24 ' 7 I U 1| neonII I9 I0 ill '~ Tl ll id C 4 II ll I! I 73 II 24 I5 7 1 A -if Li if ii 2 '|j]| '_*____gHenri! -* -lhgng193031 , 1-r; *;: _j. i ' *** - Nwaiigl-mn: . e W_ _ _- ..._ ¢=§=!!1vil1e,1~Ie,-- . 1.. _ ~

*5 F---= Ci "CZ T" *7 7 Mi 7 C ___ F M in "Q9 UIMIII l ~-. Q |l UICIIIIII I I I I I k_._L-L!

1. N Thursday, November 25 II F,-day, Ngvgmbgf 26 ll. IFIAIIIOIVINO DAY ' I -D i ' éh 1i W Q A veitreae from the Mlyilower Hotel and her

4" j l- XPF PTPI! 1 " -J io=ooAu Mr noisy?-iiejitn £5im¢w' j L L-if i ~ 1EM l0:$0All York paniedbyhiebrotherJournal American, in accomlawand _ F *"'" his iive children Tour and meet -"- -J up Director sxpscrsn

l|.-..-.-l--¢o-IIi-.-p_...--.--.-1- 7 --"_-> V I 1 I_,__....----

PreeentthetrophytoK j W D daughter Tour, Meet and be photographed '-'-Iithewinnerelthemxi enfhenklllvinlbey H -1 imam Be photographed with an cm-lee Ite.eeCouree invitation--- _ K Corbett, Laboratory Division, _ and hie iamilv Ir Chieklng re Martin l1.'.Ven Baron and r1 X' a IN! OICI H I -I L__._-QI Saturday, November 2753 Monday, November _o~,:$ 7 1-ii-7 a ---==-=---im' "" w :41 I u4 Ii I H YiL, _ ea _ C : ' ~ _ 6:45PM Ralrcllunolil. mm " "* "" ef? _e L C CL,-ea; C 11:» cg;- the1=1sPu UnivorslDmncrwithllrlilclnrdll. C1ub,1Woat541 1*--'"vA 1-! Q-' 1 * M . CW Street, 8! NewU YorkCl?!» Nth

-1' __ ''7C 1 * * C h Bo, 5 -92_ Y4-. -Li?


4% -1.;"rd u.. .L A|:" . ' 1-+4-L_ v ..| an-_ I "4 . I 41¢ - 92-92 occasion ofthe Autumn Mating Il__ "l ZN Z the Board0! Dlroctgrsclthc as , Clubsof America Invltatlcll H. §~ fromMr mm BLACKTIE "" DECLINED __ ='em C K _ " N: 9 bum» nu-d ClanKomlth 3 -. -thrt Chick Lackhnd r ForceB "27r _ _ 7*: ml 3 Tenn sxrscr _____.___ F C 1* 1: M. 1 r 4110 ll00 T7 I_ 3% C J T- 4i "1 :::: C 92 F4 ¢ 1 . _Q 1_92-mi I! "I 1% H. l __ Sill, RN _ .5 L s.|sH _cn? _: - 7 7 if R ,5 __ __lI'.IV-~-_ _? 7 1""_-_ ' 1 nk! .=~.. _ 4_ L Sunday,l92{'vember~28% am1 71 7? 1 r L_#______I! IICIMIII I ___£_!W Tuesday,November 30 U' cdnesday,December ,1



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-Q|l_ * -.--n-n-I-II-1 P A ' kat1l'00AMEST» 1" NewYor 1 lJliddaY

1: ""_"',"'I_'f":_] o=aoau'W Willie richer, WIO, ho is retlrlni - _ ...q|-»q-u- 10:00AM Ruiue R Beaver, Admin strative Division ~

