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P Vanna, * "fl f W j D1redor, Intelligence ational CentralBureau and H8311 O1 N *&#39;" Bureau, mum i _m|s 115&#39; J _e____ __W_ ii Z»...- __ _ 7 _ _ &#39;_|_ 77 7* 77 _ i __f Sunday, W __ _ Juner 7 .27 _ _ 92 er 7 7* 7 7 Tm *{hirhnnin . _--II-i&#39;-5 -I-I-1-ii lllll as I * » . 92 _______________._- I T uesdah june 29 Wednesday,A]une-30. 9.1-&#39;1#&#39;:-"&#39;.§|3 Bf j WW HI_|92W} _ ¢ f W 1 W fa Jmo f ** 1* . A _ ~ &#39; __ _ __ , 4 i.. last-31., 1 ., ..&#39; :__ L , __ ___:1*__ I537?¥ ,#__;>;; _ W j A _ 1 f +1 j V . 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I I I 5411.1 an 1-: ~ i r-I 9:00 *;- Pk i 7 an !mr.tm£.D.McLea.n, V1cePrea1 dent and Peraonhel Director of ____ Crocker-Citizens National Bank, &#39;1 esent 45Year Service Award Les Angelee,California, and hi! Plaque oi the FBI and a miniature y - Tour and meet the - bust of the Buecwr to #74 A ___ 3-. SA JosephA Genau, WFO WllliamA Scott, P1: the» California 7 -Tour and "&#39;;Ly&#39; 4r<4JL Director - I6-BEo " "_ I I FK§ 4 _ mrM ~ we Iuisimli 5| %,__£"_"7_&#39;;&#39;.&#39;nll rr.1,¢-A?/J _ _.4u ~4 4" J11 - tori-&#39;55-*z »~"*E&#39;,.."U!&#39;P"&#39;I7_ _ ~r wow____ E1 6110 * véi us?i T11 .. M ____| u u as u u on 11 Saturday, July 3 % M°dy# J3 5 if unanan :suIl""&#39;J¢* ggggg __,_1 w;=.=._ ii:LE$Z?IE;_.§w1$$*$_$_ l kl &#39; PM L1 | m BBO J I.l. l _I;§;§[ *P ul fill 1j * Inf M __I CW7 1--9* ,_, WW , * i W, pun my 7 illl T*:*1 "* """ it 1 1 i as #1! _ _ _ I 1-lit 7 l7_ I_ 7 r ,u§ __ HI _ 9! ___ . *- _ Ii V 1 J _________*p§__;__ H *1_ -._. ;l 7 an???-5 Hm 92 j moo T 4; 7 ~1* ~ 7 92 -. 1|: pl: 1 _ 417 nu? 7 *1? F Ip 41- i Mil! llzllll .*W* V 7 _l_ >._.*n_;__ I YI- 41: IJII5 _ _ 1- ______s_. &#39; - &#39;P*~ "J7 4 1oI| All- --li-! __ &#39; W - - 0 , T-in T 7 ~ __ All 7 gl .;::.: 92 5:00 1% __ 74*, i»»&#39; i-" |,_ I.Id. :1, 7 _f Li? J F7~ i _ i _ _ 5.15 ms ill _*r92-&#39; ;_. _ :1. __ I=+4I .- 1 &#39;-!°§Hl_!&#39; 1 pull lld lily 4 Y - if U_ _ _,_ _ 1_ W~ IIS _ WW in , 1. 7_ _ _ Ité rile-rnlv Sf?" 1 I71 f an W I7 f ff j - II"- nu- IN! " Jul I-r 4 I--;|__ 67 Wednesday,I 7 INS Tuesday,July -_-i._......i q-no -M2, &#39;Legat J._<;Ium&#39;=en,Reine - Three-Day Conlerencesn-» NEXT T0 LAST DAY F" i &#39; File d as 9:55AM Mrs. Diana C. Canady, Clerk, s an _ -! _ . D- D CommunicationsDivision, and her family,-, ¥;_ at R J 3&#39;13- iTour andmeet the Director _ "*1 _7 " if 1 , Kw1 §10:0i!A1§:A girl andboy whgarewinners an of Essay; .--¢ !