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J l* * PARIS OFFICES, Aug-. 31st. DUO

You fritter away, HHV, $5.00 of itamnnlli for neetllitiB tliinuf. Tliene A. C. BARBER MFG. CO.. pe"«hable and your money in jjone. In live jears .von have limt fnOO.nO, to aay nothing of what the mini would earn 04 Lake St., Put it another way— Chicago, III. GENTLEMEN:— fcVoi/ save S5 a month and doposiie H with I have the honor to advise you, that you were awarded a medal in recognition of the merits of your heating stoves. This is fhe highest award Che City Bank... given to an Oil Heating* Stove. Very truly yours 5. ^ou 0 per cent Compound interest for your money, fa WILTSON F. WOLFE, fif In live years you have Which oourse ia winoat? & Kxpert Dept. of Heating and Ventilation. For Sale by Spraker 6c Cambell

SEE The Name on The Leg. Discount Sale of ma|| paper

It's always there. WILJIJIAM McKlNf.KV AT HUNT'S... 11 Then you know you arc yettiny lie-Klected President ol* the Unit€*d Stntow the genuine. Quality Higli. Prices Low. Don't forget to look at our stock belore you buy. Th re is BUT One ROUND OAK... DEMOCRAT ROOSTER CRAW=C00NS. | | "cuim-oh,. HUNT'S DRUG STORE Open Samlajs ^ Sometimes peculiar people say they have it when HARH1ACIK OF POPULAR it's not so. If you are posted you cannot be deceived, LOWELL COVPLK. we write this to post you. SICE THE NAME ON THE LEG. Sold only by... MIHS Emntn Craw and Harvey J. Coons. Married, at the home uf the bride's • R. B. BOVLAN. mother, Mrs E. R. Craw ,lasteven. ingatO p. m.. Miss Km ma O. Craw Special Sale of QnmtA fifllS: and Harvey J. Coons, the ceremony November 6, 1900. being performed by Rev. S. T. * Morris. Now On. TILK VOTE IN LOWELL. The wedding was an informal af- Lowell gave the following vote: fair, only the family relatives and a See Our Window— xxxxxxxxsxxxxxxx; Smith 434, McKnight 3.31, Wcekes =1 few immediate friends beingpresent. 478, Moelstra 201, Barnaby 437, Miss Anna Crumback of Grand Davis 328, Jewell 441, Aduit 324, • Rapids presided at the piano and L. U. Chapman 362, Kennedy 383, • sang two beautiful solos. Pink and Carr Iu C. Smith 303, Hulst 403, Wood- white decorations prevailed m the JHE WATCH'S worth 276, Bergin 4U8, Brown 405, t parlor. The bride was attired in Kerwin 868, Cook 406, McCraft cream and white and carried white 358. roses. On the amendment the vote was After the ceremony delicious re- 678 "yes" ami 77 "no." ALMA MATER freshments were served in the dining IN THE COUNTY. room, where the prevailing colors The entire Republican county were green and white. Mr. and ticket in elected by majorities rang- Mrs. Coons were the recipients of ing from 700 to 3500, Chapman get- many beautiful gifts. Carpets We never lose interest in the watch ting the least and Cresweli for cir. They left on the evepingtrain for that g"oes out of this store. cuit court commissioner the most a few days trip. Its daily deportment is of as much ADA. Mr. Coons is one of Lowell's Oil Cloths concern to us after the sale as it is before. Ada gave McKinley 179, Bryan most exemplary young business men Special We have stood sponsor for it and 151, Bliss 170, Maybnry 153, and justly esteemed by all. He has our sponsorship doesn't end Smith 170, McKnight 154, Jewell twice bebn honored by the call of Comforters whenSt passes into your pocket. 177, Adsit 154, Chapman 183, Ken- his fellow citizens to the office of You buy a guarantee along with the nedy 149, C. Smith 180, Huist 153, township treasurer. The bride is Sale one of Lowell's most charming and Pillows watch —and Oliver's guarantee is good. Wood worth 181, Bergin 151, Brown 170, Kirwin 152,\Veekp8 177, popular voting ladies. Moelstra 152, Barnaby 178, Davis THE LEDOEK wishes the happy THE WHITE FRONT. pair a long and prosperous wedded Of... Feathers. 152, THE PEOPLE'S STORE. life. CANNON Cannon went 190 for McKinley, Good I'rinU 4o per yard. 108 for Bryan, Bliss got 182, May- SHE CAME TO TOWN. Cotton Uatting 7c per roll A. D. OLIVER, Prop. bury "fl 7, Smith 18H, MuKnight 114, Woodwortb 182, Bergin 118, To Get Rid of One Husbaad and to Weekes 188, Moelstra 112,. Nash Take on Another, 191, Tozer 109. Ida Sterzik of Cascade, who re- ^xxxxxxxxsxxxxxxx: CASCADE ceived a divorce from Frank Sterzik Cascade: McKinley 186, Bryan in the Circuit court this morning, 134, Bliss 185, Maybnry 139, Smith evidently had her mind made up be- !•••••••••••••••• 177, McKnight 152, Woodworth fore she came to the city that she 186, Bergin 13", Weekes 187, was not going to be single for a Think Moelstra, 135. very long time. She was granted The men ur women who do not Ihiak VJCRGKNNEB the decree on the grounds of the ex- iihfiid nowdays iiBually get left in all Vergennes: McKinley 129, Bryan treme cruelty of her husband. In thiugf* HIKI wonder why they don't do 128, Bliss 124, Maybnry 135, Smith the bill of complaint it was set forth belter. 128, McKnigfit 132, Jewell 131, that she was married to Sterzik when Ahead Now we want you to th4 you do better than you have been doing, keep right on coming, if not, 134, Weekes 122, Moelstra 182. torney Minor stepped into the county clerk's office this noon to tile the de- we won't ask you to come again. We have hundreds of customers GRAJTAN that have beeli coming steadily every year for twenty years and are cree of divorce,he was astounded to G rait an gave Bryan 163, Mc- Hatistied yet with the goods aad treatment they get here. see Mrs. Sterzik at the desk with her Kinley 138, Maybnry 105, Bliss 137, intended husband securing second McKnight 168, Smith 140, Adt-it a How for marriage license. Her second hus- Cold 158, Jewell 146, Kennedy 171, band, William Wall, is also from FOOTWEAR Weather Chapman 131, Hulst 178, C. Smith Cascade, and had evidently come to •YAM! •• / iwsgi 125, McCrath 168, Cook 133, Brown Vou Had better buy it now while we huvc ail si/.ett in ail kinds. You the city this morning prepared for 136, Tozer 159, Nash 140. will find everything that is made to keep the leot warm, here at the ceremony vnd certain that the 4 prices as low as goods can be sold for. We always try to see how ^ CALEDONIA decree of divorce would be granted ' 1 ^ , r.' y' good a shoe we can buy, not how chuxp. • Caledonia gave McKinley 297, from the first husband.—[Grand • ' We invite ail who want good, honest made footwear to give us J Bryan 144, IMiss 289) Maybnry Rapids Press, Nov. 6. a trial and be convinced. ^ 153, Smith 296,McKnight 153,Chap- HON. A. W. WEEKES, man 190, Kennedy 249, Woodworth For Solo This is the smiling face of ."our State Senator-Elect for Seventeeiiih THEOLDRELIABIE next congressman," William Alden 282, Bergin 150, Weekes 205, A second hand coal stove in good- District. SHOE HOUSE. Smith. THE LEDGER cheerfully Moelstra 147. repair. Will sell cheap. A. J. Howk & Son. acknowledges that it is neither a Cord of Thauk». , BOWNE Elmer Richmond. prophet nor the son of a prophet. Mr. ami Mrs. John Dutcher wish Bowne gave McKinley 230, to express their sincere thanks to Bryan 120, Bliss 226, Maybnry 127, Sherman's prices on gold watches You will save money if you buy their friends and neighbors who MI Smith 228, McKnight 127, Jewell are below competition. your wall paper at Hunt's Drug kindly assisted in caring for their 216, Adsit 139, Chapman 225, Good paper 3 c. per single roll at When you are iu a hurry and store. interests while they were in Gnn-l Kennedy 100, C. Smith 205, Hulst Look's annual wall paper sale. are all out of Stationery all Rapids caring for their daughter, 149, Woodworth 203, Bergin 151, New stock of mandolins, banjos, you have to do is to atep to We will send the Detroit Semi- Delia. Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher. ASK FOR NO. 52 your Bell Phoue and aak for Weekes 225, Moelstra 120. Weekly Journal and THE LOWELL accordeons, harmonophoues, and — ==z —... . -- No. 52, give us your order and Full Suite and National returns LEDGER from now until Jan. 1, 1902 general musical merchandise just Papers good enough for any room we will have it filled in bo short a time that you will wonder how we could do it and arc given on the second page. received at R. D. Stockings. 3—34—4 aild 5 c. per single roll at our price will be right. No robbery here THE LEDGER. for $1.70. tf.

>• ; J? '1 THK LKDGKK. LOWELL, MICH., TllimaDAV. NOVEMBElt H, moo. HE LEDGER, LOWELL. MICH., T11UR8DAY, NOVEMBElt 8j_lj)U0. WAYNE COUNTY'S VOTE. ap HEREANDTHtRE JIM THE PLUMBER. THE REFORMER QUAILED. Women as Well as Men BRYAN SLEPT WELL. No Hope for the Democrats to • Single 000; Massachusetls. M.chlgan, Of the cotton crop of the world, 80.000; Minnesota. 85.000; Nebraska, AREBU MEDIUM WNA ILIA NRRNTEKT CRITTER Are Made Miserable by Office. lilt Orlm DaUrmlnatlon to Do ftlglit In four-flfths la produced In tbe United Dealer Lumber Latht 3,000; New Hampshire 20.000; New THE L/UlST • R. ON ALRIL*. LOWELL DeollnM to Make any atatemsnl for th* Cam of Two U'an Clilldrvn. "If anybody was to ask me who States. Jersey. 50.000; New York. 135,000; It certainly was most pathetic, quite Kidney Trouble. Shingles North Dakota, 8.000; Ohio. 50,000; Ore- The Public. .wasswgss was the greatest critter the airth ever Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway like Dickens; Broadway in all its gon, R.0O0; Pennsylvania, 200.000; and over, and every produced I'd say Archie Medium," said and Italy are now training dogs for Codar Ponco Posts How Bryan Received Returns. He Carried Michigan by 83,000 wealth and careless gaiety; a gotgeous Rhode Island. 20.000; Vermont, 30.000; Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 7.—Mr. Bryan re- Jim the Plumber, cnthusias ically, an use In war, Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis- Brick. President McKinley Re elected b; West Virginia, 10.00); Wisconsin, S;ly s^venp^ncu^et to jear ^ he drew a smudge of black down his candy shop, brilliant green, red and courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ceived election returns at his resl- Majority. blue stickiness, and before the great "Never envy a man his riches until 100,000; Wyoming. 3,000 ' left chock with an oil rag. Of course and cheerfulness soon a Large Majcrity. lence in this city. His house was fair- Plato glass windows two children, a you know what he did to gain them," Planing Rrynn—Alabama. 75.0.0; Arkansas, this was merely a Ifttle absent-mlml- disappear when the kid- ly overrun with newspaper men and boy and a girl, ragged, forlorn and Is a saying as old as Eplctetus. T5.000; Colorado. 35.000; Florida. 20,- telegraph operators. Not only was the • edness on Jim's part, for we all know neys are out of order wan, gazing longingly at the parndlH.\ 000; Georgia, 40,000; Louislona. 30.- Revised Returns Indicate Repub- first floor of the house largely given up BTATE SOLID FOR H'KINLIT he has plenty of handkerchiefs In the The Johnsons In the Chicago direc- or diseased. —ManufacturcrH of— A REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE 000; Mississippi. 45.000; Missouri, Of course among the throng there wore tory number 5,750, and have a clear Kidney trouble has lican Gains in the House. to them, but two of the rooms in the ^Gov "BMss'w«s given only a majority ^ collar-box at home. 000; Montana. 18.000; Nevsda, 1.500; second story also. Four telegraph "Yes, I'd say Archie Medium against those who had an eye for such sentl- majority of 1,350 over the Smiths. become so prevalent Saeli, Doors, Hlinds, Kratnca for Doors, s th Car0 of 678 in Wayne, «how ng h«t M menlrt contrast. A benevolent old that It Is not uncommon North Carolina. 30.000; P" _ ' wires were run In the house. Mr. Probably Eleven of Twelve Congress- the world. He invented a screw bv The population of Europe Is 381,000.. Winduw.s Biiil Screens, Exhibition anil Una. 40.000; Tennessee. 15.000; Texas, bury ran 6,000 ahead of bis ticket. m**- lady, a brlght-facod girl, a good mi- for a child to be born Now York, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Mar^ Bryan had with him his brother, Chas. 0 which If a feller could find some place 000, an Increase of 79.000.000 since Hhippiug Coops for Poultry, Dried Ap- 175.000; Virginia. 20.000; men Elected by Republicans—Mea- McKinley ... Blvcn • ~ tured man, all prosperous and well afflicted with weak kid- HOW IT WILL STAND. Bryan, his former law partner, ex-Sen to stand It on he could move the ah h 1870. or an annual Increase of about ple Boxes, Wooden Have Troughs, eic.. yland and. Even Nebratka for Mc- Idaho. Kansas. Kentucky. South Da- gre Flgurea Owing to the Large 7,906 In the county. dressed, stopped a moment to look and neys. If the child urin- ator Talbot. Committeeman Dahlman Hunt. Republican candidate for pros •—the whole alrth; If It was a little 3,000.000. kota, Utib. and Washington not re- and Attorney Schmitt. Mrs. Bryan philosophize each after his or her fash- ates too often. If the Kinley—Empire State a Disappoint- Vote. bigger he could move Jupiter; an' in ported. had as companions a cousin, Mrs. Rog- ecutor. received the loweRt majority on Ion. Then said the little boy to bihl All British mall contracts are sub- urine scalds Ihe flesh or If, when the child ment to Demorrati. the county ticket only U*- running fact there's nothing he couldn't move Republicans Will Have 196 and ers and Mrs. Dahlman. sister: mitted to public compttltlou, each con- reaches an age when it should be able to FRANK R. about 5,000 behind his Ucket. control the passage. It Is yet afflicted wllh Matching Re SawinK New York, Nov. 7.—It became evl- Democrats 152. Independents 8 Mr. Bryan took his dinner at a little B-z-z-z-z went the lathe. 'Oh, Mamie, If we could only have tract beln» awarded to the lowest re- P Rep. Burch, Republican pand'dnte some of those candles wouldn't It be bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of ECKER, M lent nt a very early hour Tuesday after 6 o'clock and after partaking of "No, there warn't no flies on Arch.e sponsible bidder of any nalionallty. Members—Other Important News the meal, spent a few minutes in con- for legislature, may be nice?" the difllcully Is kidney trouble, and the first Job Work. evening that (ho election of McKinley turns on 75 precincts ^ He was a sensible, practical mechanic, A mounted body of 100 rurales step should be towards Ihe treatment of of the Election. versation with the newspaper men, who wouldn't carry a load of plumb- The tears came to Mamie's eyes. (country police), with a band of and Roosevelt was assured. At half referring to the bulletins received and 100 precincts, give Bureh only 31 ma Ihese Important organs. This unpleasant ' er's materials about if he had a tnuk "But, Tommle, wo can't; It's no use pieces, will constltule one feature of past 8 o'clock returns from nearly Chicago. III., Nov. 7.—The best In- asking some questions about different lority over Dupont (Dem.), the hlghtf-t wanting, we've no money." trouble Is due to a diseased condition of Ihe to put 'em in. He burned up a whole the Mexican government exhibition at kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as two-thirds of the election districts of formation now obtainable shows that sections but without venturing any legislative candidate on the Democ And they both sighed as though Ic legislative ticket. fleet of Roman Ironclads by turning the Buffalo fair. most people suppose. Greater New ^ork had been received. " the next house of congress will have j opinion upon the figures. The first buI- a mirror on 'em from a kopje on shore. their hearts would break. The sweet The vote is as follows: A horse will live 25 days without Women as well as men are made mis- 7K Indicating beyond question that Bryan lh, following rcpr.Mnt.Uoa from the I "y., h'dT.Vn McKIn- •' He screwed water outer the alrth when old lady could stand It no longer. erable with kidney and bladder trouble, N For govemor-BII*H. ai.ft'l: ^tbnrf, ^ Mopping her eyes with her handker- solid food, merely drinking water. A and Stevenson could not expect more various states: ley a majority of 1.337 and this was -they'd used up all the buckets putting and both need the same great remedy. out^rcs In the forum caused by tho chief she sallied Into the store and bear will go for six monthH. while ai The mild and the Immediate effect of than 25,000 or 80.000 plurality In this DCRA. IND. KEP. quickly followed by another bulletin RS.lrtt; Unmwlell (Dem.), uiajorny, purchased the largest box In sight, and viper can exist for 10 months without £ Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold Democratic Blrongbold and unlosfl ALNLIFTINII .. IT to the effect that Elmlra had gone In lyddite shells of the Roman fleet. I ARKNIIMI* .. fl ^Seeretary of .ta^Wnrner (Uep^l.^,:^: don't know how Archie stood on open her face beaming with benevolence food. A serpent in confinement has by druggists, in fifty- CAIIROININ T I Mr. Bryan's favor to the extent of started out to give it to the boy. He there was a landslide In the outside 1 plumbing an' sanitary conveniences, been known to refuse food for 21 cent and one dollar counties beyond all reasonable expec- COLOIMLI) 1,722 majority. lisped his thanks in childish grati- months. Connuctlciit } When shown this message he simply an' I haven't seen his name on tho sizes. You may have a DOLNWHRE tude, but from the corner of bis eve CUIUS tation. the pivotal state of New York patent list, but Arcble. knew his buol- Tho Mexican census recently taken, sample bottle by mall KLORLIU remarked that it was encouraging. The ness— there shot a backward gleam well whose results are just coming out, free, also pamphlet tell- ILOMI" of HWRIUII Hoot. had declared In unmistakable terras, ORORITLU other bulletins from New York came S. C? known In Cherry street. The example IDAHO B-z-z-z-z went Ihe lathe. shows a population of 12,491,573. ov r ing all about II. including many of the I'rom the Cheap Air (luns at 75c up to the Fine ^ although by a greatly rcduced major- in thick and fast after that and while of the old lady was contagious, Ihe LLLLNOLM ,, Mr. Bryan made no comment there O'Hara .Pen..). 25«14; innjerlty, "Perhaps Mr. Medium lived too long two-thlrdb of whom cannot read or thousands of lestimonlal letters received ' Hammerlcss Shot Guns worth $50.00. ity. for the Republican candidates. As iDdlllllH bright-faced girl came forward with a l 1 was a feeling among those present Kiijierlnteudenl oMndi'i ii' . ^ .7.. ago to have his name In Iho patent write. Over 80 per cent of the popula- from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer the night progressed it only served to IOWA (Rep I. fr.'.JBO; Langdon (Dem.), J>,aTl. ma dime, the good-natured looking man it Co.. Binghamlonr N. Y., be sure and KHIIMH % 7 that he was disappointed in the re- office list," it was suggested. tion Is of mixed and Indian rac a. confirm this Judgment The returns KENT M-KY 2 turn from New York city and Brook- "'"if,VKH.™ 11171.. *V™; "Mebbe so," replied Jim, slowly, contributed a nickel; other pa«scrs-by mention this paper. from Illinois betrayed a like condition. I^OUIHIUDB added their mites and matters were be- sixty-three languages are spoke.i 4 lyn. His reports up to the last con- M "mehhe. I'm shy on dates, very shy The Republican plurality of 1896 was MAINE ''BiifiSr'n S" « ' coming pleasant for the forlorn couple among the people. MARYLNUD o cerning these cities had been encour- on dates. I've tried them things to £ FAR The entire coast of Alaska and its greatly reduced but It was still MaKHUilitiwMlM . " aging, and his own observation had aid your mem'ry, but t'alnt no UFO no- Soon tfio boy found tho candy gazing MLRHLFIIII business too slow; so while his little MIMftlu-n Wllh Kl-Half lrrcx. too large to be overcome. 7 led him to believe that there would Governor BiiM. how. They had a column In one of islands, from Dixon entrance to the •5 MLNUI'HOIII sister did tho yearning pathetic, he I see where I made anoiher mls ake MLMILM«L|IPL ^7 I be a large Increase In his vote, rather Smith 1 Dem.I. uiajtorlty. MHrt the papers about those 'pneumatic aids Aleutian Islands, is mountainous. Th • MlMniirl 2 Bliss' Majority 80,000. passed to and fro among the bystand- or two of them. I wanted a couple of , than a loss. On the other hand there Regl .tmwU- Klncslev iRep >. 33.030; to memory/ they called 'em, but It land everywhere rises abruptly from MONLHIM 2 was considerable encouragement from Detroit, Mich., Nov. 7.—From the re- Rlopel ers with open palm Into which the tbe sea to eummlts ranging from 30J shade-treies on the outer edge of the COPYRILHT. Rofkwood, NotirnsWa struck me about like shorthand. turns received up to 9 o'clock this Pro i" nlckles and dimes flowed plentifully. lawn, and dec'.yhd Hint they mighf as NEVADA I the Interior of New York state and Monaghan Couldn't handle It. Setter stick to to 8.000 feet high. The mountain NEW HAMPSHIRE But the chronic Beformer was well be frult-liees and bear sonpllilng AMMUNITION , I especially satisfying was the message morning, the Indications are that Col, slopes are very steep. d your plumber's materials, Jim, I said, Vice-President Roosevelt. NEW JERWY from National Committeeman MaCk 8andiIronT "l>em•'>^ fv* majoVlty. JlWJ among the spectators gazing with dis- henldcs leaves as not. BO after looking NEW YORK Bliss. Republican candidate for gover- an' read up Archie Medium ahd Citio It is said that 95.000 cabin parsen- All Kinds, loaded and unloaded saying that Buffalo had given McKin- Aiulltor ffrnfml of • owrm favor and without sense of humor. the matiter up a little. 1 planted two NORTH <'HR«||IIA . nor, has carried the state by a plural' R2.2.W: IIIUIHOTJ 2RI.7W: majority, and slch." Both Black and Smokeless- NORTH Dnkotn ... 1 ley a majority of only about 3.000 Having duly s.'tisfled himself as to the gers have crossed the Atlantic to Stark apples. To Ie sure, tliey are Ohio 17 Ity exceeding that given to Gov. Pin- R Europe this year. AssuThing that tlK At the President's Home. against a majority of 12.000 four years ""Land eommlssioner -Wlldey ( 'P-> 32.177i righteousness of his course, he plung- trees, and they thiide the spots where Powder. First Class Smokless ORRJRON Wluana (Den..), ? average expenditure of this class of PTNNNYLVNNLA .. 1 25 ago. Coming closely upon the reports gree two years ago. Jackson and County auditor—riirlstlai. (Rep.). UniaccenBtuI I'la.i, ed upon the now prosperous waifs. they are. but they are about as orna- Shells a Specialty. Canton, O.. Nov. 7.