
Arangt IhUy Net Prem Rim For tho WMk Bndod April 11, I M i

13,943 OeoMiowd bowers l^ b o r of tbo Audit tomorrow, ta Mo. Buruku o f OIroulatlon iKanrl|Pstpr Euptttttg llrraUi tenlflit Manehmete^-^A City of Village Charm

T O L. L X X X m , NO. 165 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. APRIL I t , 1964 OB V i « o I t ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Events In State Six Killed, 100 Injured !i

High Flying Bird Downs Airplane By Midwest Tornadoes HARTFORD (AP) — A high flying Canadian goose forced a C-119 flying box- car to make an emergency Kansas City landing over the weekend at Bradley Field, Cruising at 2,500 feet, the Bracketed by twin cn^ne airplane o f the 337th Troop Carrier Squadron' was on a night mission over | Storm Lines Norwich when the migrating | bird adopted the same line of | KANSAS CITY, Mo. flight In the opposite direction. I ’The impact, said Capt. Hor-1 (AP) — Dazed survivors ace Crow of Wilbraham, Mass., j picked through the rubble sounded like a minor explosion.' of homes and business Declaring an emergency, he was buildings today in the wake cleared for landing at Bradley. The ill-fated goose was of tornadoes that slashed wedged between the nose section | through eastern Kansas, and the pitot tube. (’The pitot western Missouri and tube measures air speed.) southwestern Iowa. MaJ. Harold Ostrander, oper- Six persons were killed and ations officer at Bradley Field at least 50 were injured. for the 905th Troop Carrier Most of the twisters snaked Group, said “geese have been ob- out of thunderstorms that could served as high as 8,000 and 9,000 be seen (or miles In the late feet when migrating to their afternoon — otherwise the toll Canadian summer grounds.’’ could have been greater. Thi* picture was taken of Soviet Premier Khrushchev yesterday just before his Captain Crow, who despite his ’Two lines of the storma name has nothing against geese, bracketed Kansas City—one to televised speech to East and West Europe and Scandinavia in which he -de- reported the Impact was "severe the northwest, the other south- nounced the Red Chinese, (AP Photofax.) enough to make the crew think east—and rolled rapidly to the an explosion had occurred on northeast. the aircraft.” Copilot on the mission was John Hansom of The dead were: Two-Man, S-Orhit Mission Cheshire. Mrs. Jack L. Wilson, 24, In- dependence, Kan.; Warren Ken- Nikita on TV The plane received minor damage. yan Sr., 43, Neosho, Mo., and Tornado wrecked upper story of the Edward Shaw farm home about four miles his wife, Ella, all killed near Asks ^Rebuff west of Lawrence, Kan. The twister cut a swath through the area yesterday Garnett, Kan. Grissom, Young 2 Fall to Deaths (Jharles Hedger, 18. killed In HAR-TFORO (AP) — A man afternoon, but no one here was injured. (AP Photofax.) a bam near Pleasant Grove, To Red China and woman, both hospital pa- M o. tients, fell to their deaths In Victor Kerns, 50, killed near MOSCOW (A P )- Polish Com separate Incidents yesterday. his home northwest of Lee- Chosen for Flight Quake Slams ton, Mo. munlst leaders arrived In Mos- Police said that Mrs. Leah E. cow today (or talks to strength' Scott, 73. of West Hartford, Sunken Sites Hit Flora Eichhorst. 90, killed in on Soviet Premier Khnishchev committed suicide by leaping East Europe, her home at Yorktown, Iowa. in his bitter dispute with the HOUST, Tex. (AP) — M a j.f Schlrra, now tl, is the oldest from a seventh floor window at One twister sucked up a line Chinese Commimlsts. Virgil I. Orlssom and Lt. Cmdr. of the original seven Mercury St. Francis Hospital, where she of traffic on U.S. 69 five miles astronauts now that Lt. Col. had been a patient since Feb. 16. south of Garnett and hurled a Polish Communist party lead- John W. Young wore selected 100 Injured By Alaska Tides or Wladyslaw Oomulka ^ d on John H. Glenn Jr., has re- They noted that she had to cut 50,000-pound truck, a pickup his arrival with Premier Josef today as the astronauts who will signed from the program. through the screen to get out truck and six cars in all direc- C^ranklewicz that the Polish pilot the nation’s flrst two-man Glenn is 42. of the window. BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, tions, killing the Kenyans and and Soviet Communist parties space flight—a throe-orbit Qem- Schlrra, while concentrating Quintino Bottoni, 64, a patient (AP)—An earthquake struck a ANCHORAGE, Alaska (A P)—i^sUlI stands at 114 dead or miss- Mrs. Wilson and injuring eight Quake-torn south-central Alaska **have the same views of the ini mission late this year. on the Gemini program, has at the Veterans Hospital In wide region of northern Yugo- ing and the damage is estimat- other persons. tasks of the Socialist camp, of ’The back-up crew for the first been a coordinator of operations Rocky Hill, was found fatally coastal communities. Jolted by ed at *750 million. "It felt like the truck was and training. Injured on the railroad tracks slavia and part of southern another sharp after-shock Sun- Land in places along the rim the strategy and tactics of the manned flight of Project Gem- Hungary today, killing at least lifted up off the highway,” said tntemational movement." ini will be Cmdr. Walter M. Young has specialized on the beneath the west end o f the day, battled floods of sea water of the Gulf of Alaska, on the Stephen A. Miller, 29, of St. Jo- design and development of en- Founders Bridge. He suffwed one and Injuring more than lOO from high spring tides today. Kenai Peninsula and on Kodiak Any actions directed against Schlrra Jr. and Capt. ’Thomas persons. Panic spread in the seph. Mo., who was hauling the unity of Communist coun' P. Stafford. . severe head injuries in a fall The sea, pulled into high tides Island is believed to have sunk 25,000 pounds of m eat to Dallas. (Bee Page ’Ten) from the bridge, police said. two neighorlng countries and about tlflo ttog M ch year by tba tMm throe to rix toot places. triaa "aro harmfid ind Irrespon- Gemini is the intermediate damage apneared widespread- * "I hould see the trafier eticliF phase, of . tba longursnga training eofnblned otnmotlon o( ttie moon fltqh tldeo lapping th* west- alble," Gkimulka said. DOWRtdWm’riku^dliigS Swayed and sun, has been moving up ing straight over my head as Khnialmhov In a apoech tel^- program that has an objectlva ern tip of the Kenai Peninsula I looked out of the cab," Miller Face Job Loss and some craokM in downtown into areas which sank in the Sunday came within inches of 1 ^ e d on both sides of the Iron of placing Project Apollo astro- HARTFORD (AP) — A Belgrade, where thousands fled said, "but I don’t know if it was nauts on the moon within the disastrous earthquake of March buildings along the waterfront Chirtaln Sunday night appealed 100 Doctors state unemployment commis- into the streets on a warm, sun- 27. really up there or whether I for a "resolute rebuff" to Pe- decade. of Seldovia, sioner and a workmen’s compen- ny morning. Schools and many ’The highest (or April are ex- was up there and just didn’t klM. Of the four men selected to- The water rose high enough know where the ground was." sation commissioner could be factories and offices closed. ’The pected today and ’Tuesday, and Ihe Poles had been thought to day at the Manned Spacecraft one block Inside the waterfront ’The truck was dropped upeide Halt Strike out of jobs if the general as Budapest radio said the Himg- owners of business buildings in be the vanguard of a group of Center, the training base for at Kodiak so a large barge, down in a 40-foot ravine about semibly at a special session next arian capital also was shaken. the sunken areas have been try- foreign Communist leaders com- astronauts, only Schlrra has week adapts a congressional re- tossed there by the Udal wave 36 feet from the pavement. Mil- By CARL HAR’TMAN ’The first death was reported ing to protect them by Jacking | which followed the big quake. for the celebraUm of Khru- made an orbital flight. districting plan In its present near the epicenter of the quake BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP)— them up or building dikes was almost floated again. Two Grissom made a suborbital form. about 126 miles west of Bel- (See Page Ten) ’The government announced to- around them. bulldozers pushed, and a fish- (See Page Eight) ^ flight of 142.1 miles down range ’The redistricting proposal, grade. A 13-year-oId girl was from Cape Kennedy Sept. 13, day about 1(X) doctors in the Flooding is the big problem ing boat pulled to fry to get it b " which has bipartisan leadership killed as a staircase collapsed at now. Sunday’s after-shock 1961, and Schlrra followed with Mechelen area, midway be- approval, would abandon the back to deep water. a school at DJakovo. didn’t make much impression a six-orbit mission Oct. 8, 1962. tween Brussels and Antwerp, present post of Oongreyman The sea flooded an area about Reports reaching Belgrade on the residents of this shaken SEATO Is Told Young and Stafford, former have ended their strike. at-Large and reshape 6n7 state two city block.s long and two said more than 1(X) persons were state. ’The ground rocked, and test pilots, became astronaut Premier ’Theo Lefevre’s office into six districts. blocks back from the old shore Bulletins injured in the quake area, dishes and windows rattled, but Viet Win Crucial trainees Sept. 17, 1962. said the Mechelen doctors had ’This revami^ng could effect at Kodiak. stretching westward from Bel- no one was reported hurt. ’The Culled from AP Wireff Since the completion of the signed an agreement with a lo- the future o f Max L. Goldenthal grade and north to the Hungar- casualty list of the big quake (See Page Two) MANILA (A P )— U.8. S ecre one-man Mercury flights last cal health insurance association of West Hartford, unemploy- ian border. Budapest radio re- year, Grissom has held a thereby breaking with the strik- ment commissioner at large, ported panic In southern Hung- tnry of State Dean Rusk told a WOMAN STRANGLED elosed session of the Southeast mary assignment as coordina- ing medical union. and fourth district workmen’s ary but made no mention of Asia Treaty OrganlzaUon today tor of GenUni affairs with^ther At strike headquarters in oompensdtion commissioner Ro- casualties. NORWOOD, Mas*. (A P ) A the United States does not com - members of the astronaut team According to reports filtering 6S-year-old woman warn found pletely rule out extending the that now totals 29 pilots. (Bee Page Seven) (Bee Page Ten) in from the area, damage was Rights Battle Enters Htrangled with a nylon stock- war in South Viet Nam, serious in the region close to the ing in the bedroom of her presumably into the Communist center of the quake. home today, adding another North. Among the hardest hit were to the Ust of 11 unsolved This was reported by U.S. in- Szekazard, a Hungarian wine Sixth Week in Senate tranglingii of women in east- formants after the elght-naUon ‘Splice Experience, Learning’, and agricultural center 80 miles ern Massachusetts In less aesslon. They said Rusk laid southwest of Budapest, and Sai- than two years. The victim heavy emphasis on the Viet vonskl Brod, a rail and farming WASHINGTON (AP) — The^blll, President John.son was was identified as OoMle Fine, Nam war, although South Viet center 125 miles west of Bel- Senate starts its sixth week of asked at his news conference if whose husband, Hyman, op- Nam is not a member of the Says Brewster, Yale grade. battling over the civil rights bill he thinks the Senate should erates a riothing dry clean- mutual defense organization set President Radio Budapest said many today, with each camp contend- move faster. ing establishment in nearby iq> 10 years ago to halt Com' ing time is on its side. PT ! buildings were damaged st "That is a matter for the Canton. Medical Examiner Jo- munist expansion in Southeast NEW HAVEN (AP) — Un- Szekszard, and Communist par- In the House, except for a |7 ; ti" Senate to decide,” Johnson re- seph A. King railed her death Asia. dergraduates who long for In; ty headquarters was severely billion appropriation bill to be plied. He added that he thinks The informants quoted Rusk volvement in something more damaged and its occupants es- taken up ’Tuesday, only routine Ihe debate "will go on for some a strangling. One o f her own as saying that a victory over meaningful than text books and caped in panic. It made no men- measures are oh the agenda. time yet" but that eventually stockings was tied tightly ar- Communist guerrillas in Viet test scores may have found a tion of casualties. For members of the Senate "the majority of the Senate will ound her neck. Seven! other Nam is vital to tho West. friend In the new president of ’Thirty persons were injured, and House alike, today's sea- work Its will and I believe we stockings were found on the Yale University. two seriously, in Slavonski son-opening American League will pass the bill.” floor nearby. Norwood Police (See Page Eight) Kingman Brewbter, who was Brod, reports reaching Belgrade baseball game between Wash- Humphrey, the floor manager Chief James M. Murphy said Invested with the seals and gilt said. ’These accounts did not de- ington and Los Angeles is bound of the bill, and Sen. Richard B. "We consider Mrs. Fine’s ^ collars and other trappings of tail the damage, but said destruc- to be a irreslsUble attraction. Russell. D-Ga., quarterback for death a homlcldp." Norwood his office Saturday, paid special tion was worst in villages north But Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey the Dixie forces, agreed no is a residential community of attention in his inaugural ad- of the city. Many houses were of Minnesota, the assistant vote on proposed amendments about 25,000 some 10 mllea dress to the purposeful young left uninhabitable in these vll- DemocraUc leader, said the is in prospect this week. southwest of Boston. News Tidbits man sometime^ thwarted by col- lage.s. ball game will not halt the Sen- The Southerners plan a con- lege. Several persons were injured ate’s civil rights debate. tinuing round of speeches in re- from the AP Wires ’Ihe inauguration, carried out CAREY HEADS C OF O fleeing from buildings in the in- He said he understands, that ply to arguments presented by with pon«p and tradition before dustrial town of Borovo, near Southern senators, leading thb the bill's backers the last two WASHINGTON (AP) — The a crowd of the academic elite weeks. United States Chamber of The John F. Kennedy library the Danube, about 185 miles fight against the Hoqse-passed from this country and abroad, northwest of Belgrade. A num- bill, "have a couple of long-ball But Republican Leader Ever- Coninierce announced today Is going to be a lot larger than was merely U19 tormallsing of that Waller F. Carey of •righuJly oonoOlved—and it will ber of houses were damaged speakers" ready to take the ett M. Dirksen of Illinois is at the Yale Corporation’s selection there. Several houses were re- floor and keep things going un- work on amendments to the (air Birniinghaiii, Mich., is its ba designed by an American of Brewster for the Job last Oc- president. He promptly volbed wrahltecl as yet un-namod... ported destroyed at Baka Topo- til the game is over, employment practices section tober. la, 86 miles north of Belgrade. Saturday afternoon, as the and hopes to have them ready some praise for President Praaldent Johnson’s special aa- He had been performing the Johnson and talked of busl- Istant for consumer affairs, Senate was engrossed in its 28th for introduction by midweek. duties of the presidency since (See Page Eight) day of debate on the civil rights These could mark the finit ness-govemiiient cooperation. Bsthsr Peterson, urges that thta time as the successor to Introduced at a news con- proposed special commission ut step toward getting some votes, the late A. Whitney Griswold, since Dirksen said he Intends to ference, Carey, 58, indicated Ska food industry "pay partic- who had served since 1960. start calling them up one by he would not follow the high- lar attention to the level of "To many students of proven one. Although they are subject ly vocal line of attack on prioea and to the quality of Intellectual or operational ca- Insurance Agent Claims to debate, Humphrey said he government siiending car- f a ^ soW.” w T^ pacity," Brewster said, "the will not hesitate to move to ta- ried on by his predecessor, Sen. Frank J. Lausche, D- Delaware banker Edwin P. Ohio, said civil rights leaders prospect of 20 unbroken years ble ’ these and other amend- Baker Asked Him to Hide ments when necessary. Nellan. must achieve their goals, "wlth- of competition for nothing worthier than test scores A tabling motion is not debat- Ip the processes of law and not AFRICA SUMMIT TALK by trespass, riot and flagrant dampens all aspiration, Intellec- tual as well as active. WASHINGTON (A P )—Don B.<^ington and informed me that he (See Page Eleven) J JAKARTA. Indonesia (AP) Saflanoe of the rights of others Reynolds, a local Insurance "To the considerable number had had the president (sic) in —^The 22 -nation Afrteon- Ths United States tried to offer man who injected President of young men who yearn to be- contact with him and that pos- Aelan preparatory conferenc* •M and oooperaflon to Prime Johnson’s name into the Senate come Involved in something sibly it would be better for me agreed uiuuilmouely today Minister Fidel Castro’s Cuban investigation of Bobby Baker, to refrain ,from making any Polluted Air^^id more meuilngful than inherited upon summit talks March 10, ogline Just before he turned to claims a Johnson aide tried to statements at all. That he would patterns of success, learning 1965, in Africa. The exact sito the Soviet Union in 1960, a quiet him and Baker advised release all information pertain- loo often seems to be involve- Ruining NYC Art of the conference, on the scholar of Cuban affairs reports. him to go into hiding. ing to the Insurance on the pre- Portuf^ diplomat says Por- ment’s adversary.” lOUi onnlversery of the flrst Reynolds said these alleged viously Sen. Johnson." NEW YORK (AP)—Polluted tlgal's agreement to permit Brewster suggested possibly muzzling attempts were made As for Baker, Reynolds quot- African-A«lan conferenoe at iTaaoe to erect missile taaok- changing the tradition that one when he began cooperating with ed the onetime Senate page boy air, together with the ravages Bandung, Indonesia, woe left lac statloB In the Asores “was should be in school constantly Sen. John J. Williams, R-Del., who became secretary to the of weather and time, is caus- for later decision. for about two dMUles alter age dropped Jlke a bomb and I don’t whose own probe of Baker Senate Democrats and built a ing some of the world’s great- live. He proposed allowing iiiiiu It was fair to tho Ameri- touched off the inquiry by the business fortune before resign- est stone art treasures to de- HAIL TALKS RB0UMB k".,.Prime Minister Nehru breaks for some off-campus ac- Senate Rules Committee. John- ing under a cloud last October cay. WASHINGTON (AP) — : India sxprssaas regret ^ t tivity that could still be regard- son then was vice president. as warning him; "You get out ^ m e of the fineat monuments Railroad union and manage- J, warships cai carrying nuclear ed as part of ths educational Reynolds’ story as given by of town and stay out of town of antiquity, and thousands of ment negottotore renewed oe* prooees. gwauwtis “ shouldId wanot Ser about him on the Interview program for a couple of weeks. He’ll pieces of sculpture and carv- Mve ooUeettve borgafaihig to- M t i s Indian Ocean." Ha spoke of a "programmed "From the People," taped for (Williams) get you and the rest ings exposed to outside ele- day, the White Hooee repo^ In 'drtual secrecy, rail man- educational pattern which broadcast by Radio Press ilnter- of us into Jail.” ments, are deteriorating, the ed, but declined to eay wheth- M agement and labor represenU- splices experience with IsaAi- natlonal: Reynolds said Baker offered New York Times reported to^ er they mede any pregreee. Svaa resume Issue-by-lssuo bar- Ing, sspsclally in exposure to "When it (cooperating with to send him money while in hid- day. White House press eeeretnry a stone’s w ow from oontraetlng oulturoe." Kinipian Brewster Jr., 17th president of Yale Uni- Wllllame) first started I vs- ing, but that he refused and co- 'nte newspaper said conserva- George Reedy sold the tflOlfl tteW hlte Houas. k n m ^ th at Noting the lure tte Peace versity, marches on campus Saturday in inaugura- ceived a call from Mr. George operated with Wllllame. tion experts consider the Indus- were on on teeueHe h; bj r l e s H tdlure to agree by ^ r ll 35 Ooirps iMMma to have as "Pie Reedy (now White House preee Reynolds teetUled before the trial age the major villain. is end would prdbdMy Muld toMh «tf A •oaat'UHOoast tion ceremonies. Former University provost, he suc- eeoratory) and be oontaoted me tlnnetiii^ WH strike ceeds the late A. Whitney Ori^wKdd. (AP Phot^ax.) la toy downtown offloa la Wael»> 4000 rage (Bm Phi* vwo)