|Writing Contestsponsored by Radio Station iWELM Elmira. New York. accomnanied by - |Mr. William J. Griffiths, President of WELM and Mr. Stan Douglas, Radio Announcer, IWELM - Tourand meet the Director &#39; - R 10:l0AhSA BertramWorthington, SanFrancisco, &#39;_ QB _ II his wile and sixyear old son - &#39; . - _i0:i5AN&#39;Receive plaquefrom Captain William T. flail, illlinois State Highway Police, and Chief of .Police Thomas P. " Boustead, Rockford, <4 énqr" , &#39; 7" Illinois - on behali oi the Illinois National W I. 1. S "Academy Associates honoring the Director on the 30th Anniversary of the National _ i _ H T.""*-T? D §m&#39;m"Imi_,___"llluh_ IISIIM M"t OWGnu &#39;Im".Ilu1|Inn__I%WJ_N*_uW _9 Jm%/__,m_ Fm_ _ __Hm_mum Q8M [WYNHL &#39;M_ H M TA__LPunInn. _ _ muTuna WI":____MW4W__M.Inn __ |Inn"&#39;4 UIf_&#39;1 2 H_ .1&#39;1I_MF TMW 4nu jM_&#39;"_i. mI5iMAU92_LW m T" Saturday, 10. - M°dy: 13 4 , ff &#39; TE lo __§$9 _ _ __,,, _ 7 &#39; _ _ ,_ _ ~41 * -J i, mu F _*91>I1_/ _ i -. =- * * i___ ighir 1% 15;, B1_rettSti11,Jr-,WF°» potom Q1}; w1E1T§A nd Frank If. 1- ;J}_g&#39;92!; Lh18£ather,&#39;SA K o;cv111* e - while Frank he is Barrett attendingStillr _ &#39; C:1m1na1&#39;m-Serlécs-_<L1a=B-*1L ; ._ I . , __ ln1:_ ,.|_ W H; :&#39; .. @_ é. Q, -_&#39;-_---- _ "41" I l_ * _ I-L, W i ---¢-m-/ ____ &#39;-&#39; ___ July SA Jchn F Hal-|1un,Jr., - -""-&#39;-&#39;=*&#39;"""iIf tlu&#39;u Y!-while he in attending Criminll - ~ :!~=1m In-====&#39;1==..=..¢1==-.*1A _ 7 I1 I-E/E3 j * _ _ now"-»-_ p I./ F * j " 190%/*1!-&#39;§¢f-7&#39;{M1-us _ hf, l _ ______J___ Tuesday, ]uly 13 g Wedefdya "1 4 ll II 92|92 I I Q4 35 3 6 I7 I -I ~u_|_-__- LII. A.& -_- BM, I.ll- ~&#39;%* &#39; _ &#39; &#39; &#39; _&#39;_... - _ or i-um .i_-1|i-uiuI- _ 1-,?- - &#39; A .- ._ I QQIQ - , 1 - . 3 m:7*|:7|§W A dr. 1mnt92,,u= - A FY59 &#39;- _ 1&#39;?,- Ho &#39; 3|" "; _;_:,1 _1v:ee:anabephotoeraPh=dW1*h7 pa Divll -- I " ""1-&#39;5 H i Mr. Edward}. Brown 33° 9 " I om e ta -- n==_A=¢P=I9292<,~_.-, H ~A-"&#39;1 o Haw Secretary of moStar Craft $1? - An Btaqtw - -29 Qlfll-1_--_-+--,-9&#39;5- 41: g _ ||;li oz Illinois, ch1caso,e11-11°1B=&#39;__--i ;.s-;JL."$ H ml~ /"&#39;*&#39; ""*"&#39;_"~ _ g W ~ o * ** 7* - Meet Mr. Robert FrBi$nB1&#39;,&#39; _ e W _ H § &#39; Eastmé1n&#39;I{odakComP3»11Y» A W 5-an of W9 Rochester; New_Yo_rk, and 101-11&#39; Z i &#39;7 &#39; "&#39;" &#39; Iriends oi h1s&#39;thait are also _ mu. , _ 5|: __ ms attending the Shrine Convention _.n.f&#39;U&#39;92 &#39; on {-0 i I I&#39;86 * * 7 1-1-o@Lew» 4L V _ II us |_u .-__, 1 6 W j -n-n &#39;-T _.. 1 7 1" i. 7-9",, 11i||-m ___-ax-1- INI DUI-I r-I-llz___ | I I I ! ! Ill, ll ii ll ll ll IIIII ISIOITIU - -Thuisdayi Julyf 15 g Fridayijfuly 16 A-1 &#39; . ~|" I "7 {&#39; a <1 I V, _4f ¢;_ _l:i= . M1. __ , ,1 _. _ _ ___ __ ,__, _ I i Wu , _ W _ ,7 _ _ __ K , _ Io-.| - --er - " -*"*&#39; us s an f _ _ f - : I75.-IR ;.&#39;f.&#39; f- s_ W e 1 as &#39;1&#39; hm s N} &#39; Qi end swearingin ceremonyoi .._.._.
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