one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75)

The Deep State and its Coconspirators!

There has always been a Deep State, but lately it seems to be more active and corrupt than ever. We have all realized that some bureaucrats and politicians are more about maintaining their power and jobs than protecting the principles of our liberty. But we have always hoped for good to triumph in our government and nation.

The Deep State hidden agenda is no longer hidden. In fact, there is a blatant rejection of the will of the people and the principles our country was founded upon. In some cases, it seems to have moved beyond just the unethical to truly illegal activity. There is no doubt that many in congress, government institutions, the media, and social platforms are working together to push a narrative that supports their livelihood while putting yours at risk. The existential threat to truth and our freedom of speech is real. The Good in America still exists, but your participation is needed like never before to maintain our freedom.

THE OBJECTIVE: To provide a clear inside view of the deep state tactics of Washington and insights from a courageous congressional representative. Congressman Louie Gohmert is a leader, championing the freedoms of the U.S. Constitution. He joined the War Room to give real world D.C. insights you are not hearing anywhere else.

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YOUR MISSION: To learn and share this Economic Battle PlanTM with your friends and family. Understand what is really happening to America behind the scenes. We are looking for EWR team patriots to establish a unified voice to Washington that stands for truth and freedom. Look for more mission details coming soon.

The Deep State is not new, but it has intensified:

“The Deep State raises it head in multiple ways. There is a story after Reagan was elected and went through the inauguration. One department head said, “well it looks like the summer help is here.” – Louie Gohmert The bureaucrat was saying, we are running things not the elected officials.

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(OSINT)– Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing Interview with Kevin Freeman and Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert. Congressman Gohmert is the Vice Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, as well as the Vice Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee. Prior to being elected to serve in Congress, he was elected to three terms as District Judge in Smith County, Texas and was appointed by then Texas Governor Rick Perry to complete a term as Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals.

A. THERE IS REALLY IS A DEEP STATE and it exists within two primary groups:

1. Elected Officials 2. Bureaucrats

It is a control thing. They are not guided by principles, other than to keep their power and advance the Deep State agenda.

Elected officials come and go, but full-time Government workers like to think they run things, which is contrary to the vision the founders had.

The government is supposed to be run by the people, not by D.C. bureaucrat employees looking to increase their power.

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QUICK SOLUTIONS: 1. Term limits should be put in place. This should be applied to elected officials, but also unelected bureaucrats.

• J Edgar Hoover would be an example in the past. He was there so long that he became abusive with his authority. • We still see holdover employees from the Obama Justice Department trying to control things behind the scenes.

a. Lawfare As a Weapon - Deep State Tactic-101: Keep suing regardless if you win or not. It ties them up politically and costs public servants money.

Congressional Representatives at times take cabinet positions. If the deep state wants to sue to stop or slow something a cabinet official is leading, they can arbitrarily sue them. When sued, cabinet officials have to defend themselves at their own expense. Even though he or she might win the suit, the other side will keep suing until the individual runs out of money or decides the cause is no longer worth the effort.

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b. Recognize there is corruption of government employees within the executive branch.

People are working against the president they are supposedly serving. There is often continued corruption from Obama or previous administration appointees. If they do not like the president, the bureaucracy controls the reins of power.

2. A provision where Congress could vote from their district would also be good.

It would remind congressional members that their role is to represent the people, not cronyism and lobbyists.

B. Examples of Deep State Corruption - A Two-Tiered Justice System

1. The Ignored Democrat IT Scandal- A National Security Risk!

If this would have been a Republican IT scandal it would have blown up to one of the biggest scandals in history. See Episode #2 ( scandal-since-watergate-economic-war-room) as well as our Economic Battle PlanTM Update EP 02 for a detailed overview of the scandal. page 5 one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75)

Ironically, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would not sanction a formal hearing despite the obvious malfeasance in the scandal.

Congressman Gohmert reviewed the IT scandal with Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the judiciary committee. Together they laid out the case. Scott Perry went with Gohmert to lay the issues of corruption out to Jeff Sessions hoping to make an investigative case. The U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI agent in charge of the investigation wanted this thoroughly investigated. If these people were bleeding intelligence from our Congress, we need to get to the facts.

Theresa Grafenstine, Inspector General for the House or Representatives, took the case. She was brilliant, knew her business and began running down evidence. She went on to be president of an international IT organization. She had a notebook with all kinds of information about the investigation and established that big crimes were being committed.

She was forced out by the House. She wanted this properly investigated with a possible grand jury. The FBI did not interview her until two or three days before the sentencing hearing. They called her in and told her, “do not under any circumstances bring your notebook or anything. You come, but do not bring anything.”

