dry, excessbaggagefees • Personal itemssuchastelephonecalls,not specifiedasincludedintheitinerary , laun- tour operatorMIRCorporationcanassistwithreservations. andvisafees • •Passport tion on a recommended flight itinerary willbesent tion onarecommendedby ourtouroperatoruponconfirmation. flightitinerary there are anumber offlightoptions available, there isnogroup flight forthis program. Informa- packet land program •Gratuitiestotourmanager, guidesanddrivers •Comprehensive pre-departure ing entrancefees • Welcome andfarewell ofatourmanagerthroughout the dinners•Services and pre-departure educationmaterials•Specialculturalevents andextensive sightseeing, includ •Internalairfare betweenitinerary Bakuand •Studyleader including privatemotorcoachthroughout the end days • peritinerary All landtransportation onscheduledstart/ sengers arriving/departing D=dinner) • Arrival/departure transfers for pas (B=,• Mealsperitinerary L=, amenities and services are highlyamenities andservices recommended asdelays are likely. orchangesintheitinerary during walkingtoursandmuseum visits. Flexibilityandawillingnesstoacceptlocalstandards of mile aday (withorwithouttheassistanceofacane)andstandfor anextendedperiodoftime accessible. To reap thefullrewards ofthisadventure, travelers must beabletowalkatleasta the extensive walkingandstairclimbingrequired; ofthetourwillnotalways parts bewheelchair Responsibility: Insurance: Single Travelers: Note: Cancellations andRefunds: andPayments:Reservations What toExpect: Air Arrangements: Not Included: Included: instructed by thetouroperator. in connectionwiththistour. Itisrecommended thatyou notpurchase internationalflightsuntil liability for any airlinecancellationpenaltyincurred by thepurchase ofanon-refundable ticket only. 8,costs isdueby February 2016, 90days prior todeparture. Payment ofbalancedueby check to theaddress form onthereservation andmailpanel. Balanceofpayment for alllandandair (payable toMIRCorporation-Trust) orcredit card information toyour sponsoringorganization sent toyou by The Commonwealth Clubon receipt ofyour registration. However, shared accommodationscannotbeguaranteed andasinglesupplementratewillapply. release ofliability/assumption ofriskagreement is required for tripparticipation. to passengersuponenrollment andisavailable toprospective travelers uponrequest. A signed wealth Clubandthe Tour Operatorfor lossofproperty, injury, illnessordeathwillbeprovided if any. the requirement thattherecoverable andaccommodationsberefunded, costofunused services safety, orgeneralwelfare ofthetourgroup oroftheindividualparticipant, andsubjectonly to expense, whensuchactionisdeterminedby tourstafftobeinthebestinterest ofthehealth, pant inatour, ortorequire any towithdraw participant from atouratany timeathis/herown tour operatorMIRCorporationreserves therighttodeclineacceptany personasapartici reserve theright, withoutpenalty, towithdraw thetour announced (i.e., cancelatour). Our tour for any reason atall. The Commonwealth ClubandourtouroperatorMIRCorporation departure, norefund. days before departure, 50%oflandtourcostperperson; thosereceived 60days orlessbefore before departure, depositspaidordueinfullof$500perperson; those received 61days to90 tion andthefollowing cancellationchargeswillapply: Cancellationsreceived 91ormore days Single Supplement: $1,095 Land Program Rate: $6,195 occupancy) (per personbasedondouble Neither The Commonwealth ClubnorourtouroperatorMIRCorporationaccepts

All accommodation, hoteltaxes

Trip cancellation/interruption insuranceisavailable. Insuranceinformation willbe MIR Corporation: CST#2082306-40. WST #601-099-932; Commonwealth Club: CST#2096889-40 Travel insurance•Roundtripairfare between Baku/ andUSA. Our A detailedstatementoflimitations andexclusionsofliability The Common-

We make tomatchsingletravelers every effort whorequest aroommate. This tripismoderately active duetothesubstantialdistancescovered and Refundscannotbemadetopassengerswhodonotcompletethefull

Program ratesdonotincludeinternationalairfare from/to USA. Because ©2015 MIRCorporation, allrights reserved. Photos: Peter Guttman, MIRCorporation