— President Mc- RHODE IXLMID .. from Buffalo was one from a friend in Washtenaw counties are the only ones "My wife is mad and I don't blame "Young man," he said in his deepest travelers on the other side Is 1300—and menlal ns old BHH-barrels. If I had (1 Roehrlg (Dem.). ^ \tav^ueD > o I Kinley received the election returns HONTLI CN ROLIN.I Boston announcing that city to have showing pluralities against him. rit nnm-i enmmlsHloncra—May (liep.j. her, and I'll tell you why." said Jones tones, grabbing tbe boy by the shoul- It is probably more—that means n ar- known what I do now tnrir places at his home, surrounded by a large SOUTH DIIKOLN .. TENNESNEE gone for Bryan by a majority of 7,000. County. IU 1KM. Mnjrlinry. yesterday. "We have kept house for der "what are you doing?" ly $30,000,000 paid to the foreigner. would now bo occupied by Grimes' number of his old friends and neigh- TEXAN as against 17.000 for McKinley four Alromi 400 twenty years, and I figure that during "Ah, gwan," answered the youth Golden trees. The e are neat, com- WW After months of delay, the hug-! I bors. Including many ladles who came Utah years ago. Alter that time we have had at least eighty with a wriggle. pact and really oinamental trees, C\ as the guests of Mrs. McKinley. to VERMONT Allegan 1.(100 •••••• flying cage of the Zoological park. New Virginia 10 The early dispatches Indicated the <400 • ••••• hired girls, good, bad and indifferent, "Boy," proceeded the Reformer, "you while the fruit is not surpas e l by any share with her the interest and excite- ALPENA rpVSfe 'S.'ri TO': York, has been completed. Us cost is WnxhlnEton .... loss of Maryland and this also was a Antrim 1.500 hut mostly bad. Several years ago are begging. I'll take you to the Ger- npplo that grows. Along the path to ment of this culminating event of the WENT VIRGINIA .. 7:. •••••• $8,000. It Is a colossal gothlc arch of disappointment, for It had been be- ARENAC "SUSTKT OF THE PRJRE-Hleln (Ron.l. 23'160: Mrs. Jones was fortunate In securing ry society." the gale I decided to plant ao .ther campaign. Direct wires connected the WLACONIDN Uarac* JWO WEHH (DEM ). 20.251: MAJORITY, 4.900. steel pipe and wire netting. 150 feet, WROMLNP 1 lieved that that state was fairly safe BARRY 4.H) a Jewel of a girl, but she was Indis- For a second the boy trembled; but fruit-hearing shaie-trce. and like a house with- the Republican national STATU SENATORS. long, 75 feet wide and 55 feet high, and J TOT N I . L.->2 11MI for the Democratic ticket. After re- Bay L.MK) creet enough to brag about It around an Inspiration came to him, "Lemine ninny selected a Howell peir. If any- headquarters at New York and at Chi- 110(1 FIRST DISTRICT-IFTDMEA (REP.), 7,406; 1*9 Is the largest thing of Its kind evei ceiving the earlier returns In his li- ILENILE the neighborhood, wllh the result that go," he cried, and then In more threat- body can see an atom of ornament cago. with Senator Hanna. at the Un- brary, in the midst of his frlenda, Mr. Rerrlen l.fioo (PEIN.). 0,008: TNAJORLTY. WO. constructed. ion club In Cleveland, and with the TEDDY CONGRATULATES BRANCH TtOO SEEOND DLALRLCL-MURFLN (HEN.), 7,801, one of the neighbors enticed her away ening tones, 'me fader's a policeman!" about W 1 whould be glad to have It R. 0. STOCKING. Bryan retired to his private apart- CALLIONN 700 MUER (DEM.), 0.841: MAJORITY, !»00. home of Gov. Roosevelt at Oyster Bay. 88 011, under promise of paying her higher "Yah," cried the little girl, "Johnny pointed out. Th. fruit is flrst-class, ments. which were connected with the Cass .-{00 THIRD DISTRICT—KALIE (REP.). ' ^ '> J* but the shape of tbe tree is anylhing so that the president was In constant Charlevoix 700 •••••• •ON (DEM.). n.fOfl: MAJORITY. 1.W7. wages, and my wife has not forgiven Policeman's his name." WHAT A WOMAN THINKS I outside world by a special wire. Both Among the First to Send Greetings to CHELIOYGAN 400 •••••• FOURTH DLATRLCT—OOODELL (REP), 7,600, the woman that did it to this day. But the Reformer was not awed. but fair to look upon. Had I planted telegraphic touch with his associate he and Mrs. Bryan were In cheerful McKinley. Chippewa l.COO CROFT. 5.401: MAJORITY. "Ever since she has had a dream Ever solemn he gazed around for an Instead cltlwv a Keiffcr oi Koonce pear on the ticket and with the campaign mood and a person unacquainted with Clare •J50 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT-AVITH a FEW Carrots arc highly, recommended for PRECINCTS YET TO HEAR FROM IN .WAYNE COURFTJR ^ that some day she would be lucky officer of the law, who of course came I would now have a tree that would|ie leaders. New York. Nov. 7.—Gov. Roosevelt, the circumstances would never have CLINTON •OKI •••••• the complexion. CRAWFORD 120 THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AS FOIL OWN. \CA, an ornament to any g oind. Th.' fruit The president made his headquart- surrounded by his family, received the dreamed from their demeanor that enough to draw another prize In the not. Meantime the little girl disap- ers In his library whore most of the DELTA i.soo 47,103: NO. 6,403; MAJORITY, 41.500. hired girl market, and when she did peared. For some minutes the Re- A woman's refinement Is Indicated of tlie Keiffer. when prcpeiiy riipened. returns at his home on Sagamore they were at this time the center of DleklnnoD 2.000 gentlemen guests congregated, while Hills. The governor at no time dur- KATON 0(10 She had her plans all laid to keep her. former waited with the collar of the by the perfume she uses. Is gocd for dc.-sei l. and excrllent stew- national Interest. CONNECTICUT. Mrs. McKinley entertained the ladles ing the evening seemed anxious about At 8 o'clock when the newspaper EMMET 350 "Well, the othei day the Jewel was youth held flrmly In his grasp. His ' Men were deceivers ever," but wo- ed. canned or In pies while that of the in the parlor. The president was in OeneHee 1,7(10 secured, and Mrs. Jones simply hugged Koonce. which Is an early pear, is goad the result. He did not make any spe- men congregated at Mr. Bryan's house CLADWLN 400 New Haven, Conn., Nov. 7.—State position was a trifle ridiculous for a men can do a little In that way too. his usual good humor, showing no Chairman Thayer of the Democratic herself with delight, when she realiz- crowd had collected, and their gibes any way. OOPRRICBT. U00, BJ OWFLW A. ORY. cial arrangements to receive the news sought a statement from him they OOREHLE 1.512 Joseph's coat of many colors Isn't signs of anxiety over the result. and depended on messages to be were told that he had just gone to Grand Traverse ... l.:too comml t e concedes deleat for Demo- ed what a treasure she possessed. were many. Any one but a chronic President McKinley. GRNTIOT 7(H) In It with the up-to-date man's socks. Executive Mansion. Canton. O.. Nov. brought from the'telegraph office in sleep and could not be disturbed. cratic national ticket, but states that "The girl had only been with her one Reformer would have surrendered. A Village Blacksmith Saved His Lilt * ILLLLXDULE 000 Character Is shown by the way p-o- On the otlifr hand the returns from 7.—The president In person read "loud the railway station nearly three milei When he retired to his own room he HOUGHTON 4,600 he believes Judge Bronson, candidate week when Mrs. Blank, one of our Presently a new actor appeared on Fall and Winter Son's Life. Indiana. Michigan, the two Dakotas, some of the returns but refrained from away. The first definite information o! Huron 1,100 for Rovornor. will carry the state by a neighbors, called and casually remark- the scene. A burly Irishwomsn, fierce ple eat when they do not think any- glanced over the returns with appar- 150 Mr H. H. Black, the well-known vil- Utah and Wyoming, as well as Nebras- making any comment whatever on the Republican victory was conveyed to INGHAM small majority. If the returns from body Is looking at them. ent Interest and then expressing a de- INULA 8SO ed that she saw we had another girl. of eye and massive of shoulder. lage hi acksmilh at (irahntrnville. Hulllvan ka seemed to Indicate strong Republi- result and accepting with unruffled New Haven. Waterbury anu Hartford the governor at about 10 o'clock. The sire to make up some of the rest he lOHCO 400 •••••• " "Yes,' answered Mrs. Jones \vith a "Hey, you guy,' she cried address- "My wretched thorn." Is the romnll- Co., N. Y., says: "Onr little son, lire years oan gains over 1896. Delaware. Mary- composure the favorable reports which governor was in the reception room Iron 1.2O0 are pro rata he gives a plurality of sigh, 'I'm only going to keep her until had lost In the past few weeks, had 1.000 ing the Reformer, "you let my vovy mentary way In which a Chinaman al. old, has always been subjeol to oroup, and land nnd West Virginia had given de- began to eome in at an early hour with his wife and daughter. When he TXABELLA 4,000. He claims the election of Oliver I can get another. She is simply un- Samples now in... lain down and was asleep In less than JACKOON "•406 be or I'll " ludes to his wife. so bad have the attacte been that we cisive Republican pluralities. Secretary Cortelyou read most of the Gildersleevo for congress but may re- appeared at the door to meet a news- five minutes. He slept an hour In the KALAMAIOO ido bearable! She Is Insolent, lazy, slov- "My good woman " began tbe have feared many times that he would die. Midnight.—The roll call of states M dispatches, some of the more cheering paper correspondent he was clad In afternoon, after which he went for a KALKASKA 750 vise his claims in an hour after hear- enly, Impudent and doesn't know Reformer. Better to be laughed at for not be- announcements being heartily ap- KENT 3,000 We have bail the noctor and used many Pme*iine of goods to select Ibis hour Is apparently as follows- full evening dress. He Invited his vis- horseback ride to his farm. He did ing from cities. enough to start the kettle boiling. "Good woman!" cried the lady in ing married than never to be able to plauded by the guests. Most of the KEWEONUW 400 kinds of raedlcincH, but ChamberiainV McKinley—Connecticut. 6; Delaware itor into the parlor and closely scruti- not. however, feel fully recuperated, LAKE 400 She—-' laugh because you are married. from. Fit and workmanship early advices were fragmentary, and high indignation. Cough Remedy is now our cole reliance. It 3; Illinois. 24; Indiana. 15; ilowa. 13; nized the returns and briefly comment- and, therefore, sought additional rest, I.tpeer L.-H*! '"You're a loir, mum!' burst upon 'Here's his mother coming; we'll It Is a fine thing to be a woman. guaranteed. Inconclusive but the strong Indications LEELANAU 000 •••••• . TEXAS. seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by Maine. H; Maryland. 8; Massachusetts, ed on the result. After reading the thus manifesting probably less con- her astonished ears, and there stood good woman you!" 15; Micbigan. 14; Minnesota. 9; New that New York and probably Illinois LENAWEE 44» Houston. Nov. 7—The Democratic Whether we are to go to war wi h giv'ng frequent doses when the croupy message he said: "Isn't that fine. It cern than hundreds of thousands of LIVINGSTON 200 the new girl In the doorway with all And through a widening avenue in symptoms appear we have fuiiDii that tl.e Hampshire. 4; New Jersey. 10; New had pone for McKinley wore received 20(1 state ticket headed by Jos. D. Bayers China or not the European powers all shows what the American people are. his followere. LUCE her Irish up. 'An' I'll have ye under- the crowd appeared another daughter dteaded croup is cured before it gets set York. 36; North Dakota. 3; Ohio, 23; with great satisfaction. It shows that they want the good IFAEKLNAE 200 for governor. Is elected by a majority seem to be waiting for the queue. 050 stand, mum, thot I'll not stay another of Erin approaching at express speed, tied." There is no dauber in giving this Pennsylvania, 32; Rhode Island, 4; At 5 o'clock the president received MAROMH In excess of 100,000. The legislature They say that we ought to lake In times to continue and are in favor of MANISTEE 200 minute in a house where they black- with bulk more massive and eye more reiueby for it contains no opium or other a dispatch from an enthuslastlr indi VIRGINIA. 3,000 Is almost soauiy Democratic. It will B. C. SDVCITH Vermont, 4; West Virginia, 6; Wis- honest money and are for the flag." Marquette guard a poor, hard workin' gur-rl's threatening thtn the first. fourteen pints of air a mlnu e. injurious drugs and may bt» given as con- conslii. 12. Total—247. vidual stating that New York and MAXON 750 elect Jos. W. Bailey U. 8. Senator to The governor at once dictated the Richmond. Va.. Nov. 7—Virginia's character!' and with lhat she flew to Even the spirit of the reform Economy Is what you think it won'd Bryan—Alabama. 11; Arkansas, 8; Illinois carried the day for McKinley MECOSTA 1.250 succeed Horace Chilton. It is esti- fidently to a babe HH an adult. For sale hy Merchant Tailor, Lowell. following dispatch to President Mc- majority In favor of Bryan Is appar- Mennuilnee 1.800 her room and packed up. Colorado, 4; Florida. 4; Georgia. 13; and that he was re-elected. mated that the majority for state elect- Quailed. be good for the other fellow to pr.ic- D. 0. Look, druggist. Kinley: ently about 20.000. The majority on MIDLAND 175 "Mrs. Blenk has the girl now. and "Well I wont press the matter." tice. Louisiana. 8; Mississippi, 9; Missouri, The responsible leaders made no "To President McKinley. Canton, O.: the congrespional ticket will aggregate MLASAUKEE 550 ors will not fall short of 175,000 and early claims, however, although their MONROE 200 may go above that figure. shfl never loses a chance to tell what murmured the Reformer. He relin- 17; Montana. 3; North Carolina. 11; I congratulate you and far more the 1 A man always wonders whv bis rev Tlir Art of llirntlilnc dispatches fold of gains at many more than this. MoDteulm 1.700 a treasure she has and how Mrs. Jones quished his hold on th ) boy and faded South Carolina. 9; Tennessee, 12; Tex- nation. You have my heartfelt grati- The Indications are that certainly MONTNIORENEY 250 suit looks so different from what he 2.000 abuses her girls, which makes my In the crowd. Breathing Is nn art. We ought to as. 15; Utah. 3; Virginia. 12. Total— poinls and breathed the spirit of the tude over the result. nine, and probably all the Democratic MUAKEGON MONTANA. thought it would when he picked it victory near at hand. NEWAYGO H00 wife simply wild."—Detroit Free take In fourteen pints of air per min- 139. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." candidates for congress are elected. 1)00 Helena, Mont.. Nov. 7.—John S. Mc- out in the piece. The president's first congratulations OAKLAND Press. Faiu* Old Excue. ute. At the usual rate of breathing •n Unreported—California. 9; Idaho. 3; Gov. Roosevelt also sent messages of OOO The ninth district is. at midnight, the OCEANA . Neall, vice chairman of the Democrat- System is the oil which makes the IF YOU WANT A Kansas. 10; Kentucky, 13; Nebraska. from headquarters came from J. H. congratulation to Senator Mark Hanna only one In doubt, and the chances arc OGEMAW fiOO ic central (ommlttee, claims Bryan we do so. But If we get into a rarefied Manley. at New York, as follows: ONTONAGON 300 wheels of labor work more easily. 3; Nevada. 3; Oregon. 4; South Da and Chairman Odell. governor-elect In favor of the Democrats. There has will carry the state by 18,000; that On the Rlglit Switch. atmosphere we take In. nt the usual "Praise God from whom all bless Oaeoola 1,200 • • • • • kota. 4; Washington, 4; Wyoming. 3 been no disturbance of any kind in the 550 * Too'e. Democrat, Is elected governor At the baseball game, the first of the There are some people who think rate of breathing, less than the four- Ings flow. Your triumphant re-elec Robe or Blanket: Total—61. slate. The election has been an un OTTAWA 1,000 by 10,000 and the entire state Demo- season and tenlhusiasm running over, that the universe would be run very teen pints. Sedentary people can get tlon is conceded by Democratic mana NEW JERSEY. Prewjue Isle 500 If all of the unreported states should usually quiet one. cratic ticket by safe majorities. Ho she removed her gloves and deftly much better If Providence took th ii all tbe Rdvantagos to health of a Ion; turn out as Democratic, a highly Im gers. I tender my earnest congratuia Roaeoiumon 200 CO TO Trenton. N. J.. mldnUht—Full re- SAGINAW <100 also claims friends of Senator Clark placed them In a pocket that the aver- advice. walk or other exercise by simply In- probable contingency, it would not tlons. We are very happy at head 1,000 turns bear out the first statement that WYOMING. Sanilac have a clear majority in the leglslaturo age man could not have found by this A fashionable photographer ravs he creasing the rate of breathing during change the result. The latest returns quarters." Returns from every county In Mich- New Jersey will give McKinley and over the Republicans and independent time. would very much rather photograph a one or two hours a day. thus adding from Nebraska indicate a Republican Roosevelt 50.000 plurality. The Dem- Cheyenne. Wyo., Nov. 7.—Ileturns igan show that President McKinley Democrats. "I tell you, Charlie," she explained, to the amount of oxygen that enters ilurallty. The 57th congress seems to from the stnte coming In slowly. Will 2-months-old baby than a bride No Time for Thinking. ocrats have only succeeded in carrying made gains all along the line over his "I know that we are going to applaud the lungs. H. NASH fie Republican by a substantial work four out of 21 counties, Hudson. Hunt- be some hours before the result Is vote of four years ago and he has car- COLORADO. and as we poor members of the weaker U Ing majority. New York, Nov. 7.—The headquart- erton. Sussex and Warren. They have known, but indications thus far are ried the state by fully 88.000 plurality. sex are not permitted to get up and CHIPS FROM STUM ers in the east of the Democratic na- Denver, Nov. 7—Returns received If you want a "cheap ami nasty" article go where you like. The gubernatorial tickets have ap- made a net loss of three members in that the state is safe for McKinley Washtenaw is the only county report- yell. I'll assert the privilege of spat- tional committee were filled with long up to 9:30 indicate Bryan's plurality parently followed the national and the upper house of the legislature. The and congressmen by 2,000 plurality. ing a plurality for Bryan. tin' my bands with all my might. I Odell Is elected in New York, Yates In distance telephones and telegraph in- In the state will be from 30,000 to 40,- He Is a wise candidate whoso speech new senate will stand 16 Republicans bought those gloves for Easter, and Illinois. struments Tuesday night. A special 000. Arapahoe county. Including Den- is shorter than people thought it I have also a Full Line of llio justly coiebratod Galloway Rubes to four Democrats and the house will RHODE ISLAND. Kalamazoo County. I'm not going to split them all to rib- A New York. Nov. 7.—An enthuslasllc teiophone connected with the Demo- ver, gives Bryan 6,000 to 8.000 major- it would be. Coats and Mittens ami headquartors fur Carriages' • contain 44 Republicans and 15 Demo- Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 7.—McKin- bons." crowd of Republicans thronged head- cratic state committee In the St. Providence, R. I., Nov. 7.—On an In- ity. The result on the state ticket is A man never loses anything by giv- crats, the same as last year. The four ley carries Kalamazoo county by an In doubt, also the legislature, with the "That's righL It would simply be Mr. Tom Cat—Really. Maria, It was ami Wagons. ^ quarters Tuesday night. Three hun- Jame^ building, a block away, where Democratic senators are Cornish of creased vote, Bryan has made consid- ing bis adversary credit for leing hon- Catarrh approximate majority of 1,000. It probability In favor of fuslonists. a malicious destruction of property. not - boot-Jack! 1—I got up In the dred and forty had been asked to sit John A. Mason." secretary of the state Warren, who holds over; Gebhart, of erable gains in Rhode Island. McKln- est if there is no proof that he Isn't. committee and several clerks received looks as though the vote on Bliss and But those little hands won't s and too dark and struck against a—a door- down to a feast which had been pro- Hunterton. Martin of Sussex and Hud- ley's plurality of 4 years ago was 22, I knob! returns from up the state from execu- Maybury would be a tie. Gardner, Re- much punishment," and they were The politician without a nickname ••••••••••••* ••••••• vided by the national committee. By speth of Hudson. 978. Only half of the 143 districts In Berlin Police Scandal. 10 o'clock all the rooms and hallways tive chairman Jas. H. McGuire in Syr- the state have been heard from, those pnbllcan, for congress, will carry the spared thrugh the chivalry of the Buf- has much to overcome. The two Democratic congressmen Berlin, Nov. 7.