10:80AM Vincent G McCarthy,General nveatigatlve Divieion Under ansler to San Antonioas ASAC! ----I-' '*'92 I 1:1?-_JAIUIIY ncsnell IN! atwr """"|L'1""|!"_|4:. .. Thursday, I December ~'2 5:! pv 1'' 0 rulay, December_ J 3 _. : s __4s '0 _, ,,ea 'I aM A l e- at :5_____,__ | he niece ola waitressat the Mayower 0 |----7;. I .,, - allexionngiri Tour, Meetandbe __lI___ 1, _ . __ _L_ so 7 _ e_<_ r -wk DJ» 1'- _ |||H'_phed withthemrector "' EXPECTED I I .5 ______,______7 K ,L_ - s ____ 7 __ 9" 35 7'" s'"i°'Amd Kw - pg 3 Present28 YearService Award = . m°""d5 N"b7' 'WFOD D '..en '_ Key .--5....Mr W.Frankto Cleaver, -A I-D ~-eent as Year Service Award Key to " __»d@¢ly Personnelswans Specialist.;-;;,_? " . r. Norman G.Love, FingerprintExaminer Files and Communications - . . ctgr!, Identication Division " " Division i ' --hlnn-n-MI-lib! ii 1- sent 25YearService Award Keyto "" ' """'°"";""' *' * kw"' 'rmlr = 11-B'1'=f°"» *m"'""""'°I morn Missmm coimy-mm the _____ I vision .. - ? llisyiiowerotei__8'' 4* = -- A Inndsandebephotographed with }- 1 mi I ,, 92. 4 ; --r.,. . Joseph hm, A.Lowther, wuhmggm, AssistantQ,Unitsl__ 1!,_ | ____. J:§0lM 8A Orrin. -C. Bartlett, Domesti My .- unt25Year8orviceAwardKsyto ___ ll| _ I IntelligenceDivisioni _ :: ' __; _ _ * *7! ___i___I'92 .-- |!wigi1J.Da1be1,'rrainin¢DivisicI~-_n'l>".__ .- |gnfI§YQgr8QrVlc0AIl1'dKO1t092 A___u|;_: }__}:i___i }__% i V or _p-1.. 1. D *=~=~"v'=-%=~=w'<>_so-"1 Ti -@ 7~:_:7 ___ "I101 *1 Li ls " Jn . 1>resent25YearBerviceAwardKe!i° . .9. 7-; ._._s _n_.__.;,1 so.. gAw||mgP,Wa1ter,1aboratoryDivision.,,:_"___i_? B?W ___WLT ?__ _L .- aumtnspeotorJ. Gauthier,Lee Adminishavl - - "'- 7 :;;i__i 1% A_7?__ _ i_ _ __ Division I ""' _ ' ' D ~~ ~ e 7 if Ifone l> . e ' 92_ IPII. + fur. Genel. llushleisen,Associate nmcm as" I D * D "i* _ P". " C I naucm. I * . ' .: "FL _____ L; __ ,___e ,__F______I .-. Ill B I ' . -_.-w- -no--1 :7 *7 +1 1 5 i_ ______ .. .17-U! npwanxnur. Do1ari'ps,Wl'0,vheis '§- },-!.I_.. D, _e__ _F,L D_ ___Y___»; __L rotirill D 1 * u ~= 92 ----- V >31! * *7 ii * 1|r ~__ 92 i _ __ , * II _ ' ' 7 ' j 5 ___. ._._...._._____...... ___e., _, 1 D * D In 92 = M _ 1-of 1-':Li-*'III|r_'__| --p-nq___&-- 7_~Wv,__,____,*__ _ 7 J _' W ' . i..| J M 92 i- ' " - 4- '- ' er;-'.3*'' i. . . S _ f-niiuiii ___|__.._..__1 A ,______1

F§3"'"* PM. __ J1-|7 1-G; 77 '____ 1- _ ' 7'7 . 1 0- IN IIIIIIAIV Ihr i i , 7 , | Saturday, D¬C¬mb¬T4 W_;4 h ll Jlnuday,@--n92~._,-5 7 ____ ~: Dcfembgf n6I ' W ' --I77 IF _1u|I. ,_ II ' 11'-1 - M -01- 4-A--I AT A _ -in---:7__T_ " ' -04-@ 77 el 77 1»4-n-- T'W:.: : _

tr _ _7_I_ '_ " ¢_lIIIiIf 7 l|IqI 4; -n~n ~~ A i

+7 1 if _-AF7 92 I u 92 |__ inc?» --$|l T ll7"ll inn --r ,-_ ' '-- 4: ¢_Ii» it ___ - _

%@92 -ii -vii if ii Ii _. _,_| I6 *$** V II ~ ' r'1u_ _, 1 I 7 I. - H77 fl 777 L 4.00' - -4-an --..