All cancellationsmust bemadeinwritingtoMIRCorpora

Please mailthecompletedregistration form withcheck

- - - -

Please mail the completed registration form with check (payable to MIR Corporation-Trust) or credit card information to The Com- monwealth Club of California, 555 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94102. Balance of payment for all land and air costs is due by February 8, 2016, 90 days prior to departure. Payment of balance due by check only. Space is limited. Reservations will be processed in order of receipt, subject to availability. The enclosed non-refundable deposit of $ ______($500 per person) to hold ______place(s).  Enclosed check, payable to MIR Corporation-Trust  Visa  Mastercard  American Express  Discover The Commonwealth Club of California ______555 Post St San Francisco, CA 94102 Credit card number Exp date CVC ______Signature of cardholder ______Credit Card Billing Address (if dfferent from Mailing Address) ______Full name #1 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______Full name #2 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______Mailing address (no PO boxes please) ______City State Zip ______Phone (Home) (Work) Email Please note preferences:  I am traveling alone and prefer a single room wherever available at the single supplement rate ($1,095).  I will share accommodations with ______ I would like to share with a  Non-smoker  Smoker (shares are not guaranteed) International and U.S. domestic airfare is not included in the tour price. Roundtrip economy class airfare including taxes from San Francisco, CA is approximately $1,500 as of August 2015. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please send me a recommended air itinerary and fare estimate between ______and Baku/Yerevan in:  Business class  Economy class

For more information, contact The Commonwealth Club by phone at (415) 597-6720 or by email at [email protected] , Culture Affairs &Contemporary , & of theSouth May 8-18, 2016 The Commonwealth Club 415-597-6720 [email protected] Study Leader: To Be Announced Day by Day Itinerary Days 1-2, May 8-9 Depart USA • Arrive Baku Azerbaijan Days 8-11, May 15-18 Yerevan, Armenia, with day trips We have not yet confirmed the study leader for this program. Depart the USA on flights bound for Baku, Azerbaijan, and arrive next evening. Hotel Travel overland across the Armenian countryside, stopping at the UNESCO World Our intention is that you will be joined by a knowledgeable Park Inn (Meals inflight) Heritage site of 10th century Haghbat Monastery before arriving in the capital, lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Our lectur- Yerevan. The city is designed around Republic Square, where the main boulevards Days 3-4, May 10-11 Baku converge, and nightly extravaganzas of music, lights and “dancing fountains” create a ers are scholars and teachers who are also great traveling Begin in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku. The ldO Town is a beautifully preserved medieval companions, interested in sharing their insights on this part of holiday atmosphere and foster café culture. UNESCO Site, and, in a nod to Azerbaijan’s Zoroastrian history, the three modern Flame the world. Towers overlooking Baku Bay come alive nightly with gigantic flickering flames. Visit the Monastery of Khor Virap, with fantastic views of Mt. Ararat; the pagan Tem- ple of Garni, where an Armenian women’s ensemble sings a capella; and UNESCO- Take a walk through Baku’s Old City, or Icheri Shere, completely encircled by the old city listed Monastery, carved into the side of a mountain. This stunning structure walls with their medieval gates. Enjoy a specially arranged tour of the State Museum of includes monastic cells, churches, tombs and khachkar crosses, all hewn from solid Program Highlights Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied Folk Art, with one of the museum’s senior specialists. Visit rock. The country is famous for its intricately carved stonekhachkar , a uniquely Arme- Gobustan, a UNESCO-listed site of ancient petroglyphs, and hear a mesmerizing perfor- nian art form. Discover UNESCO-listed Echmiadzin, the spiritual center of Armenia, • Learn about the South Caucasus region’s complex history and mance of music, a fusion of Persian and Turkic traditions noted on UNESCO’s list and meet with a priest to discuss the role of religion here. current affairs during a comprehensive series of lectures by the of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hotel Park Inn (2B, 2L, 2D) Commonwealth Club study leader. Back in Yerevan, visit the underground Genocide Museum to learn more about this Days 5-6, May 12-13 Tbilisi, Georgia harrowing period of Armenian history. Then take in the art at the Cascade Complex. • Visit the new State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied The narrow streets of Old Tbilisi wind by domed sulfur baths, balconied houses, and outdoor Located within the steps of the city-center Cascade, the exciting Cafesjian Museum Folk Art, and enjoy a specially arranged tour with one of the cafés where locals sip and nosh on slices of the gooey called khachapouri. En- of Modern Art focuses on sculpture, glass and paintings from contemporary artists. museum’s senior specialists. joy dinner and a wine tasting at Vino Underground, an up-and-coming wine bar and café. An Celebrate the journey with a festive farewell dinner. Hotel Hyatt Place or similar (4B, exploration of Tbilisi includes the 6th century Anchiskhati Basilica, the oldest church in Tbilisi; a 3L, 2D) • Take part in a comparative wine tasting of delightful natural visit to a historic Tbilisi bakery to discover how the traditional Georgian bread is baked; a stop at Georgian at Tbilisi’s up and coming Vino Underground. the National History Museum with the Museum of Soviet Occupation; and a visit to the house museum of acclaimed Georgian painter Elene Akhvlediani for champagne and a short concert. • Experience a traditional “Georgian Table” and enjoy the GEORGIA Embark on a day trip along the Georgian Military Highway, including UNESCO-listed incredible diversity of along with a Mtskheta, with Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, its interior decorated in murals, and , one of the performance of polyphonic singing, a uniquely Georgian choral Tbilisi first Christian churches in Georgia. Taste the prize-winning wines of Mukhrani Chateau vine- tradition. yards, the former palatial estate of the royal family of Georgia. Marriott Courtyard Hotel (2B, 2L, 2D) ARMENIA Baku • Visit Armenia’s most important and impressive monasteries, Yerevan Geghard AZERBAIJAN their churchyards studded with carved stone khachkar crosses. Day 7, May 14 Signagi Khor Virap Garni

