1 Mackay Conservation Group Submissions on Waratah Coal draft EIS Galilee Coal Project China First V2 Mine Chapter 6 Terrestrial Ecology Biodiversity Values of Bimblebox Nature Refuge The Coordinator-General C/- EIS project manager – Galilee Coal project Significant Projects Coordination Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Mrs Patricia Julien Coordinator Mackay Conservation Group P.O. Box 826 Mackay 4740 Ph: (07) 4966 8025 E:
[email protected] 19th December, 2011 6.2.1 The Desktop Assessment will need to be updated in light of later biological survey information reported to DERM and SEWPac and supplied in this submission. Survey information we gave to Waratah Coal’s environment officer last year has not been included. Traditionally desktop assessments provide limited information as biological research in the Desert Uplands has been restricted. A thorough on-ground assessment of areas of high conservation value within the mine’s footprint is expected, especially for Bimblebox Nature Refuge, a protected area of State Biodiversity Significance within the National Reserve System classed by SEW Pac as IUCN IV. Under this classification no mining is permitted, and IUCN VI by the Queensland’s Department of the Environment and Resource Management (DERM) where only actions that will not adversely impact environmental values are allowed. We have provided information collected on bird species within Bimblebox Nature Refuge as birds are a good indicator of biodiversity condition and attest to the high environmental conservation