' A- ■ ■ ‘

pa q b Twa MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 ' I .1 .. .1 » . l I I. . „ . I - PAGE Mkesviaa know enough not to veatenday In a wooded Area off 7 and 9:48 'whUe the Zarbo fam- jMek a wUd man in the envlronj Stop Reading Word hy Word Sheinwold on Bridge personnel who hays tha closaot Rockville-Vernon Ra#h of Hiefts Line 8t. w l^ tta dashboard ra- ily wae mray from their home. Seminar Slated and most suatalnsd contact of one of the world's very old- Sooih daalir dio mUatng, along with mveral The vehicle, black in color, had with patients." aat civlllEatlona. The plot sim- treat hand as NiWw side v— Over Weekend Ihller Brush ’ Co. Homs which been stowed in the garage. For State Aide# ply confirmed them in their WHEN RUFF CUT NOVIH Guilty Plea Is Entered ware left in the back seat and A $48 J. C. Higgins (English) FAMILY AFFAIR “THE WAY established belief that Ameri- A Strong Case for the Nutshell By ALFRED SHEINWOLD a 9 10 trunk by Werner, a salesman bike wae reported stolen from cana are a bunch of know- National Men’s Team Ch^pion t? A 3 a A tMli of Wfskksd (hafts, in- for the bmah firm. the rear of the houae of Aldo More than 126 employes from PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) — It By The Reading Laboratory, Inc. Q 10 » 7 C Oludlng a late modal ear (later state institutions for mental was family n i^ t at the Pontiac A Now RbP nothing boors, posseteed of all Aa a rule, you gain » In Stabbing Gise at Hotel LuoUIo Butterworth of 93 Dappollonia at 11 Penn Rd. The Area Junior CSiamber of Com- I HEARD IT” sorts of money. ruffing in the dummy but gain recovered), a $86 ear radio, a Vernon 8t. yesterday afternoon red and white striped tendered retardation and mental health This certainly did nothing to Written for NEA nothing by ruffing in your wnt merce annual banquet, whan Kodak nim 4»S653 aK ff woman’s handbag wMh kiaa reported that her large brown vehicle was taken iKmietime be- will attend a one-day session at the Louis H. Schimmels, senior advance international relations hand. If the defenders prevent Bight cases were prsaentedOneigMbortwod Bunday afternoon valuad at $40 in oaOi and liandbaf,- containing personal tween Friday noon and Satur- Mansfield State Training School and junior, won two top honors. With Bach Ron Develaped by John Gruber you from ruff in dummy, you ^ 10 9 ? K Q I day at 1:80 p.m., police said. and amity, and under the clr- Time your reading of this OK492 OQlSf last week at the criminal sea- when she tried driving a car. pars, and two English made m- popen and a $30 Irtll, was miss- tomorrow, designed to improve The elder Schlmmel, director (Black and White aad cumatancea I can't even under- may be able to turn the table Begtautlag D r l ^ cyclee, total value at $103, ware ing from the back m at of her roliimn and compare yoar speed and make your own hand the ♦ 10 4 » s a alon of Tolland County Superi- and extend in-service training of the Municipal Advisory Coun- Color Priate) stand why it was ever accepted with that Indicated at the end. BOEflH H m vehicle went th ro u ^ a reported to police. car which had been parked in RURAL BUT NOT FARMERS for aides dummy. or Court before Judge William A 1981 tford, 4-door sedan the yard between 11 p.m. Sat- cil of Michigan, received the for any sort of production in The expected speed assumea a a A 4 3 P. Barber. fence in the backyard, went WA8HINNGTON — Less than' The meeting, which Is recelv- "Outstanding Boss” award. France, at the Opera or the dally nve per cent Improve South dealer I*.,.. across s neighbor's yard, owned by Donald Werner of 83 urday and 4:80 p.m. yesterday. one third of the 54,000,000 rural i Ing support from the U.S. Instl- Louis H. Schlmmel Jr., 26, was LIGGETTS Neither side vulnerable John M. Pletluch, 89, Rock- Pine St., was stolen from Ms An Engliah made bike, valued Quite a few people have^'grand" treatment associated Opera Comlque, expensively or ment. Opening lead—Ten of Hearts knocked down a olothesllne and resldenU of the United States jtute of Mental Health, has as named key man of the Pontiac AT THE PARKADB aeked me about "The Last with a true opera house. Such a cheaply. But a production it re- a 11 7 < ville Hotel, pleaded guilty to a shrUba, hit a second fence and yard aometlme around 9:80 p.m. at $83, wee reported stolen from live on farms and get at least ;iU theme. “The extension and Jaycees, primarily for his work When his hand was P 'aJ^ w«$* N M wm charge of aggrevated aaault Saturday. The vehicle was found Frank Zarbo of 186 Brant Rd. Ravage," Glan-Carlo Menottl’s production couid easiiy over- ceived, and the reception was a stopped St s chimney. The girt part of their livelihoM from I improvement of in-service in promoting the recent Pontiac load its poasibilities, causing it the recent Intercollegiate Cham- atemming from a stabbing at by pollco shortly after 1 am. sometime Friday night between agriculture. training programs for those latest opera which rtceived a bad one. pionships, the defenders were w«s not injured and the car City Charter revision. to break down. Now it was slated for New The nastiest questions you fz tha hotel. Pletluch allegedly was only moderately damaged. Read Herald Ad#. balf dozen performances at the can ask .someone who doesn't required to lead trumps 8t ev- stabbed Edgar McMann, an- It was pretty much of a dead York, and Menotti himself was ery opportunity. If South trlM PcUce wrHhheld her name be- Met this season, and had its flop In Paris, though I saw a placed in charge of his own know what he's talking about other hotel resident after an premiere in Paris last fall. Un- are: to ruff a spade in dummy he argument on natlonallUes. Mc- cause of her age and turned the foreign review of the premiere production so that he could would have to give Blast a spade case over to Juvenile authori- fortunately I have not seen it, by FYederlc Hagen in which "Would you outline your po- Sunken Site# Hit Mann recovered from three but 1 have had access to some squeeze everything out of It sition?" . trick, and East would then wounds; Pletluch has been held ties. reviews which you probably did MenoUi's music was praised for that he felt he had put into it; "How would you sum it ail draw dummy’s trumps to pre- at Tolland State Jail in lieu of Weekend Arrests not see, so I'll tell you what "unusually varied recitatives,” in Paris the production wa.s en- up?" read summaries for preA-eadlng more fruitful. ’Iha new reading, vent the ruff. . By Alaska Tide# $20,000 bond. Henry MfoFarlane, 44, 31 Vil- and its "lyrically sweet but ag- trusted to Gabriel Bacquier and purposes and for organizing In turn, will add depth to ofil South makes the contract by I have found out about it. Both methods betray fraud Pletluch told the court Fri- lage St., was arrested Ssturdsy To begin with, it was first gressive di.ssonances." The the staging to Mady Mesple. and ignorance, reveal honesty what you've read. If the book la knowledge. treating his own hand aa the (Continued hrom Page One) night and charged with aggrav- same critic damned it for lack not required, the summary may dummy. Instead of ruffing one day, "I did the Job but I didn’t produced at the Paris Opera In due time it received its and knowledge. In the final «. HOW TO WRITE SUMMA- look for trouble." Hie case was ated assault. He posted $1,000 Oomique, not at the Opera, and of musical style claiming it fell first performance and if "Tout analysis, If you know how to be enough knowledge; it may RIES? If you've taken notes spade in the North hand, he The etete civil defense organi- bond for appearance In Circuit Hurry—Contest Closes Next Week! neither in "the Italian school of tell you the book isn’t worth the ■fa. three diamonds in the continued until April 34 pend- there is a world of difference. Paris” had been on hand for the outline, you know how to sum- ths way Ths Reading Labora- zation in Anchorage said land in ing a pre-sentence investiga- Court on April 36. The charge In (Aort. Paris did not think realism, nor in the older Paris premiere, it was equally marize. There’s no substantial bother ;it may tell you what tory recommends (ses "Soms ith hand. Portage and Olrdwood, down h was "grand opera” at ail, parts of the book are worth Irst, South allows East to tion. stemmed from a domestic dU- I chool of romanticism, both of true that "All New York " jam- difference. Notes on Taking Notes”) and TMrnagain arm from Anchor- Thomas S. Borst, 86, former- tinhsnce, but something approximating which have long been outdat- med into the Met for the 1. WHEN TO READ SUMMA- thorough reading. have made an outline (see "The hold the first trick with the dropped as much as six feet. It high class mu.sical comedy, rel- 4. WHEN TO WRITE SUM- JkcX of h#KrtB. If East switch## ly of Glastonbury and Man- Blroy F. Porker, 6«, of Phoe- ed.” Broadway opening. RIES? Every chance you get. Outline — A Simple File for said 26,000 sacks to build sand- chester, had his probation re- nix St., was arrested on a egating it to a smaller house The plot, which deals with a In general it received a In assigned course reading, if MARIES? When you’re required Mind's KnowIe<^”), ail .you to any side suit, South can ym, bag dikes were trucked to Gird- where it could receive less ex- your text has chapter or section to; when the knowledge will need do is this. Try, If possinls, give up a spade and ruff a voked and was ordered to serve bench warrant issued by Cir- very wealthy, spoiled daughter thorough panning by the critics, wood. a 10 month sentence. Borst was cuit Court 18 charging him pensive production. who goes to India in search of though Time and Life played it* summaries, read all of them be- serve a present or future pur- to devote only one paragraph to spade In the North hand. As it About 60 persons, almost all You may have seen reviews pose; for practice. You may happens, however, East leads sentenced in 1960 on two wHh non-support. He was rs- a "wild man” for her archeolog- safe. Time panned it, and Life fore you read the book. Before each of the outline’s main head- who remain in Portage) were counts, injury or risk of injury in this country and particularly you read Chapter 1, read Its personally never have to write a ings and convert your divisions a second trump. congregated at a lodge called leased by Blnfield authorities ical (yeah, archeological not gave it a good review, In gen- Ruffs Diamonds to children and Indecent as- previews of the work that in- nnthropollgical or ethnological) eral, however, while the press summary first and then again summary after you leave school, and subdivisions Into the sen- Diamond Jim’s on a compara- after posting $600 for court ap- dicated the Parisians had given after you've completed the chap- but you’ll never escape the need tences of that paragraph. If the South wins the second trick eault. He was arrested April 7 pearance. research project, finds one, was unfavorable, the public was tively high spot on the fletland. In Trenton, N.J. on a motor It a shoddy production, but more or less enthusiastic, and ter. Do that with ail the chap- of a neat, summari^ng mind. volume is fairly thick, you may with the ace of trumps, cashes Even so it had about 30 Inches Marilyn Smith, 24, of 62 when the Met applied its full takes him back to the U.S. and ters in the book. Once you’ve have to devote a paragraph not the ace of diamonds, and gets vehicle vlo1a,tlon and was re- Miarket St., was arrested Sat- there succumibs to his crude at- the opera continued to play to 8. WHY WRITE SUMMA- of water In it, a CD official said. turned here last week. energies to the composition, packed houses on subsequent read the whole book, go back RIES? Summarizing Imposes an only to each main heading of to dummy with a club to ruff a On Homer Spit, a low finger urday and charged with breach the opera would emerge in ail tractions, was a total bust in and read nothing but summa- your outline, but also to each of diamond. Declarer gets back to Probation officials told the of peace, resisting arrest and France. presentations. | obligation on you (before you of land extending from Homer, court that Borst has been Its giory. This, incidentally points up ries. read) to secure thorough knowl- its main diidslons. dummy twice more with clubs on the Kenai Peninsula, a hotel intoxication. So far as I can discover, the Tbe Parisians felt that any- 2. WHY READ SUMMARIES? to ruff the rest of dummy’s sought for some time by local (WORLD’S FAIR TRAVELER) the fact that while dramatic edge. Summarizing forces you If the book took 10 large steips was jacked up several feet, officials. His probation was re- It took three officers to make Paris decision was the correct body with the least pretentions critics in New York frequently Reading all summaries before to distinguish essential from in- (chapters) to make its point, diamonds. and the owners hoped It would the arrest on Market St. Sgt. A W -F T one. This is a sort of satire in to culture .should know enou'^h you read the book -is pre-read- By this Ume South has eight voked In 1962, but he was i«- sound the death-knell of a cidental. Summarizing (as with you take no mors than 10 very clear tidal water expected to leased after two months and Robert Kjellquist, Patixjlman miwic, rather than a grand to pursue "anthropology” under Broadway production, music ing and you’re an e x ^ rt now taking notes) helps you remem- short steps. Rut make the same tricks safely tucked away. He sweep under it. Raymond Dunham and Super- opera, so H doesn't deserve the the circumstances, and should on the benefits of pre-reading. leads his last club, offering returned to probation. He left critics have no such power. In ber knowledge in your own point. the area and hasn’t been seen numerary Carl Pfeifer partici- the face of such bad press re- Reading the summary of a chap- words. Summarizing saves you Tom ehould have read this East the chance to ruff in if he pated, and collected some ter before you read the chap- wishes to do so. since. views, a "legitimate” show time because, when you later cohima In M seoonds. Russell F. Johndrow, of Tol- scratches for their troubles. would have folded on the second ter is, again, pre-reading. Read- refer to your own summary, ail If East does ruff, he must Miss Smith posted $500 bond ing a summary after you’ve that matters of your former lead spades away from the land, had his case continued for night. Once In a while there's Next: Test Night; A Review. pleadings until April 24. He is for court appearance April 28. an exception of course, but that read chapter and reading all reading comes back to you. king, and South will make an ______□ Everett Cleveland, 63, 14 N. summaries after you've fin- Summarizing of present read- overtrick. East must refuse to charged with three counts of doesn’t happen once in twenty For your copy of "Stop Read- breaking and entering with Park St., was arrested Satur- years. ished the book organizes the es- ing enriches future reading— ing Word by Word,” send your ruff to one trick, but he day & Tomorrow day and charged with intoxica- sential knowledge for. you; if and vice versa. Before you read cannot defeat the contract. criminal Intent and three counts First In a way, this argues well for name, address and )l to "Stop of larceny. tion. He was unable to post the intelligence of musical aud- you've missed something in your a new book In physics, read Reading Word by Word," The With nine tricks in, South bond and was held at Tolland OVER THE BORDER Johndrow Is accused of breaks iences; they want to hear some- reading, the summaries will tell your summaries of old reading. Manchester Evening Herald, simply takes his ace of spades State Jail. He was slated for ap- National you. You will bring a solid back- P. O. Box 489, Dept. A, Radio and gives up the last two at the Italian Cliib on Snipsic thing and make up their own St., Mid-Way Package Store on pearance in (Jlrcudt Court 12, minds, while audiences for "le- 3. HOW TO READ SUMMA- ground with you to make the City Station, New York, 19, WHY Manchester, today. Stores RIES? If the book is assigned. new reading easier, faster. N.Y. If South were allowed to play Hyde Ave. and Cormier's Pack- gitimate” productions are ap- the hand normally, he would age Store. Vem-EU Meets parently content to accept the lose the five and six of trumps DOES HE DO IT? William E. Harrington, 39, of The Vem-Ell Association for judgment of "experts.” Actually to East, but would win the ace, Rockville, pleaded guilty to the help of retarded children an opera has a somewhat better Events eight and seven in his own charges of indecent assault and will meet tomorrow at 8 pjm. chance, in any event. With good Events in Nation hand together with one ruff in Injury or risk of injury to chil- at the Talcottvllle School. music, a bad libretto can be There will be discussion of dragged along, and conversely dummy (or a total of four HOW dren. His case was continued to tricks. When dummy’s ruff is April 24 for pre-sentence inves- plans for the family picnic in a good libretto will prevent a In World WASHINGTON (AP)—In the<$>prowler8 were In the basement June and for the proposed li- news from Washington: cut off, South makes four trump tigation C O N n ST of St. Mark's Episcopal church poor score 'rom foundering for tricks by ruffing with three of brary center at the school. Re- PRONOUNCED “WEFr* Spmoim! / a while. SINGAPORE, Malaysia (AP) COST REDUCTION: More caused Secret Service agents DOES HE DO IT? John A. Wilson,' 49, Thomp- freshments will be served. than 1,200 major defense con- and Washington police to con- his own low trumps. The ace sonvllle, pleaded guilty to es- The difference of opinion still —Another terrorist bombing to- of trumps is, of course his fourth Tickets on Sale Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday ■ persists, and I wa.s interested gent waves of fear thrwirh' duct a thorough search Sunday cape from a correctional institu- Adult and student tickets for to read a review K„ by TPEgon------Sta- “ y waves or lear inrougn Johnson administration’s morning before President John- trump trick . tion. Hia case was continued un- Malaysia’s chief port as securi- Daily Question the Town and Country Players delman for Germany's "Opem- cost reduction war, it was dis- son and his family arrived for WHO til April 24 for pre-sentence in- production of "All My Sons” by welt.” Mr. Stadelman apparent- ty police pressed their search closed today. services. As dealer, you hold: Spades, vestigation. A second charge of Picture this situation for a second - then start shuddering. never once crossing^ the border! Eventually, those trav- K-J-7; Hearts. K-Q-J; Dia- Arthur Miller will be sold to- ly saw ))oth the Paris and New for Indonesian saboteurs. There have been that many Police found two 17-year-olds aggravated assault was nolled night, Tuesday and Thursday at favorable replies from letters who had wandered away from monds, A-J-8-6; Clubs, 9-S-t. ISHISNEXTVIiniM?Shown by State’s Attorney Joel H. York productions, and starts The explosion, eight In the 7 contractors last a ticket booth in front of the A family drives all the way from Conestoga, South elers would never forgive themselves - or us! his review with the sage obser- a service for deaf mutes at St. What do you say? At Reed II. auditorium at Rockville High PORK : past month and a half, ripped December by President John' Answer: Pass, You have IS Wilson was an inmate at Tol- vation that "Paris is not New open an unoccupied apartment Barnabas chapel in the church 8:05 School from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Dakota to the New York World’s Fair ... has a wonder- “What can I do about it?” “How can I make sure this York, nor is New York Paris, son and Secretary of i.)efense basement. points In high cards and nothing land State Jail. During an argu- 300 yards away from riot police Robert S. McNamara. of trumps is, of course his Robert Linton, ticket chair- ‘'“"‘I':"’",h e a d q u a rte rs where officers The 'President was accom- ment with another inmate in man, announced that special ful tim e. . . then turns around and heads straight for fate does not befall a single W-F-T in 1964?” . . . These audience reaction to "The Last Those letters sought Industry panied to the eervlces by Mrs. fourth trump trick. the jail’s kitchen, where both were on parade. No one was support for the economy drive rates are available to students. Szvage” in both places, compar- hurt. Johnson, their daughter Lynda were working, Wilson pulled out The play will be presented at Conestoga, South Dakota. are the questions you may well be asking yourself right ing the productions in both in- which McNamara began .luring Bird, and Secretary of Defense For Sheinwold’s 36 - page a knife, then "went for a walk CHOPS : A police spokesman said a booklet, "A Pocket Guide the high school Friday and Sat- stances. and tlnaUy getting the Kennedy administration. and Mrs. Robert 8. McNamara. to cool down.” He vmlked away urday. Fellow citizens, can you imagine the years of regret now. Be of good cheejC/ There is a way out. But the hox^ around to the music Itself. man was tielng held. ^ Jphnson and McNairiara to Bridge,” send 60 cents from the jail, a n d ^ a s on his CENTER A hospital spokesman kaid a to Bridge Book. Manchester Hospital Notes He makes a point that I made urged the contractors to. buy . E D U C A - n O N : A panel of ex- way back when guards caught Admitted Friday: Albert that lie ahead for those W-F-Ts (World’s Fair Trav- of every W-F-T may rest upon your XMurticipation in this earlier, namely that the Pari- 35-year-old mother and her 18- their materials at the lowest perts has proposed two pro- Eve. Herald, Box 3318, ''Grand up with him. CUT month-old baby, victims of possible price, to operate in the Central Station, New York 17, Reutter, 36 Tolland Ave.; Mrs. sians thought the rich American grams to improve educatlen of William P. Murphy, Portland, Evelyn Vlolette, 32 VlUage St.; elers). Imagine being within an hour of Connecticut and great contest. Read on! Enter today! girl was archetypical, while the blast Sunday night, were still on most economical manner—,’nd deprived and segregated young- N.Y, charged with misconduct with a LB Americans saw in the character the critical list. A Malay wom- by so doing to keep down the sters. Copyright 1964 motor vehicle, had his case con- (Jordon Dimmock, Ellington. a travesty of themselyes and an and her 16-year-oId daugh- prices they charge the Defense One would help the deprived General Features Corp> tinued for pleading until April Admitted Saturday: Leon a satire on their own failings. ter were killed in that explosion Department for arms and and segregated by using new 24. Murphy allegedly was driv- Kennedy, Tolland; Mrs. Shirley "Brought up in the tradition of and four others were hurt. equipment. curicula oriented to their back- ing a car last December in Schwartz, 94 Country Rd.; Su- "musicals” rather than of Singapore officials blame the A little-noticed Pentagon ground amd understanding lev- ■Brllllintl which a passenger was killed. san Woron, 13 Gainor Place; "opera buffa" it was far easier bombings on Indonesian sabo- progress report circulated re- els. The other involves estab- Roland H. Zinsser', 40, . of George Russell, Unoasvttle; it y S. MlfcRBCN I cently said: lishment of one or more exper- Plus Co-Hit At 8:.S0 end 9:80 John Lucach, Hartford. s. Lst a mpsJ for the New Yorkers to view the teurs they claim were sent here Broad Brook, pleaded guilty to **How do I enter?" ‘m a t d o l s a y r When do I start?’* "What do I win?" characterization as drollery to destroy vital installations and “Indications are that Indus imental school systems to try A FIGHTING MARINE IN THE two counts of forgery, one count Admitted Sunday: Diane rather than satire,” is his view- to spread panic as part of the try’s cost reduction efforts will out new ideas. of breaking and entering, three Squires, 119 E. Main St.; Mrs Glad you asked. Easiest thing Say an3rthing that you think Just as s(X)n as you can find a First of all, everybody w ins- point. Indonesian campaign against provide the nation with a multi The suggestions came Satur- I TIME BOMB OF THE WORLDi counts of obtaining money by Patricia Canavari, Deerfield' Mr. Stadelman's review is Malaysia. mllllon-dollar add-on to the De- day from a group known as the nun Dr.; Carla Merrill, Somers; in the world. Just comi^ete will get a traveler to the typewriter, a pencil with a because everybody’s doing DARLING'S partment of Defense’s own $4 false pretenses and two counts kinder than most I saw, but in Panel on Ekluoatlonal Research ' of obtaining goods by false pre- Roy Higgins, Coventry. this senten<»: **I t h i n k e v e r y World’s Fair to point his car poini)int or that ballpoint pen the something for Connecticut. So the end he damns the work SALISBURY Southern Rho- billion cost reduction undertak- and Development, which was Births Saturday; A daughter ing.” created in late 1961 by the Pres- tenses. W-F-T (WorUTsFair Traveler) north toward C!onnecticut. kids were using last night If you’ll get a nice warm feeling along with practically all the desia (AP)—Winston Fiela re- aVANKi Zinsser allegedly broke Into to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mer- Beef Steaks 12-OZ PKG other professional critics. "A signed today as prime minister ident’s Science Advisory Com- rill, ToUand. should cross the border into (Train, plane, bus or boat will you prefer, use your own paper. and you’ll receive a special SECURITY: A report that mittee. the Connecticut Potato Farm- musiciU Ls not opera buffa, and of Southern Rhodesia, and Brit- rv/^^.7//,;ji er’s Exchange, and stole sev- Births Sunday: A daughter Connecticut because .. .** do!) Tell him the thin^ to see Or clip out the entry blank on tourist map folder of Connect- opera buffa is not a musical: ish Gov. Sir Humphrey Gibbs to Mr. and Mrs. Charles South- MARSHALL THOMPSON eral items Including a' check- "The Last Savage is neither named Trea.sury Minister Ian attempt an orbital rendezvous struggle of the people In those erland, 28 High St. Take as few Words as srou and do here. Tell him why the bottom of this contest an- icut. TTie colorful map, by Bern one.” says he. Smith to succeed him. WEEKDAYS: 7:00 - 9:20 book and some money. He was by manned space craft. au’e a s . ” STARTS WEDNESDAY arrested recently by Vernon Discharged Friday: Gregory want to finish. (But, please wu’re keen on Connecticnit. nouncement, But be sure to Hill, Killingworth’s famous "It is too flimsy ever to make Both Smith and Field are The new Sputnik, Polyot-2, Duntz, ToUand; Mrs. Yolenda PfoJueeSpectQk/ even an opera buffa, and it is "Lord Of The File#” and police. don’t take any more than 25.) Tdl him how you feel about mail your entry by April 22, artist, is full ot exciting thinm members of the conservative was launched on the third an- (AP)—A young East "Wrong Arm Of The Law" Zin.s.ser's case was continued Soucy, Kingsbury Ave. E x t; too pretentious ever to make a Rhodesian Front party, which ■ nlversary of the world’s space Berliner escaped iminjured to BU' ‘uR •'! N A ,r S 1 A','I D nA«rii)ifE Linda Brewester, 98 Legion Dr. Write on stationery, note this 5,009 square miles of para- 1964. Save a stamp and return to see and do.... But, levs musical. The production was holds 35 of the 85 seats in the ' flight by Yuri Gagarin. Plyot-1 West Berlin this morning de- IWfE PARiOUG___ $78 JJU until April 24 for pre-sentence Inve.stigation. Discharged Saturday; Brian paper, last week’s laundry list dise. (After all, would you T entry with your telephone get down to brass tacks! This sumptuous and there was great legislature and is pledged to was sent up last November. spite shots fired by terder Twohig, Tolland; Denise Phil- applause for the settings by maintain the white minority’s ! The Soviet news agency Tass gUkrilS. police reported, An indefinite continuance was Upe, 84 Brooklyn St.; Mrs. Mil- Neatness doesn’t count a bit, want mm to go to Cairo with- or send it sf^parately to: contest has some wonderful ASPARAGUS Beni MontresoS who contrived rule of the self-governing Brit- aaid the new space station was The young man crawled granted in the case of Roger D. dred Malone, TalootviUe Rd.; S bewitching pictures and cos- just so long as the judges can out driving another hour to W-F-TContest Box 1457,New prizes-just take a look down ish territory. 1 a prototype of equipment need- through four barbed wire fences Cari>enter, Manchester, charged Lydia Lee and Rosa, Storrs; Al- tumes: Thomas Schippers con- Field, in office since Decern-1 ed to start interplanetary expe- reach the West, with nttenrptlng to carnally read what you write. see the Pyramids?) Haven, (Donnecticut 06506. there at the left! CALIFORNIA ducted with inspired elan; Mr. know an imbecile. The court bert Ritter, 86 Tolluid Ave.; LARGE SPEARS Menotti had a free hand every- ber 1982, lost his party’s sup- dltlons. Mrs. Patricia Kraw!sc and / port because its right wing con------was informed that Can>enter Is FRESH, LOOSE where, yet the whole thing re- presently Incarcerated and is daugter, ToUand. mained a failure.” He also sidered him too moderate. Po- NEW DELHI, India (AP) — Discharged Sunday: Mrs. lltlcaJ circles Ibok for tougher Charging the Indian govem- Polluted Air Said expected to be released during 2 43‘ praised the cast for their ef- the later part of June. Rosemarie DiBenedetto and CALIFORNIA — Sno Whit#lit* govemment policies and possi- ment is weak and paralyzed, forts, so it would seem Mr. Ruining NYC^Art mms OIrl Hit by Oar daughter, Skinner Rd.; Mrs. Menotti has nobody to blame bly a declaration of Independ- op^sitlon political groups to- FOR HUNGRY NOONTIME BUSINESSMEN! Maureen Adams and daughter, 9 but himself. ence from Britain. {day called on ailing Prime Min- Alice Klee, 10. of Mountain Fern St.; Mrs. Barbara Ja- 500 Prizes!... 500 Winners! lACH The Rhodesian Front is ister Neliru to resign, St., was uninjured after being Official Roles: Cauliflower 39 (CoBtinaed (rom Page One) More and more lo<'aJ buHin««s men Just a stone’s throw conskl and^son, 6 Upper Butch- anxious to get independence Delhi state units of the Social- are finding that the relaxing at- hit by a car Saturday after- First Prize - An expense-free V.I.P. week end for Second Prize - The same glorious expense-free Complete this atatement in 26 worda or leaa, "I think Coats Up I7 ^c from Main Street er Rd.; Mrs. Myma Bouchard Meet & Product Pricti Effective Monday, Tueidey end Wednesday while the vote is still denied to 1st and Praja Socialist parUes, The rapid pace of aoth cen- mosphere, fine food and servlee at at noon. Police report she ran In and daughter, IS Spring St.; two in New York. Using the Waldorf-Astoria as V.I.P. week end for two at the Fair, as well as any every w-F-T (World’a Fair Traveler) ahould crooa the most of Southern Rhodesia’s plus several smaller opposition tury industrialization, it said, Pellln’s is very conducive to eom- front of a vehfcle operated by Mrs. Theresa .Melesko, Upper headquarters, winners will be treated to V.I.P. tours two ot the Connecticut-made prizes listed above. border into Connecticut because__ .’’ Be sure to include Detroit- New - plant expendi- African majority. , (actions, warned they will open plettng their noontinoe businesa WALNUT STREIET Margaret M. Buckley, 18, of your name and address and the name and address of on yor"Gdrc/en Frozen tures by the United States auto- has accelerated tha rate of de- luncheon date*. Butcher Rd.; Clifford Ludwig, of the World’s Fair grounds and exhibits. From ------I "agitation” in the capital un- "CHOICE BEVERAGES" Kingsbury Ave. The accident TalcottvlUe Rd.; George Rus- out-of-state friend. Use the entry, blank below if you wish. mobile Industry last year are MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet lesa Nehru quita by Aug. 15. cay because industrial smoke occurred at Rt. 30 and Grove breakfast in bed, meals at top restaurants, theater Third Prize - The expense-free V.I.P. week end for Mail your entey to: W-F-T Contest, Box 1457, New estimated at $970 million, up 17 Union launched produces corrosive elements that sell, UncasvlUe; John Lukach. second un- Opposition pressure for Neh- St. No arrest was made. Hartford. tickets and sp e c if Fair tours, this is truly an “on the two at the Fair, as well as any one of the Connect- Haven, Connecticut, 06506. Entries must be. poetmarked per cent from 1982. Nearly $15 manned maneuverable cause atone to powder, crum- cuff’’ week-end stay and tour of the Fair. In addition by April 22, 1964. Entries will be judged by the D. L. PKGS billion has been put into new station Sunday, rousing snec'-'<\sjMce py.g resignation has been gath- Gerald Gavey, 30, of Warren icut-made prizes listed above. Sweet Peas 4 69< ble, flake, crack or chip. Ave., was arrested early Sat- to the V.I.P. week end, the winner will select any Blair Corp., an independent judgmg organization, on plants and equipment since 1945 tlon it may be getting" ready fo 5m .*?" anS 'Jur^ed'mMy Vernon news is handled by the basis of aptness, originality, and sincerity. Enter as "The altuation Is getting more urday morning and charged The Herald’s Rockville bureau, three ot these Connecticut-made prizes . . . Hitch- often as you wish, but only one prize to a family. duties over to subordinates. One serious:rlous all the time,” says with Intoxicatiw. He poated $26 M. 876-8458 or 848-3711. i Fouith Prize (25 winners)-A pair of World’s of India’s leading political com- cock furniture, International silver, Bigelow-SanfoYd Any resident of Connecticut may enter except em- PKGS Seymour Lewin, professor of bond for appearance in Circuit rugs, Pedersen golf clubs, Stanley Home Workshop Fair Bonus Books entitling the winners to free ad- ployees (and their immediate households) of llie South- Lima 39< mentators, Frank Moraes, chemistry and fine arts at New EViRY TUESDAY Court U, RockvlUe, April 28. 61 FIRMS MAKE TRUCKS joined in the campaign today. tools and Castro convertible sofas. An added bonus: mission, meals, souvenirs and discount tickets for ern New England Telephone Company, its afBliates and York University. "Many h i d - A 16-year-old girl caused DETROIT—Slxty-one Ameri- 15 major exhibits and amusements. advertising agency. All entries become the property of ings have noUbeably deteriorat- •onsiderable damage in her can companies produce trucks. by including the name of an out-of-state friend on the sponsor and none will be returned. No substitution I PHNOM PENH, Cambodia ed in the last 2Q y e a r s . " Green Beans »•»< » 2 PKGS 39< (AP)—Cambodia's chief of state IS FAMILY DAY! the entry, the winner will be able to treat two Wt F-T will be made for any prize offered. . Prince Nordom Sihanouk, has ^ Industrial fumes create sul- friends to a week’s paid vacation in Connecticut. Fifth Prize (472 winners) - A pair of tickets to Winners will be notified by telephone (of oouisel). phur oxide in the air, and these, Travel to and from Ckmnecticut not included. the wonderful World’s Fair. (Contest subject to all governmental regulations. j barred all Atnerican and Brit-11„ combination with water, pix> the del icious T£EHITES !ish newsmen from his country J duce sulphuric acid. Soot u d SihMouk accused them of dust deposited on stone absorb OPEN FLAME BROILED virulent Kttftck# &nd CKluin* corrosiv# Kcid Grocery Qpeciak! niea.*' He objected particularly __ . CHEF BURGER NAT BE ATTACKING to Time magazine and thi , ^ ^ ' Washington Pm I. freezing w te r In the pores of ONLY 125-FT stone and causing cracks. The prince Sunday also dec- Lewin, Involved in etone re-' ENTRY BLANK Wax Paper 2 nais 47c TOUR HONE orated his son-in-law, LA. Siso- search at NTU'e InaUtute of treat the ent ir e wath Monlrak, and another pi- < / BE SU RE...for a complgte FREE inspection Fine Arte, says: "Hi* problem fAMILY AND SAVE IQT lot for shooting down an Amer- le not unlike that of finding e Mail to: W-F-T CONTEST • Box 1467, New Havoo, Connecticut 06606 •f your Home by a Termite Control Expert ican observation plane during Salk vaccine for etone dieeaeee. Ammonia 2 ITLS 39« the ^ t h Vietnamese atUck on, we want to find out how the Supervised by Graduate Entomoiogists. the Cambodian border village NOI 0 LI M I (1 Complete this atatement in 25 Words or leas: ptocese of decay ia taking place of Chantrea March 19. and develop a technique to pre- Sponsored by "I think every W-F-T should cross the border into Conneeffeut beesuse 1-QT $|00 Call Ml 9-9240 vent it—to modify the aurtecc Weichade 3 CANS JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)— of atone chemically ao that It President Sukairio today reiter- will be reaiatant to varioua (cor- BLISS has bean Serving the ated Indoneaia’s desire lor roalve) elementa." The Southern New England peaceful settlement of the Ma- The chief remedy now Is to riama Breiling Home Owner in Conn, for over laysia dispute but without makes the moUth- Apple Sauce sgreeing in advance to with- regularly waeh atone. But this 81 years ia expensive when large build- jeatering difference. Telephone Company draw guerrillas from Malaysisn ings era Involved. 'I try one—or three! 1-9T4-03 Bomso territory. They're the greetestl arr name. Sukarno was addressing a poll M STVFFBD Of flAR Ketchup 2 ITLS 49< of anU-Malaysta votuntsars in AOraXBB. jOTVa front of hts palace. LOB ANGELES (AP)-Sprt^- tims sxubsrance pigfe up fai eu- Please send a copy of the magnificent, color map of Connecticut to my oiit-qf-statv friend: DOUMi S&H 9101 STAMK WIDNISRAY Officials saM ths roll call was rtous ways among youthful at Yavi Uhl Naliaaal Saaai Marktta attknded by ons mUUon volun- members of ths spsclse Homo teers, and Sukarno aald n mil- sapisns. Here's ths latest NAME. HARTFORO COUNTY BXeXSS Tex*2Kiite lion In all had answered hU Amid grunts, groans Control Corj^. call. gups for air, the Phi Kappa "We don't want to grab Ma- Theta fraternity at Loyola Uni- Wt Uiavi TM tMHI TO UNR hUANTITlt nv. Of RUSS EXTERMINATOR COMPANY, Ine. laya, Singapore, Sarawak, Bru- versity claimed a record Sunday M« M. Imi a T*kMW SnOllll hM Dmv ( ME lilB r t URWr pm tVITML M. Ri NRR. nei and Sabah (North Borneo)," by stuffing t t ef thsir i— Sukarno said. ‘'We are e i ^- hiembsrs Into a standard siis supporting tbs ' ‘ tndspendsnee auto fedaa. - - • OOOOOO •'••••••€#####•• ••••••••••• T T f>