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The FBI then reported back to Sessions that they looked into this, but she did not have anything to support her case. The FBI literally told her not to bring anything so they could make that statement.

“The FBI spent basically two hours threatening her that they would come after her if she didn’t drop the case.”

Deep State Defined - a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.

2. We excused Secretary Clinton for essentially the same thing. Making our national security information available to foreign nations.

At issue: Our intelligence community came forward and told the FBI, including Peter Strzok that there is 100 percent certainty that Clinton’s email server was hacked and that they had proof.

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Literally, the intel community IG, sent his investigator Frank Rucker over to tell Peter Strzok, head of the FBI counter terrorism, and two other FBI individuals their findings. Rucker stated that we now have proof positive that ’s server was hacked. And he told them that the country was not Russia. It was China.* (Note: The China information has been released from other sources, so we are not sharing classified information.)

The FBI official Position: The FBI last public statement in August that there was no evidence that her private server was hacked. They purposely refused to accept evidence of the hack and did not want proof otherwise.

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There was hope that Director Ray would address this serious problem. Since he let that statement go out, however, it appears he is more interested in protecting the deep state FBI than cleaning things up and reestablishing integrity.

“There is a standard for Democrats where we look the other way, and then the standard for Republicans is we’ll make stuff up if we have to.”

“In Proverbs, the Bible references that in good times where God is honored, you have leader and judges focused on justice. They are not affected, by wealth or political parties. Today, we are seeing the double standard. Some get away with it, while others they hang high in the end.” –Congressman Louie Gohmert


C. The War on Free Speech - There is an extraordinary media/news bias within Google, , and FB social media

Louie Gohmert has proposed a potential free market solution to fix Digital/ Social Media Bias. page 9 one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75)

The Problem is Google Bias and their Ability to Influence Elections:

Dr. Robert Epstein, who was the Psychology Today editor, did a thorough study on Google and the placement and the impact it has on the election. He stated that Google algorithms can swing the election one direction or the other. Epstein admits to being a big Hillary Clinton fan. He said he voted for Secretary Clinton but there is no question in his mind that the Google search results were biased against President Trump. He has documented that Google swung election votes of independents against him.

Epstein Concluded: Had Google not been actively working against him, President Trump would have won by a much larger margin.

Social media Facebook Google and others are literally swaying public opinion with their perspective. This is a threat to a free electorate and must be addressed.

The Situation: Internet companies originally argued they are just a platform like a telephone company. They petitioned Congress and therefore cannot be sued claiming they are more of a town square. “We facilitate and do not filter what people say” was their original position.

In some cases, people pay Google to achieve a higher priority through Google’s search engine. Google appears to have taken paid search marketing money and yet has been caught burying the search results. page 10 one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75)

For example, it appears Diamond and Silk, paid money to increase search results and they are made less prominent on some digital channels. In most areas of business that would be called fraud. You would be able to sue them for fraudulently taking money from you to do one thing and then doing the opposite. But because of Google’s current designation as a “town square,” they can’t be sued. People that have had their online business destroyed by the social algorithms of Google have no recourse.

The Bill and Potential Solution: Gohmert’s bill would simply eliminate the exemption from lawsuits for Google/FB/others as long as they filter results. It would eliminate their platform (telephone company) immunity and allow them to be sued.

At a hearing, one of the social media executives said, “we just want to be treated like .” He may not have realized what he was saying. Gohmert’s bill would allow the social media companies to be treated exactly like Fox News because they can be sued when they do something wrong.

In H.R. 7363, digital giants are given a choice. If they want to be like the telephone company, they can just pull the algorithms and let free speech reign. If they want to control the speech and control the outcomes, then they’d be subject to lawsuit.

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Washington Dec 20, 2018 Press Release: Gohmert Introduces Bill That Removes Liability Protections for Social Media Companies That Use Algorithms to Hide, Promote, or Filter User Content

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement regarding the introduction his bill, H.R.7363, that amends section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934: “Social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are now among the largest and most powerful companies in the world. More and more people are turning to a social media platform for news than ever before, arguably making these companies more powerful than traditional media outlets. Yet, social media companies enjoy special legal protections under Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934, protections not shared by other media. Instead of acting like the neutral platforms they claim to be in order obtain their immunity, these companies have turned Section 230 into a license to potentially defraud and defame with impunity.”

