Shinyanga Water Supply Survey

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Shinyanga Water Supply Survey 8 2 4 TZ.SH 74 K NGDOVl C.">'; •'HE f\;cyr>-i^RL :3LIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY '• JF- STRY OP F-QF^EIGN AF^AJREJ WATER DEVELOPMENT AND POWER SHINYANGA WATER SUPPLY SURVEY WATER MASTER - PL AN STUDY FOR SHINYANGA REGION TECHNICAL ANNEX L. SOCIOLOGY F'-INAL REPORT GC^DBER ig^-i NEDEC;o Postbus 85 / 3800 AB Amersfo Postadres voor: | 13 HV Laan 1914 nr 35, Amersfoort j Telefoon(033)689111 | Olmenlaan 2, Leusden-C i DHV Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau BV Telefoon (033) 940064 Telex 79348 Telegramadres dehave International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply and Sanitation P.O. Box 5500 2280 HM RIJSWIJK t.a.v. : C. Dietvorst betreft : Shinyanga Water Supply Survey datum : 21 September 1983 dossiernr.: 3.2 140.53.05 uwref. : 31.408/IS/Die onze ref. : bijlage(n) : Technical annex D van final report van bovengenoemd project Dezebijlage(n)wordt(worden)u toegezonden door: Cobi van 01st 0 overeenkomstig uw verzoek D overeenkomstig onze toezegging • ter kennisneming • met vriendelijke dank voor de inzage • met verzoek ons uw oordeel kenbaar te willen maken D met verzoek om terugzending, na inzage D 8 2 4 TZ.SH 74 \ 3LIC OF TANZANIA KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS \ STRY OF MINISTRY OF \lATER DEVELOPMENT AND POWER FOREIGN AFFAIRS H ii- pJ»bAN STUDY! SHINYANGA REGION TECHNICAL ANNEX D SOCIOLOGY FINAL REPORT OCTOBER NEDECO - THE HAGUE COORDINATION OHV CONSULTING ENGINEERS I1.!.] tS AMERS^OCHT HE N ILACO INTERNATIONAL LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS P.O.313 ARNHEiM "'•*("••. Postbus 85 / 3800 AB Amersfo Postadres voor: I DHV Laan 1914 nr 35, Amersfoort Telefoon (033) 689111 Olmenlaan 2, Leusden-C Telefoon (033) 940064 DHV Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau BV Telex 79348 Telegramadres dehave International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply and Sanitation P.O. Box 5500 2280 HM RIJSWIJK t.a.v. : C. Dietvorst betreft : Shinyanga Water Supply Survey datum : 21 September 1983 dossiernr: 3.2140.53.05 uwref. : 3 1.408/IS/Die onze ref. : bljlage(n) : Technical annex D van final report van bovengenoemd project Deze bijlage(n) wordt (worden) u toegezonden door: Cobi van 01st Q overeenkomstig uw verzoek • overeenkomstig onze toezegging I! D terkennisneming • met vriendelijke dank voor de inzage • met verzoek ons uw oordeel kenbaar te willen maken • met verzoek om terugzending, na inzage D UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS MINISTRY OF MINISTRY OF WATER DEVELOPMENT AND POWER FOREIGN AFFAIRS SHINYANGA WATER SUPPLY SURVEY WATER MASTER - PL AN STUDY FOR SHINYANGA REGION TECHNICAL ANNEX D SOCIOLOGY I LIBRARY, INT^NAJ'-^AL RiIFE,7E,\!CE jCZMTr:- .- f,< -V1.''.-:-.. ,, Y VVATEiv SUPPLY jANDo ,,. ;.-) i p-°- tv "' y:- AD Tr.e Hagua .' Tel. (0/0i u. .-^ :, axt. 141/142 FINAL REPORT OCTOBER 19-7-4 NEDECO - THE HAGUE COORDINATION DHV CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O. B5 AMERSFOORT THE NETHERLANDS ILACO INTERNATIONAL LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS P.O.33 ARNHEM THE NETHERLANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I INTRODUCTION • 7 Chapter II SUMMARY 9 II. 1 Demography 9 II.2 Water consumption | no II.3 Priority ranking of projects 11 II.4 Reqional development and the planning 11 of water supplies Chapter III APPROACH OF THE STUDY 15 III.l Available data and general approach 15 III.2 Field--S'feu<d.y III.3 Evaluation of data 17 III. 4 Personnel and equipment 19 III.5 References 20 Chapter IV DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION 23 IV. 1 General description 23 IV. 2 Socio-economic areas 24 IV.2.1 Area 1, central Shinyanga, west Maswa and south-west Bariadi Districts IV.2.2 Area 2, south-east Kahama District IV.2.3 Area 3, north Bariadi District IV.2.4 Area 4, south-east Shinyanga and east Maswa Districts IV.2.5 Area 5, north-west Shinyanga and east Kahama Districts IV.2.6 Area 6, north Kahama District IV.2. 7 Area 7, south-west Kahama District IV. 3 Demography 30 IV. 4 Social structure of the Reqion 36 IV.4.1 Administrative and political organization IV.4.2 Ethnic differentiation IV.4.3 Settlement patterns IV. 5 Infrastructure and facilities 39 IV. 6 Planning and socio-economic change 41 Chapter V WATER PROVISION IN THE REGION 45 V.I Traditional sources 45 V.2 Modern sources 46 V.3 Water consumption 46 V.3.1 Introduction V.3.2 Domestic water consumption of the rural household group V.3.3 Consumption in integrated rural water supplies V.3.4 Urban water supplies V.3.5 Design criteria V.4 Water perception 59 V.5 Water quality 61 V.6 Water supply and social organizations 62 Chapter VI WATER DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY RANKING 65 VI. 1 Introduction 65 VI. 2 Preliminary water development priority 66 ranking for individual villages VI. 2.1 The scoring system VI.2.2 Results VI. 3 Preliminary water development priority 78 ranking for wards Chapter VII WATER SUPPLY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 