Islander's Long Journey of Activism Bridge Update
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Periodicals Paid at Bronx, N.Y. USPS 114-590 Volume 43 Number 9 November 2014 One Dollar Islander’s LONG JOURNEY est in advocacy on behalf of the Hunting- about her recent advocacy trip and asked her ton’s Disease Parity Act first began in June to appear on the show. Surprised, honored of this year, when she traveled to Louisville, and nervous all at once, MaryAnn accepted OF ACTIVISM KY, to attend HDSA’s annual convention. the offer, and on Oct. 3, she took part in a By MARIA CHRISTINA SWIECIKI She met with hundreds of other Americans televised interview with Fox News corre- affected by the disease, including Jason spondent Lauren Green. MaryAnn discussed Gromley, the head lobbyist in Washington, what Huntington’s disease entails, what is DC, for the HDSA and the Huntington’s being done regarding awareness and action Disease Parity Act. and, of course, her personal connection to After the convention, MaryAnn was in- the disease. formed by her chapter president, Tracy To- Although MaryAnn claims that her in- scano, that City Island’s Congressman, Jo- terviewer threw her a curveball by deviating seph Crowley, had yet to sign on to the act. from the questions provided to her before the Although she had doubts that Congressman segment was filmed, she remained poised, Crowley would respond, MaryAnn took the well-spoken and knowledgeable through- initiative to reach out to him via email. Much out the interview. Since the interview aired, to her surprise, he answered her and set up a MaryAnn has received nothing but positive meeting in August. He was deeply moved by feedback, whether it was a neighbor congrat- MaryAnn’s story and activism and agreed to ulating her on the street or a friend sharing support the legislation. Impressed by Mary- her interview video on Facebook. It is clear Ann’s success with Congressman Crowley, that many are moved and impressed by her Jason Gromley invited MaryAnn to join him efforts and accomplishments. Although one and several other advocates in Washington would assume that she might take a break in September to lobby on behalf of the act. after such a busy summer, MaryAnn does During her two days in Washington, which not plan to take a break from her advocacy MaryAnn refers to as “life changing,” she efforts anytime soon, because, as she firmly met with numerous government officials states, it is her passion in life. and attended about 25 meetings, where she Readers interested in helping to raise shared her family history and struggle with money for Huntington’s disease awareness Huntington’s disease and stressed the im- and research may visit MaryAnn’s fund- portance of the Huntington’s Disease Parity raising page at Act. cjvezo. To watch MaryAnn’s full interview Although not everyone MaryAnn met on Fox News, visit http://www.foxnews. with was as enthusiastic as Congressman com/health/2014/10/06/advocate-fights- Crowley, her trip was nonetheless a success. for-new-huntingtons-disease-legislation-in- Not long afterward, MaryAnn was contacted mothers-memory/. by a producer at Fox News who had heard BRIDGE UPDATE By BARBARA DOLENSEK The giant cranes next to the City Is- seawall were to begin this year. land Bridge are installing piers in the water Notices have been sent out and signs Photos courtesy of the EMERICK FAMILY that will eventually support the temporary have been posted by DOT warning of the MaryAnn Emerick (top left) with her sister, Samantha, and their mother, Rosaria Emer- bridge, which is under construction at the new traffic pattern in Pelham Bay Park, ick, who suffered from Huntington’s Disease. MaryAnn’s activism to spread awareness Brooklyn Navy Yard. Eight of the 10 piers which is necessary because of work taking of the disease and raise money to find a cure led her to an interview on Fox News and have been installed, and the contractor is on place on the conduit under City Island Road participation in various fundraising events, including Tough Mudder obstacle courses. schedule to have the bridge in place by the at Turtle Cove. The old conduit is in very end of the year, weather permitting. poor condition and is being replaced with a Roland Regos, the community liai- new one that will improve the flow of salt For one City Island resident, the sum- at the age of 51, after a long struggle with son for the Department of Transportation water into the freshwater pond. Because one mer of 2014 was both incredibly busy and the disease, which left her hospitalized for (DOT), reports that the scheduled repair to of the water mains to City Island is located exceptionally rewarding. Inspired by her over a decade. the