Crayfish News V31(3)
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September 2009 Volume 31, Issue 3 ISSN: 1023-8174 (print), 2150-9239 (online) The Official Newsletter of the International Association of Astacology Inside this issue: Cover Story 1 Crayϐish and Their Symbionts: President’s Corner 2 Short ArƟcles 4 An Auspicious Relationship Crayfish Species 4 Diversity – A Global Concern The `Newcomer´ 4 Orconectes immunis Keeps Spreading in the Upper Rhine Plain Crayfish ProtecƟon, 5 Status in Switzerland Abnormal Colors and 6 Shapes of the Body and Appendages of Austropotamobius torrenƟum (Schrank, 1803) in Romania IAA Related News 10 News Items From 12 Around the World Literature of 16 Interest to Astacologists Several species of Branchiobdella (we generally found 2 to 3 species) can live on a single crayfish species at one me (see arrows). We idenfied different worm densies per crayfish, which depends on host den- sies, but also on physico-chemical condions in their habitat. ranchiobdellid annelids are usually Symbiosis is among the most important B found as commensal symbionts associ- interacons that can evolve between organ- ated with crayfish populaons, but isms, as symbionts may affect fitness and the knowledge about their dispersion and ecolo- ecosystems of host populaons and contrib- gy in Europe is generally scarce. The geo- ute to the stability of their communies and graphic extension of species and populaons food webs. From an evoluonary perspecve, may mirror the distribuonal history of their symbioc organisms may be used to charac- hosts. In a recent project, potenal host spec- terize modern distribuons of their host or- ificies and the geographic distribuon of ganisms, as migraon and distribuonal histo- species, collected from the Italian and Austri- ries, adaptaons, and ontogenec shis an Tyrol and Carinthia regions, were analyzed should have happened in concert. Molecular by characterizing both morphological and markers are great tools for studying processes genec features. (Continued on page 13) Crayfish News Volume 31 Issue 3: Page 1 President’s Corner Dear IAA members: ising the assessments of freshwater crayfish Firstly, many warm congratulaons are in for the IUCN Red List, which I understand will order for our President-Elect Jim, and his wife be released later this year (see Nadia’s sum- Hillary Fetzner, who are the proud parents of mary on Pg. 4). a lile baby boy, Jason James Fetzner: born Its hard to believe that its just over a year the 17th July 2009. In a photo supplied by the now since many of us met in Kuopio Finland proud Father I noted that lile Jason Fetzner’s for IAA17, and under the capable direcon of James M. Furse clothing was decorated with what appeared Chief Editor, Japo Jussila, producon of Fresh- IAA President (Australia) to be a decapod crustacean (nice work Jim water Crayfish 17 is progressing very well. and Hillary), it looks very much like there may Many thanks to the numerous authors and be another budding Astacologist! even more numerous reviewers for your con- Similarly, many warm congratulaons are tribuons to the producon of this latest vol- in order to our IAA Secretariat, Bill Daniels ume, of course many thanks are also in order and his family, Bill recently became a great- to Jim Fetzner for designing and imple- grandfather (yes, great-grandfather) with the menng the IAA Manuscript Submission and arrival of his great-granddaughter (Atliyn Isa- Tracking Website, which offers considerable bella Wallace) on the 25th of August. improvements over the “old” way of doing things. It has been a very busy me of late for many members of the IAA with numerous Of course, another major project that has recent acvies that include: Pavel Kozák been underway (mostly in the background) for a number of years now is the organisaon (and team) organising and recently hosng a th Regional European Crayfish Workshop (the and preparaons for the 18 Biennial Sympo- Future of Nave Crayfish in Europe) which sium of The Internaonal Associaon of Asta- was held in Písek in the Czech Republic (see cology (IAA18) which will be held in Columbia, meeng report on Pg. 10). By all accounts, it Missouri, USA (July 18-23, 2010). The enre was a highly successful meeng, and a won- process of bidding for, organising and hosng derful me was had by all, congratulaons a major IAA conference takes a fair while and well done to Pavel and team. In addion (more than 2.5 years), and all the hard work to many other IAA members who have con- by the IAA18 team will be coming to a head in tributed to what is a major project, Nadia a lile over 10 months from now. Dewhurst (and team at the Zoological Society I understand from the IAA18 Organising of London) have been busily working on final- (Continued on page 3) The International Association of Astacology (IAA), founded in Officers: Hintertal, Austria in 1972, is dedicated to the study, conservation, and wise utilization of freshwater