Meraki and Martins Doll and Figurine Auction (418)

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Meraki and Martins Doll and Figurine Auction (418) 09/24/21 12:37:26 Meraki And Martins Doll and Figurine Auction (418) Auction Opens: Mon, Apr 5 9:00am PT Auction Closes: Mon, Apr 12 6:07pm PT Lot Title Lot Title 0001 David Porcelain Doll 0031 Gustave F Wolff Sally Doll 0002 Signed Porcelain Doll Lot 11pc 0032 Playhouse Collection & Effanbee Porcelain 0003 Pauline Porcelain Doll Lot 3pc Dolls 0004 Pauline Porcelain Doll 0033 Angel Porcelain Doll Lot 5pc 0005 Pauline 306/950 Poreclain Doll 0034 Angel Porcelain Doll Lot 4pc Schmid 0006 Mary Elizabeth from Yesterday's Dream 0035 Hutchens & J Belle Dolls 3pc Collection Porcelain Doll 0036 Danburry Mint Shirley Temple Porcelain Bride 0007 Collectible Memories Porcelain Dolls 2pc Doll 0008 Collectible Memories Dolls NIB 2pc Bisque 0037 J Belle Porcelain Doll Porcelain 0038 Collector's Choice Bisque Porcelain Dolls 0009 Kingstate The Dollcrafter Porcelain Doll 0039 The Collectors Choice by DanDee Dolls 0010 Baby So Beautiful Dolls 4pc 0040 GeorgeTown Collection Porcelain Dolls 0011 Baby So Beautiful Angel Doll 0041 Georgetown Collection Katrina Murawska Doll 0012 Porcelain Angel Doll Lot 3pc 0042 Sunflower Cherub Ellenbrooke Doll 0013 Signed Porcelain Doll Lot 3pc 0043 Sweet Cherub Ellenbrook Dolls 0014 Sandra Kuck Porcelain Dolls 2 pc 0044 Ellenbrook Dolls 3pc 0015 Linda M Rick Porcelain Doll 0045 Tom Francirek Story Angel Doll 0016 Connies Dolls & Co Porcelain Doll 0046 Collection of Master Artist Richard Simons Doll 0017 Franklin Heirloom Porcelain Doll Lot 0047 2pc Porcelain Dolls 0018 Maryanne Oldenburg & More Lot 3pc 0048 Victorian Dolls 2pc 0019 House of Lloyd Porcelain Doll Lot 3pc 0049 Fairy Doll Lot 3pc 0020 Cindy M. McClure Porcelain Doll Lot 3pc 0050 Connie Derek Angel Porcelain Doll 0021 Porcelain Doll with Dog 0051 Morgan Brittney & Trisha Rose Dolls 0022 Paradise Galleries Doll by Linda Mason 0052 Lloyd & Lee Middleton & Kathy Hippensteel 0023 Paradise Galleries Porcelain Dolls by Linda Dolls Rose 0053 Court of dolls Dianna Effner & Linda Mason 0024 Paradise Galleries by Patricia Rose 2pc Dolls 0025 Limoges Carat Porcelain Doll 0054 Seymour Mann Angel Dolls 3pc 0026 Loveable Dolls & More Lot 3pc 0055 Seymour Mann 4pc Doll Lot 0027 The Doll Artwork by Lisa Homes 0056 Ashton Drake Sandra Kuck Dolls 4pc 0028 Dynasty Doll Collection 0057 Ashton Drake Dolls Donna Richardson 3pc 0029 Porcelain Dolls Roman Wright & More 0058 Ashton Drake William Hanson 2pc 0030 Campbell's Miss Sniffles Porcelain Doll 0059 Ashton Drake Connie Derek & Donna Richardson Dolls 1/5 09/24/21 12:37:26 Lot Title Lot Title 0060 Ashton Drake Titus Tomescu Doll 0100 Angel Garden Statues 0061 Ashton Drake Connie Derek Kathy Hippensteel 0101 Vintage Lefton China Angel Lot Dolls 0102 United Design Angels Collection Statue 0062 Ashton Drake Robin Miller Dolls 0103 Home Interiors & More Angel Lot 0063 Porcelain Doll Lot 6pc Moments Treasured 0104 Porcelain 2pc Angel Statues 0064 3pc Porcelain Doll Lot 0105 Angel Resin Figurines Roman & More 0065 Unsigned 2 Small Porcelain Dolls 0106 Homco & Enesco Angel Figurines 0066 Scan Dolls & More 3pc 0107 Roman Inc Angel Figurine Statue 0067 Dianna Effner Dolls & More 0108 Lenox Angel Figurine 0068 