seawall along the Catherine Scott prom- close to the conduit, it is necessary for a new family’s long struggle with Huntington’s In 2001, as her mother’s health de- enade will not begin in 2014 and has been main to be installed in another position. disease, Bay Street’s MaryAnn Emerick, 26, clined, MaryAnn and her sister, Samantha, shifted to a later phase in the project. The Those with questions about the bridge has been working tirelessly for the past sev- moved to City Island to live with their fa- plan is to have the parkland accessible to the construction project are encouraged to email eral months as an activist for this horrible ther, Joseph Emerick, and MaryAnn has public as much as possible during construc- Roland Regos at cityislandbridgehbx1164@ disease, hoping to spread awareness, to raise been a proud Island resident ever since. In tion, and DOT could not be certain that the or to call his office at 718-885- money and to make a difference. addition to juggling her job at an insurance area would ready by spring if work on the 1251 or 917-626-8391. The website for the Huntington’s Dis- company and pursuing a degree in child psy- ease Society of America ( chology at SUNY Old Westbury, MaryAnn describes Huntington’s as a hereditary has been working as a Huntington’s disease neurodegenerative disease that causes “the activist both locally and nationally. Her ef- progressive death of nerve cells in the brain” forts include serving as secretary for the and severely affects the bodies, minds and HDSA’s Greater New York chapter, attend- emotions of its victims. Although symptoms ing and hosting various charity events, and have occasionally appeared in young chil- participating in numerous walks and races dren, adolescents and the elderly, the disease throughout the year to raise both money most often shows up in adults between the and awareness. She also maintains an online ages of 30 and 50 and steadily progresses blog that chronicles her journey through the for 10 to 25 years. At present, there is no testing process, which she is currently un- treatment or cure for Huntington’s disease, dergoing, since there is a 50 percent chance which afflicts about 30,000 Americans who that she has inherited the disease from her live with it and more than 200,000 Ameri- mother. cans who are at risk. Unfortunately, Mary- Most recently, MaryAnn and the HDSA Ann and other members of her family can be have been fighting for passage of the Hun- counted in these statistics. tington’s Disease Parity Act, which aims to According to MaryAnn, her aunt and alter the Social Security Administration’s grandfather were both victims of Hunting- inaccurate definition of Huntington’s dis- ton’s disease, and her uncle is currently bat- ease in order to waive the two-year waiting Can anyone identify the location of this handsome work of art, which is in plain view on tling the disease in a nursing home. In addi- period that victims must endure before they City Island? In our haste to get from one place to another, we all too often overlook what tion, MaryAnn’s mother, Rosaria Emerick, are eligible for Medicare. MaryAnn’s inter- is right in front of us. This is the first in a series of photographs that will put a spotlight was also a victim. She passed away in 2011, on special City Island features that shouldn’t be missed. Page Two The Island Current November 2014 on Bowne Street, his vehicle suffered seri- BRIEFLY... ous dents on the front quarter panel. There 45 BLOTTER were no witnesses to this act of criminal COAT AND CLOTHING DRIVE sponsored by the Bronx Masons will mischief. Complaints reported from City Island to be held on Saturday, Nov. 8, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 241 City Island 10/7 – At 7:30 a.m., an Islander report- the 45th Precinct during September and ed an incident of harassment when an un- Avenue on the corner of Schofield Street. The Masons can accept only winter coats and October 2014. Unfounded complaints clothing for men, women and children. All donations are going to POTS (Part of the Solu- known individual rang the apartment door- are not included in the list. bell numerous times and yelled profusely. tion), 2759 Webster Avenue in the Bronx. Please separate the clothing into individual bags 4 – CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 10/8 – On City Island Avenue at 12 marked “men,” “women” or “children” for easier distribution. 1 – GRAND LARCENY AUTO noon, an off-Islander reported that his car BRONX MASONS BLOOD DRIVE 2 – HARASSMENT was stolen from its parking space. Police will take place on Tuesday, Nov. Police provided details on the follow- are investigating this act of grand larceny 11, from 3:30 to 7:45 p.m.