Information relating to the School Year 2019 / 2020 INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Admission of Pupils Curriculum Language Policy Transport Welfare General Information Regarding the Education authority’s Policies and Arrangements Lifelong Learning Department INFORMATION FOR PARENTS 2019 / 2020 Published October 2018 Information Parents for 1. INTRODUCTION This document provides information for parents about the Local Authority’s policies and arrangements in pursuance of its duty under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, which establishes a legal framework for school admissions. Copies of these documents can be obtained free of charge from the Education Office (tel. 01248 752901 or email
[email protected]), from any school maintained by the Authority, and from the County Council’s website at Reference copies are also available at Public Libraries. Copies will be distributed free of charge to parents of pupils commencing at primary school for the first time or who are transferring from primary school to secondary school. Complete copies of the documents relating to the information provided here, such as the Curriculum, Language Policy, Complaints Procedure and so on, are available at the Education Office (tel. 01248 752918) and Public Libraries. In addition, handbooks are published giving information about the status, organisation and curriculum of each individual school. These documents will be distributed to parents of children who are commencing at school for the first time or who are transferring from primary to secondary school. Any other parent may, on request, obtain a copy from the appropriate school. Although the information in this document is correct at the time of publication, there may be changes in the education service affecting the Authority’s arrangements in the year in question or subsequent years.