December 1997 Case Typology and Case Theory* Yehuda N. Falk Department of English The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
[email protected] 1. Overview of the Issues In recent years, as the question of the nature of Case assignment has come into focus, the question of Case typology in general, and ergative Case marking (and agreement) systems in particular, has come to be seen as very important. The interdependence between typology and theory is perhaps nowhere clearer than in the area of Case. On one hand, a typology without a theoretical basis is merely descriptive and cannot lead us to a true understanding of the reasons for whatever typological generalizations are discovered. On the other hand, a (generative) theory of Case, which aims to be a model of the Case component of Universal Grammar and not just a theoretically elegant description of familiar types of Case, has to be able to predict the typological facts; a clear understanding of typology is necessary to be able to do this. One fact that has become clear from typological studies of Case is that a model based only on the familiar nominative-accusative pattern is doomed to be inadequate as an expression of universal Case theory. The problems raised for a theory of Universal Grammar by ergative systems are compounded by the demonstrable syntactic differences between (some) ergative languages and the more familiar nominative-accusative languages. A theory of ergativity must address the question of ergative syntax and its relation to ergative Case and agreement. Here in particular it is important to resist the temptation to shoehorn ergative languages into a nominative- accusative mold.