Greenbrier International Ballerina Porcelain 0109 Huge Angel Figurine Lot 36pc Dolls 2pc 0110 The San Francisco Music Box Angels & More 0069 Madame Alexander & Lila Dolls 2pc 0111 4pc Angel Music box & Figurines 0070 Geppeddo Doll & More 0112 Bill Dale Angel Figurines & More 0071 Newborn Baby Doll Lot 0113 Palm Tree Angel Figurines & More 0072 Realistic Baby Doll 0114 Norcrest & More Angel Figurines 9pc Lot 0073 9pc Doll Lot Berenguer & More 0115 Ann Entis Sculpture Angels & more 0074 Vintage to modern Doll Tree Toppers 8pc 0116 Angel Bell Collection Lot 0075 Light up Doll Angel Lot Tree Toppers 0117 Stained Glass Angel Lot 0076 Light up Angel Dolls & More 5pc 0118 Kissing Angel Figurine Statues 0077 Vintage Dolls 3pc 0119 Angel Trinkets 19 pc Lot 0078 4pc Dolls Coffer Gorham & More 0120 Italy Angels Figurines & More 0079 Barbie Doll Lot & More 0121 Boyds Bears & Friends Figurines 0080 Doll Furniture 9pc 0122 Joesph's Studio Roman Angel Figurines 0081 Doll Furniture 20pc 0123 Boyds Angel Figurines 2pc 0082 Angel Master Piece Jane Bradbury Wax Doll 0124 Angel Garden Statues 5pc 0083 Willow Tree Angel Figurines & More 0125 5pc Angel Figurine Lot 0084 Jim Shore Love and You Will Be Loved Angel Figurine 0126 Enesco Angel Figurines & More 6pc 0085 Homco Angel Figurines 2pc 0127 Remembrance Musical Angel & More Figurine Lot 0086 Roman INC and More Angel Figurines 0128 WNS Angel figurines & more 3pc 0087 3pc Angel Figurine Statues 0129 Huge Cherub Collection Lot 0088 Homco 3pc Vintage Angels 0130 Cherub Bust Garden Statue 0089 Roman INC Angel Figurine Statue 10pc Lot 0131 Irredescent Angel Figurines 5pc 0090 White Ceramic Cherub Lot 4pc 0132 3pc Angel Vase Lot 0091 Cherub Figurines 6pc Lot Enesco Mann 0133 Resin Angel Figurines 8pc 0092 McConnell & More Angel Figurine Lot 0134 Angel Figurines 18pc 0093 Reco Angel Napkin Rings & More 0135 Massive Angel Collection Lot 31 pc 0094 Angel Trinket Dish 3pc 0136 Silver Tone Angel Pair 0095 Roman INC Enesco & More Angel Figurines 0137 Angel Resin Lamp 0096 Fontanini Roman Angel Figurines & More 3pc 0138 NIB Angels 3pc 0097 Jamestown China Music Angels Box & More 0139 Musical Angels of light 0098 Seraphim Classics Francesca Loving Guardian Music Box 0140 Christmas Angel Tree Toppers & Ornaments 0099 Glass & Crystal Angel Figurine Lot 0141 Angel Decor Lot 20pc 2/5 09/24/21 12:37:26 Lot Title Lot Title 0142 Cross Decor Lot 0182 Blessing of the Seasons by Titus Tomescu 0143 Praying Hands Decor Lot Ashton Drake Dolls & More 0144 1980 Nativity Set Hallmark 0183 NIB Fisher Price & Porcelain Doll 2pc 0145 Trinket Dish & More 0184 Sandie Nowell Doll & More 0146 Religious Family Decor Figurine 9pc 0185 Light up Moving Angel Dolls 2pc 0147 Mikasa China Mother & Child Statue 0186 Musical Angel Pair 0148 Mother and Child Figurine Statue Lot 0187 Massive Gift Book Lot 225pc 0149 4pc Religious Family Figurine Statues 0188 Doll Book Lot 14pc 0150 Roman INC Garden Statue 0189 Huge Angel Book Lot 51pc 0151 Masterpiece Homco Porcelain Jesus Figurine 0190 Children's Book Lot 71pc Statue 0191 Christmas Book Lot 25pc 0152 Mother & Child Figurine Statues 0192 The Little Big Books Lot 14pc 0153 Precious Moments Nativity Revolving Musical 0193 Religious Book Lot 147pc 0154 Maternal Bond Timothy P Schmalz Sculpture 0194 Vintage Book Set 6pc 0155 Made in Japan 