Junguiana v.38-1, p.167-182 Identity, double and active imagination - reading the short story “The Distance” from Cortázar Marcia Moura Coelho* Abstract Keywords In this article, I work on the interface between double, active Analytical Psychology and literature, in a dia- imagination, logue between the short story The Distance by the identity, writer Julio Cortázar and the Jungian approach. literature, Cortázar. I begin by presenting a brief synopsis of the short story, weaving relationships and associations with some concepts of Analytical Psychology. Later, making a clip in three axes of analysis: the search for the character’s identity, the archetype of the double and active imagination as a Jungian method of working with the unconscious, analo- gous to what happens with the protagonist of the story. Finally, I draw considerations and approx- imations between the author Cortázar and Jung, finding affinities in the creative process of both and the symbolic attitude towards life. ■ * Psiquiatra, membro analista da Sociedade brasileira de Psi- cologia Analítica de São Paulo (SBPA-SP) e filiada à IAAP. e-mail: <
[email protected]> Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Analitica, 1º sem. 2020 ■ 167 Junguiana v.38-1, p.167-182 Identity, double and active imagination - reading the short story “The Distance” from Cortázar 1. Introduction ble from the imaginary and the daily order is de- A bridge, a river below, and the restless wom- constructed, always revealing another order, dis- an’s search for something that makes sense concerting, uncomfortable, mysterious. I chose to her... the short story The Distance since it brings the The image above, inspired by the short sto- theme of the double, which for a long time has ry The Distance by the Argentine writer Julio been an object of interest and research to me, Cortázar, which I work in this article, serves as a and which brings within itself the issues of iden- motto to initiate it.