J. Edgar Hoover Appointment and Phone Logs Part 41 of 44

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J. Edgar Hoover Appointment and Phone Logs Part 41 of 44 &#39;4-II-Illuei __-,.-{F-"&#39;"§ I UL M5 lllll I W I ___JL_____ I I I I H IUIOIIU II Iliielill u __j-|-I-I-&#39; . 4-; 444A _" MAMJHQI may, J um: " J 7.1 II II-&#39;l-U,2 __h_ _ 41 Q 7 _I_. 1L7 i W» JL _ Wjji f f 0 1&#39; -_., _l_ _ _ PM Meet 12 7 41 1- Ohio, "Youth in Government and 7_ &#39;1. _Q.- _ Y _ _~ I=Z-ilr:=- Feee Enterprise P:-eject" 1.-we f Q ii. they are attending e seminar in _ T _ &#39;;|__ f *.» 7* ,1, , , I government in Wee ma-no-eon-mm-BO 417 J-L7 &#39;*..&#39; &#39; i 7 * _92&#39; i 4* ii-nu -1 41 K nun. 7 jl_ i "1" * tr f- 7 - i * _|||i +5, 142/ _ _1_H.n;__-* _ MW I e e e ~ Shake hands w1th|Mr 8. 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