“Representatives of social media companies have testified in Congressional hearings that they do not discriminate against or filter out conservative voices on their platforms. But for all their reassurances, the disturbing trend continues unabated. Employees page 12 one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75) from some of these companies have communicated their disgust for conservatives and discussed ways to use social media platforms and algorithms to silence and prevent income to conservatives.”

“In one hearing, one of the internet social media executives indicated a desire to be treated like Fox News. Fox News does not have their immunity and this bill will fulfill that unwitting request. Since there still appears to be no sincere effort to stop this disconcerting behavior, it is time for social media companies to be liable for any biased and unethical impropriety of their employees as any other media company. If these companies want to continue to act like a biased medium and publish their own agendas to the detriment of others, they need to be held accountable.”

“It may seem strange that it might empower the plaintiffs’ bar, but it may just get some Republican lawyers involved.”

“I really think that if you had some multi-billion-dollar judgments for fraud class action suits against Google you’d see things change dramatically in the way they preference things that are liberal and crush anything that’s pro-American and pro President.” –Congressman Louie Gohmert

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Why You Should Care:

1. The Deep State does exist and opposes a government run by the people. For them it is about power and keeping their position. Do you want to let them win, giving up on the principles that make America free?

2. The Deep State is a representation of the economic and spiritual war our country is facing. Both, need to be addressed.

3. The Deep State is not about Justice and Fairness. The principles our nation was founded upon are at risk.

4. Digital and Social Media have moved from being a platform for all to filtering free speech in favor of a few. Monopolies like Google and FB need to be held accountable.

5. It is time to take a stand now! We are helping provide tools so you can be educated and share this with others.

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Economic Patriot Action Plan Despite the obstacles facing America, we are developing plans to compress ideas and impact America quickly.

Step 1: Support congressional candidates that understand our Government is meant to be run by the people, and not bureaucrats. We need more member of congress willing to make a stand, like Louie Gohmert. If you have patriots representing you, let them know they are appreciated. If not, let them know your concerns. One thousand voters from within a district calling or emailing their congressman can change a vote.

Step 2: Call your representative and ask them to get behind Gohmert’s legislation HR 7363 for social media and digital monopolies.

Step 3: Consider pushing the idea of representatives being able to vote from the areas they represent instead of having to be in Washington all the time.

Step 4: The ugliness of the Deep State, now more than ever, demonstrates that limits need to be implemented for both politicians and bureaucrats. Work to have this included in party platforms.

Step 5: Recognize that the war against you, your livelihood and your money is real. Take action now and share this information.

Step 6: What is a short sprint you can do to help strengthen America? Choose from the list or set your own goals.

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Get others to sign up and review our weekly Economic War Room Economic Battle Plans™. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted on this briefing. Subscribe to our weekly Economic War Room show on TheBlaze at

Subscribe to our weekly Economic War Room show on TheBlaze. We need to break the digital ghetto that is limiting free speech regarding truth and liberty.

Follow, like, comment and share on Facebook and Twitter. [We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but when they are not filtered, they can be major platforms available to reach out to the public.]

Share this Economic Battle PlanTM and our short video segments on Facebook or YouTube with friends. We set up the Economic War Room to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

Think about ways you can mobilize or weaponize your money towards things that strengthen American. This can be through charitable giving, spending, or investments.

Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developing now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/ investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSE LAUNCHING THIS SPRING.

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Thank you for accepting this mission. Together, we will make a difference!

Shareable THOUGHT: (share this thought with your friends or at the office) Quick Fact: According to Social Media executives, Russia spent $4,500 on the Trump election. The impact of the Social Media company manipulations is hundreds of thousands of times greater yet largely overlooked.

Highlights from the Russia Election interference Hearing

Gohmert Question: Well you obviously came prepared to answer the Democrats questions that you found that Russia had been manipulating things. How much manipulation did you find from China or North Korea or others?

Social Tech Answer (Google, You Tube, and Twitter): “Oh, we actually we never look for anything besides Russia. We don’t know.”

“The elite social media giants were more worried about satisfying the Democrats, than they are learning the truth.” –Congressman Louie Gohmert page 17 one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75)

The EWR Collection Deck From Kevin Freeman

QUICK SECTION LINKS About Congressman Louie Gohmert What People Say About The Deep State The House IT Scandal Hillary Clinton Email Server Google/Social Media Bias Gohmert Bill Solution

[+] Must Read/Watch


WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THE DEEP STATE The Deep State Is Real [+] intelligence-215537

Sean Hannity: The deep state and the greatest abuse of power, corruption in American history greatest-abuse-of-power-corruption-in-american-history

Do You Believe in the Deep State Now? state-now/ page 18 one-on-one with Louie Gohmert EP26 [Economic patriot score: 75)

Deep State: Did Justice, CIA And FBI Commit Crimes To Get Rid Of Trump? russia/

Court Victory Against Deep State FBI against-deep-state-fbi/

The GOP memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real

(Democrat) Kucinich: “Deep State” Trying To Take Down Trump, “Our Country Is Under Attack Within” trying_to_take_down_trump_our_country_is_under_attack_within.html

How the Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump-Russia dirt … until agents bit flooded-the-fbi-with-trump-russia-dirt-until

Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased coverage-as-biased

Do You Believe In The Deep State Now?

