
University of Oxford Term Dates 2021 – 2022 (to keep at home)

There are three terms: (autumn), Hilary (spring), and Trinity (summer). Each term is divided into eight weeks: the first week of Full Term is called ‘First Week’ and the last week of Full Term is known as ‘Eighth Week’. The week before Full Term starts is ‘Noughth Week’.

First-year undergraduate student members are expected to arrive in College between Saturday 3 October and Tuesday 6 October. We will ask you in September to book a date and time to move into your room. Thereafter, all student members are required to return to Oxford by noon on the Thursday of Nought Week. In most subjects ‘Collections’ (compulsory College exams) are set on the Friday and/or Saturday of the week before term (but not for Freshers in ).

Term Begins Ends Freshers’ Week 2021 Tuesday 5 October Sunday 10 October for undergraduates and graduates

Michaelmas Term 2021 Sunday 10 October Saturday 4 December

Hilary Term 2022 Thursday 13 January Saturday 12 March

Trinity Term 2022 Thursday 21 April Saturday 18 June

Students must not leave Oxford before the last Saturday of term without the prior permission of their Director of Studies or the Dean. In some subjects, students may be required to stay in Oxford beyond the end of Hilary or Trinity terms in order to sit University exams: please check with your tutors once you arrive in Oxford.


University of Oxford Term Dates 2021 – 2022 (to keep in Oxford)

There are three terms: Michaelmas (autumn), Hilary (spring), and Trinity (summer). Each term is divided into eight weeks: the first week of Full Term is called ‘First Week’ and the last week of Full Term is known as ‘Eighth Week’. The week before Full Term starts is ‘Noughth Week’.

First-year undergraduate student members are expected to arrive in College between Saturday 3 October and Tuesday 6 October. We will ask you in September to book a date and time to move into your room. Thereafter, all student members are required to return to Oxford by noon on the Thursday of Nought Week. In most subjects ‘Collections’ (compulsory College exams) are set on the Friday and/or Saturday of the week before term (but not for Freshers in Michaelmas Term).

Term Begins Ends Freshers’ Week 2021 Tuesday 5 October Sunday 10 October for undergraduates and graduates

Michaelmas Term 2021 Sunday 10 October Saturday 4 December

Hilary Term 2022 Thursday 13 January Saturday 12 March

Trinity Term 2022 Thursday 21 April Saturday 18 June

Students must not leave Oxford before the last Saturday of term without the prior permission of their Director of Studies or the Dean. In some subjects, students may be required to stay in Oxford beyond the end of Hilary or Trinity terms in order to sit University exams: please check with your tutors once you arrive in Oxford.