Integrated Coastal Zone Management In
Climate of Coastal Cooperation “Sharing 20 years of experiences in integrated coastal cooperation is sharing our trust in long term, sustainable development of coastal resources and in finding resilient, adaptive responses to climate change for valuable and vulnerable coastal areas” Robbert Misdorp – Editor 2011 List of contents Message 7 Joop Atsma - State Secretary of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands Preface 8 Wim Kuijken - Delta Government Commissioner, the Netherlands Foreword 9 Ursula Schaefer-Preuss -Vice President of the Asian Development Bank, Philippines Statements 10 Cees Veerman - Chairman Second Delta State Committee 10 Jeroen van der Sommen - Director Netherlands Water Partnership 11 Albert Salman - Director Coastal & Marine Union - EUCC 12 Executive Summary 14 Robbert Misdorp Part I - Coastal cooperation in Europe 19 I-1 EU–IntegratedCoastalZoneManagementInitiatives 20 IntroductoryStatement 21 Jacqueline McGlade - Executive Director European Environmental Agency I-1-1 IntegratedCoastalZoneManagementintheEuropeanUnion 22 Birgit Snoeren, Niels Roode, Hugo Niesing I-1-2 ExamplesofICZMpracticesinEurope 24 Albert Salman, Alan Pickaver I-1-3 Conclusions 26 I-2 TheNetherlands-coastalplanningandimplementation 27 IntroductoryStatement:“Vision,ingenuityandleadership” 29 Seen van der Plas - former Permanent Secretary of the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management I-2-1 TheNetherlands:flood,erosionandmanagement 32 Niels Roode, Tjark van Heuvel, Robbert Misdorp I-2-2 Rotterdam:sustainableharbourdevelopment
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