– 6 – M14/1/AYENG/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX

2. Analyse, compare and contrast the following two texts. Include comments on the similarities and stylistic features.

Text C My girls and me

Bernie Ecclestone has been in charge of * for 30 years, a career that’s made him a fortune. Now 81, he speaks candidly about daughter Tamara’s TV show (oh dear), daughter Petra’s wedding (yes, it did cost £12m) and the art of spending money wisely.

The Saturday interview you’d rather they showed, they […] Tamara’s 22-year-old By Richard Williams won’t.’ […] But I think she got sister Petra had a wedding talked into it. She believed the this summer costing £12m and show was going to be about Tamara lives in a £54m pad in Los s a doting father, Bernie in normal life.” Angeles, which changed hands Ecclestone supplied his Hang on a minute. This is a for cash (a typical Bernie deal). Aelder daughter with the girl with 200 Hermès handbags money to fund the recent purchase and a turntable set into her of her £45m London house. front drive, to save her the trouble But the Formula One supremo of doing a three-point turn in could not bring himself to sit all her Ferrari. Can she be said to the way through a single episode have a “normal life”? of the free-spending 27-year-old’s “Yes. But I think they pushed recent three-part Channel 5 her into not being herself and reality show, Tamara Ecclestone: in the end she got carried away Billion $$ Girl. and thought: ‘I’m a superstar, “I watched one of them,” I’m rich, and now I’ve got to show he says with a despairing sigh I’m rich and a superstar.’ But, you […], frowns at the memory of know, she’ll be in the kitchen like what he saw, and explains how everyone else. Yes, for sure, she Tamara had ignored his advice. goes and buys loads of shoes and “I told her: ‘If you portray yourself bloody clothes. Unnecessary. really as you are, it’s wonderful. Completely unnecessary. I But they aren’t going to let you. suppose it’s because … one They’re going to wind you up, wonders … and this is not in her for sure. There’ll be things that defence – how many other girls you’d rather they didn’t show that her age would do the same if they they’ll show, and all the things could?”

2214-2013 – 7 – M14/1/AYENG/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX

Surely it must be hard for the Bambino Holdings […] “The idea was that they’d buy daughters of such a generous registered in the name of his property that would be long-term, billionaire father to retain a Croatian ex-wife […] Now his for their kids and everything else. sense of proportion? lack of control over all that Didn’t happen. They haven’t “I think so. But, as I say, money is clearly irritating him. done that. So they’ve had access most girls would like to do the “I gave to my wife the things to money which they’ve spent. things they do, probably.” that she put in a trust for herself And Tamara’s programme just And then, with an air of mild and the kids, and the kids have had wound everything up, because exasperation, he raises the subject access to that money,” he says. that’s what they wanted.” of “the trust” – something called

Adapted from an article in , Saturday 10 December 2011

* Formula One: championship that consists of a series of international car races

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