Registered at the General Post Office, Perth, for Transmission by Post As a Newspaper] Single Copy 25 C., Annual Subscription $6
[Registered at the General Post Office, Perth, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper] Single Copy 25 c., Annual Subscription $6 Sub-part 6 WEDNESDAY, 29th JUNE, 1966 No. 46-Part 1 Preliminary Judgment. THE COMMISSIONER: In this matter the several METAL TRADES. metal trades unions filed a reference of industrial (General.) dispute which, on its face, sought an award which BEFORE THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN would replace the present Metal Trades (South- INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. west Land Division) Award, the Metal Trades (Northern and Eastern Districts) Award and the No. 13 Of 1965. Metal Trades (Timber Industry) Award, and which Between State Executive, Australasian Society of would, in addition, apply to the iron ore mining in- Engineers Industrial Association of Workers; dustry carried on in Yampi Sound and the as- Electrical Trades Union of Workers of Australia bestos mining industry carried on at Wittenoom (Western Australian Branch); Coastal District Gorge. Committee Amalgamated Engineering Union Objections were made by employers in the timber Association of Workers; Federated Moulders industry and by the two employers concerned with (Metals) Union of Workers, Western Aust- the branches of the mining industry just mentioned ralia; the Boilermakers' Society of Australia, and on 13th August, 1965 (45 W.A.I.G. p. 645), as Union of Workers, Coastal Districts, W.A.; a result of a preliminary hearing, the Commission Boilermakers' Society of Australia, Union of ruled against the objectors in the timber industry Workers, Kalgoorlie Branch, No. 11, Ap- and in favour of the other two objectors. As a plicants, and Saunders & Stuart Pty. Ltd., consequence the original reference of dispute was Forwood Down (W.A.) Ltd., and others, res- divided, so that reference ISA of 1965 (referable to pondents.
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