3pc Porcelain Figurines 0195 32pc Hardback Book Lot 0156 Mother and Child Homco & More Statue 0196 31 pc Mary Engelbriet & More Hardback Book Figurines Lot 0157 Parents & Child Statue Decor 0197 Coffee Table Hardback Book Lot & More 0158 J Kendrick Bust Statues 0198 Antique to Vintage Book Lot 26pc 0159 Lefton & More Figurine Lot 0199 World Book Set 20pc 0160 The San Francisco Music Box Co & More 0200 Paperback Book Lot 30pc 0161 Napco Ware Figurines & More 0201 HardBack Book Lot 88pc 0162 3pc Enesco Figurines & More 0202 Cookbook Lot 55pc 0163 Avon George Good Decor & More 0203 Vintage Amber Colored Glass Lot 13pc 0164 Fitz and Floyd Dove Pair 0204 Vintage Etched Glass Lot 15pc 0165 Mothers Remembrance Porcelain & more 0205 Vintage Gold Gilt Decor Lot 0166 Ballerina Decor Lot Lefton 0206 Decor lot 8pc 0167 Bell Collection Lot 0207 Religious Decor Lot 9pc 0168 Masterpiece Porcelain Homco Animal Figurines 0208 House of Lloyd 1994 Angel Glasses Set & More 0209 Vintage Gold Gilt Wood Wall Decor Lot 0169 Living Stone Inc Inspirational Eagle Statue 0210 Home Decor Lot 12pc 0170 Handmade Poland Dolphin Glass Art Figurine 0211 Birdhouse Decor & More 0171 Bellini Italian Tiger Figurine 0212 Trinket Lot & more 0172 Father Time Castle Clock 0213 Baking Lot 0173 Victorian Style Decor Lot 0214 Milk Glass Hobnail Lot 0174 Victorian Woman Figurine Statue 0215 2pc Lenox Candle Holders 0175 Victorian Clock Table Lamp 0216 Signed Wooden Angel Decor 7pc 0176 Victorian Urn Vase Table Lamp 0217 Clear Glass Lot 0177 Home Decor Lot 5pc 0218 4pc Silver Plate F.B Rogers Teapot & More 0178 Coventry Fine Porcelain Mantle Clock 0219 3pc Colored Glass Lot 0179 Reborn Doll by Donna Rubert 0220 Small Chinese Opera masks & more 0180 Ellie Charlson Doll 0221 Misc Dishware Lot 19pc 0181 2pc Porcelain Angel Dolls 0222 Vintage Decor Lot 9pc 3/5 09/24/21 12:37:26 Lot Title 0223 Massive Angel Ornament Lot 0224 Angel Decor Lot 0225 Stuff Animal Lot 0226 Stained Glass Wall hanging lot & More 0227 Picture Frame Lot 35pc 0228 10pc Decor Lot 0229 Small Water Fountain 2pc Lot 0230 Oneida Stainless Steel Silverware Set 0231 Purse Lot 8pc 0232 Bettie Felder & More 2pc Framed Art 0233 Ava Freeman & More 3pc Framed Art 0234 Mabel Rollins Harris & More 2pc Framed Art 0235 Abbey Press & More Framed Art 3 pc 0236 2 Little Girls Wood Framed Art 0237 Greg K Olsen Forever and Ever Framed Art 0238 Litho Prints 2pc 0239 Christmas Decorations 0240 Wooden Model Ship 0241 Vintage gold tone lamp pair 0242 Vintage Fabric Swag Hanging Lamp 0243 Vintage Wood Glass Display Cabinet 0244 Wood Credenza Cabinet 0245 Small Wood Shelf Bookcase 0246 Vintage 5 Shelf Wood Bookcase 0247 Vintage Dollhouse Bookcase 0248 Barrister Lawyers Bookcase PAYMENT DUE This is a Credit Card Only auction. Your credit card will be charged at the close of the auction. 4/5 09/24/21 12:37:26 REMOVAL This auction is managed by Martins Estate Sales. Martins Estate Sales will be handling the pick up for this Auction. This auction is from Martins Warehouse in Auburn CA. Inspection: By appointment. Call Marty at 916 899 8921 to make an appointment. Pick up will be Friday, April 16th -10 AM to 2 PM and Saturday, April 17th - 10 AM to 2 PM? The address for pick will be 11905 Dry Creek Rd, Unit 8, Auburn, CA.
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