Depart for the Khaketi region, Georgia’s wine country, visiting the vineyards of Pheasant’s Tears MAP AREA • Attend a private concert of a capella singing performed by an Winery, which produces organic wines from varietal grapes. Enjoy a picnic lunch and a wine- Armenian women’s group. tasting here. Wander the narrow streets of Signagi, admiring the richly carved balconies and the Caspian Sea green valley below, and visit a dance class for a performance by a traditional troupe. Return to Pheasant’s Tears for a Georgian Table feast, an experience that can last several hours, with dozens of dishes and countless toasts. Over dinner enjoy a moving performance of traditional Georgian polyphonic singing. Kabadoni Hotel (1B, 1L, 1D) dry, excessbaggagefees • Personal itemssuchastelephonecalls,not specifiedasincludedintheitinerary alcohol, laun- tour operatorMIRCorporationcanassistwithreservations. andvisafees •Meals •Passport tion on a recommended flight itinerary willbesent tion onarecommendedby ourtouroperatoruponconfirmation. flightitinerary there are anumber offlightoptions available, there isnogroup flight forthis program. Informa- packet land program •Gratuitiestotourmanager, guidesanddrivers •Comprehensive pre-departure ing entrancefees • Welcome andfarewell ofatourmanagerthroughout the dinners•Services and pre-departure educationmaterials•Specialculturalevents andextensive sightseeing, includ •Internalairfare betweenitinerary Bakuand Tbilisi •Studyleader including privatemotorcoachthroughout the end days • peritinerary All landtransportation onscheduledstart/ sengers arriving/departing D=dinner) • Arrival/departure transfers for pas (B=breakfast,• Mealsperitinerary L=lunch, amenities and services are highlyamenities andservices recommended asdelays are likely. orchangesintheitinerary during walkingtoursandmuseum visits. Flexibilityandawillingnesstoacceptlocalstandards of mile aday (withorwithouttheassistanceofacane)andstandfor anextendedperiodoftime accessible. To reap thefullrewards ofthisadventure, travelers must beabletowalkatleasta the extensive walkingandstairclimbingrequired; ofthetourwillnotalways parts bewheelchair What toExpect: Air Arrangements: Not Included: Included: Responsibility: Insurance: Single Travelers: Note: Cancellations andRefunds: andPayments:Reservations instructed by thetouroperator. in connectionwiththistour. Itisrecommended thatyou notpurchase internationalflightsuntil liability for any airlinecancellationpenaltyincurred by thepurchase ofanon-refundable ticket only. 8,costs isdueby February 2016, 90days prior todeparture. Payment ofbalancedueby check to theaddress form onthereservation andmailpanel. Balanceofpayment for alllandandair (payable toMIRCorporation-Trust) orcredit card information toyour sponsoringorganization sent toyou by The Commonwealth Clubon receipt ofyour registration. However, shared accommodationscannotbeguaranteed andasinglesupplementratewillapply. release ofliability/assumption ofriskagreement is required for tripparticipation. to passengersuponenrollment andisavailable toprospective travelers uponrequest. A signed wealth Clubandthe Tour Operatorfor lossofproperty, injury, illnessordeathwillbeprovided if any. the requirement thattherecoverable andaccommodationsberefunded, costofunused services safety, orgeneralwelfare ofthetourgroup oroftheindividualparticipant, andsubjectonly to expense, whensuchactionisdeterminedby tourstafftobeinthebestinterest ofthehealth, pant inatour, ortorequire any towithdraw participant from atouratany timeathis/herown tour operatorMIRCorporationreserves therighttodeclineacceptany personasapartici reserve theright, withoutpenalty, towithdraw thetour announced (i.e., cancelatour). Our tour for any reason atall. The Commonwealth ClubandourtouroperatorMIRCorporation departure, norefund. days before departure, 50%oflandtourcostperperson; thosereceived 60days orlessbefore before departure, depositspaidordueinfullof$500perperson; those received 61days to90 tion andthefollowing cancellationchargeswillapply: Cancellationsreceived 91ormore days Single Supplement: $1,095 Land Program Rate: $6,195 occupancy) (per personbasedondouble Neither The Commonwealth ClubnorourtouroperatorMIRCorporationaccepts