muridaiuhlp tat gsnenl, and la Iia M bar olng wars ocarscly dlf- Columbia, Leagues, or IS years througta 15' helpful tat aaBsaalng Ma worth. faraitlatad tai tampo or trsat- Wliite Installed Coven try years of age. Akon Weak Last nigtat, taowavar, ttaara mwt The final clinic May 2 will be A were three orchestral numbers ■ha waa liatsd for a ooupla of State Y D Head at 1 p.m. at the Plalni Field for With Baton tat the first half of tbs program mors aelsctlons, and Mr. Akon Area Official Area Teams , catchers, coaches and and all three bore the legend had Hkawlso bUlod TMtaalkow- Nap WhlU of 67 Pine SL again managers. I T h e B a b y H as akjr’a oaUbratod "Serenade in Women Voter* Meet "tranaeribed for string or^es- waa installed yeeterday as Con- ^ftnrtntA. foX. By JOHN GRUBER tra by Alfred Akon.” And thla C,” as a finale. I happen to like Will Speak Start Play The public Is Invited to the. The Hartford Insurance deaplte the fact tbat all three Die TwfliaikaWakyl but I was necticut Department command- League of Women Voters meet- ing at 8 p.m. today at the Group presented a new musi- came from the* baroque era afraid of what Mr. Akon might er of the Yankee Dlvlsioti Vet- B ee n N am ed... which la partlculariy rtoh tat mu- do to tha "Elegie” contained erana Aseoclatlon at the Danish To liions Booth-Dlmock Memorial Li- cal organization to Hartford On May 10 sic of this type! therein, so X left at tntermisslon. Brotherhood Hall, Hartford. brary when a program on the last evening at the King Philip niEL WED. future development of Coventry Were there a pandty ef hanre F r a n k baroque string music, this pro- His wife is naUonia sargeant-at- aifford H. Wilson of Bunker will be emphasized. Mrs. Arthur School In WMt Hartford, as arms of the YD VA AuxUiaiy. . w?**’ •••iALant admliriatrator gramming might have been Jua- ' APRIL 14, IS at Windham Community Memo- Hill Rd. has been appointed Smith, League president, will be Ih e Akon Stringn were heard Contest Entrant This Is tha third time since meeting hoetess. Mwphy, Catherine Fraiice*, daughter of David Elle- tifled; tmder the circumstances rial Hoapltal, as Uielr gueri umpire and chief of the Cov- in their first appearance. Con- the aaaoclatian was organized George Oickle of the Connecti- wortta and Jacquelyne Kelly Murphy, 43 Pioneer Circle. I cannot condone using more speaker at their eeml-monthly entry Boys Baseball Association From Town Wins that a Manchester resident has cut State Development (k)mmis- She waa bom March 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. stance Crodby was featured as than one of thent. Havtaig had meeting tonigtat at the a a rk opportunity to acquaint myself been so honored. Former police program this year. eion will explain the 701 Federal Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kel- mezzo-soprano soloist. commissioner William Alien and House, WllllmanUc. Ritchie wUl T%e local season will open ly 15 Laurel PI. Her paternal grandparenU are Mr. and with his style of arranging, I Manebeater Junior Oentuty U.S. CHOICE - TOP QUALITY report on the progreae ot hos- Program and discuss the Wind- Mr. Akon, who organized and strongly suspect that he like- Clyde Beckwith were the other May 10. A house-to-house can- ham Planning Region plans with Mrs. Thomaa E. Murphy. 32 Jordt St. Her maternal great- Club’s entrant wen first place recipients. Beckwith was tnstal- pital techniques applied to the conducted the group last night. wise arranged the accompani- vass is set for May 9 with E!d- emphasis on Coventry’s part. grandmother la Mrs. Mabel Elkerton. Wrentham, Mass. Her in a Hartford County sewing llitf officer at the ceremonies. community as a whole. Is know locally for his work ments to Miss Crosbjr's songs as Boneless ward Neumann of the board of paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Mac- TOe newly installed com- The new head coach of foot- Mother* Banquet with the Hartford Youth Or- well, and if so he is an indefati- conlest sponsored by the Cota- directors, in charge. GllUvray, St. Petersburg. Fla., and Mr.s. Emma Murphy, mander enlisted in the U.S. ball at UConn, Richard Forzano, Banqtiest reservations must chestra, where his abilities gable worker with the music- necticut State Federation of The program will Include 13 Wethersfield. She has a brother, David E. II, 6. Army In Vermont and served will present his plans and ex- teams this season Instead of be in by 8 p.m. tomorrow when « • • • • could not be readily judged in pen. They were not so listed on Women’s Clubs at the Avon pectations for the fall season the Young Mothers Club meets view of the Irregularity of at- with the 103rd Infantry. Soon 14 conducted last year. The Lacey, Jnll-An Joy. daughter of the Rev. John A. and the program, but the suspicion Country Club. Mrs. Francis after World W ar I he came to at the Lions meeting April 27. at the Nathan Hale Community tainment by the personnel of remains. Garber of Hilltop Ave., Vernon, drop-out is In the Pony League Sharon Jordon Lacy, Rt. 30. Vernon. She was bom March 22 Manchester and has lived here The board of directors has having 13 and 14-year-old boys Center. Active members must at RockvUle City Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is that orchestra. Last night, Here I make no objection, was cbMen from 22 contestants, since th«i. He was employed CLUB STEAK recommended changes in the by- bring theirs in to the meeting. enrolled and is due to the lesser however, the 13 strings repre- since string accompaniments to and was awarded a savings Others may send reservations Mrs. Evelyn Jordan. Northampton, Mass. Her paternal at I*ratt and Whitney, division laws and this will be preaented number in this category signing sented were all professional these works are probably non- bond and two Uekats to the to one of the banquet commit- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn E. Lacey, Northamp- of United Aircraft, Ekist Hart- for elute approval May 11. The up this year, according to musicians, whose abilities In existent, and necessity Would World’s Fair. tee: Mrs. Wallace Worthington, ton, Mass, She lias a brother, John Jr., 10; and four sisters, ford, until his retirement changes recommended are: (1) Bertron A. Hunt, board of di- Shelley, 9. Patti, 7, Wendy, 5, and Nancy, 3, many cases were personally dictate arrangements. The whole The winner appeared In a Deleg^atee were present from Removal of .the section that Mrs. Paul Haddad, Mrs. Thomas I* • • * • subject of ti^scriptlons is de- turquoise wool coat over an off- rectors chairman. Small, Mrs. Frank Sanelli and known to me. throughout Connecticut and limits the board to expenditures In addition to the 13 local Hays, Tracey Lynn, daughter of David C. and Christine As a result I must come to batable. Some very fine ones white wool suit, the outfit which Massachusetts. Members of of less than twsnty dollars Mrs. Robert .Upton. have been made. Mr. Akon’s are won her first place in a contest teams, there will be two addi- Bolduc Hayes, 37 Park St., Rockville. She wa.s born March the conclusion that Mr, Akon White's family also attended. without club approval; (2) re- TTie banquet will be held at 7 solid, journeyman stuff, but held In Manchester. She will $149 tional teams from Bolton this 27 at Rockville Citv Hospital. Her maternal grandparents is not exceptionally gifted with Refreshments were served by moval of the section that pro- year, these to be scheduled In p.m. April 28 at the Marlbor- are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bolduc, Rockville. scarecely remarkable on their compete In tne state finals April the Hartford Chapter, host to vides for the membership to ap- ough Comers Inn, Marlborough. * « • • * a baton, (This latter Is a mere the Pony League grouping. own account. 29 at Restland Farms, North- the Department. point the nomination oommit- ZBA to Meet figure of speech; he actually Miss Crosby, who has been The American Legion team Schneider, Douglas Kent, .son of Roy W. and Joyce ford. tee; (3) Change the section that will be made up of boys be- The Board of Appeals will dispen.ses with the stick.) Ac- heard locally in Manchester on Mrs. Alan Taylor, a member U. NOTTS “TENDER-TRir Wagenbach Schneider, 40 Pleasant St., Rockville. He was TOO IN VITINa limits the expenditure of the tween the ages of 14 through hear four requests for variances bom March 27 at Rockville City Hospital. His maternal cording to the program he has occasion, is an attractive blonde of the Manchester Junior Cen- SANTA BARBARA, CaUf. Sunshine Committee to raise the 18. to the local sonlng regulation.^ j grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wagenbach. Tremont, played under some of the with an attractive vocal timbre. tury Club, was commentator (A P ) — Apparently someone limit. Members are urged to be The American League four at a public hearing at 8 p.m. HI. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William world’s greatest conductors; Unfortunately this is nearly as for the contest. She waa chair- took a fancy to the furnishings LEAN, TASTY, FRESH i l O present at the meeting to vote. today at the town office! but according to last night’s re- far as you can go in listing her teams will be for those 11 and Schneider. Rockville. He has a sister, Beth Ann, 1. man of the county oontesL of a model home In a new de- Band Going to Fair 12 years old. building. I TO P ROUND sults, he didn’t profit excesslve- concert assets. On the debit side velopment here. The Windham High Sohool The Natlcmal League four Nicholas Faenza, proprietor FnIlei',>Brian Edward, son of John Rankin and Judith Further I object to Mr. Akon’s she has the distressing habit of CENTURY COINS SPECIAL Band has been selected by the Thieves backed a van up to tean*is will have boys nine and of t*e Cove Restaurant on Rl. LaChapelle Fuller, 3'25 Highland St. He was bom March 27 demonstrating his work as an singing sharp during crescendos; Paris — Greece recently put Ooverabr’s Committee as the the door of the brlghtly-floodllt Ground Beef 4o>» 10 years of age. 31 and Daley Rd., is asking for at Manchester Memorial Ho.spltal. His maternal grandpar- arranger in such wholesale man- the bigger the crescendo, the Into circulation 3,000,000 thirty- house during the night and only high school band from Con- The Colt League team will ents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LaChapelle, Vernon. His pa- ner as was evidenced last eve- bigger the deviation from pitch. drachma sliver coins minted by a variance to transfer a liquor loaded it with several thousand necticut to represent the state be for boys 15 and 16 years old. STEAKS ternal ip-andmother Is Mrs. Mary Fuller, New Haven. He ning. He is certainly entitled to While she shows variety in the Hotel des Monnaies in Paris. dollars worth of valuable furni- MEATY, TENDER BEEF M ■■ at the World’s Fair. The Lions license from the restaurant to has fo transportation to Manchester levue Is asking permiaeitm to play among themselves, the Farady, Barbara Muriel, daughter of Regg;ie B. and was never used. Group Stages Cinderella use a summer residence year Judith Gray Parady, Wlndsorville Rd., Rockville. She was number to be determined by round. Rev. Mr. Bvsae Named "Cinderella” came to life at the Rham High School in Hebron Saturday in the last ot tha those enrolled. lb bora March 28 at Hartford Hospital. Her maternal grand- The Rev. George Evans has Mr. and Mr*. Tadese of Rt. matinee aeries sponsored by the Regional PTA Council. Production of the timeless fantasy Mrs. Edward Hansen has parents are Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gray, West Hartford. been reappointed as club repre- waa staged by the Ehcperlmental Theater of Hartford. Sandra Hebert played Cinderella, Ted 31 are asking for a variance Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Romy Parady, agreed to take charge of the from a conforming model home sentative to the recreation coun- Welant, Prince Charming, and Vera Kingsbury the Fairy Godmother. (Herald photo by concession stand at the Plains Fort Fairfield, Maine. She has a sister, Jeanne Marie, 14 cil. The club has also voted to and display office to a non-oon- Farm Fresh Fruits Oflara.) Athletic Field for the local O months. sponsor a delegate to Boys’ foraiing residence. CUBE STEAKS • • • • • games. Grant E. Tootahker Jr. of W S U ta Last year, Jimmy Hempel John Rlsley, special consult Clay, Stephen Donald, son of Richard F. and Jean was the representative. They Center at 8 p.m. Mark Ruwet knowledged receipt of the rec Richmond Rd. Asks a variance ant to the board of directors, Matchette Clay, 75 Valley View Dr., Wapplng. He was and Vegetables will also sponsor an Explorer of Torrlngton, who haa recently Insurance Agent ord player, but said he thought will conduct four clinics for the of a non-conforming use with HINUTE STEAKS l ..*1J)9 bom March 29 at Hartfoi^ Hospital. His maternal grand- Post If enough Interest is shown returned from a two-year 4-H It was a gift from Baker and 186 enrolled and the staff, com- permission to add a conunerclal parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Matchett, 90 Holl St. His by the youth of the community. Peace Corps assignment In Bra- Claims Muzzling that Baker was an old friend. prised of some 26 managers and building in the present property paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fmd Clay, Glaston- Frank Budney of Lakeview zil, will be the guest speaker. Jenkins has denied any know coaches, the umpiring staff and occupied by ’Tootheker's Ease LEAN GROUND BEEF 4T bury. He has three brothers, Richard Jr., Robert Alan, and Park is a new member. (Contiaued from Page One) ledge of the arrangements for WARD WEEK the television time purchase. other assisting adults, totaling Servicenter" on Rt. 44A. John Edward; and a sister, Cheryl Jean. Eight Made Voters Manchester Evening Herald LEAN 4 to 6 LBg. AVERAGE • • • * • some 50 adults in all. Bight persons were voters at Columbia correspondent, Vir- committee in January that Bak- The White House declined Manchester Bventaig HeraM White, Aprllle Renee, daughter of Gilman Murray and The first clinic at 8 p.m, Saturday's session at Yeomans ginia M. Carlson, telephone er had him send an expensive comment on the Reynolds Inter Coventry oorreapondent F. Pau- FRESH SHOULDERS U>. 3ir Judith Donze White, 17 Talcott Ave., Rockville. She was 228-9224. view and efforta to reach Baker Wednesday will be at the Coven- Hall, two of whom were restor- record player to Johnson’s try High School for the mana- Une Little, teL 742-6BS1. bora April 4 at Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal ed to the list. Four registered were unsuccessful. gr&ndparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Donze. Vernon. Her home after writing a life Insur- gers. as Democrats, two as Republi- 61% Vnder 45 ance policy on Johnson. April 18. at 1 p.m. at the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Murray White. cans 8j»d t/wp remained uns/fiU- Sales $83 Million Waterville, Maine. She has a brother, Darren Todd, 5; and The insurance man also told Ranks 2nd and 4th Plains Athletic Field, the clinic a sister, lis a Joy, S. ated. ' Vienna — One third of Aus- the committee that at the sug- will be for boys In the Begin' Washington — Machinery and PTA Meeting tria’s population lives In Vien- gestion of Johnson’s aide Wal- Nairobi—The United States Is ners. National and American ! tobacco make up more than OUllgan, Matthew Joseph, son of Lawrence M. and The P TA meeting will be held na. Half the country’s population ter Jenkins he purchased $1,208 the second-best customer for League categories, o.r boys from ! half of United States exports to Eileen Devlr Gilllgan, 67 Brent Rd. He was bora April 8 at tai the sohool tomorrow at 8 Is concentrated In the Danube worth of advertising time he the combined exports of Kenya, eight years old through 12 years' Malaysia, which total about $83 I Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents p.m. and not In Yeomans Hall River Valley. The population is couldn't use on the Austin, Uganda, and Tanganyika. Brit- old- I million a year. In recent years, are Mr. and Mrs. RsJph J. Devlr, Malden, Mass. His paternal as reported previously. Ih- predominantly young—only 89 Tex., television station con- ain is first. The United States April 28, at 1 p.m. at th e, however, Malaysia’s chief sup- g^randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daly, Malden, Mass. Hilda Standlsh will speak on per cent of the people are over trolled by the Johnson family. ranks fourth In nations selling Plains Field, the program will pliers have been Indonesia, answering children’s queetlons 45. Johnson has publicly ac- ' to the three countries. He has two brothers, Kevin, 8, and Lawrence, 5; and two be for the Pony and Colt 1 Britain, and Japan. y/~'8ale Pricea sisters, Kathrine, 6, and Jeanne, 4. Spoonsful of Lusciousness on sex. • • • • • goout Awards ^ Effective Van Karen, Eric James, son of Wesley and Nancy Henry Beck Jr. was present- Tues. and Wed. Roosa Van Kuren, Overbrook Dr., Vernon. He waa bom ed with a Life Scout Award at April 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal a Court of Honor ceremony at Open Nights grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H, Roosa, Willlams- CANTALOUPES Yeomans Hall recently. The Moih. thru Sat. vtOe, N.T. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. four merit badges hs complet- tm • Edward Van Kuren, Clarence Center, N.Y. He has three ends Saturday! ed to earn it were, sohoiorshlp, brothers, Wesley Jr., 5, Peter, 8, and Jack, 2. safety, cooking and camping. • • ' • • • Other presentations were to Garrell, Daniel James, son of William Kenneth and • Save up to 20% on Wards regutar low Catalog David Ramm, first class Scout Seafood Deparfmenf Jean A bom Garrell, 26 Spring St., Rockville. He was born prices, for fine quality merchandise. award with a camping merit April 2 at Rockville City Hospital. His maternal grand- badge; Andrew Miller, first STEAK OF THE SEA - parents are Mr. and Mrs. Empson H. Abora, Eniington. His • See all the best buys. Including many more class scout; George Peters, life paternal grandmother is Mrs. Mary Garrell, San Fernando, soout with a merit badge for Osllf. He has a brother, Kenneth William, 3. unadvertised specials, on display right now • * • • * public speaking: Peter Tam- at your nearby Wards Catalog Store. bomini, bfe osout with a nature Klaczalt, Debra Jean, daughter of Lawrence Clifford and CALIFORNIA—CELLO PACKED $wor df ish49i Jean Holmes Klaczak, 77 Hillcrest Dr„ Rockville. She waa • Buy the things you need now, at these Ward badge and Robert Grant, merit badge for reeding. bom April 2 at Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal Week savings... Pay nothing down and take grandmother Is Mrs. Robert W. Holmes. Marion, Mass. Her Den chiefs Stephen Ramm, paternal grandmother is Mrs. Victoria Klaczak, Bridgeport up to 3 years to pay, on liberal credit terms. *137-w Henry Beck Jr. and Dennis She has two slaters, Judith Vee, 6, and Linda Sue, 4.' Murphy wsre presented with Moff's Own CELERY den chief warrants by Loonard Ocmchon, chairman of the cub Carroll, DsnM Hale, son of David Bruce Sr. and Mary Enjoy these other fine Ellen Benoit Carroll, 31 Vernon Ave., Rockville. He waa scout committee. Mark Bourey Now! Get full Proof, finer quality whisky! born April 2 at Rockville City Hospital. His maternal ^ S h o p B y P h o n e VHP-UHF All-CHANNEL and Peter Levesque were ac- GERI ANN grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John W. Benoit Sr.. Eliot, o^ted as tenderfoot scouts Maine. His paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Frank during tha ceremony. Carroll, Hipping, N.H. He has a brother, David Bruce Jr., 20 Or In Person (2-83) PORTABLE Smorgasbord months. CARNATION Mrs. Emil Malek, Hennequin Road, is co-chairman of a Tol- WHITE 19-in. (overall diag. measure) Airline has 15,000 Hagenow, Bfarita Louise, daughter of Alfred George land County-Democrat-sponaor- products! and Myrna Richmond Hagenow, 29 Whitney Rd. She was Volts of picture power, plus special features for sd Mnorgasbord and dance at born April 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma- Call 6 4 3 - 2 1 8 5 strong, ^eady picture with sharp contrast. Easy MILK Exposition Hall. Stafford Fair ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Ralph Richmond, 33 Norwood Grounds. Ajwdl 25. S t Her paternal grandfather is William K. Hagenow, 104 to carry, lightweight, sleek luggage-type case. Supper will be served from 6 10 YEAR OLD Cooper St. Her maternal great-grandfather Is Peter A. MANCHESTER to 8 p.m. followed by dancing. BREAD Baldwin. 33 Norwood St. Her paternal great-grandmother Mrs. Malek la president of the Charcoal Is Mrs. Louisa Hagenow. USE Bluefield Dr. She has two Tolland County Federated Dem- Parfactad brothers, Mark, 11, and Andrew, 3; and three sisters, Vanes- ocratic Women’s Club, and a sa, 9, Holly, 7, and Bernadette, 6. CA NS Whisky l-LB. • • * • • member of the local Demooral- te Town Committee. 86 PROOF LOAVES Gorman, Kelly Jean, daughter of James Francis and The function Is ToUand Coun- Loretta Lusignan Gorman. 5 Oak St., Rockville. She was ty’s parilcipatlon In "Project bora April 1 at Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal -r»’; 64," a national program for 4/5 Qt grandmother is Mrs. Esther Gorman, Providence, R.I. Her D ^ o cra tlc women of the coun- RED LABEL ^ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lusignan, Providence, R.I. She has a brother, James Francis Jr., 1. ty to help finance TV appear- tMPOMTtol ances for President Johnson tn Stamps Too! the 1964 campaign. kM lLK.,, Columbia students invited “•KKUMD homo**' members of the Platt High FULL 90 PROOF 7 Year Old School band to their homes for KENTUCKY STRAIGHT Daff In ...D a y Out... dinner Saturday night prior THE PERFECT BLENDED WHISKY BOURBON WHISKY to the concert held at Windham 86 PROOF WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES KRAFTS SALAD DRESSING High School. Six local pupils participated in the concert; Eu-; gene Emmons, Lee German, REDEEM COUPONS George Peters Jr., Peter Rob- 4/5 QL PRESCRIPTIONS SAVE SAVE erta, Dayna Thompson and Mailed to Your Home Miracle Whip.> 47’ Douglas Tettelbach. resulting in meaningful Teen Club Meets uavings to you every dayt The Tolland County 4-H Teen OLDE Club will meet tonight at the Tolland County Agricultural and the best way I know to be a friend is to give The Milk that Made Conn. History Uo vfM and downs In yeac PesscH|riian doublT worlT st an BOURBON costs — no "disceunh” today, “lo ^ n r you the fin est quality blend I can at the lowest STRAIGHT Conn. Approved Homosmizod prices** temofeewl ev er t WEDNESDAY BOURBON WHISKY possible price. I hope you enjoy it as much as No **fnducsd spoclols**—no **tsmpofoiy 86 PROOF a^uclinns*' on Prescriptions tn lore I’ve enjoyed making It for you! cwslemofsl nZ-oi. h. AUrRMSTUSS 30-in. ELEQRIC NOW $45 0 VITAMIN D MILK 4/5 ot At Nm sonw Nnw, Ihoro b nownr cenipreniiM in so r< ^ or qwoRtyl COMMNAnON "SLIMN” RANGE FUEL OIL HALF-GAL GALLON JUG TM «T OOR lOWFXr PUCES EYHY Frostless refrigerator has 21.6 sq. ft. of shelf Fits between cabinets for "built-in" look; or use JUG MT OP TNI VUR...AIIII YOU SAVE We Deliver space; 3 shelves, removable egg racks, covered L rm sp/\0rs / 1 3 1 / 2 0 /L^ ^TGBlOGa**PnMmIL free-standing. Automatic clock-controlled oven DtMMi8ll«iy0h MRE1M0U6N0UT TNI YIAR..,0N Everywhere, Fast butter-cheese keeper in door. 150-ib. Frostiess Ml TONI PKSCUP11MI NIIOS turns on, off at pre-set times; Thermal-eye freezer hes ice-ejector trays and cube storage. burner holds pre-set heat. Coppertone or White. ALL PRICES INCLUDE SALES TAX SCO TCH TRY US AND SEE Coppertone, Deelgeer Strips StyNng, $10 mots. Also In |S8 modsi, In Coppsrtons or Whits. CASH SAVINGS iMOMninniaiviiiTi BLENDED SCOTCH SUPREME I (• T O WHISKY • 86 PROOF I------Plus Deposit I Montcomery Ward, 269 West Middle Tpke. |

I PlaoM have ealesman call on me In regarde to □ TV | F O O DS rr,R ©Dli^ 469 HARTFORD RD. 269 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. MANCHc STl R London Charcoal I □ Rafrigerator □ Range □ Other* 3 Bottled In Bond 587 MIDDLE TPKE. EAST GOLD LABEL Dry Filtered no umon Naor tlM Gram MANCHESTER FUEL OIL mmicnr snuiwr wiuiKr SO PROOF a PROOF tawna SUER to J nooF 100 PROOF MANCHESTER •• • I I MON, TOW , sa t . — , to , OPEN NIGHTS TEL 643-2185 ADDRESS ...... C O O PER A TIV E MfSo. FREE EASY PARKING Oil (OMF’\NV MIN NO* MUM MUTIAl Vlinil I SIN('f ilM m fifif ...... I ^I *. i u ; i ' M> '>1H t r'.i J^CTTT...... STATE .’...... I til It 5 2 5 3 b JB B HSESS ES

i rnmmrn BCteV

i ..•-.y'i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES^fER, CONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 HANGRESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ MONDAY. APRIL 18, 1H4 / j s r x j I III ilM Coventry vague.alarms and suspicions, some o f 100 Doctors |batrl|pfitpr tMas aoariag diqpn to the spedfie fear News Tidbits that the Canadian government may be Petition Urges Withdrawal Halt Strike from the AP W ires <4^1^ Ifpralik about to get some new way of calling I ^ ? D N L people up for national service. (Contiiraed from Page One) 1^1 Their alarm is legitimate enough, but Prom Kindergarten Plan Nesweek Magazine said a poll Oni it haa taken in Oregon by the their speoific nuapidon seems a littie far Brussels, a spokesman said: L 4 Lou Harris organization indi- out A petition with aome 4000 The estimated tax rata of 48 "We believe it’s another trial cates that Ambassador H ouy What tho Canadian government wili names of local reoldento re- mills by tha board of flnanca, balloon like the one of last week Cabot Lodge will score a tor qOeriioa that Coventry not Lawto aatd, will permit the I f - greater victory there than in the begin to do, once it haa a number pinned In Seraing, near Liege. Twenty- ; undertake a kindergarten pro- town foverrunent to have an New Hampshire presidential on a few millions of its citizens, can be four hours later, the so-called r G LO B E gram at tMs time, haa been approximate five per cent In- primary . . . Harold Wilson, predicted rather easily. agreement had blown up again, turned over to tho board of ed- crease; provide for a 14 per cent and things remained un- leader of the British Labor s. .s ^ r Travil StnriM Almost immediately, the government ucation. Increase In the bonded indebt- 'X party, rejccto idea of oil em- changed.’’ i I A t f r a M * sriU begin requiring that the social in- The petition wee originally edness, which haa been commit- Physicians In Seraing were .'V V \'t bargo against South America -' •'v: because it would be "an act of surance Identification number be attach- given to the study committee ted (both on present school near an agreement biit it failed Btha buildings, ths addition to the X . ^ near war.” ed to the income tax report by First Srieotmen Richard M. to obtain final approval. Oallnat Wedneaday night at Ito Coventry Grammar School, as The government’s announce- Sen. Barry Goldwater o f Ari- MMimn or Once toe government has Canadians meeting, Aa a result a letter well as the new town office ment was backed up by Meche- y zona expected to make a strong T B Jb jSSoOAraDPluaB used to the idea of having the sarqe with the petition was sent by building), knd provide an ap- len’s acting mayor. He said the showing In tomorrow’s IHtnols 11M AMoelaM Pr«a U aseluaiTklr *attu«< presidential preference primary, t* th« BM «l r*pOMieBtlaB «t *U mw i dto- number used in two of their tranaae- the study oommittoe to the proximate 8.6 per cent Increase doctors would ^ back at work MtdM* w MllBd or M l 0Ui(i«tM eroW- for the board of education. shortly. with indications that one mil- tiona with i t the government will begin board for ito records. The oom- / y S la oM p*p*r aad aloe IM l e ^ a««o au» Tlie possible dent In the unit- lion Republicans—spurred by a ttahad k m thinking up ways o f using the same mittee etudiee the educational Lewis also wrote the educa- bitter Intra-party fight—will go •C ropubUoattoi ot atMclai d^a- needa of the town that reason tion board that "since you have ed front of Belgium’s 12,000 la aro atoo raaarrad. number again. It will be attached to striking physicians and dentists to the polls... Making political ably can be met. already received a letter re- prisloners In Cuba listen to bank accounts, and to private insurance The committee waa set up questing that . your proposed came after the government or dered the mobilization of arm] Fidel Castro’s speeches over „a£rRi.ssaBK-r-.T? polidea, so the government can make Jointly by the board of select- budget be available for the joint and. over is one of several reserve doctors for emergency : 1 1 sure its dtizena aren’t hiding resource men, board of education and study of bur committees by means used to torture them, a tHMday June 1, the above recommenda- the Defense Ministry said. and income. And, because Canada is board of finance In aocordance former, prisoner says. with a town meeting authoriza- tions are presented to you at i starting its numbers game from scratch, tion. this date In order to afford you •PMiai instead of by the sort of bureaucratic the best opportunity to re- to answer mobilization orderi . h -S First Selectman Galtnat to- •'- i- • • •• Public Records **^ f i ^ 8yATOir°TOMA0 or cmcm^ evaluate your needs In relation although distribution of Individ roulette we have played here in the day said, "I have the utmost TlOWl. ______to the suggeeted adjustments.” ual orders was reported slow. United States, Canada will be able to use confidence In the ability and Warrantee Deeds The board of finance likewise, Many doctors reported wltt CAPPUCCINO Monday, April 18 the same number for the sip cods ad- Judgment of the study com- their uniforms but without theii John E. Ellison and Adna haa asked all other town boards { Mae Allison to Paul P. Flano, dress, the telephone number, the auto- mittee and I am sure the mem- and agencies for their proposed cars and medical instruments. bers will give proper conaldera property at 89 Lawton Rd. mobile registration number, the dog li- budgets for the 1964-66 fiscal LOAF CAKE Pita Tha Bxtremiat Formula tion to the opinions of these provide them with transporta- cense tag number and the twin double year by the same date of June MECHANIZED PIED PIPER i Whather or not tho axtramlat Brook- 400 taxpayers who have at 1. tion and equipment. Memories Are Made of This cashing in number for all its dtizens. tached their names to the petl' The strike began 13 days ago PORT WASHINGTON, N. Y. 1 lyn ohaptar of tha Con*raaa of Racial The board of finance letter More than 350 former pupils, graduates and friends of Robertson School turned out yes- (AP) — TTiree heated vans r e -1 ’Then Canada, with much less trouble tion.” as a protest against revision in quality will carry through with Ita concluded with the statement, the government’s national erday afternobn to help celebrate Robertson’s 50th Anniversary Open House. 'Visitors came eently transferred 20,(X)0 mice and confusion' than the United States is With the petition on record from all parts of the state, from New York state, Boston, and Cape Cod to renew old ac- "It is the Intention of this board health Insurance system. Many used (or cancer research from thraat to creata the greateat traffic o f the Study Omunlttee, its quaintances dimmed by years, poke Into forgotten comers, and evokq old memories by experiencing in its march toward the to work with you In every pos- of the doctors and dentists went here to new headquarters of Jam in hlatory on the opening day of members frit this information means of class photos and othet- mementos. Some of the Class of 1914, Robertson's first, are same goal, will be able to push one but- sible way to provide a satisfac- on Easter vacations with their the Waldemar Cancer Research tha World’! Fair la atlll In doubt Tha was pertinent to the board of tory budget." shown here posing for their graduation picture 60 years later. Holding the photo are and Prevention Center in Wood- ton and have a computer system spew aduoaikxi, which is considering families at the start of the walk- Joseph Handley, ’17, left and Arthur Knofia, '14, co-chairmen of the festivities. Others, all naUonal organlaaUon dlaapprovea, and out. bury, L.I. The rodents are pure, out the complete dossier on every single starting a kindergarten pro- ’14, are, second row, Mrs. Helen Ing;raham Henirr and Mrs. Margaret Coughlin Wilson; ttmm auapended the Brooklyn chapter for Manoheeter Evening Herald Strike leaders threatened a inbred .strains that have been human being citizen. About that time gram In the local public school Coventry correepondent. Pau- third row, Mrs. Nell Frazier Stevenson, Mrs. Annie RoIIason Alley, Mrs. Mildred Hall Galinat, .specially mated for thousands having tha idea. system. complete shutdown of medical the only way the poor Integered citizen line Little, telephone 742-6281* i services but 2,000 physicians and Miss Lillian Grant; back row. Flank McLaughlin and Arthur Logan. (Herald photo by of generations for the cancer But tha propoaal la alao ana which la The board of education Satemis.) research. will be able to feel like something free continued emergency service In drawing aupport from tha more militant eently releaeed the information and individual will be to make some hospitals. However, all the doc- aactlona of the atruggla for dvll righta. that it had received a petition tors refused to make house foolish effort to end it all. But if he ever oontalning 239 names in favor calls or examine patients in | Hie proposal haa bacoma, In fact, of the establishment of a kin- 935 “main ST. - 643-5171 OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAYS^ one of thoae iasuea which split the ranks succeeds in such a desperate endeavor Local Stocks their offices except in the most dergarten. critical cases. o f indlviduala and organizations dedicat- the government will just cart him off to Concerning the controversial some cemetery lot which wears his num- Some of the mobilized physi- ed to the drive for progress on the racial Issue of the kindergarten pro- Quotations Farntohed by cians are part of the strikers’ relations fron t The division la relative- ber, and that will teach all the other gram in the local public school Dm peey-Tegeler Co., Ine. emergency force. After talks system at this time, Qallnat ly aimpla There are the moderates who, numbers a lesson. Members of New York with the government broke also pointed out that education- Stock Exchange having waited 100 years, are anoouragad down early Sunday, the doc- al coats, including capital ex- tors’ union said it would leave We’v€ Always liked Her Bank Stocks that things have really begun to move penditures, represent about Bid Asked it to the government to man the at last And there are extremists who, 82.5 mills on ths present 40.5 Conn. Bank and emergency stations. We thought we had been noticing, or study In Hands by Joseph iatarals tsuc mill rate on 36,900 tax bills having waKed 100 years, feel that has Trust Co...... T0V4 7 4 % The government also In- unnotioing, some of the developments which ware due and payable boon long enough to wait They want to D ON A STRING, PIZZICATO: Susan Martel In Rehearsal for Manchester Civic Orchestra’s April 25 Concert Hartford National voked a 1948 law extending gov- O F M A N C H E S T E R cited in the New York ’Times dally col- April 1 and which become delin- Bank Co...... 69 78 ernmental control over all doc- watt no longer; they want instant and quent May 2. umn ^ Innocent people. And it would be latch- members from the board of fi- longer will she be in the forefront of cans. Finally, the third key statis- view of Wisconsin’s wsumtng, 9,941. Sincerely yours. Veeder-Root ...... 52 56 ing Itself on to an event which haa in it- the Johnson administration nanoe Chairman Wesley Lewis Rhelngold bder ada’’ In 1960, John F. Kennedy got tic, a bulwark to the other two, 1964- 1965: Amount requested Ditto R. Tdnl The above quotations are not self Just about no connection at all with 84 per cent of the primary vote is found up in Republican Rep, would do well to start an im- 1 pointed out "you may wish to We thoui^t so. Yep, we thought so. to be construed as actual mar- racial issues. in the 14th Ward against Sen. Melvin Laird’s Seventh District, mediate counter-attack against refer to our letter of February s |Fj We thought we had noticed that, not the lies and innuendo—used so 32 in which we call to your at- kets. That brings us to the erudal quastioa Hubert Hmnphrey. Rep. Za- far away from any Negroes at too long after Bert and Harry had been blocki regularly carries the 14th all. Wallace ran a very poor effectively by Wallace In Wis- tention the serious ftoanclRl re- with regard to this proposal. consin—about the dvll righto Today in History UNUSUAL PATIENT restored by clearly demonstrated popu- Ward by margins up to 14 to 1. third in this conservative and aponsibillty we anticipate for Why does this extremist proposal sin- Last ’Tue.sdey in this test-tube Republican district, far behind bill. next year. The above recom- SALT LAKE CITY, Utah lar demand, their particular beer soon IZM Nswspapsr PiibiUhsrs (AP) — LaCynda Wilson has gle out the opening day o f tho World’s ward, segregratlonist Wallace Byrnes and Reynolds. Syndicate By The Associated Press ferson Memorial In Washing- mendation results from a ra- decided again that its main product captured 29 per cent of the vote Today is Monday, April 13, ton. ttier thorough study covering the distinction of being the only by famous Fair for ita dangerous demonstration T As an immediate result of baby ever bora in Salt Lake ought to be beer, not comedy. —about the highest proportion Wisconsin, some politicians in the 104th day of 1964. There are Ten Years Ago the iraxt four or five years that Is it because the Fair Itself has prac- Australian Prime Minlater Veterans Administration Horol- And we thought we had noticed, ^ y for him anywhere in the state. both parties are starting one of 262 days left in the year. hkhcates an ever incraasing ticed discrimination in its employment ’That is one of three key sta- Herald Today’s Highlight in History: Robert Menzies announced that tal. dad and by gum, that the new Miss those agonizing searches for a mill rsute." of personnel? Is it because the Fair, tistics In the ominous returns “safe” position on the civil On this date in 1830, Presi- Soviet Embassy official Vladi- The communication went on Ronald F. Wilson was rush- Rhelngold might be as good a looker as dent Andrew Jackson offered a mir Petrov had been granted ing his wife to LDS hosidtal for when open, is going to refuse to servo from Wisconsin’s Presidential righta question. But for moat Yesterdays to say, "Recognizing our own Stearns & Foster any of her predecessors, but that we primary. No matter what they the die is already cast. toast that was to live in his- political asylum after disclos- the birth of their second child or admit everybody everywhere? Is It ing the existence of a. Soviet riectitre reaponelbillty and the when he realised he wouldn’t weren’t getting any looks at her, after may be saying for the record. 25 Yean tory. A South Carolina states because Mr. Moses is a bigot? Is it be- Democratic politicians are pain- Example: Rep. Rogers Mor- Ago right group had planned a din- spy ring in Australia. Usnltations of the townspeople have time to make it. So he her election. ton, a freshman ^publican to accept a substantial tax bur- cause any of the nations exhibiting at the fully aware of it. state Oonvsntion of Daugh- ner ostensibly to honor Thesnas drove up to the VA facility, We had already begun wondering ’They privately admit that a from Maryland’s arch-conserva- Jefferson, but really to em- dwi, we believe that every ef- where resident doctors de- Fair are guilty of prejudice at homo ? tive Ekutem Shore, now fears ters of Union Veterans of the fort must be made to keep our whether the new Miss Rheingold, who- great many of the voters now GIvU War meets in Manches- barrass Jackson. But "Old livered the seven pound, one Tho answer to all these questions la that Wallace may carry his dis- mill rate for 1964-1966 at 48 ounce girl — a task not In line ever she was, might not be the end of reacting with the greatest hos- tsr. Hickory’’ was ready for th« oc- MAX MILLER negativa tility—or fear— toward the Ne- trict in the Maryland primary. casion with his toast, "Our Fed- Poet’s Corner mllilB.’ ’ with their usual work. the line. ’There la not much he can do WsUs Btrlekland named head The only reason the World’s Fair gro revolution are hereditary of committee to plan recon- eral Union. It must be pre- Now we are really wondering what it about It. served.’’ would be made a target would be that eons o f the Democratic party struction of Buckingham Oon- Automations ..w h e n Twins cost no more, than one! must be like, to think that maybe you’re who still swear by FDR. Those Example: Rep. William Mc- Oa ’This Date there would be a log of people on the Culloch, the esteemed Republi- grsgational Church. It’s a changing world we llvfl to. the last Miss Rhelngold. In the 14th Ward are highly- In 1743, President ’Thomas Researching automations. roads that day. The evils the demon- can leader of the House Judi- skilled middle-income workers, Jefferson, was bom In Albe- We have so little now to do, strators would be demonstrating against We suppose there may be some con- many of whom own their own ciary Committee, Is encounter- 10 Yean Ago marle County, Va. solation, in one explanation of why ing political trouble back home ’There’s need for few vacatlooe. are, by their own argun»ent, alleged to homes. Harold M. Rssd, aMtotant In ISIS, the United States Madison Ave. is veering away from These neophyte Wallace vot- in Ohio because o f his leading flag aa finally approved by 2 B O X SPRIN GS-2 M A TTRESSES exist in the New York City school sys- role In winning House passage caahisT at Pfaosnix Stats The art is most forgotten, using the specific individual to sell a ers fear the threat of a Negro Oongreas was first raised over tem, in its Board of Education, in the of tite civil righto bill. Bank and Trust Co., notoa 60th To manually open doora. invasion of their all-white neigh- the Itouse of Representatives. A step or two now does it, employment practices in Its building specific product It seems that there is borhoods from heavily Negro & t these Republicans have year ia banking. In U91, the National Society Mothera of John M at her On a panel built in floors. trades, in the whole American society. a touch of race consciousness at the bot- areas In the adjacent Fifth Con- one Important political asset of the Oolenlal Dames of Amer- O F M A N C H E S T E R greMionkl District, along Mil- To capitalise on the white back- Chapter ofDeMolay bogra fern ica was incorporated. The only particular way the Fair is in- tom of it all. Select an individual, and Kitchen tools are modernized,' waukee’s North Shore. lash against civil righto, their Mothera’ Circle. In 1941, German forces oc- you must necessarily also select a cer- With whistle, bell and buzzer. volved la that it promises to create a The second key statistic is Democratic oppmunto will be re- Manoheater Civil Ahr Patrol cupied Yugoalavla’a Qapital, W®wd which such a demonstration tain texture of skin, a certain tint of found in the Republican mburb quired to repudiate President Squadron dropa from state drill Bblgi%de. Ail .we do is wait for sound. ANDOVER 100. First one and then the oth er.. might make its own captive. hair, a certain style of beauty. But you of Shorewood, hi the Fifth Dis- Johnson and the President’s conspstition; local boys in need In 1948, President Franklin want to sell your product to all kinds of trict. Its two most Republican flat commitment to a strong of regulation dreaa untforau. Roosasrelt dedicated the Jef- Those wAo want to press this opening Walking days are over. GOOD . . . Mattresses with 152-coil innerspring units (equiva- day formula make no bones about the people, and you certainly don’t want Only p r a o t i^ now by few, ' any particular class or race of people to For most of uz own motor-Aws, lent to 209 coils in a full size mattress) provide MEDIUM possibility that they might oreaU a lot sleeping surface. Exclusive Insulo quilted cotton insulation think that you aro doing anything And those that,don’t own Iwo. of serious trouble. Have legs attached to any of the twin bedding over springs, 100% quilted cotton upholstery keeps felt from srhich discriminates a g a i^ t them. They admit they are risking trouble, Wa’ve cast away the piow • To m t t t ir t sccorscy, our described to the right so you can use them as shifting. No-sag Seat Edges. Good for youngsters’ rooms and to fact, they ask for trouble. W e’ve always liked Miss Rhelngold, Fischetti scoop. skilled Registered Phar- Beds. Prices include 12 legs, attached, for beds at your cottage. 2 box springs and 2 mattresses, $100. They ask for trouble because they be- whoever she was. W e’re not sure, these Foe gas empowered blorieni. ; ready to use! A Keve, or like to beUeve, that blood must days, whether that proves our tolerance, And lawns today are oared for, MSMists double-check each By gee empowered m o v s(tM . be shed and lives lost before racial revo- or our ikck o f it. ANDOVEUl - 2 box springes, 2 mattresses, 12 legs .. 109. eoaspoanding step of » p * t y ESSEK - 2 box springs, 2 mattresses, 12 legs...... 139. lution can be acoomplished. Now, a few.more automaAtonk REJGENCY - 2 box springs, 2 mattresses, 12 legs . . 169. Let us hope that all those who are Border-to-Border Legislating Controlled by sound and toucni pcescripdon. Oar ample dedlcate4 to this revolution and who still And we’U all be about aa uae- For the eleventh time since 1M5. the leas. •ideks permit ns to fill even retain the oonviction that It not only ca i Legislature is putting through an in- As a cHpple’a broken Otuieh. , ESSEX 129. the most complex pre- but must be operated with some respect crease in the teacher qiinlmums. The I ' fbr the lives to ivhich it would bring base salary vimuld rise 8500, to 850(M P. F. Mlelaner, i scription withont delay. BETTER . . . Choose Essex outfits if you like MEDIUM FIRM- equality— let us hope that these prove a a year. Directly affected would be only 34 Trotter St„ NESS. They’re made with 160-coil weight-balanced innerspring those communities that pay less than Menohaster, Ooiih. And oar prices are always treneRdous majority. 85000 now. But Indirectly, every pub- units (equivalent to 220 coils in a full size mattress), Insulo ^Uc school system in the state would be Cafe. Try as next dmel quilted cotton insulation over spring unit, 100% cotton quilted Involved. The spread between beginners Two-m-One! felt and famous Seat Edges that stay firm and trim ; beds look Hi« strength In Numbere and experienced teachers would have to A Thought for Todaj VISIT OUR NEW neater. Tw o‘box springs and two mattresses for $129. be maintained by raising the senior The good people o f Canada are un- Sponsored by fiM 1 levels, too. And communities that choose It’a an Eclipse Innerbed . . . a sofa by UQUOR DEPT. easy and apprehensive over the fact that, to pay tho price for superior quality Comsell o ( day . . . an extra bed by night. It ia so •s of April 1, their government began would have to pay more to keep ahead Hating all tha wage earners among them of the competition in the teacher market "Happy a the man who hg9 well designed and comfortable for sit^ Tliere is the rub. ’The Legislature, oe- not by number, pretty much the same way >t walked to tthe h t counsel______of ting aa a sofa, no one would ever ^ e s s tensibly to raise the lowest-paid bracket wicked nor stood in tho way3 it’s duo-purpose, /e t, equipped with the we Americans have nodal security num- and assure a modicum of quality teach- the sinner nor eat in ttM ing there, actually bestows benefits and exclusive Relax-a-bed construction that This is the way to furnish a Colonial room in- REGENCY 159. bers. of the scornful." (Pealma 1: expensively with maple beds and new bedding! Canada, too, finds that giving num- Imposes cost burdens where they may There are many aveoiito adjusts to a contour position for read- be nrither deserved nor tolerable. . . . S BEST . . . Best quality of all for those who like FIRM Bedding. happiness.------Om of them------Is avoig-/olg- ing or watching TV, the famous Eclipse Choose any of the twin outfits described to the, bsrs to Its wage aamqrs, srho total Tho p ^ t Is that all local situations The 168-coil weight-balanced innerspring unit of heavy gauge aoBM *,600,(MO people, is the only re- are not alike, living costs, for example, ance of tho "w roog erawd.” t i t f Innerspring mattress gives guests com- right, plus two of these handsomely styled bunnlng of*’peopIs whose bSr wire (equivalent to 252 coils in full sire mattress) is insulated Habls way to keep social insurance rec- are hardly the same in all Massachu- plete relaxing and sleeping comfort. The spindle beds at prices listed below: setts’ S51 oltles and towns. A teacher havlor to improper and antt- with exclusive quilted Insulo. All the upholstery cotton is also ords aeourats and unoonfused. feather-like plastic sofa shown is $219. paid leas in one town can live and Mrve soctoL ^ e r e to nothing tb it M iller's ^ ANDOVER - 2 box springs, 2 mattresses, 2 beds . .169. quilted to prevent lumping. Seat Edges keep sides trim and ' But tho Canadian people, being new can give a person groatw sa^ Others start at $199.60. See them at BSBBPC - 2 box spring, 3 mattresses, 2 bed s ...... 199. as well as a teacher paid more in an- neat. Two Imx springs, two mattresses for $159. la thio Idea, and perhaps bring alerted othw. Tlia state too seldom recognizee tofaction than the knowladi^ Watkina, tomorrow. REiOBNCY - 3 box spring, 3 mattressM, 3 bods .. .339. the Immense divaraity it is up against that hto aaaoolation to with pe6- Pharm acy (|qf^ soma kaowladga a f hew the mtasbam pto of integrity and of hijjfr ^toEbalna psaiFMaed la. aosM ether aoun- when It trtaa to legislate from border V AST MWFBf dSME ATlM/rr 3MSM9 to border on essentially local aaattera. noral and ethtorii atandarda, r 109 CMtlBN ROAD in ^ N . cfftanmutcMLOtinstam* lUbM Loon Wind, PlMma $4t.4184 1 i % MANCHJSiiTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964

