tamwKCTT—r ••••SPninH THE LOWELL LEDGER. ' VOL .VIII, NO. 21. LOWELL, MICH 1(1 AN, THUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1900. WHOLE NO. 384. UNITED STATES COMMISSION $75 Salary a IHowbi TO THE PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 J l* * PARIS OFFICES, Aug-. 31st. DUO You fritter away, HHV, $5.00 of itamnnlli for neetllitiB tliinuf. Tliene A. C. BARBER MFG. CO.. pe"«hable and your money in jjone. In live jears .von have limt fnOO.nO, to aay nothing of what the mini would earn 04 Lake St., Put it another way— Chicago, III. GENTLEMEN:— fcVoi/ save S5 a month and doposiie H with I have the honor to advise you, that you were awarded a medal in recognition of the merits of your heating stoves. This is fhe highest award Che City Bank... given to an Oil Heating* Stove. Very truly yours 5. ^ou 0 per cent Compound interest for your money, fa WILTSON F. WOLFE, fif In live years you have Which oourse ia winoat? & Kxpert Dept. of Heating and Ventilation. For Sale by Spraker 6c Cambell SEE The Name on The Leg. Discount Sale of ma|| paper It's always there. WILJIJIAM McKlNf.KV AT HUNT'S... 11 Then you know you arc yettiny lie-Klected President ol* the Unit€*d Stntow the genuine. Quality Higli. Prices Low. Don't forget to look at our stock belore you buy. Th re is BUT One ROUND OAK... DEMOCRAT ROOSTER CRAW=C00NS. | | "cuim-oh,. HUNT'S DRUG STORE Open Samlajs ^ Sometimes peculiar people say they have it when HARH1ACIK OF POPULAR it's not so. If you are posted you cannot be deceived, LOWELL COVPLK. we write this to post you. SICE THE NAME ON THE LEG. Sold only by... MIHS Emntn Craw and Harvey J. Coons. Married, at the home uf the bride's • R. B. BOVLAN. mother, Mrs E. R. Craw ,lasteven. ingatO p. m.. Miss Km ma O. Craw Special Sale of QnmtA fifllS: and Harvey J. Coons, the ceremony November 6, 1900. being performed by Rev. S. T. * Morris. Now On. TILK VOTE IN LOWELL. The wedding was an informal af- Lowell gave the following vote: fair, only the family relatives and a See Our Window— xxxxxxxxsxxxxxxx; Smith 434, McKnight 3.31, Wcekes =1 few immediate friends beingpresent. 478, Moelstra 201, Barnaby 437, Miss Anna Crumback of Grand Davis 328, Jewell 441, Aduit 324, • Rapids presided at the piano and L. U. Chapman 362, Kennedy 383, • sang two beautiful solos. Pink and Carr Iu C. Smith 303, Hulst 403, Wood- white decorations prevailed m the JHE WATCH'S worth 276, Bergin 4U8, Brown 405, t parlor. The bride was attired in Kerwin 868, Cook 406, McCraft cream and white and carried white 358. roses. On the amendment the vote was After the ceremony delicious re- 678 "yes" ami 77 "no." ALMA MATER freshments were served in the dining IN THE COUNTY. room, where the prevailing colors The entire Republican county were green and white. Mr. and ticket in elected by majorities rang- Mrs. Coons were the recipients of ing from 700 to 3500, Chapman get- many beautiful gifts. Carpets We never lose interest in the watch ting the least and Cresweli for cir. They left on the evepingtrain for that g"oes out of this store. cuit court commissioner the most a few days trip. Its daily deportment is of as much ADA. Mr. Coons is one of Lowell's Oil Cloths concern to us after the sale as it is before. Ada gave McKinley 179, Bryan most exemplary young business men Special We have stood sponsor for it and 151, Bliss 170, Maybnry 153, and justly esteemed by all. He has our sponsorship doesn't end Smith 170, McKnight 154, Jewell twice bebn honored by the call of Comforters whenSt passes into your pocket. 177, Adsit 154, Chapman 183, Ken- his fellow citizens to the office of You buy a guarantee along with the nedy 149, C. Smith 180, Huist 153, township treasurer. The bride is Sale one of Lowell's most charming and Pillows watch —and Oliver's guarantee is good. Wood worth 181, Bergin 151, Brown 170, Kirwin 152,\Veekp8 177, popular voting ladies. Moelstra 152, Barnaby 178, Davis THE LEDOEK wishes the happy THE WHITE FRONT. pair a long and prosperous wedded Of... Feathers. 152, THE PEOPLE'S STORE. life. CANNON Cannon went 190 for McKinley, Good I'rinU 4o per yard. 108 for Bryan, Bliss got 182, May- SHE CAME TO TOWN. Cotton Uatting 7c per roll A. D. OLIVER, Prop. bury "fl 7, Smith 18H, MuKnight 114, Woodwortb 182, Bergin 118, To Get Rid of One Husbaad and to Weekes 188, Moelstra 112,. Nash Take on Another, 191, Tozer 109. Ida Sterzik of Cascade, who re- ^xxxxxxxxsxxxxxxx: CASCADE ceived a divorce from Frank Sterzik Cascade: McKinley 186, Bryan in the Circuit court this morning, 134, Bliss 185, Maybnry 139, Smith evidently had her mind made up be- !