Index I : Collections
INDEX I : COLLECTIONS This index lilts all the extant paintings, oil sketches and drawings catalogued in both volumes of Part vm . Copies have also been included. The works are lilted alphabetically according to place. AIX-EN-PROVENCE, ST. MAGDALEN’S Head Study of St. Catherine of Alex CHURCH andria, Cat. 88b, I, 137, 138, fig. T. Boeyermans, painting: 153 The Martyrdom of St. Paul, Cat. 138, ANTWERP, G, FAES II, 134 -137 , fig. 92 Anonymous, painting after Rubens: ALOST, ST. MARTIN’S CHURCH Angels Transporting the Dead Body Rubens, paintings: of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Cat. The Holy Virgin Holding the Infant 79. h I2 3> fig- 13 8 Christ, Cat. 143, 11, 146, 147, fig. ANTWERP, KONINKLIJK MUSEUM 106 VOOR SCHONE KUNSTEN St. Roch Interceding for the Plague Rubens, paintings: Stricken, Cat. 140, I, 22, 1 12 ; il, The Lalt Communion of St. Francis of I4 2-I4 7; fig. 102 Assisi, Cat. 102, I, 156 -16 2, fig. Studio of Rubens, paintings: 178; II, 180 St. Roch Fed by a Dog, Cat. 14 1, 11, St. Teresa of Avila Interceding for Ï44-X47, fig. 104 Bernardino de Mendoza, Cat. 155, The Death of St. Roch, Cat. 142, 11, i, 92; i i , 166-168, fig. 125 144-147, fig. 105 Anonymous, painting after Rubens: ALOST, A. CHRISTIAENS St. Thomas Aquinas, Cat. 15 7 ,11, 170, Anonymous, painting after Rubens: fig. 129 St. Magdalen Repentant, Cat. 130, II, ANTWERP, PRESBYTERY OF ST. ANDREW’S 119 CHURCH ALOST, F. VAN ESSCHE Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: St.
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