crayfish. Any individual or firm James M. Furse, President, Griffith School of Environment interested in furthering the study of astacology is eligible for Gold Coast Campus, Griffith University, Queensland 4222, Australia. membership. Service to members include a quarterly newsletter, E-Mail: [email protected] membership directory, bi-annual international symposia and publication of the journal Freshwater Crayfish. James W. Fetzner Jr., President-Elect, Section of Invertebrate Zoology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Secretariat: Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080. United States of America. E-Mail: [email protected] The International Association of Astacology has a permanent secretariat managed by Bill Daniels. Address: IAA Secretariat, Leopold Füreder, Secretary, Institute of Ecology, University of Room 123, Swingle Hall, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacul- Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria. tures, Auburn University, AL 36849-5419, USA. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +1(334) 844-9123 / Fax: +1(334) 844-9208 E-mail: [email protected] Catherine Souty-Grosset, Immediate Past-President, Université de Poitiers, Ecologie, Evolution, Symbiose, UMR CNRS 6556, 86022 Web page: Poitiers Cedex, France. Webmaster: James W. Fetzner Jr. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Statements and opinions expressed in Crayfish News are IAA Board Members: not necessarily those of the International Association of In addition to the IAA Officers, the board includes Arnie Eversole Astacology. (USA), Paula Henttonen (Finland), Jay Huner (USA), Julian Reynolds (Ireland), Stephanie Peay (UK) and Alastair Richard- This issue edited by James W. Fetzner Jr. son (Tasmania). Crayfish News Volume 31 Issue 3: Page 2 (Continued from page 2) Commiee that there will be a number of important updates to the IAA18 website over the next few months, so please do check the website regularly to ensure you remain current on developments, important announcements and key dates for various important things such as deadlines for registraon CRAYFISH MEETING !! and submission of abstracts. The IAA18 website is located at: hp:// Closer to home, IAA member Stephen Chara from Victo- WHO: YOU! ria, Australia, has brought to my aenon some changes to WHAT: InternaƟonal AssociaƟon of Astacology biennial the Victorian Fisheries RegulaƟons (2009) that were imple- mented earlier this year. These regulaons determine catch meeng + field trips + workshops on crayfish ID limits for recreaonal fishers, and the recent changes to the & tagging recreaonal catch limits include increasing the bag/ WHEN: July 18-23, 2010 possession limit for yabbies (Cherax sp.) by 10 litres, to 30 litres per person (or 5 litres of tails per person), apart from WHERE: Columbia, Missouri, USA some gear restricons, there are no minimum size or other (University of Missouri Campus) limitaons on the catch (i.e., there is no requirement to re- lease berried females). Obviously there are some concerns WHY: To learn about cuƫng-edge crayfish research and about the sustainability and possible unancipated effects of have a great Ɵme these increased catch limits. At Stephens request, I am in the process of invesgang how best the IAA might be able to HOW: Go to meeƟng website for details: register our concerns with the appropriate Governmental hƩp:// authories. My very warmest regards to you all from the Sunny Gold Coast. H James M. Furse A truly internaƟonal meeƟng – 1st Ɵme in IAA President the USA in 20 years! Griffith University The Gold Coast, Australia We hope to provide STUDENT TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS Topics: all aspects of freshwater crayϔish, including physiolo- gy, behavior, ecology, conservation, toxicology, diseases, aq- RENEW YOUR IAA MEMBERSHIP TODAY !! uaculture, genetics, education, and policy. IAA Membership dues for the 1 Jan 2010 – 31 Dec 2011 period are now being accepted. Please see the membership applicaon at the end of this issue of Crayfish News, or visit Meeting Sponsored By: the IAA Membership website at hp:// crayfish/IAA/membership.htm to download the latest applica- on form. Crayfish News Volume 31 Issue 3: Page 3 Nadia Dewhurst Short Articles Zoological Society of London [email protected] Crayfish Species Diversity – A Global Concern The `Newcomer´ Orconectes immunis Since August 2008, the Instute of Zoology in London Keeps Spreading in the Upper Rhine Plain has been coordinang IUCN red list assessments on all the world’s species of crayfish with the help of a global network Since its first discovery in the mid 1990s in southwestern of sciensts. The project had two aims, firstly to address the Germany, the Calico Crayfish (Figure 1) rapidly expanded its bias in the current IUCN red list and generate assessments on range and is now one of the most abundant crayfish species a broader range of species groups (i.e.