1L": _."__ 7 B177 | _ ll II

-3 in; 46' I0____ 7 7 m , _ 1______,7_|~ ' __ 1 i i ll 598 mill, 51!_ l1______77 - i 5! II -01-:-17fI77 Ff _ ___ - I-0 --.-- -7: _77 VHVWL N[_t:__Il:=__ Sunday, December 5 I W... 7 * 7 7* u _ I5 _ W_7_ _ 7k:_ i__, i ._ _ 7 __ ;u-..:__7 .7_ _ 77 7_ _ 7 7 I_ *7 ___ i ___ 1 _ ?4izu___,__ H vdrmddy, December 8 n ' W '' , .2 .= Tuesday, December 7

__ __..

-' ; tr y '* F . ,, 92.P|,- Q ¢ A _ f _-.--II'I'_ L.-_____i : u 1 v 1 ' » 5 7 = 1 1 1 r 4 ' :4: ' . I I W -1-on-v~--Iv' .= . ..- ~*e """'_|m__- pm O1 4 A 7 I 92 r - u : >77 _L _ 7 ___?_ 1 , ' 77 41. , _*" '' T. 7 _ ,, '. 4 W ii, ____ _,,.. -i '71-* '7 7 W _ A _ _ ' l _ "H,_., ,_--¢:%:~* I *e * " _...1. T ~ _ i_"I__*nuI1 L! an W _ J --k 1 | m k ::____ T _ __-;_ ; _j_ ' _ if 17792 Ii. "*1 '7?-' 7 Vvériw n

__|q__+_W? W1 1* ~ e -iii =1... ' 41 ~ - I 1~-- ~ * '___ _7fP " 7 " L " |n:.IncIlIl-"I" e"'_'f_ f 10:00:»: f an; T.f.~.:<,,,1- "-1-. Or-mud-Wu$5-' '4:00Pll NOIAI'lll'CIlll§l A_____1__ A 1'»-.1 . T morn um uuq P. Bunlncilin I4!!!-'°'* i_1:00PM :..;1t10r-H11tOn Hotel f ' mvmaa, vhouruln1Il__-_";___.;__. if 1-um _§ T .5/mr.rda.J:92 December» E I "dab992Dmmber '.-"::.*10 _ ' ll q--Illii I 1 I I | . - _ | M I7 inI I 2a 4 ,1 I ' ~ I . 92 ' - 92 '0! n "I , , ; ' ' - '.1'1 a a 4 1* 1 3 _ _ . - -. -r n; *II7 '1 J 7* j * e e M we ._ _ I l7 - anA pie, ,, an 11 _ if ' us:' m - " ~ * a * an n IOIOOAIQ' - cl Receive "Thel"BI'ea leather bound - cowMoatj _ 7 M '5 uc°""", '0'!V ~ _e ' * ll e_ __.._ l ' ' > _ V Hi H V . 1 a "P *"l""192=11!_ H -' -~ " ___|o-owl m. Kennethli .. mm.K 1" emlr - ' 10:1 Pr._ nt :5 '..._ GOT 1 - ' WTO II IOYUTII92 V anmun . _"P"'_ .' -H 92 M '.; -_ ' _ U __ 5 . J. _ I, ..-q ' , < ._.§'... | . J;. . -u . _ ' I , . _ _... , A;Donut lineman mum , .. _when are BureauEmployeee _ - 2- , I, -- I Q I» _ V.F _V.fd'..,Y i - r'."'1I- . Hansen sum Inndlandbe ' -f_-Ilotilu92 Pftllllt 35 Year 8027160 Award-- H 4| u 5* Rob"-Q K, Bqfgjh M. ..- axe; anea H.I3ug!ey+Payne,W'l'0.__L. *4 mmumtqdyhamu7 V W 77-77 '._:;-:1 ~ M Kar1V,'ether||92g|;q|'3p,¢|;1__ _ aozm I-I Preeent Y_ea:-Zervliee25 Award - or *i-Q W to Houston ae ABAC! B _ 92,~-. InvestigativeDivlelon Undertransfer - 3* -""01! 9- D°lI°h°» D°m°l¢ Cocktail Parry;Mad1eonHotel; umml 4:30?! Attend Intelligenceloin! reception Dlvlelon being held ll ltl, N. W. - Invitation from W . PI, ,Mr.- AndrewI'u1lyandWi11lam llorrovl 'l:30P'll Bareaatn C1aler0em_§_3l1,;1;_;'; a C _ -'"""ta behall cl 12 °'"="=¢retireee from the 7 __, _H__ __5 - Ii lIIl;B Q fiifn. an - 1,__ 92 Q T _ _n ,e_e e ll _ . _L_ _ '-A r #_ _ >1 , 4 . _e+~e A in 7 "-_- ..-e::,-___- _;|_» ~ W 4 l _ _ , 1 I ll! A Ni _1_ I-eel-|, if _:+'|-92_k_ _ _ "'-1' Iii r~ '-1 ,~ n n 3 pl. -""_ '~<__ "*ieui~-* ;~ i L ___ II! a-¢.=.|-_¢-q,_~** 1~,_,*~. , The-neg iéj, A 9292 _ _|n ....F, 3., _ _;_Z_ __ee 1-.q _ ' V J r__ iii iii" !-II!II!IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllnnulnlnl----" -I W I'll IAINIAIT I I *_ ' Saturday,December 11 U A Monday, D¢¢'f-Mber13""" If 1 l I 17 1 0 L *7 1; u:n+~ 7 7 -- 7 l tg_...'.__ 4+ pf W _ 1] OI