KAIWHBSreR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 their final "Know Tour Town" ■Idridge St., was fined $50 for to drive in an estabHrtied lone; and having a defective muffler; South Windsor meeting tonight at 9 p.m. at 12th Circuit breach of ths peace. The charge Raymond Robichaud, 36, of 405 and Wallace Hirt, 28, Stofford- day nlghL Khniehchev da- the Wood Momorua Library. stemmed from a recent family N. Main St., $25, failure to ville, for epeedlng, with both nounced tha Chinese as "split- more uian wu t i - Main Street. disturbance. drive to the right; William coses continued for jury trials HEALTH C A m U S Nikita on TV tles which Soviet Ideologlet Mik- G)urt Cases Other ceee dlspoeitions by Meyers, 35, of 123 Brett

1)1.' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDi^Y, APRIL 18. 1984 PAGE insjf MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1984 overs in an attempt to embtr- Coventry; Mrs. Edna Kastaus- solemn Mass of requiem at SS. rass President Johneon. kas, 4 Minus Court; Mrs. Rqse Forgot to Duck Andover Cyril and Methodius Church, Bolton Rights Battle Enters Sen. Roman L. Hruaka,* R- 3 Motorists Leonard, 867 E. Middle Tpke.; Obituary at 16. Burial will be In Rofs Neb., who aleo supports passage Anthony imd Deborah Pala- Michael Bleu, 6, of Thrall Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. of a Mil, said the Wallace vote FaceG>unts dino, Wethersfield; Kenneth Rd., Vernon, learned a valu- Local Woman Friends mfy oall at the fu- Four Churches Sponsor In Wlsconetn waa In no way rel- Parker, East Hartford; Mrs. able lesson yMterday: When A. Harry Prasaeu neral heme tomorrow from 7 to Sixth Week in Senate evant to Nebraska And would Priscilla Suitor, Coventry; Syn- shooting a boomerang — BLLINOTON -- A. Harry t pjn. have no effect on the election ThTM motorist* were arrest- Uiia and Kathleen White, 68 duck! Talk hy Catholic OHtcial there. Seeking Post Dreesen, 67, of Mansfield Cen- tram Page Oaa) used an old political tactic by WORLD GRtt ed, ^ tcT drivinf while un- Morton Rd.; Mrs. Wilhelmina Michael didn't, and the ter, brother of Mra Herman ( Sen. Quentin H. Burdick, D- boomerang came back and casting himself as underdog and der the Influence of liquor, In DeOormier, 132 Baldwin Rd. Dahl of Main S t, died yester. N.D., a coeponsor of the pend- BIRTHS SATURDAY; A bopped him on the back of Mrs. WUliam J. Kowalski, R t The four Bolton churches areVsele ta being planned for able and thus can bring about a forecasting he would get a small ing bill, ‘ wasn't sure whether three Mperate motor vehicle ' day at Windham Community Fnnerals daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Net the head. 6, a member of the Andover sponsoring an Interfalth most' April 24. test of eentiment by forcing sen- vote so that any other outcome hie stand would lose him votes Boaid of Education, has an- i Memorial Hospital. DIscutaion group IV will atom to take a stand. I' craahes . over the weekend. ton Caron. 107 Eldridge St.; a The boy was taken to the Ing Friday at 8 p.m. in Fellow would be regarded as startling. in North Dakota. Seven persons received In- nounced that she will be a can- I He Is survived by two daugh- Richard J . Carlin mMt at tha horns of Mra. Wil- WASHmOTON (AP) — Nine "I doubt wTiether a civil rights daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ber' emergency room at Manches- ters and five grandchildren. Blip Hall of United Methodist " I doubt it very much, al- it juries, one Hartford woman ter Memorial Hospital about didate for the Regional School Funeral services for' Richard liam Hoch', Hsadss Rd., An- aenatora up for election this advocate will lose votes," Wil- though It’e poselble," he said. nard Ibompson, 116 Hemlock I Funeral services will be held J . Carlin of 45 Lenox Bt. were Oiurch. it. was hoqiltallzed, and consider- 6:30 p.m., where he was Board at the May 2 annual dover, tomorrow at I p.m. year in states outside the South liams said. "This ia not an is- Sen. Henry Jackaon, D-Waeh., St. budget meeting. She said that i tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the First held Saturday afternoon at The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis Tha Holy Name fisciaty will able vehicular damage was re- BIRTHS YE5STERDAY: A treated for a scalp laceration, J. FA2MUaro, vlct chancellor of agreed generally today that civ- sue on which people are now ■aid that while Tacoma, Wash., ported by police. if elected she would resign her ' Church of Christ Congregatlon- Holmes Funeral Home, 400 have a dinner meeting April il rights ia not a prime issue in son to Mr. and Mrs. Terry given a tetanus shot, and was I the Archdiocese of Hartford. just making up their minds. The voters turned down an open Joseph P. Maloy, 28, Hart- discharged. post on the local board which al, Mansfield. The Rev, Arthur Main Bt. The Rev. Melvin Peter- 20. Reeenretiona for tne epa- their contests. national consensus is and has housing ( to 1, they ford, was charged with operat- DTtalia, 281 Spruce St. runs to July 1, 1965. J. Fitzgerald, pastor, will offi- son of Emanuel Lutheran wUl ^ a k on the ecumenical hettl supper must be made Since Alabama’s segregation- BIRTHS TODAY: A son to been clearly In favor of hewing elected a mayor and others who EVERY ing a motor vehicle while un- The regional board term of of- ciate. Burial will be in the Church ofriciated. Warren council, wihlch he attended. y Friday with Ray Cdcconl, M r and Mrs. Norman Boisvert, ist Gov. George C. Wallace to the eubstancea of our Bill of supported the ordinance. He der the influence of liquor. He fice is for three years. Mrs. Win- Mansfield Center Cemetery. Stephans was sololsL and Wal- Mogr. Faxzalaro Is secretary gJames Tonsr or Anthony Ar- ■bowed unexpected strength In Rights. I do not think opinions said his state already baa fair was Involved In a two-car rear- Ecuit Hartford. ston O. Abbott has held the posi- There will be no calling hours. ter' Grayb, organisL Burial was to Archbishop Henry J. O'Brien men tsno. the April 7 Wisconsin primary, DISCHARGED SATURDAY: are likely to be swayed by poli- employment practicea and pub- end collt.sion Saturday at 11:46 Events. tion since July l, 1961, but is The Potter Funeral Home, 466 In East Cemetery. and was appointed expert con- Junior chdir membere of I t * politicians have been trying to tical events between now and lic accommodations laws more p.m. at E. Center St. and Good- Doris Hutchinson, Hebron; not a candidate for re-election. Jackson S t, Willimantic, is In Bearers were Roger Hence, sultant for the Second Vatican Oeorga’B Epieeopai Chur eh I WED. calculate the depth of possible November.” stringent then the provisione in win St. Ext. He was released Cynthia Wahnquist, 270 Au The two other Rham board charge of arrangements. Phillip Hence, Robert Hills, Council. In 1960 he was named yesterday attsnded the annual turn St.; Mrs. Ruth Stewart, white resentment to the pace of Sen. Winston L. Prouty, R-Vt. the House bill. after posting a $600 bond and In State members are James D. Foran John Drew, Francis Santy and domestic prelate by Pope John service of presentation of Uis racial Ihtegration. said he doesn’t think Wallace’s Sen. Hiram L. Fong, R-Ha- was ordered to appear In Cir- Wapping; Thomas Weir, 117 and Imodale Richards whose Antonio Clementlao Albert Schbles Jr. 0pm Summer St.; Mrs. Rose Step- xxra. diocesan church niis- Wallace said he ran in Wis- showing will have any appreci- wail, said he thinks his support cuit Court 12, Manchester, April terms still have two yearr and Antonio Clementino, 78, of He was educated in Meriden •lonary offerring at Christ consin to demonstrate opposi- able Impact on. New England of the civil rights MU will have 77. ule. East Hartford; Laurie (Continned from Page One) one year respectively to run. Ibomas J. Ferguson W«4hiMdciy. Ruff, ’Thompsonvllle; Craig Hartford, father of Michael J. schools, St. Thomas Seminary Churoh Cathedral, Hartfotd. tion to the House-passed civil contests. "no Influence whatsoever" on Miss Lorraine Steele, 20, Talk on Junior High Clementino of 20 Westminster Funeral services for Thomas rights Mil now pending in the "But I think everyone, no Thursday Austin, 709 Main St.; Mrs. Ce- muald J. Zielinski of Trumbull. In Bloomfield, St, Bernard’s Holly Gorton presented the Of- his race In Hawaii. Hartford, a piwsenger In the People interested In the pro- Rd. and Joseph V. Clementino, J . Ferguson of 208 Main St. fering from the churoh. Mem- Senate. matter what his persuasion on Maloy car, received a head in celia DeVaux, 801 Main St.; were held Saturday afternoon Seminary In Rochester, N.Y., FRIDAY Both are Republicans and their gram of junior high schools are who is comptroller of the Town and the Catholic University of bem attending were Marilyn But interviews with nine po- civil rights, was amazed by the Jury and was taken by am^ Gregofy Frelman, 9 Trotter of Manchester, died Saturday at at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Rail Profits Up ond St.; John DiCloccio, 20 Fulton present terms run until 1968. reminded of the talk tonight by America, from which he re- Bay, Kenyon Danielson end tential senatorial candidates— Wallace vote,” Prouty said. hulance to St. Francis Hos Professor William T. Gruhn at St. Francis Hospital, Hartford. Main St. The Rev. aifford O. five Democrats and four Repub- "Conceivably it might persuade pital at Hartford. A hospital Rd.; Sandra Jones, RFD 3, However, if the congressional Simpson, pastor of Center Con- ceived his doctoral degree In Martha-Jean Danielson, aocotn- New York—Net Income of SATURDAY Rockville; Mrs. Rosalie Zemai- 8 p.m. In the elementary school. He is survived by his wife, panted by Richard Danielaon. licans—indicated most of them some who had not considered major railroads in the United spokesman today said that the district at large is aboUshed in three other sq m, three* daugh- rreM tkmal Church, officiated. canon law in 1949. TILL tls, Hartford; Mrs. Hulda The talk la sponsored by the An- Tha Woman of SL Oeorgc’i think Wallace’s 26 per rent of amendments to think again." States rose to $628 million last girl Is In good condition and is favor of a new sixth district, dover Information Committee ters, twenty-Uitee grandchil- Burial was in Grove HUi Ceme- A question and answer period the total primary vote proved Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo., expected to be released tomor' Magnuson, 27A Bluefleld Dr.; tery, Rockville. will follow the talk. will hold a workahop tomor- year from $671 million in 1962. 9 P.M. Mrs. Cora Brown, 116 Oxford Goldenthal apparently could not and is open to all. dren and five great-grandchil- little. If anything. who favors passage of some row. qualify as a commissioner from dren. Bearers were friends of the Members of United Method- row at 8 p.m. at tha pariah Tax-deferral beneflta are chief- St.; Judy Hubbard, 149 Walk- Gruhn is a specialist In this Taking a different tack from form of civil rights bill, was ly responsible, and further mod- The accident occurred when the sixth district. He lives In "intermediate" field of sec- ■The funeral wUl be held to- family. ist, St. George's Elpiscopsi, and hall. Mrs. Frank Barry is In er St.; Kathleen Procton 34 charge of refreahmenta. some of his colleagues. Sen. asked if he believes he might erate profit gaina are expected George S. Wales, 80, of 91 Good West Hartford which remains ondary education. Before com- morrow at 9:16 a.m. frwn the Bolton Congregational Church- Kenneth B. Keating, R-N.Y., lose votes in Missouri by his po- win St., eastbound, slowed to al- Hillcrest Dr., Vernon; J6hn Mrs. Zlgmnnd Borejko The churoh school teaohem this year. Irwin, 48 Delmont St,; Mrs. in the first congressional dis- ing to the University of Con- D’Esopo Funeral Chape), 286 are Invited to attend. Refresh- ■aid It was "utterly Immaterial" sition. low another vehicle to make a trict and according to law such Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, TTie’ funeral of Mrs. Nellie will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. Elizabeth Abrahamson, 41 Or- necticut In 1940 he taught social ments will be served. to him whether his advocacy of "I wouldn’t think so,” he re- SWISS SALES SYSTEM left turn. Maloy was unable to commissioners must legally re- studies and was later principal with a solemn high Mass of Borejko of 11 MoCann Dr. was at the home of Mra. lyevor civil rights legislation would plied. stop and crashed Into the Wales chard St., Rockville; Mrs, Fiorl Art Club Show Ledger-Thomaa on Notch Rd. GENEVA, SwlUerland (AP)— TopuSm side in the districts they repre- in Aberdeen, South Dakota for , requiem at St. Patrick and St. held this morning from the cost him votes In New York Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., vehicle, police said. Maloy re- Leone, 374 Vernon St.; Juan The fimt annual show of the with Mrs. Robert Gorton, super- Department Store sales in Swit- Gomez, 72 Seaman Circle; Mrs. sent. 11 years. In 1969 he was on Anthony Church, Hartford, at John F. ‘nem ey Funeral Home, Bolton Art Club will be held State areas. said he does not think the Wal- \ I) (’ I K / TUESDAY and portedly then tried to back up Commissioner Zielinski, now 110. Burial will be In ML St. intendent and tha Rev. Edward zerland are government - con- Kit hit a tree Just before po- Catherine Reg;an, 16 Coleman leave from the university to 219 W. Center St., with a sol- April 29 at the Community "This Is a matter of moral lace showing would indicate any trolled, with only two allowed V A* , A p P K 1 [ r sb vT represenU the Fourth (Fairfield study junior high schools In 16 Benedict’s Cemetery, Bloom- emn high Mass of requiem at Hall from 1 to 8 p.m. Walter Johnson, vicar. principle,” he said. "I don't, loss of votes for the bill's back- lice arrived at the scene Rd.; Richard Jackman, 583 field. Congregational Netee each year. For two weeks, dur- WEDNESDAY Hartford Rd.; Mrs. Virginia County) District. Under the re- different states. the Churoh of the Assumption. Karsky, chairman of the event, know if I would lose votes be- ers. He was surprised, he said, Maloy was unhurt; Wales re districtlng plan, his home town Friends may call at the fu- The executive board and build- ing each period, the merchan- ceived a wdilplash injury but Queen, East Hartford; Laurie Woodward Hill Accident TTie Rev. Ernest Coppe was will be assisted by Mr. and Mr.*. cause of my civil rights stand. I that anybody called the Wallace dise, being moved to make Ellis, Thompsonvllle; Mrs. would be shifted to a revamped A Massachusetts man was ar- neral home tonight from 7 to 9. celebranL aesieted by the Rev. Carl A. Carlson, Mrs. Helen ing committee of Bolton Con- I have no knowledge about that showing a segregationist vic- did not require medical care, fifth district where the unem- room for new inventories. Is police said. The Maloy vehicle Esther Dorsey, Coventry; rested yesterday after his car John O. Regan, deacon, and the Mozzer and Miss Grace Tedford, gregational Churoh will meet and no Interest.” I tory. He said he attached no slg- marked down from about 10 per SPECIALS Frank Santoro, Hartford; Ray- ployment commissioner is J. flipped over on Woodward Hill Mrs. WUllam Brand Rev. Joseph H. MIoOann,. sub- club president. together tonight at 8. The board Sen. Harrison A. William* J r . . ; nificance to It since he believed cent to 60 per cent. All other had to be towed away with Gregory Lunch of Waterbury. COLUMBIA — Mrs. Martha moderate damage. mond Johnson, 253 E. Center (RL 87). deeeon. Paul CheUat was or- Only membem of the art club of deacons will meet at 6 and D-N.J., said he thinks Wallace I it was due in part to GOP cross- types of sales are )>anned. Leo Mltterholzer, 63, of Cov- St.; Mrs. Irene Stickels, 18 Antonio Pires, 66, of Ludlow David Brand. 69, of^ Columbia, the pastoral committee at 7:80 725 Middl« Turnpikt East wife of William Brand, died ganist and soloist. Burial was may submit paintings and craft entry, shortly before 7 o’clock Bretton Rd.; Carl Gebhardt, Lycoming Strike Ends was charged with following too In St. James’ Cemetery. Father work. Members are limited to tonight also. Saturday night was charged 160 Bissell St.; Mrs. Madelyn closely. He and another passen- yesterday at the Windham The rellgloua eduoation board IN MANCHESTER STRATFORD (AP)—The Ly- Community Memorial Hospital. Ooppa read the committal ser- three pieces. The most popular with driving while under the in- Miller, East Hartford; Mrs. coming DlvlMon of AVOO COrp. ger were taken to Windham vice. picture and craft work will be will meet tomorrow at 7;60 p.m. Margaret Cieszynski, 288 City Hospital with bruises. She was bom In Germany on The Pilgrim Fellowahip will fluence of liquor, posted a $500 returned to producing apace Jan. 28. 1699. Bearers were Jean Oolavec- selected by a vote of those at- bond, and had the case set down Green Rd.; Myron Lee, RFD 1, hardware with a full force to- Police said Pires was follow- tending the ahow. serve a spaghetti supper April Manchester; Mrs. Grace Ward, ing another car down the hill Besides her husband, she Is ohlo, Joseph Mietretta, Joseph for court appearance April 27. day after the settlement of a Peck, Paul Peek, Oarence The picture of the month, 24. Mltterholaer was cited follow- 438 W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Ida when the car slowed down. Pires survived by two sons, Alfred Homemakera Meet wed(-k>ng strike. Brand of Columbia and Dr. Lewie and Waiter Anderws. chosen by the club at Its meet- Flames destroy outbuildingSt house was saved. (Herald photo by Freeman.) ing a police Investigation of a Parkinson, Carpenter Rd., Bol- swerved to the right into a s t ^ ing Thuraday, la "Summer Or- Bolton Homemakers will at- EXTRA ton; Mrs. Arlene Gronskl and Acceptance of a new three- bank to avoid a collision and Theodore Brand of Longmea- ■ m ------two-car crash at Oakland and year contract was voted yester- dow, Maas.: two brothers, chard" by Myrtle Carlson. It tend a meeting on window Minute Steaks daughter, Tolland; Mrs. Donna tipped over. Trooper Thomas sulted. Chief Masaollnl directed N. School Sts. In which, police day by the two United Automo- Adolph David of New York will be hung in the library. treatment at Tolland Agricul- nil nn said, he sideswlped a northbound Loftus and son. South Windsor; Gauthier of the Colchester Troop tural Center Thumday at - ID operations at the scene. Firemen Battle SELECT Mrs. Jeanette Saches and son, bile worker’s locals that began InvesUgated. Pires wUl appear City and Karl David of Florida; Women’s Holy Hour Bolton vehicle driven by Ernest A. the walkout last Monday. three sisters in Germany and The St. Maurice Church a m. Mra. Betty Lewis and Mrs. No estimate of damages was Read, 64, of Rockville, causing Storrs; Mrs. Elizabeth Aubin In Circuit Court 12, Manchester. The Camille Mickewicz are leaders. Local 1010, which has 4,100 May 4. six grandchildren. Council of Catholic Women will available Saturday, and Chief Six Grass Fires CHOICE extensive damage to both cars, and daughter. South Windsor; Commission Meeting Massollni did not determine the Mrs. Helene Wells and son, EH- members, ratified the agree- Private graveside services conduct their annual holy hour which were towed away. No one ‘Carousel’ WeU Attended tonight from 8 to 9 followed by The planning commiaalon will Barns Burn cause of the blaze, which started lington. ment, 1,672 to 396, while Local Many Andover people attend- were held this afternoon la the Doctor Says No property damage was re- TENDER was hurt in the accident, police 376, which represeMs 660 white West SL Cemetery, Columbia. a business meeting. Refresh meet tonight at 8 In the confer- as a grass fire. However, sev- ported in six weekend grass ) said. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: ed the musical "Carousel’’ at eral boys reported that some Mrs. Pearl McIntosh, 82 Wash- collar workers,.. accepted It The Rev. William R. Belury. ments will be served by M rs.' ence room of the town offices. and brush fires which occurred -Both Mltterholzer and Maloy Rham theater Saturday, pre- William Houle, chairman, a.*- i —------Fire Perils children playing with oil in the '! U nil 99 ington St.; Mrs. Mary Peter- unanimously, according to busi- sented by the Podium Players, rector of St. Paul’s Enlscopal By Waj-ne G, Brandstadt, M. D. throughout town. 1 submitted to blood testa by Dr. ness agent John Monahan. Mon- Church. Willimantic, officiated. Q. How can I fade dark aiated by Mra. Paaquale Cafro,' Manchester Evening Herald area might have caused the fire. Nicholas MarzialO/ and the sam- sen, Hartford; Carol Poliansky, and enjoyed a stimulating eve- Mra. Courtney Tucker and Mrs. i Bolton correspondent, Cleme- Eighth District volonteem Coventry; Elenor Wilson, 27 ahan said about 76 per cent of ning of good entertainment. The family suggests that me-1 blotches cm my skin? How can Wooded Site Heat from the large barn, were called out Saturday at FOR YOUR ples. to determine weight of al-. the membership of Local 876 morial contributions may be' I whiten my skin? Roland Massey. A rummage well Young, telephone 648-8981. which burned fiercely, hamper- cohol in blood, were forwarded Brainard Pl.^ Mrs. Irene Ma- The scenery was designed by 1:23 p.m. to put out a grass reu, Willimantic; Lester Har- took part in the vote. Gordon MacD HARTFORD (AP) — A $6(X) southeast across the Montsma chester six years ago. She was OT to a Norwelgan Antarctic ville: Kyle Zimmer, Wapping; and Wyoming Rockies. Expedition. flighu. Mrs. Margaret Livingstone, son who is^ gracious, pleasant, scholarship offered by the Con- a member of SS. Cyril and REACHES ^ A K E ISLAND and who is obviously enjoying necticut Opera Guild hfi« been Swiss and Danish Animal So- TOMATOES Wethersfield; Roger Killcolllns, Methodius Church, and the WAKE l ^ N D (A P)_Jerrle PALLS, m i-tg TOT life and finding It good. won by Marylyn Mulvay, 21, of FmeuU P ain D ental? Polish Natioosl AlUanoe, Group ciattea contributed to their food Mock of Oilumbus, Ohio, ia pre- AAARL.OW’S 218 Spruco SL; Roswell Crane, 0 gat dtalsr All rights reserved hUl,- but Individual dog-lovers GUILFORD (AP) - The col- For rongt, sot your or •1 Baldwin J t d. Middletown. Miss Muivsy, a ioe 466, both la Hartford. **» to Honolulu—the lapee of a wall of concrete Loagleg ADMZTTBD TODAY: Mm. Newspaper Enterprise Assn. prano, was the unanimous London—Vague facial pains She is survived by one daugh* who offered them homes had to next stop in her bid to become panty, "FIRST FOR EVERYTHINQ SINOE lill!" choice of the judges in the com- in people with heavily restored be discouraged because a the fine woman to fly solo blocks on a neighbor's .proper- THE HARTFORD GAS COMPANY Blaine O’Meara, Wapping; John MORE COAL ON LAKES ter, Mra. Adam Wltkowaki of ty klUed a four-yaar-eld girl 14.91 Botyra, Waiting; Mrs. Martha petition yesterday. The prise teeth may he caused by ex- Mknehester, and one grand- ■mkesman said, "Huskies are around che world. Downtown MaaelMater A t OM Main Straot 233 Pearl Street, Hartford 249-1331 Cleveland—Great Lakes ship- includes a role In one of the posed dentin, or pulp or tooth- child. / almost wild animals and can be She arrived here Sunday after yeate^y, poUct aaid. Tha vlc- Drury, 100 Foster St.; Mark ments of bituminous coal last handled only by experts. Furth- w,?' Anne Deaalta waa Whltford, 277 Highland St.; guild’s productions next season. nerve trouble, reports Dr. Eric The funeral will he held M llH-uour flight from Guam 0 OPEN • DAYS—THURSDAY till • PJM. 687 Main Street, Mancheiter 649-4503 year rose to 81,426,707 net tons The runners-up, Eajt^r Heins, K. Joseph, a British denUI sci- ar'hnore, the eort of climate About 6(» peraona at thU mld- Wt on ths head whan a portion ICrs.___ Leona „ Gone, « 8 , George Dr., 46.964,329 tons In 1982 and Wednesday at 9:16 a-m. from they are used to can only ba and Mary Forier, 19, both of entist. Diagnosis is difflclut, he the Rose HIU Funeral Home. l^clflc taland greeted her uM ^*H.**''*'*®®***‘*ii**-***1 tumbl- 0 Free Main Street and PnnieU FarUag y«mon; Mrs. Bernice O rocl^, were the highest since 1967. Hartford, received $360 awards. wgras. found on the heights of the ed, ■^Ih* cause <3 tlja .ooUapae B51m SL. Rocky Hill, w it^ a Jungtraujoch.” me stepped from her single-en- !• being In v ee^ ted , police 39 gine p1ai]p . •aid. M “I I

r- »