All accommodation, hoteltaxes

Trip cancellation/interruption insuranceisavailable. Insuranceinformation willbe MIR Corporation: CST#2082306-40. WST #601-099-932; Commonwealth Club: CST#2096889-40 Travel insurance•Roundtripairfare between Baku/Yerevan andUSA. Our A detailedstatementoflimitations andexclusionsofliability The Common-

We make tomatchsingletravelers every effort whorequest aroommate. This tripismoderately active duetothesubstantialdistancescovered and Refundscannotbemadetopassengerswhodonotcompletethefull

Program ratesdonotincludeinternationalairfare from/to USA. Because ©2015 MIRCorporation, allrights reserved. Photos: Peter Guttman, MIRCorporation

All cancellationsmust bemadeinwritingtoMIRCorpora

Please mailthecompletedregistration form withcheck

- - - -

Please mail the completed registration form with check (payable to MIR Corporation-Trust) or credit card information to The Com- monwealth Club of California, 555 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94102. Balance of payment for all land and air costs is due by February 8, 2016, 90 days prior to departure. Payment of balance due by check only. Space is limited. Reservations will be processed in order of receipt, subject to availability. The enclosed non-refundable deposit of $ ______($500 per person) to hold ______place(s).  Enclosed check, payable to MIR Corporation-Trust  Visa  Mastercard  American Express  Discover The Commonwealth Club of California ______555 Post St San Francisco, CA 94102 Credit card number Exp date CVC ______Signature of cardholder ______Credit Card Billing Address (if dfferent from Mailing Address) ______Full name #1 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______Full name #2 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______Mailing address (no PO boxes please) ______City State Zip ______Phone (Home) (Work) Email Please note preferences:  I am traveling alone and prefer a single room wherever available at the single supplement rate ($1,095).  I will share accommodations with ______ I would like to share with a  Non-smoker  Smoker (shares are not guaranteed) International and U.S. domestic airfare is not included in the tour price. Roundtrip economy class airfare including taxes from San Francisco, CA is approximately $1,500 as of August 2015. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please send me a recommended air itinerary and fare estimate between ______and Baku/Yerevan in:  Business class  Economy class