I-H 7 ~ ~" e**t|"muu mm: as You Service Award _-;~17 u_ k T -' Geroll to Illa: Marjorie A -rm, L I4. -41 ____ Aamtnlstratlvo Assistant,7 1+ e m *" *"::e"zW»»~ e_.5 Vim "'11mruElam» U and Bullet supper, in mu: nu Mini! Belmont _§||-_n-1|u-- at hon 0.11.1. and Mrs

7 us L 7 4% ..n--r- -Qunubwi ,4. q- II .u- 47- Jami Runny 7 7F Hunt, 3300 8 II -snot, ll W Invitation from -an -92 '0" --it Mt 77 Ill 4-7 III. I-Ii HI-Ill! DECLINED7 7

417 7

-ii II >-I i*-I-I 7 7 47% f 7 iv

Q} .. .?.- -J7 7 7-' '77 II -1: $177477 7 7 7

S unda December I2 in ::jI -721 11* 7

--I -_~4-17 * || __

_. J" _. .- I961 DICIMIII INS " "Ki I I I W I F I I I I I ll, ' ll IIIIUAI I O7lIl0 H 'lI13ll92S'llI7ll Tuesday, DecemberI4 uwgday, . Dwember. .15. IIIOII 11 II I4 II I 26 IIIIIPNII an II I, u. -I I .a.aa. W7 A ~F . =eo ;-_-~;_ _.. , L _ >4 92 IIII L______; 2 .'= ll 11:90AM Be photographed presenting a copy oi Birthday party honoring. Mr.Art check from the Damon Runyon Memo! "! 1 Brown, WWDC Broadcasting - Fund for Cancer Research, Inc. , to ch L31.Station, who is retiring - Loéw'e Dr. William R. Duryee, Research Palace Theater, 1306 F Street, Proleesor oi Experimental Pathology 1- N. W. - invitation from The George Washington University Miss Sally Blnrt, Publicity . e ~: ' _g_4L::T4______g___ W"W_ Director, WWDC - DECLINED um 10" ' I - ' 2'1. I-fneign Roger Thomas Staubach, _ i0:li.92MlUnited States Naval Academy, e '*'R*TV:'*1l IQ Annapolis, Maryland =u L R u uu 7 » o o __._499 ' 2:i5PH Dr. Walter E. Omundson IE I - 7 -___ _i ll I. ' Y rt - 1 ._._i__, . D... .1 Q I. - I300 R Z R I ii, 1.. v" '~e--.- -_ ~ _ JLL l. _ L. _ sag. L .1 .L , _ 542 t :0

50;; so __ _ of J! I-'Ell , I in E __ g - 92.1- ____ _.-_..?i_,_,_,_ II , _ i _ _ g 399I __... .., us 04 r-H1" _ 4---_ ,_ I 1 *'" ~-_____ ll U H30 _ ;g_:__ g _ L . ! . g W I i M Iv- is-c-.--I»-v R R . k -""'*"i-i--~i_.