McGarvin-Huestis Morin-Gavello Burnham-Piescik Renewal Talk Sieverts-Dounorowtz Herman^Haugh The marriage of Mias Avard Off Tomorrow Miaa Patricia Ann Pieaeik of F Anne HueatU ot Brighton. Rockville became the bride of gt. Jamea’ Church was the Mass., and Manchester to Richard Spencer Burnham of Isccne Saturday of the wedding The meeting of the Manches- Michael E. McGarvln of Allston, Elaet Hartford ^tu rd ay at St. L{ Miss Joan Pauline Douno- ter Improvement Association, Maae., and Bennington, Vt., Joseph's Church, Rockville. Irowtz and George Rankin Bie- which was scheduled for tomor- took place Saturday at St The bride la the daughter of Iverts, both of Manchester. row nljght St tha Whiton Library James' Church. Mrs. Stephen Pieaeik of 226 I The bride is a daughter of Auditorium, has geen post- The bride is a daughter of I W. Main St. and the late Mr. Iwr end Mrs. Peter Dounorowta poned. Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Hueatls ot Pieaeik. The bridegroom is a lot 85 School S t The bridegroom William Skoneekl, president of 71 Vernon St. The bridegroom : son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Ilf a son of Mr. and Mrs. George the dormant North End dvic is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John I Burnham of East Hartford, 181®''®*'® W e s t S t group, said this morning that McCarvIn of Bennington. Vt. i The Rev. John Kozon per- Thb R®v. Joseph H. McCann he has set up meetings with The Rev. Joseph H. McCann, formed the double ring cere- nerformed the double ring carer officials of redevelopment proj- performed the double ring cere- mony and celebrated the nup- iBonv end celebrated the nuptial ects In other ares towns to mony. The altar was decorated i tlal high Maas. The altar was Mgh Me*®- Macca- obtain information on relocation with bmiquets of gladioli. decorated with bouquets of mne was the organist and solo- of families and squlsition of The bride, given In marriage I gladioli and potted palms. ist Bouquets of White gladioli their properties. by her father, wore a floor- ' Given in marriage bv her and sbasta pompons decorated Tomorrow night's meeting length gowTi of white silk chif- uncle. Valerian Blotnis'kl of altar. had been called to score "the Stop & Shop is first fon, designed with a scooped Rockville, tlic bride wore a Given In iriarrlage by her fa- evasiveness ot Manchester re- neckline, elbow-length sleeves, floor-length gown of silk bom- ther. the bride wore a floor- development officials in refus- and a full .skirt caught at the I bazine and Chantilly lace, de- lengib gown of chantilly lace, ing to enlighten North End with the season ’« first! waistline with a satin rase and signed with a Sabrina neckline, designed with a scalloped neck- property owners of the apprais- terminating in a chapel-length'' fitted bodice, long tapered line accented with sequins and ed value of their homes." train trimmed with satin bands. sleeves, and bouffant skirt of pearls, long tapered Edward Rybezyk, executive Her fingertip-length veil of il- tiered bombazine and lace that sleeves, and bell-shaped skirt director of the Manchester Re- 1964 CROP I A i i D lusion was attached to a crown terminated in a c.athcdral- that terminated in a chapel- development Agency, has re- of alencon lace and seed pearls, length train Her fingertip veil length train. Her elbow-length peatedly said that the flguree, and .she carried white orchids of silk illusion trimmed with ysii of silk illusion was attach- although on file, could not be CeiNiine Spring L f l l f I D and stephanotls on a prayer Chantilly lace was attached to a ,d to a tiered crown, and she book. releaeed untB the program has crown, and she carried a cas- carried white carnations on a been approved by the electors, Mrs. Daniel Renn of Yardley, cade boueuet of roses and white prayer book with ivy at a May 19 referendum, and Pa., sister of the bride, was stenhanotls. streamers. matron of honor. She wore a then by approval from Wadi- ?frs. .Stephen Pie.sclk Jr. of Miss Nancy Jane Dounorowta ington. street - length dress of aqua Rockville, .siKtcr-in-law of the ef Manchester, sister of the silk, a matching cabbage rose Skoneekl said that the meet- bride, was matron of honor. She bride, was maid of honor. Miss ings with other %rea officials headpiece with a circular face wore a floor-lcn'rth gown of Carol Ann Cejkowskl, Miss will give him "the true story CHOP SALE! veil, and she carried a nosegav nile green bououet taffeta, fash- Ksren Evanlskl, cousin of the of redevelopment." of pink sweetheart roses and ioned with a bateau neckline bride, both of Manchester, and mininfiirc carnations. trimmed with seed pearls, Mrs. Philip Pellerin of Hebron, William McGarvln of Ruther- three-ouartrif, length sleeves, cou.aln of the bride, were brides- ford, N.J., was be.st man for rnd a bel'-ah-'iv'fi ^ maids. Complexion Care his brother. Wilmot Walker of detachehle Watteau t»-aln. Her The attendants were all at- Boston. Mas.'., cou.sin of the headpiece wa.s a matching coro- tired in street-length dresses of Topic of Talk bride, and Dsniel F. Renn of net trimmed with seed pearls, eqiia organza, fashioned with Yardley. brother-in-law of the and she cairied a bououet of scooped necklines, three - quar- bride, were ushers. I green, ye'iow, pink and aqua Mrs. Barbara Sanzo of the The bride's mother wore a ; c a r n a t i o n s . tsrs-Iength sleeves, and sheath Merle Norman Studio of Man .street-length dress of gold .silk skirts with matching floor- Chester will give a demonstra- M'?s Sharon Burnham of length overskirts. Their head- with a floral hat. The bride- B.i.-t H artford, sister of th" Fallot photo tion and talk on complexion CHOPS groom's mother wore a two^ MRS. RAYMOND EDWARD MORIN Jr !’* ridegroom. Misi Gail King of pleoas were matching cabbage care and proper makeup for all Brmiford Bachrach photo piece dress of rose .«ilk. Taleo'tvlIIe and Miss Lorraine MRS. RICHARD SPENCER BURNHAM rose.s of organza with circular age groups at the meeting of Burisa Ifoas photo face veils, and they carried Early week special! MRS. MICHAEL E. McGARVIN A reception was held at The maiTiage of Miss Mkry■•■.rain. Matching shoulder - Biotnt.s’-^ of RockvMle. cousin of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth MRS. MICHAEL E. HERMAN Miller's Rests"rant. When leav- the bride, were bridesmaids. Burnham wore a three-piece cascade bouquets of yellow car- Sholom tomorrow at 12:80 p.m Depend on Stop & Shop ing on a motor trip to Vir- Jane Gavello to Raymond Eki- length veiling was arranged They were attired In gowns sim- gold wool suit, beige accessories nations and baby’s breath. A question and answer period from a large rose and ro.sebud Miss Julie B. Haugh of Man-^ard Dressier of Hartford served ginia. Mrs. McGarv'ln...... wore..... „a ward Morin Jr., both ot Man- ilar In style to the' honor at- and a green orchid corsage. The tuesday Rene Lustier of West Hart- will be held, and there vrill be Chester and Michael E. Herman as best man. for top quality meats! yellow silk dress, beige coat I cheater, was solemnized Satur- headpiece, and she carried a tendant's but in pink, aqua and couple will live at 224 W. Main ftmd served as best man. Ush- one hour of free beauty counsel- and cocoa brown accessories bouquet of pink carnations and of Hartford were united In mar- Mrs. Herman is a 1959 gradu- day morning at Bt. James’ yellow with matchin.g head- St., Rockville. ers were Pster Sieverts of Man- ing. riage yesterday. The ceremony The couple will live at 67 lilies-of-the-vailey. The brides- pieces, and osrried identical Mrs. Burnham is a graduate • p o c l a l chester, brother of the bride- Mrs. Abraham Podrove will ate of Manchester High School, Chi.swick Rd.. Brighton. Ma.ss. Church. maids were identically attired was performed by Rabbi Hans and a senior at Willimantic The bride is a daughter 'of bouquets of pink, aqua, yellow of Rockville High School. Mr. groom: John Young of East sponsor the deesert and coffee Bodenheimer of Congregation Ckt o< L Mrs. McGarvln. a 1BS6 grad- in pink, and carried bouquets of and green carnations. Bumham giaduated from East Hampton and Adelard Bemlas . _ Nasairi photo in honor of her new daughter- State College, where ahe la ’ a Ptonf f*r I uate of Manche-ster High Mr. and Mrs. Felix Gavello, 147 MRS. GEORGE RANKIN SIEVERTS Tikvoh Chadosha, Hartford. member of Kappa Delta Pi UMB COMBINATION Spruce St. The bridegroom la a white carnations with pink car- Step’’en Pi**sclk Jr. of Rock- Hartford High School and the of Heibron. - in-law, Mrs Leon Podrove. The wedding and reception was School, received her B.S. de- nation centers. ville, brother of the bride, Albert I. Prince Regional Voca- CAPPUCCINO The bride’s mother wore a Honor Society. She is listed in gree from .Svracuse (N.Y.t Uni- son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond served a-i bc’t man. Usher.s tional School, Hartford. held in the rabbi's home. Who's Who Among Students In Morin, 95 Glenwood St. Daniel Latulippe of Law- diwty rase sheath dress of silk HUSSEIN VISITING versity In l^so and her M.S. de- rence, Mass., an uncle of the were Judd Bancroft of East shantung with matching acces- employed by the Connecticut day that his school’s 14 build- PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Klng The bride is the daughter of American Colleges and Univer- gree from Boston (Ma.ss.) Uni- The Rev. Joseph H. McCann Wind.sor Hill; Daniel Burnham AfUORDION IDEA OLD Bank and Trust Co., Manches- ings and 45-acre campus will be Hu.ssein of Jordan arrives in Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Haugh, sities. Mr. Herman is a gradu- versity School ofin Nursingisursing in performed the double ring cere- bridegroom, served as best LOAF CAKE sories, and a corsage of pink man. Ushers were David Gar- of East Hartford, brother of the Berlin- The accordion was roses. The bridegroom’s mother ter. Mr. Sieverts graduated from available for a "modest fee” Philadelphia today to begin a 71 Garden SL The bridegroom ate of Willimantic State Col- 196.1. She is employed as an in-! mony and celebrated the nup- bridegroom: and Eugene Blot- invented in 1822 in Germany, Rham High School, Hebron, and during the summer to corpora- state visit to the United States Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- lege, and is a teacher in the .structor at the Mas.sachusetts : tlal high Mass. Mrs. Ralph Mac- riaon of Manchester, and Wil- Wore a turquoise sheath dress tions or other organizations. ni.ski of Rockville, cousin of the but similar instruments had with matching accessories, and is employed by Pratt and Whit- at the invitation of President seph Herman of Hartford. East Hartford School system. General School of Nursing. Mr. | carone wa.s organist aM solo- Ham Daisy of East-Hartford, bride. been known In China for many 1 ney, division of United Aircraft The renter will have use of Johnson. Given In marriage by her McGarvin graduated in 1960 1st. Bouquets of pompona and brother-in-law of the bride. 63c a corsage of yellow roses. Corp., East Hartford. father, the bride wore a gown MORE JUICES DRUNK Mrs. Gavello wore an aqtia The bride's mother wore a centuries. ^ A reception for 200 guests the college's indoor swimming The 26-year-old monarch was KIDNEY from Franklin Institute. Boston, | fern were on the altar. street-length .sheath dre.ss of was held at the Elk’s Home. pool, outdoor tennis courts and to be greeted by Mayor James of candlelight ivory peau de Paris—In the last five years Mass., where he was a mem-i -rv,. silk drese with bone acces.so- pink peau de sole with match- COLLEGE FOR RENT a nine-hole golf course. The H. J. Tate at International Air-I sole. Her shoulder-length veil consumption of fruit Juices in ber of Sigma Theta Tau fra- ' - marriage ries. The bridegroom's mother ing accessories, and the bride- When leaving on a motor trip MOUNT CARROLL, 111. (AP) campus is in western Illinois port. of net with Belgium lace appli- ternlty. H^ is employed" as'an ] I’y I*®*" ‘ wore a beige dressmaker's suit af an to Wa.shington, D. C., Mrs. France has Jumped from 17,- electronic engineer bv Gen-1 E®" n of ohantUly lace, groom's mother wore a street- —For rent: one college and near the Mississippi River. King Hu.ssein will fly by heli-I quea was arranged from a pill- 000,(X)0 quarto to 65,000,000 a LOIN (H O P S s electronic engineer by Gen- with matohlng accessories. length dress of deep aqua silk Sieverts wore a navy blue and campus. The object of renting, Mullin copter to Washington Tue.sday box of peau de sole. eral Radio Co., Bo.ston, Ma.ss. designed with sahrina neck- m a y r o n 's white checked suit with navy year. Many Juices are sold in line, trimmed with aequina and Both wore oorsages of yellow with matching jacket and acces- President F. J. Mullin of said, is to "pick up a little ex- for a noon meeting with John- I Miss Brenda Epstein of Hart- easily portable family-size plas- Early week special! roses. sories. Both mothers wore white blue accessories, and a white Shimer CJollege announced Sun- tra money.” son. 109 ford was maid of honor. Rlch- tic containers. seed pearls, long tapered Ir Harrison's b a k a a h o p a orehid corsage. I Remember, you get sleeves with points at the wrlet. A reception for 100 was held orchid corsages. A reception was held at the 1 Your Mrs. .Sieverts graduated from basque bodice and bouffant! 'Koscluszko Club, Rockville. Manchester High School, and Is Top Value Stamps! I lb skirt which extended to a eh.n- ' A® »• M''*- skirt which extended to a chap- Morin wore a "naw .uir a—.. When leaving on a motor trip D O W N TO W N to the Pocono Mountains, Mrs. ^ Stationers silk illusion was arranged from matching accessories. The cou a coronet trimmed with seed pie will live at Uwton, Okla C O M PLETE pearls,^ ------, ------and .she —. carried an or- I ] ivAi Mr. . 0 and.11U i Mrs.v n a Morin attend LAMB PATTIES Si? * 39- chid and stephanoti* on a white ' ed Manchester Schools. Mrs RUMMAGE LINE O F CLOSED prayer book. Morin was employed at Crest Ledger Miss Patricia Gavello of ] fieJd Convalescent Hospital. Mr SALE Manchester, a sister of the Morin is serving with the U S Columnar ' SATURDAYS bride, wa.s maid of honor. Mlse Army at Ft. Sill, Okla. Sponsored by B'nal B’rith Sheets Carol Jean Messier, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Patricia HOUSEHUNTING W E D N E SD AY AT NOON NEW YORK (AP) Life is WHITE GEM Morin, a sister of the bride- and THU R SD AY FOR THB SUMMER groom. both of Manchester, getting easier all the time. Now were bridesmaids. apartment seekers can pick a April 1.5 and 16 new residence without leaving i 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. CH K K EN ^ The honor attendant wore a their old one. i STANEK floor-length gown ot blue or- A local real estate agency's Vocont Stor* ganza with printed midriff, CX>1N OPERATED ELE CTR O N ICS salesmen are equipped to pre- WA8H-’N-DRY CLEAN Michaels Bridal Registry Leg Quarters33' fashioned with bateau neck- sent color films and show slides 767 M AIN ST. 277 Broad Cft., MancJiester (Formerly Dewey-Richman) II MAPLE ST. line, short sleeves and bell of new suites right in the [Aeroee From First National Agostinellis Wed 50 Years shaped skirt with Watteau client’s living room. Breast Quarters ">37‘ Mr. and Mrs. Secondo Agos-‘ L Store Parking Lot Ixiring photo OPEN 7 LAVS is agreat collaborator.... Better by far . , . freeher by far. tlnelli of 245 Oak St. celebrated a daughter, Mrs. Richard J. The engagement of Miss 16-Lb. Wash—25e their golden wedding anniver- Gworek of Manchester, and Lucy Lydall Quinn of Manches- 8-Lb. Dry Clean—gt.OO sary yesterday. A party for 35 three grandchildren. (Herald ter to Ern.st Karl Abendroth of _____ 5 Lbs. 81.25 photo by Saternis.) Sandy Hook has been an- M O TO 'S gets the bride close friends and relatives was nounced by her parents, Mr. given by their son and daugh- NOISY NIGHTHAWKS and Mrs. Walter B. Quinn of tor-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vito GENEVA, Switzerland (API — 280 Main St. FUEL C O . all the GREEN PEPPERS 2 *“ 39* Her fiance is the son of Mr. 367 MAIN ST. AgosUnclli at their home at 247 A local night club that has had EAST HARTFORD Oak St. numerous complaints about lack and Mrs, Walter Abendroth of of ,soundproofing is shopping for Sandy Hook. The couple was married April a new product-- something that Mi.ss Quinn is a graduate of SILFER, CH INA, 14. 1914, in Magliano, Sabino, will soundproof patrons as they Edwin O. Smith High School, One Week Only! FUEL OIL Italy. They were first married leave the establishment. Storrs, and is a licensed prac- in a church ceremony at St An- More than a year ago. the at- tical nursing student at the gelos Church, and then in a tention of the Geneva State Windham Community Memorial GLASSIFARE civil ceremony at the town hall. Council was called to neigh- Hospital, Willimantic. HAVE A vlmes complaints that music Mr. Abendroth is an alumnus Stages H of Geneva's smart- of the University of Connecti- this imintrv j" nightspots was disturbing cut and is a member of Theta CLA IR O L^’ she w ants to -Mrn^eiter shhT'' i' The club responded Chi fraternity.' He is presently L A N D O ’ here ever since Thev soundproofing its Super-Club doing graduate work in biology I GALLON five trios to itaiv^' o* coom. But new complaints have at the University of Connecti- LO V IN G I ' CASH vLsited friend, and .".'oce they resulted in a Grand Oiuncil pe- cut. I 150 Gal. Minimum for gifts Besidcs their . IllUon concerning noisy revelers No date has been announced CAR E " ’’ "n. they have leaving the soundproof club. for the wedding. T E L 289-1219 I 24 Hour Burner Service Treafmeijf L A K E S

And Enjoy a Whan you nood ho ip Person to Person —w a p u t o u ra a lv o a A fellow who Special Price on Wkd an article your shoos with by a psychol- _oglst which B U H E R Our Fashion claimed that b 18 research Save /2c a pound at Shaping and Sef proved t h B.t big men m ake ALL FOR $S.OO the most sub-'' this special low price! 903 MAIN STREET hilsHive hus- 643-2178 bwds, quipped Why not look younger this that big wom- Spring! Let us pamper en nlso make "THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET" your hair with Clairol(R) Loving tb* most obe- Made Care(R), the amkalng lotion l i e n t h u M-, that washes away fray and buids. A n d leaves your netural young Mother Joker I with color unchanged. A beautiful told us about range of shades from light the swain wbp Johnsten it'*f good fresh, blonde through black. Then before he m a^ e d the girl W EDDINGS... PROMS we'll complete the flattering Yowed that nothing was good picture with a lovely new •nough for her, ana after mar- to register sweet V/HENEVER THE OCCASION shaping and se t. . . all “6ge he still agreed that noth- for a special price ing was good enough. Since CALLS FOR . . . for one week only! this Is a day for quips, here’j early cream! lb a conversation said to have been Phone for Appointment overheard on a bus: Wife: I at Your Favorite oon't know why I ever married FORMAL WEAR you. Husband; Usteq, you were Scholts SaloB bo prize bird yourself. Wife: «o? Well, let's Just say I’m tne early bird who caught the ^RENT g Worm, ’Thdh, there's,the advice •old to bay® been given by one POUNDED IN HALIFAX, NOVA K O T I A IN 1W6, MOVEfi b>M to ahother:’“Don't divorce TO TH E C O NTIN E NTAL UNITED STATES IN 1900, MICHAELS STILL OWNED BY TH E ORIQINAL FAMILY, NOW OPERATES your wife, tbbre'aan easier way, STORES TH R OUG H OUT C O N N E CTICUT * RHODE ISLAND, ^ A T REGAL Give her An , automobile. The EVER DEDICATED TO SERVING AS JEWELERS OF INTEG »n(H:k will kin her." 'What non- RITY, MICHAELS REGARDS (JUALITY AND HONOR MORE We have EVERYTHING in the line of formal •ense! Of course, a car given to HIGHLY TH A N PRICES AND ^ O F IT B . TH E W ORLD’S M 6 ST WEDNESDAY IS w^ear RIGHT IN 8T(X3K. Nothing to send away RESPECTED NAMES IN JEWELRY ARE F OUND AT M IC H M C A 175 tne spouse will make you her for. No matter what the occaalon calls for, we Srhiill/ IliuiiiU Hiilmi.s 0‘g wheel. Now, to ko from the can fit you perfectly. East Center ndlculous to' the aublims, we’d Street nke to quote a more serious 1 Open Mondaya—AMPLE PARKING DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER AT 968 MAIN ^TREET DODDLE STAMP DAY OPEN THURSDAYS TILL 9 PJW. fcflnltlon: "The 'will to do good’ 981 MAIN STREET, M A N C H ESTE R ^8-89il I* a good definition of both in Hartford, Esit Hartford, W#»t Hartford, Phone Ped will and good business. Mlddlotown, Thompionvilla, Briitol, 64S-1I26 i*by we serve you, please T Manchoi^r and Naw Irltaln. "lllon Bales find Service, your ?|W1 Ford dealer, 819 Main St. ' flione M3-aiAU.

/* mtitm m » hm it ^ y -: » - - , , , w_' . - . ■ • *- %' *-. - V - 1, ‘ n - •. ••. V

\ ■ '

IfAKCBESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 TAUm PAGE FOURTEEN ot ISB Brookfield S t Hla pater- ' DAILY CROSSl^RD PUZZLE machining apprantlcea who fin- BY ROUSON Perkins Attends ished behind him in the seventh Baby Wai ts Out nal grandparents are Mr. and UTTLE spor ts annual competition. Mrs. 8. J. Ratey of Beaver, Pa. BAR, the initials of the new a&s.v»r« U n w w tr t o Awards Di nner One of the Judgu in the state Al aska Quakes baby, are also the abbreviation V RIGHT NOVJ ULP/— X contest was Dr. FYedeiick Man- V of Search and Rescue, one of HAD PLANNEO TO MAKE A Texas Tale Edward Parklna, 18, of Cov> ganelll, head of Cheney Tcoh. Booked for arrival on Good ] the funoUone of the U.S. Cpaat IMCRT C A nEPDRTER V i^ W H a FOR MORE LEIEURBLV WITH- - entry, a poat-graduate student Perkins' entry has been plac- Friday, the day of the Aiaakan Guard Cutter Storla aboard VOO IN 1N6 FRONT ROOIAl-^Noy/. ORAWAI. FBOM MY FINANCIAL ACSOM lacnftr at Howell Cheney Technical ed in competition for the na- dUaster, Stephan Andrew Ra- ISDowTonf which Ene. Ratey is serving. A R » TOO 601N& TO T eu. HIM THE Ml«UNt>ER9TANOlNaS^>~~ lUA.prMtd«iit > School who won first prise in tional price in the contest spon- tey decided to wait for a more IBSMlihalalKt sored by the Wilkie Bros. TROTH ABOUT NOT BEING. RICH PERHAPS A BRIEF TRIP ■ framTexu 30 Of a radium the Connecticut finals of the peaceful time to make hie ap- FROfATHE fcWEEPSTAKES.OR • T«XMrt*«r Foundation of Dee Plaines, Hi. UNDERGROUND LAKE HUGE ANOTHEN AN iNtTERYIEW , aeurca National Machine Trade* Con- pearance and was born Satur- uhw. 9HALL. X ? IF X ■DO.ITUI. BE 13 Short BMlodr day at Kodiak IMand, Alaska. »rti4 ATTHe po c k OM MV ’ MSbakaopoortMi SlCowtr test. will be honored tonight at Tallahassee, Fla.(—)Underly- 3UST “tHE OPENING PARAGRAPH SSLampray IfVSKJ CAMM NEW unisUT — , Rb Tor nj .' fairy an Awards and Recognition I .'tephen la the son and first ing the northern and central i OnrblBS trrtt4*i„ w n « w n n ,u c . « IN A %TORV ABOUT AM , UCooHMiidoni 34Laavt Dinner at Lea Shaw'a Restaur- CHICAGO—More' than two bom of Ens. Stephen J. and parts of Florida la a subter- nrln* sod fer saaliw tejw la nHw. < MChMwfactoty toBradar cram meewStes. M » ■ BUGGS BUNNY MStraUi ant In New Haven. thirds of the 160 summer mu- . ?an Jacob* Ratey of Kodiak. ranean lake that contains as y>. ITDinas SDatcandautol He will be Joined by the top sic camps in the United States Hla maternal grandparents are much water as the five Great MAUalto Mohammad five tool, die and precision were formed after 1900. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jacotts Lakes. OUST AS I aSBNIlfti 42 Hangman'i knot SOBIblaadUlMa /ITTWINK WUAT, njSi I ASK, 37D«faln«r*1 uvuinar £ 4SHaM>y (ah.) Read Her al d Ads. FI66ERE0/VA BUM' VA BEEN PROMPTS'fOU TO p 20Sodiumeldoride 44 Anthropoid •IMarinar’a rVE BEEN GONE MOST 0 W ^ BEEN IO AFW /a sceePM*y MAKE SUCH AN 47 S4 (Roman) diracUen PAVl I'L L SNEAK UP AN' SEE , ALL ACCUSATION? 4BCollactionof UOvnrtpnfii) • -2 ■ IF SYLVESTER HAS BEEN ^^rfrMNFT...—^ myinp 83 Worm WORWN' WHILST J W -> 0 - F DOUBLE TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY ir.. r- OH,I 33Hoatetry V r in n ? IW A S AWA/i / I L O MUST SfHypothatiMl IT r HAVE atnicturalunll nr 0O2E0. 30 Burden STAdJannk HIGHEST 0 HAUTY*U»W 1ST PRICESsTOTai WlUIE 30Hermlta nr 41 Bodlei of water if 43Prancat 44raceUnter ST? 4tTakaa 1# r t momimant Stock your fre e z e r with t h e \ Te nd ere st Be ef in town! 48 Permit IfiME TO 54 Southern tree* 55 Inftmal rafion FACE the M Elude N MU61C- K •TSpadera auaui DOWN ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMI,IN I IPtaaerra SHoutha W ICAJifTnND ATHINS ITWENTHE WBi-MJ. X HOPE 'CU dontseem muc h iPronoua WR0N6 Wrm THE TIME J TROUBLE HAVEN'T CONCERNED WITH VOUR/^OH.COME NOW, 48ein« IT MACHINE.' ITTESrS y MUST BE IN LOST OOP AL- PELLOW-MOOVIAkfe / ZEUS...THE ONLY BTaxaa nroAietf I OUT PERFECTLY.;-^ THE VIEW- 10aETHER„.AND THE TWO V pr e d ic ame nt .' _/0NE I SEE W A CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER C Kalian i t r ai t vr SO ww SCREEN... OOOLA.TOOi SaENTISTS PREDICAMENT TNotadcartoonift WOULP IS PEGASUS' ■ Maxican cteite REAay BE tEtracaa CONCERNED WOnehnndtnd 57 IP 1HEV COULP , tweOtoman) Jli 8 S 7HBR ilAboTC (eoolrj CHARGES IN INTIMATE ASSOCIATION WRH TMEGOPS Mrs. Neville relatae to her audience how much of the material in her prize-winning book or ANCIENT was drawn from life — from her own childhood experiences and from observing the antics ■» » GREECE of her children. Together with her husband Wllllan’ Neville, the Neville children laugh de- OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS lightedly In the background at mother’s anecdote. (Herald photo by Satemls.) liam, four of her five children, Swift’s Premium Proten Beef! W / A-IA and one o f their cousins were • iiw >T MfA, i«. T». nx A,. a«. CHTHATT I GOT ENOUGH r.TROUOLE WITHOUT WS-60 seated adjacent to the speak- IJUST PUT HIM IN A SACK Mrs. Neville Heard er’s podium, and at many pointa BY AL VERMEER WITH A HOLE IN rn AN BV during her talk laughed hearUly PRISCILLA’S POP TH'TIAAE HE SOUEEZES as she related an anecdote ivory Cut of Boof Rodueod...Not Jusfo Fotv...Compofo / OUT OF IT HELL BE about her own childhood, or VAMT 1 ALM OST REALLY. YEP.rn=tr ..AND NOT ONLY DRV By 200 at Library PRISCILLA) (TEACHER 1 SIT BUT THIRSTy/ theirs, that had Influenced the TENDM TASTT BOTTOM BONE IN TiLL'itOU WON THE PICKEDy.e’ l course of her book. HEAR.'! ' B E S T RIOHT J^^-^^yOTholl yhock.. T An audience of more than 200 children and adults jam- The novel itself, she said, was CONDUCT BEHIND the outgrowth of a number of CALIF. ROAST ^ 55° ROUND ROAST CHUCK ROAST BONELEBB AWARD!: med the Junior Room at Mary Cheney Library Saturday sketches ahe wrote for a Sun- TENDER DELICIOVa "THE KOI6 or fTEAKB" morning to hear Mrs. Emily Cheney Neville discuss the day newspaper supplement. differences in “ Growing Up— City Style and Country Her first full length book. It SIRLOIN STEAK ^ 79‘ Por ter house »»■< CHUCK ROAST gtyle” and relate some o f the^------Is the story of D ave’s adven- BONELESS STEAK TOP LEAN ^ k grou n d surrounding the firmative — pow — he Booked tures with Oat, given him ^ writing of her Newbery-Medal- me: the eccentric Crazy Kate. Cat wlnnlng first novel, “ I t ’s U k e leeuls Dave to many strange TOP SIRLOIN e 99° GROUND CHUCK Growing up ki the Gram- ROUND STEAK places and encounters with BONE m ■nils Cat." mercy Park area of New York REOULAR And at the close o f her talk, Strang* people. Scenes In the CHOCK Caty the site of Mrs. Neville’s book range from Fulton FlMi many stood patiently In line to home and the setting for ipend a moment talking with Market (fish heads for Cat) to CHUCK STEAK e 45° GROUND BEEF Dave Mitchell’s adiventuree — Coney Island. CALIF. ROAST 55' the author and to have her au- presents a picture of life, al- RE«. ETTLE DBUCIOOS tograph their copies of the The Newbery Medal la award- V-LJ 4.,.^ most opposite to her own girl- L5dL O H ,« book. ed annually by the American hood, Mrs. Neville stated. Library Association for the RI B STEAK ^ 69° Mrs. Neville, a Manchester "There the kids are so social RI B ROAST NEWPORT ROAST* 99° year’s moet distinguished con- SHOULDER BON ’E BY JOE CAMPBELL native and the daughter o f the you wouldn’t believe It. They OVEN RBADT LRAN — MBATT ^•/3 late Mr. and Mrs. HoweU Che- tribution to children’s litera- • m i ^ MK hto. TM . I bb. » A Bit. OW. form cozy little armies from the ture. m ney, was obviously happy to I AW VW ASKED WHY age o f two on, and in their ad- How does one get inside the LONDON BROIL .4 99° “RMnsmber that sales line you taught ut, sir? .. . The reminisce with Mancheaterltee RI B ROAST SHORT RIB * 45° $AX)|C/,^|( HAVTNGr A DO I KEEP POlNGr IT, ventures travel the neighbor- head of a 14-year-old boy? A c- one that went, ‘It doesn’t Kurt anyone to listen to what •i-19 J.R.WILLIAMS ever eome o f her Impreesions MEATT — DELiaOOS BONELESS WHVea VGRBATTmAE AKiM SAI D' CAUSE I firBT hood always together. cording to Mrs. Neville, ’’You WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY end recollections of her own "N ew York is a city o f neigh- 6 L0«^? A PEATINfi- A EAMG_i2SJTOF IT.' I have to say’ . . • »M te Nto. >« TM. tea WA M OB just t ^ e people and places PfeUIA--. childhood and the rearing of her borhoods, which the children ; that are very fam iliar to you SHOULDER Steak ^ 99° RUMP ROAST BRISKET five children— all o f which, she learn to explore In depth, If not and Imagine how the place.s MNCLCSS maintained, influenced the situ- in mileage. And they soon learn I look through their eyes. Then ations and characters In the life how to wage war with building I set it all down In the first per- BEN CASEY of Dave Mitchell, the 14-year- superintendents as Dave did In CHUCK FI LLET * 79° son. ROUND ROAST * B9* FLANREN old here w f "It*a Ldka Thle, 1ST COT BOWEUSS the fftoiy. " I don’t think I' could have -*B «N y READER Cat." I rIwELL,7HAr^lT,MR. OFMyPAPRI* "About the age of 10, the chil- written the book, however, ' BAKBt. SHANK SAYS SONS ID KNOW "My own childhood," she said, dren begin riding huaes and sub- without having had several chil- CUBE STEAK * 99° RI B ROAST BIHSKETni. THStEV NOTHING WRONS AeouT rri was about the reverse elds of ways .to more distant points dren of my pwn,’’ she con- rORTBRROUSE TOP WI TH P e v E Y - B V ' E N the coin of Dave Mitchell. about the city, and they also be- fessed. THOU6H IYEOFFERB) "Most of you know the Che- gin riding bikes. Mrs. Neville was introduced TO PRCVS OTHERWISE. ney homes along Hartford Rd., "Though I feel bikes are dan- by William Buckley, chairman TENDERLOIN Steik lb. 99^ SIRLOIN ROAST Sound GROUND with their epacioue lawns and gerous in the city, I also feel of the town library board. Miss BONBLBES donbleu BEET—PORK—VEAL many rambling rooms. Well, the risks must be taken becauae Ahna French, head librarian they afforded my cousin and me children today need the adven- of M ary Cheney, thanked her many places to explore, to tures to be gained on a bicycle for coming to Manchester to CLUB STEAK * * P ” CROSS RI B Roast NEAT LOAF SHORT RIKS BY FRANK O’NE.AL | roam, and to play hide and Just as I did." help celebrate National li- 1WE SOVERNMENT DOESt/f M6K, Mrs. N eville’s husband, W il- brary Week, April 12-18. HYGRADE HAFNIA IMPORTED '/ES.BUTJ HEARWEMAV "Wa each owned bloyolee, WANT -TO ENCOURAGE S o . $ f 0 0 'IWIMIC.VISLL DO m u IN NOT COMPETE IN THE HUR0t£S. too lea did Dave M itchell), and ta n s ^ FENCE-aUMPlNG. SlUUV. 1HE SUMMER. OlWAAPICS? 1-1 11 with them w e used to roam STADIUM FRANKS SLICED BACON down Haokmataok and Keeney the ONE place REPAY. AMOUNT ARMOUR STAR SWIFT'S PREMIUM 3 Mb Bta., over to Globe MoUow, and MONTHLY OP LOAN sometimes almoot to Bolton. I to call for $16.75 don’t think we could have siu^ $300 BOLOGNA & LI VERWURST BEEF LIVER SLICED *45' Tlved without our bikes. 26.58 500 But chUdhood adventures 36.41 700 CALO were marked by lonelinees, said WATER SOrrSNER 51.16 MAXWELL IMORTY MEEKLE BY DICK C A V A Iil Mrs. NevUle, and there were 1.000 IS'A-OZ. 2ZZZ never enough friends of her own H H E f 'On 24 month elan. CALGON HOUSE CAT FOOD 6HE<3MV •ge to play with. WATCH 1H», aRep/eiTTBK, One high point in her girl- Ewirr DISINFECTANT WINTHHOR. hood came vvhen ahe entered 7th BUZZ S.XWYKR BY ROY CRANE AHSM/ WILL. grade and was allowed to enter thenunuteyoaiivaiitit BABY NEAT COFFEE LYSOL reeENOO Barnard School, where I felt I WELLrSUESSMVESOTTEN Hart's I | gMm •ppGrtMlty ti isk ftr cash! f OeVlOUSlY, SIR, ANY- AND LOOK AT ■ronioht; Anally could become part of the RIVER BRAND 1-Lb. Can riRBT AID IN A CAN VODYNORKIHG AROUND THESE FILING A LITTLE LAX. U L SPEAK I oeaeie? town." (Before this, she had Fast sarvica, tM , iariai BaaaHcial't 6aMai 1-R>. CABINETS... TO THE STAFF, , HERE HAS FREE ACCESS attended a private aohool main- Anrivartary CalabratiM. CaN an ar caMa hi bexei i TOYOURIABORATORV. OPEN' tained by the CSteneye for their WHI TE RI CE NEDI- QUICK Children), far tba cash yaa waat aaw . . . ta etaaa ap WHITE RICE HELP TOUR COMPLEXION ‘‘Growing up aa a Cheney in laft-avar hWt ar far aay gaal raasN. this town one always felt too eonsplcuoue," she said. "T o Il- CAROLINA BRAND 2 39' STRI-DEX lustrate, one day I was Mldlng out on the lawn by the red B I N in C IA L bridge on H artford Rd. JSSut "Suddenly, a boy, I didn't - FINANCE SYSTEM V-/3 know appeared with his sled, End we eyed each other with Loana ap to $1000 — Lnans Hft-lnsured at low c . M O R T O N ’ S r t O W that belligerent distrust of ■anGiclal HniwcG C«. of Manchostor •ML CMMTMHBI young children. P E A T H 0 M U S "You a ChensiyT" be aakad 806 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER .itciNrii $4186 • Owr Is. is * Esglsiia TsI. M a ta 0 (M ind when I anawwed Hi the af- dinner s r OUR '^DAKiiX'COOHTiRPirrER ALPcme, N A roumcyMAN'^X you mmn POUMOAnON AStClUCDBHORAVKtfHO^AMKSMr , MAGAZMe, X A5WM£>yBMMA»re. MK'KEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD ■NCOURAOCtf PLABTICGlOVkB WITH HAND CAAfEP eRMirSEED ORANGfs BX-CROOKBTD ^ PIHBeRTIPft: APAPr THHR THArsKHSHZJONesy \y-you'ReNOT JOWWALWR 5 i. ‘1” —sPuopeerzeL. youR I wo/ik imo for BKRL5T0A OLD ROOMMATe UP J THE BONDING IMintAMte •EAWD AT-me •COLLEGER COMPANyp^ mAM FERTILIZER a-W4