—During Tuesday's were crowded with men who chatted acuse. C. C. Hughes of the anti-lmper- missing Including most of those in the county by a safe majority. Bingham, falo club, that would accept nothing A Child'* Synipnthy. Few people think they get th Tr poisons the blood, irritates are Salmon of the fourth district, who Republican, Is probably elected atato proceedings on the second trial of the but a walkover. A little girl of five or six years, with und laughed and Jostled each other lalist league. ex-Gov. Stone vice chair- is re-elected, and McDermott of the cities with most of the 69 In Provi- money's worth at a Joint debate that the nerve-cells and causes und moved here and there carrying the man of the Democratic national com- dence. McKinley's phirality will be •cnetor. Osborn, Republican, Is prob rich Berlin banker, Sternberg, for an Then Charlie noted the big solitaire big blue eyes that were full of tears, Flno Cut and Pluy seventh district, who succeeds the alleged crime against morality. Police Is not a Jawing match. tidings. When It was announced that mittee, and others were present. about 20.000 It Is believed. ably elected representative In the soo on her engagement flng.r and, man came to Bellevue hospital. New York, aches and pains in the tem- THE BEST, late Congressman Wm. D. Daly, Dem- ond district of the county, while How- Director MeerscheldL-HUfillesem In the opinion of the multitude a National Committeeman Payne had Gov. Stone read with much gusto a ocrat. Congressman Howell, Republi Providence, which In 1896 gave Mc like, blurted out an inquiry as to why tbe other day. She carried a cat in her ples, eyes, brain and spinal telephoned from Chicago that Mr. dispatch from Augusta. Me., giving a Kinley 8,211 plurality while electing a ard, Democrat, defeats Dingley fo g:r' I" this arms. Tbe cat had been wounded bv strong argument cniVrot rome f o- i the can. In the third district, who. It was representative in the first dlatri 00 marks u mouth of a man with weak voice. cord. Headache, neural- Jones. Democratic national committee- Democratic gain of 50 per cent. He thought would have a close fight, was Democratic mayor has elected Gran VVif* false pre ence "You know a street car, and one leg was badly man had conceded Illinois and Indiana also read a Connecticut dispatch ger. Democrat, by a plurality of less composed of Kalamazoo city. Ship berg, together with gifts of Turniture thai you're not engaged," just as a Bi- mangled. The man whose shout Is loud can elected by at least 2,000 plurality. and other things for the villa. He ad- gia, impaired appetite, indi- to McKinley a great shout went up. saying Republicans were cutting the than 1,000. In 1896 every city and man. Democrat, is eiected sheriff by son msde a two bagger. At the gate the girl told Tom, the vote no oftener than be that met- ly Ask for it Senator Scott of West Virginia sent Republican candidate for governor. town In the state gave McKinley a a big majority. The balance of the mitted that other loans had been ma(% "(tbodness me! We're going to big policeman, lhat the cat was hurt gestion, sleeplessness, nerv- him by the accused, but asserted that thinks. the following telegram to Senator lUter Gov. Stone appeared to be dis- MARYLAND. plurality. The Republican state com county ticket Is probably Republican. lose." '1 want a doctor to help It!" she a^H. ous exhaustion and des- all had been repaid. These re MAM BV TK NEW SCOTTtN TOBACCO ^0. 'ftfe'"" H-Kua. "Snake, old limpy, shake." couraged. but said: "We have not got Baltimore. Nov. 7.—McKinley has mlttee admits reduced plurality. Shlawaaaee County. "I'm not. if you'll Jusl give mo a lit- Tom took her to the receiving ward, The reply was as follows; "Tele- all the returns in yet and you cannot have made a great sensation WIVES REM MB R pondency all point to the carried Maryland beyond the shadow Owosso. Mich., Nov. 7.—Owing to and throughout the country. The sud- tle backing. But why that bogus ad- where there was a doctor who had gram received. I am not limping as tell by early returns." Then he got of a doubt, the only question to be set- slow returns It is impossible to give ac vertising. dear?" ond he touched tho nothing else to do. weakened nerves that are much as I did. Cngratulatlons to you a number of dispatches which he WEST VIRGINIA. den trip of Count von Buelow, imperial tled being the size of his majority. curate figures for Shiawasseft. county. chancellor. Tuesday, to Liebenberg to jewel she was csrelessly twirling. "Here's a case, doc," said the police 'lhat Adam was made first. crying aloud for renewed all. HANNV" frowned at and folded up in his desk. With practically complete returns Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 7.—The elec McKinley's majority will probably be "^/Ullv" ar.lcssly. "you know there's man. At 10 o'clock both national and state Norman E. Mack telegraphed from t onp passed off quietly throughout confer with Emperor William, That "he pays the freight." strength and health. from the city he has a majority here 400. Robaon for state senator and hrpreted by the press aaJciT po t.ing like a shining reminder to "I ain't a " the doctor began. headquarters were crowded to their Buffalo that that city would give Mc- of about 6.500, while from the state, J.i1b state. Returns are slow as usual Fordney for congress, get 400 major slimiHate one who has a purpose on- Then he saw the girl's eyes. "Let me That "blcr-d are the meek " Kinley 3.000 as against 12.000 in 1896. «Ith the police scandal, c r.tmost capacity. The crowd stayed for scattering returns Indicate an addi- Attorney General Ruckor wires that Ity. The only Democrats to win are one's mind. Oh. what am I saying? sec," he continued. Tor disturbed sleep, heart pains, pal- As the returns began to show an in- «k That nine men In ten detest g 'Sih, l while but about 11 o'clock commenc- tional surplus of 3,500, making his to- McDowell county has gone 2,000 Re R. B. McCaughna for representative, Not a word, Charlie; it sounded Just pitation, headache, nervousness and de- crease for Bryan in the city there was 'Prety bad," was the do tor's com- That All angels are not of your ex pression of spirits brought on bv long ed to go and by 11:80 had nearly all tal majority In the state of 10,000. publican, a gain of 400 compared with probably close, and D. J. Gerow for Russia Will Not Interfere. like throwing out a hint. Look at that ment. Then he got some knives, a left, thinking it not necessary to hear much elation, but this was dampened continued catarrhal trouble. Dr. Mile? There is no reason to believe that the 1896. Cabell county goes Republican sheriff. Bt. Petersburg. Nov. 7.—Referring to man run! We're whipped. sure " little bottle of chloioform, and some That confidence beg-ts confidence. any more returns. by a Chicago dispatch indicating over s Nervine is without an equal." Kodol final figures will vary greatly from by 250 to 350; in 1896 it went 50 Re- Grand Traverse. the report that Russia and America But he would not be s'de'racked. banfiages. "You must help me," he That men soraetinifs hav? "ner.cs " REV. L. F. JOHN, \\csicrvillc, O. Refreshments were served nt 10 4,000 majority for McKinley. those given above. Chairman Vandl- publican. Only two precincts of Ohio When bulletin after bulletin showing Traverse City, Mich., Nov. 7.—Full had agreed to warn Germany against He forgot that there was such a thing said to tbe girl. » That there should be no place like o'clock, but all hands were too much ver of the Democratic state central county (Wheeling), have been report fulfllling the ultra-agrarion demands Dyspepsia Cure engrossed Ii the news to leave their Republican gains began to come In reports for the county are not, yet In as baseball. He could whlspfr like a She aided bravely though It made home. committeee admits Bryan's defeat In ed and they indicate a Republican ma but estimates Indicate a Republican regarding the grain tariff, the proper streak, because all other eyes were on her very pale to see the sharp Ives places so lh< food was brought around ox-Gov. Stone left the room. As he Jorlty of 1,500 at least; in 1896 this % That it takes two to prolong a fam- the state, while Chairman Goldsbor- majority approximating 1,300. The authority In the finance ministry here the game. At the end of the teven'h amputating the log. In a few ni.iiutes Digests what you eat. by waiters. One room was bountifully was going out some one said: "What county gave to McKinley 1,700 plural ough of the Republican committee says vote will not vary much on electoral, informed the correspondent of The Inning he rushed downs'airs and or- it was all over und the cat was pertly ily jar. Iturllfidully digests tho food und iildf supplied with wine and this was serv- do you think of it?" that McKinley's majority will reach Ity. Dr. Miles' "This is no time for thinking." was gubernatorial, congress and legislative Associated Press Tuesday that Russia dered a carriage, for a slree^ car had recovering from the anaesthetic. That tho Itasl said is the eoon'st Nature in strengthening und mmi- ed in prodigal fashion. 11,000 at. least. It is also certain that does not Intend to Interfere G«r- o the answer. "I don't think." tickets. The county ticket is over- iMf all attractions.— Detroit Fr e "Now you can lake your kitty home mended. Btructlug tho exhausted digestive or- Before 11 o'clock some of the com- the Republicans have elected four of many in the ronduct of her domestic gans, It is the latest discovered (li^' st- mitteeemen took their leave convinced CALIFORNIA. whelmingly Republican. Constitution Press. with you," the doctor said. That with all his faults you love Same at Chicago. the six congresemen, while the remain- al amendments carried by big major affairs. Russia, he added will n-jr ant and tonic. No other preparation beyond all doubt that McKinley was San Francisco, Nov. 7.—Up to 9 "It ain't mine." tho girl said. "I him fltlll. Nervine ing two vill probably be Democratic, Chicago, Nov. 7—Senator Jones at lly.> notice the tariff legislation' offlclaMy des found it. No oo take core of it. MAKE can approach It in efflciency. U In- re-elected. although later returns may change thlF, o'clock Tuesday night the returns from until it Is enacted and commercial ne- "What does (his nation need?" That you should have no secrets soothes the nervous irrita- stantly relieves and permanently cincs The Pluralities. 8 o'clock said: "The Republicans Hillsdale County. Dood-bye." The policeman and doctor outlook. this city and the state at large indicate gotiations are begun. It is oosslbla shouted the impasson'id orator. from him. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartbuif, have carried Now York. We have lost Hillsdale, Mich., Nov. 7—McKinley lha New York. Nov. 7, 2 a. m.—The fol- that California has gone Republican by t Oennany will establl.h mSmS 'What does ..this nation require, if sho made faces at each other, then sent tion, stimulates digestion YOUR SHIRT GLAD lowing are the pluralities reported at In the city and cannot make up our will have 600 plurality In the county, the cat to the Society for the Preven- That husbands have troubles of Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausva. 10,000 to 15,000. The Republicans will and minimum rates. The dlscusstonrf Meps proudly across the Paciflc—if she and builds up health and Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps and this hour. They are largely estimat- loss In the city outside of Greater New May Never be Governor. elect five congressmen. The second and the Republican congressional and tion of Cruelty to Animals. their own. By seiiiliiiR iu to CAMPBELL'S York. The Republicans are claiming this point has hitherto been academic. strides boldly acrors the mighty ocean all other results of imperfectdigestion. ed: Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 7.—Newe and fifth districts are running very state tickets about the same. Good In any case Russia will calmly in her march of trads and freedom? I That he's "all right" when you k ow strength. Begin to-day. LAUNDRY. If shirts could tell Maryland and Ohio. I have not the rich. Republican, for the legislature, Price Mo. and It. Larffovlr-econUilnnSSH times McKinley—California. 12.000; Con from Opellka Just received Is that GOT. close. The city of San Francisco will repeat, what docs she n;ed?" "What's your idea of the diffcience him. Sold by dniggists on guarantee. their woes it would make you think eumll kUo. Hook all nboutdyspep^lu uioilcd I ree nectlcut, 2^.000; Delaware, 3,000; Illl- • figures to dispute Maryland nor have rive at leaat 7,000 plurality for Mo* leads the ticket on senator and the nM rr dor u r between a city ant' a town?" elect Sanford Is very low with but lltr ^V ' ^ ' ^" ^ "Rubber boots." sugg sted the gross* That woman's best weapon is her Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. twice before eeudiug them to auy Prepared by E. C. DeWlTT A CO.. Chtcaco. noia 90,000; Indiana, 20,000; Iowa, 1 sufflclent advlcea from Ohio upon Kinley. county ticket vote will be cloae. "Well, a town is a place where bu'- 100,000; Maine, 25,000; Maryland, 10,- which to base an opinion. tie hope of recovery. ly ma'erialisljc persons In a rear seat. Weakness. other laundry than CAMPBELL'S. •-Baltimore American. ter, eggs and chlckerts are cheap L. II. XAFT CO, NHINAFFN TIECORD THlt LKI)(4Ktt, LOWKLL. MICH.. THIT1181>AY. KOVKMBERJ^JQOO;

bortea, cattle, dogs, rata and the like I There is » class of faopi* Holloween was duly observed here last W E NOTICE by our uxohangef that PC'INTED PARAbRAPHS. EXTINCT ANIMALS. bring fabuloua tumJ. Cats have sold Who are injured by the ub« of coffee LOWELL LEDQER m . Thuiu's Drugstore carries a oomploto lino, LOWELL LEDGER, the IMIHIIIOHH men of niiint'rotiH IOWDH week. for 1500 each, dogs at WJOO. while at Recently there haa been placed in all irusses Wo guarantee aflt or money refunded Our the grocery stores a new preparation I'UBLIHH RD BVIKT TUUUIit>AT AT througliout the Htatu have tmited in A birthday party WM given Mrs. Jessie Th# retired actor is naturally playrd SOME OF WHICH ARE WORTH least one horva has brought aa high F. iM. JOHNSON, Publiaher. called GRAIN-O. made of pure grains, PURE BLOOD Frost last Saturday. ss===Stock ia the Largest in Western Michigan. LUWELL. KENT COUNTY. MICH. HII '•earlyoloHlug" movement, Gen- out THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD. a.i $100,000. lhat takes the place of coffee. The most Hattle Weeks. Newton Copeland, Kthsl erally, the ngreemenl IN to close Upland la truly thr land of the In- ... j • We have all kinds of bandages, support- delicate stomach receives it without —BT— LOWELL. MICHIGAN htiHincNK hotisen at p. m , thus Weeks, Olen Ford and Leo and Clinton fant indtiBlry. (Vonlil BP Worth N rnrtunn to Those RELICS FIX HISTORY. distress, and but few can tell it from FKANK M. JOHNSON. TO litUllCS cri) alHoTrusscs and Shoulder Hranei. JHIfO STRONG NERVES giving the proprietors and clerkH Weeks iitlendcd services at the Catholic Congressional bills have given way •offee. It docs not cost over one-fourth it is an easy ui. ut-j to uistingulsh l.noky l^non-jh to 1'ut.ois Tliem— Pfofemor Ollprerlit'a Recent DHcoverles as much. Children may drink it with an hotir or two in which to gel ac church at Parnell Sunday. to tbe moaqulto bills. Kitered at Lowoll post ollice second friends from relatives at weddlngi; That Am Worth One Thoaaaori %t Nippur. crreut benefit. 1.') cents and 25 cents A few from here went to Lowell Tbim- .j When a man can buy a good v With glowing health all things are posaible. small annoyances fade into class mutlfr i|tmintod with their families. Wo The farmer who raises' poultry Is and funerals. Five lliinilrfid llollur* Apinoe. Professor Hllprecht. of the Unlver- per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. day night to hear Wm. Alden Smith apeak. SHOULDER BRFTCGS pair of Shoulder Unices as nothingness aud real trouble., are battled with succe^fully. Women who aro don't suppose there is any use of reasonibly eure of good crops. R 0 ,e T> BUB3'!KIPTU»N ONR DOLI.AU YBAKLT " """po"'! '" i would slty of Pennsylvania, who has return- atiggcsting such a tiling to the busi- Work begins thii week on the church. Even the temperate biiif-saw has Shetland has had a wonderful her- (Boston Letter.) ed to Constantinople, has described No woman loves a man unless she blessed with perfect health arc a constant joy Elder Mudge will he here Nov. 18 and been known to take three flngera. foollnh to allow himself to ring catch this season. 320.400 cans, laughs at his jokelets. to themselves and all around them. The beauty I MVMIITIBINO KATKH. ness moii of Lowell, but how much There nre some animals, living ov some of tho principal results of this better it would be for ali will hold services in the hall. The chronic loafer Is a man who beooine round shouldered, valued at over $1,500,000. This is o which health alone can make permauent is o Hpnro AilrnrMHemoula on«* insertion •load, that would be worth their weight year's work of tho university expedl-, •lent for tbe Uonrels. concerned. An hour after BUD Gleaner meeting, Friday evening, NOT. •ticha to one thing until he fails. record for all Scotland. crown which raises a woman above other lOo nor iiioli HHIIIC more than once 7o . # In pnrchaaing Rubber Goods ha sore m gold to any person fortiinato enough tlon, which t.rte attracted .••eat in- No matter what ails you, headache I>iM" inch with I'l per cent diRouunt on per is certainly time enough ](J with a supper. All companion Oleanors Some women are both good and true FOUNTAIN SYRINGES .ODGETR^HSTOCK, OUR OUTPUT AI to posseas them, S>/H U writer ia feroat, as they carry the history of to u cancer, yon will never get well women. Such beauty is always accompanied yearly ooiilmol. —and some men are no good and un- An Indianapolla phyulclan died tho for all the evening trading •re invited (o coma. 1 IT i. WT.Utx- Hu^as" Urge lhat nosUsk Is allowed to everybody's Magnzlae. Babylonian civilization back to about jntil your "bowels are put right. by a sweet disposition, for snappishncss is a I'nKH und half page nda, fH.OOand f l.tK'. done in Lowell excepting on Satur- There was • celebration at Pat Manaor's true. AND HOT W ATOIVPAGS ,, | ^OO „„ ELEGANT other day while laughing at. a cartoon. 7,000 years B. C. The most important nASCAKETS hulp namre, cure you sure sign of ill-health and leaves its mark LL) I LIMTL A(EI A living spocimcn oi Dodo, for In- without a gripe or pain, produce easy KnHinoii^ noticeB nmung local Items fto day, which is not included in It Is easier to love a poor girl than Thin ought to ho a warning to tho discovery was the library of the great one evening last week. A pleasant lime ••• —* 2 ql. Fountain Syringe, *tnuco, that weird, filghtiess bird, natural movements, cost you just 10 quickly on tho features. per line pr>r in^no. Thuae tiiking run of a rich one, because there Is less com- comic artists not to he aa funny a-, temple. This was unearthed at tho the agreement. \\ hat in the was etyoyed by all. about the size of a swan, which nt one cents to start getting yonr health back. It seems to be thc fashion for women to paper outnidu of local matter 3 cents per petition. d ftiiwr And oneipeeledly you may want a CnitihC , Bed Pan, "they can be. very place where Profeisor IlllpreKu line. world are we living for anyway? Ray Ford has a new shot gun. Now the B money saving time made the islands of Madagascar, CASCARKTS Candy Cathartic, the ignore health and sacrifice it to the little The game of billiards was probably SOME UAY UNNAI or 1V.11.HE 'IRM V;RVI said Eomo eleven years ago i. wouVi genuine, put up in metal boxes, every game will oome In. I ,,k Array estimate, Mr the coming ^drlgucz lts home, and every-day trials, or offer it up on the altar Card in directory column fl.OO per invented by tbe author of "Wosiing — - - prices st TMUM'J OHUQ SROIII, *«p be found. In le*s than three months tablet has C. C. C. siamped on it. Be- ,f wMch notl,ln b,,t a Eku,lH 8tl,i line per year One inch $B.OO per year. Made Young Once More of the Green." year nre on tho h.sls of a force of ' * ^ ' ware of imitations. of devotion to daily tasks. Then again To ramove a tronbleaomecorn or bunion; l 1 bearing the strong hooked beck, and 17,200 tablets bearing cun?Ifar;n char- Cards of thanks 50o. Mf.tirinr Hu.u.hold """»•» "• "» l" ^ 100,000 men and include appropriation!: the nervous organization cf women is con- "One of Dr. King's NeA» Life Pills First soak the corn or bnnion in warm Probably the future looks dark b»- when you Irade al sonio lonca in onr museums now rc- acter?, were brought to Ugh?. They Resolutions uf coudoleuce, 50c. | each night fur two weeks has put me water to aoften il, then pare it down as cauae coming eventa cast their shadow.? for bringing homo the volunteers in mr.atly relate to business t intracte. The icemnn is seldom noted for bis stantly attacked by woman's natural ex- r.i.iin, would fetch any price In rca-.on. freezing politeness. perienccs, so that it is practically im possi- LOWKLI, MICHIGAN, NOV. 8. 1900 in my 'teens' again" writes D. H. closely as possible without drawing tblood before them. the Hmilpplnes. The nrvy depart-.- 0 v n ... „u,„u ^.t, coavcyanccs. letters, etc., but the lat- and applv Chamberlain's Pain Balm twioe mmt i,'c/> roHmoT.. f - . • i 1ii" 'oiild the Great Auk. which onb •Turnerof Dempseytown, Pa. They A girl may be both pretty and Igror. THUM'8 DRUG STORE, rccnt Cilso cstlmu^a for a:» lacrcaue l ,, .. est finds show that many of the tablets ble for her tu retain the beauty which dail?; rubbing vigorously for five minulea 1:80 a3 co c0 ,n,0 ln tho Yon Can Get Allen * Foot-Ense Free. ant. but she la never Ignorant of the force of enlisted mm * f ° v are historical, philological and liter- nature gave her, unless she has dherimir are the best in the world liir Liver, al each applitalion. A corn plaster ahonld North Atlantic that it 13 said they Write today to Allen S. Olmsted. Le WKI.I, seeing that McKnight fact that she la pretty. Stomach and Bowels. Purely veget- he worn a few daya lo protect it from the were killed on Funk island, off the ary, treating of mythology, grammar. Loy. N. V.. for a free sample of Allen's nating advice and rijrht support. couldn't win, we are glad to be An edition dc luxe, limited to 500 able. Never gripe. Only 2ft cents Khoe. As a general liniment for spraina, It lan'l much consoUtlon lo a man Newfoundland count. In tens of thou- Icidccgrapiiy, science and mathemat- Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures sweating, represented in Congress by so good copies and offered for personnl sub- al L. H. Hunt's drug store. bruiucH, lameneas and rheumatism, . Pain to know that hia n?ighbora wife la sands* at n time, for tho sake of their ics. None of them bear a later date damp, swollen, aching feet Makes new Bslm is iineaqueled. For sale by D G. Ires extravagant than hlu own. neriptlon at one guinea, will perpetu- than 2280 B. C.'. wiicn. It Is rarmlecd, or tight shoes easy. A certain cure f ir a in MI as Win. Alden Smith. QEO. E. LAKE, feathers, but whose eggs sell today Look, druggist. THK ADVENT OF srilINd .aiv a newspaper prepared by British Corns or Ilunlons. All druggists ami See that tine new style cabinet When one woman nut of a hundr d Peed aad Sale Stable. •.