Deep State Unmasked James O’Keefe

Public Troubled by ‘Deep State’ (Bi-partisan concern)

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THE HOUSE IT SCANDAL New Book Reveals Deep State Role in Pakistani Infiltration of House Democrats infiltration-of-house-democrats/

Gohmert Hearing On Imran Awan: Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Managed House Cybersecurity Remotely From awan_wasserman_schultz_it_aide_managed_house_cybersecurity_remotely_from_ pakistan.html

What the ‘House IT Scandal’ was really about [+]


Sentencing in House Democratic IT scandal lets Imran Awan off with only a slap on the wrist lets-imran-awan-off-with-only-a-slap-on-the-wrist

The Imran Awan Story, or How to Bury a Scandal

Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak: House Leadership Covering Up Awan IT Scandal? rosiak_house_leadership_covering_up_awan_it_scandal.html

HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL SERVER FBI’s top lawyer believed Hillary Clinton should face charges, but was talked out of it hillary-clinton-should-face-charges-but-was

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Chris Farrell: ‘Disparity of Treatment’ Between the Clintons & Trump Administration disparity-of-treatment-between-the-clintons-trump-administration

Hillary Clinton’s use of private email server among ‘gravest’ offenses to transparency, judge says [+] server-among-gravest-offenses-to-transparency-judge-says

Peter Strzok: Clinton, DOJ struck deal that blocked FBI access to emails on her private server deal-that-blocked-fbi-access-to-clinton-foundation-emails-on-her-private- server

Chinese company hacked Hillary Clinton’s email server: Report clintons-email-server-report



Did The FBI Cover Up Evidence That China Hacked Clinton’s State Dept. Emails? clintons-state-department-emails-did-the-fbi-cover-that-up-too/

The Clinton State Department’s Major Security Breach That Everyone Is Ignoring departments-major-security-breach-everyone-ignoring

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FBI ‘very deceptive’ in rebutting story on Chinese firm hacking Clinton emails, GOP lawmaker says story-on-chinese-firm-hacking-clinton-emails-gop-lawmaker-says

GOOGLE/SOCIAL MEDIA BIAS LEAKED AUDIO: Google Discusses ‘Steering’ the Conservative Movement steering-the-conservative-movement/

Twitter CEO Dorsey: ‘We Were Too Aggressive’ In Banning Conservatives conservatives/

Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview

Facebook insider goes public: ‘Suppression’ for conservatives conservatives/

Facebook accused of acting like ‘digital gangsters’ in a devastating report by lawmakers collins-2019-2

‘Disrespectful’: Google Employees Melt Down Over The Word ‘Family’

Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing “Propagandists” With “Horses***t” Low Standards for_becoming_left-wing_propagandists_horseshit_low_standards.html

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Social Media: Is Trump Right About Anti-Conservative Bias? You Bet He Is conservative-bias/

Google, Twitter and Facebook should just be honest if they don’t like conservatives twitter-google-youtube-bias-conservatives-republicans-column/1250893002/

I deleted my Twitter account. It’s a breeding ground for thoughtlessness and contempt. media-bias-political-poison-blogosphere-instapundit-column/2183648002/

Are Social Media Platforms Politically Biased? 72% of Americans Think So biased

GOHMERT BILL SOLUTION BREAKING NEWSRep. Gohmert (R-Texas) Introduces Bill to Stop Bias By Social Media Giants stop-bias-by-social-media-giants/

Gohmert bill targets filtering of conservative messages by social media platforms conservative-messages-by-social-media/article_a896b556-103c-11e9-b8fa- 7bbef4c4151d.html

Note: The Economic Battle Plan™ contains hyperlinks to other Internet sites not under the editorial control of EWR-Media Holdings, LLC. These hyperlinks are not express or implied endorsements or approvals by EWR-Media Holdings, LLC, of any products, services or information available from these 3rd party sites. Links to these 3rd party sites are open source links that may require subscription or registration.

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