■ARRT • > R O S E B U S H E S - 8 9 '

LORETTAt SAVILONIS uoyiD RONZONl / RESULAR SI ZE V 12-oe. Announces TREND COfit NACARONI SWEETHEARTsoAP45*,Jr DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS UHT' S PUBS ■ABTS MOUHTAM MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY KM tanon 2St43' STUI1IDP0TAT0U '2 7 29° |C MA P L E l Y KU P DOG TUMMI ES ;£39° EVHBVONE O F COURSE, DAW. ^ hexes ^ ^f eonecRALK MOB T OM' S p n a a B SHOULD STRIVE .S y A SELF- GRAND OPENING vaSKlaixtr act '^35° MA C A RON I A CHE E S E ^£-43* HOW DID B UT HOW C AN siws«;sr"“ ’£^29° ME T A L S P ON GE S rfr.23° TO BE FIT... ADDRESSED, STAMPED VAN DABBLER^ YOU G E T t h e y g e t a ENVELOPE TO M E ... CARE COPY OF TH E So^nooKK 2 £.79° O^LATEDUNK 9*::r99° ’tr 43° ONI ON RDi OS ",2^39* T H I S L A T E S T S U C H AN OF THIS NEWSPAPER. OEANOr i UCE NAVY SHAPE-UP m mr DRY PAINTING SreU'S WSSTCRBSTSS , PACEAU IWWAEB JOWUSM U N U SU A L exercises r ffitAvnuiYQina ^ 4 5 ° cHKKENHtoiH ^ 35° DI XI E CUPS /sf r. 35° FRI ED CLAI W ’aC69* O F ' / O U R S IS E F F E C T? TREND smiMUAm « CEKTAINty Carriage House im i 3 »S2S* *-^ -2 9 ° OAMOI ENS DOi nOOD 3“i r 35' DIFFERENT. msir“ ’tr,39* tT43* 0 1- 90 f|C 85oBSl Tc8iB^ 2*f.43° cucKBM er ns MA U-m. 22* BEAUTY SALON moit 2£?29° mni STiup 59° Li %1 09 fim^CHES'^»-41° TUNA f OUBWi m TUESDAYv APRIL 14th

I2S MAIN ST., MANCHESTER PHONE 643-069S PriMB BffBcfivo Ifoak. Aitril 18ih thru Wed., April 15th. We reeerve the riffht te Mnit quantitiee. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 •il'' FACE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL IS, 19S4 THE Warriors Tie Herald Angle President Open 1964 Baseball Seasitt By EARL YOST Senators Playoff Series Bporto Editor Schoolboy Baseball Schedule Notes from the Little.Black Book Play Host ST. LOUIS (A P )— The St. Louis Hawks did every- Official sanction for The 27th annual Five Mile Road Finds Area Clubs in Action thing right and the San Francisco Warriors did every- Country Club Race Thanksgiving day over Manchester’s paved street# To A n g e l s thing wrong last night in the National Basketball Asso- has been received from the Connecticut Amateur Ath- By HOWIE HOLCOMB ^ Blllngtoa opposes B. O. Smlth^Rocky Hill Tbunday in a Cha»* ciation playoffs and the score showed it: St. Louis 123, SWEEPHTAKEft-rilllNOAT letic Union office by Will Hadden. The latter has served WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a flock of sched- tomorrow at S to m in non- ter Oak Confsraooe Kama, Umb San Franciaco 05. Class A—Ray Gordon 71-5-M; league action. FYiday there’s a meets Ellington Friday. Stan Domain 68-1-67. as general ch a i^ n for more than a decade. Once again President Johnson, an old uled games last week, the return date with John Rtsley’i The track seaaofi opsBs this Warriors’ Coach Alex Han- That settled the Issue as the num Mummed It up: "There’s Class B—Frank Obremiki 76- all proceeds will be earmarked for the Muscular Dystro- hand at making a pitch for area high school baseball Patriots at Coventry. week too with Ooach Osorge Hawks never let up after the in- 11- 65, Sher Porterfield 81-18-68. phy Research Center in Nonrb— —------votes, makes a new kind of Bob Healy expects the Pur- Oroaao’s East squad debuUng Just Isn’t much wou can do In termission. season hasn’t opened yet. a Kame like that." a a se C—George Putt 86-14- York City. pitch today— one opening ple Knights to be Improved this against Windsor Locka Tlmrs- Wilt Chamberlain, who member of the teaching faculty All of the scheduled games day at Windsor Locks. It wm The outcome sent the clubs 68. Merrill Whlston 87-17-70. season thanks to a stronger crushed the Hawks with 50 Low gross—Stan Domain 68. at Manchester High School, haa u|) the 1964 American were quickly postponed, pitching staff. Coventry, a vet- be the first formal track «vant back to San Francisco to settle poinU in a 121-07 Warrior vic- Blind bogey—Ben B em ton , Here and There joined the Manchester Chapter League baseball season. leaving the Inaugurals until to- for an Eagle combine. the Western Division b«st-of- eran club, is a pretty good Class tory Friday, left the scoring to Jack Kristoff, Mario Bocca- Sotuhpaw Bill Sponawtok of of Approved Baseball Ump&ea A tall right-hander who de- day—weather permitting. The C squad and a good bet to make seven final set Thursday. Each his teammates In the first half. Thomipeonvllle, hoping to make He’s a transfer from Fairfltld scribes himself as “an old shuffling around was due to a team has three victories. latte, 88’s. the post-season tourney, even Content to pass off, he took the grade with the Boston Red County. . . . Dorn Pemo and first baseman,” Johnson has new CIAC rule which prohibits at this early date. The winner meets Boston, the only eight shots and notched BEST 16—SATURDAY Sox this season, Is the same lad Dave Korponia will be rectplenta predicted he will handle the job more than two games per week Start Thunday Sports Schedule Eastern Division playoff cham- only eight points by intermis- Class A—Tom Zemke 62-6-66, who pitched against and lost a of C ring awards at the annual creditably. —■-except "postponements." East rolls up the curtain on pion, in another best-of-eeven sion. Burt Carlson 62-8-87, Stan Mc- 1-0 game to Manchestor’s sports dinner April 28 at Fiarto's After the ceremonial toss, Los Manchester, with a veteran its flr.st varsity season Thurs- series for the NBA title. Chamberlain began taking his Farland 63-6-67. American Legion team several In Bolton. The C ring is award- Angeles and Washington, a pair infield, no experienced catcher, day, opposing a tough St. Monday, April 1> St. Louis, utilizing quick shots in the second half and fin- C3ass B—Pete Staum 64-10-64, years ago. Wally Fortin, Legion ed for excellence In athletics, of tailenders hoping for better open berths In the outfield and Thomas Aquinas chib in New Oonard vs. Manchester, t:M ished with a game-high of 34 hands that stole the ball repeat- Walt Ferguson 65-10-55, Herb ooach. oomhtented that Spans- scholarship, citizenship and things, wUl play the first game and a so-so pitching staff, takes Britain. Last season Ooach Tiom pjfi., Memorial Field. edly and led to easy fast break points, but it was too late. Carvey 87-12-66. wick throw a two-hltter against leadership by the coaches and of the season. on Conard of West Hartford to- Bob Pettit led the balanced Gaudette's club went 15-0 and Avon at Ooventry. baskets, stormed by the War- CTass C—CTiff Sprague 78-17- the locals kn T-vlUe but lost as director of athletics of senior A sellout crowd of 45,000 is day at 3:30 at Memorial Fteld. this year promises to be some- riors for a 50-33 halftime bulge. Hawks’ attack with 22 points. athletes. . . . WTIC radio will Tuesday, April 14 56, (Parley McCarthy 72-18-67, Myles MdDonough of Manches- expected at D.C. Stadium under If dampness causes a postpone- where near the same strength. Rockville at Glastonbury. A1 Mannella 77-16-67. ter served up a no-hltter . . . carry 110 Boston Red Sox base- variably cloudy skies, in mild ment, the Indians will have to The addition of southpaw ball games this season, starting weather with temperatures ElUngton at E. O. &nith. Low gross—Stan Hlllnski and Howie Holcomb has been named wait until Thursday to Isegln— Ray LaGace and the Thursday, April 16 Harry Elch, 71. official rules interpreter for the with the April 10 contest. . . . reaching up near 70 degrees. against Hall at West Hartford. added year of experience by ail Blind bogey—Rog Barrett and Manchester Chapter of Baseball Frank Marietta of New Britain There is a chance of occasional Manchester at Hall, 3:30 Chances are Duke Hutchin- hands should give East p.m. Making of Ski Movie Doc McKee, 77. Umpires. Holoomb was an ac- is the new president of the Cen- showers late in the day. Ibk.. X$J son or Gary Gallagher will get stronger team than last season. tive member of the Litchfield tral Connecticut District Board The presidential pitch la an Frank Kinel, another lefty, and Boat at S t 11100108 Aquinas. CLAUDE OSTEEN KEN McBRlDE today's starting assignment Coventry at Rocky HUl. Ellington Ridge County Board before coming to of Basketball Officials. Gordon ancient ritual, daUng back more against Conard with the other right-hander Art LaMontagne these parts (Vernon to be ax- Guy of Rocky Hill Is ylce presi- than a half century. Johnson Is facing Hall. back up LaGace. Catcher Joe Track - Blast at Windsor Fatal to Bud Werner BEST NiiNE—SUNDAY act) two yeoTB ago. Plenty of dent and Jim McHugh of Weth- the 10th president to honor the Errors Again Hurt RSox Cause Paul Richards apparently has Alubicki and second baseman Looks. (One-half handicap) box and reserved seat tickets re- ersfield, secretary-trieasurer. tradition. the Inside track on the first- Tom Bavler are the Eagles’ long Friday, April 17 main for Friday’s opening base- « * • In keeping with the tradlUon, Plainville at Rockville, S:16 ST. MORITZ. Switzerland (A P)— Buddy Werher, the Low groBS— Fred Meurant TT. string catching spot. The start- ball threats. Low neta—Fred Meurant 35-8- ball game In Boston between the opener in Washington is a ing infield shapes up with Mark After Thursday’s opener pjn. hard-luck American ski star, lost a desperate race with 33, Sal Roasltto 89-6-34, Andy the Red Box and (Chicago White Veteran Mentor day ahead of the rest of the Monette at first, Ron Anderson against the Saints, East faces ElUngton at Coventry, 6:10 an avalanche Sunday and was killed under tons of snow. Ferricra 41-7-84. Sox. All proceeds will enter the Former New York University American League. .050 Batting Average at second, Steve Brady at short- strong Holyoke Catholic nine pjn. The 28-year-od Olympian waa' In a Central the group dug themselves out nacht, in central Switzerland, Low neta — Jo)in Sommem U.S. Army Corps in the U.S. Cross grad, is one of the E- • t’s or were fteed by rescuers. 01-11-50, Charley Conlln 60-8- Also sent to the minors was National Leaguers on the ex- Memories! 'Valley Conference attraction and Sargans, near the Austrian Army Rifle and Pistol Match top rated college basketball of- Tom Brown, young first base- hibition trail against whom they and on Friday the Rama come “It was a nightmare,’’ said border. 52, Eld Taconls 64-11-63, Lou Championships April 20-27 at ficials. . .Kjllington reports 20 Second Lowest Total for Masters Fritz Wagnerberger, 27, a vet- man who also was in the start- batted .050 (2-18). At least the NEW YORK (AP) — home to face Plainville In an- B ^ker 60-5-63. Ft. Dlx, N. J. . . . Two new base- to 30 Inches of snow still on the eran German racer. Werner, whose first name was ing line-up last season. Sox were 6-4 vs. AL rivals, There was something other leagpie test. Jim Martello Wallace, made his home in Kickeni — Roy Conyers 80- ball coaches In this area with ground and all ski lifts are op- Is the Rams’ top hurler and “We left early in the morn- 16-76, Tom Faulkner 89-18-76, Best known of the new faces Cleveland and Los Angeles. strangely familiar about the TURNPIKE TV Manchester connections are Ken erating. . .Veteran stock car AUGUSTA Ga. (A P )__ the Sl-year history of the- And if he wins there, he willfastball at least tempo- National League at Buckley For N.L. Opener feats were caused by Sox field- ry of the spring due to unim- had no children. New York Ysotkees may be pressive showings, waa the loser Golf Tournament over the Au-' young Australian pro Bruce Mnissed. Nicklaus, who Is almost 2 numing of the $125,000-added bottom, '• but then he slipped, rarily, haa been dropped from School Field and International asking himself: "Wliat do I ing fumbles. Four more can be FULL gtwtaa..a4 a National f^urse^ Sunday. 1 27, and lUs resultant stn’eeles Kenturiiy Deri>y. Some 20 somersaulted and was lying in Miss Henneberger, a favorite charged to faulty pitching In yesterday—victim of the four Devlin, and six over Marr. jas rich at Palmer, only smiled. of German sports fans, won a the Red Sox starting pitcher ro- League a t Verplanck School have to do to win a place with CINCINNATI (AP) — An Nicklaus, the big Ohioan who 1 Devlin also made a small dent horses still are considered prob- the snow as the second arm of tation. Reliefer re- Field. League play starts Sun- the clutch and four to just plain unearned runs. His earned run It was like checking out an , courtship of Blizabeth Taylor, bronze medal In the special this club?" Although the right- overflow crowd of 32,000 fans average haa dropped from 10.90 airplane with new spark plugs. ' - i had a block about quitting. won two of the four big titles | the Palmer-Nicklaus money able startens for the 1(4 mile the slide crashed right on top places him. day, May 17. handed pitcher posted the best bad pitching. N IG H T RACING TRADE ALLOWANCE Blue Ribbon turf classic. But of him. slalom at the 1960 Olympics. An was expected to jam Crosley to 6.12 In his last few outings. I w a^’t sure how they would jt seemed to affect my play last year just missed a third, ' monopoly, with $6,100 for finish- injury kept her from training Johnny Peaky, greatly dis- • * e record of any New York pitch- First baseman Dick Stuart IX M p f UTS„ An. 4,11, 1$, MAY M function. had never got started in this fourth with a final 78 for Saturday’s $75,000-added Wood “I think the same happened pleased Sox manager, an- er this spring he has been shut- Field this afternoon for the 1964 and catcher Bob Tillman each The Bresaoud error let in one around the greens. Now I ve to Barbi.” for the Innabruck games but she They worked. Palmer shot ticked that,” Palmer said tournament and was nine was his biggest purse as Memorial ait Aqueduct and nounced the change on tiis eve Short Stuff tled to Richmond, No. 1 farm National League baseball open- contributed eight errors to the run, then Ernie Banka followed 9 t6C8$-Pwt8 t strokes back, after rounds of 71, * P™- "That sounds beautiifu $50,000-added California Derby Wagnerberger said those who f P 10 aU er between the Cincinnati Reds total. Bresaoud had six - and with a three-run homer ax he ex- rounds of 69, 68, 66 and 70 for Palmer’s next drive will be at dug themseWes out rushed to women’s evenU. of Boston’s entry into the John Andreoll, veteran local club of the Yankees. Chances DAYTIMI RACING 276, and achieved the following the U.S. Open Championship, 73 and 71. he said, when informed of the at Golden Gsite Fidide, each at American League season. football official, has been ad- are good, however, that he'll be and Houston Colts. part-time outfielder Roman Me- tended his hitting streak to 14 GET total. 1(4 miles, could well trim the where Werner and Miss Henne Oonley is the aging, 6-foot-8 Game time was 2:30 p.m., jias committed three. games. results: scheduled for Washington, D.C., Young Jack, the main threat berger were buried and dug vanced to Group I, as a head back in New York before the SATS., APR. 4,11,18, MAT 30 He led all the way. in June. He won the Open in to Amie’s throne, ripped off a McGuire Named right-hander who worked only lineman, in the exclusive Elast- season Is half completed; . . EST and the weather bureau Boston also has made only 19 Billy Ctowan added a solo hom- 10 RA aS — POST 1:30 P. M. inttr the snow with bare hands. 42 Inningpe lost year because^ said the predicted "scattered double plays to rivals’ 40. In He had the second lowest total 1661. final round 67, including a drive Other skiers from a nearby lift em Association of Intercolleg:!- Relief specialist Pete Mikkelsen er off Arnold Earley In the PHILCQ shoulder, arm and ankle woes. ate Football Officials. Chick has been named winner of the heavy showers and thunder- the touchy stolen bases depart- ninth. TWIN-OOUUt Mh. 7tk. mk. Mb SaM* came quickly. Marquette Coach Rs^ue^^ra awtwiw w He was scheduled to pitch the Toomey of Manchester is presi- Yankee rookie award—a watch showers” would be over by the ment the Sox have managed Dick Stuart’s sixth homer of "In the end there were hun- second game against the Yan- time the familiar "Play Ball” Is three. The enemy has succeeded dreds helping us,” Wagnerberg- MILWAUKEE (A P)— Mar- dent of the EAIFO for the 1664 —awarded each spring by New the spring—twice as many as a RTI. 146, LINCOLN, R. I. Everyone Moving kees there Thursday but La - season. . . . Bemie DePace, a York writers. sounded. on 35 of 42 tries (.833). year ago— accounted for one quette, hoping to regain a mabe now takes over the aselgn- Cincinnati traditionally gets Exhibition. - „ opponents - - aver- Boston run. A single by Felix WUCT SUUU place among the nation’s ma- msnt. to inaugurate each new season aged 6.3 nins per game against | Mantilla and sacrifice fly by Issln S s«liiti. I Softball League jor Independent foa^etbidl pow- "Omley hasn’t shown me Ms because It la the home of the toe Sox but 1.3 can be charged Bob ’nUman scored toe others, ers, has dipped into the amaJH fastball his last three starts," first professional baseball team. to toe unearned category where In UConn Session college ranka and picked A1 Pesky said. "I’ve got to do The other eight National Bo.ston was the victim of 37. Meets Tomorrow McGuire as the ninth coach in something about our pitching. League teams swing Into action Pesky’s pre - season rundown the univeretty'e 47-year-old his- We are getting eo far behind in tomorrow. goes like this: By HOWIE HOLCOMB Teams Interested In partici- tory of the sport. the early innings that we can't Manager Fred Hutchinson Optimistic Rundown | ' Warm, sunny weather Saturday waa just right for a pating in a slow pitch softball McGuire, a 35-year-old^ for- catch up." picked Jim Maloney, 23-game "Pitching still is toe name of baseball opener and, in fact, there was a baseball game league, sponsored by the Rec- mer St. John’s University star Conley told Pesky he winner last year, to atari for toe game, and I am hoping that reation Department, are re- couldn’t get his arm loose” af- V\ . in progress not far from the covey of state sports writ- and pro standout, was recruited ' - •.> t Cincinnati. Houston Manager improved pitching will lift ua in | minded of the organizational from the Belmont Abbey Col- ter he was tagged for six runs Harry Craft tabbed Ken John- the American Leagrue standings SAFE DRIVING ers and broadcasters gathered at the University of Con- meeting to be held tomorrow xi in the first Inning of an exhibi- ^ son, veteran right-hander and this year. - evening at 7 at the East Side ^ Belm Emphasising this is a new Marquetite court fortunes. starter. Johnson, a former Red, have a better year. We also which attracted the little gproup Anyone interested in playing, "Oonley was steering the ball waa 11-17 in 1663. hope to have at least one left- the finale of spring football regime (and, by the way, there but not connected with a team, Dr. Thomas Abbott, chairman instead of throwing hard," will be no comparisons to past of the Marquette Athletic The only newcomer in the handed starter between rookies practice. may also attend. League play Peaky said. probable Cincinnati lineup will Ed Connolly and Bill Spanswick. clubs coached by Bob Ingalls) is expected to begin May 4. i Board, said McGuire was sel- The move gives rise to rumors New UConn Coach Rick For- Forzano has shown no films of be rookie Chico Ruiz. He’ll be Our bullpen will be one of toe SAFE CAR! zano, more than a little con- Further information may be ob- coted to succeed the fired Ekl- that Conley’s arm ailment never at third base and bat second. last year. tained from Wally Fortin at the I die Hickey from more than 50 best with Dick Radatz. scious of good public relations, has heen remedied but he in- The Reds said Prank Robinson, "We lack speed, but we have , and the university, had invited “That’s forgotten,” he says, Rec office, 22 School St. appHcants, sists: sidelined for almost a week "this is all new and we don’t good power. We set a I the scribes to the unusual with a groin infection, has re- record for toe Red Sox last sea- spring grrid press affair to look want the boys looking back. And It’s not because we feel covered sufficiently to take his son. Shock Absorber Special ALL CHANNEL COLOR TV over the Husky prospects for place In right field. "If we can get better pitching the fall. It also gave them a the boys will see something New vivid viaton picture clarity, exclusive Philoo Ugh chance to watch one of the best wrong. Last year’s people did gain tuners, hardboard cabinet, finished to match ma- organized football practices some real good things. But hogany or walhut. Installed complete with Mfg. 1 year this is new and we want it to FOR SAFER anywhere. stay new.” guarantee. B>xU value $679.95. Everyone was moving—in- Movies were taken of Satur- TEE OFF with ALLINGS!" STEERING Discount ^ ^ 0 0 cluding the coaches—all the Price 00 U5210 time. There was plenty of hu8-i*^*y,** scrimmage but only to Each it More tire mileage tie, vocal and otherwise. A s ; avaluate players as individuals, TREMENDOUS VALUE Less Your Trade one wag put it, ‘‘they may n o t, scrutinize team mistakes Smoother riding be the best, but they’ll be the . *Mprts. In fact, only a couple Mike Souchak Master Set of 8 Irons. it MSTAUATION FREE loudest team in .New Elngland.” offensive plays were prac- ...... * it Fewer rattlef and GET Having the scribes to w atch' ®nly one defensive 59.99 lor molt U. S. cart the spring session was not the nt'Snment. squeaks only unusual aspect of the Forzano revealed he expect- GOLF SPIKES ...... 4 for 10c drills. Forzano had somehow cd the Huskies to be a ground GOLF TEES ...... ei^eh Ic convinced university officials i club this fall, with little em- PUTTERS...... $3.99 and up Famous United Delco Shocks the "hallowed" turf of Memo- ■ Phasls on the forward pass but Ladles’ Starter S e ts ...... $33.88 rial Stadium would recover concentration on defensive and ' ‘f ' » Men’s Starter Sets with bag $49.98 Installed and guaranteed by experts from punishment in tbne for possession football. The de- GhUdren’s Starter S e ts ___ $33.88 5 YEARS the fail season and half of the tenses, he said, will be multi- CONTROVERSIAL FENCE—This is the “Pennant daily drills were conducted Pl®, In order to take best ad- Ponih,” a fence erected in Municipal Stadium’s MacGregor X-Outs. there- an area declared off vantage of the limited ability Dos, * limits for previous practice use. ®t the squad. right field by Athletics’ owner Charles Finley, 4.99 Prospra^B Only Fair j H® gave credit to the players which he says conforms with measurements of Yan- REWASHED AA BAIXS MUFFLER As entertaining and jolly as i tor toeir desire and hustle and SERVICE kee Stadium’s right field. Joe Cronin, president, has Tttlest, Maxfll, Dot, K-28 .. $SM dos. PROTECTION CONTRACT the day turned out. It’a too bad ! nienUoned the all-out effort of told ^ n ley that no American League game will be glowing reports can’t be written ***® »