For more information, contact The Commonwealth Club by phone at (415) 597-6720 or by email at [email protected] Cuisine, Culture Affairs &Contemporary Georgia, Armenia &Azerbaijan of theSouth Caucasus May 8-18, 2016 The Commonwealth Club 415-597-6720 [email protected] Study Leader: To Be Announced Day by Day Itinerary Days 1-2, May 8-9 Depart USA • Arrive Baku Azerbaijan Days 8-11, May 15-18 Yerevan, Armenia, with day trips We have not yet confirmed the study leader for this program. Depart the USA on flights bound for Baku, Azerbaijan, and arrive next evening. Hotel Travel overland across the Armenian countryside, stopping at the UNESCO World Our intention is that you will be joined by a knowledgeable Park Inn (Meals inflight) Heritage site of 10th century Haghbat Monastery before arriving in the capital, lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Our lectur- Yerevan. The city is designed around Republic Square, where the main boulevards Days 3-4, May 10-11 Baku converge, and nightly extravaganzas of music, lights and “dancing fountains” create a ers are scholars and teachers who are also great traveling Begin in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku. The ldO Town is a beautifully preserved medieval companions, interested in sharing their insights on this part of holiday atmosphere and foster café culture. UNESCO Site, and, in a nod to Azerbaijan’s Zoroastrian history, the three modern Flame the world. Towers overlooking Baku Bay come alive nightly with gigantic flickering flames. Visit the Monastery of Khor Virap, with fantastic views of Mt. Ararat; the pagan Tem- ple of Garni, where an Armenian women’s ensemble sings a capella; and UNESCO- Take a walk through Baku’s Old City, or Icheri Shere, completely encircled by the old city listed Geghard Monastery, carved into the side of a mountain. This stunning structure walls with their medieval gates. Enjoy a specially arranged tour of the State Museum of includes monastic cells, churches, tombs and khachkar crosses, all hewn from solid Program Highlights Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied Folk Art, with one of the museum’s senior specialists. Visit rock. The country is famous for its intricately carved stonekhachkar , a uniquely Arme- Gobustan, a UNESCO-listed site of ancient petroglyphs, and hear a mesmerizing perfor- nian art form. Discover UNESCO-listed Echmiadzin, the spiritual center of Armenia, • Learn about the South Caucasus region’s complex history and mance of mugham music, a fusion of Persian and Turkic traditions noted on UNESCO’s list and meet with a priest to discuss the role of religion here. current affairs during a comprehensive series of lectures by the of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hotel Park Inn (2B, 2L, 2D) Commonwealth Club study leader. Back in Yerevan, visit the underground Genocide Museum to learn more about this Days 5-6, May 12-13 Tbilisi, Georgia harrowing period of Armenian history. Then take in the art at the Cascade Complex. • Visit the new State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied The narrow streets of Old Tbilisi wind by domed sulfur baths, balconied houses, and outdoor Located within the steps of the city-center Cascade, the exciting Cafesjian Museum Folk Art, and enjoy a specially arranged tour with one of the cafés where locals sip wine and nosh on slices of the gooey cheese bread called khachapouri. En- of Modern Art focuses on sculpture, glass and paintings from contemporary artists. museum’s senior specialists. joy dinner and a wine tasting at Vino Underground, an up-and-coming wine bar and café. An Celebrate the journey with a festive farewell dinner. Hotel Hyatt Place or similar (4B, exploration of Tbilisi includes the 6th century Anchiskhati Basilica, the oldest church in Tbilisi; a 3L, 2D) • Take part in a comparative wine tasting of delightful natural visit to a historic Tbilisi bakery to discover how the traditional Georgian bread is baked; a stop at Georgian wines at Tbilisi’s up and coming Vino Underground. the National History Museum with the Museum of Soviet Occupation; and a visit to the house museum of acclaimed Georgian painter Elene Akhvlediani for champagne and a short concert. • Experience a traditional “Georgian Table” and enjoy the GEORGIA Embark on a day trip along the Georgian Military Highway, including UNESCO-listed Black Sea Mtskheta incredible diversity of Georgian cuisine along with a Signagi Mtskheta, with Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, its interior decorated in murals, and Jvari, one of the Batumi performance of polyphonic singing, a uniquely Georgian choral Tbilisi first Christian churches in Georgia. Taste the prize-winning wines of Mukhrani Chateau vine- tradition. yards, the former palatial estate of the royal family of Georgia. Marriott Courtyard Hotel (2B, 2L, 2D) ARMENIA Baku • Visit Armenia’s most important and impressive monasteries, Yerevan Geghard AZERBAIJAN their churchyards studded with carved stone khachkar crosses. Day 7, May 14 Signagi Khor Virap Garni

