Albany Directory, 1840-1FOR the YEARS
YOUNG & BACKER, GENERAL DEALERS TN SEAff&I & WAW^W WWW ffiOOBS* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT P. 37 SOUTH MARKET & 36 NORTH MARKET STS, Clolhs, Cassimeres and Sattinets; Cashmere, Brocha and Merino Shawls : Silks, Satins, Bombazines, Irish Linens, JYwns, Hosiery, &c. &e. mac/m.ii^s"* Albany Directory, 1840-1FOR THE YEARS . CONTAINING** The namc$,occupatiou ind p"acc of : evidence of all heads ot |hm* iliesj firms, and those ruling T usintss in th .-, City, IN CORRECT ALPHABETICAL ARKAJYt KME1VT. Also much other useful, andinterestiug matter. JOSHUA 1. JONES, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 76 State Street, OPPOSITE THE STATE BANK, J. 1. J. continues to make liberal cash advances on all goods left with him to be .sol'1 "' auction or jvivate sale. ' Regular days ibr sa.e of Groceries, Lie; rs, Furniture, &c. Tues day and Friday ol each weeU. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Hats, &c. one day each week Wednesday in each week set apart for the sale of Real Estate* Bank Stock, &c. Commodious Storage Rooms free of expense. i^M •>©C>©0<K>0<X>CK><VO<><>0<>0<>0<XX^ I HOFFMAN'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY. | $ . % x Dry Goods Establishments. X x RICHARD McCABE, Vx X Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 30 Wholesale and Retail, 17 SOUTH MARKET-STREET. Jl DANIEL D. WINNE, 0 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, j> NO. 99 SOUTH MARKET-STREET, A Two doors north of the Eaele Tavern. v _ __ ^ | LYMAN & HANFORD, 5 Wholesale and retail dealers in Fancy and Staple § Dry Goods. " X 59 SOUTH MARKET-STREET.
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