( 12 ) United States Patent

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( 12 ) United States Patent US010471034B2 ( 12) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,471,034 B2 Hamill et al. (45 ) Date of Patent : * Nov . 12 , 2019 (54 ) AMINO ACID COMPOSITIONS AND ( 56 ) References Cited METHODS FOR THE TREATMENT OF LIVER DISEASES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,457,820 A 1/1949 Howe et al . (71 ) Applicant: AXCELLA HEALTH INC . , 3,832,465 A 8/1974 Ghadimi Cambridge, MA (US ) 3,950,529 A 4/1976 Fischer et al. 3,988,466 A 10/1976 Takagi et al. 4,496,703 A 1/1985 Steinmetzer ( 72 ) Inventors: Michael Hamill, Wellesley, MA (US ) ; 4,871,550 A 10/1989 Millman Raffi Afeyan , Boston , MA ( US ) ; 4,898,879 A 2/1990 Madsen et al. Chung -Wei Lee , Waban , MA (US ) ; 4,908,214 A 3/1990 Bobee et al. Harry Luithardt, Cambridge , MA (US ) 5,028,622 A 7/1991 Plaitakis 5,106,836 A 4/1992 Clemens et al . 5,229,136 A 7/1993 Mark et al. 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