Depart for the Khaketi region, Georgia’s wine country, visiting the vineyards of Pheasant’s Tears MAP AREA • Attend a private concert of a capella singing performed by an Winery, which produces organic wines from varietal grapes. Enjoy a picnic lunch and a wine- Armenian women’s group. tasting here. Wander the narrow streets of Signagi, admiring the richly carved balconies and the Caspian Sea green valley below, and visit a dance class for a performance by a traditional Georgian dance troupe. Return to Pheasant’s Tears for a Georgian Table feast, an experience that can last several hours, with dozens of dishes and countless toasts. Over dinner enjoy a moving performance of traditional Georgian polyphonic singing. Kabadoni Hotel (1B, 1L, 1D) The Commonwealth Club 415-597-6720 [email protected] Study Leader: To Be Announced Day by Day Itinerary Days 1-2, May 8-9 Depart USA • Arrive Baku Azerbaijan Days 8-11, May 15-18 Yerevan, Armenia, with day trips We have not yet confirmed the study leader for this program. Depart the USA on flights bound for Baku, Azerbaijan, and arrive next evening. Hotel Travel overland across the Armenian countryside, stopping at the UNESCO World Our intention is that you will be joined by a knowledgeable Park Inn (Meals inflight) Heritage site of 10th century Haghbat Monastery before arriving in the capital, lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Our lectur- Yerevan. The city is designed around Republic Square, where the main boulevards Days 3-4, May 10-11 Baku converge, and nightly extravaganzas of music, lights and “dancing fountains” create a ers are scholars and teachers who are also great traveling Begin in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku. The ldO Town is a beautifully preserved medieval companions, interested in sharing their insights on this part of holiday atmosphere and foster café culture. UNESCO Site, and, in a nod to Azerbaijan’s Zoroastrian history, the three modern Flame the world. Towers overlooking Baku Bay come alive nightly with gigantic flickering flames. Visit the Monastery of Khor Virap, with fantastic views of Mt. Ararat; the pagan Tem- ple of Garni, where an Armenian women’s ensemble sings a capella; and UNESCO- Take a walk through Baku’s Old City, or Icheri Shere, completely encircled by the old city listed Geghard Monastery, carved into the side of a mountain. This stunning structure walls with their medieval gates. Enjoy a specially arranged tour of the State Museum of includes monastic cells, churches, tombs and khachkar crosses, all hewn from solid Program Highlights Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied Folk Art, with one of the museum’s senior specialists. Visit rock. The country is famous for its intricately carved stonekhachkar , a uniquely Arme- Gobustan, a UNESCO-listed site of ancient petroglyphs, and hear a mesmerizing perfor- nian art form. Discover UNESCO-listed Echmiadzin, the spiritual center of Armenia, • Learn about the South Caucasus region’s complex history and mance of mugham music, a fusion of Persian and Turkic traditions noted on UNESCO’s list and meet with a priest to discuss the role of religion here. current affairs during a comprehensive series of lectures by the of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hotel Park Inn (2B, 2L, 2D) Commonwealth Club study leader. Back in Yerevan, visit the underground Genocide Museum to learn more about this Days 5-6, May 12-13 Tbilisi, Georgia harrowing period of Armenian history. Then take in the art at the Cascade Complex. • Visit the new State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied The narrow streets of Old Tbilisi wind by domed sulfur baths, balconied houses, and outdoor Located within the steps of the city-center Cascade, the exciting Cafesjian Museum Folk Art, and enjoy a specially arranged tour with one of the cafés where locals sip wine and nosh on slices of the gooey cheese bread called khachapouri. En- of Modern Art focuses on sculpture, glass and paintings from contemporary artists. museum’s senior specialists. joy dinner and a wine tasting at Vino Underground, an up-and-coming wine bar and café. An Celebrate the journey with a festive farewell dinner. Hotel Hyatt Place or similar (4B, exploration of Tbilisi includes the 6th century Anchiskhati Basilica, the oldest church in Tbilisi; a 3L, 2D) • Take part in a comparative wine tasting of delightful natural visit to a historic Tbilisi bakery to discover how the traditional Georgian bread is baked; a stop at Georgian wines at Tbilisi’s up and coming Vino Underground. the National History Museum with the Museum of Soviet Occupation; and a visit to the house museum of acclaimed Georgian painter Elene Akhvlediani for champagne and a short concert. • Experience a traditional “Georgian Table” and enjoy the GEORGIA Embark on a day trip along the Georgian Military Highway, including UNESCO-listed Black Sea Mtskheta incredible diversity of Georgian cuisine along with a Signagi Mtskheta, with Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, its interior decorated in murals, and Jvari, one of the Batumi performance of polyphonic singing, a uniquely Georgian choral Tbilisi first Christian churches in Georgia. Taste the prize-winning wines of Mukhrani Chateau vine- tradition. yards, the former palatial estate of the royal family of Georgia. Marriott Courtyard Hotel (2B, 2L, 2D) ARMENIA Baku • Visit Armenia’s most important and impressive monasteries, Yerevan Geghard AZERBAIJAN their churchyards studded with carved stone khachkar crosses. Day 7, May 14 Signagi Khor Virap Garni