•lose ou 51.GOO apicce." and atuffed aklna the library was cestroyed by the In- #— haa mothlng to say ihe other nlneiy- officers while prisoners in Pretoria. vasion of the Klamltcs, which occur- shoe stores sell it; '-'Sc. LOWKI I, people gave their town sewing machiiicalR. D. Stocking's. at $!.25t» each, with a steady demanii East Lowell—West Boston. nlne are asking whit is the matter Barn The Gram, thus edited, waa produced red at that date. Itl' thoushft^t | . , men, Weekes and Bergin, a loyal Il would make vour wife a beautiful The Moat Olorloua Seaaon of the GOOD CARRIAGE . for more. Fcn women arc chMr(ul ia ttin r with htr. Monroe by means of the hectograph. When the unexplored part wil. yield L.O.MO ! ^ KUpport and administered a rebuke present and onfy$'J5.00. Mra. F. M. Godfrey is in Grand Kapida Whole Year. Both tl-.e Dodo and the Great Auk ovcr u lovo Lots of people think tiiey will eu- the time comes for a complete and dis- more tablets. This Is probably ihe i for (he Blood and Norvoco to the candidates who bought their earing for her daughter who is very ill. No sessun ol Ihe ym Is mors exhilarstlng HORSES WANTED, Lowell, Mlck. havo become extinct within compara- titied to a diamond-studded ciown In passionate hiEtory of tho South Afri- greatest discovery of antique liU rature nominations. Grant Warner intends to move away than sprlnit All nsture Is awske and tskes tlvely recent yearf, like the Moas of Coushlnc: LeiUn to Conmimption. Trials and troubles ere easily orcrcoine by the other world because they drop n can war, tho Pretoria paper will be au e/er made, and as we know lhat the this winter. s new phss • of lit*) slier her lung sic p dur New Zealand, enormous ostrich-like Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough the women whose strength is tho genuine penny on the contribution plate eveiy interesting witness. library waa of great Importance in at once. Go to your druggist to-day SMITH and McKnight Hnished the Minnie Steketee of Fallasburg spent Ing the t old uiunths. running birds, which are known to Sunday. early Babylonia, being the principal and get a sample bottle free. Sold in strenglh of perfect health. Dr. Greene's Ner- campaign as good friends as when With thn ai-proat b uf spring the human hive existed up to tho end of the last Saturday and Sunday with friends in this Homestead grants for 20,000,000 peo collcgc for Instruction in all branch- 25 and 50 cent bottles. Co at once: vnra blood and nervo remedy, bridges tho sysU-m Uki's on s charge and it m stnecessr century. Some of them exceeded jollying each other at the farmers' place. THE QIRL WHO KEEPS COOL pie, it is said, will result if the plans es. when all tho tablats arc deciphered delays are dangerous. chasm that separates the sickly woman from lly throw oil the Impurities from the blood, twelve feet In height, and ovc* twenty picnics early in tlie fail. It is good vergenneH. Ora Godfrey has been very aick with of the National Business Men's league tho world will, no doubt, be in pasies- happiness. It Ulls her veins with blood that is which have accumulated Ihcte during Hie different spctiea ara known to seica- . . i „i i..-p. A woman withn a baoadu tempetempc r is sel- that neither they nor their friends tonaililis but is around again. She doean't fuss about tbe weather. nre successful. Tho league wishes the slon of rcost valuable ln.orm-t.oa e- ^ pure and cleau. Mrs. Helen Douxal of Waohingtun ia winter months when one est* htatly, s did eood Clinch tista. Rumore occasionally arrive from thc have anything lo regret in the line Mrs H. Coles has been snfl'ering from She doesn't drink Innumerable glasa. food. federal government to construct Im- gardlag life In all its rclntiont. as par- MRS. WM. E. Bossn. of 85 Farrington St., visiting her mother, Mrx. Jane McLean, for 10c, ific or VOc that far-off land of living Mcas; but of campaign slanders. toothache. Many limes one fmils a languid, sleepy fee mense reservoirs for controlling the 1 ticipated in by this mcst ancient peo- ea of aoda water. year after year pas.-.o ?. and tho price- Flushing, L. I., says: and other friends. og. Mpecially sftcr mosls, whieh l«s posit- flood waters in the arid regions of the plo The work on the library haa Th. Thi„, u. the World " In regard to myself. I bare suffered for years She doesn't spend her time bemoan- IFKS bird is not tMseuvered In the flesh, 1 WHEN we introduced Mr. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hiler were guests Cascade Town Line. ive ludlcstlon lhat the Mood is Impuie ai.d western states and to determine a Seen temporarily .topped in o. lcr to 1* GOOD HEALTH. Take Garfield with disease, having" lioen troubled with great ntr- ing the upklnd fate that keepa her in SMITH'S BAKERY only its bones, fentherh and egg shells Knight as our "next congressman" of D. O. Shear and wife of Lowell last the liver, atomach and bowels ia an unhealthy practical method of irrigation for that complete the work at the temp c and , Tea. It will cleanse your system, purify vousntss», female complaints, indlgrstion, ard Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ba(ey town. reaching us, all being quickly boug-'t great weakness and prostration. 1 did not week Friday. condition. AND LUNCH ROOM.. country. To make the suggestions poj- on the Bouthern and eastern lines oi j your blood and oring good health, we neglected to add "after Smith pound daughter. She doean't go down town shopping up for private or public collections. nave strength to do much of anything. Know- Mr and MTH. Belknan of Honey Creek With Ihe proper remedies Hi's liouble is siblo congress will be urged to give the walls of tho fortifications, where. ing tho great value of health and strength gets through. ' With that amend- E. Clark and family visited flienda in at noon or thereabouts. The living Apteryx or Kiwi Is very soonilghUd and the entire hystem placed in 1250,000 yearly. In tho lower strata,many wcapo-s have A plausible speech does not always I consulted doctors and took many mudi- ment tbe introduction is well made. are Sunday gneats at Wm. Misner's She doesn't put In tbe day hovering near the Moa In type, although but a cincs, but they all failed In cure me, Lansing a few daya ln«-t week. a natural loudltlon. been found. During these recent ex- get applause. However, there is i.o knowing when Mrs. Win. Misner went to Urand Haven around the Ice cooler. pigmy beside the huge giant, for the and I grew worse rather tlian better. The chicken pie social at E. Clark's waa Bufferers thus sfflictrd can wl'h one !• it o ' The prize-firing returns of the Brit- cavations also a palace belonging to 1 happeno4 to sno in tbe papers l^jw William Alden will gel through. recemly to vibit MisnetlMister, Mrs. Marie She doean't conault the thermome er largest' does rot exceed three feet in a success. Receipta |8.20. Kodol 8toin«eh Tablets demonstrate to them ish navy, recently issued, are said to tho pre-Sargonic period was di.v.over- PCTNAM FADELESS DYES pro- much good Dr. Greene's Nrrvura Me runs like a Texas steer. Braisted, who is ill and no hopes of her every Ave minutes. blood and nervo remedy, was doing In John Murray of Grand Rapids apent a aelvat that this aarsspsrllla In a tablet form show that the beat work was done ed beneath an accumulation of about duce ti e fastest and brightest colors of restoring to liealth everybody who took It, recovery. She doean't do any more work than part of last week with his nephew, Qeo. qls a panacea for all stomach, blood, liver sn j Katidy Kaskara by one of the battleships on the China seventy feot of rubbish, whicb divid- any known dye stuflf. and I thought I would try a bottle. I used THE big cities of the United Q. W. Crosby recently sold a five week's la absolutely neceeaary. owel tr mhle*. .station. The worst firing is set down ed Nippur Into two part*. This pal- It and to i Murray. A purely vegetable cathartic It is cert , States have increased about 32 per old calf lhat weighed 200poand. She eata fruit and eaally digested, If yourdriiKglsl caonol aupply Ibis uew to the discredit of ships in the Chan- It may not hurt a joke to crack It. but some Mre. Wesbrook and daughter, Alice, which purifies Ihe Mood and ace, which has a frontage of GOO feet of the crackers ought to be hurt. and wish that other people cent in the past ten years and the Sunday night someone's dux got after non-beating food. strengthens the bowels, a laxative nel squadron, which is charged with visited Mrs. Wooding laat Friday. remedy, send Hfiycents to tbe Knox t-'hemicsl Professor Hllprecht thinks will prob smaller cities and the country have Lute Bailey's and Adelberk O'Dell's sheep She does wear her llgbteat. coolest Oo . Uattle (>• ek, Mleh , and a full sUtd b ix lhat stlmulaths Ihe liver and the protection of a region where in- ably be found to be thc palace of th' Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's H. C. Denison vikiled Mr. and Mra. U. TO PRESERVE WOMANLY BEAUTY increased only about 15 per cent. and killed several and several more were dress. will be sent pord Lamington, the governor of curator of tlie zoo at Rotterdam a3- MACHINsEwma E CO. Queensland, has left Brisbane for a In this each hour was marked by a Over 100,000 Votera Cast full possession of the ship of slate: remained with Ihe offleera aa we were When you feel that life ia hardly worth This placed Mark In a bad predica- 25 cenla per bottle. sured the writer he would not willing- The tailor-made girl has no edge ou the shirt m ike ',5 styles. Inciudinff pocket of different spicc. When tho waist man. for KnllPs Red Pills for Wan People. 25c and il should he the most ardent ihe candle lake a drae uf Chamberlain's ment. and wishing to know his rea- Give it trial. tour through the nortbwe8tern\di8lrict ly exchange for a $5,000 rhinoceros, as the only t«o-inone lock given an unusually fine program la>t Sun- Stomach and Liver Tahlele. They will ov/ner wished to '.enow the time ho und chain atltoh machine sons for deserting him at_tbat critical of that colony. The great pastoral re- the/ were ihe last cf the race. A HO boa low priced m*. hope of every patriot, that the parly day for which they deserve mnob praise. cleanse your blomaoh. tone up your liver merely smelt the spice, whereby ho moment, he replied that he wasn't go- W. S. WINEGflR. ^ gion, along the shores of the Gulf of Among the boaals. wnat would not chipes. Porprlooa in power will successfully meet and To Take C. O. Hill is tearing down hia old land and regulate your bowels making yon feel knew whal o'clock it was without ing to make a fool of himself by sit- Carpentaria, ia rarely honored with an the huge mammoth be worth?—that I. B. ALDRICH, Stala M settle all the. great difticulties with mark whieh has been built about 40 years. like a new nun. For aale by D. O. Look immmmmmK striking a light. Thin, pale, ansmic girls ting up there on the stage and blowing official visit, and the settlers will, no strange, elephant-like creature whose DrraotT, MICH. which the Nation is confronted druggiat. E' U'Harrow and F, Kinyon have built his horn all by himself." doubt, be delighted to see t|e gov- body was covered with long, reddish Tlie triumph of good government need a fatty food to enrich t a large atorehouae at Alto. "Afler the applause subsided, he as- ernor. Lord Lamington. on his side. ',j,'[* p t a from thc Ijltter cold A Novel's Stmnse Ulstory- The great Indian famine of r65 t0 rotcc and the perpetuity of the Uepublic their blood, give color to The remaina of Mra. Joseph Graham sumed a very grave countenance and ••••••••• ought to enjoy the trip. Tbe blacks . vhere its lemaius are still One of tho moat popular novels of claimed 1.450.000 victims, and the f m- of CHEAP FARMS are more to be desired than parly commenced his remarks proper with are stiirnumerous In this part of Au- ) e hair yet on the the day had a strange history. A New mu was carried to her last reeling place Nov. oftcn foun(J> wIth lh their cheeks and restore their ii,e of 1877, 500.000. During the fam.ne the following well-known sentence; success or political spoils. "The stralla. and their habits and customs i its Icy grave; York author, whoso books arc always DO YOU WTHT K HOME? 6 by tlx of her grandsona. She waa highly hi China In 1878. 9,500,000 died. 'When, In tbe course of human events.' bcJy [aat fr0Tcn ut0 For Infants and Children. king is dead. Long live the king." health and strength. It Is are very curious. But the governor's sure of a certain degree of popularity, esteemed hy tboae who knew her. Rev. A. The longeat cuntinuoua run on a "He lectured fully an hour and a whoso enormous tueks, far exceeding (00,000 ACRES laruilni; litndi to "eTlvlded atlcntion will be directed more par- in stee those of the elephant, are still flnfehed all but the last few chapters tad told oa lonn tlmo and easy paymenta. a little THE census returns for t lie whole safe to say that they nearly A. Moon of Greenville condocted Ihe railway train in Europe is that from quarter, and his humorous sayings rnch year. Coino ami »rt u« or write.THKTKUUAK were interspersed with geographical, lleuiarly to the matprial resources of collected lor the sake of their ivory./ of a novel. Try as he might, it was MOSd BTATK HANK, Hanllac Center. MI<'h..ur funeral servicee. Foria to Cona'.antinople, 1,921 milei. the Kind You Have Th Truman MoscE tAte.Cro>twe I.SanllacCo..llich. United States are out. If the House all reject fat with their food. the country, and the possibility of In- Impossible for him lo complete tho In sixty-four and a fourth houra. agricultural and statistical remarks, Silankets a shipload having teen actually sow of Representatives retains its present creasing the means for its develop- story satisfactorily. So he put the O, beauty I what a powerful weapon thou sometimee branching off and reaching not long ago. Mainuioths must' have membership of 357, the basis of ap- art. The bravest men fall at thy feel. No Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver beyond—soaring, in the very choicest ment been exceedingly numerous ,at one book away, and for two years It lay Always Bought pointment will be about one to wonder women lake Rocky Mountain Tea tablets cure billousnen, conatipilion and language, up to the very pinnacle of time, for from tlie quantity'of tusks unfinished In hlc desk, although the Vegetable Preparaliouror As- 200,000. This will gain one vole to prolong that Joyous spell. headac he. They are easy to lake ard descriptive power." While friends of education at home ' cnliocteij ,n Siberia alon* It is esti- author thought of the work from time similating llveFood ondRe^uIa- plesaant in effect. For sale by D.G. Look. each for Colorado, Illinois, Louis "Aak your Druggist." r.re largely concerned them selves with that qUjtc 5.000, y&rcasses were to time. Finally he lost all hope oi ting Ihe Stomachs andBowelsoT BEARS THE iana, Minnesota, New Jersey, New sfgW De^itt'a Little Eaily Risers are the pictures in our public schoools, for- di^overed there in ttvonly years. over completing the work, and decided The fortune-teller la Ind'mrn b o The real worth of W. COD LIVER^OU. Pratt Lake. beat liver pills ever nade. Easy to lake and 9eign educators hav^ e been profoundly. THMOJhere.. KI an AAfrl leac n animal, the to end it at a point several chapters in lM HljiDKtN lr L. Donslaa York, Texas, and West Virginia, at a Chinese wedding. If the for'u e» •5.SO hii WnNHYPOPNOSPHItRVnmMODA A.M. Andrews is bolldlog a corn and never gripe. Taft A Co. d impressed with our public schools in qyagga, that WOjnH bring a good price. advance of that at which he had and will lose one each for Indiana, an not eatlflfaetoiy either parly may SIGNATURE wllh other ma&ea la hog house oombioed 18x63 feet. He haa Pictures•. .Th e sixteen movin, g pic- ^ recently aattf Ll&i b Ihese animals er- ceased to write. With this abrupt and .00 to Kansas, Kentucky, Main, Nebraska, break the engfigcnirnt. Promotes Digcslion-Cheerful- OurMCUlt lures of New York schools, Rowing )s{C(, in hci.(ja fvCD Co far south unexpected ending the novel went to Ohio, South Carolina^ud Virginia. is exactly what they require i water forced into Ihe hog bouae and a Vhe Chinese dkcovered gunpcwlei nessandRest.Conlaius neither cannot be nearly t-wo thousand pupils in all parts as cape /Colony, but owing to their a publisher, was accapted. and turned Opium,Morplime nor>tmeral. This is a net loss/'m n*. vote each hydrant attached. at leaiit 800 years ago. and made si one it not only gives them the Im* DR. CURTIS T. WOLFORD, of school work, including recess, cook- n|ther w^avy and somewhat slow out one of the most popular novels this The friends of Mrs. Paraoca will be sorry mortars that thnw heavy stone pro- . de not need Blank- ^ HOT KARC OTIC. in the ^and in the tar west, els and robe this sort of wealhef ing classes and fire-drill, were one of I)HC0( feii a prey Jlrst to the lions, author has ever written. One of the portant element (cod'liveroil) to learn of her serione condition. lectllce. anil again of one each in the middle 18,1 ,el1 WhCn CU tho wonders of tho Paris expoaitlou. tilPn' natives, and finally to the most praised features of tho book 13 The literary meeting of tha Epworth China's Grand Canal ia the moai GRAND RAPIDS wilWUlI wanwsnMh*t the 'warm things. J states and one in the east. This, it in a palatable and easily di- They were accompanied by a phono- willte mjn> wj,0 coveted their flesh and Its unconventional ending, which ia /tw tfoujystMvzimua.? league waa well attended and the 'program wonderful arllflclal waterway in the need not hardly be pointed out, is Jubl at present a horse cover }y>»h, by which, for instance, when j,^ ^ot a single specimen has been said to be Just explicit enough to sat- SmJ- TOO gested form, hut also the hypo- world. It Is over 200 miles long the Specialist of not what bad been expected. was well rendered. die children saluted the flag, tho gf3cu j-or nearly iwenty years, although iefy everybody without going into In- EYELETS will DMhinlv oatwur r'1.. .b. two pain o Mrs, Lena Christie ia Very ill. Her moth- thing. If y0U wailt lilcdge of loyalty ahd-patriotic songs ^,ero &tiii remaius tne slight chance phosphites which are so valua- Many people worry because they believe CNRUNIC DISEASES artistic detail.—New York Sun. hare a 'otws wil! sell-some at were given at tho same time. Both StSS? THANK goodness, the election is er, Mr*. F. Godfrejr, is with her. they have heart diaeate. The ohancea are ble in nervous disorders that extra low prices lo close onl. the Russian and tho New Zealand gov; Kn4kla Despised tlio Bleydr. over. Now let every one quit talk- Ohristiau Kropf of Vergennea called at A. lhat Iheir hearts are all right but iheir will be at the German and Portuguese territory aloniachs are unable to idig»at food. emments have sent urgent requ In Soiithwest Africa. This is what John Kuskin thought ing politics and go to work to make usually accompany ansmia. M. Andrews, in a business way last Friday. But when it cornea to Robes Kodul Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and Blankets we have for tha loan Of these pictures for Two more of the Afri'.an mammalia of the bicycle: "Some time since I [ lM*e«t makers of men'a 93 business bum. It is iiecessary to Miss Mable Cheyne visited over Sonday LOWELL a long and SS-SO shoes In the world. We make SCOTT'S EMULSION is a suit. n 1 n r 3 and prevents the formation uf gaa which play before the pedagogic me becoming rstremely rare, tho ela- put myself on record as nn antagonist! Aperfecl Remejly rorronsli|: !. ^ ' ° l« fd shoe, tha?"; have two great political parties; with Jeonie Andrewa. makes the stomach preas against the hearl. at tbe Use two mamfactnreri In the U. S. those countrlnfl. phnnt and tho MpjiopotanuR. Prob- of the devil's own toy. the bicycle. I Ron. Sour Stomach,Diariiiai but it is not necessary to keep up a fatty food that is more easily Mr, and Mra.Freemnn of Ionia were It will core every form of indigestion. The "^dr-Repabli- ably the only African elephant In Eu- want to reiterate, with all the empha- j Won AS .ConvulsVms, ftfflmsh- Dooxlu turmoil about il all the while; so let guasls of P. C. Freeman aqd family the TaftACo. ean, Democrat or PopuliaU BEST nyu. cot , w.0 digested than any other form WAVERLJ HOTEL, WED. NOV. 14 PRbM MANY SOU rope is now in the collection at Re- sis of strong language, that 1 condemn ness and Loss t^y'SLBEP. e»»rjwh«rt Ibraui hout thc world BEST us have a rest. The voter who first of the week. all manner of.hi-, trl-, and 4-, 5-, 6-, or .mmThey lure to fir, bcttir Mtlila* of fat. A certain amount of If you can use any wall naper an will be, tu meet all You can pick from our whole- gent's park, , and would sell For Over $3.50 tlon than »t|,er makta b*nii>t used the best means at hand to in- Ida Prodor of Saranac and Frank aale stock which is twice aa ' ui. Lions and tigers are weak T-cycles. Auy contrivance or Inven- ih« lUadanl hit air IT, txtn $3.00 a very low price call at Loprs DruD: g who are in of his services. at auctlcn for more than $5,000, w'al'.o Placed io high tliat tht wtartn form himself and (hen cast bis bal- flesh is necessary for health. Daniels of Keena viailed her father Hun- 11 h,u ^tiing power to run mo than half to prove the ecardty of the hippos, no tion intended to supersede tlie use of SHOE upwtmore for thdr tnT/jr and book store. Dr. Wolford has been coming to Lowell foS" •* ^en •"SSgr SHOE. fore and five tunes larger fihan than thrjr can («t alMWhtn. lq)> in accordance with his knowledge day and attended tervice at the M, E. for over two years and will continue in '' mile. less than $2,500 was raid for an infant human feet on God's own ground is You can get it In this way. NEW YDHK. ..THE jsKAkON mora W t,. Uounlu 11 tnd $SJ9 and belief, did his duty. If he won, R. I). Stocking is selling sonic coming. The doctor has enred many The lightest woods'In the world are male born lii the zoological gardens at damnable. Walking, running, leaping Tliirty Years 3 m ko church. IA.mA It E® . Ti., l. PI?«£.»••. 11" *,° • V"•» dnitr'I'llfe lhou'iv kt *P let him rejoice. If he lost, let him We have known per- very line new hammorlcss guns and aggravated caser, which instilis confidence cork and poplar, pomegranate la one Antwerp iiliout three '/ears ago Even and dancing are legitimate and nat- J Mlt in nth lowru Rev, and Mra. Holcombtook dinner at in hia ability by bis friends. If you are ? ••fcaMtef > Intlil on lurmj W. L. at prices lhat defy outside compe of the heaviest / twenty year's ago $10,000 was paid for ural joys of the body and every at- , nt ,n, d U:nptJ 0a still rejoice; for those who won are sons to gain a pound a A. M. Andrews, Saturday. The elder ia en- troubled with any disease do not put it off ltTO «d^^„i ^ . ."v.'ke mT tor' jou. und direct to tition. . The Abysslnijln war modal Is the the raon^ier African elephant Jumbo, tempt to stride on stilts, dangle on •n<, ^ *"'* 'or Mrriixa. are bis neighbors, friends and day while taking It, joying very good health which is gratify- but go and see the doctor at once. BROWN & SEHLER. smallest war d'ecoratlon Issued during who was Rilled in '.tifcC by nn expr&g ropes, or wiggle on wheels is an af- wr aaoMwOlnacb vou anjwh.ra. (Mialogut Inx. countrymen. If the results of the M*. »nd ft.oo, (II druftgitli. ing to his many friends here. Don't forget our olearauce sale of CONSULTATION PRES. Urand Rapids front to the Almighty. You can't im- tXACT COPr or WRAPPER. W. 1m JOouclas Htoc Oo. JBrocktoa. Address all communications to the doc- the queen's raign. tiala in Canada. election are good for your neighbors, SCOTT & BOWNE, ChtmUU, N»w York. Ora Godfrey haa been qulle ill bat ia wall paper at greatly reduccd priccs prove on God's appointed way of tor in hia new office in tbe Tower Block, Before the/next tourist season opens Tho giralfes. too. arc scarce, and ore W.N.U—DETROIT—NO. 45—1900 they will be good for ytu. at Hunt's Drug store. walking by substituting an Improved better at preeenl. GBIMD RAPIDS, MICH the SWtes ra llwav .'rom Splez to Foutl-1 of them will bring ?5,000 today. CASTMC CCNTAUS COMPANY. NCWm YORK OrTY. gen will b^ cor. U-ted. i 1 Among dcmeslir anlmalr Mm- aart wheel,"—New York Tribune. Vilien Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This faper. TI^T7P7L|^'CT3|K~3JIP]MJFTRI


