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ALAN FRANKS Managing Director Town Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5AA Our Ref: JAE Direct Dialling: (024) 7637 6165 Your Ref: Fax No. (024) 7637 6596 Typetalk Registered Date: 19th November 2014 DX Nuneaton 16458 e-mail: If calling please ask for: Jackie Essex Dear Sir/Madam, HOUSING, HEALTH AND COMMUNITIES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PANEL Thursday 27th November, 2014 I refer to the agenda for the above meeting and enclose reports for the following items for consideration at the meeting: Agenda Item No. 9 – End of Life Care Action Plan Update Agenda Item No. 10 - Warwickshire North Clinical Commissioning Group - Annual Report Yours faithfully, ALAN FRANKS Managing Director To: All Members of the Housing, (Councillors C.M. Watkins (Chair), K.D. Wilson (Vice- Health and Communities Overview Chair), J.B. Beaumont, I.C. Bonner, T. Doherty, D. and Scrutiny Panel Fowler, S.J. Margrave, D.C. Navarro, C.S. Phillips, R.A. Taylor, Mrs L. Price and Ms I. Klabisz) Housing, Health & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel - 27th November, 2014 1 Transforming End of Life Care at George Eliot Hospital Kristy Clayton Practice Development Nurse for End of Life Care November 2014 Housing, Health & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel - 27th November, 2014 2 Background •In 2013 506,790 people died in the UK (1.5% increase from 2012) •85% of deaths are in over 65y •More than 70% are non-cancer deaths (29% cancer related deaths, ONS 2013) •Most deaths <50% occur in hospitals •70%-80% of deaths are foreseeable •60%-70% of people don’t die where they choose •At GEH there were 804 deaths in hospital (Apr 12 – Mar 13) – this does not include those who died soon after discharge.
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