Depart for the Khaketi region, Georgia’s wine country, visiting the vineyards of Pheasant’s Tears MAP AREA • Attend a private concert of a capella singing performed by an Winery, which produces organic wines from varietal grapes. Enjoy a picnic lunch and a wine- Armenian women’s group. tasting here. Wander the narrow streets of Signagi, admiring the richly carved balconies and the Caspian Sea green valley below, and visit a dance class for a performance by a traditional Georgian dance troupe. Return to Pheasant’s Tears for a Georgian Table feast, an experience that can last several hours, with dozens of dishes and countless toasts. Over dinner enjoy a moving performance of traditional Georgian polyphonic singing. Kabadoni Hotel (1B, 1L, 1D) dry, excessbaggagefees • Personal itemssuchastelephonecalls,not specifiedasincludedintheitinerary alcohol, laun- tour operatorMIRCorporationcanassistwithreservations. andvisafees •Meals •Passport tion on a recommended flight itinerary willbesent tion onarecommendedby ourtouroperatoruponconfirmation. flightitinerary there are anumber offlightoptions available, there isnogroup flight forthis program. Informa- D=dinner) • Arrival/departure transfers for pas (B=breakfast,• Mealsperitinerary L=lunch, packet land program •Gratuitiestotourmanager, guidesanddrivers •Comprehensive pre-departure ing entrancefees • Welcome andfarewell ofatourmanagerthroughout the dinners•Services and pre-departure educationmaterials•Specialculturalevents andextensive sightseeing, includ •Internalairfare betweenitinerary Bakuand Tbilisi •Studyleader including privatemotorcoachthroughout the end days • peritinerary All landtransportation onscheduledstart/ sengers arriving/departing amenities and services are highlyamenities andservices recommended asdelays are likely. orchangesintheitinerary during walkingtoursandmuseum visits. Flexibilityandawillingnesstoacceptlocalstandards of mile aday (withorwithouttheassistanceofacane)andstandfor anextendedperiodoftime accessible. To reap thefullrewards ofthisadventure, travelers must beabletowalkatleasta the extensive walkingandstairclimbingrequired; ofthetourwillnotalways parts bewheelchair Responsibility: Insurance: Single Travelers: Note: Cancellations andRefunds: andPayments:Reservations What toExpect: Air Arrangements: Not Included: Included: instructed by thetouroperator. in connectionwiththistour. Itisrecommended thatyou notpurchase internationalflightsuntil liability for any airlinecancellationpenaltyincurred by thepurchase ofanon-refundable ticket only. 8,costs isdueby February 2016, 90days prior todeparture. Payment ofbalancedueby check to theaddress form onthereservation andmailpanel. Balanceofpayment for alllandandair (payable toMIRCorporation-Trust) orcredit card information toyour sponsoringorganization sent toyou by The Commonwealth Clubon receipt ofyour registration. However, shared accommodationscannotbeguaranteed andasinglesupplementratewillapply. release ofliability/assumption ofriskagreement is required for tripparticipation. to passengersuponenrollment andisavailable toprospective travelers uponrequest. A signed wealth Clubandthe Tour Operatorfor lossofproperty, injury, illnessordeathwillbeprovided departure, norefund. days before departure, 50%oflandtourcostperperson; thosereceived 60days orlessbefore before departure, depositspaidordueinfullof$500perperson; those received 61days to90 tion andthefollowing cancellationchargeswillapply: Cancellationsreceived 91ormore days if any. the requirement thattherecoverable andaccommodationsberefunded, costofunused services safety, orgeneralwelfare ofthetourgroup oroftheindividualparticipant, andsubjectonly to expense, whensuchactionisdeterminedby tourstafftobeinthebestinterest ofthehealth, pant inatour, ortorequire any towithdraw participant from atouratany timeathis/herown tour operatorMIRCorporationreserves therighttodeclineacceptany personasapartici reserve theright, withoutpenalty, towithdraw thetour announced (i.e., cancelatour). Our tour for any reason atall. The Commonwealth ClubandourtouroperatorMIRCorporation Single Supplement: $1,095 Land Program Rate: $6,195 occupancy) (per personbasedondouble Neither The Commonwealth ClubnorourtouroperatorMIRCorporationaccepts