A Clouded Honeymoon. Good house, and abont h acre The electric road to Grand Rap- WHEN \t AN APHLL PIE sitting asleep at the time of tbe at- WOMEN MUST SLEEP. BORNETO THE GRAVE About six weeks ago Justice Ar- land, fine location, will be sold ids show new signs of life and it is ^ CREAMERItS. *'•' tack. Suddenly she railed her anna, nold of thin village performed the cheap. For terms, inquire of Mrs. said it is going to be built this time Causeil the ll:l rilrnt NVvi r I'Hine Unrk. was mad, to the kitchen; so, with chat- loved. Once Kate stirred and gave a a marriage license last week. $100. This is one that took first, "Eighteen centuries! Why, I hate there, and they may ease the pain a "I must stop!" panted Kate. "Ob, a funeral sermon in which he eulogi- The legal lights were discussing tlls- tering teeth, she gathered her skirts little sigh; but Mollie went on, though Some robes are made of a of Grattan choked to death on an to leave you here now!" little." Mollie;. I can't run any morel" zed the life of the deceased. The The Lowell band wound up tho prize at the State Fair. The Village appolntments with which they had A mother has dlscovtred that old together, and crept silently through to cars that heard not for with that robes for example. apple? met. and this Is Uu story that one of "And I could not leave my poor lit- Kate sat up In bed, looking as mis- As Mollie caught her up and hurried •quartet sang "Light after Darkness" campaign by playing for a Demo- Board has offered a reward of $100. window shades are admirable for mak- the dark pasaoges after ber. sigh the little girl had fallen into that tle Kittle," ahe exclaimed, raising her on with clenched teeth, she felt sure Itra. TClMiow'a tooCTilag Mary, 8-year old daughter of W. 0. J. Bretz ^100. and M. F. FaV- thom told: ing scrap-books for children. Cut i ix erable as a child with teeth ache can and "Abide With Me." At thc cratic rally at Ionia Monday evening, "The greatest dlBappointment tint I eyes to his deprecatingly. "By then I The lamplight guided her to the but- she beard footsteps on th" hard road sleep that knows no waking, and gone For children tMtblas, aoneat tha Price of Belding, died of membrane- rington $50, for the arrest aud con- or eight pieces for tlie leaves and look, and Mollie slipped off for the StrnmaUoa, allaii uaia. I close of the services the burial cere A marriage license was issued ever met with happriifd at the begin- hope she will be better, stronger. Oh, ler's pantry, and there stood madame, behind. Every moment .he felt the home to the Heavenly Father whom ous croup. stitch them through the middle. cloves, closing the door softly behind monies yere conducted by the Ada viction of the party or parties who ning of my career. I was young at tho holding her hands under a tap which poor distraught woman was gaining Mollie had taught her to lovo. Even a red-headed an hate West; Monday to Burton Partridge of Reggie, couldn't you bargain with them her. The supervisors of Barry county set fire to O. J. Hrentz's building time and Inclined to hold my parents The fastest flowing river in the world she had not turned on, and muttering "You must not grieve too much, Mol- dald lodge of Masons,the full ritual being Oakfleldand Rilla Woodard of Grat- to give mo Kittle? It would be so It was Easter eve once more; not on thom—that she could hear madame's responsilile for this handicap which Is the SutleJ In India. Its descent is Incessantly to herself. As she wrnng llo darling," Reggie said later, when used. The remains were borne from tan. have found $821,757 more property last week. The Village Hoard will cruel to leave her; you cannot think baltty and soft like last time, but cola wild voice;, but she staggered on, was keeping me from the fame and 12,000 feot in 18 miles. tho Imaginary, water off them and she had cut off a long, fair curl, and A TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. the church by the bearers belwecu than in 1899. The gain in real estate put a force pump in at the new well how loving, how true to me tho little and frosty, wltn a cruel east wind praying as she had never prayed be- We will semi the Detroit Semi- glory tbat 1 thought was my due. Thc coral roads of Bermuda are the pet is!" And ahe poured into his ear rubbed them on her skirt It occurred they had carried tho child away and Rheumatism, Sciatica and two lines to the graveyard near at was $30,170; aud in personal prop- and one at Ihe well at Frace's cor- "My bright new shingle was some- howling round tho house, like the fore for help, and that she might save Weekly Journal aud TUB LOWELL , finest In the world for t yding. They all that she had overheard UhU hot to Mollie, with a cold chill of fear, that Kate, her mother's baby! laid hor by her mother's side In the; withstand every Other nw -$8! • hand, where the last rites were pre- erty $991,. i8i'. ners as a protection in case of a fire. what weather-beaten, and my ollice night two years ago when Leonard yield on the instant to .**& Ledgkr from now until Jan. 1, 1902 are as smooth as a dancing tlo.ir and evening at the window. she was action by action following out But she had hardly any breath left church yard. "Had she lived there are j formed in the presence of a large Manley Wisner of Chicago and The loss of O. J. Brentz was ad- desk had two holes worn in it by my are never dirty. Barlowe had so mysteriously met his To enable all sulfei for $1.70. tf. • heels before my first client tame. Reggie's face grew very pale as he Just what she must have done that by tho time the White house gate ap- many things that she must have known I justed hist Wednesday; the stock at death. 1 wonderful remedy, we crowd of people.—[Grand Rapids Miss Nellie VanAmburg of Cale- "But come he did one day. charging Of the cotton crop of the world four- listened, and he gave a low whistle of terrible night—that it was sho whom as she grew older, which would have Color to please the eye, texture The months that had passed had peared In sight; the steps were com- atrial bottle on receipt of Herald. donia were married at thc home of $2,5(51.89 and on the building at Into my ofllce like a mad bull. Glar- fifths is produced In this country. diBmay; but whatever ho thought he the servants took for a ghost, who had bnrt her. She la spared much suffer-1 stamps to pay for mailing'. to please tbe sense, flavor to please been full of trouble and anxiety to ing nearer, then wheels came rolling Mr. Proctor left the following the bride's father, Oct. 24. Chicago $094.26.—[Saranac Advertiser. ing at me and throwing down a roll The difference between the tallest frightened Kate by brushing past her log.** I j ties of 800 doses $1.00, sent waa too wise to make his sweetheart Mollie L'Estrange, and she looked up—a high dog cart passed her, la the palate, all combined in Smith's of bills as large as my fist, he shout- and shortest races in the world is 1 in the dark. Suddenly madame's glance mail or express. statement: "I can't stand it to be will be their home. more uncomfortable than she already paler and thinner; but tho gray eyea which ahe could distinguish a well- And Mollie,. remembertng hor dar- domestic bread, ed: foot, ^ inches, and the average height fell upon some knives lying on a table, ling's quick, sensitive spirit, know it] flM, "5 DROPS" la . called a thief, or that 1 am dishonest, Brave Explorers •a®. But she had to promise that on were as fearless and sweeter than ever, known form. Some of the farmers in the vicinity "'I want to see Mr. Blank!' is 5 foot 5|,i Inches. and a gleam like fire flashed Into he? is true, Sho was very happy as time -MitTC as well aa a cwatirr far Ik* for God is my witness that I have L. B, Burnett of Lowell is the no account would she even listen to for the trials had boon bravely borne, "Reggie! 'Reggie!" she shrieked mUUjil following dia of Oakfield are reporting large po- Like Stanley and Liviugstoue found " 'I am Mr. Blank.' I said, edging up Wood pulp paper as military cloth- eyes, a gleam that had neither reason passed; It was impossible not to be I bad no intention of taking a dollar clerk at the Ainericau express office, Henri, against whom Reggie's senti- and If she could not Quite love her despairingly; and then iho remem- fetattaa, tato yields this fall. A number it harder lo overcome Malaria Fevi-r to tho roll. ing is used by the Japanese troops. •'V-^i nor sanity In It, only cunning and happy with Reggie, and though the vice F. A, Shermam, resigned with '"Good Lord, sonny,' he roared. 1 i&Ss ments were far from peaceful, and enemies, she had at least endeavored bered nothing more until she found Ta*Cl iUKK Ownwt*. of anyone's money. The people have 250 bushels per acre, and it ie and Ague, and Typhoid difleass iretnis It is marvellously tough and has a that M matters became worse ahe fierce exultation. trials of life came to both as the years Hay farar, Catanftt Hi» look at me and act as though 1 am thc purpose of re-entering railroad want to see your father, the lawyer!' to follow that splendid precept and re- herself in the hall at the White house, reported that W. A. Davis had 321 than savage cannibalp; but thousand!) "I am Mr. Blank, tho lawyer ' 1 ans- neat annoarance. ^ / wonld take refugo at tho White house, "Why not kill them both?" she mut- relied on, nothing ever came between Kidney Tranblea, 'niiplawa dishonest and I can't stand the dis- service.—[Ionia Standard. .1': ;,;• turn good for evil., Reggie's arms round her. Mni. An- bushels from one acre. have found that Electric Bitters is a wered, with all the dignity 1 culd WANTED-ACTIVB MAN OF HOOD Whither his mother returned in a tered, standing still with a meditative those two. There are no lives without •aaa, Nerrona and Naemlgki Henri had been away for some weeks struther's and Joyce's kind facet near, Xaraeha. Taathoaha, Heart 1 grace; my heart is broken. So, kind Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Say Irs wonderful cure fur all malarial dis- muster. i lmracier lo deliver unit collect In Michigan ^f®®h's-tlme. And then Kate came run- look. "They are no uso Co Henri; the trouble; but theirs they bore together,! s ;ra> During tho Democratic rally Sat- now; at first much to .her relief, but and Kate leaning against ber knee, Grippe,Malaria,Paralyala, — i'mH ii friends, forgive nie, for I know wish to announce the marriage of eases. If you have chills with fever, "Oh. Christmas!" he yelled, as ho for uld establi'lied mauiifucturlng whole- ning back to announce her aunt's re- girl will not carry htm; the child bad and tried to bear well, and they| urday evening, Andrew Rouse in- sale house. 1900 n year, sure pay. llonrsty latterly she had almost wished him sobbing out an incoherent account of •aaa, and a long list of other what the world will think of me," their daughter, Pearl, to Eugene aches in back of neck and head, and seized his roll and put It in his porket. turn, y better follow her father. Yes, yes; passed, leaving them better and jured one hand quite severely in more th tn exncrlence required. Oar r. for back, for his mother's sake. Ever since what had happened, as far at the Write us in haate and stop ywmr ami- • "What have I been retained on?' I stronger. "Pity my family and those that Burgers of Kalamasoo, Wednesday, tired, worn out feeling, a trial will ence, any b ink in auy city. Knclose self "Oh, Reggiel" ejaculated Mollie, ris- his departure sho had seemed con- that will be bestl" knew. faring. Agents wanted. firing acanuon cracker. Fortunate- asked, making a bliitT at the mil. adcresscd stAinpi-d envelope. Manufaclnrers. X are near and dear to me—Oh, Harry, Nov. 14. Only the immediate convince you of the fact of their ing, and turning very pink. sumed with reetlessncss, growing d^lly (To be continued.) But even when children of her own twanson piirmrinn mmm mi ly, he will not be crippled. Danger- "He stared at me for a moment and Third Kluur, 881 lioarborn 81, Chicago. 1:501 lay in her arms, there was always a ISO laka utr—t, Chlaaftat 1% * what will you think of your father? family will be present. merit. W. A. Null of Webb, III., then said: "Sit down, child," he said calmly, more morose and gloomy, and break- CHAPTER X. ous things, those big crackers. The very tender spot in Mollle's heart for "But, remember IliaVe intended writes: "My children suffered for "See here, sonny. I've got an import- House nnd Lot For ^rale. dragging her back to his side, and tak- ing into fits of passion for tho merest Madam Dubois was dangerously mad Now that the election is over we sale of them should be stopped. DISPOSAL OF IDIOTS. tho child who was gone. And as one more than a year with chills and ant engagement to meet I'll be l ack In hustling village of Alto, « ing Kate on his knee. "Let them trifle, while she watched Mollie with from that night, enacting over and to be honest, but I can't stand it, hope our correspondents will en- come." spring followed another, and snow- Lewis VanLoton, of Orleans, dis- fever; then two bottles of Electric In nn hour. Here's yonr retainer.' he rooms, good cellar, well, cistern, suspicious eyes, never allowing her to Sacloty Cannot Shirk Ira Boponalbr.ltf over again the terrible deed she had so good-by, my boy and Alice, for deavor to report regularly. We added, throwing down a quarter. Kate pushed back her curls and re- drops, primroses and daffodils came in appeared from bis home near Long Bitters cured them." Only 50 cents. barn, lot 4 rods by 8, built ;> years, soo the Anstruthors, through whom for CrtmlnaU. committed, the combined remorse and for it seems I have been a failure. want all tbe news all the time. If 'But he never came back. 1 was garded him with a .frown. She waa their Gqason, the sharp, anxious Ut- Lake on October 15th aud Sun- Try them. Guaranteed. Sold ly iu good repair, lu'iuirc of A, alone she could hear from Reggie, for Now, of course It Is the easiest terror of which she had gradually 1 Why could they not have given me you are out of supplies, call at the looking at my picture the oth-r day, very fond of Reggie, but— Ho uuder- ile face would rice before her. But It day afternoon, Oct. 21, his body L. H. Hunt & Co. taken about that time, and 1 cannot Bergy Alto, Mich, both knew that the ordinary post thing in the world to^plttc out indi- thrown her mind off its balance. It a chance if they thought I was office. itood the look, read the dawalog Jeal- was, never the face of "my half-tlstcr, was found iu thc lake. It was un- say that I blame him."—Detroit Proo would not bo safe. vidual cases where this highly effect- was found that ahe had broken Into wrong? Good-bye. aqsy of any one coming between Mollie Stealing qulet.y down the dark Kate.V Leonard Barlowe's daughters James Nicklin's house has reach- doubtedly a case of deliberate suicide Mlchlgon State Sunday Schoo Press ive and economical plan would setsm Mollle's room, and, discovering ' the "H. B. P." Editor Sees WOndors tnd herself, In mose sharp hazel oyea, the hell^ss of Chalfont She had gone ed its new site and a wall is being - stairs, Mollie gained the dravlngroom, Justifiable, but the obetaele which window open and the room empty, aud he was probably mentally de- Association at Owosso Editor W. V Barry of Lexington which had already ' discoverou the long ago,< J1 was tho wistful one of Senntnr In-ih-w1* siat'en. and, possesslug herself of the bottle must everlastingly keep all such ob- bad evidently pursued them down the built under it this week. Great ranged. He is over 70 years old.— Nov. Mth-15th. Teun., in exploring Mammoth ( avc troth; and &i this tall, merry young the little sln^who slept the lust long Death of Nrt. Francis Mary Oralitm One of the latest aftor-dlnnor stories of cloves, was returning, when aa she stacles out In the realm of purely vis- road, for one of ber shoes was fonnd difficulty was experienced along the [Saranac Local. officer's heart was as tender as a girl's sleep by her author's side, who haa For lliin the Grand Trnok railway ajslem that Chauncey M. Depew telle is aimed contracted a severe case ot" piles got to the door sho saw a faint light ionary and Impossible propositioiiii Is not far from the White house gates. Mrs, Francis Mary Graham died, route with the telephone and elec- towards those he cared for, bo kastenod given her the whttfe beautiful lovo of A St. Joseph county woman had will mrke one tare the round trip trom nil at himself. This Is the v/nv it inns: His quick cure Ihrough using Buck- at the top of tho stairs. Foiled In ber attempt by the timely ar- Friday, Nov. 2, at the homo' of her ric wires and poles. to dissipate It the fact that no man, or group of men her child's heart. \ a narrow escape from being buried inU in Michigan to OWORSO. Tickets will "Ambassador Choate was •tin-ng a lin's Arnica Salve convinced him il Who was abroad In the house this rival of Reggie, she had returned tnd ton, Seigel Graham in South Lowell, "You are going to be my slevcr, kid- —no, nor that of angels, probably— The En4 Rev, J. W. McAllister was called alive last week. She had been very CHold from l.OU p. m. ou Nov. 12th uulil few weeks ago with an i'.n^lisii Lord, is another world's wonder.^Curn night of all others, when no servant smssbed everything lh the room, bury- 1.UU p. in. of Nov. 14th, relnrn limit good ling," he said gently. could ever be trusted to decide that at the age of 72 years. Funeral to Kalamazoo to conduct a funeral and tho Lord was 'isking nuestioiis Piles, Injuries, luflamation, aud al would stir alone, when they Vowed that ing tho knife In Mollle's pillow. ill and to all appealauccs died. An up tu and inoinding Nov. 17lli, about Amcrica. Finally the lord Budh and such a person could not bA services were held at the house on bodily Eruptions. Only 25c at L I know," she answered, with trcmb- the ghost of Mr. Barlowe walked in Henri was telegraphed for, bat de- Cal the consiltution and usslsUni; favoi If you will speak English, I do I'rlce, as cents. No»er soM followed her Cref icinulse and gone to pass upon Beat Publl«h„ devote himself to the drug business. intention of that road to expend In bulk. Accept no sul'stl- jury that would venture paying for her to b« well cared for J. W. Q nature in doing its work. The proprietors not understand German very well." his wife, and ho trusted that he should upctalrs. neither she cor Kate would result for many women are extremely ing Congh. 6oc and HlOO. Trial iNeonroRMio imj tote. Ask your druggist. the awful Issust % to! Socleiy 'mm , In an asylum, where she lingered for Mr. Church took charge of the $1,000,000 on its roadbed, reducing have so much faith 'in its curaMve powers Mrs Senator looked surprised, but have her conscnt; he waa sure of that nt carelocs when hording curling irocs boltle Ireo at Hunt's drg store. •» t » r -» , ham teen alive when daylight dawned long since pa8a«d the pc ' where it some years. Record when it was "down at the the hills and enabling a more ex- that they otter One Hundred Dollars for auy took the hint. of tho trustees, who were old friends by a gas Jet or alcohol lamp, and DROPSY« home until her marriage, an offer ex- and Inexpensive celluloid la Innocent. I Try the newest and best loaded J stnp to tho back of tbe chair before ,f ever had. However he has now scarcity of cars and locomotives, ment." Book "llowioobtain I'mi-iils " | Hkk half-opened eyes; but. KiAre or act. age forefathers' cu«om i etranglng tended to Kato also; so everything at but it must not be brought in contact shells to-be had ''Greased Lightning1' FREE toe wrlvlng tablo, whore the detectives ie w chosen a business that for profits seventeen new engines have been Papers good enough for any room " Tis simple," replied the sago, "I Ohargti tnoderalf. No fee till patent is secured. 1 Che managed to convey plainly h» ^ female babies becaosw tl y ®re an. Chalfont was sold and the place let,' with flrc. letters strictlv cootklentlal. Address. 1 MJd that Mr. B.irlowe must have been sold only by R. D. Stocking. beats the newspaper out of sight ordered. always discount my oxpectatlona 91 Insumbrance to the trlb 3-—Qunton'^l 3—31—4 and 5 c. per single roll at nor cent" awyer, Washlnglen, D,C.^ TIIK LEDGEll, LOWELL, MIClL, THURSDAY, NOVEMHEK B, 1000.