•••••••••••••••• 177, McKnight 152, Woodworth fore she came to the city that she 186, Bergin 13", Weekes 187, was not going to be single for a Think Moelstra, 135. very long time. She was granted The men ur women who do not Ihiak VJCRGKNNEB the decree on the grounds of the ex- iihfiid nowdays iiBually get left in all Vergennes: McKinley 129, Bryan treme cruelty of her husband. In thiugf* HIKI wonder why they don't do 128, Bliss 124, Maybnry 135, Smith the bill of complaint it was set forth belter. 128, McKnigfit 132, Jewell 131, that she was married to Sterzik when Ahead Now we want you to th<nk ahead Adsit 125, Chapman 110, Kennedy she was but 16 years old, and that mui I-- Ak . - B where you are eoipg to buy your next 144, Con. Smith 104, Hulst 144, two children were born to them, one u lv g:rl d ,l,;lUr /1 - * ?•;!'! •„ OF SHOES. ;FT - 'sSifu irv.' • * • • • i Cook 117, McCraft 137, Woodworth of'whom is living at the present time. ^ Possibly you never tried it here—if so, commence now. If ^ 05, Bergin 160, Brown 120, Kirwin When Assistant Prosecuting At- >4 you do better than you have been doing, keep right on coming, if not, 134, Weekes 122, Moelstra 182. torney Minor stepped into the county clerk's office this noon to tile the de- we won't ask you to come again. We have hundreds of customers GRAJTAN that have beeli coming steadily every year for twenty years and are cree of divorce,he was astounded to G rait an gave Bryan 163, Mc- Hatistied yet with the goods aad treatment they get here. see Mrs. Sterzik at the desk with her Kinley 138, Maybnry 105, Bliss 137, intended husband securing second McKnight 168, Smith 140, Adt-it a How for marriage license. Her second hus- Cold 158, Jewell 146, Kennedy 171, band, William Wall, is also from FOOTWEAR Weather Chapman 131, Hulst 178, C. Smith Cascade, and had evidently come to •YAM! •• / iwsgi 125, McCrath 168, Cook 133, Brown Vou Had better buy it now while we huvc ail si/.ett in ail kinds. You the city this morning prepared for 136, Tozer 159, Nash 140. will find everything that is made to keep the leot warm, here at the ceremony vnd certain that the 4 prices as low as goods can be sold for. We always try to see how ^ CALEDONIA decree of divorce would be granted ' 1 ^ , r.' y' good a shoe we can buy, not how chuxp. • Caledonia gave McKinley 297, from the first husband.—[Grand • ' We invite ail who want good, honest made footwear to give us J Bryan 144, IMiss 289) Maybnry Rapids Press, Nov. 6. a trial and be convinced. ^ 153, Smith 296,McKnight 153,Chap- HON. A. W. WEEKES, man 190, Kennedy 249, Woodworth For Solo This is the smiling face of ."our State Senator-Elect for Seventeeiiih THEOLDRELIABIE next congressman," William Alden 282, Bergin 150, Weekes 205, A second hand coal stove in good- District. SHOE HOUSE. Smith. THE LEDGER cheerfully Moelstra 147. repair. Will sell cheap. A. J. Howk & Son. acknowledges that it is neither a Cord of Thauk». , BOWNE Elmer Richmond. prophet nor the son of a prophet. Mr. ami Mrs. John Dutcher wish Bowne gave McKinley 230, to express their sincere thanks to Bryan 120, Bliss 226, Maybnry 127, Sherman's prices on gold watches You will save money if you buy their friends and neighbors who MI Smith 228, McKnight 127, Jewell are below competition. your wall paper at Hunt's Drug kindly assisted in caring for their 216, Adsit 139, Chapman 225, Good paper 3 c. per single roll at When you are iu a hurry and store. interests while they were in Gnn-l Kennedy 100, C. Smith 205, Hulst Look's annual wall paper sale. are all out of Stationery all Rapids caring for their daughter, 149, Woodworth 203, Bergin 151, New stock of mandolins, banjos, you have to do is to atep to We will send the Detroit Semi- Delia. Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher. ASK FOR NO. 52 your Bell Phoue and aak for Weekes 225, Moelstra 120. Weekly Journal and THE LOWELL accordeons, harmonophoues, and — ==z —... -- No. 52, give us your order and Full Suite and National returns LEDGER from now until Jan. 1, 1902 general musical merchandise just Papers good enough for any room we will have it filled in bo short a time that you will wonder how we could do it and arc given on the second page. received at R. D. Stockings. 3—34—4 aild 5 c.
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