All accommodation, hoteltaxes

Trip cancellation/interruption insuranceisavailable. Insuranceinformation willbe MIR Corporation: CST#2082306-40. WST #601-099-932; Commonwealth Club: CST#2096889-40 Travel insurance•Roundtripairfare between Baku/Yerevan andUSA. Our A detailedstatementoflimitations andexclusionsofliability The Common-

We make tomatchsingletravelers every effort whorequest aroommate. This tripismoderately active duetothesubstantialdistancescovered and Refundscannotbemadetopassengerswhodonotcompletethefull

Program ratesdonotincludeinternationalairfare from/to USA. Because ©2015 MIRCorporation, allrights reserved. Photos: Peter Guttman, MIRCorporation

All cancellationsmust bemadeinwritingtoMIRCorpora

Please mailthecompletedregistration form withcheck

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Please mail the completed registration form with check (payable to MIR Corporation-Trust) or credit card information to The Com- monwealth Club of California, 555 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94102. Balance of payment for all land and air costs is due by February 8, 2016, 90 days prior to departure. Payment of balance due by check only. Space is limited. Reservations will be processed in order of receipt, subject to availability. The enclosed non-refundable deposit of $ ______($500 per person) to hold ______place(s).  Enclosed check, payable to MIR Corporation-Trust  Visa  Mastercard  American Express  Discover The Commonwealth Club of California ______555 Post St San Francisco, CA 94102 Credit card number Exp date CVC ______Signature of cardholder ______Credit Card Billing Address (if dfferent from Mailing Address) ______Full name #1 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______Full name #2 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______Mailing address (no PO boxes please) ______City State Zip ______Phone (Home) (Work) Email Please note preferences:  I am traveling alone and prefer a single room wherever available at the single supplement rate ($1,095).  I will share accommodations with ______ I would like to share with a  Non-smoker  Smoker (shares are not guaranteed) International and U.S. domestic airfare is not included in the tour price. Roundtrip economy class airfare including taxes from San Francisco, CA is approximately $1,500 as of August 2015. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please send me a recommended air itinerary and fare estimate between ______and Baku/Yerevan in:  Business class  Economy class

For more information, contact The Commonwealth Club by phone at (415) 597-6720 or by email at [email protected] Cuisine, Culture Affairs &Contemporary

Georgia, Armenia &Azerbaijan of theSouth Caucasus May 8-18, 2016