Tilt LKIX4KR, LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY. NOVKMBKH 8, l»oo. School Notes. FROM THE RUBAIYAT 1L Chee-Wlng-Su's agent was alsc I CRIMSON CLOVER. PERE MARQUETTE there to collect his black mail. Then | The seventh grade has introduced p Hl'SIMESS DIKKC'TOBY | I •Mnetlmc* think that never Mowi to red May 13.1900. WHEN MOTHER CAME HOME ied character and type; son;r whit- SO ANXIOUS TO MEET HIM. would be 30 Chinamen aboard of nt ' In noeent Year* Tklt riant Haa Come Into a reading table on which are kept —roat u •bete *>»• buried Cnar bled; Trains leave Lowell ae foliowg; tling on sticks, and other* comment- That trtry hj idnth the jtrden wear*. when discharging cargo; hut, (hougt I I'ruuilneaoo la Tliia Country. standard periodicals ani books foi ing In hushed whisper* on the e.ior- Dropt la her lap from aomc onre lovely bead. they were a villainous lot. we felt m ' For Detroit and East Carl ratnf In from th® baneball game ' An APPMI tli«t Tonrhed llir Hr«rl ol lh. IA bulletin of fhe United States de- use in odd inumenta. 7 IB am 11 OO am 4 lo pm O.C. MC DANNELL, M. 0. mlty of the crime for which uncle When hf heard the clock etrlko two. j lullw Hy 8l»«'on lad thli rerirlnf herb who* tender treen fear of tbem ami did not keep the crew j partnunt of agriculture says: Crim- For l.rand Rapids and Chicago rhyslciau aud Burgeon. OUict, 4ti BilJg Mose was lo be tried. Six uew pupils entered the grades Hp hnd to put on his Sunday clothe*, A few minute* before the aftprn.ion fltdCM ihe river Up cm which we l«»n- even under arms. We were within s son clover (trlfollum incarnatum). II 00 am 4 16 pm H 47 pro street,Lowell, Mich. Aa the tram would aoon hp due Suddenly the judge rapped fharply ah. lean upon it llfhtly, (or who knowt day's sail of port on our return when this week. For Saginaw aud Hav City i train from New York got into the IV:-. alao known as scarlet clover. Gtrnan 7 45 am 0 Oo pm Hlfl Rood elalrr flxod his best blue tie. on ihe floor with hi* canc. and an- nsyivanla station the other day a bcau- DANIHL McCQV, Ttr* HOWARD LOWE. Vic* Tit-. M. H. SORR1CK. Cashier. fron what ooct lovely Up it »priniri unieenl tbe captain was struck by an Idea A number of blackboard stencils nounced. This court lh open. Bring clover, lialian clover a-id caination For Belding and (ireenville M.C. GREENE. M. 0. Then took from the rhlna bowl ] ttful young creature in a new eprtng per cent interest paid on savings deposits. and not > drop that from our eupi we throw Chee-Wlng-Su knew that our cargc clover. Is an annual plant, native to have been ordered for decorative 7 15 am 0 00 am 00.*. pm A pink. HkP one the pwldont *rar». up the prisoner." I suit wafted over to the man station d iihysiciau and Surgeon. Office over hcylt-.ti'i fee earth to drink ol but may sl-»l below would be a heavy one. Suppose h< sotithcrn Europe, and has long been and illustrative put poses. For Free|»ort 7 15 am 4 1ft pm And put It In 'his Imltonhole Wllh pompous utrlde the jailer at the exit gate and proceeded to hyp- TO quench thc fire o( anffuiih in »omc eye store. Bridge street, Lowell. Mien walked up the aisle followed by uncle shonld have planned to cut the dippei cultivated as a forage crop in tbo B L. BK»rix».H, H. F. MOELLBR, For mother »ns conilng home notize him. r • */ There hidden—(ir beneath, and long a*o. warmer portions of that country, it The class in General History is Ajjt. Acting Ocnl. Pass. Agent Mose, his shrunken form bent and Spnni & MtBirtli out In harlKir? All he had to do was I "Will you please let me through?' Aa then thc tulip (rooi her rooming sup to put men enough aboard, ami when ' is an erect, tufted plant, one to two reaching this week C'reasy's account C.C.TOWSLEY, M, 0 0 ETA. CHIR Hp ran all thp way lo Ihr station. trembling: his gray head bowed with she said, appealingly. Contractor* for shame. He looked neither to the Of kcavealy vintage from the wil look* 115, he had exterminated the crew ami tak : feet high, with •oft-hairy srtm^ and of thc ".Sicilian Expedition" in his CIANO TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, for fpar that ho mlpht hp latf, | "Can't do It, mlas; "it's against th( Do yon devoutly do the like till heaven —SPECIALTY- right nor left until he stopped facing jtms i en possession who was to betray hirai leaves, and usually blight tear et llow- "Fifteen Decisive Battles." But the bagpagrnuui smiled an.i told rules." said the man at the gate. . To earth Invert yen—Uke an empty cup. ers In elonga4ed head*. The root sys- the judge: and there, with his old hat PLUMBING —Oinir Khayyim. He had men who could sail the craft, j WUSTBOUNU raoa LOW.{|.L. EVE,KAK, NOSE AND TLIKO AT him "But I do so want lo meet him tem l« well devel&ped and ppnetrates Carl Hergin is back in school after He ihad a w-holp hour to wait. resting under his withered arm. he Steam Hrallog Ap and by giving her a new coat of paint, No 19 Morning Express to Office Urahani Block, when he gets off," said the beanteou mratw Hot Air Fur deeply Into tbe soil and the plant la a a two weeks absence. Which made hlra fcpl very Impatlpnt; leaned on a bent and gnarled hickory Grand Haven 12 r"" young thing, looking into the man liaccn, ManlfU. ua* a new name nod making some changei j vir roua grower. Cr.mson clover wiil Bell Phone 106. Lowell, Mich An hour at n station, you know, cane, awaiting the charge. face searchlngly with her Imploring fluiurcK aud GraitH. In ber rlR she could not be recognised. The average attendance in the No 13 Mail and Chicago Ex- The detective told with grea* deter- Itenrx KiccM. not stand severe firez itg. although 11 ptttsto Urand Haven 433 pm Is twlcp as long as anywhere elee— violet eves. "And he will be so dls TURNin iW W Urlilfc S. Even If she were, what would her own is one of the so-call d -winter annuals ' High School for October was 96.2. mination and force how he had caught 37 and 39 S Olflslen St. No 17 Steamboat Express *9 19 pm E. A. HOOCES, 0- D 8 . Carl thought It would never go. applonted If 1 am not right at the far ers dare do about It? To have set up a and under favorable coudttioiM' makes The number )»elunging is now 111. him In the act of stealing great loads O.Sloll . c. lo Gd Haven A Milwaukee When mother was coming home. to meet him when the train gets in GRAND r.ar-tos M:-" ST VI W Bfiil|" S' claim would have been to convict them muoh of its growth during the cool. Dentist. Successor to Rlckert of coal. The town prosecutor, with a - Several selections from general Noll Western Exprfess to Lowell, Mich. The man at the gate looked and hes- Tilephonc il". QUAD. i selves of smuggling. As for wlpins moM weaiher of fall, wimltr and early 0 Ithe days that had been fiuch long, copy of Webster's dictionary and 1 literature bearing on the history of Gd Haven itated. out a score of Europeans. lie would spring. While requlr ng a warm cli- Nos 19,13 and 17 daily except Sunday. long days Blackstone's Commentaries on the "Please," eald the lovely young CTPTI You'll be Sure 1 our country have been read before S. P. HICKS, 1 O oorraiuuT, 1800, 11 T C. a. LETII O consider that as a sort of duty undet mate. It will no* enduie severe d.o:tb. Since the mother went to town, English l»nw before him. rose to the ture, rustling her silk skirts nervously, ||. V to Like No II, daily. Loans,Colleclions. Heal Estate and insu- ©•.©•©•0«-0-^0«-0 0«-0*0-*-0-*-0'*-0«-0 | any circumstances. Crimwm clover has come Into prom- the class in United States History. BABisouxn And her boy, eomehow, kept "eeelng heights of rural oratory, and besought and seeming to hang on the gatemnn's ance. Lowell, Mich. Before wo made harbor everything inence In this coudtry wKhln com- Miss Fero read "The Tea Party,' No 12 Detroit express to De- things" the Judge to make an example of 'he nod. 'rfi ;l Beginning at Bhangtung, In the Yel- paratively recent years. !•! can hardly At night-time when he lay down. victim of such a heinous and enormous j was prepared and every man instruct- | an <>ld colonial song; Miss Sayles. troit and East '' "Well, maybe 1 can take a chance." "U low sea. the coast line of China is dot- be regarded as a Rirnssful crop out- No 20 Mail to Detroit 10 29 am Then every unkind word and deed crime. said the gateman. and he pulled the irr'.v, LILY | ed. In resiKinse lo our signal a doten i : "Paul KevereMtide," Miss Thomas, ted with Islands clear down to Hong- side of the ieg on from New Jerwy. No 18 Evening Express io E. H. CAMBELL. INSURANCE. LOANS To that dearest one of all. The judge looking at thc trembling gate open and admitted her. I sampiins appeared, aud thc flrst man west lo the Al eghany mountains and the famous oration of Patrick Henry, Votary Public, Real Estute A tree t and Col prisoner, said: "Mose, are you k&lTt. a distance of over 2,000 mllea. Detroit and East 4 01 pm "When the moon shown in hie window, "S'pose she's only been married j on our decks was tbe rascally old | south to eastern Tennessee and Texa.-. given before tbe Virginia Kevolu- No 14 Eastern Express to lector. Over Boylan's store. Lowell. guilty?" IS |i'ur -( ^aSB If the Islands could be counted, I be- seemed little while," reflected the gateman. UlliCw U mini WHITE [ Cbee Wing-8n. He was effusive, good | True, good yields are often obtaimd tionary Assembly. Daraud and East O" To he written on the wall— Steadying himself, and drawing a "and her husband's coming back after lleve they would nnmlter 10.000. great uatured aud slick ns grease. He said in (Aher becilontj, but caunot be de- Nos 12,20 and 18 daily excei< Sunday MILTON M PERRY. But mother was coming home. trembling hand across his seared eyea. being away the first time since they ig Howimq S The flour the and small NN bile some are unliihabit- j cause for hasle In unloading, Tbe football game Saturday re- 'tfJOBMrpK bent cooks wag No 17, daily. • Run daily. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Train's lla he said: "Mprse Wlllum. Ise guilty. were spliced, and she wants to hand there is not an honest community i „ |, „ , officials bad suddenly sulted in a victory for our boys, I SIGN use Sold by t e r st0 u A. O. HEVOiaUKr,Agmt. Block. Lowell, Mich. 8i>ecial altentlo Then his arms he'd throw about her 1 dun tuk dat coal; but skuse me. :»h. him out the big hug before he's more'n Lowell. Mich all grocers 00 one of them. 1 he people are wreck- become active, aud he was permitted 11— u. Touchdowns were made by given lo Collections, Conveyancing, uu neck. I dlden' mean to steal. I wuz in dis landed from the car steps. Well. 1 Sale of Keal Estate. Made only by ers and pirates to a man. and woe be- j t0 ordt,r M men on board to Fisher and McCarty from runs cover- town afore dat railroad come: I wuz guess we all have It that bad. once In W1NE8AR Ha£ also qualltied and been admitted to prtc While he kissed her o'er and o'er. tide tbe ship which meets with dlsas- j oul t1irp0 Ag WH,U 0ur an And promised her he'd never make living in dat Uttle shanty w en you our lives anyhow," and he looked ing in each case over half the length lice lu tLe Interior Department and all tie ter on any of tbe island shores. From chor was down all but two or three of Her dear heart ache any more. an' all dese gemmen was boys, an' all thoughtfully down the siding where FURKITURE VALLEY Cin of the tield. Excellent team work bureau* thereto and Is ready to prosecute Yanfr-tse-Klnng to the entrance of the our crew dhiappeared. aud the captain But—what If the train ran oil the die time did yo' eber hayr ob ole Mose the radiant young creature stood, im- is shown by the eleven, especially Claims for those lhat may beenUtled tc straits of Formosa tbe islands are un Drop-bead Pension Bounty. track! er stealln' nothln'? Marse Wlllum, patiently tapping her foot. KllillS CO., aud agents sat down lo a luncheon in CO. der tbe JnrlHdiction of a maudnrlu at in the use of trick formation. He paced the wide station round. afore Gawd. I neber did. Marso Wll- The train pulled In a couple of min- Qrand Rapld^ the cabin. Not a box bad yet gone And In his heart he prayed to God lum. my skin Is brack, but Ise hones'. utes after. The young woman inn Cor S. Division Mica. tbe above port. In the year 18(18 this over tbe rail when tbe Chinese on deck On Saturday, Nov. 10, at U p. in., Only and Cherry To bring It in safe and sound. Youse all know 'Mandy. She's dun alongside the baggage car and Ihe mandarin was one Chee-Wlng-Su. who broke loose. In 30 seconds every man at Train's Field, the High School EDWARD 0 MAINS, Streets. For mother was coming home. de washln' fo" yo' all. Po'r ole 'Man- baggagemaster handed her out a mis had held office for years, aud bis repu- but the captain was sailing into them. eleven will play the Ionia High §19.00 erable little specimen of a stuck-un. ATTORNEY AT LAW. dy's been terrlbul po'ry fo' er long tation was tbat of a devil. There was They were armed with knlres only, School t( am. A close game is ex- time wid de 'sumption, an' w'en I tuk hideous-muzzled pug dog. which sho 1867—lvO« 00 question but that he encouraged Soon he heard the shrill whistle at the while we had cutlasses. No firearm* pected. OlHce in Train's Opera, House Block bend, dat cole dey wuz no fire in de house, took In her arms and loaded down Julius A. J. Friedrlch, Bridge St. House, piracy and got bis divide, and bis or- were used. Tbe fellows made a good AIk) a 5 drawer, high arm machine LOWELL, MICH. Then the engine plunged in sight. an' "Mandy wuz roflln' awful like, we'en with caresses. MONEY TO LOM OH FARMS. £1 ders all along tbe coast line were to stand for about five minutes, and then Two teams from the High School As she passed out of th^ exit gnfe JO urf 32 CANAL ST. fl 00 and 11.25 i»cr day. Meals guaranteed for 10 yearN only H'i. Other And the fastest train over the road I went out. an' 'tween her colfin' f-aid; kill every white person who might fall we Itegan driving them. No quarter was will play a practice game at Train's i u achine» in proportion. Needles and 'Mose. Ise so cole sn" hungry; kaint with the pup In her arms, uhe bestow- 25c. Steam neat in every Thundered In on time, all right. John B. Martin, Into the bands of his subjects. Tbe given. When tbe last living yellow Field after school, Wednesday. pairs for all makes of machines and fine A. E- CAMBELL, DENTIST. When the mother from the chair car yo" bring back some!bin' to mek a lire ed a bewltch'ng smile upon the gatr room. Special rate made for Pimtt, Organs, fellow was subordinate to the govern- devil went overboard, there were 30 oils. ALTNEN, CLOTHIER. LOWELL Oyer Boylan's Store. stepped an" jes er cup er tea?' man. boarders. 95 Canal Street. Qrand Rapids. Mick* The Y. M. A. boys were a j or of Bhangbai, but whenever be was dead ones on our decks. Of course, the Her heart was full of joy "My po'r ole 'Mandy Is erbout pone. "And I was come-on enough to pass Grand Rapids* Mich. — gentlemanly lot and wiil probably i All branches of dental work done by her through, and to weave pipe-trances Slut Music lid brought up on the complaint of a Euro- row was beard In the cabin. At tbe To see the glad look upon tie face Jedge. she is. an' I'd suffer wid all de be given another game later in the the latest improved methods. .Sat about the reason why vhe "wanted '-o FROM 10 TU 25 PEi) CEVTSAVEI pean, consul he managed to get the flrst sound Captain Walters laid his Of her waiting, loving boy. torments afore I'd tfeiJ, but Mandy nON'T FORGET when you come to the dty, -ON- isfaction guarantee]. get through." said the gateman dis Hnicil Mtlu. *•' to look at our IKM and 12.80 Shoes. Noth- best of It He was fairly well educat- revolver on tbe table before him and reason. Because mother had come home. wuz always lovin' an' true wid me an' Gas aduiinigtered." guatedly to the station cop. "Siy, I Everyihlng in Ihe Muiloal ing higher Hold Every pair warranted. # ed. a flnlsbed liar and hypocrite, and said to Chee-Wlng-Su: I kaint see her freeze to def. Hones', Boots and Shoes, You can't afford to risk your life by al- don' belong here. 1 ought^o be doin Lin* there was no catching him. Jedge, I kaint. An" if Wen I tuk dat Tin Peoplis $1,50 ui V Skit Stiri, "There seems to be some skylarking lowing a coogh or a cold to develop imo BUY YOUR spring ploughin' somewhere!" In the year I have mentioned above coal. Jedge. Il wuz stealln', den lt« Write for catalopnc and price®. U CANAL STREET. DAVID STOLL, going on above, but we will not In- pneumonia or consumplion One Minute FOR FIRE jertain Americans in Hongkong decld- BBEAD, BINS, guilty; but. O Maise Wlllum! fer ant AND RAPIDS. terfere with it" Congh Cure will t-ure throat and lung Gawd's sake let me go back ter "Man- OOIMI Hlnrtp*. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. td to fit out an opium dipper to supply FK1EI>CAKF>, COOKUtf, JUSTICE VS. MERCY RITZEMA 4 OLTMANS SHOE OO. 151W. Brllgi St., SriRd Ripiis, Mid. "If my men are creating any trouble, trouble quicker than auy other preparation PIES, CAKE?, CANDIES. dy now; den do wid me what yo' An eccentrc clergyman in Cornwall the port of Shanghai. Opium smug- 1 must go up and stop it." replied the Lnow.n Many doctors use it as a specilic had been much annoyed 'ny the way piease w'en she is gone. She kaint pllng was against Uie law, of course, old pirate. for grip]*. It ia an infallible remeny for of the old reliable BAKEK, the members of the congregation had las' but a few days. Jes let me slay This is but one of our Many Styles.. md any person found engaged in the "Your men are all right, and you will pended upon year after year. In the croup. Children like it aud mothers eu- INSURANCE! The court house was filled to over- of looking around to see late comets. wid hor till den: she's er lookin' fer TIT HEN YOU WANT trade was beheaded at once, but you remain right here." middle aud sou'h Allantlr states this dorse it. Taft A Co. F. A. BEHL... CALL ON flowing with thesume motley crowd of me now. Jedge. an' her po'r ole bans' After enduring It for some time, he First class lunch room m TO SAVE MONEY IN might as well try to keep rice as opium They heard tbe sounds of battle and clover Is one of the beet crops that eightsoenfi, usually to be found In the Is reachln' out an' waltln' fer Mo^e— said, on entering thp reading dpsk. one DRUGS. can be grown for forage and soil re Real Estate Trausfen*. connection P. D. EDDY & CO., If yonr dealer does not handle nut of China. Tbe proets in smuggling knew that the Chinamen were being rural dletrlcts, gathered together with Gawd will bress yo' fer It. Jedge, shor day: "Brethren, I regret to nee th it PATENT MEDICINES novation, k has given good lesults In ICE CREAM Ir. l-utk or dUh. have always been enormous, and It Eliza Hindmaa io Pttor Heyboer aud that same Innate curiosity so inherent he Iwlll. An' w'en 'Mandy's gone I your attention Is called away from —A NO- driven overboard, but tbe captain talk- many porticos of the gulf ^a'e-. but them write UP for Cata- wife; e w'« ne ^4 section 27, PariB within us all. when any unfortunate will suffer fer what I dun, but 1 dun your religious duties by yonr very nat- FAMILY REPIPES has always been part of tbe business ed about tbe voyage and the profits many failu;e5 are alH) reporUd. Ia being IK brought before a tribunal ot it fer her sake. Po'r ole 'Mandy. she ural desire to see who comes in be- logue and Prioee. OO TO to bribe the custom officials. As and pretended ignorance of the real ihe colder sertlons of the country this township, $1,750 D.MURRAY,D.D. S., Justice. wuked fur mc, an" 1 kain't see her hind you. 1 propose henccforlh to Shanghai was to be supplied from I state of affairs. When the fight had clover te BOttne'lmes auocrttfally grown Barney I). Seeley aud wife lo S> Ivwter u In the little hamlet of H . rail- suffer. save you the trouble, by naming each ThrniTs Drug Store, i'ang-tse-Klang 1 was sent up to ar- ended, the anchor was lifted and tlie as a eummer crop, but It usually win- T. Seeley; part section 19 Lowell town- A. ROBINSON road company had their coal sheds, person who may come late. "Dat railroad. Jedgo. run ovcr our range matters with Chee-Wing-Su. dipper sailed away out of the harbor. ter-kills badly when sown in the au- ship, $1,000. and woe to any unfortunate who dar- only boy an' prindod him to def. an', He then began: "Dearly beloved." ARTHUR WOOD GARRIA6E CO., WALTER K. SCHMIDT. Prop'r, There was no beating around tbe bush. Cbee-Wing-Su played the hypocrite at iumn. At the experiment rta.tlons In Dental Office tf W. H.Clark and wife to Pere Marquette ed pick "up a lump and convert II to Jedge. dat road wuz neber erested an' but paused halfway to interpolate, W Canal St.. O anrt RipMs. 1 told him what we wauled, and be flrst. Then he blustered aud threaten- Rhode Island. New York. Ohio. Mlchl- and Residence "Mr. S , with his wife and daugh- GROCERIES j his own use. no matter how bitter the put in jail" lost no time In giving me bis figures. ed. aud at the end be broke down and gan. 1 lionds. South Dakota. Nebraska Railroad company, part blk 19. Richard & 41 Sheldon Street cold or imperative the need. The Judge's head had slowly sunk ter." 33, 35, 37 Harket St and other states in the North and Wickham's plat, $400 . A Mr. S looked rather surprised, Qrand Rapids, filch. For such a per cent be would guaran- became disgustingly abject. Tbe agent A white mantle of snow covered val- upon his cane, and those sitting near West, thc general results of tests show but the minister, with perfect gravity, tee ns safety. He was smooth and on board with him was In tbe plot A Specially ley and dale; the biltcr winds were with bowed beads gazed slowly at thai It Js too Under for the climate IJ you have ever seen a child iu the agony resumed.' Presently he again panted: suave, but under the polish I saw the He refused to give it away at first of Fine Work at whistling and sighing through the their sticks, and the shavings lying and is less valuable than red c'o^r. of croup you can realize how gratelul the F'roauco, • "Mr. C and William D ." hypocrite and tiger. I accepted his but when be knew tbat death was the Reasonable Prices creaking and crackling pines, when around. And with a husky voice he Himiss, Rotas, Rlukots, mot hers are f r One Minute Cough Cnr« The abashed congregation kept their The Kent Hotel, Wall Paper, terms for the company, but I also alternative he talked fast enough. The The builrtin publishes the following old uncle Mose. shivering with cold, said: "Go back to '.Mandy. Mose; you w hich gives relief as soon as it ia admiuis- Cured Mesitw. f eyes studiously bent on tholr book*. Tmnksand Baps, Whips and Hone warned them that be would not hesi- game was to seiae the clipper and conclusions: tered. It quickly enres coughs, colds and tottered down to the tracks. need not come here again; take this Paints and Oils, Finest office in the siale. The service proceeded In lhe most or- Goods of all kindfi. A targe line Crimson clover Is an annual, not all throat and lung troubles- Taft & Co. Uncle Mose had been known In R— dollar and buy something for her." Dinctif Opposite Uaioi Depot. tate to play any sort of'game for his cargo aud murder us all, and if we bad Xea*^ Coflees, | B'lth Phones 225. Grand Kapids ever since the first house was built derly manner, the parson Intorrup'ing at lowest prices. Window Shades and i»wn benefit He gave us a flag to pro- not t»een on our guard It would have ad a,pled to use in pennaneui meadows "Gawd bress yo'. Jedge." was all he and oaslares, and too leader for suc- <.here. and his bent and gaunt figure himself every now and then to name Griri RipiH, Mich. tect us from piratical Junks, but we been carried out to tbe letter. Mrs. L. E Brooks of South Oak- Spioers f said, as the tears slowly trickled down PAUL EIFERT, Picture Frames. u cessfal peceial cultivation outside of was familiar to all. An honest, faith- some new-comer. At last he said, still did not trust to It Tbe dipper was We made a run for another port. field died Oct. L'OtL. after a long his time-furrowed face. He tottered with the same perfect gravity: 10 CaMl Street. Qrand RapMa. nidu the nridd'e and south Aithn'lc and gulf Sugrur, ful. Inoffensive old darkey who had Btted out with four guns and well pro- illness. • towards tbe door and hurried out Into "Mrs. S In a now honnrt." Rooms 50c Heals 25c NEW STOCK. LOW PRICES. Chee-Wlng-Su made a big offer for his sta-tes. It thrives best In warm, moist never been known lo disturb a hen- Syrupw, the bitter cold. With bis old. battered In a moment every feminine head lu BESTORED to IU dded with small anus, and tbe crew i life, and as a matter of law we had no loaane of at least moderate fertility, roost. or commit a depredation of any hat pulled over bis ears, his kinky" of 18 was made up entirely of Euro- right to puuisb him. I must tell you. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly ^PLAZA HOTEL, f nature. . the congregation had turned around. Natural Color by EHtabtlshed and makes most of Its growth in the heal the worst burns and scalds' and not \ ==• locks white as the driven snow, he A woman who resides In the Back Mme. HIBBARD'S Beach & Booth 1888. peans. On our very first voyage, de- however, tbat law or uo law, be was fall and early wpiing. Canned Ooodr*. Mis wife, aunt 'Mandy, had done the C L HARVEY & CO. leave a scar. It can be applied lo cuts and stumbled back to the cabin and hia ROYAL INDIi spite tbe old Bcoundrd's fiag. we were ! huug by tbe neck to the yardarm. village washing from time immemo- Bay district of Boston, hired an auto- Lwciies. Orter Cuklog. The seed should be sown in late raw surfaces with i>rompt and soothing ^ Fronting Monroe Street aud the Paikt ^ 'Mandy. Pushing »open the door he mobile the other day and started out Gray lair RESTORATIVE. 59 HONROE STREET. twice attacked by junks which be while tbe ageut was landed on au un- rial. though now for some months had summer or early autumn (July 15 to effects. Use il for piles and skin diseases. 4 GllAND KAPIDS, MICH. f entered, and cried; to make a round of cnlls. Present Iv Oeceral Office and Bair Bazaar. IB MONROB o^aHou^" 61 Purl St. 61 Rapids. QRAND RAPIDS probably sent out We sent both of j inhabited island. It was a high bnud- September 151 ait the rate of from ten Beware ol worthless counterfeits. been confined to her hed with that " 'Mandy. 'Mandy; Ise cum back to she noticed that not only was the ve- ST., GRAND RAP1ES, MICH. « If dread disease, consumption. n tbem to tbe bottom with their crews, j ed thing to do, you will say, and yet to twenty pounds per acre c n a well- Taft t Co. 4 New Fiist Class Hotel. Finest loca- ^ yo'. Ise got er whole dollar fer'to buy hicle moving at an alarming rate, but and, although Cbee-Wlng-Sn must j the goveruor of Shanghai, who could prepared seed-bed. It may le sown tlon in tbe city. A If uncle Mose had any other name yo' sumthln' fer dat congh; now yo' that she had passed the address given have beard of the tragedies, be passed i have been briln'd any time for f 10 and alone or with other crops, a frequent Prices Right- Popular Prices, fJ 00 per day. ^ It was never known to the community. won't suffer no mo'." But no answer to the operator as the first stopping We will mail you FREE our Instead of the bicycle driving the From little children to old gray-haired arge illustrnted Catalogue, them by without a word. who hadn't an honest hair In his head, practice being to sow with corn, po- horse out of business the two l.r.v- Treatment Good. came. Slowly he gazed on ihe closed place. The occupant of the cab there- TEETH EXTRACTED McBREBOR'S STEM DYE WORKS latoee and I'ke crops at or after the men he was simply uncle Mose. We bad run three cargoes when the ! came out In a proclamation and public- eyes and shrunken face, and with a upon stuck her head out of the window Art Cieaning EatabllshraMt. come to an undev.stand ing aud do we:' * As a younger man he had been a In WUHBUT PAIN BR SLEEP. old fellow prepared a surprise party ly thanked Providence for removing last cultivation. Tbe seed may alio be together. It Is curious how tbes^ Prompt Delivery. VEWETk IRISH. despairing cry fell prostrate on hf;r and called to the the man outside to AU klnpe of Ladles' and Oents' Wearing ap- borer on the railroad, but as he grew for na. He sent for our captain and a bad man from earth. A few months sown in the spring, but the results are thtngs do clash for a time and then i motionless form. "O Gawd! snes stop, only to be Informed that he had How to Furnish a Home parel Cleaned and Dyed. not as satisfactory as when sown as Wc Want vour Trade, PROP older and more decrepit, his occupa- 1 changed tbe place of landing to an Is- later he comehow got knowledge as to settle down to both work out the in- dald. My 'Mandy's dald!" lost control of the machine and would 6S MONROE STREET. JAHES ncCREQOR, Prop'r: above stated. tion was that of doing little vlllaga The next day some people passing have to go on until tbe power should land about 15 miles farther south. He , who owned tbe clipper, and he seemed evitable destiny Q/ man. .i Complete. WRITE TO-DWY GRAND RAPIDS Crimson clover has a high fesdlcg chores, and light work of any kind; saw -the open door ,and upon peering be exhausted At the end of an hour DUMn dahned that the officials at Shanghai Inclined to raise a fuss, but with my Wirktui Office, 24 Sntti St. and fentil zinc vain?, and is one of Wben yen want prompt acting little pills and with every cent thus derived he In discovered, lying side by side, old and a half, the automobile came to a Don't forget that K. I). Slocking bad got on to onr business and had set I owu bauds I carried him $250, and he the best crops that can be growm in that never gripe use DeWitt's Little Early purchased some luxury for aunt stop out in the suburUK. thirteen miles All kinds of First-Class Dentistry at We crind hat* the bent equipped repair shop in 'Mandy and Mose. Their ;)00r. with- and ftTYonrCyesM a watch, and. thoogb tbe captain did laughed and grinned and rubbed his short rotations for forage and soli re- McCARTY & CO. 'Mandy. from the starting place, and the oper- Risers. Taft * Co. ered old bodies bore mute evidence of Reasonable Prices. yon can get yonr not believe the story, he agreed to .bauds together and let the affair drop novation. lending itself readily t'j use own for ed State- du ing the ten months of tbe general musical merchandise jusl No. 2—BIOQLE BERRY BOOK down the railroad tracks he shivered Being a wise man. he desired to lake aon on morality and then had their America sought enrnestly for thc Wm. H. Anderson. Pres. John A. Seymour.Ci-. then said. "1 thought so." turning (present year, compared with that of All al>out prowtnjr Small Fruits—read and learn how ; and shook, and drawing bis tattered no chances. JohnW.Blodgett, V-Ptes. t- Z. Cwikfn. As t n-. Cut Rates on Everything: See That The Label is on The Uox beads struck off by his own" execu- received at K. D. Stockings. necessary complement to ^bls Invent away. ihe corresponding months of the pre- contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all leHding old army coat more closely around "Of course you underB'and." h» said THE FOURTH NATIONAL BAN^ |—IN THE DRUG LINE- tioner. varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. tlon. something that would enable "Well," said the other, "do you want ceding year. They amount to uo less WiNTf D—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD him muttered: "Sholy I kaint go by way of prefare, "that I have plenty Capital. IJOO.OOO. Surplus. $75,000. r Our landing was to be Yang-tse-KI- No. 3—BIOQLE POULTRY BOOK them to exactly determine the loca- It all as a reward V" than $280,000.0011. or au averag of over character to deliver and collect in Michigan AU about Poultry; the best Poultry Book in existence ; to.jifynp wif nuflln." of female relatives." United States Depositary. Grand Rapids, Midi. .Henry Riechel... A DAY Kj&gg: aug again, and Cbee-Wing-Su put up fur old cBlabli-hed mtonfactiiriug whole- tion of a foreign substance in any naacToaa: "I did not find one," said the old $1,000,000 for cnch bus ness day of tha tells ever ytfaing ; with»3 colored life-like teproducUMiB t^saied a few lumps of "Certainly," sbe answered, f-omcwhat required with our met^?' another Job. To restore our confidence year. The figiires include raw g in. sal.- house $000 a year, sure pay. Honest) of all the principal breeds; with ivAVOl^ _-L^aiions. coal lying «*» itjie He stop- part of the human body. i)r. Cannon, non-pulsed. John W. Blodgett. 8. M. Lemon. W. H. Gav, awl 168 W. Bridge St . bamp en. inntrucUonB.etc., man, "but It struck me that In a large inuie lh iu exp-i'lence reipured. Our r. fer I'rice, 50 Cents. ' afler many experiments, succeeded in Geo. P. Wanty. G. K. Johnson. A. D. Rathhonc. in lilm again he offered to put $2,000 tea. rice, and the small portion of su^- ped. hesitated a moilu: "I have four sisters already." be Wm. Sears. C. M. Ucald. A. G. UodenpyL C $5.00 city like this there must be a lot of e-ice, any hu k iu any dly. Enclose self No. 4-8KJ0LE COW BOOK : combining the best ideas of tho Cnp- QRAND RAPIDS. Into our next venture aud draw out ar which Is manufactured from beets, and picked them up; ano _ went on. "and any number of cousins." Bcrtsca. W. H. Anderson. naner an ,gn Co 0n money lost nnd upon Inquiry I fiud adoesmid stamp- d envelope. Mauulact.urers, All about Cows and thc Mby Business ; having a grent • jgplds. MlcMr?n ' ® - "* but even if these be omitted, the tola] Tuiid FlO'-r, H31 Ujarborn 61, Chicago. 1301 sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ol rach . tall of the old. thread-bare coat. cSJf h and continental scientists lu an "I realize all that." she returned, mly a fair per cent This seemed like you are the thirty-first man who has WHEN 1NOKAND KA?iDd which would be clearly entitled to be breed, with 132 other illustrations Price, ju Cents. • fully placed them there and staggered *•-» that will locate, from a "but I fall to see how that Interests I fab- thing, and It was accepted. He bst a sovereign this very morning."— shaflo... or X-ray photograph, STOP AT"} HE banded over the money with prompt- claswed a«> tropical products would ex- No. 5—BIOQLB SWINE BOOK slowly home. me " HE SHAMROCK... London Answers. THE LOWELL HUKCT REPORT- Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding. Feeding. Butch- j This act bad been wltneesed by a any foreign flubm»-n. jleterminlne UiJ Jake. Mar- J«». Schnrach, Prop. new, and we sailed away, but when ceed $250,000,000 annually, including "Only ihnircct'it::'- i]e~%id. "Before FOOTBALL MODS Wheat 73 ery, Diseaae.-, etc. Contains over bo beautiful hall- j nilfihty minion of the law; a local de- exact locution and deplhTfom fhe sur- CLARENDON HOL sugar, coffee. India rubber, nbrs. ft tones and other engrai-ings. Price, 50 Cents. : saying what I have to say i TTTPrijiyt onr captain had had time to turn the ••(ereatet. New Potatoes 2» tective employed by the railroad com- face to within the fiOth part of an Inch. Winew, •ALLS BOO tropical fimlts and nuts, cacao, t ibaccD Thr BIOQLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you nrvei j desire to have It understood that I matter, over In bis mind he began to B^ans 1 no 1 (K. SH w anything like them—so practical, sosensible They • pany. that soulless corporation that This Instrument Dr. Cannon has of- RANT! 7BC "A bride and groom," be said, "were of finer grades, spices dye woods, cab- have my full quota of relatives of ihat Rates 11.00 aud f 1.2.) per day. Liiqaorw and CJigrarw wonder and theorize. Old Cbee-Wlng- Pork 5 5 50 are having nn enotmous sale—East, West. North and • would glory In the taking of a human fered to Surgeon General Sternberg, of crossing the Atlantic for their honey- inet words. «t". Curiously euoogh, all South. Every one who keeps A Horse, Cow, HOG OT , description. Do I make myself clear?" Hotel titOBin Healed. Corner Fulton aud lonU, Grand Rtplds. Bu would never have put In his money Corn 40 life for tho sa ve of gain. the United Slates irmy, and. having moon. The weather was rough. The these artlc.'