Evidence of Newell's Shearwater Breeding in Puna District, Hawaii

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Evidence of Newell's Shearwater Breeding in Puna District, Hawaii J. Field Ornithol., 68(1 ) :26-32 EVIDENCE OF NEWELL'S SHEARWATER BREEDING IN PUNA DISTRICT, HAWAII MICHELLE H. REYNOLDS AND GEORGE L. RITCHOTTE U.S. GeologicalSurvey BiologicalResearch Division PacificIslands Ecosystem Research Center P. 0. Box 44 Hawaii Field Station Hawaii National Park, Hawaii 96718 USA Abstract.---Nocturnalsurveys using auditory cues and night-visionequipment were conduct- ed during the seabirdbreeding seasonin 1993 to determine use of inland areasin the Puna District,Hawaii by Newell'sShearwater (Puffinus auricular•s newdli). Two hundredsix•/ Newell'sShearwater auditory or visualdetections were made during 275 surveyhours from 23 Jul. 1993-20 Sep. 1993. Mean detectionrates were 1.26 birds/h at Puulena Crater (n = 160 Newell's Shearwaterdetections), 1.05 birds/h at Heiheiahulu (n = 99) and 0.04 birds/ h at Puu Kaliu (n = 2). Vocalizingpeaked between 50 and 90 min after sunsetand 4 h before sunrise.Although night-vision equipment was used on mostof the seabirdsurveys, only4% of seabirdswere detected •%uall¾. Two road-killedbirds collected in Punain June 1993,and four burrowslocated in PuulenaCrater after the 1994breeding season, provided additional evidenceof breeding. EVIDENCIA DE QUE PUFFINUS AURICULARIS NEWELLI ESTA ANIDANDO EN HAWAII Sinopsis.--Durantela •poca reproductivade 1993 se trabaj6de noche,utilizando equipo audRivoespecializado ¾de visi6nnocturna, para determinarsi el pamperoPuffinus aur•cu- lar•snewelli se estabareproduciendo en el distritoPuna de Hawaii.Del 23 dejulio al 20 de septiembrese 11egaronahacer 260 deteccionesauditivas o visualesen 275 h de estudio.La tasade detecci•n rue de 1.26 pamperos/h en el crater Puulena (n = 160 detecciones),1.05 pamperos/hen Heiheiahulu (n = 90) ¾0.04 pamperos/hen Puu Kaliu (n = 2). E1pico de las vocalizacionesocurri• entre 50 ¾90 minutosdespu•s de la puestadel sol¾ cuatro horas antesdel amanecer.Tan s•1oel 4% de las avesrueton observadasutilizando el equipoes- pecializado.Dos avesmuertas pot colisiones¾ coleccionadas en junio de 1993 en Puna¾ cuatromadrigueras 1ocalizadas en el craterPuulena, luego de la •poca reproductivade 1994, proveenevidencia adicional de que las avesse estanreproduciendo en la localidad. The Newell's Shearwater, or 'A' o, Puffinus auricularis newdli, is a threatened procellariid (US Fish and Wildlife Service 1992) known to breed on the Islandsof Kauaiand Hawaii, and suspectedto breed on the other main Hawaiian Islands (Pratt et al. 1987). Newell's Shearwater was thought to be extinct after 1894, but in 1954 a specimenwas collected on Oahu (King and Gould 1967) and a breedingcolony was found on Kauaiin 1967 (Sincockand Swedberg1969). During the April-November breeding season,adults and subadultsfor- age offshorefor fish, plankton, and squid (Harrison 1990). Parentsfeed young after sunsetand return to sea before dawn (Ainley and Podolsky 1993, Day and Cooper 1995). Newell'stypically nest coloniallyin sloped terrain between150-700 m elevation (US Fish and Wildlife Service1983); theydig burrowsin areasdominated by uluhe fern (Dicranopterislinearis). The current nesting range is probably much more restricted than it was historically,due to increasedpredation pressureand land use changes 26 Vol.68, tqo. 1 Newell'sShearwater in Hawaii [27 (Banko 1980). The breeding biology of Newell's is discussedin more detail by Harrison (1990), Ainley and Podolsky(1993), and Ainley et al. (in press). Degradationor lossof habitat causedby the invasionof exotic vegeta- tion, cinder mining, and urbanizationhas rendered many former colony sites unsuitable for nesting (US Fish and Wildlife Service 1983). Such habitat degradationalso exposes ground-nesting seabirds to a higher level of predation by introduced, feral, and domestic animals (US Fish and Wildlife Service 1983). Cats (Felis catus)and mongooses(Herpestes auro- punctatus)take advantageof fragmentedhabitats by hunting along forest edgesand trails (Ehrlich et al. 1992). Introduced Barn Owls (Tyt0 alba) prey on many nativebirds (Byrd and Telfer 1980, Snetsingeret al. 1994), and were observedhunting in Newell'scolony sites (Reynolds et al. 1994) and predating nestlingseabirds (Ainley et al. 1995). Bright lights are known to cause fledglingsand some adult birds to become disorientedwhile flying to or from the ocean and nest sites.Ha- waiian seabirdmortality due to fall out and collisionswith utility structures is well documented(Ainley et al. 1995, Day and Cooper 1995, Reed et al. 1985, Telfer et al. 1987). Many birds die of injuries receivedin the colli- sion, are struck by automobiles,or are killed by feral or domesticanimals. On Kauai, approximately 1500 fledging Newell's Shearwatersare recov- ered annually by the SaveOur ShearwaterProgram (Telfer 1979, 1992; Telfer et al. 1987). On the island of Hawaii, no information exists on the current distri- bution of Newell's Shearwater.Objectives of this studywere to determine the presenceand distribution of the speciesin the Puna District, Hawaii, to locate breeding colonies,and to documentcolony attendance patterns. MATERIALS AND METHODS Selected sites in the district of Puna on the eastern (windward) side of Hawaii, were monitored from 28 Jul.