Id '- " ,4._ V V _ 7 7 7 7 ml eetunums '92Q'92 . ' , 7 I ll ;__-;__~:__§,g,92,;:~;;*»iii - ***!45wD@, 1 it 1 nday,Dwember 1 nt 25 Year Service A rd __ nee JMIUAI 3'30" GeorgeKeyto8AR Fletcher,WFOJ..';_ .____1__J 10:00AM PresenttoMr Belmont, hie ba.dge'L_ appropriately mounted,mu: onbehalt and pairulathe,";"_ of - I2:SOPlIear onrugu 0111,, Directorld cull e, andthe membersot the ho till

Le. friendship Au-port gt 92 .4 - Blnt I30 Jet nonilbp lunch transfer9° toRichmond SAC! as .___ Emizuwséagomgéencelgee _ mg"1" Mum t' Luncheon931° being°°bald atCIA by ____ _u__ 3:0?!88'! Admiral Raborn,actin hairman4_{!__ ID in _ - - mllr, Ramon}!U 8. IntelligenceNardini, Boar oi Poliee,-Chiefm I , _ Mr Belmont attended bymom -- Vandalll, OhioEXPECTED __ |i@lIEpq3|,gea . redo Cllllll . wu- bore e Q s. Intelligence .__.. T""'i"'¢w.0 c InspectorBoard some Norman ofE Raborn's McDaniel, '-92§____m -D Ineas ctions Division at CIA Invitation Under -irorem Admiral RebornDECLINE!! _ --' ee Coektalle __92L.. ll ;;l_ Iauneheon AnnualChatterbox _ Club ChristmasParty Presi 5 r1 dential Room,Statler Hilton --" __Il Hotel Invitationfrom MrWalh._.__- _ ea 7 l7 7 B. Williams,President, theLI [Q ii _ ChatterboxClub nscimntw it 1 7 7 PM MrSam BroadbeF 0;Bu1'8l921 the B1169"92 on to seethe DlrectondM1 T° _ll -vii; ___m<=. 16 _ 0| thrll NO O 1- ::1 I: 49 2 --*- --1: .- 4

" --all--.- Satur ay, 8 qi-.-F"--fM-. . ~ "'1. '.*"::": . "-:1»-M 4 D camber 18 .-I/0nJ0}'v D@v@m1w"20% L_,_____.1_=.-. .-,' a 0 :1" 'VII 1, 1. I10 I, g.ii ii: I mu. {__ i _ r i '41 J T : T , 4!!- ' '1 7 H 77 --1' "> * 1 1011.4: _ -L > f_ _ - ,, .é E *1-r*1- -qr-1 I» I - qii_#7_ in fl ~ W . Z ._~ ___-1! *' L 7 I-I'-4-5 ii i , 7 i_l, ii =-, ' mil Q-J'P"I'I'921'? .1- 1 5 ,

1" _

_ f _ inf 7* n-I'-92- '3" _, ,1-:-1-H -"->*7 » _ <1 ll rs * W " up J-I'~'I* ,,, ..Q --L _ _ L _ I T VA": _ i LY V J _-_; _i __ j, -i+ H _ 7 _ .1- FI- #_ _ -1- ~ ,3l5, I: ii? Z1 j an M '" ____ ;_é:-1-- :__I '1 T r l l #1-"1 F -y, w-|-H *7 so ' M i if , AK Q---_' ""_ 4'7 5, H - > 499 :1 III _V _ f 1'i AL fu-9"-W .J _7 ,4 nl_ ___}:______._|t_ _ #1-__'T~x T II .. ,, .. ~:_._ 4; 2 __ ~ it wf-I-"5' no - if ,J 44

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# 14_-F,-|* -41-*4

F fa? 41-1- qnn 7 un -1 *% 4|-I1- __* $I~-*1:-1* " |- nu-!I'I'92*1*¥g4" Q Saturday, December25 E ¢l!or: i nee IAIUAI -" Tuesday, December 23- H H1 Jntldd!, December 29 v I ''I W

_ j e VI: ulinole mromuvnvs W L _ l.

I-1!-4" L. Ill §- - - - _ Ill ... i1-1' %. j f ' *M The Attorney General le eched ______1? _ |- " e e * ""'" " ulcd to make a epeech before the 1.4 * W e. '> ..-- -q_»-- American Aeeoclauon of Law ______F a-"Ili-n ep!___ue no choolProfeeeore in Chicago, l 41 P II 41 ;:~ i J _ _ wn _____Il__ _ JP 1. ' iii "L. -£u- _1___:j7 437 41_ 7 i} 4$ ~_: Q _li_ J_i A j_ __ _ T yi I». -:1;1_ 11 '92,.<|1 r'r*;:oL~n 417 i I 4* ' §}..Q¢- 1 :1-ni ** ii, ** - in *T ekf 92 4

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