85 VII. 1 Introduction 85 VII.2 Considerations for a regional development plan 86 VII.3 Demographical projections 89 VII.4 Socio-economic development 93 VII. 5 Migration and its influence on the 96 population distribution VII.5.1 General VII.5.2 Assumed population distribution for the water master-plan VII.5.3 Implications of the earlier development of agronomic zone 6 VII.6 Planning in the new areas 104 VII.6.1 Planning procedure VII.6.2 Settlement patterns VII.6.3 Water supply to development areas LIST OF APPENDICES 1 Questionnaire for ward headquarters 115 2 General questionnaire for all villages 117 3 Questionnaire for Ujamaa villages 119 4 Village questionnaire 121 5 Water consumption questionnaire 12 9 (to be used for the interview of household) 6 Water consumption questionnaire 135 (to be used for interviews at the source) 7 Results of village questionnaire 141 8 Ward codes 16 7 9 Number and population of concentrated settlements 1972 171 10 Census Shinyanga town 173 11 Population 1967 according to type of settlement and 175 economic activity 12 Preliminary water development priority ranking 177 13 Preliminary priority ranking for wards 187 14 Water meter readings of Usia scheme 189 :\ :::::: :^::: :\::.. • • -^ IF Vr • SERENGEfliNATIONAL PARKV 1> ?ICT \ \:\:::: \c-~ BAR I A D I ; DJ ST - 3*00' ^^S } si / ~*«^cu ' ; SANG* _ ( ."' •' MWALUQESHA /, J,' °!c */ SITUATION OF SHINYANGA REGION IN TANZANIA X\ \s SCALE 1:20.000,000 SHINYANGA REGION 0 20km contours,elevation in metres ^ approximate contours, elevation in feet gazetted areas SEE MAP FOR COMPLETE LEGEND Chapter I INTRODUCTION In August 1971, following an administrative arrangement concluded between the Governments of Tanzania and the Nether- lands, the Directorate of International Technical Assistance of the Netherlands charged the Netherlands Engineering Consultants "Nedeco" with the execution of a water supply survey in the Shinyanga Region. The Tanzanian Government has appointed the Ministry of Water Development and Power as executive authority for the implementa- tion of the project. The water supply survey started on 15 August, 1971 and the actual fieldwork was terminated in September 1973. Progress Reports on the activities carried out were prepared in November 1971, August 1972 and October 1973. In addition, an Interim Report was submitted in December 1972, containing a first review of available and collected data, their interpreta- tion, and the preliminary approach to a regional water master- plan. Discussions concerning the contents of the Interim Report with the authorities concerned, their reactions and recommendations (which Nedeco has found very useful) and of course the further collection and elaboration of data and information, have led to the regional water master-plan as presented in this final report. The final report consists of two volumes: Volume I : Main report and drawings Volume II : Technical Annex A - Hydrology Technical Annex B - Hydrological data Technical Annex C - Hydrogeology Technical Annex D - Sociology Technical Annex E - Agriculture Technical Annex F - Water quality Technical Annex G - Civil engineering Technical Annex H - Economy and general aspects The Terms of Reference stipulate that the tasks of the survey should include the collection and examination of all existing demographic, agronomic, livestock and socio-economic features of the Region. Where necessary the existing records and data should be expanded so that a comprehensive evaluation can be made of the water resources. The objectives of this survey and the studies involved were to provide the Government of Tanzania with firm recommendations (master-plan) for the immediate and longterm development of the surface and groundwater resources of the Shinyanga Region with particular reference to the supply of water to the rural areas for human and livestock use. The Tanzanian Government has decided that the implementation of water supply projects in rural areas should be finished by 1991 8 which year has been taken as the termination of the master-plan period. For Shinyanga Region this means that by that time about 2 million people have to be provided with an improved water supply. At present improved supply schemes are estimated to serve only some 60,000 people in the Region. The role of the sociological studies was especially to determine the necessary demographic data and projections over the plan period, to study water consumption and general attitudes towards water and to propose a basis for a priority ranking of projects to be implemented. Chapter II SUMMARY II.1. Demography The population Census of 1967 (ref. 21) has been used as a basis. Additional information has been gathered by: interviews held at Ward headquarters covering all villages in the Region; more detailed interviews in 416 villages, approximately 25 per cent of the regional total. The definition "concentrated settlements" in this report applies to villages with a partly or mainly concentrated settlement pattern and a probable population of 400 people or more in 1972.
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