Suburfamn For Itent 66 Houses For Salt Hoosss For Sale Houses For Sale Honges For Sale Wantod-4t«|il VERNON ItJK» - WELL KEPT room LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Co- $14,900-8 ROOM picture book MANCHESTER — Rockledge. HE WHO NOT $900, NOT |S00 AND FOUR room ranch. S bedrooms, attraetlva lonlat Cape, 6 large rooms, home beautifully malntalnid, Attractive 9 room ranch priced property ha has to sM NOT ITOO, NOT 9000, a^rtmenta, electric range, re- You Can Afford dining area, eulurban. Owner IH baths, fireplace, garage, garage, 100x160 lot. Cloee to In low 10’ s. Home has many gats results. We have NO! NO! *7’*S®retor, heat, and hot wa- anxious. Carlton W. Butebtau, situated on well landscaped riwpping, bus line. Wesley R features to delight and sur* buyers waiting to CLASSIFIED NOT EVEN $660 Board 59-A tor. Available May 1st. Call Raaltor. S4941H. wooded lot. $26,900. Philbrick Smith Agency, 649-1894. priM you. Oall owner 876-8960. homes in all price M^nney Bros., inc., 948- Agency, 649-8464. BUT A WHOLE HOUSE Luxury Living! $14,600 — FAIRLY priced 8H Whv not list your pn p tftf and bo ard, part 0060. COMFORT, quality, and con- wtth us. Two oMcas to serve 9 ROOMS LOVELY and laundry free for Charming new SH*room apart- room home, large Kitchen with venience describe this cus- Lota For Sale NEW FURNTTURB dining area, S bedrooms, liv- Ellington you. Prompt profesakmal serv* Call 649-6489. l ^ G E SPACaous two family, mant In lovely country neigh- tom built 6 room older home, ice. Jarvis Realty Cb., Real* adver t ising AND APPUANCB8 •rran* heated, 6-6, available June 1st. ing room with fireplace, small TWO BUILDINO lou, prime lo CARPENTRY WORK—32 years’ YOUNG SPAYED Inoculated borhood within walking dis- featuring large living room, tors 288 East Cmter fitreet, dog looking for good home. EVERYTHINa W8-0014. sunroom, full cellar, 2-car ga- COUNTRY SQUIRE fireplace, garage, enclosed eaUon, city uUlltles. (S h r ie k experience, ceilings, floors tance of High School, bus, shop- Agency, 649-8464. Manchester; Route 88, V ernon, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 643-7482. FOR ONLY $600.00 ping and minutes from Park- rage, almoet 2 acres. Wolver- porch, aluminum combina- tiled, porches, rec roomp, ga- Which Includea I^gnted— Rooms— Board 62 ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. Well • maintained Ranch. 848-4112, 876-0626. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. rages, additions, attics fln- way. Equipped with . . . O-E Lovely setting, treed, Vi* tions. Call Oates Agency, 949- MANCHESTER—2 A-sone wood- 1 Weatinghouae Refrigerator GITTZEN, protestant SIX ROOM duplex, on bus line, refrigerator, built-in G-B oven, 6062. IF YOU ARB thinking of sell* I Ished. Lake and shore cottage CUTE KITTBNS looking for i«noR ^available May 1st. 643-6824. BOI/rON—$16,000. 440 foot frant- acre lot, child-safe streM. ed lots, city water. Hayes work. No Job too small. Im- 1 Emerson ’FelevUdon would like room and range and disposal. Rent in- Agency, 843-4808. Ing caU us tod ^ . Help us keep COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. homes. Phone 649-7875. 1 Bedroom Suite ewor ic, approximately 8 acres. Charm and serenity are MANCHESTER Vicinity — Just mediate estimates. 643-2029. or kitchen privllegea, cludes air conditioning, heat and I^at 8 room house, brook. E. yours for the low price of busy. Two officee to MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10:80 A.M.— SATURDAY 9 A.M. _ _-fc______^ __ 1 Living room Suite INSTANTLY appealing ranch listed. Very clean expandable in riva te home near Senior home with carport, birch pan- hot water, free waidier and J. Carpenter, Realtor, 649-8061. $14,200. Don’t hesitate, call BOLTON—Four lots, 6 acres, you. Prompt, prtrfasttonal MASONARY'-F^replaces, chlm 1 Dinette Set center. 848-8689, dryer, free parking, outdoor Cape with extra insulation. corner Route 86, French Road, service. Jarvis Realty Oo., 1 Healthrest Mattress eled basement family room. Joe Gordon now. 649-6306, Large lot, fireplaced living neys, patios, and brick veneer. Articles For Sals 45 picnic and recreation area. BEAUTIFUL paneled heated 648-6814. $3,900, will take first mortgage. Realtors, 288 ICast Center St., PLEASE READ YOUR AD Brick, block, etc. Workman- 1 Healthrest Spring l*/4 baths, 8 twin sized bed- room. $13,900. Ellsworth Mit- rooms, high as.sumable mort- family room off kitchen, 8 bed- Ray S. Holcombe, Realtor, 644- Manchester; Route 88, V er- CUMaiDed or "Want Ads" are taken over the phone m a ship guaranteed. Call 649-2402 DARK, RICH, stone-free loam. 3 ’Throw Rugs Apartmtn to— Flats— room ranch, aluminum storms, ten, Realtors, 653 Middle Turn- 1286. non. Call 848-4U2, 640-1906, convenience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST anytime. 1 Boudoir Chair gage. Immediate occupancy. Only $125 BARROWS t WALLACE pike, East, 643-6980. Also fill, gravel, sand and Tenements 63 Wesley R. Smith Agency, 849- cellar, 163x246 lot, only $16,- 875-0626. DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the stone. 643-9604. 2 Vanity Lamps 600. Carlton W. Hutchins, 640- Manchester Parkade, MANCHESTER — 3 residential ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, COMPLETELY FURI7ISHED SIX ROOM Cape, aluminum next Insertion. The Herald is responsible for only ONE Incor- 2 PlUows Cg' have customers wait-. 6182. Manchester, 849-6306 zoned lots, long frontage, cement floors, garages, bath- siding, treed lot, tile bath, cen- trees,___ $2,700. Wolverton rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only LAWNMOWERS - A rt on a, 1 Pr. Blankets 'J i for the rental of your apart- SINGLE HOME to share, five rooms tiled, remodeling. Roof- Lawn Boy, Toro, Bolens Orbit trally located, many extras,! Agency. Realtor, 649-2813. to the extent ol a “ make good” Insertion Errors which do not 1 Cocktail Table ^ n t or home. J. D. Realty, rooms all furnished, elderly Only $145 BUTLER ROAD—8 bedroom First Hartford leosen the value of the advertisement will not be corrected by ing. Call 649-4291. Air, and riding mowers. Wheel- 2 ’Table Lamps ranch, close to shopping area MODERN IMMACULATE 8 bed- $16,000. 643-5083. |i$4ll2fl.______couple, rent reasonable, 949- BOLTON CENTER—Five wood- “ make good” Insertion, ______horse and Bolens 4-wheel 1 9x12 Rug 9024, and schooCs. Phone 849-7924 room ranch, full basement, Pays Tax Slice tractofs. Parts and service. 1 F lo o r L a m p after 6. 90x160 lot. garage, convenient! BOLTON—All you can lose is ed acres with pond, 300 foot location. Vin Bogglnl. Bel Air your------heart------when ----- you see this ------frontage on paved road.‘ Call" YOUR COOPERATION WILL Roofing— Siding 16 Capitol Elquipment Company, 1 Smoker three room apartment, Samuel M. 88 Main St., Manchester. SEVEN ROOM older h<»ne. 4 Rea. Estate. 648-9332. antique gem of a home in the owner, 643-1686 evenings, Town Tax Collector Paul Cer- BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 36 Pc. Dinnerware Set Glenwood Manor Avallablp May 1. For Informa- center of Bolton. Features 6Mi A A DION. INC Roofing Open dally 7-6, ’Xhursday 7-9, 24 Pc. Sliver Set tion call 643-7591. Lavitt Agency bedrooms, 2 baths, lot 73x161. vrinl found a check for $117,000 siding, painting Carpentry At Saturday 7-4. Marion B. Robertson, Realtor, TWO FAMILIES - Look no rooms, bath and 2 car garage In the mall this morning. 18 Yds. Floor Covering four new luxury apart- further. 3 A 3 In Bowers sec- on a lot 866 feet deep. Priced Farms For Sale 76 terations and additions Cell- EVERYTHING THREE ROOM heated apart- 643-2188 Realtors 87.’5-6297 643-6958. SCREENED loam for the best ments available April 16 In tion, both units vacant; a 4 A4 under $18,000 for quick sale. To The money is payment from Inge Workmanship guaran ONLY $600.00 ment completely refinlshed, Vernon Circle—Pkwy. Exit 96 the First Hartford Realty Corp. I teed 299 Autumn St 843-4860 in lawns, delivered from our flulet re-sidcntial neighbor- Open 7 Days A Week VERNON — Mitchell telephone folder, but neat) off Main inspect call Barbara Babin,, BOL’TON-100 acre farm plUs a Free storage until wanted. enclosed porch, central loca- lovely recent 8 room colonial, toward Its 1963-64 taxes, which Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? screening plant. Andover Co- hood- Four spacious rooms tion. first floor. Only $86 per exchange, spacious 6 room Street under $20,000; and many Jarvis Realty Co., Realtors, I BIDWELL HOME Improvement lumbia. George H. Oriffing, Free delivery anywhere in gnd bnth, Phileo electric ranch, deep treed lot, waUc-out new ones from $20,000 on up 643-4112, Eves. 643-1686. with four bedrooms. Some toU l $147,794. First Hartford montli. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, barns, all equipment stays. has appealed the real estate as- I Company - Roofing, siding, al- Inc., 742-7886. Conn. kitchen with combination 643-1577. Wanted To Rent 68 basement, aluminum storms In all locations. Even one in ' 24-Hour Answering Service j terations. additions and re- Free set-up by our o#n re- anther and dryer, individual and screens, oil hot water heat, Bowers School area. T. J. SPACIOUS 6 room older Co- Idea; for the “ gentleman farm- sessment upon which the taxes modeling of all tjrpes Excel- FARM LOAM, fieldstone, ftre- Hable men. Original price for zoned Hydronlc heating with CREST luxurious duplex apart- ‘ IMfurnlshed 2 bed- 3 generous bedrooms, paneled Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. lonial, modern kitchen, IVk er” , plus an opportunity to sell are based. The assessment waS some lots In the future. T. J. lent workmanship 649-6496. place wood, and chain saw ^11 this merchandise was domesrtlc hot water fur- ments, 571 Hartford Rd., Man-! living room, splc ’n span baths, 8 bedrooms, 2-car ga- increased by the Board of Tax Free to Herald Readers work. Max Rankl, Columbia, I |g25.46. Some fortunate person gmhed, air - conditioning, Chester. 4>4 rooms, 1% baths. I \ A" ^*»"ch«8- throughout. Wolverton Agency, WALKER STREET — 6 room rage, aluminum comlrinations,; Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. Re'vlew last year. WAITRESS for counter and AMBITIOUS? Work from home GROUNDS Maintenance. Apply 228-9328 after 4 p.m. I can purchase it all tor only pound and fire resistant, modern G.E.-----.... kitchen, '» many ter-Rockville vicinity by quiet, Realtor 849-2818. Cape with one car garage, fire- 100x140 wooded lot, $17,900. First Hartford and tba town BIDWELL SIDING and roofing. place, cozy rear porch, nice Want Information on one of our classified advertisements T No table service, 5 days a week, 5 to 10 hours weekly. Earn at Ellington Ridge Country $500.00. private garage and storage extras, carpeted staircases. refined couple, retiring on Philbrick Agency, 649-8484. have been dickering over the 643-5379, 875-9109. RELOCATION SALE — Every- lot, near schocHs, shopping Wanted— Real Estate 77 answer at the telephone listed r Simple call the 8 a m.-4:30 p.m. Good hourly $5.00 to $10.00 per hour. No Club, Mike Ovlan. MONTHLY tree, $180- P«r month, one Rent very rea.sonable. Live small Income, former Con- exact amount of the tax pay- rate, good gratuities, pleasant experience required. Call 232- thing reduced at the Morrison PAYMENTS necticut residents, best refer- area and bus. S. A. Beechler, MANCHESTER^—Excellent lo -! ment. Under state law, 76 per Paint & Wallpaper Store, 386 year lease. Call Miss Ter- better for less. Call Mr. cation. Attractive 4 room ex-1 SELLING YOUR Home? Call MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE working conditions. Apply in 9716 or 876-2046. ONLY $18.93 ences. Write Mr. Nicholas, 81 NICE NEIGHBORHOOD Realtor, 643-6969. Paul J. Correntl Agency, 643 cent of an appealed tax must Center Street, Manchester. ^0. 649-6253, 9 a.m. to 4 Baker, 643-5277; or evenings pandable Cape, fireplace, dou- Roofing and Chimneys 16-A person Brass Key Restaurant. Phone For Appointment Mr. Gil!, 643-4362. McKay Avenue, East Orange, 5363. Qualified buyers waiting be paid pending court action on ANSWERING SERVICE TWO HOURS weekly Is all It p.m. New Jersey. FIVE BEDROOM ranch,' 8 fire- ble garage, aluminum storms, ROOFING — Specialising re- MOLD MAKERS PRE-SEASON Sale picnic ta- SAMUEL ALBERT places, heated patio, full base- for multiple dwellings. Don’t the assessment. First Hartford takes to run shopping club for Htfd. 247-0868 FOUR ROOM tenement, on bus full basement, hatchway, city delay—call today. asserted it should pay only 76 649-0500 — 875-2519 pairing roofs of all kinds, new RN OR LPN, 11-7, 6 nights a bles, 6 foot, $11.60; 8 foot, 6 room ranch, 2-car base- ment, recreation room, acre a few friends? You get $25 in line, available May 1st. 36 utilities. Owner, 649-1643. per cent of the assessment be- roofs, gutter work, chimneys week. Vernon Haven. 876-2077. $16.50. Delivered. W. Zlnker, SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT fOUR ROOM apartment, all ment garage. Intercom lot. VIn Boggini, Bel Air Real name brands free in 10 weeks. Woodbrldge Street. Tel. 649- Business Property fore the board of tax review ac- and leave your message. Vou’U hear from our advertiser In jig cleaned, repaired. Aluminum Send for catalog and details. Elxperlenced in plastic in- 876-7143. If you have no means of utilities and heat, $130. 80 Lo- throughout house, 8 l>ed- Estate, 643-9332. FOUR BEDROOM Colonial, 7750. For Sale 70 tion, while the town said tha time without spending all evening at the telephone. siding 30 years' experience. RN OR LPN, Friday and Sat- Alice Williams, Popular Club jection molds. 'Tool mak- transportation. I’ll send my cust Street. Available May 1st. rooms, slainle.ss tmilt-lns, paneled' family room, kitchen BUYING OR SELLING TORO POWER handle lawn- realty firm must pay 76 per Free estimates. Call Hnwley, urday, 11-8 a.m. Greenlawn Plan, Department J804, Lyn- ers. all around machinists. ir _ J auto for you. No obligation *48-6228, 9-6. BUSINESS ZONE HI — Eight attic fan with timer. Many PICTURESQUE setting—7 room with built-lns, formal dining 643-5361. 64S-.V768 Convalescent Home. Rockville, brook. New York. Apply in person. «I whatsoever rooms with two offices, sep- other extras too numerous brick ranch, family room, 1% room, living room with fire- A HOME cent of the review board’e in- 875-4291. Uon. Call 649-0173. . , gOCXVILIjE — New 2-room Furnished Apartments 63-A baths, double garage, wooded creased assessment ae included Lost and Found Auto Driving School 7-A —- —— ------— A—L—B—E—R—T —S arate entrance, suitable for to mention. Priced to sell. place, IVi baths, attached ga- apartment, heat, hot water, ap- lot, Manchester. Carlton W. rage, $22,900. Philbrick Agen- Have assurance of exper- on the 1962 grand Hat. Radio-TV Repair CAPABLE WOMAN for clean- ANTIQUE CASH Register, ideal 43.45 al l YN ST,, HARTFORD TWO ROOM furnished apart- business or professional use. FOUND—Black and white LEARN TO DRIVE - Special piiimces furnished, off street Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. Hutchins, Realtor. 649-6182. cy. 649-8464. ienced oervlce. For infor- Under the terms of an ag' ing one or two days a week. Help Wanted— Male 36 SEG MANUFACTURING for rec room. Inquire Russell’s OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. Mrklng. Immediate occu- ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, male, part Setter. Call Lee ( attention to nervous and elder- Services 18 Barber Shop, 195 Spruce, ------mation call Stanley Bray, greement ooncHided between 643-6514. pancy. Call 876-6409. hot water. Apply Marlow’s, WARREN E. HOWLAND BOI^M scho o l —7 room full im m a c u l a t e three bedroom Realtor, 643-6278. Seymour Kafrfan to Flrat HarU FraccWa, Dog Warden, 643-; ly. Classroom for teen-agers. Street. Tel. 649-9659. 867 Main St. Realtor EHckup service. Day or eve- fXINNIE’S TV and Radio Serv- EXPEIOTNCED hydraul-'jis Hartford Rd., Manchester Land For Sale 71 shed dormer Cape, 4 or 5 bed- ranch, V/i baths, fireplace, ford and Town Oounael Atty. 8694. I LADIES WANTED, one for n)BAL ^FOUR room heated rooms, l >/4 baths, garage, $16,- ning lesstms. Reasonable rates. ice. available all hours. Satis- ic back hoe and dozer opera-' Musical Instruments 53 rec room, beautifully land- Irving Aroneon, Blrot Hartford faction guaranteed Call 649- laundry, one for dry cleaning. tors wanted, steady work. CaJl apartment, stove Included, BEDROOM and jtltchen, fur- BOLTON—20 acres, wooded, on 860 Main St., Manchester 900. Philbrick Aigency, 649. BRAE-BURN REALTY LOST — FYom car, Vernon' Manchester Driving Academy, I scaped, sewers, bus, drastical- agreed to pay 76 per cant of the 1316. New System Laundry, 44 Har- Upton Construction, 742-6190. Boats and Accessories 46 BEAUTIFUL spinet Uke elec- p^ing. $96. Call 649-1919 be- nished, for two adults. Includ- Notch Road: About 400 feet 643-1108 8464. Street—old, large brown hand- 742-7249. ing g;as, electricity, heat, hot ly reduced. Must sell, vacant. increased asweswnsirf. fagr April rison Street. trlc organ, cherry wood, $250. tween 6:30-7 p.m. frontage. T. J. Crockett, Real- Pasek Realty, 289-7476, 643- bag, papers. No questions water. Call 643-7636. ROCKLEDGE, Garth Rd. Ex- 10. a-sked. Call 649-9890. 8 FOOT VEE bottom sailing Call 649-6651. tor, 643-1677. 7208, 649-3175, WE HAVE a client Interested Moving— Trucking— Salesmen Wanted 36-A pram, complete with oars, POUR ROOM cold flat, second ceptional quality, custom built 'The check Cervinl received E-Z LERN TWO ROOM apartment, fur- In purchasing 10-12 acres of Storage 20 TOOL and DtE MAKERS ! sails, etc., $125. Tel. 742-7139. FENDER double neck steel floor, two family house. See MANCHESTER—8 room raised 8 bedroom luxury ranch, today -was mailed April 10, ac- LOST—Black leather key case FULLER BRUSH CO. d e v e l o p ______nished, private bath and en- 77 W EAVER ROAD — Green industrial land east of the vicinity Mott’s or Scott Road, FORMER BUSINESS guitar with foot pedal and Mr, Onlby, 54 Birch St. Houses For Sale 72 ranch that features 3 bed- everything from radio con- Manor. 6% room ranch, at- river. All ca-sh deal. Brtrfters cording to the poetmartc on the Driving School MANCHESTER Delivery. Ught (6 Years’ Experience) ing new territories for part- ALUMINUM sporU runabout. trance. Utilities. No pets. Near High Ridge, Friday night. 649- matching Fender amplifier. rooms, living room with fire- trolled garage doors to swim- tached garage, aluminum com- protected. Call Mr. Werbner, letter. trucking and package delivery. time sales force. Prefer pres- THIRD FLOOR 4 room apart- Cheney’s, 226 Charter Oak, CONCORD RD - Beautiful ming pool, below cost. Owner, 6619. WOMEN WHO WANT 14 feet, controls and steering, Original cost $350. p la y ^ one place, kitchen with built-in bination windows, immediate Jarvis Realty Co., 643-4112. The agreement also spaciflea Ocnnecticut’s largest, auto- Refrigerators. washers and ently employed married m en' 16 h.p. Firestone and trailer, ment. Heat, stove, and refrig- 643-8368, 246-4738. ranch, large living room, form- 643-8110. matic and standiSN shift, year, $150. Call 649-4666. range and dishwasher, dining occupancy, $14,860. 849-4234. that, if the •memmmt dl^Mtte stove moving specialty. Folding or college students. Car neces- $400. 649-7840. erator on bus line. Call 643- al dining room, ciriilnet kitchen, area, lower level Includes free pick-up service, teen- TO WORK AGAIN SHEET METAL ON THE MOVE . . . let a lo- ia not settled by the oouita by chairs for rent. 649-0762. sary. Must be available eve- FOR SALE—Upright piano, ex- T773. 2 bedrtxmts. recreatimi room, room, den or office, utility MANCHESTER — $aving$ any- BENTON STREET—0^ rooms, cal Realtor a.ssist you. You Announcements age classroom, oldei and FABRICATORS one? $3,300. SLssumes July 1, First Hartford wU pay nings and Saturdays. Average cellent condition, price $160. Business Locations landscaped yard. Marlon E. room and garage, oil hot wa- aluminum storms smd screens, can be sure that when you nervou' students oui spe- $36-$50 for 12-16 hours. Call MANCHESTER — Deluxe Four Robertson. Realtor. 648-6968. mortgage. Vacant, clean, large the aame 76 i>er cent payment cialty U6 Center St., «fan- (4 Years’ Ebcperience) 649-1348. For Rent 64 ter heat, l',i baths. Owner fireplace, amesite driveway, 2- move back, he will be here to INCOME TAX Returns prepared Painting— Papering 21 This advertisement is di- 644-0202 between 8-8 p.m. Diamonds— Watches— room apartments In modern 4 heading west. Wolverton deluxe quality 6^ room ranch towarde next year’s tax levy at by auditor. Business and in- chester Call for tree oonk- rected to mature women family house on West Center car garage, excellent condi- serve you. Realtors band to- Jewelry 48 STORE FOR RENT with at- MAHOGANY paneled 15x86 Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. with carport, fireplace, 1>4 the usual due dates, June 1 and dividual. Raymond Otrard. Call let 643-8562. PAINTING, EXTERIOR and in- Must be capable of completing Street. Ample off-street park- Uon. Tel. 649-1814. gether to give assi.stance to who want to return to busi- Antiques 56 tached 2-stalI garage. located heated recreation room, patio baths, basement with large at- January 1. eoOect 87B-7S82. terior. paperhanging, wall- ness and who are sufficient- Aircraft type work to blueprint. SALESMEN WATCH AND JEWELRY re- ing. For appointment to In- garage, 6% room ranch, excel- $11,800 both home buyers and sellers. on W. Middle Turnpike near ROOMS with many tractively finished rec room PORTER STREET area—Five Our Code of Ethics is for your In the meantime. Town Coun- paper removed, dry wall work. ly free ol home responsibil- For appointment call 289-2847. pairing. Prompt service. Up to MANCHESTER GREEN An- ipect call Mr. Werbner, Jarvis lent condition, only $16,990.! possibilities. Best of financing with back hatchway. Well land- in c o me TAXES prepared In Parkade, Call B. Dubaldo, 649- room Cape, with one car ga- protection. Don’t gamble. It sel Atty. Aroneon ie preastng Reasonable rates. Bank financ- ities so that they can work $20 on your old watch in trade. tiques. Open every day except Realty Co., 288 East Center Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor,' available. Bus line and shop- scaped, deep lot. Trees. Ame- your hecirfication that all Duo-glldes on display. Used House A p a r t m e n t s (8 avail- 9-6. Lane bus line. 6 room older BOLTON CENTER - Vacant 8 ferred owners’ loss at only $18.- FEDERAL INCOME tax n -1 motorcycles. Harley-Davldson ing. You name your own price. nationally known insurance PRODUCTS CO. trusses. Salary and com- able), sound resistant, 4 large home, 100x150 lot, garage, 8 requeete for building permita turns prepared with your sav-1 649-7863, 876-8401. mission. Applicant must Wanted— To Buy 58 room ranch with basement and 500. Lawrence F. Flano. Real- MANCHESTER — Unique six Hebron Sales. 49 Park Street, Hart- company has an interesting rooms, 2 bedrooms, includes bedrooms, ceramic bsth, oil attic. Attached two car garage. will l)e judged by the town on Ings In mind. Reasonable ] and responsible office posi- furnish own means of trans- Fuel and Feed 49-A tor, 643-2766, Charles Nichol- room Cape, hot water heat, ford. 247-9774. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING 229 Burnham Street WANTED TO BUY—Antiques individual cellars, heat, hot wa- Houses For Rent 65 heat, excellent condition. Per- An acre of land, birch trees, son, 742-6364. rec room, oversized garage, their merits adone. General rates. E. J. Bayles, 649-6246. tion open in its growing portation. Write Box M, ter, G. E. appliances—range, fect for young family. $14,900. Good work, reasonable rates. Herald. and good used furniture. Vil- etc. Choice setting. Owners enclosed porch, excellent lo- [Manager Richard Martin, had B’NAI B’BTTH B«mmage Bale, service department. Work- E. Hartford, Conn. FOR SALE—Fireplace wood at lage Peddler Auction House, refrigerator, disposal, indivld- Wolverton Agency, ReaCtor, want this house sold. Their loss FOUR ROOM house, to be Group Eyes adud Ahty. AzooMn K. tba Over 30 years in Manchester. ing conditions are pleasant. EAST HARTFORD — Seven cation. HayM Agmcy, 618- | Business Services 649-2813. Wednesday and ’Thursday, Yo«r ne^bbor my reconunen- the Tree Farm. Tel. 742-6438. Route 83, Ellington. 876‘’8711, nsl laundry hookups, coin-op room Colonial, 1V4 baths, chll- ______could l>e your gain. T. J. moved or dismantled, $2,M0. 4608. \ town could wtthhdM hsKMIng April 16 and 16, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Offered 13 datlon. Raymond Flske, 649- Thorough training will be LARGE LOCAL firm expand- Bob Fluckiger, and Son. laundry, parking, located in Crockett, Realtor. 643-1877. Call 875-4493 after '4:30. permits for First Hartford pro- given to those who meet the dren w er 16, $135. monthly. NORTH COVENTRY — Near 767 Main Street, formerly 9237. CASHIER, part-time, evenings. ing present sales force. Work quiet residential neighborhood, FUI8ED RANCH—Colonial de- Rule Changes perty until the taxes were psid high standards. Garden— Farm— Dairy J. D. Realty, 643-5129. Parkv/ay. Like new 6% room PORTER STREE3T Area—Lo- Dewey-Richman Co. WASHING MACHINES repair Three hours, checking in driv- with top-flight men, high in- WE BUY, SELL or trade an- $146. monthly. Model apartment BOLTON — Modern 3 bedroom signed, quality constructed, 2- —a suggestion that First Hart- ed. RCA Whirlpool and Ken- tique and used furniture, china, Colonial-Ranch, 6 acres. 2-car ranch on 160x150 lot, assumable cation alone makes this 6 room EXTERIOR and Interior paint- ers. Apply Lombard Bros., come, work toward manage- Products 50 open dally. 66-81 Congre.ss St. car garage, 1V4 baths, family ford called “thoroughly illegal.*' more. All work guaranteed. ing. Wallpaper books. Paper- ment. Men who answer m u s t ______. glass, sliver, picture frames Ctmtact Raymond Dariato, 843- garage, early American. Hayes $116 monthly mortgage. Vin Colonial worth $16,200. 2-car flremla^ u v o f f If you have a good educa- Inc., Route 6 and Burnham Resort Property Agency. 643-4803. Call 643-4913. hanging. Ceilings. Flpors. FVlly Street, So. Windsor. be married and provide good' APPLES—Macs and Delicious, and old coins, old dolls and T091, 643-9461, 649-2062 Boggini, Bel Air Real Estate, e.r«. 10. 2J0 .... d..p, bot. K Tw SSy ’’iT 'n ’J S r Personals tional background, previous guns, hobby collections, attic For Rent 67 in.sured. Workmanship gpjar- business experience, the job background. Call Manches-1 J**?5*® 643-9332. ter C..I now to go. ponUcol,,.. | ______i REPAIRS on all make.s of re Farm, 629 W. Center St., 643- contents or whole estates. Fur- BAST HARTFORD—New apart- ______MANCHESTER—Convenient to ______Wesley R. Smith Agency, 649. WANTED—Riders from Coven- anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. ability to meet the public PRODUemON control clerk. ter, 644-0202, between 6 and 8 CSES Expanding frigerators, washers, ranges, If no answer, 643-9043. 8116. niture Repair Service Talcott- ment. Clombination living room GARDNER LAKE, Conn. Mod- High and Junior High. 6 room IBOLTON—Custom split of 7 1894. MANCHESTER AREA — Un- bylaws will be reviewed by the try and Manchester to Pratt & and can compose yovr own High School education, sched- p.m. and dryers. All oil burners uling and expediting work, in- vllle. Conn. Tel. 648-7449. bedroom, large kitchen with ern housekeeping. Lakefront. Cape with attached garage, | rooms plus garage. Built in beatable. Assume 4^% VA commit^. , l^ tn e y , first shift, house cleaned and serviced. All work INTERIOR and exterior paint- letters, your inquiry is in- appliances, wall-to-wall car- Boating, swimming, fishing. In- treed lot, 8 bedrooms, dining 1959 and has the best of every- MANCHESTER — New custom * " Members are; Deputy Chief Service Program pickup if possible. Tel. 742- vited. Ehitirely confidential. teresting a n d diversified, mortgage with only $ 2,100 guaranteed. 649-0065. ing, wallpaper removed, fully fringe benefits. Apply Iona Help Wanted— Fertilizers 50-A peting, tiled bath $106. month- spect weekends. Gifts, bro- room, living room with flre- thing. IVi acres, too, with plen- Colonial designed raised Donald E. Griffin, Captain 8022. Rooms Without Board 59 chures. Arrowhead Grove Cot- place, 1% baths. Up top condl- down. Immaculate 6 room insured. Rene Belanger, 643- Manufacturing, Regent Street, Male or Female 37 ly. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. i ty erf trees, etc. Ideal location. ranch, non-development, half ranch, built-lns, full basement, J A patients ptxigntn, spon- TYPEWRITERS - ~St^ard 0512 or 644-0804. FOR SALE—Good cow manure. tages, Colchester 4M. Connec- tlon, good location. Wolverton T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- acre wooded lot, 7 rooms, 8 Burt. Fire Policeman Adolph and electric. Repaired, over- We will be glad to talk with Manchester. $6 and $10 loads. Delivered. COMFORTABLE ROOM tor garage, large lot. Don't miss sored last year at the Norwtoh you if you will phone 043- HOWARD JOHNSON’S Restau- FOUR ROOM heated apart- licut. 242-9278. | Agency, Realtor, 649-281S. 1577. twin sized bedrooms, formal hauled, rented. Adding ma- EDWARJ R, PRICE - Paper- Also, gardens plowed. 643-7804, gentleman, parking, 272 Main tiiis one tor only $15,900. Bar- Simons. Richard ^ G i^ t Hoq>ital by the Connecticut Automobiles For Sale 4 1161, Ext. 38, for an ap- BILLING CLERK, part-time, rant in Manchester, Conn., ment, not furnished, warm dining room, finished rec chines rented and repaired. hanging and painting service. 649-8731. Street. CAPE COD—Denni-sport. 2 and E3IGHT ROOMS for $17,900—we bare Woods Agmcy, 649-7702. ?«»rge ^ and Fire Chief State Fknpioyment Service pointment. nights. Inquire Lombard needs experienced cooks, eith- and cozy, $80. Children wel- VERNON—Lovely older 7 room room with full wall fireplace ______° ______John Kulynych. Pickup and delivery service. 649-1003. 8 bedroom cottages tor rent, ’ have one listed. Old but solid. Dutch Colonial, 2-car garage, (CSEIS), proved ao succeoiful NEED CAR? Your credit turn- Brothers, Route 5 and Burn- er day or night shift. Apply in SIX ROOM duplex house, fully come. Tel. Garfield 9-9923. I 1% baths, 2-car garage, 3-zone - SIX ROOM CAPE, aluminum Outdoor Banting ed down': Short on down pay-' Yale Typewriter Service. 649- all conveniences, automatic New heat, paint, etc. Vacant. 2 baths, near acre lot. Fine that the OSES ia expanding it 4986. ham Street, So. Windsor. Only person only to Manager, How- Household Goods 51 furnished for gentlemen, dish- Lot Is 100 by 270 with a big baseboard heating, aluminum' siding, large enclosed patio. Fire Chief Kulynych urges . . Kr_. ent? Bankrupt? Repossea- rapid typists apply. ard Johnson Restaurant, Tol- ATTRACTIVE 6 room apart-' heat, off sea.son rates. 648- neighborhood. Hayes Agency, siding. Excellent financing, half acre lot overlooking Oov- special precautions in outdoor I w enocrnipam me no^ Electrical Services 22 washer, all modem conven- ment. In Vernon. Hot water, ’ barn. T. J. Crockett, ReaHtor, 643-4803. SIn? Don’t despair! See Hon SHARPENING Service - Saws, ARE YOU BORED? Do you land Turnpike, Manchester, RUGS, never used, 9x12 leop- iences Included, plus house- 0103. Moneto Construction Company, entry Lake. $400 down. Pasek burning this spring. Permits ! nmvtown. est Douglas. Inquln about low- adults only. 649-1467. 643-1677 knives, axes, shears, skates, FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt wish you had something dif- Conn. ard. $37; 9x15 gold broadloom, cleaning services, parking BREWSTER. Cape Cod—Three Inc. Call- 644-0786.------644-1732, Realty, 289-7475 , 643-7206. must be secured from forest i MwMetown and Norwich. est down, smallest payments rotary blades. Quick service. service on all types of elec- ferent to do? Selling Avon is $85; 9x12 braided, 289-6956. available. Inquire 118 Pearl St. $14,900—Air condlUonlng, dish- fire wardens Carlton H. Jones, . The program, which utilised anywhere. No small loan or tl-; MAN WANTED WANTED—Part-time real es- ___ FOUR ROOM apartment, first bedroom cottage, all conven- Capitol Equipment Co.. $8 trical wiring Licensed «ind In- the answer. Your contacts are after 4 p.m. floor, with stove, no children.' iences, Augu.st 22-Sept 7. 644- washer, fireplace, large kitch- DISTINCTIVE UNIQUE 4 bedroom Colonial F*ORTER STREET — Oiriom Raymond J. Burt. Douglas Por-1 the services of 33 ooUege stu- nance company plan. Douglas sured. Wilson Electrical Co., tate salesman. Write stating E3VBRYTHING IN sterilized re- completely redecorated and M ^ St., Manchester. Hours pleasant, and it will be' excit- CARRIER COUNSELOR Inquire 172 Charter Oak 8064. en, roomy 8 bedroom ranch, built Colonial. 10 years old. ter, Donald G. Heath. Herbert' dents, won national reoogntion Motors. 333 Main. dally 7-6. Thursday 7-9 Satur- Manchester. 640-4817. Glaston- ing to watch your sales in- availability to P. O. Box 173, condltloTied used furniture and COMFORTABLE room for gen- 106x260 lot. Don’t wait. Carlton ready for immediate oc- 7^ r^ m s. 1*4 baths, top qual- L. Johnson, or Leo Gaunbolati. , and is being used as a model for bury. 643-1388. Rockville. appliances, high quality iW- tleman, separate entrance, Street. 643-7862. Prestige,7 room Ranch full cupancy. Only $16,900. Call for CHEVRpLET 1958 Impala con- day 7-4. 643-7968. crease every week. Our TV ad- hi our W. Hutchins. Realtor, 649-6132 ity kitchen featuring aH built- Warden Burt calls attention the formation of a national ser- vertised products make it easy prices. LeBlanc Furniture. 195 parking. Call 649-2565. of distinctive features. 8 particulars. Wesley R. Smith ins, oversized 2-car garage, to changes in Die law ccmcern- j yjee program. vertible, turquoise, V-8. auto- FULL-TIME Connecticut 11- LAWN MOWERS, sharpened for you to earn $2-$3 an hour. South Street, Rockville, 876- SIX ROOM Cape, near school, bedrooms, 2 baths, fire- Agency, 649-1894. Shown b>’ appointment only, vohmteers assisting in for-1 gt^te olans this year oaU tor matlc transmission, power Floor Finishing 24 MANCHESTER OFFICE cen.sed Instructor In hair- 2174. Open 9-3. NEWLY DECORATED room Read Herald Ads. and repaired, sales and serv- Call 289-4922. Wearable Dress-up bus, shopping. 2-car garage, places, 2-car garage beauti- Philbrick Agency. 64»|^., es: fire fighting, requiring per-' oolite studeitta male or ''sSteering, good condition, $845. ice, rental equipment. L & M dressing and cosmetolog;y. next to bath for refined gen- aluminum siding, combina- ful setting, well under 30’s. COVENTRY—Just over the Bol- [ Reuben Plen’s Texaco, 381 Blquipment Corp., Route 83, FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- If you are intere.sted in steady Call 423-6339 or 423-9046. tleman, central, parking, phone tions, knotty pine kitchen, fire- ton line. Custom built hom es.! SPLIT-LEVEL. 6 rooms, family to *^rk wlUt pAtienU la MalR St. Vermm, 876-7609, Manchester ing (specializing in older work with a future and hav* the ASSORTMENT of good used on floor, 643-6331. place, wall to wall carpet, non-development, wooded lots. | room, ri- baths. g«rage i the state s four mental biatltu- floors). Waxing floors. Paint- Embroide'edI Jacket! exchange. Enterprise 1946. following qualifications . . . "HOWARD JOHNSON’S" ranges. 648-6668. many extras. Must sell, $15,- WARREN E. HOWLAND 6^ room Cape, 4 rooms and , Spring St. 643-9482. the supervision of CHEVRfM^ET, 1961, Bel Air ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. FURNISHED ROOMS, complete bath finished, basic p rice' — ------staff members beige wagon, fully equipped, Howard Jcrfinson’s newest, most TWO TWIN beds with mat- 900. F*hilbrick Agency, 049-8464. HAVE SMALL pickup tru ck - No job too small. John Ver- FROM MANCHESTER light housekeeping facilities. R e a l t o r $14,750. Options Model home | S K ROOM house, oil rieam w a ^ n bv After five weeks of ,« w lce to excellent condition. Owner 525- will do odd jobs. Attics and ' faille. 649-5750. Recent high school graduate. I modern re.staurant Is opiening tresses and springs, $25 for Centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, at corner of Brew.ster and heat, fireplace, central loca- tne chronic wards thev wlU 714} after 6 p.rq. both. Call MANCHESTER - Year old 6 860 Main St., Manchester cellars cleaned. Rubbish re- Good driving recort (automo- soon In Vernon, Connecticut 649-4192, 7 South 14 Arch Street, Manchester. Swamp Roads, off Route 44. tlon. garage. 643-5383. work w^ ab^ lM ^ ^ FLOOR SANDING, finishing, Main. room ranch, bullt-ln kitchen, 643-1108 moved. Reasonable. Call 649- TO MANILA bile fumi.shed). Applications are now being ac- wall-to-wall carpeting, nat Moneto Construction Company.' ------P- Mmer. who l}as held w i ^ a ^ 100 FORD, 1969 , 2-ddor. white, 1043 after 5:30 p.m. waxing. Interior and exterior ONE ROOM, private home, Reliable with .steady work hab- cepted for full and part-time ural woodwork, attached ga- Inc. Call 644-0786 644^32 MANCHF5STER—Move right In! the job for the past 25 years, at a summer camp, aiding to standard transmi.ssion, radio, painting. Expert workmanship. private entrance, gentleman 289-5557 ’ ' | Sturdily built home In resi- Keefe, whose term is for one , ewkouts^ recreational pro- heater, many extras. BJxcel- po.sltions in all phases of op- FOR SALE—G.E. refrigerator. rage, $17,900. Hayee Agency. VACUUM CLEANERS, toasters, William E. Saglio, General Feel qualified to work with and erallons with this latest ad- preferred. 119’ Cooper Hill 8t. dentlal section. Reallsticallv year, will be assisted by Ken- granvs, and general camping ac- lent condition. $695 . 843-0513. Call 643-(X)6S. 648-4808 irons, lamps, drills -repaired. Contractor, 649-3240. Free es- A telephone operator supervlse newspaper car- dition to America’s “ Host of the 649-0595. 1 ^ ^ s % a r i ^ Ported* s’tofe^ OLDER HOME on bus line nriced for bank appraisal H. neth A. Porter and Raymond tivities. Free estimates. Free pickup tlmatea. never knows where Her boys. Highways” . with extra B zone lot. House Smith, as deputies. Hie students will work to 1955 SAVOY Plymouth, $40. 1960 and delivery. 529-3365. THREE MINUTES from down- area. 8 years old. 6 large B. Grady, Broker. 643-8009. Colony Park Mercury .station she’ll be calling next. Live In the Manchester area. town Maachester. An unusual rooms, 1*3 baths, huge recrea-' would readily convert to a 3-8 Special Constable groi^ of eight, with a pro- Hostess 17” TELEVISION, excellent ROOMS FOR RENT. Call 649- wagon, 9-pa.s.senger, $1,000. Bonds— Stocks- That’s one of the things condition. $26. Call 649-6034. | 2494. 7 ^ room ranch cn beautifully tlon room with fireplace, built- flat. New heating unit, garage., acres, D. Benton Crittenden is al- gram director supervising eadi that makes the job so Kitchen Manager Hilltop 8-room home, new hot go appointed to act as special Firm. 742-8142. GARDENS plowed and har- Mortgages 31 Apply 9 a.m.-12 or 1-8 p.m. landscaped lot, 8 or 4 bed- lns, breezeway and attached in a desirable rental area. Va- group. They will be paid $100 rowed. Call 649-5096. exciting. Fountain Manager MAHOGANJ dining room 66” FURNISHED ROOM for rent, rooms, living room with fire- 2-car garage. $26,900. Phil- P8uit. we have the key. Ask- water heat, out-buildings. 1800’ constable for six months, as per month, plus room, tward MONDAY-FRIDAY Waitresses I A BETTER ARRANGEMENT buffet, $M; excellent condl- lady ' only. Mrs. Morse, 109 place, pan&ed dc family brick Agency, 649-8464. { ing $18,900. but owners want to TOad frontage. Beautiful view, cros.sing guard Sundays at St. and laundry. Fountain Operators 1957 BUICK in good condition. G & W LAWN Maintenance- of your finances will make Mon. 643-’I176. Foster Street. size kitchen, oil hot :r heat, sen and are reasonable peo- Only $20.(^. Law^nce F. FI- Peter's Episcopal Church. A Those Interested should con- $300. Call 649-85^9. Mowing, spring cleanup, fer- more of your Income available We have openings for Short Order Cooks versatile room anu,igement. MANCHESTER—Huge 8 room ple. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, Charles gtream of traffic on Church St. THE HARTFORD Nicholson, 742-6364. tact the Manoliester afficea of tilizing, rolling, rototilllng, gar-' for personal use Lump debt operators at our Man- Kitchen Helpers MAPLE THREE piece living 238 CHARTER OAK St^^Room Ideal set-up for in-laws. Wol- ranch, 2 baths, double garage. 643-1577. presents some hazards and a 1958 FX>RP. 6 cylinder. 2-door, COURANT CO. Dishwashers room set. Also six piece liv- I the OBEIS at 806 Main St. for an dens plowed. Expert workman- into one monthly payment of chester office. It could suitable for working gentle- verton Agency, Realtor, 649- family room, recreation room. ------— ------MANCHESTER—Six room Co- consUnt watch is ne^ed. automatic, radio and heaer. 2- ship, . 643-8946. ing room set, eight i^ece bed- man. private entrance. $10. many extras. Carlton W. WALKER STREE3T — 7 room interview. The program is sche- $22.26 for each thousand dollars be the o p p o r t u n 1- Room 25 . 808 Main St., Interviews will be held by the 2818. lonlal with fireplace, 2-car Schools Closing Early tone, whitewalls, excellent con- Cyril Guerrier. 429-5846. ty you’re looking for. room set, gas clothes dryer, weekly. 649-1748. Hutchins. Realtor. 649-6182. j Cape, enclosed breezeway, ga- duled to run through July and Including repayment over five Manchester company at the Connecticut garage, located In fine neigh- j-On Wednesday, Thursday and dition inside and out, one own- Here’s the chance to ac- lawn mower. All very good rage. Near schools, .shopping. August. er, $600. 649-1921. RAPID RUBBISH rem wal— years FTank Burke 246-8897, State Employment Service 806 BOLTON—Veterans opportunity. borhood, Priced at $16,800. Friday of this week the ele- quire an interesting condiUon, 649-4784. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, I Attics, cellars and yards. Spe- Connecticut Mortgage Ebc- Main Street, Manchester, Conn. no down payment rS^red ot Carl Zinsser. M3-0038] H o^ rf mentary school will be closed at change. 16 Lewis St . Hartford, skill that’s in demand gentleman, shower, private this 6 roOTJ ranch on Oo<* Cape, tree stoded 1958 CHEVROLET, 2-door, 8 cializing in cleaning house.s, EXPERIENCED driver for Friday April 17th from 9:30 Realty Co., 232-6276. 112:4.5 p.m., to allow for parent- KILLED IN CRASH Conn everywhere. You’ll entrance, parking. Inquire 196 Drive, or can be purchaeed lot, oik hot water heat, dining VERNON—Mitchell Exchange cylinder, .standard shift, radio, apartments and flats. Handy lumber and oil truck. Apply a m. to 5 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE automatic Spruce Street. teacher conferences. heater, $550. Call owner 742- work with friendly peo- with 10% down. Corner lot. room, rec room, 2 or 8 bed- a -1 condition, 6*4 room ranch,. i ANDOVER-Four room year Also on Friday the elemen-, WARREN , (AP)—James ^ . Jac- man service. Call 649-0218, 643- SEXXIND MORTGAGES - Un- Walter Schindler, 4-4:30 p.m. Phone 649-4568 for an appoint- washer, six years old. 649-3503. rooms, apple pie order low taxes. irarag 6656. 7479. ple. get frequent raises, Selling for only $18,700. An ex- schOTl* ^8 ' home, with ; tary and Regional High School I limited funds available for sec- have a job to be proud W. G. Glenney Co., 336 North ment. If unable to come In on cellent value. Start packing throughout, assumable mort- drive, walk to new ond mortgages, payments to Main Street. garage. $15,600. Wolverton »9.^ool 6 and one-car garage, set on will close for the customary i ^ RARE 1962 MGTD, British ALL TYPES screens rewired of, and—this appeals to room table, very sturdyT 649’- and call T. J. Crockett, Real- foot high stone wall rear over acre ot land. Priced a t ! spring vacation, to reopen April cident on Rt. 341, state police suit your budget. Expedient other appointment for you. Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. racing green, in excellent con- with Alcoa screening. Leave many gals—no typing WANTED—Clerk for Billing De- 8664. tor at 648-1577. boundary, 130 feet wide, 12x20 $9,900. Carl Zin.s.ser, 643-0038. i 27. said. Jacquemln was a passen- service. J. O. Realty, MS4I129. or filing to do. And Septic Tanks kitchen, natural trim cera- ger in a car driven by Kendall dlUon. Offers $1,000, accepted, at Shoe Store, 445 Main Street, j partment, experience prefer- RAWLEnGH Dealer wanted at MANC31ESTER—$14,900. 6 room Howard Realty C3o., 232-8275. Subdivision PI ",n we’ll train you for the AND mic bath, $15,500. 643-&752. Crossfield Jr., 20, also of Har- May be seen at Rockville E.aso Manchester, or call 649-4533.1 red but not required. All fringe once in New Britain, Tomas- brick Cape, fireplace, garage, preliminary plan for sub- job at full pay! winton, police said. The car or call 876-9906. j Prompt service. '< Business Opportunities 32 benefits, permanent position ville. Good opportunity. Write MIDDLE AGED??? excellent condition, trees, near NO. COVENTRY — 6 roinn division on the Grlftlng proper- with a good future potential. at once. Rawleigh Dept. CND- PART-TIME Plugged Sewers bus, shopping, school. Carlton Vernon Ranch, 8 bedrooms, fireplace, went out of control and plung- I HAVE -nME. Will work. Will bullt-lns, carport, basement, ty located on the east side of MANCHESTER — For lease' Apply the W. G. Glenney Co., 26-106. Albany, N.Y. 12201. lASY-KNIT If you ire, and your chil- W. Hutchins, Realtor, 849-6132. Wall St. ha.s been presented by ed down an embankmenL Trucks— 'Tractors 5 do most anything, odd Jobs our High volume service station on SODA CANVASSERS 1*4 acre lot. 742-8481. Crossfield was Injurled. He was If this sounds appealing 386 N. Main Street. Manches- Iffaehine Gleaned dren are married, and - SPACIOUS COLONIAL C. Knakal, of Twin Homes, Inc., 1 specialty. Call us, Glaston- Wilbur Cross Parkway, low in- to you, whv not come in SIZES reported in serious condition ter. for Monchostor you’re looking for a home, WEST SIDE ranch, 6 large to the Planning and Zoning 1956 RBO TRACTOR with Road bury, 633-9977. vestment, low rent. Call BAld- and talk thing.s over? SepUe Tanks, Dry Wells, rooms. 2 bedrooms, garage, 6-room Garrison, large MANCHESTER—Investor's spe- at Hungerford Hospital, Tor- Situations Wanted—- Homo Dolivorios Only b261 ia-20 I have it. It was built by a Commission. A public hearing Ranger transmission Call 644- win 9-0339. I Our employment office Sewer Linee lastaued-—Cel- aluminum awnings, extras, rooms, H acre lot, perfect cial. Two family 6-6, a back rington. 0681, 644-1454. STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone MR. JR. EXECUTIVE Femal« 38 36-52 carpenter for himself, need yard 600 feet deep, full cellar will be held when final plans Is at 808 Main Street, — APPLY — lar Waterproofing Done. I say more?? Quality work- price reduced. 649-1484. location for children, ideal walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter- and ' It’s open Monday WITH IMI NtW worry-free home for you. with steel center beam, $15.- are available. 1963 DODGE, t-ton dump truck, races. hatchways, dry wells. Are you interested in a gen- WOULD U K E typing and/or BIANCHE8TER BOTTLINO manship, the best material, A ^m e newspaper has fig- Help Wanted— Female 35 through Thursday from uine Career opportimity? bookkeeping to do in my home. \|/ pAn-O-RAMA -N $16,600—2 FAMILY 5-6, 8 bed- Upgrade your living at 600. Wolverton Agency, Real- good condition, radio, heater] All concrete repairs. Reason- COMPANY MeKINNEY BROS. 5076 excellent heating system, tor. 649-2813. Manchester Evening Harald ured ' that the a'verags Itallim 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is not a sales, com- Will pick up and deliver. Call prime location and the rooms, won’t last at this downgraded price. $17,9(X). will stand state inspection. able. 643-0851. COOK WANTED for rest home, 10 Henderson Road Sewerage Disposal Co. Thni’c’* Iioiuing ntoer to top price. Wesley R. Smith Agen- Andover correspondent, . Miss mo'torist pays $660 a year to 649-9757. $60. weekly, live in, Thurvdays mission or canvassing type 643-4940. A handsome yoked frock ore- right price means that this Act now, call C. Govang, BRANF^ORD STREE3T—6 room 6Ianchestor 648-7922 180-182 Pearl St__ S48-6868 your di’oaaes than a lovely ohan- cy, 046-1894. j 649-6306. 876-9820. Susan Pendleton, telephone ha- e a car. Of this amount, $816 YOU ARE A-1! T ruck I s ^ l ! off. 875-3141. position. Tile management •tad eepeclally for the slightly could be for you. Built-lns, Cape, tile bath, rec room, goes for gasoline taxes. of our firmly established BY THE HOUR—Spring clean- tl-lypa Jacket In eaay-knlt, 228-8454. Cellars, attics, trash, small •ttture figure. Note the graoe- oapeclally when It's trimmed - huge living room with fire- near Junior High and High Trailers— New Ekigland corporation is ing, offices; also, houMWork. ™ yoke treatment, the beoom- trucking done A-1 right! Call with luai'kms floral embroidery! place, natural woodwork, 9 teT SI! barrow s 4 WALLACE School. Call owner, 649-2763. 643-2928, Tremano Trucking THE SOUTHERN now interested in placing a Call after 4:80, 643-7026. Mobile Homes 6-A ®8 skirt. Pattern No. 6076-N has knit bedrooms, dining room (or landscaped lot, oil hot Manchester Parkade, Service. high potential type person No. 8261 with Patt-O-Rntna NEW ENGLAND MATURE, experienced woman and embriiUlery direotlona for small den or office), garage water heat, 2 fulf*ba§is, 8 bed- Manchester, 649-6306 HOLUSTER STREET — Own- M FOOT LaSalle trailer, ideal for an accelerated develop- J*. 60, 82. Bust 38 to M. Hlr.e and large lot makes this er transferred, must move. for camping, sleepe four, all BULLDOZER woric, cellars ment program. First year desires to live In. Will care ^ Fine China alMS 12, 14, 10, 18, 20 incl. rooms, living room with fire- WE HAVE an opening for a for small children or elderly WANTED •8, 40 bust, short sleeves, an excellent value at $22,-^ place well designed kitchen, Terrific deal for a ready buy- dug, lots cleared, grading. Call TELEPHONE COMPANY To order, send 36c in coins to gas, with awning, $200. Oall woman in our office. If you Income range $6200-16200, CLEAN LATE MODEL WE Pattom, Cnt l»rda o f 35-mch. 600. IN(X)ME from two furnished er to acquire this completely 649-0488. Paul Schendel, 491 Gardner third-fourth year $9-112,000. person. ReaaonaUe salary. II 1 Atuie Oabot, Msnohester Eve- walking distance to schools and are interested please reply * by apartments, plus spacious finished CJape. Shed dormer, St., Manchester, 649-0465. Box P, Herald. To order, send 60o in coins shopping. Wolverton Agency, mail. Michaels Jewelers, 958 Further progress based on ning Herald, 1160 AVB. OF JACK LAPPEN AGENCY apartment and rec room, A-1 two baths, even the basement Porter St. SVi-«oem Oele- An equal opportunity USED CARS >:—Sue Burnett, The Man- Realtor, 649-2818. Main St., Manchester. ability and performance. A IIbuyI fester Evening Herald, 1160 AJ^H IOAS. NEW YfMIK. N.Y. conditiOT, Went ttde location. la finished off. Etour bed- 9-oar garage, ainmtaan Auto Driving School 7-A employer college background Is neces- Dofl ^B— B i r d » — P e t s 4 1 Glassware 10066. •6 Baldwin ltd., 6M-1641 E. J. Carpenter, Realtor, 649- rooms it wanted. Oall T. J. leok roem. altra Household Services sary altboun no specific TOP PRICES PAID AVE. o r AMERICAS. N«W GERARD STREET—Lovely co- M OZniOCK'g Dtfvliui awiinot ITor lat-olasB maUing add lOc' lonial, four adequate bedrooms. 8061. Crockett, Realtor, 848-1677. modem Utehea. large bibedreema* Offered 13-A curriculum u required. Sub- NOW 18 THE TTMB to pretty »ORK, N. y . 10086. loe., ofSeaa, elaaaroam kioatad POR A U MAKES 1 ANTIQ UES For let-class mailing add lOo for eaoh pattern. Print Name, Enclosed porch and a nice The B. F. DlMiMOCK oo. y aachastar Pailcada, lowar mit resume to Vice Prett- up your pooch. Grooming our VIOTORIAN MABBIJD Address with Zons and Pattern TWO FAMILY ot 6-6, reslden- VERNON—6 room Ranch, IH «48-6246 RBWIIAVINa a bukiM, moth dent. Box No. C, Herald. special^; also, boarding. 8& w each pattern. Print Name, JENSEN STItBin - New 6 treed lot, two car garage. tovoL Bylnnsia, oldar, nanr- holaa Zijppnm rapalrad TOP aXANDB, PEWTKE, Addreaa with Zone, Style Niim- Number. room Ranch, naar achools and Drive by, our sign on the prop- tial area, new heating sys- baths, aluminum storms, built-1 5437. H. C Chase, Harmony Only 60o — our '6* Spring- «U8 itudinU, our spaclatty. •low Shadiaaladiaa made'tomi measure; RELIABLE woman for maid NURSE WANTHID, RN or LPN. Oarltr Ohtvraltt OLD JKWELBY, BABLY ** ' and SiM. shopping cantor, all utUlUes, erty. See the excellent nelgn- tems, iwxtisl basements. One Ins, lOTsly torge treed lot, city OIL TRUCK driver, year HIU Kennels, Bolton. HOUSEHOLD maoL Summer Album. New—Ouetom T a m m drirar’a aftacatlon all alaee Vanettan bHnda Keys work, full or part-Ume. Call In : licensed in CkHmecticut tor 11 ’round job, good pay wltfa ex- Send 60c now for your copy FHA financing. WlU consider boriiood; the central location, vacancy. WlU qualify for min- water, oil hot water heat, B. M. towna and Sen OoUeotton — a group deluxe aaw^jemu* oarttflad. M8-7IM. made while you wait Tape Re- peraon. Connecticut Motel, ! p.m.-7 a.m. shift. Apply 8t cellent fringe benefits. Apply Ctw the qprlng and Munmer ot trade. BuUdars, Oharias Pon- then call ua and we’ll gladly imum I ha or VA financing. A i walk-out; basement, 2 years otfea, go Ward I t , oordera for rant ICarlow’e Ml Exit 94, Wilbur Croee Park- . 648-7770 iMattems also our ragutar faa- tloem, Bamm Petonnan. 649- take vou through. T. J. Crock- buy at $16,900. T. J. Orockstt, old, $16,900. Oall owner, 876- Anftiony’s Oonvmleecem Horae, tai person Fogaity Brothers, FANCY PIGEONS, reasonabia. 1998 Mala St,:—648-A8S8 Ktste rashlon, eur Uatai. M94S2L way. ' 876-9121. 819 Brood S t r ^ , Manchqeter. Call 648-4781 after T p.m. .••bplete pattern book. liirat and i tree pottoma. 98M. 6M-946I. ett, Reattor, 848-1677. Realtor, 848-1677. ' 8774. I 9 M O H

/ MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 pa 6 b twenty iianrh^Bter Sv^nins If^raUi

Lakote Council, D tfrss cl Po- The Society of Automotive Memortal Temple, Pythian Frances Herron Council, Past Matrons of Temple Chapter, Order of Eastern cahontts, wlU meet Wedneaday OAmOUC LAMES OF OOLUBIBUS Engineers will meet Wednesday Slatew, will meet tomorrow at Pythian Sunshine Girls, will About Town 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. A f- meet tonight at 6:30 at Memo Star, wfU meet Wednesday at at 7:80 pjn. at Odd Fellows at Waverly Inn, Cheshire. John Hall. Mra Rose Nolan of Jaqulth, chief marine systems ter a buaineas meeting, "Neigh- rial Pythian HaU. the Masonic Templs. A potiuck bor’a Night” will be celebrated at 6:80 p.m. will preceds the Southingtan, the great Poca- CARD PARTY Sragtateni of lAwrty, No. e n ^ e e r of Lycoming Division, hontas of Ooimeotlcut wUl st- )J9, ijo U , will meet tomorrow with entertainment by members Buckley School P T A and Stu- meeting and initiation. Thoee Avco Corp., vrtll speak at 8 attending are reminded to tgnd, sooorapanled by members M IU T A RY W H IST and S H B A C K •t 8 pjn. at O ruife Han. Mrs. p.m. on “ High Speed Amphibi- of visiting temples. Refresh- dent Council will sponsor a ments will be served. Members Mother-Daughter Night tomor- bring a main dish. Members of her staff. Rsfreshmenta wlU Samual Wilaon and Miaa Hilda an, the Lycoming Hydrofoil.” be served during the social after ST. JA M ES SC H O O L H A LL RoUnacn wIB serve refreah- are reminded to bring articles row at 7 p.m. at the school. En- unabis to attend are reminded Reservations for a dinner at to caU M ra Albert Ford, 39 the business mMUng. ■Momts. 6:45 p.m. may be made with for a cup auction. tertainment will include a magic Frid ay, A pril 17 — 8:00 F.M . act and police dogs from the Overlook Dr. Nelson Andrews, 40 Van Ness ’Ihe Soroptomlst Club wUl Manchester Assembly, Order Hartford Police Department ir DOOR PRIZES REFRESIBIIENTS Mias Deborah Wells, daugh- St, Springfield, Mass. S t James Mother’s Circis will meet tonight at 7:30 at the of Rainbow for Girls, will spon- Refreshments will be served. DONATION) 81D0 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. meet Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. at home of M ra William Slelth, Wells of 82 Plymouth Lane, will The Nutmegger Camera Club sor a rummage sale tomorrow the home of Mra. ’Thomas Derby, Sunnyview Dr., Vernon, at For tlckete call) Chairman, Mrs. Uonel Leesard. 848-5847, at 9 a.m. at the Masonic Tem- appear In a swimming show at will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Indiana University will have a 104 Park S t Mrs. John Martin which time the name of the win- Oo-Chalrman, Mra John OMfford, 840-9887 Lake Krie College, Fainesvllle, at Hilltop House, East Hart- ple. Articles may be brought to Founder’s Day meeting for ner of the Good Cttlsenahtp a meeting tonight at 7 at the and Mrs. Sam Slpola will be co- Ohio, where she Is a freshman. ford. Miss Lois Clarke will Hartford area alumni Friday, hostesses. Aiward wlU be announced. show slides and movies of the temple. Those wishing pickup April 24 at the Shoreham Oaks services may call Mrs. John Motor Hotel, Hartford. Dinner Mias Barbara Coleman, Mrs. United States. The meeting Is open to the public. Seavey, 77 Oxford St., or Mrs. will be served at 6:15 p.m. Res- Mar}orle Zervas and Mrs. Dar- Reginald Cartwright, 78 Bran- lene Dalton, members of the ervations may be made writh Manchester Business and Pro- The Kaffee Klatsche will meet ford St. Mrs. Katherine Sahl, 115 S t fessional Women’s Club will at- Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the James St, West Hartford. tend the Connecticut Federation Community Y. Members are re- Bennet Junior High School PTSO will meet Wednesday at ’The American Legion Post sponsored leadership develop- minded to bring the flow’er ar- ment program to be held rangement started at the la.st 7:30 p.m. in cafeteria 2. Dr. will meet tomorrow at 8:15 Wrtnesday at 6 p.m. at Stone- meeting, containers and clay. Mervtn Rosenberg, staff mem- p.m. at the post home, Leonard haven, Farmington. Mrs. John Cyrkiewicz and Mrs. ber of the Institute of Living, St. Hartford, will speak on "Teen- Amelia Gworek, both of Rock- Agers’ Behavior, What to Ex- Dr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Da- ville, will be co-hostes.ses. ’The Zlpser Club will celebrate pect.” The meeting is open to vis, 348 Porter St., will attend its 43rd anniversary on April Representatives of service students and parents. Refresh- 25 with a dinner-dance at the Freshman Parents Weekend at ments will be served. Elmira (N. Y.) College Friday and veterans groups will meet clubhouse. ’The Ladies Auxiliary

through Sunday. Ih elr daugh- Wednesday night at 8 at the will serve the dinner at 7:15 State Armory with spokesmen ’The Women’s Fellowship of p.m. Reservations close on ter, Miss Lauren Davis, Is a student at the college. of the 169th Military Police the Pre.sbyterian Church will April 23, and tickets may be Battalioe to complete plans for meet tonight at 8 in the church obtained from the clUb steward.

Pvt. Henry J. Judd of the the May 16 Armed Forces Day hall. A representative of the Parade and Military Ball. Travelers Insurance Co., Hart- Daughters of Isabella wdll United States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert D- Judd Sr., ford, will show a film on the meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the 66 Foley St, recently completed Manchester PTA Council will New York World’s Fair. Re- K of C Home. Mrs. Edward eight werfts of advanced infan- meet Thursday at Washington freshments will be served. Cavagnaro will head a refresh- try training with light weapons School. Coffee will be served at ment ccHnmittee. at F t Polk, La. 7:30 p.m. Noel Fagan, son of Mr. and

Mrs. Walter R,»Fagan, 38 Cov- Manchester WATEJS will entry St., and Cecil L. Court- meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the

right, son of Mr. and Mrs. Le- Italian American Club. Mrs. roy Courtrlght, 15 Mill St., both Harold Nelson will lead a dis- H EA RIN G AID Personal Notices airmen first class In the United cussion on “Common Sense Ea,t- Ing.” Miss Jane Bedford, presi- B A H ERIES States Air Force stationed at dent, announced that feather- In Memoriam Pope Air Force Base, N. C., are participating in Exercise Dela- weight awards for last month were won by Mrs. Walter Po- PINE P H A R M A CY In lovinc memory of Thomas O. war, a joint Iranian-United 084 CENTER ST.—049-9814 Cole, who passed sway April 12, States military training opera- tyra, with a loss of 14% pounds, 1961. tion in Iran which began yes- and Mrs. Maxwell Jacobs, with a

Sweet la the word of remembrance. terday and will be completed loss of 13% pounds. D ea r la the one who is irone.

In memory we will always keep on Wednesday. him. RANGE Just as the years roll on. Hose Oo. No. 1 of the Eighth

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole District Fire Department will and fam ily Sherwiii’WIHIoms' meet tonight at 8 at fire head- FUEL OIL quarters, Main and Hilliard Sts. In Memoriam

GASOLINE Stanley Circle of South PAIN TS In lovlnc memory of my dear mother, Cnrlstlna Henderson, who Methodist Church will sponsor passed away on April 13, 1952. a rummage sale 'Thursday at 9 W . H . EN GLA N D a.m. in Cooper Hall at the 99 BANTLY OIL Twelve years ago today. church. Those wishing pickup LU M BER C O . i.\c. Qod called mother home too stay. But time has a way of healing service may call Mrs. Morris sorrow. Bennett, 98 Baldwin Rd. “ A t the Green” 649-5201 ::ii a : \iN sii{i:i;i Until we meet some bright to- 2 to,’3 morrow. M ill lu ll The French Club of Manches- Sadly missed by her daughter. ter will sponsor a military whist h'ucK\illf TK ."'-.'1271 Nellie McQueen Save ^1®^ and setback party tonight at 8

at Orange Hall. Refreshments will be served. ’Tickets will be sold at the door. LECLERC

Mrs. Albert Sheffield, Ameri- FUNERAL HOME

canism chairman of the Dis- C h o icest M e a ts In To w n! abled American Veterans Aux- FUNERAL iliary, presented an American flag to Brownie Girl Scout SERVICE T UESD A Y O N LY! Troop 171 of Tollajnd on Friday, which was accepted by Mrs. LEAN, ALL BEEF W ALTER N. Walter Partington Jr., leader of LECLERC the troop. Flag etiquettes were Director presented to each Brownie. iMtA 23 Main Street, Manchester

The Manchester Registered Cal) 649-5869 Nurses Association will meet Hamburg QQc I tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the

hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barry will give an illustrated 2 lbs. (LIMIT 6 LBS. PER CUSTOMER) lecture on their recent trip to

Hawaii. be Save $1.01 on these famout brai.' This aale last* assured HIGHLAND PARK MARKET only a short time, so get your Playtex soon. All

817 mOHLAND STREET—PHONE 64S-4S78 of these bras have the extra feature of double elastic

in the back for double wear. Choice of 3 styles: George N.

Automatic A. Fashion-Magic* Bras— underlift Converse panels for fashion’s younger look. (Not lUustrated) P A IN TIN G A N D Comfort

B. Magic-Cling* Bras— non-slip panels D EC O R A TIN G with an PHONE 648-2804 and elastic in the straps stop ri3e-up. C ra v e a b e t t e r c a r? oil-powered Gall Evenings — 6 to 9 Cotton & Lace*— nylon lace cup*

fully lined with soft cool cotton, f^nol illustfOtedi water heater G e t a n M FC A ll bras white 32A to 40C, 2 fo r $3,99 B ig Purcha»m Lo a n from D sizes Fashion-Magic, 2 for $5.99

For any important purchase, American

you’re better off buying with SO FT CliAN Coal Co., Inc. cash. You can shop anywhere for SKIIV the best bargains, take

advantage of cash savings. phone 522-8151

Get that cash from HFC— Free Mothproofing A M ERICA’S GREA TEST $

repay conveniently. HFC

serves the money needs of ASK ABOUT OUR GIR DLE V ALUE...O N LY

more than 2 million people WHEE! WATER’S a ycsu. We’d like to serve you. BOX



Borrow up to $1000 THERE’S A LOT!

Take up to 24 m onths to repay FOR PICKUP AND

DELIVERY GALL — Now! For only 9Vic* a A loanLo*n oa T f AlO$100 n mcoata aiA A17.HA$17.00 wksknwhan pcompUyn M s n n flv smrwaiHrei tn B eoew cotive monthly faioUlraonta o f $9.7/ ach. 643-2421 day for fuel... hot water

for all—-all the time! HOUSEHOIO FINANC N EW M O DEL If you live in a typical LA U N DRY house, you could easily nm out ol hot water several MANCHI9TIR iHOPPINO PARKAM AND DRY CLEANING times a week. 392 Middle Turnpike West Cash t Carry Open 8:00 A M . - 5:30 P.M. Now you can have all the hut water you need at one 2nd Hoor-PHONE: 643-9536 78 S U M M IT S T R E E T time for only 9%c* a day. Julius Kupferschmld, Prop. lHn:lbo.,1sK,TlMin. 10 to Fri.1l Is l-Sst. tJOlo Think of it—only 9%c* a

day I

Yes, thanks to Mobilheat

i-iiilli —and an oU-flred hot water

heater ol correct capacity— your family can take care of

FOR YO UR C O N VE N IE N CE all their washing needs at one time.

Mom can do the family wash. Sis can do the dishes at the same time Junior OPEN TILL 5 P. M. takes his bath, and you en- joy a shower.

HI H MONDAY-TUESDAY-FRIDAY Don’t delay—phone us to- day. Find out how easy it is ins THURSDAY— 11 hours of uninterrupted to switch to a Mobllheat- :::::: flred water heater. nil •orvtoo-0 A.M. straight through to 8 PJd. ’ Average family of four.


vS A V I M G S

H J h / I / O a m MORIARTY “w s . < ) < I V I I ( I M “ Manchester’s Oldest Flnnnclnl

Institution” ' BROTHERS jiascsssTts«s otsssT rinasetat isst it mtio s liilii bnt M3-5135 BAANCB OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY Insured Savings

30I-3IS C w M r Sf.

A '