.eb can be UOHI are now pro- Chicken, or grows SMALL Fruits, ought to send right • "I think I grasp your meaning." she Phonographs and without some stronger motive than a Outs 0 24 away for the BIQQLE BOOKS. The Poor old Mose. caught In the act of received a favorable reply, Is now hav- answered. third day out the stewardtvs came to diuced to a greater or less extent in 10 00 per cent profit Few Chinese ever Eye • 46 theft, was arrested and dragged to one ing an apparatus built especlully for tbe groom as he lay moaning In his tbe Islands In q estirn. sugar caae be- "In I bal case." he announced. "I wil! Graphophones ^eSSS. * trust a European a sullllng's worth, ing grown In large quauitiities in Cuba. Puokwheat i«er ba 50 mlserabie Jail to uwalt his trial. thc army. The apparatus will bo com- ask you to be my wife." 18 djl-aKAt«e?ui. THE ROAD All latest music and songB. berth. Porto Rico. Hawaii, and the Philp- Butter 14 e 11 was at the little court house pleted and ready for shlpmsnt soon, and a man of his class must have (A Great home entertainer. "'Your bride' —she endeavored to pines. Coffee is sue eshfully grown in lgg> 15 FARM JOURNAL | where this scene Is laid that the trial and Dr. Cannon will probably go to Rolit.. I) Urabaui, I'roB , Wbi A. handed over his little fortune to throw 76 1 00 "HHK the committee asked yon to break It gently to hlm-'Iast night gave all of the inlands in question and a^ Apples j»er bbl Is your paper,made for you and not a misfit. « is 77 yesrs ; was to occur. It served one common Washington to demonstrute Its uaes lo Bhlnkmon, ('ashler, Clins. 11. TO WEALTH dust In our eyes. A good deal of time 51) 75 old; H is thc great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-theheud,— j nttend that big celebration at Bliedunk up the ghost aud now is rocked In the one time wa- a very mportaut crop in Peaches |»ei bu purpose-schoolhouse, court house, the surgeons of the War Department. Qulfk, Vicc Pres., Tlios W. Ptra given to the purale, but Just what 2 00 t-after-you-have-said-it, Farm and Household papei in ; Rm' ninUc n piiofifh?" naked (he wife lian, Snd Vice Pri-B . 8. W. Btiennan, Ahb'I cradle of tbe deep I' Cuba as at pie uit li is in Porto Rico, Flour per cwt $ S world—the biggest paper of its site in the United States 1 and a general gathering place for all Ib economy, C" whore you can aaye Rd por Perkins & Ricbnoni, bis scheme was could not be aatisfac- 16 00 of 'h" Public Man. fWilw. Capital $100,(NH) (Ml Buruhib $14, cent on your money. Bets of taelh for Just, j "'Well.' was tbe languid answer, HMWH I, and the Philippine;,. Fibers Bran per ton of America—having over a million and s-half regular readei s. town meetings. In a bushel of good hard-wood ashes "Yes." •MO 70 Canal BU GRAND KAPIIM, Midi. SB Monroe BU Grand Rapida. lorlly solved. We could only watch Middlings per ion i 16 00 there is about four pounds of potash, half the old price. 'what of ItV I can't help It! Don't of wh eh tlie importations In th- prei . The benches were whittled and de "Are you going?" Oold, silver, iMircclain, ccmonl, flllln>,'B at and wait and be prepared for whatever Corn meal per ton i M 00 Aay ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS and tbe FARM JOURNAL 15 pounds of llmo, 2% of magueela, one bother me ^bout It now!' est year will atnoUiiit to $20,000 in vai 20 oti faced by jack-knives of thc many "No. I have sent my regreUi." FOR A BUORT TIME ONLY correBiiuodlncly low prices, /jive us u call might happen. itc can be readily grown in all of tho Corn and oats per ton (» FIVE YEARS UO DERCMBER, HU)4. INCLUBIVC,) WILL 1* UNIT BY MALL TO .111) NDILR, - young Ideas who had there been taught pound of pboephoric acid and three- "How can you conscientiously do Wc Will make our whether vou have work done or not. On our return we always made port " 'Dear, dear!' mournfully exclaimed Beef 1 w e (5 00 LOR A OOLLAK BILL. quarlers of s pound of sulphuric acid. Elegant hold orowuB for f R.00. Due of tbe two Scotch gentlemen who islands. The Philip nines are already 6 50 SAMPLE OL FARM JOURNAL UND CIRCULAR (ICBCRLLIUU; BIOQLE BOOKS LR- -'. to shoot. The old wooden chair on that? Yon know you haven't any re- •EST DULL FINISH FOR S2.00 at night When we had displayed an supplying the most Important feature Teal 6 00 O All of this is elnher plant food, or as- gret whatever." were being addressed. "Dear, dear I ai ® t8 WILMER ATKINSON. ADDRR-.S, FARM JOURNAL the platform bore evidence of long PER DOZEN. When answering advertiie- agreed signal, sampans came off to us of our fillers. Manila hemp, which Wool washed sists In making available plant food In And, pray, who were tbe parrbtles?*" M) CHAS. I". jLMUNi- PllU-AlllXI'lllA. servitude and much abuse. Seated "Yes. bu: I have. I regret sincerely AMERICAN DENTAL OO., and unloaded and took away tbe cargo, a I one in the present year will amauut Onions the soli. Twenty bushels of such ash- J thai I Ketnember for a short time only. Clover Seed 5 00 6 5o in It was the town judge, and gathered can't regret having to stav Dr. 0. A, Crawford. Dr, H. P, Snyder ments please mentiqii and an agent waa at band to pay for —Harper's Bazar. to about $6,000,000 io value. wound him were many citizens of var- OB Is none too much to use upon good I away." rejoined Ihe Public Man.— HAMILTON'S ART CALLERY, Wonderly BuUdbig. Grand Rapids. land for almost any crop. Chicago Tribune. 70Canal Bl. QRAND RAP1DB Rooms 74, 7&, 76, 77, 76. thiB paper.

I .TTHWawr n nMm • . • • 'l" " ^J . ^rs


Wc have thc right kind of Buffalo Blankets We Have Always CBESCO COHSET SELLING. They are all wool and will not aimed to nell a heller thing in nil rink. Thoy are large and all kindfliof good?- than can No Cornet npeoiaUy Jackets warm and the price in no more he boughi anywhere elue at ever came into this than other* aak for the ordinary the same pi iue or having lhe stock or store lhat has kind. Of course we have same thing—to sell it at a met with such a cordial and Capes many other kinds including lower price. reception from our buying public; otir 2B8 pr

Coagregatloiial Church Notes. Mrs. J. C, Moore annouuees the See Godfrey's bargain counter. Baud No. I entertained their marriage of her daughter Miss Myrtle Members of W. R. C. aie re- Lowell friends al hotel Wavcrly this week. to Delos H. Owen, ou Wednesday quested to attend the meeting Nov. A delightful program preceded evening, Nov. 14. 14th. Important busineHs. eilts thc refreshmenls and all were ready A Mrs. Allie Miinu, who has been James Murphy will conduol a 10 ^ State to vote the meeling in every way a visiiing her shiter Delia Dutcher, meat market at lhe Kopf stand re- success. returned home this morning, her cently occupied by John Flogaus. Uroughl here «ill The Christian Endeavor society aunt Mrs. Delia Douglass who ac- pnrehiisc a great Batik are contemphting an entertainment PEREFCT companied her will remain for an McCords. variety «»l daiuty things and social for ihe near fuliire. The indefinite period. Leroy Wood lost a vahuble cow on our ten cent ; Or)(aiiize«l under lhe Hank- : society is doihg energetic work Unclaimed letters at Lowell |>ost- last week. . Iiik Lawn of thiH Blale. c-iunter. CAPITAL • fZH.OOO 00. and invites the co operation of all ottice for Dan VanWpnner, Wm. Mrs. W. H. Patterson and son, young people of thc place not as- TIMEPIECE A. Webber, Joseph Butrick, C. C. orncEBu: ; Henry, went to Grand Rapids, I FKAKCIB KINO, I'reaiileDl. sociated with any other similar or- Garrier, Chauncey Dodge, Ernest Wednesday. | CHAR. MCCAHTI, Vice-President. ) ganization. Weekly meetings at Greenway, A. E. Nichols, M. A. Jardinieres Alice Noble of Cascade was the M. C. GBinwoi.u, CaHhicr. the church Sunday evenings at «:30. Pethboue, G. S. Lothridge, Mrs. • • We want the pat- guest of Louise Hui/.inga last week. in nil Ihe latest styles a DILECTUKII; The Sunday school desires to Matie Teles, Miss Pliebe Straus- ronage ol' the par- Mrs. J. Ellis and son, Bertie, vis- prices that are within the FrHticiK Kidk M. C. Griswold meet all it- numbers and friends- al burg, Miss May Fetherstin, Mrs. E I* Rennvlt Charlea McCarty i ticular man who ited relatives in Lowell the latter reach -if all. the church, Friday evening,Nov. 10, W. M. Hunter, Mrs. Tom Lewis. Frank T. King Oeo. W. Parker times his watch part of the week. Geo H. Force C. Bergin for a social evening and become Miss Jennie Shoemaker will open hy the second hand Geo. Judd of Grand Rapids was nioic-acquaiuted. Let every mem- the Epworth Leagu lecture course al A Getterol Kanking Business \ lhe guest of his brother-in-law, (M Collar Transacted. ber ofthe S. S. be present. Our repair work Train's opera house, Tuesday even- Frank Clark, over Sunday, The subject of the prayer meeling will please him. ing, Nov. 13. There are seven "Billy" Taylor of Grand Rapids for Saturday evening nexl will be He will lie iuterest- numbers in this course, some of them visited D. A. Wood and family "Fullness of Joy" and the scripiurc very expensive.' The course costs ed in our stock Friday. thc i5th,IUlhand IIIIIPSHIIIIS. Read more to secure lhan any of its pre- Clyde Larraway, who while at- 5 HOME NEWS. } of high grade the lesson. Bring your bibles. decessors, but the price remains the The concert at We»t Lowell tending High school al Grand Rap- More room must soon be arrang movements. same, tl.00 for tbe season. Those church, given for the purchase of a ies was so unfortunate as to catch ed for to accomodate the primary who have not purchased tickets library for the Morse Lake school scarlet fever, is around again all department. should do so at once. was a grand success. right. See Godfrey's bargain counter. • The Lord's supper will Ix* ad- Bradner Gorham, just returned Stocking does first class gun re- Owing to taking the Wrong side of ministered at the public, services Cascade-East Paris from Ohio to resume bis studies al pairing. a proposition that McKinley would next Sunday morning. The entire Mrs. Ingersoll, who is visiting the Grand Rapids Medical college, The election party was attended carry the state of New York by membership are earnestly urged to her sou Charles at Lansing is expec- succombed to the same disease and by 13V couples. 100,000 majority, T. A, Murphy be present and participate in this ied home this week, was very ill but is improving rapid- A large stock of wall paper al low service. will play a hand orgau on the streets Lem LaFurgey is convalescing ly now. prices al liunt*^ Drug store. Bible class -Lesson 3. Review nexl Saturday evening and collect slowly. Mesdamcs Wcstbrook and Mur- questions. money for charitable purposes. Map-paper—New stock just re- COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ray and Miss Alice Westbrook were I Give thc word oiil'ine of Doc. Hodges had the winning side Among those to assist at the "do- reivced at the LEDGER OFFICE guests al F. M. Davis'Monday last. Genesis. and with a multitude of friends will ings" Saturday uighl were Messrs. Miss Lulu Andersuu of Mahomet, Regular meeting of the Lowell have fun at Tom's .expense on the Frank, Bert and Miner Davis with Mr. Joe Davis has just laid the HI., is visiting at F. W. Davey's. •J Name the eleven great facts in lhe life of Abraham. Village Council held in Council above mentioned joyful occasion. their bf)Uer( ?) halves. foundation for a new house. C. W, Parks left yesterday on a 3 What light do they throw on Rooms ou Monday evening, .Nov. v J business trip through northern Mich- the secret of his weakness of 5, I0U0. igan. his power? Meeting called to ordei by Pres- J Wall paper still selling al one half I In whal five particulars are idenl Weekes. prioe or less al Look's Drug & Hook ihe lives of Isaac and Jesus Present, Truatecs Bergin, Lee, VanDyke, Walls, the Pretident. store. Chiist similar? A petition was received asking tliat the; Mi^s Agues Perry is home from The lesson for nexl Monday even- grade of the gutter on the north aide of < Grand Kapids for a week with her ing, Nov. 12 will be Genesis 29-50. Bridge St. i between Monroe and Water parents, 1 Recall and write down the streete, he raised so as lo have a fall of inches. Referred to 81. Com. six great facts in the life of Thc election supper given by the A petition was receive.! at-king lhat a Catholir ladies was a big succeess. Jacob. s'litable curfew ordinance be enacted. Oo Receipts $80. 2 Name ihelhings we may learn inotioo the prayer of the petilhners was from his life. granted aod the village atloroejr iustiuct- Mfg. L. Howk spent Sunday ed t > draft booh ordinance. ow PRICES with her husband in Kalamazoo, 3 In whal respects would you The I., t I'. Com. lo whom was referred who came there from Flint to vote. regard Joseph's life a type of the petilioo askiog that ao ate light tie Christ? plai ed at thc corner of East Water and Mrs. Ecker'scircle will meet with 4 How many and prophecies of Fremont streets, asked lor aud were giv- Mrs. M. M. Perry Saturday after- en more lime in which to repoil. Christ can you recall in the noon. Il is hoped that all members The report of the 8upt. of the L. & P. ARE THE LOWEST book ofGenefliK^ Writedown will he present. Plant for lhe months of 8epi. aod Oct., where ihey may be found. was received aod placed on file. The United 'Brethern quarterly This Bible class is for every one On motion the following bills were al- lowed. Yeas, Bergin, Lee, VaoDyke. meeting will be held next Saturday who chooses to take il. Lei thc Walls, absent Flanagao and Look. and Sunday al the West Lowell secretary or some other niember Men's Cashmere Sock, 10 ccnts per pair. A big snap on single pants al $1.00 per pair school house. Rev. Jarris of Barn* HTBEKT FUND. have your name, il will be register- A Caoipbell $ I 26 county will preside. ed and we will know that you are W I) Dawoon 1 87 Mr. and Mrs. Norton Henry kept in close touch with our work. Wm Fox I 2) Men's Random Wool Shirts and Drawers Hals and Caps, Largest Slock, NVvcsl Henry Delk 1 26 have returned from their western God will bless and honor those who l5o each. Twenty dozen to sell at this low Jas Crawfoid I 87 Goods, Lowest Prices. wedding trip of eight weeks and are honor Him. > Clifford Gibym I 00 price—15c per garment. now at home with the bride's par- The officers of the class are: Wm Fox 1 155 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCarty. President, Mrs. Dr. Greene; sec- Huban Clark 4 37 Wm Fox 5 00 45 Do/en Mule Shin Mittens. Men's sizes James Dougal, formerly of Lowell retary, Mrs. Spraker; niember of W I) Daw-on 7 87 Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear at 25o per 25c. Youth's 20c. Quite a good many executive committee, Mrs. Eaton: but now a government employ at 8 N Hand I UO garment. These goods talk for them- Mittens of one kind; but I claim I know a leader, S. T. Morris. Don Crawford 2 23 Washington, D. C., came here to selves. good thing when I see it. I boughi them W Fox 3 37 vote, Mrs. Dougal is visiting her J L Junes 2 50 right and I sell them cheap—28c for men's mother, Mrs. Jane McLean of Ver- Btreet Lights 112 50 sizes and 20c for youths. gennes. J C Train 16 29 Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear—Shirts V, Fox 4 26 double front and back at 50c. The very Band No. i of tho Baptist Church 4 25 will meet wllh Mrs. Mathew Hunter The Columbian " 11 00 best garment on thc market to-day for We sell the Iron Clad Stocking for Boys. Friday of ibis week. Those wish- J T Jones 5 00 i a*. W Fox 8 75 ing logo will meet al tbe church at Steam Laundry Geo Kilclieo 3 75 1:30 o'olock sharp, as there will bo Wm Fox 82 conveyances there to carry all who 18 not uueo W D Dawboo 3 12 Men's Fancy Wool Underwear. Our price The biggest snap on Duck Coats iu Lowell will go. evenings alter 587 45c each. Call and examine it and yon for $1.00 at tbe Godfrey Clothiers. Call 6 p. oi. Floyd Covert 3 12 cannot help pronouncing it the best you on us—for seeing is believing. During the past season 573,000 Joho Crawford 3 12 bushels of peaches were grown in WE have made T W Mason 27 00 ever saw. arriDgeme n ts Kent county and marke^d in Grand with Mr. Hunt m 24 * Kapids, according to ih^l figures of lo act a» agent OENKRAL FUND, Nobby Suits fot Men;" Youths, Boys and tho Grand Kapids Fmit Growers' for call work F M Johnboo $ 96 12 60 A big line of Meu's and Boys' Jersey Over- Children. The best new goods at lowest Association. On the same author- for tlie East TA Murphy aide and Mr. h) H. Lighu 3 00 shirts at the lowest priccs. prices. iiy the total amount realized from Oljde Collar E U Mains 20 00 the fruit is placed at $435,000. for the West J, Kf-ewih 1 00 '1' w Mason" 8 00 'I'heWoman's Mnsion circle of ihe §Mc •* Leave your bundles OC McHannell 26 00 Baptist church, will meet with Mrs, al lliwe places H F Lane 29 20 Jno. Maynard on Thursday at 2:30 «o and Ihey will Here is where you got the bargains, is at our Bargain Counter of Men's o'clock. Subject, Home Mission. he returned 1,. &. V FUNL". Paper "Heredity" Mrs. Davidson. j there when dune. We will call for Kledric Appliance Co « 8 II Boys' and Children's Suits. These are all good goods—colors, blue, black, f yonr work Mondays, Wednesdays and Is si Discussion, led by Adams. Each II 98 brown and plrids, of laat year's buying. They are good honest wearers and at 'Fridays Have a trial bundle ready Standard Carbon Co 25 75 member is rci|nested lo bring annual | when the wagon calls. C 8 English 75 00 prices tliat will tempt you to buy a suit for every day wear. Yours to Please, leaflet. Chairman of committee. Old oeck-bands renewed free of Scott Fox 24 00 [charge. Our work is guaranteed io be A meeting of the bands of the Tho* Morris 80 00 I strictly up-to-date. Walter Monis 36 00 Baptist church was called, by the general leader, on Monday evening On motion council adjourned. last. The meeting was held in the i Columbia Steam Laiindn, Twos. Muni'irv, Clerk. The Central Clothing Store. Auditorium and lhe object was to ! Phoue 48. F. F. JOSEPH, Prop. - - • —— consider the advisability of fitting If your i-hildren are fretful, peevish, and up a large room in the basement of crtibs, mother the bamo, ditto the boss the church, for the use of the bands it would beem proper lo give' em al Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 oenls. aud for kindirgarten work. A room "Ask your Druggist." TRADE-MARKS 1 W. S. GODFREY. 'J) x 28 can be finished, tbe women i MD i iND COPYRIGHTE • decided lo go ou with the work and OBTAINED On Saturday, Nov. 10, at 3 p. m., PATENTS „ar1 Corner Store. Lowell, Mich. now have about fifty dollars to apply I ADVICE AS TO PAfENTABILITY •"flP - , Notice tn " Inventive Age " h H H h J at Train's Field, the High School ou the work. ( Book "Uow to obtain Patents' FREE eleven will play the Ionia High Chargu moderaU. Ko fee till patent i* secured. Buy your guns and ammunition j Letters strictly confidential. Addroas, School team. A close game is ex- of R, D. Stocking. I E. 0. 8IGCER8, P«lgnl Liwyw, Ws^ngton, b. C.; pected.

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