-21 Oct. 1993 (19ø22'N,155ø11'W; Fig. 1). Observersbegan surveysat sunsetuntil 2130 h and from 0400 h until sunrise. Continuous sunset-to-sunrisesurveys were also conducted periodically.One observerper study site identified speciesand number of detectionsat potential colony sitesand bright light sources.Each New- ell's vocalization,which consistsof a call series,was counted as a separate detection.Night-vision goggles (US Army model AN/PVS-5A) were used to help detect seabirdsentering colony areas.We recorded the compass bearingsof each seabird detection, as well as current weather and moon phase.We minimized disturbanceto potentially nestingbirds by not cut- ting trails, restrictingthe use of bright lights, and keeping quiet. Burrow searcheswere conducted 14 Dec. 1994. With a support team, we rapelied into Puulena Crater in areaswhere Newell'sShearwaters had been heard during the breeding season.We searchedareas within 1-2 m of two 45-m ropes placed 80-m apart on the SW crater wall. Puulena Crater, with a rim elevation of 189 m, is a volcanic pit crater, approxi- mately90-m deep with wallssloping to 78ø. Vegetation on the craterwalls 28] M. H. Reynoldsand G. L. Ritchotte J.Field Ornithol. Winter 1997 ß Detections/possibleflyway L ß[] BreedingRoad-killed colonyNewell's P U NA Pahoa Pahoa - KaJapana H•hway "'-.. Puule• Cm•r • Puu Kallu Helhelalulu (' ß / ......,, ....• J /! t HAWAII NATIONAL PARK J 10km I FIGURE 1. Locations of Newell's Shearwater detections in the Puna district, Hawaii, 1993. is predominantlyuluhe with an open canopyconsisting of hala (Pandanus tectorius)and ohia (Meterosiderospolymorpha) trees. Some sheer areas were not vegetated. RESULTS Our surveysconfirmed the presenceof the Newell's Shearwaterin the Puna District at three locations surveyed (Fig. 1). Repeated activitywas identified at two sites believed to be active nesting colonies (hereafter called colony sites). Newell's Shearwaterswere heard from 2• Jul.-10 Vol.68, No. 1 Newell'sShearwater in Hawaii [29 T•LE 1. Summaryof Newell'sShearwater detections during 275 surveyhours in the Puna District, Hawaii, 1993. Survey dateswith Number of Location Newell's detections detections a Detections/h Heiheiahulu 19 August 32 11.64 23 August 20 6.15 26 August 2 visual 0.67 31 August 15 (1 visual) 4.29 1 September 3 1.53 2 September 1 0.29 8 September 2 0.34 9 September 2 1.00 10 September 3 0.95 16 September 4 1.18 20 September 6 (1 visual) 1.69 Total -- 99 Mean = 1.05 Puulena Crater 23 July 13 14.18 28 July 7 (6 visual) 3.23 29 July 2 (1 visual) 1.00 9 August 5 3.16 10 August 7 1.00 25 August 2 0.35 26 August 19 71.25 9 September 89 23.52 10 September 16 14.77 Total = 160 Mean-- 1.26 Puu Kaliu 1 September 2 0.67 Mean = 0.04 a Each call series was recorded as an individual detection. Sept. 1993 at Puulena Crater and at Heiheiahulu (elevation330 m) from 19 Aug.-20 Sept.1993 with 260 detectionsduring 275 surveyhours. Mean detection rates were 1.26 birds/h at Puulena Crater, 1.05 birds/h at Hei- heiahulu and 0.04 birds/h at Puu Kaliu (elevation 305 m). There were 160 detections at Puulena and 99 at Heiheiahulu. The low numbers de- tected at Puu Kaliu may be due to surveysconducted late in the breeding seasonstarting on 31 Aug. 1993 (Table 1). Follow-up surveysconducted on 1 and 3 Jun. 1994 discoveredadditional Newell's Shearwatersat Puu Kaliu and south of Puu Kaliu (M. Reynolds,unpubl. data). Newell'swere identified primarily by vocalizations;only 4% were de- tected visually(Table 1). Road-killsand auditory detectionsmade prior to our surveyssuggested flight corridors to nesting areas (Fig. 1), below Puu Kaliu Crater and above Kikala near the water tank on the Pahoa- Kalapana Highway (L. Katahira, Hawaii VolcanoesNational Park, pers. comm.). Two Newell's Shearwater carcasseswere collected on the Pahoa- Kalapana Highway in June 1993; the causeof death, severetrauma, was determined by necropsy(C. Atkinson,Hawaii Field Station,pers. comm.). Most Newell's were detected 50-90 rnin after sunset (Fig. 2). Morning detectionspeaked 4 h before sunrise(Fig. 3). Mean detectionrates were 30] M. H. Reynoldsand G. L. Ritchotte J.Field Ornithol. Winter 1997 • 2o 10• 30 50[ 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 Minutes after sunset FIGURE2. Newell'sShearwater evening activity patterns from vocalizationsheard between July and October, 1993. 0.34 birds/h during the morning and 1.15 birds per/h during the eve- ning. Detections dropped steadily as the breeding seasonprogressed. Monthly mean detection rates were 3.4 birds/h in July, 3.2 birds/h in August, 1.0 birds/h in Septemberand 0 birds in October 1993. Four inactive burrows were located at Puulena Crater on 16 Dec. 1994. Burrows were found from 10-50 m below the crater's rim. 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 Minutes before sunrise FIGURE3.
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